CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 7

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'AY. MAy,94. r L.. Lclitems oUi ltma esi<oUberwpiUsReaders ~1I; Pkd Up tle« enadlher Our o' fe ie.. iàve s wen. j. E. TRIGOS5 LIBERTYVILUI ILLIIN lois For Weddinig Presents GO i Where the Wedding Presents Are 1 ami prepared to please gou...I con do better- by gou in, both qualitg end price thon con Chi- cao hommue ...1 want gour coniuued patronage; they do not expect it...Mg old customers al ways retura to make ,otber pleasng purs Chases.....Mtggoods are My recommeodation. ANDREW JJUSS LIBERTVVILLE ILLINIOIS %WE IAre On Deck as Usual with a, Full LUne of Men's Work Shoes. ...Low and 111g ut Cbidre's Sboes .................................. 2c aid Up Màle nes ......................... ............ Si aid Up Yoitl's aid Boy' Biioes........................125 and Up Ciles, i4Ise' aid Ladie' Sllppersanad Oxford ...70C aid Up Ladies' White Caivai Oxord@m................... 75e aid Up LADIES' SIIOES ....>............... ................ .............. -1.50 Qneî Alexader......................................... 1.7 Stelar............................ ......................28 Trilby ... .............................................. .80 Duches............................... ......... ...... 2.28 Ideal, patent leather.................................... 3.50 FoIIowing Are a Few Sam pies of. Some of' thseLUnes 1WCarr Al Americai, patet colt ......................e....8.0 Ail American, suppremeed kid ............. ............... 3.30 Drosameli 2............. .. ... L lreat Wetern Box Cl ............................. ... 2.80 Educaor .............................................28 Bei Ha, borsehide ................................... 2.80 vici Colt ................... .................... I....... 2.28, Ohariekia ........................................... 2.78 Sbarkieii, iigh eut....................................50 Busten ....................... ......................... 1.75 And Others tooNumerous- to Mention and at Alil Prices 'SMITHI TEA AND Cg DAVIS LEADERS- TL «,= , ltalMr. and lire. Haret' Kaiser @pettheb. pt e omdave mi bhle braîhor, Owcar atUrbatia, 111. Mrs. J. Miarshalliand ebuîdren aeu SadymIt h.r parents, Mr. aidlis Cea. Gidley. P ick Meclahon bai moved Lis train- lng quartera tu, Weaoi, 111. Oea. Vogel wmliitrain bore Iis aimai. Fred Sichmidt let Tueday for an exteided trip througi Kansas wtb Intention ai inveellng in ceaietate. Ira. 1M. S. Freemai a%« Lyda Smith, ai Capron, 1ILin..levisitlîg jit ber father's P. C. Smith. lir. aid Mn.. Flamery, oi Albany, Wl.., are visiting mtb lb. latter'. liater, lMr@. Pritchard tIiime.k. Tii. W. C. T. U. iateiy sent a box oi cannai fruit ta the Tempraice hospîtal ln Chicago. W. C. T. U. mlii meet with Mvs. Sarah Mamaon, May 28, at 2:30 sharp. Subjeet The Comig Citizen. A iew dai.seglinrs. Hiram Liai re- cived tram--Tyvai, Canada a -bopy ai the village aper Volume 1, Na. 1. Tii. Webha aid rummmits are reidente lin village. Parents aboud ieep thir baia tram rldlng au th. idealis. The couteil hme dolded 10 pramêcute offendera who endaîger file.and limb by disabeyiig th. ordinace mmii regulate.s cb maltera. Cal aid ses aur iew .afety depoait haxes. Reit 02 per year aid upirarde. For aur saving. departinent we pay 8 per cent lîtereel semiainualiy. LAKE CoIUNv NATIONAL BANK. 38-2 Tii. Firet National baik bai cailne ont witb a fie aew apriig renovtîag and deeratinig. Tie mals hbave been neally papered aid the lamer camige hurlappod lu a laat>' red. Everytîiug bai been gaie orer aid is apick aid @pan. A number aifte aid "vets" ment tb Deatur ta attend lhe state encamp- mnheie r ofaitlb. mek aid are aow gredually drifiig baci1tomaw. Those I wha attexmded are: L. à. Bryant, Henryv i Harvey 'and Chai. Pbillips. Tie Laie Count>' Telepiion, bas receuti>' inspled uew boards at Liber- ville, Wauconda and Round Laie. Tii. Company is growiag fast. It is prob- able Imo aperators wiii b. required ta conduct lb. Lbertyville central. Jane Ibis year bide fair ta maie ilseif istorical for number ol w.ddings toi occur la Lberyville. Tii. ionti ai roses Ibis ypar miii se. a number ai uew homes started b>' aur yaung people. W. congratulate tiierri oanad ail. Tiie are lots of Ilsb being caugbt at Butter laie now. Salue marniaga se ithera fairi>' lringing aorne parts of the laie and ail are getting goo4 catcbes. W. C. Tiggs bai bad the heit lmciand bcd smre tira or Ibm.. dozea excellent& lîlcierel ta bis c redit. The plans for the. addition 10 lhe sciiooi bouse are la the bande ai con- tractoe. Tii. plais provide for ai addition oanlthe eat ide oaithe preeit building, mihlte second floar 30x54 ta h. used ae an audience raam. Th. etimated cot being $5500 inciading ail nmadern conveniences, lavatories, City' mater. gus. aIl ta h. completed b>' Sept. 1. F. Itarstow. ai Wauiegaa, lhe mel kmain manufactnrer of monument*, bus been ini Liberlyville tb. pait fei dayg witb bis men placing monuments Il several lots in Laieside cemeter>'. A monument mai ereeted for lthe limai fcmily, for tiie Fry brothers, F. E. Q reren, Benj. James, E. G. Goodwin. oi Roctefelloer, aid over lb. lot ai lHenry Cter, S., mia passed a>' s@omne 1111e lime ago. The teachens eugaged for the grades for 1907 la, 1908 are Mise Green séi'entlî and eighlh grade, Misse Maud Wheeler 111h and sixîb grade..ies Baller third and faîrhb grades. Mie. Webb second, Mie Stewart tireI grade. lills Bird wbo bai had charge of the. seveth aid eighth grade reslgied aid baissered c g ositian lu the Chicago scboois. la 1h. gb sehoal department lils Loalea Cater le lbe aaly teaciier employai as yel. 0f Lifes Real Ihere are. few liaI Ploasure exceed liaI a l ag lb. posissmor oicaÜsbatalai aanat. Th. pride aie feela inhlest apecrig a accouil aid lie sciccllaa ai mateb- lug il grom as you- add eaeh moek the one, ire, lai or more dollars, aijan eau save, le aie ai the boat lieplratboi auyone can have. Aid did jon ver thbni Ibat a bank eecountii e atsa of greater cash value ta you thea lthe priaciple and itereet ceunbiied? Itlalua tat, and tiat la oie oi ite botfeature. Remember, me are a NATIONAL IAIiK aid affard mare proteciiontao very dollar depoiled mllh us than any albo« National baninl Laie caunal>. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Proctar Block Lihortyvile, 111.r 'On'Thurnday eveigjiiie 6, thb. ral tu complets the four year# cannse nom affered by, the Llhotyviile'higb ciaol, mill iiold its claie day exerc¶sesaI the Union churci. 0fthie six members, four bean hheir mark 'logether. ntie il raI grade aider Mris Lanra Dasenberry Moore; irblli e o0er tira joiied the clama Ibis 70c. Tbaro7biout their courses a li standard ai ecilarship bai hemn aiituined aMd hbey May juitycim lobe lime boolclae. wbicb bsytgraduated. The.valedlclory ho ,veà Mis. (IraCe r, mia hie onora -havhmg lie be. average Ian l.foups j'rmuaotk, ille ties icitalary yrlllhoed by Nimes Ia DuBai,mbho a imseod.miesPlorâj Churchilli hue ben cbaetsa by t lm i. ffiree ie stiovveMd oropwocv.Mr. DosFrd y il t1o >Mr. aid lire. "tnie aon, a so=4 Vie ia cbeWi Ueidot$t Tuesday mith frlende la Graylake, lmeDella Coker lads euen gaged ta, teaeh lthe Wrfght sebeol. Mr@. Tho@.. Getry ond son, ai Chicuago, "pnt Suîda.y at lire.Protiae's. Edtor Luter I. Clby tarted Tues- day for San Aigolo and other parti Haxel V. Infant daaghter oi Marclan and Aina Seavey disd May 17, age 16 Inths. Ueo. Lee, ai Waukgaî, visit.-d mi bis cuit aid unel, lMr. and Mr@. Dan Lee Suaday. Be eire and road the Sinsiîine ad la tues issue. You vil i ld s.ietling ta yoar adraitaa. . M. Aile Davis, of Gienou. fl.. miii coaduct le th rie et the M. E.- Sunday sebool Ny2 . Decration soervifse at Libertyville Union church aet P. Mn Honi. C. A. Partrldge mil &Nver thear lli. A I"Kitehen lie r lee tu l gveta tiie home ai MiesMa Pester la iaori lilas Laura Clevland, Tbursday May 80. Caîdereldeable mrat îîork lisembeen dons the put mmoi aid ithe administra- tion hy tarting the job lias made a it mii h.epopîlace., * Don't fail ta read 1h.e rograni ai the. concert given hy lthe Pbloîîîei Club. It in ai excellent- oneaMd you wiii miss a god thing If you don't attend. Thons mili ho a meetng oi th. Lake- side Cem.etery Soelety, June 4, at the Town H"alal8Sp. in. for lhe purpuse of coiaidering lie mater oai neorpnrating. Ail iatere.ted cbonld glu- thii. atter altion The. noon train iram %laidison was sidetrcked uâlii 6 11. ni. Tuesday, cau9ed by a fregt car jumpjing the. 'tracki orti oi tbe itci. The Cicago pàesngemo mere lranafer.-1 toitii.local train at the aid.depot Trraias fromn Chilcago mere deiaycd t liîr,ir@s John*Wbitney an old awl reslected citizen ai flamand LaI. ied Tii.sday eveaîng, May 21. Mir Wituey lied been a afrer frir son, me frl)ll atomaecitrouble. At t4ia- la- of 1 --be enlisted in Ca. F,U1.S. \,Ilrurteers. He leavesto main, hideati a wiie, nias cblîdren and liree isters. lut.riient in t)iamoad Lake cemàeterý The laxi'EENT lrrjr, 11I'ëCeit ai tiiiacttbt8. J. Yautugarui amily, a former reideitot i i.i1.anîd nom reidiig i North Dakota. had a narrow escape fromt beiag o uilîe by a prairie fire. Tii. Ire vn wh sbwept aver the plain got leyîruirithe. tiçeguards despite their ,.-t lire to a sqtnaw tack lu tiie vain, but by nnited effort aid baril lal ýr il n put ont bel ove aîy great damage hail bey-n done. On BîndayV even ig. Jane 2, under the. t. Je' iili -opprlunity seidouniu affonded outside ai large cilles teliitu-n tb the Rev. Fr. MacCrry luin hi.- rt-Musical-Le-etui'e '*The tory B.tutifii." The. 1ev. Fr. liaeCorry tbetýieîiiiuîPaulist iisioicry and lecturer, ..f ..%-Tark. ,u-ds no words aiintrud1utîr ru la lb. American publie. Bis repru ;ation is national. "The tory fiteautiffl" in a big @tory told lua abig. bruai wavaillumincated iy reproduction i la-îiîlle coloreaiflbh monlde greatest prîrullilgs but sbould ual ho confoanleui uit treopticon or movlng picturi-e\hlhljtijanasunder- stood. Fulli partir ul1ars aid programme next week. Pbllamel Club ConCert. There ie teub.. arrrilert at the Union cburcb Friday iiuuîî underhhe auspice. oi tb. M. E. Ladu iid SoietyT. Sprlng sangs. sopranoe -oins, a caitata aid Zad favorite" .iiijui by the Philomel lub of Watik-giiii contitute lbe prograni wliichlînl 4rea rare Ireat. Methodist Services. There wil be a scial Memoriai ser- mon next Sunlav îînorng ta wlch voterai solder@ aild their wives have beau specialyi ivd. There will- ho deàorations and appropriats munie. Notice ta the public. 1Ihavehbeen so nier mn ai late byyvou thst I muet forbid anymore trempaelng on my land eaet,,l the river.' Tou have narly ruiîed imy tliwera and terne and at limen my gardn. plcked my berr"., tom down Mytenes, mt or la My troue, rua my cattie and rabbite aid lame aquirreis witil saur doge aud shol tb.Msud becorne a destructive e auns. Ton can corne to tue slbring and Bab on lb. w4st baîk oi t1e river. M gardon aud pak and fi or".t are my door yard ai1 irait ta -.1jov them wlth My lnvited finonds. C. Ci. COvErLtND. 82-4 Wedding ctationery doue et the. INOUPUNDENT office la cotrect. FARMERS READ. There is one depr. nt of the. INDEPENDENT hhmueit sureIyAPPEAL 10 the FARMERS. This le the. cheap yet III9LY EFFECTIVE departaient, the clas&aed ad colu«Mp hich appears on the nexit te)he lait Ipagqe 0f ths paper. I or five cents a lino eacb we.k Ithe fermer can mnaies -Ieown his irants or BULLETIN WIIATSO- EVER HE MAS TQj[5L. The &d m.are NEATLV - LSSIED taider thoir proper bede and if rftî$I <et t.RMLSy i Ui. liaur WANT,CO&ýUMN. THIE VILLAGE BEAUTWfUL Libertyville tu Regain is Mislaid Rap- utation for Havisg the Finest of Streets. WHEN ALL 18 DONE YOU WILL BE PROUD Giond strets le the cry oi 1h village adminietration. Lbertyvîliele nto o- capture the mllaid reputation l beid for yeare for baving the. flneet and boat cared for ortreets, of any enîbryo city I tii part of the country. Our city dada are planning tu gravei Mliwaukee Avenue from nortb 10 sonlb and wll put la shape ail roads ieadlng lota Ibis place. There muet b., this in- ducemont tu the taiers ta cornete, towm. To Fox the Bumps. The various soul inspirlag bulupe tbe reeuîl oi the laying ai water, gem and sewer can fat heing eimated by f ree nu of thi.eraper and by the amen bebund th. pleke »aeboreis The businese part ai th village wmli lie given a thorougi coat ai gravei fram midewalk enaiedewaik. The Village Beautiful. Libertyville miii ho iadeed a village beautiful mien street Cammiselonep Young le thraugh mii lus work. The sîreete wili aseume a boulevardiai digiity. The. mark wae tarted I at week and th. god city fathere iu their meeting lionday nlght preeumed upon the village treasurer 10 1he mtent oi decidîng liaI every dollar liaI could possibiy hoe spared wuuld ho dire..Ied towards the work. Rare Place in Summer. Wie Libertyville ne a reident town refuses ta rank second ta any even ln the ingorious winter itlaj at ite bell durlng daring th. sumaller seceon and maiy Ciaguaas bave- aiready instltuted inquiry a@ ta aur ability ta entertain This village i. unequaled aa a summer reoidence towu. W. bave tiie lirest ai mater, excellent society and eierything modern. Tihe strides Libertyville hm bai taken dnriag lb. paet two, progres- aire years pu'Îtheb place in a clama by iteeli. Send word ta your friends. [f tbey rebide elebere il i@ a aigu tbey do not knaw us. Ordinance No. 189. an Ordlnance 1Limliu heg Ve Imunce Of Drclisip Licence.. Be ilordaned bylie Preaideit ced Dard of Trnateec of lhc Village aiflborlyvlle, Laie0foanty hDioai& Section 1. Yeba no àcoise for lie keepin oi a saloon or drasmpeliMle as.0 Libartrvle mihiutlsur Uiebereier ho leulor Wsîd Wgai persan exoept as hereinsiter providodt. Section 2. AU ilcnsesieeaed and in tom. on tia. lti C"a of May lao..for lie ieep o1ic sloon or <ausliap viten the V0 Libertilville-,shIl c iIorenetd oi red canastriclcta fll coimpihaice mw 0I lawa and ordinancai farce I hle he ni lberlyville allba. imeoflie applicao for snob renomal orr rasmue agut n Sicn (<'lier lien e renemal or reUue ae e herein-1 aller providedi ifor lhe keeplus ofc a loon or dramsiop "ha i ap lime hereaiter b graiiaitorlsmied outillie nimber il hff uforce 84t le line asi le-,05 tac Goiefor eyery ire heidredolipa- lation o! lie Village oDitliertvlIs ea ce~- lahned ir lhe lien lest precoediag fsooo ýenua.,Iereuhion snch nem Ilcenmera be Isu tr m e tamotre 10lamini apî.1 canto. , ordia rl on iyoica idcaa open fou ..L =0 6 se i ieaï) tailmth lie loae&cal ordnainoe. hi force ln lie Vilageof LfertrvllIe aithUime or lie application for uncblcne lS tte total number of ilceuses 57o.e aMlequal anc for even, Ove bundre 0fthe populatIon ni li=teuia inmm veedî eool cenans. Seton i.T ho omner an omners. ar hle or lhir moua reprecaalve o a licenne t0 keep a ro&or c salaon eha i bave and b. t tnli r a1 a remal or relsue oi sncl oe. et1thee mmor differeil place o! buttase o pen complance ili lie u lmmu esnom ha force ln tie Villaea0a = , ille, or hilch mer beeciler be jgovrniing t le Ucemn or dram- chope or of alOOn ad suo=wameror ons, Or 1m r 0lceulrepremetclves, o&aP orsaloon laense May cesigi or coove, bis viilabtlierenemmi or ri.~ Ilieroothobalirsrin. mio iPOn full c=p1? miu.w51h te ordinance. tannLa tomeeln Vila ibUhortyvlle boverie i e aLlas ofsloons or dramsaops eh 1 ho tov ronemal or rselsîno0f suai cian % o. aineuh older ai a Domie.,or usl5 e"alropreeentaive., la toar ma siunor coavea mach igil ai reamai or re3£13m0ife ci snb nse ipon lie Uime termeanad coidlDons as lhe orginci oa nezliohreolcoud do iereundcr. Tic IrhilegeOfrenemai or releine provided br mloriece $miii appîr onu sgo loinas ta alccuse lueuehcicase sa 1i ave icen kepl fre. continn«land u iterapled Y la tic name of 0licanseor bitt aiemo ila ttst. No Ilenm a Ïekep asaloon or hrusop Miii irsaf er ho hsued la s a Dm exoulehlie naeof lieIhaiviCinal ire. ci ie ru.aid no sncbIlieuse %all %eere abter Imeel la ccorporallon. prWj) d,Ouinrever liaI air corporation aob ehc a lcnenhiIls natne, Ma delaalie hpersoci or persans wii miii ,r.cnlld to1 a eemalor Mrelae Of &map 1lcease for lie lîcense perlad bogililae ont der or May iuisprovided inrier iam- overml snob corson er pensons shitiCily tully by compllig wthi ail the laws aid oadleanow lu farce eallie lime hi lic Village ni Lihrlville. Section i. Air aid ail ordinangesof lic vlla"g e as ctler are lacouilot ic mS "y o0f lie provsians of hiii ordhncîce are bireh7rpealed. Beuti on 6. This Ordînaice ial ho lu farce fiou and after Its rsM5. BÂLi. oa. VilPoemi. Pased Ma.ii.3,h1,9W -Aperoved May 1.1007.__ Adjualcation Notice. PAUIL MACOUFFIN, Attoreym. Public Notice tla bi iri b" e 2,Ibsnler ALMfIII!ll.Laor o0l,1 sIl WMakegui. .A, Compete Une of Jflse fants,' Cbilcjren's a n d Ladies' Oxfords. and. We Also Carry the W., L. Douglas Brand ofl (lents' Footwear at- Prices Ranging from 250tO0 Phono 29 Illinois AN ESSENTIAI TIIING- and there are many in the management of a bank, if the personal, pinslakiîg care of its offioers. Recognizing their reaois iiy heofficers of this instiuton keep ibemelves in touch with6,,ey Important detail of tbeehbusiness. And the outoome? A generous and steadily inoreasing patronage. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARYMENT THE S&VINGS DEPARTMENT THE SAFE-DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Separate ayeteins of accounts are kept so that each departreent in complote in itself. LAKIE COUNTY NATIONAL BN LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. - m HÂRNESS I ami nomw loated in the nom store in J. HIL Trlg LlHdug aa Spragne street. Titis ahop turne ont cu gondd irn a cci h. doue lu thîe state. Give ne a trial. 1 SOLICIT YOIJIT 1W! ADAMITIAT Yeu §IVE NEA 1à -0. 1., LUCE Libertyville ,.ý AYARD ~flv ~Ieeé o Cotton Voile im gudlengthssl% i ,for uummrDresses-Lo ku > l pW ta* gqbwWte. Ia orembrowm sad aso la siIo l kit. mworth -1Sc bot 10'C otAt -M * sa-a - Rallia olimaru. I ms~s m »ý s

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