lake Oooty Titi, & Trat Ca. 2=1onle Topàé Bdg. Wauke .-i, lu. ;Iotix i Ttw Sqeu 0 M.9rte Loreis . <los,. aei aplirt vllt ferfa- hD 4um~ ouit .115Eiztabth J. Worswick ta M*ry Ul S$SLM S AOSLESIPDovéi. lot 5 %Voodblué Park itu Ss-lu or THif QUBREIST S1ECT. tieou 11. West Antioch Township, W. ____________Dt., $760. ed '17555 T"MtAI Ait r Wth 1411eWllllfg- National Macaroni Ca., taeFoi ly Aid Art S<iJetsd To 140 MilUing Co.. lots 16 ta 24 block 27, Rule of o9ette Kld lu Wright's addltlinta Ltbei'tyVtlS.r -- and ail other proprty. W. D.. Il. "WSptit Frut cuit. pécullar ta Il- Helen Muoan ad usband to Kath- Dg self ttc 1k novhére under the onefl riné F. & Julia b. Bristol. lots 27v 111 4W Mept lu Lake County, a people who and 21. block 4, Lake Bluff, W. D,.,et hlte oveithrown, the traditions ai $1.000. l mm inc th lie erthbegnis Wm Mockler and vite ta Mary C. -net ta itself c religion. lis men and1 Nevell, hait acre In S. E. quarter Yi vlomen are nt uugodly, suter thir Section 4 Deerftld Township, W. D., c, owa vay of tbinking, for ibey take $1. thé Bible as thé founditlflhi for tbeir Win. Kirk and wifé tte r e R. strange bclif. Kirk, half acre in Village of Wttlrop lm Tet tlsey ojéicita being ton- lârbor, W. 1)., $00. -i femidéd with any o! the strange re- ui~ .&Saradhsadt Itglous teachlngs that have alrug up Fanai M. Fermer. et al, sundry lota In te pst r ae frgig teirwayla blocks 1 and 2, lyfl.ld'c ubdivl- ta the fsore ar I niigtheir itou ta Waukegan, Q. C.,1.00. b tat itfrélue reeli t.onVaclav Stuchlik ana wtt. ta jas. Lîttl ROiglOl Thra. and Anna Mendel, lot 3, (except N. A reporter for the INDEPENDENT' 44 fI) Stantona s ubdiviinta 550. SUN vIsa visiteà them. entered their tioei 2, Grant Township, W. 1), 2,- Il 700 canctum andapent awhlile day stiy Chicago Tille & Trust Ca. te O. iu- lng thale as they live, Inadvertently gercoil, lot 42, bloc 18, -Chcago.a.igul- réferréd ta their helief as a -religau.' lands, deed, $310. - He vas qutèkly crrected and bts Idol Chicago TitI. &-Trust Ca._ ta M. 1. sudenl shtteed henoneof hemCoaver, lot 24, block 38, Chicagfo Hi".* aseddn"Donut et vhnancfth.n lads, deed $550. ansvréd "Do't ai tat des.F10 Cra S. Hodges ta F. L. Siljastrom, haveu't gai a b-. of a lot ot religion lot 5, sub af lots 1 snd 2. block 51, -. haie."HighlIand Park, W. D., $1.000. Beilart Iinuséf added, partly ta . P. L.owry and vite ta G. A. support aud pirtly lu dfense of the Busse, lot en esait ie Fox Lakeé lu bold statement. titat tbey gèree t mut bhait Section 1, Grant Townshtp, lest frsnk. Héevau agreed wlth. (à. C., si.. There scouete tbh no question about 0. A. Busse, et aI. subdivision. If t ail atter that. 'loti on éasi batik Fox Lake tn soutit The Cause Pur Their Seliea!, haIt Section 1, (ýant Township. It nt belng-a religion it Io deductédi H. P. Lowry andSgîeté taG. A. Bu& lihatbthy Ilvint thé way ilaey do bé-tse. lot 3, suh of part 3 1-2 Section il cause they prefer it te any mode ei Grant Township, Q. C.. $1. ]liviug. This ls a simple aniver. i F. P. Crandon and wif e ta R. 1 They "ee uta bavé corne ta the'Dady, lot 10, block 13, Washbit BsOe et t'nklng thlt ail religion la:Springs. W. tD., $200. »Mbgt Billiart hlmséif love talILRJ. Dady ta Josephb Bastis. lot Il smore Preuchers and tIse vsys ai ok13, Washburii Springs, Q. C tho" hé terme "hypocrites." Hé; $275. glrItealu the tat that be ta no hypo-t Leuis Kohier and wife ta August wrue, lHe ta opM b ha cys, sud Seller and vite, southa 22 fret lot 1. dursesta stand for what otiero con- lock Il. Original Waiikegmt W. D., Why Wels Ar Duit. Augitt Seller and gte te Peter %a.. The vhole Jéaeao thé faundatian ai Glosa andwvite, lot 8 block 14. Me- th teet ea b. sommeS up lu an ex Kay'i second addltiali ta Waukega. plessd théugbt of Bellbart himtuelt. W. .D.. $2S.. T11lié reporter d.emed a sentence by Emil Rudaip and wîte ta Untèd Mlm vorihY et tua agailannotia. Sttes. veut 200 feét( at 450 fret. 'Wb« .Y»u huild a wail or put up à Maaihlhait block 18. Mear' plat, 1*gb- siewcnlamne tirs eut you usavOuS. W. t)..$1'.0 inbP lui Yoswceif 'ficsgaithé sen- W Lest C e 0.increase of capital ,>tmet af the Maua bo- la taov«- stock tram $60.000 ta 820.000. Cor- tb1mw the logendso! té eS If Ihé Utet bas lbis ava wcy la the natter. F. P. CsaOsi A"d vif. te Sanley ThyLv eyey . ~Pav111,14la. iot afd If, bloci 21. The Tiai« 0csof et DaUat Mdaui Wsara.Silia.W. O.., 8350. follovéra la love,.love, oe. Tb" Obala, Na4a B" vIe ta Thou. ta ouné long fable et b* tbéy&MuIL, Bout. ianet u l fi. 3,W. quat -u~ L %enoon miet ai ith* orn Usqiosm XWaukqaa, W. D, li porter va uvted aid ai sot1 uttabaud o h o! ua . * W. bodesu Mdvfs te tomis * bO»b phleoh ekB to dml.* B~,lMt. Vaut et IDai Dog ai trold trom etering upon thé eeusf a um XM.Waublem ,W. D4 60 -uorUit,f ai~g. va radiat villaa Seuls-nfeeing of caSai u@M ejmU AM -l804 "Tt" tawocut fsmiy-terdooss Thea111 1va4s« noful to leuS on te MM YUS11*W~ 4»004' ei 8 M» ethilu aler et tla eeple tha tbe --'*M ssas-M't mm .b that hof'AU'.he ouorid itheymeMb -rsè mi %My* belto Oaflthe v eote the 'i a vvaea.TSkp*4 u - ic llY c o r te o g i a n d p o liu p o l ~l 9 « o e I rb s u r o u m e U o à b l o un make thé. viaitoar féel trangel VNit 1have cafl hiatb»». aBus. t home. r t5 da UBadw&Yl ver. Trve me, aàoalmumu wbopUis gno poolS lIera, as ilepeosoma Si v Mt"ee S" oi..fl l Prétly.w; 11111 a eti o! ofdisapprasl. Ih la fA iug esioeou eorf r calai that eoaiea befor a gréai bei- j, lumpof buteèr le b10CM Ils; the oppression oa feli b taota. Cocu Y" ngoliait tIe baianieler ftaa. Théy doubt u A pUgîM tpets itaat u uSl lIaI the. lav vilI Isba theai ntud's mute, MWSveéablem lm A anS vilI attempi taesnd Ilam tta pi- myi bommhg a Xépzb ét 'fim ma pauc. éEu lethé t.aldtum Otvoîgt; sitl flepso I.5h00 *@Irv bellt they are rmo.y. teste 'fley bave beau quiet»' planning "Ct Co«Mf h lvé 10b8 09 "OÊt and pWladSIag anardfor yeasufor theo Ie 5, »W1meu n MdIOUs11&0 th"é vlan tie>yul go ouitta thé gaome 0aéout-rs olw ,evo ripasMdUlmal Md VmttS coS vie Il aver ta ther way oa theme= vwu me 7u UTh lme la nov ripe se"a ume s twrlsy ainaSte Im tb 0 utl sl. 'Ispexpect trouble -1 bave a»V« O50AUaMbOOd 9Pd 4.4 tUSUOleve av sla 1h. dayso u m ru.ausro 2t t 1 bu*lie 5O 0So ow .Tbrov se* bave v Moa AI mT. Pet o mo âmlmt tbay ae preoug __ __ _ __ __ _ JONLIRIGJr re Suppose that y«navalo tame niad ahsp te and tht w a mm1ý. ftod a wjto»dan ept tbhtotWl h Suppos, that you veresunotribteu- eI filten oadiiuMM atir. suppose that thé mmun lot And on gave & varan#,wh.a ilopl* oila unr aid aUV th*. Mûadrive Oi10 'a g. eMool9 ud drtgY. Suppose thaï Wbé* *ho -le son netther 700ai Onr peaple are luit ad a mhma that I.. ia takea or de- sroyed. or a cin4be. eueta bis Mission lu èenia-theé woam? This ta the 3PouwWut pecu,.ar 0,* perteace tbroagh wbich a N4orth Sid yonas woSa w ent Sattfrday cveniag, md ahe shuddera eveunnov atS sh'c tbinka aboutSit. mansian wvtbextensive grdund.sud" nany buildiug&. Its rPiplns lavaus extend tramthé rond. arigt0eistId sud severe, ta the isice.fthe béat aofvIson ses puta the péple lu the big hosualeep nightly. Souadiv asîseep, thé girl avoke vltIh -a sensé that Ibère vas a presnce tu the rout, sud peertag CaUtIOLanall ram uder tIse caverlets, sav a man stanti- log ou the floor, tIse vladav Of thé ront heing closeS. Shé vas ta trigbtened ta givé tIse alarut and simply lay In her béd, hat'tl. iy daring to breatbe. until hé gent oaut of thé ioam. Thea she gavé thé alartu. aud ber parents and btothérusud, sîstérs rtuhk- éd ta ber assistance.1 'lhey géré unahie ta Sund auy indi- cation tIsai théenman vas evér lu thé rout. any cIné to a Idéntlty, or auy ciné ta bis purposé tn éutéring. 1 Aboslutély nothing lu thé raam bsail hen Siturbéd; noa tieiupt ai rab- hory baS béén maSe; no atiémpi at assauit baS been-naSe. Thé tathér rusheS te tIse vlndOv ai thé raom lnta iméetaee vIsai séetaéd ta hé a mati gotng tram thé bouse ln a buggy. tIsai the nkuavu éver stood In the girl's raoo. Saday morning. forty-éight houri ater tIseincident, thé girl Who saw thé figuré lu fite raum vas' ai pont. tlré,,as éver tIsai she really sav h uand thai It vas a mana. What diS thé man vaut? DiS hé louae hic vay anS thlot Iat hé baS stuaihled tata a. avacanf bouge? -Wam hé lu thé place for rablaery, toi %samuit, tor mischiet o!fcorne biaS' 'ITére ilaésuly ontiscIné ta hie préS ence. anS thit la a large bale. tva teel ta diametér, la the cide of the bai ibai la attàched te the place. Thi séemi to tadicate ths t b. mamui bave IntenSeS ta raid the stables, ast make avay villa the loraéa. 049u Ar AséNOVID"u. OuilMeet Wme ^806ue.. gý im t5» à asu ma vomm ara To L b«, l o is 14 vet out bar iagI câpu dllste vrni apen t A la ~ ~ th '*ainuula lu b« m*oqow Ceof tlfeca r peu e, ml wIiln 4 u v Or a. 0%«.l! 0 Md ai b« boll fies -Us0** auec tg th u 0" .oft e 1gb 0 ,etm fmececMdedo id L.Y ha' itf,<~tor'a Nota. hi.e.e#tOw feg u wten or -~ Uer.We baréhing NoVr4wapislam George Ade"4id M iit ut Jo. >1.111.4- YdW wth a Ile, m= Md *li m Aiauian Club. '"hj14tlig you perbape tu ouer. o otTq.wi YOqtlU)f line and trarelin coustriesewbs biijiaa de u a s * liro bo**, KW*O ls itant.I wnÎnt ta brlug yaudpit aapi u yiuad 0 tu ataiIINhlÉcatiôn of thé tact ibat jnPey op hoe r e hrea nov a" q M an imporan rteet 0f a 4odr4 gut or bsl woabýh oitre and politîca c"i oul eta. lus-pu act ffleuosi5B#une to hêwdtgir L4l for thé pmovile. tout -"'end »,ie àulty eraowd oh 8 ellé sle tnr&Wouly. But rend o dou n d 31 551h a vnfh the New OWTPfta- y0ui douât viii change ta beieve and ~Rot Mjllhi bisPM the. ip utv ho 1'h s aon W. are Notod. lIac Ses. Tittî-Itéénasi peÔaf1 jAii.a'4$IJ le 1j..thé I',tie of*t'hebépe..I and oonnm *oturolliquite pu'- Nortgert lliisuaT.leplioýne oetpus cppti.iv-Theé énililma itrohée vhoëniéwrwu-' îdnilteles reecb srery. ntuchlîarniovtttt hSo *0 pr6muti"dt glairetisud gatlivut iiiai trn3di idîm u Il<.e> foouilaW sd aiét bQsi qq na.l<c.the ruuiuîîOui cificenwtaîj girttthe rei e tén sl pull at6lf wat..r, bot b ibm etarI- sItrongr, the rolnlg voie, anti uxiIs 1ns e4tork-w&iériuag wav of Uartiaialmbernefiqueu t. Most of the pu=ngiS sud_ booi biy éiug ibsîr Lauine,huaout p thé et« steechaI,, wbicb the CI nastdwet gouda for tepi(>io- cllw e t8 the Iran etmnhus ta heeP asotloliof healîlu aîid tenaperacea. EOur thein troîi belng ibrown cIl aveu tié ftnere déapose of their ecrés aud ibir dek. mn by ce iv ou resy calied lut«e t WIaî i Poo*su te .Ladlita. teaiutonsprieeis t unsophiticted bréf- T i.w y n g slgs o a o Ou oira it.y faitiers, if heirfrloae iflhitute In Switiewlad. cittn ~é!liea'S1jainnt1qpff eu - ! l zliat a way 5al-alkU mum -000 -"fi mil ateç tu iauy .lu niiq. nirth. An banc pesee. My rnsghhai's lateadi" iMIaaar. .W.aigui have bave bci.uerbyquit'neuddon tht alla iad.ofuttW ' ond. vA big ivavu hitethéelr ïiir Mer weclthy eitor f e t a.eypop-r." Nu aseuw saa lim he; %lut I espolring Lmupia woreabba&gefor Sebina;shie.b-galp. a gelddarupi ion tva nmore cloue -trio» am555paid n a golden shower; by. Andi 1 close Iniy é30 lu couttta- t0 helaie veaitiat rotta getting mouldytitou aid horror. hé h4*tôtnvet iua uîatropolitan nega- Wbéu i open ibsu «entathe. caba andI toilluîotîiéq. boym ame buts&witb ung.dast. broati Fmi iternry suiremasey le in anud dutataaîî. 1ihope guIth s snkiag dang er:Lbrtyil' ine aacotantg IV. E. 1.héart tIsativniy lnér ili Mréere. (lurtià, porbr4eLPi acu buddin g MarkrVaun Ie!igilielé a autaroundtheab LTvelu. 'I bavte i nuta uthority of vobly bhast aud Inhale the sast-breeet yffl tytdtur.Yuuuaérrreaiued deep breatiai. A suddeii rush for thé aM timée tIsat oua perbapi dout t l isaeriGS etu Néptuue, Mtya 1uu.r bucgone stlll.LikeAlexaudeýrufoidournewaoaper. ta fraed the iche. inforitoly à utte'a ha é ooked fur ol.iar gonlds tu mlaalpati etaiatd aud t.hai foiliow tcouque?, ntinow trtta ibeir Llbertyviljla in toapaihic dusée duriug théenate 1 atituat havéeet u yetpou Wsukegan 1ihour. To cap thé ci mi$sttaach and toal the, iIui tuw u busdly inu ueéd otel aisltu folw lu thé yak. of thé 20th fftury jouralsii. (Our Edifor dinnér, and li takee a long sud bard tiaush a décrétit lbeau néwpaper and! tusele tu heep Iftinit ticproper lace. rio«on Ltbet'rtiI.. abiilify, push anSd A rather limia, 1 hU tehnileI euergyinsdéoui t faé'îtung giorioueiy; flîally drap imb sny chaIr anS siahamy- eriag "Sun." t),Ir eaîy eau ag uait o"Il back iu Lake cuaty, If mierydare o1tite ob7 sieaot in thé county Who hâtee onipalty, ai ost uo e lta boel e a u . e g o ur t é C h o ir o li tsi " p îu n s i tely t h t a ite i t n a n di e v e in . T h é , r&fieria whe; mauy go hlow, but fig .~0Wl Writmn. ta -the dhlng-roosu. -The :msottty i éxpect gal ean exodus 91 wealtby tumbié juia ihéi narrov, sbieike Libert>,il*aa ta litrolité iisentaimr; lberhe sud.bls thé tbongbtfui ahlp. ad loigi bèneft especilly peu manageet bc tsée nnilt the»tétrials aadtrbbulàtituue a ,uy vv pton o hytiia ?yu e bge saéra«sthé brily deep. But il iécninl eiyu éd o shp trutbhéolaid, îbmeruaoîiter reason for iîtsépwt l étéva aea îtbislangtby,tlitérsataiurat. e.laIthporsueertatlgt scareaglace the wordy war Lof Wauke- ggus ily wardLvorkénç weaswon by Whal $éa Sichaose . ir tb.e juet aide sud thé lsDit'iliUEgiT lét tme give you s little treste ou. wouli ha foreS ta ou ptetéAt'nsities. leén-sicku as a Conclusion ta îhj IFBue "boler-pltalafe atmsuney, cn o offl ettér. Thé yard always remitis me ôt runng au auto; rbile ibis efinln of the defluition, mare toreu thon pil M te"S wantt ai assethé gapiug calunans at four lttera, beginalng witba h cand othe »»T wcvicq 1%Imions. éadng viitvao la, oe..sbekin ia 10 Aber thia p(LWý1 liitry sud gsi m&MU Cbip o? thé assiseboek. Tou Ir dova tu bucinosa.e * am end towe5 rnvoit sam reineste The KrouprilaWilbeêsa vaie tasali at perfwasth"r pta ek~y ac noo u &WJèx , 2r~2. 1 waon hisem (m er tri"esta, OWeoup ba"ud ralle ti faisto W-4 ay orklug osai- OP h i . dijg 0 ?qt isron.q ma.i t h a t i s a so f a s40d t o f b i l e , v e n i l . s . I d - a'a~ uahs~ éans. ciThe lis h am omioapaenta iisa wÀ ETC (JOOD STOCK (1001)MMKES OOOD PRICES COMI3 INAND LOOK TtIEM OVER_1, SCKfANCK -BROSU ~Gambetta Prince', uf~hséS - a as. 16