8150PU SIN DAN~ F1IIDAY, JUNE 7, 190-ý8 Pages qurrn5 l talo titia? Mnbtday A ulbioa m Maead T teStl sreetciflg. Wb" .051 et motr 'car mers w à a e*btêIV Aie f*KFtMboains t ,t4o u1bs#RtpW race tracb, vie ampg car dpet. e4 by WM ii evlof $M.3W&A, isai vens..srpe felJaies. 251 year. cii, wvoivasridiso a bicyle The man iïp àqokd foshb ie - cyce and A trot k vpa ib"ogt e vlu"f040y 4hijrOd. lavibu vwu iilug - i>ly uortlarui. Isa là frot eti« tw bosnAts eca.. lm x*<wbgeti aveaulebW côUIds Ascgiastoheandmolltstmt vus illheau &0 twa vifmi siOrcithe ohet- *bo ca spprusbe*.wb M» u as lelagtu a rotr." se- comp4nW d by bis vff Nesirai sebedulaite0tube part lu Ils Ubeti vole rae.. or. ,. i. Crave, 1700 Oreepa me wau *rMtcalla. ne c&«»ad liat jamm e .tubes t a abeojutal. Isle. J&Mhd man vue placed lu laobiis aaule and takea to et. leàkesa TkereStIlwvullearued thet lamles w«a«OaUS ùdag tram lis sabu bt vmu sot l a 8 se * cltiCle. il vws noms tinsbe *e0l usîm a»U v- sareci ~Be e d gve là$s«M. - *0*-gos@ w5 us «aidà V oS*arei. Xéiy vomen 15M.e* ited vaM lb. ~ "e assrcutea tbai lIe usa lad biena 11115 >Sape Miel Nt Livel>. Tbhe r* 01 easres i trecI ruc" ifer automobile, l be 1.1l tasemuoa ton tMe.mil useitaet Ubertyvilie, i., attracIsi a ravi aof4M loveraf etI matmarecluba le te Ifat tovu an Tbrsiay afteruiâaa. vere four ariàa tereatiu eeeraisvrpulled oCI. ix races, vi t to f allie beas led bosa pçagraed by thi.e up<M. ticm villibtIlty4lft .suiies, vblob \bore promiset ai ddatuglobs c ex etteou hite race courueBot ft plans veni ery, Mdlusensaietfa ulU5elUO oR.erng for Ilse ftoeaec tbs ean resalua lIitlita ta loue drevu Cet aEaJF. h" beurved ta la $rgese "u raes ucaully Wsivu en&i ad n aervei -eibot bop i bfteoell uýloting betmemf eaIatrn - about ib lt. M1 sd lIO Ut"Mi vllspoliceta*m. MneuiM dUSWia isivemiraces- didat luiSes' the lii te eSaw, w i dapeaMd l* x .4 ure mbasaofi*ilsapecatow 1à4 biens to verni *air vay lova 'lie 11*51w«tàhip urvedte lvii ou t*tus b51.4d ts. , l evib la in *thi ptosseeut mia a teypeo çeooin beau up the PEisridse robée tt Iefe d llst the M-catm M40Y vent Ot .pthé qbclltapi à dMoàJ' IM & bélU con$« cago bau . alnly the a. eIl rckvl TIhe mosite of tbe race Wsro AS fOl Fnret race lis miles, standiagstart. stock roadatmra.lsting .i:.o@ ta 83e 00-Frie*d. le' wayu faurcyltrniét 40 bý P.ln$rail tores, .ln Ploe-a- clu., ton.cylnier 40 Il. P. second». 1"lOilis'. la"C. P-,» " Onrcydet, sumoni rae, ive moie, clam B. sk tanriug «cars tiag *3,100tea84:~ A0- . ACuer, lu Thomas Imjer. foor.cyllud0rlb. p., irai; P. P. 1me5 lier, tuetevsaa-Ilrye-a. six.aylude, 3u bp.. seeon-i.-ieUO7:31. Third race. Ste mlle., stock rouis- tor. U«ing 84,1 et uaim-Otto Lemen. fla Packard, faiir.eOyllu.IoT bl. p. firt; JAs Lion, tu A0edoca. ioqr.eYiUider, 40 I. P, *ueoaed.-TIUO, Foutl rae, 2New sontbsnCia!- Iemmecap, lov miles, norisatarI. allen ta roedatro-.OI10 Lebuan. lu Étckard, taur.cyllue.- b. P, ral; Jas Lin. la Allelme a. e.yllas 40 b.1, seud-Hu :30. o te,i. tu fr M l e a yn 4. Insteed Brothir vasPIY t0 MIwUp Fox Lake Secamýs Driver Out Hi$ Cloet"a Muddy. ftue c icuep »aslutsq uaiav Il cetral gure fla a irte.fer ail figt ci Fax £40 pvrvei tromaie. SMayor Eusse yau et bis ftber' Fax Laiâe fra but Il vaS '*porg Busse, salI a be abrother. vIeWUs Inrolreilathle OgIt,aaflda tea th 1.1 appemanliIBusse Md iglsPaut vmeola u s la travolU a ve adu« roade Eus u vs pwtu vili Omns gci, bealliy lAI caflt sudai hiel Iltve ls lts irw otO is WM fflw e b. h - te *0e bu s udal tetsita bevle the iriser Ithe lsresat lIaI lIeaWUa fitaime e vat avap vtI a mark percesbils fee Sas e iladr. iohiaiW. Réel" 4»Ide O,. . £NP40 MAI GIAE VOV stop ln aud Ouit hue QWk4us'o0n Sprit ridI ap. cf WooMlerLake. la awdga b wute a i Itellt l a mes, tkowu 4l v 1sterlà Wbiçh le accuses Ils rnuasCi -tbe Cirlaltla. reilon avlltheli teflets 01ftheSscript- Dl 01ever sWto hla k," lp umya lea a emun"ialoq tea a saff4 1 em e 1t.éSUN, tbt lhe preatci. enu are the acly ones Who realy vi- lts the stateinent of Jésus; -Wboiu 0" tierefore bath jolnsd togeiber lt h ot Mau put aunder." Sape Préacliera I-ard. ClAherlg te uhir ovu book of syldetise,'G04 la Lovie.'Ut*John 4-1&. Vat vhs. lye drive Ivo par- asi etogeh the i.prachers are, the dirai te havia&bout i--. -"àAmui hep ie for 1If. tihe».Who, bave net bain drown by Gd ora1 "Aed thers Yeu Are, but Ulit eue .pou eqpee.f" Uarleéd la the Communcation, lé soya tbat le expet. ta "topple Ove the cma"yand rattionstructr"ng? earn Ina mzarriage. Toan viniaul vaut talai, v*bon the. Job la ftiibel, fW. iid IV"'le ensl. What it Ail mena. Froua tbls k nay le Judied, it Je mantalaci, fIaI: Frst-4.Sieiirt fevrs triai meraS es., orInl mhoir Word@, fif tw a"e mer .4. ud fledthey arenétalcon, let lbo e@W-t&evra" iihmi il eeisfor upreoting lIe enven.] a mailmage mier sud àa marna.. bendon, end vasd en« Permlit 01 thse setrauecof aS w onreoligio. Semais f trouble. TIers are rumara lIaI Ils propiiet lu f clug trouble froni Statels Attar, ueY Haanas office. StâtWu Attorney Remua,. baver, bai aetalilat e bu-av.nalblu; about Spirit Fruit, ex cepi yul lho bu roui. j ,APAN!S! O IWO LAft COUTY GIRL LaIe.-F~ alStuent lYak"a mu iftse te PAM ya WhuiteWomna- FinatlInstance of itsin eCeuely. Varletr. Tbnritdu m"ne w" vasla- mow te iteuaacupis may ouais lu tI*s gmof kPt oY,wleMrUcIliea, a l»OtFm cohue stuisat of Japa*- eas oma*04tag *1 ont. climeseta bai 4y *tisai reétos Tiraeseo6!Jpae aker iltev et îé, 5;ISa!Uebua,1* *br ManIl, $Lend iWps*,31:lias - atm Ma,aus«.w Mt&ta ana awmpI. 3;MIl ilaI lun uey ww~~ îe Ove nOué ~oeui a Fait ~roof~ coult Ô1 Atmcn Vedde. of 00*iieic. UP Tier ES.~ ~ ~ wý inef~4 ogl one Hoe--f Lai jh lobi e. of q" ri. ed. l l~U DecIl MaORniai'clairped Almam Ved otIsicon,~~ dl er at bmt§4ieli;tesult 01Old aP. opIr4WU , ~The aId mes vas 80FMest oUag »d ieilPI1 tmad rfesdalfor 80 Ypa the lbsMe I h 1 ~ ~ w ao ne Ot--tiê-umost- WdOl jýocand respetttmen a thle ishawa vIpre *3 '~P7andi'vals eofthIlstruc Pl.eesad ii. Sis faneraI vas hli Wed- Mai5 fteU al uMniay lhteirred et inreserS ib'. aI. te in.cruit court bee nt opC lma permit . Thore ii' ens lu with every Cty il 'le calledffl 1 tiay, Grain a* WcHenar Durlug su.el veek a bl. bari on tise togetler vit hanue, 1001 s ,leed oi bor»O lames ad , * usadblasn. At e' quemlty bs ïarass a eU tlrey deubWu mia Stavifflth hundrede ut ln sefling Il- ý'. of the Wis- gtle ageinst endemaufi ugetatives r.- uImn Bach, the i"as net a resu- ewcper lnasniucb Zporata lcenas,. ~on after the year snd bar. proportion of , ould cover the Syear. Instesd r regular liee Wh pald $133.33, noo four menthe , tie fiscal yodr. boldsa a ortb- . leCity. iMany saloonlceep- ving business, at% »Ose, precemlY iessulng viet p Uense. M4D HORSE cChn.ry Lait in storni that avept Mty one day lest hlulng struck tbe omaet tarm. thre. Oest of lRichmond Id hat building. ïiiillk bouse, ben 4 wlndmill. Six Abeir lives ln the iemaunt of ferrm vity tons of bay, iseveral sets af «Le., were sise su- MADE JAD GUMSS garding the "Rond- at Variance vitti Fr once. ecet; Quayle, .f lhs Laie Cnal' ."wvand OrderLoue 'in boaiilnis limes. In regard laolie Dallan bitaipli; at Rondout. Delt«a hted bis place belveen oupîliei' meeting, and wvs Msveri vee k ga. fined heavlly for runini a blai plg, justice Weiss hein; the aiagbbiMransd State's AttorneY EMAus ns Ils, min via notlflei Dalton txi 1 M e lu and stand trial. Tiers V« ane lieria;. DaltIon pleailu;gultY vltut a show. Jlon agreed te gel aPeUtlîland m»Aieapplication for e lICMeaIt th ufl auperrl.s re'estlug vbi vill STUDY text bookas uppiemaed bp Panpi- lifts DyUnlveriiy cf igiiel Sages Wiii ueed. Comaty Superinloendast sf Seisei llimpson le ta Introdmn lW*,t* Ik*if 4p*ltaireinlaite ie p .asNÉ-isef i.ihe oeunty next peur M 0oafem- umsp vi»ialitaand sUlle fil me elpaita advocaîing hua -Whlle Vaukegen boys vMWbOàjia "ai litItron; whilS WcU&spu aM -OOo und bale; end *btb lt n Wvtlug plais sud aep pndcoa oeiltb lsformer, tî,e 06cO5tbeysau gins' yUl, lierefars. laits boy tai Mgk» tlie cava yield fthOnýoal cO". to figure terni ccfi$nteS9su s X[ffl Oi lie counUeç «the sIls Lte aps uvedy adaptd $a Çt 108. ".vtil be uaed ii in tg*Uaa vi ostiIs ai painiieti S0 hY peu- a5 tlis fiat TJf in' lar& -Me*e anre sname Of tmse.iil ab"tov oing wi*55 t* qfilele cooauuiy seboti alu*Ot1ls IIi !M4, t*mn uet year: TM e Stry af Gli 41 wwwï i.Tb*e OnetiFi-M O ovm . hie sondage ofitli" 40 ý' 1avlopng the The latter le an ,t io.'tti fiiti6oaof id icioola la ieep boyg taris, interested ln a dote- the 5 vOf o!arnîIlI *g# o in. ian.on earti, tiatý of lu sn-Y a aealin 6 on -&l0 ivoisi ta husabanmi- MAN#I KILLEDB fter 4$i apý Mtq Whgo ilc IaqéaeDeail. WIT14OUT WORD 0F WARNINê. Wiih Oire Compflens i l ît rah, Casessd 10 Front orSFoutTrain 'And wue Sun Dovnet 1 8iaymsrninq. ltewar4ing t 1 ocllck Snuday inorsirng la lie leborers' quartera an Ise Armour essate, veut of Lake For esi't, ie a -'nîgit out" et Rondant, F111 MoGrathlvas struci and Instant. ly isin.4 by e test train on the St. Peulbwo luelvelrrett and Bondout. Tiersive"s four-companlons viti MeGral. A fréfght train bai paed *log lhe Iracka and lie vIole partY ai Éve etartei ta crassu te truck~s, not knoing tiat e test train vas follow- lug lIte frelgbt. Ail got lae tie sale aide of the rlgit-ç<1way. except Me- Vlatlm l-irrily Mangied. and lorrbly' lulured. bis rigit leg belug amnuisi agd ilé face and ekul fracturai so 11.1 i. 4140 ngaaul. R. vas. tomssaibra amedistance. Inus IuToday. The remalhi5 vrespeîaood teLaks Forest la lic Webut oamsanda tIers île corur's jury liaI 'vas tab hl tis Inquest monday vas Imnpansl. led. Thejary vas: J. B. Yà outreman; C. Reimoud. W. Ssdan. F.P. LTar, W. G.. and C. M. Parrial. aIl erl msa, 00 boldy beving ral becs re- marddi la Evet. Mira. Ryan,' &619 Elliabeth et reet, lb. ictimes boardîng boute mlatroas. vwa nahfeid, ber arrIvai sud the arrivai a9 the.Iraln crev lt au "MX- Gati dvu vwersevcwlted for ths lu- Xl 1% sai liaI ail-of llé par ol lave S wllae bai bous irluuglu a rmort ai Bondoand wer, a lit -ho vorse for tisir conviviaflt3. Mlle May Id tIc only ans o! the Parti' vbaie nana lu linavu. Olicrs vraIs their nauseon a eslip 01papsr, *but tiey are illeffiîle. The inquest'vas beld at B everott Pomamelra. mail ganieruam POst" lerîs of north aida e ncfla.a ai norti esare mt e slhpn lec approlatiet c Cagn0e1'a work. . ChugrOsaien Vasa s.a Bouten sar tb le entertaînei by pootincterOsucd jasIal empI9yes ai à amaker lu lOarli deu -uer Hanllalu Olaga satunday s**,Ming..1 Paetiuter VaIrons uand lb. Cleri aid Mai carries the Io aukegun pool une are afatend as are lbe Postal e4ons, Carriers 9" dpoSI mas- faa of aUl porth abare officiaisudiii0a tis parti aide lu Chicago. Th& tva caugrossuen lu vboso Ia or the event la givon are ku-Ovu et lIe '.nOrth aide" congresimen sud tha amksr la ta alici lis gratitude sud eppreibaatinor narli iaie adndarth abere Postae.xploîes ansd varIer for, the elorta ai lie tva camgressmeu in bebalf of botter salare andi greal er mprovemenli. lng flot faitrooe lb. !I~ at vliich Il hcd 1«>lad frais the car. it vag Catigit utonce and brought t0 the Liberty" tll tak au tth nothing had ever baPoea. Nad a CUrFrWg1t. The haragaI v wat la knovu au a car.frightit tbelûnng'Cà-,Job Shaw or Chicago. many Stringu ut Treek. Tbere are now many stringsaetaie l traclk and more are comlug lu eyfry Bd Hanl of phloenix, ArIz., bt arrd yuW» bis string tram the Mn, Charles De ilyder of Pleuantan, citt, bag a string et lie track. j. D. 1u Iprtgger et Les Augeles'bas arrive vir 1xbis string, vilehlnl- eludes sonom" Girl, tie femoas, the boras tiat bad, an extensive '",te up ln the SUN renetll. LAKE rouidW Plans Prepared for' Annuai Sa<iety Evant whlch la th. Thint Of thé Season in Millianaire Town. Arrangements for tic Lake Poe~ open air bors show on Juac 28 suMd 29 are about completed. Il VIII b6 t li t ait nnual event, and. vil,'a nsuel, b. leld ou the grounds Of the; onventala club, viere perantý grauns vere laid onl lait py*r. Il go bop attlbeY M'Y le cMM~il on lime, fer MaIsycar'a.aboW. W to l l lie Intention Of lie boardl o! gavOCRe mr tanmile 1lbheevont lie beai aene girdu lu LaLie Farcit. Tbe piaocies viii. as usuei, le dîii d betvgeu the AIles Bome boÈpital -»4 tils dburci of tie NOly Spirlit The. ol$e*rt. avéruorsaunidceair mesn of comuitttes arc: Vmiudent-Mr, William versaon Vilce Preaidet - Mfr. Aurai I-i. orauger. becretand ei Treeiurer-lr. Bd, muai A. IROasLI Boesça Çomttee, Cbarub* y5 Nslaaa P. Jlmaqv. Me li. lgnaicdby MIq dAYO Hff'WILL Nti*rASIJOS NYO ARY Mc ?vy*-*s. mie ovsewi "sISmU frVsY'M"I. vomm. eilld W14 WfI astkto .e pi tbe» ê o1* Jrvkis tu .4 Tva tbeoà p tbsir tes tlu £ 5964 W yards.. cv. « ai , tu4 1 k Glenn Va liva, letsiy tie Monlity.vigc tltauP Thc v'ie cofim4t cf a tne wa he l o uda ftt Inu se re. ent ptcled inst=o Stan. Tlia tnt Vld )ne il mon. Tuseti.areocut týila I *Idethosé wbo m remtatii. iùr Zien." Wltb a taniole gallsm x4mare t riva Ilo m WI oI oclme4 g uqtde 3011 41daw I'V eordea'fola ANmobelaIN~k VON te Liou au, G r n d " T th asporat bs - M V -. J. t h a e m » , w 0. lweyvrhl *. abr*,v Fityvw Decoati ei1lo-MsO.iped s go &v Mark Comut1egu. o h Mao i. a uger--Imr JO. sý vin hp sAs40 Adtàla. b noa4 ia Preto-Ur. Arthur Bissl., ' bm.brb Prtlutlug and Catalaui-t.' AI- tou th.biee tfe I. Cranger. tecn e» Ribbans-lira.Vernon Baoh.. biciet llms4 the ro Blut--r. &R. K.McCoruslk, ciRia.wtlt le I icet-Mr. Eimund A. Rgssell. aedaans h MANI RS a"liula rio -th *s Carl Maina, a farw baud'ai 96.4 bhumUq Wanuegn, as vaîking lu Park no*, eUes Ilth*st Chtcago, Suudey, tva men, cîcImng ap"sand aap'alsp la Ibo iotoctivesand ei sing stars, Volvega x«M»i ecuei Ibmf0f Sdtuga e@bt pek ae aIs in r. vhilh o f n..! lt a Im basIitt 'la.pqê i Tloî took lia »acletbcab, emiil. g, < j lut19-lel 3e0ilsai The couductrAu PMI bwtreba lIai loadoul bave tg" tip tbm àt a "i jouet pma uo trunsfôt attltpkW iauivv ai Jeu«a le m See &0 ecaclu l t ilgi s W beau in Charge Wet tack vlttPick t4.,Or j«Mâ and Shavels for Ourai elY to find laltmipi. Animal Gnaairg- «MIvaiaut Track -r t m [Ilee tra pd ou-etahel rte Pot, 'vih ne el"ma"' ef fll ilsa loui, yeuterday At m Banalnan uunarla tolla# b.hse af promise leapei avaYr bu0sM Wthbi tva attendants aud oui ai IOpfls cpmis Mar d"rte lie sirllng grouni le- The it temiaiis.gare a cri rd tii ,$e the . ulM. h ienChr* despair and varnluda il ta in thoUgIlteba ifl u**riws crev but lic traili ai truvilsi seve a t«»a d.0Oë' .*I i Apl outoise, Chur* =a ti Miles befare toi aSuccuesla boung- snd Ilvce of t'ti~ t mtMr, Lewis aaaceeaii las il te, s stop. . oci'. hitgIty neaoè4cutiesa. Tihe, tclvoii . Nerse Unhunt bruules. uabouse '00 ta*offa tit Ma. et Sion 0 F1111'anixaictIni ta Oli.i' ___vOIIva-*wI ditands ltheir.Jobs gma.nthti o ed4 Ibma theis"lr- vbcre is star'.lavyera cii min gaI c asecton gaa g 0*3'ani e4 uiall imadar'. vien le vas 1Inctltedl91w vIti 'gpaies and, flesarathol tak 'bacalsi ant of tvaIrpramis- Dovtq'5w talinidlie corps e t îe trottes fgl«Ievuinyr gi aeby *vilê Výù#« n the li a t» Is CIbl as-t riiat o. ,' 1 $1.50 PER YBAR IN AIDVANCIK.