CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1907, p. 6

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.~ W55W, WiW '!"plseibis résnit laIL -pe~ renut- IL fze&1osa Telpsee go. g<hieeyflegciage ot am.-bt Itl a bot 4silibl Po$" t eP sumS .st LipqrYvWIla I., Éi se.oed clam Natter viien Il aehiorea the eat ut 1* W5E*. 4DETUIG 55M UOB yOWN S ALîOTION iuinug»a ilbpercentage of epca PTION PUICl0 1,50 IPER VEAR 8TRIOTLY IN ADVANCE tional 10ila Inorder tu elevat a fevr loto the. lnt.elletlaa or profeusaoual .... .......................... ...... .................t.....its B. COLB .Y..................................... .....City Editor In conaclusion, the. gaperintendent ERIDÂ4Y, JUTNE 14. 1907. ~1 -r aIdleI oda prophisecy 1 vauld "M'msebool eft the future vIii b. closer 4o CbOàMON SENS! IN COMMON 8CI-OOLII. the people thafl tO tii. colle; that li Its curriculum wl» do more for the0 ýLofrnenenet of S 'Scioa,1 Edwin puplîs la tuis country eut short thbir cilidren of lhe plain peuple; that it VOW IloSChicago, bas coltrlbuted sehliansd drop out af thie rajah .-idil ma, a broaser and stironger sp- $~.cretnumnlir oS ho Ss±turday ever Y ser, for tlis reafon and no pual t., soand a icter provisIon for. *g P084a t = oakable iticlUand ollier. lu a word tliey net froiDthe t sboywoh as Binait1 luteret lai SePpniaiao ofbthepublic eool stendpoint tht the>' are ole the 11gb olg.btfea ama qI ,»tgund« thelieiuggestive 'titis: schSol to graduats ratier thio ta go ta worlk;' tUnitItacourse Wlil Soms.lnDComnnon lichoohs." learia snd the>'volugtarlly sacrifice emaclt leus of thon studies bji ia- ecoley drIves home argument the Yesr Or two Yearm of instruction dition boldo to be dlvluiely aplnted *gument la favSOr o! haplng o-blch eboul en malt tc eQulPtem agenciez for 'mentoldiscipline;, ltat ,0 «rkicu ifor the, average chlld for the. bard and practical struggîe iet w iii ii5'e. ]ousofithe. cast trou pro- W"cahuotgraduaiste lh school lits. Would tbey liolci bIs faise and galsdoh essdl, te tWlege rather than for the tu- foollsh notion wbich trIche iiemlinot in old ait pupils to the saine pst- Va eild who bas the lesure sud cbestingtiemelves, If the. architects teru:, tht Il vilI give cute to to* ,ýiM»ntî*c to suit Aeademic hionots. of thie publie eduestional system bo hao suit< culture snd belp 'aIl ta strike iàersklug, "'Whst le the mtter flot beeu Inocuated' vitlithe. 'saine eîraight for the goal Iletated b>- their ~he tipublic aecholsr' the superln- Idea?" <>n natural Impulses, viiether tht 4uadent vroceeds to auso-er the ques- Mr. Ccool.> criticlees severely th e absnsso1 trfsiu t'bon là part as follove: tendeocy in put the, better teacliers, "More thon tbstl t il, iIncreasiuz- e»WTo on thlog. the. tiouble vlla aur tu the iigber grades, ieavflg the law-.1yPtu otwpplhnsl h e COM e ahoole le tht they are bot er, charge of tue beglnners lcio i ptu ats oup" bane the so- Popaou emeongh. 0f Iste theduca- aud lie urogresîve. Inasmuch as eblitY ofaI ts filtifut pursuit. -Aud Uôàual atznasplire han been lanirous the great maaiorlty of boys and girlstieeluthgbterorhedv- qMi lb. et>-: 'Democratlme lth. com- are obligel tc leave echool before topmelnt ebaater f han drivel Mx1co1l' 'WhlsI1 =a>' OlCer Il lb,>-resci ýthe higiier grades, their1a iepuoswt arursne.û- M fntntihe phrasb frm thons otire course know o this 0f tii re p urpsea-tbb iealtese0 ris use Ift boit, Iamn he&rll>-In ac- stimulus and lnepiratioù o-hidi go6 "Our publie achools vIii nul be colo- Mord Vitb t»e doctrine lIt. fas 1 un- teachèe miglt bave glvente. n mon ln the truest sense of the word., bustsud 1IL Te ome bIsp phrse mens hile pInt. b. says: untll these conditions are xaeasure- rlpag Ibte Comnion sàbco more "This resullg lu placlng the lustfllo- ably realimed and Ouhil the ability nt $*Upm: ,brbqgiug theninoto rer lion aof1the ynoger pupli-tie greet- tih. pupîl in huild a gag englue. con- 011« ýWlb.the 5e vorltof -hhe ever- est ln numbers-ln the ns so of the. ettuet a dynamo or malte a dililcuit Sbo tif l leduoated lu tliem." teaclers vho a sre least 'lutereshlog, cimclsayisl sbga> ecog- Ibis fartber. lit.,Cool.>'woi ara i.sst capable Of inveallug ulsed as the abilît>- t. translate 'Vlrgf. stul>- viti a charm and attraction or Homner or demongtrate a tough Prm d 'S tProtoundl>' cauvineel tat tbat viII armuse the. interesl aud amn- position lun emt>. SargCmeas le .public sebool bIllon <fhis pupils and ure them ta _______ Ïà" l-b liuIbeouatry tiirpggi tb. colulug lu sehool be>-ond the. pot LET US LIVE 100 VEARS. f -sAverud tft#uecy ho Mt a ofcoempulsion. Ifibihas defeet lu our .~loeMalo., Justes-I cf nak- commun sciacol sysM eni er.uieralîy «'I belong t. a 100 yéar club. an>- . SOb[ mbi lddotheb.people'g oi- renieWel.1J esnot dcubt ltItemember of whilh vho sasl de belotea the tlOldncy e t . visé fi-amise bel o v dopot ouiis 100 >ears oid VIII be IrnnedlahelYt ~~c Io tu tmati niserlas esuliatathi ydlmlnslbluL" This8ladw lu Dr. HarveyWi»ey aal toute untiversty. Ani tweu lu defeonding the. 'ltlliaran tbsc. latel>- addresslng the graduating claie hlWO otut la IovtshIe n»3e«.ry'* or edlon ufroni the aîtack 0f Of One «f the uftveratles. Wbat bh. hI e t 2i.dy etpuplis. the champions of thes ,Isl»us-, daislIaOudiq gond. Yen must remeua- ber that ho te one of tue men woi bIW MO Pul"Peiitcpl VIIVel- tueory.- baud on Greet. Latin and kbobo-about Ibings. for be is chieS r 4S~ t 4t it.I» couque tue "caumtue Ielas UrM. 0010iey eluoth Ue United States depart- il »! u' 'Josirpalute. u'a: nient ofagraiculture.b W. vol %HIl lie to beloug tu sncb wllu 't. Rsl" the -"Tbe edeatoal mistes vbicbeh n.wauv cm eniSc l umpeeau ef pIoubmi atas ioi boayte rime above bis ve vaunier vii>'poueoale nould die, q 'dq uff <~elsor luter olin. dl ftr e yehr' $810. Ib U;m Md tbo Weekr JMerou LUMýE3R -AU. KiNS- '6o Gxdes at J Talrem.. D0018. WiNDOWS, MOULD- l1~, iRlK<Lime., ALPHA PORTLAND 0EmzNTr. 8ÊWER PIPEDRA N TI tETC.' SHORT TALKLS BY . T. COOPBR. Neroua. Mu& es.qsi, or eve u uvty--berrlug aecidcualm. of coreaud VpUmlous hbilata lIte l- Iu nthe tmandil n o. Tet thé la- ous-sti ýP eopile tonsmfiat tb. ar- e Memi. lire.doinevere asoutil Udt-mym Wov, o-e tuov oe are sot lit Cks ufw»& rinn love hbrty-hr.e reMalster Ituer'are Startsl. Wby mbuldpescla oeeof un liv te b. at Iesu 100? I"flopressent genesin la gantg ta UT* mueit PugertintheUne u. oh caMe before," DoclorWtI.y go.. oà. *%OMMuse laknows more labeu thte lava of de, bygiene snl surger>. Itl' a ravsrt o-suce for -gon>mn o dls exaMe frito .1 aef.'e Thie lIsate bow"s baa bee t tIn te coushbute uOsusblog t. tula nov- lode u b"ch loctor Wdo.>' us'. iI misto un 100gerv ftv.--ibr erampla, Doct l Ataon' receut serles ou the sabjectof "rtu ansd alLer articles vlalcb have halfor Iblr oirt Uth' vords. "XSep Wll! The va>' net te dilelta te. vel anl lhe va>' té teepvol la t. lie asuble--senuble about wvitt oe est and o-bat, vda k a" h lcothes o-e -ou and the air v. broathoeand lilat ve do oitb tuasse oedbi les of Oums W. muet tend bélpful articles 111<. thom. of Ioclor Lstsoau uni ulo about tbem.'«e must est fnouagb. etit nal toc mpcb. We Muatgel out leto lb then md OsleS th. fiesb air loto t Ounrs.WbmuaIt est Our braisuîb>' exe-clg'oui bodies. or resi; our badisb>' exereaiug eut braluim ail Ilion o-e qiet'tel a feo- tod Mrende. and tes&h ourselvea. a Btta mo- e eer>'y le otkou the litIlabt le lt wool' as goal tbne If va loel e-it ere a 100 yeas-club of 'o-eh Pmeblfrb. living 15e ysrs bâoree .oelss 40P 060iqK AL 00 rfIlt. Lnamiteb a _ the late Mr. 1115- watbs o-as an <unI llen sand bmis Bender ltunalieautiui vong white o- insu. Charles Albiert failed tea ppre- elate theil sumeut complimlent Ugbl, fThe bisclaef bas, spokILu. Thie Wxflced and i nexplllcabie self destructionio "bk of tu, late cap- -a -_ t- Boston Amerleans. serves te acemte the. rarlty of suicide imopg profel6lil basebal plarers COftmld&nthe. gent number of Play- en the. Poresutage of suicides la se men"f as te b. realîy reoiarkahie. tu IL 'pwflolet tweotsyp>ara o-e eau et tl wrltIng reail oui>- elgbt smdese la the.nmajor lagne arena-oamely, Frank RltaW, idoard C'ranle, Ted Lar- do., William McNaibb, Martin Bergen. 'WIllia roem, Charlea Stabi &M dpos- hhbly M Dflebanty,. Bail playot.s a ruos OXWntlyfind life weil worth l. InS 6eqlt» tbe. Borce stralu e. bas- banl cmpetltha. Bal playm dilcoyer liat the»e la qillta a qumilos of diffteace betwe.a Isting90te etop -aneliut li&M on mie btle t ,Oàt ina eur the.One uSe cOMM I b.hepoint The profem"lda coreetlst regards bis play *s Iwatt. .t Sbelassrcsly a The fly hW@. fur mmà «csesse emuubg relsolons. Lajol sm-s:"AÂmls as m'su »s le. J tin o -oo*«I o-oeluita mm cab Mh f kas snomud.Thaes le ODW mne ont" it lua a l thlug mot ta b. «a gol A basebali garme la playel on the. diainu, but Il la the UMPIMes 4uty ta me5 tuait ttla pl87.1 on *9 ignar. Uu.ay rnsthet . ead tust owns a >amwéall club. Wbea Soe Gan% oUf ered Battlng Mal- mmE moother match, Nelémonreliedliat h. lad enougii mon« ta e fre. It migt aise lie remarte tbait he bau haît enouga of Gans tome '1 -Jj pfamplm.t bo tU 1lEebtO The eot- il. iea0f elio Sefl ci *ebar M latsem . liam 9to ,3 ;L, 12:9t ' 9P.c m wcharge Mmd e orezulatto UNDIIRVAKidRa ad MSALMfý NIaI! Dey, Ililuola DR. EDWAMD V. SM Office and ILkeidence. opposit. qs.' store Phone IibertYVWO e644 LyN«x BiOTHMR Plions 3817 Libertyville. Mii A X STEARNS LAWYEB 218 Washington StrfsS Waukegan 'Phione 2761 DR, C. i.. GALOVAY, 0771C5OrES LovELL'5 1>500 trou. zouss.-fom 1(o 3 ad o 18 > . . LubertyviIIe. lUinol. DR. PRRDHRCK M MARTI Odl e ri oIlh & Davis , Office, phone 55 Reidence.phions 6 Boum:11 to12 am. 1to 3and 7 to 8 P. M. Lhfb.rtvvllle. luinola DR. J. L. TAYLOR. 00= QYE J. EU. SUIGUE DLIN. ouis-? t. 10 a. mi. 2 to 4 and O t. Sp. ni. Rnldsono Broadway, opposIte Part. Ubertyllo. Ifliaots. IL A; HATCH. M aD Physiolan and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Faim tngiesde, INI. phone. 32 PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATT09NET AT 14W. Uhertyvitls. Illnols. PM" E88. DR. a.K m[Tm DENTIET. oxLAECOUSiT xà'rxova; Hlou»--8 tu 12 &s. ni sd 1 tK IiAILY. 1 lbertyvllle, llrok& DR. GOLING DENTIST Bloura8to 12s.M-1 toi5 Xatmsi Bock Ubertylvile, linolu DRt . O. F.UuTRruM VETRINÂRY SURGI FARM - For il/" of Gaaters.Eu#q. t sic tome. i bu deaoeatlug a aiv4L dont je Be' MORSE, & CQ. -TO G!TtiOOD1 The BIEST IS the Seed Oots, CorI, cik Rape,9Lwn Gi sure Crop Groi Drain 111e,9 Sewer Coivers, Cleunn ..ALI KIi4DS 0f 6n0"4 L Ph... I-luise 671. Om.. 47 6 Minùtes,-..*b- Wsehr.ANK. hat'ois to ke' P.theo-aser ¶,aloK A lttlepuab tart Tbe ciothue ta> stili-the vater rushes th"oab ssa uuàond tlaam-sndths lirt l a oecout. lalsMxiinaues yoar tabêeofetclothetu des.. '*'bls e >cli».oll o-salaauything-lrom isce rtains to apeu-eansd gel 5p.M. theni alisoieisl>, apotiemsly, apeeklesuy dea. Thora lo't auythiug sbout e igue (Irsvlly Waaer tu ero-etcutyogi Tou eau waëlh the finest linon. lava and lace witliout lreaklug a Ilirea. ',Tub ripe" and lwaosh itears" are unknowo. Vour dothm lImt to-letaslong. RD, Youire tlme-lbor-aud mono>'. Ov r 1 a di hliou pleSad wo-eu cm estulyou obtmy wo-lura tic". But y au doD'î ha*e Ia labo even Ilair say-so. Yon cau test a 1900 Gravit>'Wasbss-yourself. Then yoeviii kuow poidtîvsly. Write fat my booblel Iodaye. 11la FRMl Tou s use sud addreseon s poil card mailed to nie St once. gels you ni> '. book by vetum mai]. 1 on so- welme to lbe book o-helher you wo-sut o buy s a sher noir or sot. THE 6"1900"9. O)?4 VJTY WASKBR ILLINOIS CROPS ' C1IEAPEST lver, Timothil ras se 'wers Pipe*,-'Bick L.UWMURCO -Witji 40 bin aWeek's mm m

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