CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1907, p. 7

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ai1 -Imvt sto Lra PWkwdUp lier.a"I 4<s44~~~44**444I L~e*t 111e E ~ph~sI- i u have jas - w IUJNOIS ~ Are On Deck as 1 U$ual with. a FuliliUne. of Mn's .Work "Shoes.......Low and'IIh u Cbldren'és S ofM ......................2 c and Up Mlises' hoes ........i 1and Up Yous 'and Boys' Shoe. '** -*........SI 25and Up Cblld's, Misses'and Ladies iSlipper@ and Oxford&s....70e and Up Ladie' White Canvas oxforis .............73C and Up, 'LADIES' SHOES Lilly......................................... ......... $1.50 Queen Alexander ................... .............. " ....173 stellar............................. .................... 2.23 Trilby .................. ................................ 2.80 Ducheu .4..........s ....................... 2.25 Ideal, patent lether ....... 3.50 Followlng Are a Few Samples of Some of the LUnesNW. Cary M Ainian patent colt.........................4. AU Aran , supprfhsed kid . ....................... >ýo* ............................................. proo wfstern 8o1 Caif.../ .............. PS..............................................3 Bt ..................... ...................... . .2.25> . ............................. .......................................... 1.8 ind cbe4&er Éta Reutimfer !1< )4m olive Jnett and dugiité ars Irliitoi L4VW .Colby le under, Irisss ber ta tvu.the ctora sar. Xr, and 1Mm..Ed Waaaburn spent Sun- mie. Ma"IéDwge91fliehmnd, lit., 4sy b« idisg'. vlsitimig ael& i ;w 's. Ethel Downse o!. Racine, Wis., @petit Bora, to Mtr. and *Mr. fleur>, Boyysen Tbnreday and riday et B.' Millers. Wedneday Jupe 13, siOy. Mary Yager bam been visting frieuds Mmp Spencer pond -l quit.e ick willi ln towa the pat week. grippe at preesel wriung. Prof. Wlminton, of Rockefeller, Harry Ge«son l8 linreiîg a lîroken visites! lu towu Suaday. oh,:causes! by a18114ad latling ou hie Bora, Frlday June 7, to tir. and tire. sîde on a wlndoa..- Jesse Hyatt, a lîaby boy. The cemeteryso mejil uet at NIre.i Rose Triggs is homo for a two veeke Sylvester Whele Fridiv lune. 14. Vacation. 8Tiie ladies willl 5e 6o#Mrs. W.-.r J. .CakPen ohv tire. Gardner PF,0um andrî iidîen, F. Carkseea. o hve r4wu of Dakota, le vWg w ,it relatives oeveral luiches mince lie bas becoine and frieîîds lantthe illge. grandî,a. Dir. and Mir@. Smith mllent tiie firsbo tre. MCrystê %Id Iaiglt-r, lit the veek at 'ale.un, Ill., vitb tMr.and Ubicago, limsbeenvitni jlticd Mr@. Freernan. Ili Lîbertyville tbua'vsek. Oscýar Kaiser bas returned trai n e~~ masoule breti um, ofUrnbu. I'rhana for thi.e gnmer vacation.u Hitfok charge and é<îo,.iîrî-îlthe Hsremaille o! Charlas 0"tcîcttu ae friend tMr. Bonne is sriendiiig a few days sîde for intrnthetlLfke-11 with hiii. sd o nemnjg 1 A saxî Francimco paper nînitailim that lIr. hnmaser, ttua.c!W..der Oay property kept iwel painted lid increasefliIrdînry ai ern, Sotrl'-c,! a vlier. lu value. The best protection for yoîir lie lns tu-en homsseaing aI n,>jIL. houe. islBradley & Troomnan Paint. PFor sale by F. B. Loveli. 1Mr. and tirs. J. A. Hutching., and C. W. Sbiadddle at old resident Of Lake 1i ttle grauddaugbter, of Wil ltingtoua.N'a., conty. but naw of Palatine, COOkL'-o0 wýase iuest o! ber ai. -'. MieS. S.. vaa 8pLeaant cuiller. Esie ys that he l'pp*an fasiily tbe pa.t .-ek. caninot do vithout theII.iNiEBIÇSNEiST as Tii>' IPpworth League I. it w ii Mies ,vs-y:week it is like a letter from home. Stella Maxbam, Monday i'in for itsf Be sure to read CAominoi, Suuse In înothly business maeting. Ater the commun echoolA on e.ltirial liaxe lîvbusiness uf the teveclng î,:i- c.lunchl Supt. E. C'. Coley, tof Chicago. i t je fullvssre as oilînc'.îoe o. "hunre" merise and our "thuard ',iiiigîit by ail cuil a few lhelpers tiicrefrom. 'icer« caine f romt Memphisîî Saturday Mriu Jui@@llymond. ilauglter O.f the vit h tiiirty borses ail Fomtur with lateJohn Robertson. of LakeZurich, djed eigbt horses to train on ci,. liler-tyvillc vi omlPark, Cook Co., June 1() truck, aînong the nomte-r are severni aTrc ehorml d ilrg iel that show spees! down .lose t,> the r.tie chad rendoanîl a nlare rclog%. tvu minute mark. Tie nuitnbcr ofr Iret in and fed eemoarler li biornes nov la raining at the trackt lateînet inFaifled i'metry. instires agood meieto u lV4. Tiie ,ciiol hoard bas eugaged Prof. Att1msigo i.uîullor R. . Hnly. I bicim«Orbiivr.i sWednesday JUne 12 the blide for thet princigcal lt oOur hg sioîl for theC building of thé addition to tie Nboul coming vear and Miss Maile M. Peck, house.ver. upeaed. oTber,-i ere several of &ttva Kansas asmintructor la languages. The aboveecomne higbly cOntractors resentd llut ail bide recoiiimended. were cobsidere exorbitant, h. ieail 1 yen rejectlfs!and nov bide railed for. H. L. Davis, formerly of the National comny lenovconnectes! vitlî the Foulda Milling Ctumpay and 1is at Methodlt Services. present engages!at ther Chicago saes@ zTii. ey. Wm. C. Cleworth o! the Office, Rooni 216 Bonheur Building, Wlmette churcb viii preaibi meit Sun- 42 River St., be vill bovever bc dey. tirs. Francis Tripî' .vib lead the e assocat.d later on ih C. B. Fofilds lin wot ean.Thc ibtor will( the management o! the local lactory and p=a ae730%trangeru welcoiîîe. viii coatinue to make bis bonms bere lu K.F.L .îi>i. Pastor. Libertyville. Sunday eveiug the lMthodiet charch .Parvwel lag" «'ai Bmeos'.. .oboerved tle.annal Cbldre'e dav Bar brother. etertailied ai a fane- .xerclass aid as UMMalthe eveinu wvasWeil *"tag s@Oos.tweaty o! tieir given over en , tu.byth e cbidren. The. intimate Laite connet fri.urdp the firet out churci vs e rovdbetie .belg ea% sythe wesk andthie occasioîn viliinot soon stading roon Te lisongeladrme dis! eforgotten by tiio" lresleat.. A espclal eilth i tlir lnge aad 1» d Chitineos chef served a raot el&borats lionviei. ti. nua slomenu.7d T'nir. vsr vî,cal, violin and Taylor anud K.eutii Lovell ere P= 1pi0 o sections by bimportai artiste and teatures o! ths ev.nlng. added htaail vas',"Jack", Barr i hie The services at the Presbytérien inimitable sUinte as toastmast.r. Eaciij chnrch nex Snndmy evsalag viliihelaint e arri swaay a souvenir a»d 1k.- chargs o!flise MWu'. rothsuiooid of the vie tWCtore, -"Ed and *"jae" Barr charci. Au addreea viiib. delivsred by have hoecom jusil.v 1iiiplar and tisir Mr. B. W. Strlck.r. Subject, "Joseph. departure la July m-ilibeb regrette bjy a the Ideal Citiz*i." lbechurcii orchestra large circls uf sincepe and admlring vii rsndersvral selmtlleasans! lb. frlends. singlag vili bo led-by a me's choir 0 mailler. the. direction o! C. P. Bimais.. Take <lame front EyaaatouPa. Ev.rybody invited& Tbat appearances are deceptive vas Tbe clamningh exercans, beld Thurs- vlvidly shovu again lest Spinday vien day o! lait vsek, vers a deides! sucese. the iiskY looklng Quaker OatÀ tmot sacie participant baaidlsd bis or ber part EveUn - as pittes! agatuet our I a vay vhich RhOved that mach tim leatber-veigiit Itaibler.. Our boys 1actdearetul training bad bisau spent bath - d lo be badly outelassed aud their on the. asay s vbicb ver. rend! ans! on admirer. feared that thier unbrokea the play. The play, a oné act com.dy, String o! victories svould filnally be .entîties "Faillîmes Triumph," vas a iDirid by one deeît. But as sooin as Witt$ takeof uon a nevly marued the gazoe began tliirgm took a ras>' hue. voman ans! vas Weil carried out. Tii. Our boys scoeil twîcc in the . Ontining graduates certainly deserves commenda- On four sale bits anîd à couple of viid =l ortihe ay in vhich they t<ok iiold throvs. The. Eeiauston tesa ties! theni pats ia the third viieatn I.lttîs faëter fielding tlser pate. ould bave kc1ît4fieiiî froni sconing; but S Quite a large crovd vas préset they only gî.t [au imen s!or a is Friay venngcommencement niglt hase la the rnmaiîîiîg six innfbgs, wblle vien thie six graduates. reeivyed the~ Ramblers ad'lcd even runs to thoîr diplomfas vhlcb marked theii.<d o! tbeir score. igh Sebool dameer. Dr. Boyd pastor of Ray pitched in aue'.ellst gae.oui>' the FIret Preshyterlan chunh ,o! fve safe bite t.eing ruade Off hie delIvry Evallaton , dlivered a ver>' fine addr.e. agaunt sîxteen off i i Evanston pitcher ne issuneloqnent speakerad bolds! i.hiestpotbre d eeillfr audb!na.t~ured for about an hour. teot ll a aaiaof any, riui Mr. Mmaein suhie absence of- Mr. Bond nulyscaa mtu n .n prsit e s .dpecah. he anae ercY Bock nmade i'. put-outs onlong vihr a fin spe eA soloby Mins<file@ vhich wîiubd genprally he gond for Chad as!a sngby b.Ladies Quartet tvo-bagge. Bnacett and JolI,>' eacii added mach to thimpentues 0f thei acceptes!three d4flieiilt chances la fatut. eveaing. Those vho recoivedl diplotouas busistyle. Thbe seerau-b to take the beart ver. Grecs Caer, Eva DuBois. Della rWgit ont o! the î,ig llove la the spt.- (iroker, Alice Moore, Flora Churchill aud leffl gray' nuits and I beir rocky fleffing Ray Thompeon. vl as enougii to diecourege even a better Our citizen& ver. sbocked on lune 6 pitchler than tbcir Mfr. lendemaon. The hy 4h. annoncemnent of thte detb of score vasl 9-2 lu favor 0! tii. Ramblers. Edvn Osbotn, oneofthle. nid aid mut vldely knovua-r.odsnte. Be vas moet 1.0w Mte. to Paclflc ortkveet iiigbly estoamed s aconacetons an Via Chicago llilwaakee & et. Pau, updrdsgitoa iiote.v 8a5cn.~. r4.00 to it1i>kalie andreturu. sidees! s god a hienote 86,50 to Seattle, Taooum,ý Portlanud, Obtuary. Vctria, Vancover and ohiie north Edwi Oborsiwvas orn laDevonshlire, Pèfc Coast points and retutn Jane 20 1 a lanOd, luuyv 12, 18M8. At the age o!f toJly 12. Betura lmit Ilphslber 15. twa êyonhe"nael in themt Coes o f routes, iberai Itop.ver. businesis la Obleago vlih he coaduchi Purther Information fron t4t for MMvs yemr w b. holoea$dou te .iALEA e ola Iïomaesteid v le Ob à 0ePl a b Ile ise l 0 1 ils. hallE '846.1$0ho Ban Frani@Io or Lue f. une 6, îlOT. -, vas ais b d ~, and return ViaCioo.MI 1W-c,12, 1806ta iseu t &I5e 8t. Pan] R> '026 sasaor 1=- 09 l* YI Mat 0Of OV 75-00 vla#t. Pa" or ý no u'x sfl wfm W Ticket@ ouoosels-I 21.o ppaosd, o! routes, lbesio.vs. ___________ -NOTIC.. SMO SI A Çomplete Line of In.., fants,' -Cllilldren's an4.d Ladies' Oxfords and, Fpoulde Xininsg Co, ParchUs &anti wiII ,tuprove Plant Along Scieatic Line.I WILL DE RU" TO ITS FULL CAPACITY Advantage Offèed by Lbertyv.illIê AppeaU ta Company and Loca- lion More than Satisfiss. At change that le full of promise onue that the. citizeuis of Lil.ertyville iil h.artily veieome; ie the purchase and operation of the National Macaroni Comiîan's factory hy the Foulds Mlling Company, an old and prosperous Cincinnati colîîern. The Foàlde Mllun@ Cuiauy Lave eunýeesqfullv uanducted their Cincinnati mlacaroni factory for the [paat eightea vear and have ujutgruwxÏ its capacity. Tilie ecems l,îîsitiees added td tihe National Company*- ld traite and augmented by further invreaffe f romt the -extensive advcrtising of Foulgie Macaroni meanm that tlic Libertyvilie factory viii have t> lie rua lope ta its full capacity ta tako car.- ut this large volume of lusines.4o We bave alwaym cuntcnded that Libertyville with it sfresh air anîl pure water was an ideal location for the manufacture of f ood1 iroducts and %ve have always understood that our lbal macaroni faetory wam One o! tlîc 11e0M equippeit lactories of ts Lind in the Unlied Bise.. Weare informniedthat tle PoulIe Milling Cî'mlpany when tbey were looking about for a new factory location wer. as much enaburaged to upen negotia- tions for the purcbase of the. National plant instead of building a fae.torY elsewhere la the vlinity of Chicago, becaBuaor natural advaatages 0! b.bertyville as tiîeY yen on account of the deslrahlty of tii. qu!Pment Of the. local factory. Probably more,as ne aretold theY vil i make nome improve- ments lu tus flactory; theeecoatenuiplatsd Improvemtents. however, are of a purelY sientlil character. new to the. present methoda ol macaroni manufaa>ure and exclusive vith the Foulda Mlliag Comipany. It is their Intention to eveatually devote the. entine capacbty of thus factory to their private brand of Fonide macaroni whiciienjoys a splendid reputation and large genral sale.' week of Weddincu on June 0 occnrred tiie niariage of Warren W. Grommtt a highlY estssmed Young buoinsss man inithi.einploy of ldar@l Fied & o., ta Mess Laur. MaJ Cveland ol daughtçouf tFrank ang mma leveand.Thebride fa on. of the. muet popular yona ladiss o! Ubertyvufle belng ver active la the prSsbytsrla Snday sabooL. The. houa. vas b.antftdfy tide wu banilax aad Aioricea bn Miss Emma Doddi, OR EVanto., as uaid of honor vllb Misslm-a Mnd miessuniMa star as brids G.oeus, Iesladbrotber of thes vas & ma.Tibe s's dram Vf embroldswsd sIlk batist, the . maIO ho'uor vqaPeriea lava trninedW# valnsnai lacsand the. briesu vws had#ehist ien -trlmia.d W maltafse lacs. Mns. Flora Dza offliclted at tiie plané wville the. YOM' çonple marched ta ceter 01 thei.1ari viie Rsev. Van ds Erra vith e r service pronounced them, miMdand itse,. Alter congratulation tihe Party constat. ý lug of 125 guesti vere cOnducd toalies rmaldonne o! Mr. and Mir. Charb$ Bimai. viierc tiie tables ver. loaded wlth a nioet boupteous sapply o! ,vorythlnig la keepng vlth tiheenJoyable Occasion. The bide vas the reopient. of many very beautitul prffsents., go numrous vers the prenante that Lie. Young couple have decuded ta go la Lbertyvillls instead o! follovlng ont their original intent and boarding la Chicago and yl be' at hionte alter Juif 1. Jaune 6 at the residence of C. Gl. HHieui on Division street occurred the. home wedding of Mies Rose HusOD. the. charin- iu g duhter o! Mr- and tMrs. fuson, vouher shart resideuce beiryhS@ become ve-ry popular and gainetanv frienda. Tiie groom heing tir. C. S. Jepson,. a nerchant o! Northi Adams, Mass. They yene attenlded by Lýee Huson, brother of the bride and Mis Wilson. Tii. bouse vas nmuet beauti- tully decorated wbtb apple bloseos formlpg a mos4t beautiful bover under vblch the. couple stood whlle Bey. B. F. Lavigr olilciated using the. ring service. About twentylilve Immediate triends and relatives attended. Thle young couple viii makre their honme et North Adam», mass. WELi&L-LAvCoca. Onto!1lthe prettiest o! home weddingo th15 season, vas that or William Gruîmlitt Weil@ afid Gertrude MataIs Laycçck, at the home O! the. bridèB panai.e, Mr. and Mrs. William Laycock, ~%4:80 p. mn. Tassday lune 11. Tii. b"id, as attsndslty ber brother Chas Êaooc k and Miss FaYs Walls& ise li ejiffo actlngeas maid of b0ne' Tise hridd voie a beautlful d-esofwville sllk ad &B ld vwilte rose. Tii. mid o bonor'. druesjOw» 0f1DMt 100 Md as eMrrlewite mcaroaio.Tb@. l1 sy- noy vas coud LvVande Erv*O" 250tQ 4 - Libertyville îe29 PROMOTION Or iTs PJ. LMKt COUNTY !N Vomir attention ls called to mg S ç of Ileuvg I'Iiness, Ultjtt W0* Summer Goods at ilve ud' letii ALL KINIDS 0F REPIIMMN i U O 1ILUCE HIANelSS Sti J. Efl. TrIggs' Block mo.. mue-i Shoes. '00 1e J, -E, TRIGC LI&RtTYVlLLrE For Wedding Presents Whcre th e Wedding Presents Are I arn prepared to pleaseu...oe co do better bggVou-in both quaitgaend pricetdancan Chi- cagp bouss.JI want gour contjhud patronage; 0" gdo nog expect it..-.Mg nid-customers dwags retur to make othier pg impr- duass..... My goods are mq-reconi mmdation. ANDREW IJUSS i L R. Y VILALLNI We Algo Carry -the,,W. L.-Douglas Brand ol Gents'. Footwear ýai Prices Ranging. from*

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