Ivastrias te icka cfli m'Uth rAi tei md Ave Finci Volailleladiebgultl puvlbelababed 301. Ptbo là m à11 ack a lume Ifitini affl- ë, l tumot fatalInjurie& .?OIdba Msd rPto Imev cauh aller -~ca inl Roulsa Wbec Mn tg 10AmatIes, be tiogbt ttho Sburmiaitle tqumllu -tae PMi ._"d lIa le vwôld never mec Ie - yaugie Uevcvc, Sunda. fath drev thae" tou5110 et »S5 Browning avenue, sud &Mtgt llntogatbar tbe reuved et a verdiF arument cama opmt"e ge* etg theictable,.yl ~u »en- e beer, L"d tic uxmleâbng ~mm.te y gênons *etithaw 10* aigl,perribeilaI alase" fflo dmud opened lia camp as uis rasue uîui iitro, D.fr la. ab.*inbhbiael nova Aitz INED. The firn or six boM Ye@teida r- restai! for bréaktug Up thc Germet bau Party vere .yeaterday aftmraoo bed pos ad comi ad thce Ule- gailted. Chef TrreI lait l»liS a pTu" ia nspectiaSof Uic heWest uidc and f.uud scier4bai!e gasaot boy, hooflflmnwibboke Upa» sud ffl continoe 10 break- u fl lMY cemm to b.There vere tIes gang ai tvet or mor e.aside»s have made the complaints. SAYLUR'5 OFFrRACCEPTS). c. a. 501er. roi cte. <ceer s-d banker.'0f Nort I Cicago.bas Ss' oelv"d ntice tht lia tender etf a > pecil bildingfor the NorthI I. casa pommafie anbas l e ept0e. The mevii b. removod ta a point Inot fthé bmuk -vben a budng >nov undét vay la filbed ACCIDENT. Cuir Whtnwoe, vcl knownata .GIsimike. met vitl qunate -a M"ion a ccident vbile Piowlng Ou lis film 1namEancock. Wli.. lut TbnrMda afternoo. 'Slt Mscema le pluvstruck a tu . p. breaking a tuS, sud the vhlffe-lreOstruol Mr. WWitrnoe*t aleg. la ueuda scaer - 10 lreWkthe 1tmbmdc la tvo placc-above and le g log the k»& .WU* e cbreak slaa ladl oue, It la lbouit th" tamputa- tion viiimot le mceenuar. 1STY Itwceu ts =n' aluldr cab oender tic abouider mo mSor Pctmts hums.. O Set on attauiïm 5.ld ecaue tle2-et tare diiion anl g bu 10ti ta ne làlae *r ralroada gnsuIa affect lUIY lot, tbe * empame, of the National. Guard ta Uic uqate for rlroad travel vii le gre - lmaCmp Pire. l1>' ieaad. *0 <amMdUt amai lcmer&Ia Tvo pointeamare. lrefore, blng t' il. Seaoro. Il camr ~p uremfor Uic proper oua. t vb"cte. 06.b ouTu isbrltu ato 10 ld tic annuae edmpiacnti oqs li ellitcet 4ev-119 mter of Mfinois Population tIRa 3l5dV une owfSptnglemd sdCamp mLin unoa au of*the e niors mg, ever l'ovée, b e. wàmm ic gaealtqur are-Tcy re ~dW*be <ml ls ce- Wh" fli Peelat pproprilnouc r umélus s telie preela emnnutg *5,009 avebaemdc mWaiehéoéliaa ai j fer theadmia- W*'ave unet Woua *lmsofrthemboomIc Wethe 1m naal ramerve. &MI da of ic fcut' l.Th» it$ e u pfIl g aulry aet.Joli- et, whidr la atgIt aeadeaci msd*~*5ecoo N01aIa. Waukesaa msers etothc Ililngts ~'Ui Mdwo.nidUt.NguatieBGU" i ae.muel lareiI the lmo.4 C* la a movemest vbidila on foot te lu a rrisa byii *9eVer>«? 1 twirflmisdl mplng * Uoescp WIliam E.LTon., aIst TUd5 b* moicuant gmmviont 1 hwb. QoS*a-Lie eRrta et tIe raJii' oadc e- iogts W1ogmttio«u bai I talis O c tatc ou the mbJel stI &U &tic 1,1m sd ber pW »4« oe Çu. va* me récicienlcts fMM o m usai r tu ' qmt mu pme 1,«m"yvqc d* b M WpflUod 10. &ne lIa Ou at labornaet *tic *$ b u ouet1 a - m rt$&, tI> I. aidmis.m 40. ME ll. uamma rate e t m ua IttI 04130100 aftVI01et 8* 0 S » f<ne for t e rosai %, bou Sec IL, PMtate tlo-oatle k., tic troc 1ulrt by Itorce. eptawin ORto am" CMce O goplg tea ie isulhme 1h u Mot Seld fis b. m al anomme- Xg . T. Jadi14 raem "teMm ai15sleIcrdae I lmu ce Jsdgç. R PaI.va m tIc ulal usIta10 mmOveAmyîehi Stàma lm 5 mfle Th c 9 M Neavs. smi laen51. U i«iapUs 1 BIM la*t "M vrlmolte Mme hIcbaissa » 4 *4q #s*e ami 6ý «4tle sbu pRoBable.WbaaM lIepuew u, ",0 a wuis LMr. 3080evua ent rosi- Paem"& bovever, tic omiso rff 815lu1iu«ia *àv a disuostg mTas UV m mil lIc*« an sd a lime ahouid- anugt boo cmUathat rambcrt(- ldu it. ion smoremomatbo o f v0f th« 4aW Prachurac by Kick. Wlcii Icthé nammt uteamals.i wro *img gcms t the corner nome formerotcala o! the Nation w«cl à"i MoAlimIer aveuesGuard commenoed 10 do more Ogur. Wo&ctaehWy lcked thc 4.iaar ls. O o bsvlem Jolnuor f510 Center of Population. 'iela Lia mo,&. The centcr of population lu 1111- teeth vo"ekuockedl nais la beveen lolist-aad Wlimlg. 7 =Uer 1 e acu»& Dr. ton. Of the lllftwo a Ntona Gurd, tour regimeuta of lutautrir, one bat- oeM plikni f oyers tcry of artilller>'and 005 treop et sav, airy are loeted lu Cltose. Jouet vould b. a pot csally r«cc- ~ ¶UII.U. d tram Chicagro by marches or ba amm eOum ta te m*êTuiw laceétric lUnesansd theecslablilbmcnt o*e 9w l~ e"45 iers of the Lnnu*I encampment Mt thl& D->07 zeI*ateo ga ld rellevc thc giRl. of a Imes asis. aai akel tint1» l» tat- transportation charge. The eavlug on tim ukew«oroimaee. le1#11amevaswufilgured ta le $20,. l lsa uts acte&fIa We r icir 1to hetate and a con- I veponlm loslu rme u ticthrail- *50l* Usgd to bave toldjuusis. b,#M bu T ZBuàl*i, uf ' 7U proposition la bali;g vouirlred à" , xxm srst, b I snmtiewuvthetIcpropoaed nv M»Mbawg'evuas - Pion oeon caut iJouit wlaerm sas t *04uA tom buw*94 m *«« o0f rmi TuE lsWAWCREAN PlANT. indwviual ieibowIdmqgAre464dte Fvbw tAc S.md Avenuesite the Wms*qpa iac" M aaiuavno COeMpày uni lIe i£"LameCMMOmpt>. Wb»c the feruer bul-iaïwalc meeting te deaus on. a site aid the "uvom cf mwùmler>' for hIýmia> evelng the lataim 'thrA'ee vsu'mc. V5IrS,'*w tla ah.eamment et 1. mans Ilat Eilm 1 b a lc tInt vbat la sood for Waukfgan lu. vestor, la scod fer Zion InvasIon. Ocu lSite Tlwrmday. Tbursday cvenlng at 8 o'clock tbe Waukeffl LaSc Cmpani tockhold- erg me@t l te a~no roonis sud 15k aver thc mater of choaslng a ite. Waukegmn la favared, but Itlàlaa fart that North chicago bas aftered to doua. the land necesarsy. fto 'X4 for »"u thé' lat EIN SACK iareturficd tbla Veel, ro4 vlere lelabusec 5m purcblu si oodafor *wcu Compani str& NAttbW ESCAPE. The pevdct' ili a t PicamauSPit rié ba# aobér narrow secape 1&M sa «EvpilomOL tWedeala, vlan the vorilg un Ltpalnog a carlSo ftS came acrose 4,cmll handinl of pOlor ,patdbes ntli« 4lu vitI thc iodawvilel tic>' vere Shoot tedump mlotooe oi thé mlxlng Unders. CAl' tl4REW A FIT. Piday. la a loc aundry a sai féine tirav a lit. Lunudry girls 100k ta the <bau. and tabla. and even lifted op ticair tees, standing où t tiir hbels. 10kecp ont of the vai 01 thc animal. llally even 1the nmaiferr vus etopped - ad the plant vu At a ltaudaMilWIle 1the mienn vu isdl- iodged sudl-cuned."I *aal a tIc gêta flu an~id vIlibetIc Wg un lave Mot as la lieu loaicy, lic kat* i oDmt by oue of tis.'Icadit d"y. TIcy are s« folova: Xe r aOe va. mn. ?orterbouse Steaka. .20 Sr4l............le Ro.nd...........1lu Rih osat .........12% pot Rosat.........1% Nqek Basf........ 10 Bbouider steak ..12 plate cef ......... 9 Boula.. Cbuck. ... .10 Wcre. Nov. 20 36 Vaet"St ......... 10 101 Veai Chopa ........ 14 12 18 Veal Steak.... ;... 1 20 22 Lamb Clava ....25 20 25 Leeof Lamb...20 16 20' Mutton Chopc....20 1à 18 Lég of Muttoin...18 14 1o Wbolc Hama ... .-l Slle4 IlMuna....2025 20 25 Plante Ham$ ....12% 121, 12%6 Bises ln P"rln luWaukegan over Kenoaiba are expined by the ditter- cnt and genermli better grade 01 meat .aid here. vIle, vhere lcenosha Ie bigler. thc sblpplng distance mai count. flAN MAIL INTO IBAND. C. W. Hcydecker rau a natl loto .his baud a fev daim mgo andIla Dov ufrlug frein tic lujury. hlm band Saine of h. iites are as follo*, Qa o.l -lho the ones where 1the location af the - Os cst ihod laud la not pecficd belng the oSfera <5G~eorge Gogtvili. beglnunng Thurs, day, lelu la gae ofthe cbarber shop, tilI seaied, unopened: gyumseluni and baths et île Chicago Grand avenue sud aclerni od. and ' Mlivackee Mlettrie flilroad Helmholtz ubdlvloln, owned b>' CMOR ,a 'bididin at Hlghvood. lite, o1~s.Mir. Guet la a capable barber and manager, vbca bas been a favorite lu North Chicago sile, between rail- Wauîali for fOve Yomr.Relicyl moade ln fsclory distriet. . make go. dia bis present posiltion. Unknown Northwgémterh ite. Bat ilue ite under bil.Mns. Woo4. of Washngton ortréet. Unknowu wct aideaite. 'vlo tapped vîtI lIrs. McArtbur dled et 1 ociock Frlay atternoon et agle Favoè Grand Avenue. of 84. Sho vau the vldov of tbe tate The Indiiduel stockholders areHenni Wood, of !Wood atd Kent, former large grocers. of this clty. Said! ta favor Grand avenue as a loca.Teora are no cdilîdren.. The funeral lion, snd Ila15reported, Ihat tbey vilvau bcld Suudaî aifternoon. 1make ailt ainpts ta carry lIetu favori h.e site through the session.G i- North Cblcngulta maklug a husky 9bld for -the site and for the, Purchaue 0 f stock and ai C. B. Sayier la aimoa stoekboldmr. 1the offer viii, at leait, b. marcheant§ of Wauàkegan remorfe rJured in Stapplng from T.-ain. et the graduating 'ohma of the 11gb Arrlvlng la Zmon City front Sait achool. baud, t la aflevad. iat thc t1keCity, Utah,.MmUU.. %Ymenib@et tfUic lama a#e buying their 1SC1WBYEU~ ~.i- Confomlent toodc, a10at entirelr vIesmt t_ op" «t ,Zi«SMturdy on o f t110 City 01 W*O«Mn. and MerA1gS Mu s eveniy lluued ,Itat Wackegsiim aeibau 6d0 Bât Mg wftpl*. p ad tevmet ««mt a chance to bld upon upDIY- trou to MKcu ba, Ici t. Robl*io s theic a-de. b« an ie md Ufin bu o *» This711*week ose of tUic prominaut keoù *vIcoe&0Ie v semovel 10 la« merclauta vaitad-ipon UiceSam. breGban»m Me-la I.f. oDant;, -1vant ta «I i joMrntion t theU mec vl reouvr, but tIc e oidant act liaI ithegrad«u ta .le lui- camel ocoulm cf Ib rmln. tune ps oouon o o U;' e #Pt*& "iod that UccLm.i e Ut test THESE WILI. W80. Mair dbmm,*a tu* dm>Ici Cf<>t. 1.40 VIDa, 028; S£vi«their prom ?iuiad*y niotad llekio ILont of tavu huUe and 'sat mOltheïr UaielI mmér, 2L .l~tluBe, 1, Eanaa;lm@ ed ont of tavil, Ld t%'iêif and aller Mm it Lia t. merchantsa do mot 111e Uic situation a ILy »M, lUI, bum. U; ,LMlla 1 bit. AUtl . Tylr, 4;Ide N. toug. 'Phone o si>nys Pcltay. 19. c1mhlc ,lwpag o nsOmffly IL C. Hialaatrt, ,Wauu, Wl. lianornlug aaiumed au ImPort- Kath. Stt . W4 a~tpollCY for W.tiaM, i Frank Qrotaa. 4; Laura Drabole EXreattcr aIl cuhm au Iiesd l - 'be laffl und ~~dtvay matbcv MII, 3U; Ui c v & tt vhat 0 mm f* th.Su e t~e~pt*0 tc er t Allen B. Rouenad 4, Chicago. 3u. Ptitof six I .e vof Ir.aci OÙ J~ Everctt joafln Chamberll%, 23; ]Î& in unldergroun M ici Quite.r. la the nslnag< = tihqv*lm on Edvard B. 181,I&4,Qucy Mm.; Washington mîree W69v o 0WUt Luel 1.rell. lake Punit. 5Il01, vii l aéo bplâwed undér- Oscar HendrickaonU.l;AmnaBoit% groubi. 1%9 Tccompane Ioolu . tbi ud. ta _____________do »&Ywa itI » t*si OtiiatUlot Ne-Crtrmfor thé ânoat *IeUtt -the akea ion oh m * hes ic u fc1 0 nc b u t., 7 t ,U4 th â ù' 8u, I O AUOUT BUO0IIES, SlURY DRI VINU ýWAGONS, ETC. 0001) STOCK (1001) MAKES (1001) PRICES COME INAND, LOOK TUEMI OVER 8.CH-ANGK omBROBe. ta use the member for mre Urne. Il manptSubscribe for the INDEPENDENT Tm'«nduet he vene Mur i., 'ifli~,IflLWutJ' Il i AT WAUKBOAN, JLL. IW0. Is>'îS t1 oçc& lmr. Famous rom wo~oodoom , L it L9,048l' THE