CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1907, p. 6

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.Ome~AI PAPER 0IF LAKtE OoUNY aetl rFU& l '- -- *The. talent for thi eso09. b r a sieBueN. . 'u. eud..eiTeepar h.141,l1w yriCIX'hulC ngaged and iucluded In the . oompB lu/BDWacàLY.arsT 1, 'm.s K'a iiç I4 1*9 -~.1.* tion are James Robert flarlay, ot Eairgdat se ...omc ~tLI~irrne ii. ..%eCsd * ~ oiva, cartoonlet and day moller; 1 I<IRIPTIOT4 PRICE Sl.LG0 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN 4ADVANGE' .Cal.o!hcgvobsh. - - -- -peor BC B lecturer on poillcai clçecUj Mit H. JU8T................... . ...................... ...................... Editrpr.A.M achr0foto*ti MgR 13. Oo ........... ........ ......... ........................ bit1Editor "r"test batsasinger'la Amoreloa; Cari: Countryiman, of Chicago.raier, i;oe PRIDAY, JUNIS 2! 1MO. and lecturer; the. sattina, af'Ni*' ___________________________________________York, ceried Prohibitron sngfra;. LGIA $ fO TtI DDa4IRÎ I N John H. Hiebdon, of Nebrasha, Btqr4- u.wur.uuisuupaQHr opticon entertatner: Xrs. Glabfi rL<iIN S Tf !LS ~r5Tongler. af (allforula, national lectu>- AcresPlsntd Mad AUTA S e r of the. w. Ci T. ù1. vry blowl 274Bu S recammendedairyClonel Soblepld i i V»Oiir Pemitted Much Larger I ILLad ii Kav « lagier keesag Would 14e. Been Sown. Quertet, Prohibtltgiinger., of Stra- - W.uhegan Bn Have On.eathtr. r- &*Gnoer Company r o Beiglans ar- ,i'lsd lu.tovu f rom Michigan Satur- .I 151'ta vok iluthe nearby beet fileds, .pas"'tii. Engin Courler. Tise nuinher le nov aveileil ta about slxtY and a portion of thein are alresdy buay lu t»efilda. The remartiudr are work- lnr, ln the, sswer gangs In the ctY. su1ni If the lesvY raintal- continues thoir labor wli not he demanded by tise'beet ralsers. At jiresent only 2,4 acres are plant- ed. whi<-is làdlecouraging ta the heet sngar enmpany. as a muebh urger acre- age woîld bave aown liaàlb. weather iermtted. 'The croîs. boy- ever, bas not been Ijured by thic ex- cesof ram. sund the groving tops look n. 1 asmers iâve been advlsed by ex- per4t tapant as la, ai the. 2Motf MIStumSotii, sud. If te. raina coase. a god mau acres viiib. put ln b.- tw..a Movandl then. Sert»e. SiuddTaent Frsclloed This Tear. NAME CHANGUD: LINCOLN l18SIONORIRO Talent Foie Th e Sson Includles ManYý New Nam.s, New People Witt Proba.bly Appeir Moe. The Prohibition Cbautaqu as lu Dii- notaa of.wbicisWankegan viii have ane this seacon promise ta ho fer more auccessful thon tant yesr. ithe towua lu southeruflilinols repos-ling ticket sales double tbat lu 1908. The ontlook la mopt favorable ,gcryvbcre. Tic assembles begmu May' 7 to 12 at Levreaceville, Ut. Carmel, Gray- ville, Cas-l sud Equalit>' sud Iivvilii be held every vcek unilithUicat of ftpemriktodeat C. E& Carrick or the ~Io' Mr *etory COUSU ere. overir ev seTove 10hveasebee rev am alvum r8~ TowMay 14bae aVieu.m nies t CeIt it tii co». Ho STers Egin enemota4amVeiMoh iy mhent r.gatding the cntruction M«».& Mnr EklnlI and Cobiden. and efaetory bore. uaytag <Ot une<thethird wek omblnatlon vili hold Ëst haeut In <is vtiniiy if -theforth et Casbondae. M etropolis.'-Cioi OfhY t8ilers fi nit int profit la couda. MarTon gnd Mi. Vernoi. c oep CourueMapf.d out. 'lheP-Ajit preset la to rn the as- ^ArAK 2aCEIT iPARE. smbuhles op thi.efitern aide aftihe A uqusIimee.ting or the.attorneyus sate toi> iic4. then vest ta, ree- è te ,IllnoslrruMs han bean Port and Warren, tiien soutii along 11. fer ioda to conalteor thi. pos- the. Mlssaippl river lu western Ilii- m1y or attaekwats »0 -lieut Pa>-nois, coalug at Grecuvilie and vient.* i*w~ rat. ev IB ta t CopWtita. e, ty. the. third or fourt i e< ln Sep, po epenuvO FjUlyI.; ,ani îujulwc- tember. This gaves heavy expenses Pè Piwisedu Wl» lO the metholn l crosaing thse Ilhunal river and rue- t*tbCkS If le1*4 1a, 4 taoioa :iiugb*ckaud forth acrosu ti.satete. 1 Ttiwi aiso enable the tate commit. The. UDUP£NDEWI and lbo Chfi. Mao Chrouicie or Inter Ocme, -daiy. for nee rar 3. 0. e .NDEPrnI> SENT and tbe Weekly Inter Ocean -A .KIfS- 00dGr*A t.Fait Price*. O0098. WINDOWS, MOULD- INOS, 9910K, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CE.MENT. SkWER PIPE, DRAIN TILEI' ETC. Ils SIINCIK Witl ~ SHORT TALKS B hop L. T. COOPER. ~~or~ NERVtIULS .,uépp. b. t'op1 Lv. -- isakes ePi M lseeis.I!à- - si- LiF~n SEE) Prograin Art Work. The. prognS la a rk'of art. The pap.r la mads especly for the. liii- nois Chautanquis aid la ludia tint, lt la prnted ln black and ted lnk. The. expeuseor !the@. program vii b. about U,.700. 4'bsre are 850,000 of tioe. nov beiug rnu offiithepress. Tii. early'tovua are deiighted viii ithe vograme. Jeafmene On. Manager Amaug tboae vho vii5isact as super- Intendent and fieid managera are: Varl L. iolvand, Carence D. Mars- ton, Glenn Merry snd E. A. Hloltwick. of reenvilie college; Dr. Sageser, nt ileiomngton; J. T. Merry aud L. J.. Wbiteslde. of Evanston said Lea tK .ieanemene. of Chicago. Children Muet Puy. The esson ticket. are beld at the papular price of $1.00. Tiiey are go. lug raply lu ail tovns tiset bae, ciosed contracta. This year cildreu 10 <o 15 yeara of age mueti psy 10 cents. Obuîdren under that age an adnstied f ree. 1 Named For Lincoln. 4 The movement la .17104thicLincont Temperance Ciantautqua uerlos. sec-e esnd year. The tact viii bc, made prominent tint Abrabsn Lincoln vas the. greatest total abstainer sud Pro- hibitionist vho .ver ived lu ibist éaite. It la Impoirtant to give ibis vide1 publlcity ta promote the caue vhlch he lovred. Tic Lincon Temperanee Movetuent viii be pnsiied agalu. as It vas a great succeasat year. TIIIB dcparimeut of atate vork, vblcb la n abiy managed by Joseph P. Tricy, of Cuhicago, viilb. ndter the direction lu the asaembly of Mr. Chain a" Mlr». Ilehdon. Tic socilpnriiy ork vilii b. put lu the. baud. of Mrs. Tongier, vbo vili hold conféececs alter bar aterwoan lectures, viienever possible, Antioch liopement. Tr" *morina vord *as recel- e4 et Antiochof ithe mas-nage of Mr. ArthunrM. Vau Patte%. sou of mi. sud lins. B. P. Van Patten, ta Misa Uyboi Filvweben, oldet danater of Wfr. ai Mrs.- Jo.7Imilweber. Thei. youug caqie 1.81 for Sffoa Milaeon'u esd"y, tram vlsll. e hY vent ta Chicago tid vhqno tbheyvoee Unitedlnlumarniage at the Wndsor- Cliton botel ou -Weftesdny. Ater the ceremony had been gertormeli tiisy uotified licir parents b>' latter~ thal the>' vauld returu ta Aéitlocb Pnida>' eveniug. The. elopemneut ccaed e Pssant surprise- tetbetr maq7 ' liends- vho bad no suspicion of thoir Intenions, viien theY inounceiltisat tiiey vere going to 0olo. Mi for a viit.-Ân- loch Advertlser. Turpentine Caues Fine. Stertina, lit l uhcnght, froin the. g- ition of turpeistine tlai vas balua nusd lu palntlng tifo bons. a largel tramsbonge Iu Wiiithrop -Harbor hlakP ~ caugfiii ire fOnude>' iooen dvas bis il berneta the gýenai. p o M omy The. houpa vs. oeupied by s a al are uO usmsi Boa~on.Ms- esn làa asup- y tifO erinteadent tua one et tihe factorles ln kyM Wote ýTii. Zim etIrlire dffemeat veut ni a s. 6e srw escape fr os atb a.35 fo WIcblmney ibai Ma*5W t bouse iSi 'mokae t uai4l Jh lOt Tiie.lire wga' wutpi*" livWauke- PV *0Eau people wbo wverilvlngad vto v ers os tIb* OPO0-iid-uIof lie ouij nev vghta tteil.4 ti.walrissu ut i.0o, 4 loge la bu oplair* opli* elé -A CdeS. of wakqýw"s1uM>mm51Lo y los-est simv. uI*>tsetfié ~i~~is 4:age iabis aal et"« u ardoMa 1, mmyw. le A&mnus- aMD sg tO .B Ureaus gn~s.ebaur laq s-seis viies beb"&mes,~ s-o. s-I t w*! mm unitlr thi Ocuit" dk,ýd 4rs l' th 6 olséci. .the Wi5iý or el hisa don. veiglouo .014d. ~ -' aad 10 ho - fasiy b - and roligions r*Ps-uOéI.4 ' $ of Christaity am or- lqàl t, that unofvin the oit>tJrvu 7iU It hti. assertion of a taemiiVr oiuth o'ii edanity Who bas madea #UlaaItolerance, back-bltlg- and- tatéflslrueritation, and e.gotlin r1e» he,=là, and 1 îardly ik inkt louIablle for ilion ever la o nuted TofghLooking Lino-Up. IUertehéueilst of factions end 1* IWO8 U Um com.exisi la the. dty, tla<% OSt inalse neece l' lte coin- raitliiY a IMeaof tii paut: The. Vollyens, umdélr Wllbur 'GIénn VOUt ive. ut1 ,00. 'Ibs Dowl.tes, under Jfi~n A. Lwv- le, mait 100. TIie.ýof#t.8Tangues movernent. 300. The .rCfOsyites, of Fr. Lovera. the.,tsi4epeadents. tis Uttra.çonservatlvea. Tii. Mount moniste. The. Font Waahera Thé Mlioins. Thé, ol sectB.. Tii. ampanlcn@ of Christ $*et. TI. *vetb Oay Advntiis. Th*. UOIïjfRecluse. Pouce Are ln Peut. Pift.à inths ago, vien Volive vretod tii paver f rom John Alezan- der DbOe ail çlasae. and be- Uofa vi uj. Ii ifact lier, *as but one bellet. sud ttrat lntbfié-Vihati Cathollo hus-chln Zion", WvIii nv every belief and religion f rom free love te sua vrosilp bas a cv atubor- ents. Onue of the neweat sects la tbat at th et vwanhers vhaae doctne las briiesiy lové, absolute humane eil- Il>' and sumity. whlcb Uic>' evinte by cermoniou'.ly washlng eech otiers feet on otrance te the place af vorl sai». -1 Tii. stuatloon ln Zion la nov au eui- gin, thessalns, o ain bld tlautim a-king te, uh, beileves novethe- le"s anYthiuat bât If aSsed ilaindi- cott, imbierbe 1and ami aati. il lu aehogW *lb. baud o! lie 47- ,nt Dowi, mosifba ega, ist cafft an SMis o! diteord laie the midpothe<b people viiamilciE.mlistii. or ai lbangh lMeifinal miktng of tic oeil tyisd proppiet hy bis proedntsuc- esior bai loit 102e ail liai vas r.-1 lglouiy unustable la bis people, theui ftalth In blm desirod t'grever. They Diecaris Thèe. 8o0-e- of thc D"Wi doctrines liai are baek numbisar- Tic belle! agaluat vstecingtln. -Tii. believ lu divine iiealiug; tiiere are nes-er any milse beailugi. Tue beilef inu-tb. beaven-sent mes- Sage of th. generai averaecr. Tue bellot titi Ziup saiiuld be ex ciuded tram the *, vas-d swdovrldly pleasurea. The bellef tuat the churci shoulli contraI socular efairo. Lhiiert.î vjik, lu. tEflOIL lWhur enaier iii ..*i.~. r'W111s: llcett' iuk-e4j et," I'RO Uic niBvef. Of'~ O~ I. 8UTP~tYT'. i, *DYC T'. OAIJ ie W1îII Ste, VI1YIVRIN tilt ~' t. s'. J ~.->&~ iran cas-us-go *1 . îîî...*-. j ..o' lai kW~ft ~1 MiamuscBiJed 9t ï o - &-i Oplm.etvlt aud Optw<a EYE SPECIAUST parloru lu Rhefth Biock fldays and satnrdayu Bonm.0 ta Il:Mo a. m., 12:30 to 9 p. mn. -i No charge mnade for exaniuntiou Litiertyville. II EDV, . P. MfflnE UNDERTAKER and EMBALIIER. Hall Pay. Iliios Telephone Centrai DR. EDVARD V. STd1T Offtresuasd eue oppositeAyusle' Pione. Uborty'vilIe84 LYNCH MM"~R phone 837 LhhertyvIlle. Il! DIL F1EDMCK MIL MARTI dakie over SmIth & Davis Office phone 55 Essidence phono 761 gouma. Il ta 12 1 ta à8emd 7tgo Sp. m. ubertvils.llinois DL 1. L TÀiwlO. olvFicu OVua . EU.essLnu. *ou:-T ta 10 a& m. 2 ta 4 and ô ta 8 P. M., Remidemicean Br-oadway, opposite Part. LAhertyvilis. Ilinoisa. IbLA. IATM L D. Physicien and Surgeon Fox Lae. tock Pati lngleside. Mi. 'Phone 38 PAUL.IMAC GUFFI. A'FIOMNT AT law. Libestftls, Ilinois DR, E R SMITH. IDENTIOT. so -812 a. m. sud 1 to 5 p.m Libsstg'vlil, luitais. 'et--- .. 4 ~2'~-~-~ - For *MnWho Dbresý Wel Beuos.thty -boe-vothmtsgo app*oue bd..t. sues.ib i ithe f:tRNtIINGS sud atlmot i m& at. Uador-wer. Shifrta Hoimsd Nt Neobva- evey cnesubeste latt s, 10 t be ou dooctIa srival. doa J.- B., ,MOýRSIE & CO. U ANSBL ]OCK, LIDURTYVILLE Good OIdSu IMmer Gcarit at lut, .. .Now watcb tbluge grow PICn7ics Excurýsions Wif b. lu order IIow, but whihii yon arei oujoying thea. LetUs,(Jo Right ou and ll-up your lIARD GOAL BIn&..Yon vil vwant It later ....... To do it nov SAVES MONEY and WORRY .... Its silpI7 eating linrauce. Yoti eau raisrnte Ohlckeni aud* get more Eggt with RED C0148 FEED than any other, #y it. ,Otherxjms Do Why Not Vou? W. @tel te best CErnENT made- EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO.' EDWiN A. BI8HOP, M'g'r UDURTYVIILL lLI~ Pbo=os 47 Sd 171 AV M~WA Sut i 30E81 1

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