NTI INEPE,-ENTO. WEEKfL U )L*ka C.uul1, Loir' wd Oa4eo 1,0gUS ulli Inveeiate e M.bode. *#if0 AT co!pLTtI rmum ^%ymm S Hmt m 4,oe l..Vlsted Place Favor -LeilIug Th. Colon>' ai Alan.. The Spirt Frut coiesi>'o! met Laite vould t.e-ble f Il itnew aba«t 'Je lau@boe fur lit: *owlry Tai-omm.e 144. thmy.lai the .*ita Count>' Lau and Order Lesgue , âli W*99 in la se, ns unexpoOlU Inn. .und , the lti e lof lte coion. The re<orm Imatur of lAite Pofflt fln auxio sabout 1Siitlt'Fruit. 1-00ebai Dot yet flecidot3 uether U 'IU eye57 norm or ealieauli' spot ani -etbe momentus -ediSlou betwoen -Mse -twua Uoeuds ,bster eor uot bu nin l Io 1le bande «ILf * ib WIMoHasi. uH Iloweyer 'tbis mmedn May ble sai: i. tb efermser shiet I uttho peculi -1«8.ofaarriage thal preVallet the go" 1t Pruft lin-m andi be simpl>' aur.- use lailIa ubooe. tause a mts0borical1 4"eoo. wiieuever be boears 'thatq lier. are tva chîltiren et Woterij ,%*lm.. bo. ft la allegeti. vere -baru adt 1« thsepreowbei om -of vdiiock. mme. a mort floute 500e. Elowem ec eretar>' Quayl e isost kW«ovthe.MW sti dof hlm Il he un- derlakes tae tbe maign wM iitie h. --mr tbe rObe. la uatiipartletmw ar as Ndtobsrse IJa Bllhart nMd th* apIrit 14-0Xt eolauy -oulti remet ta lise atmmt Stmpes40 get lise ounty nId of hies aw ti e ve s ie en ou - me ie.pm flt wwcoteopitod Tb Tie' ner tint an>' rurag epot! w th lie clouy Io as imlscplim e ~ msunlertatllg and ti SIBailsmt ta MIai 'gbt il tMe vay tisraugi me It la probable Unt Une>' vulti ln- 4eel via, ta tiefendt Belisent visa vii? Mi epleioamnonurevistept sud vould o eM » rrest anti eren Imprlmou. i ent beiieriug tiist circumlancea Iad put tise burdein upon hlm for hie Anther Tlinne re. A" &,,d .,. u,nher pnn1ntý farsu mi parpose lu wrfintu is os obueerned. However, i wish to luake w *Attenu swhl& 1 Itbiuk lu the bouest people o!fLake, Colwy. lUnlu& not te ch.ek tb iseutpren taBou conceminutun. for we mexpet Mmite. econtinue, Mdl lie>' de ,so hamd» la, m I 1%»w. butth ar. $cd" who Irish Là kno« aur poslijon ma qoet a few tai ta a ong rour readers.- Spirit Fruit cerm mfot 1fernotamiety Imm ut ceum biueglagttouS-I bllieves itself ta bald Sud Ilie up to' rprlnciples of life which migbt bouellt eve5 refaorerg »dsamattthem lu their efforts te benefit buman o>ndl- rlions.b, GlU te Ses Officer. I1 - berby «teda an -wttbuon ta omfciais of laite Count>' as Weil as te 10 rTfomers wb.moeIr tthe botter. ment ut bumen conditions anti ail allix istesu of tho espUfl t tz it Spirit Pruitlm one et uni' baurof the day or algbit. They are welconne ta o ne uuanouned.None o! aur doors are 1over'I.DMU1 anil » difeee li Ibe takes en accouat o! their Intrusion- Ps-es oerd fer ]Informra Fntrmer-e. spimn-foue vil au>' *reform.era" ai lAite ( board a-ad'lodglug fiee of cbîrg 'iII conne -and lire iwsnus i week. AUl -we ask Is that tbemy eaeb ai et te he peniectIl- hanel Iem lu uer ati tude towarti thei lise>'b. the saine lo-ard us. bave fomd i etis'et bamby 'l thse sarne effeet on bypoSxesya VMmI cure Boa on the alenol ai We viii net urmmIse te deli 'rebormer' t the end niflthe wv mlii *Ieure au goalor bettert c mt we tok lu. Live by1 lenulve.. Perbaps you wyul grant us the ta *PM* ou tl.ia aubjeetvisan m Von Bat ean' o»nuudreti p. ,i tise odunt meubmeof ths have bdm tguit>' et trpiug ta le th*-»"roUon oftim sOt alv hs vbfoat'lioa Bei' lied aqi> (Cose.icued on page (1) INJUNCTION ArSl COUNTV TRmuVI Tm SKI" Have mony lu Mieai sud Oreat Progreue le 8*o Made ln Clearing Up O.. linqueui List. The Chicago & Milwaukee Kli If SetIliasi ever titi any %wrong tie ReiroStiCompany createti a ms - viti Il bfe*s*iho cannete Laite ofnly. f ca>' vien it gat out e petîtton ti -Ait>' offona. againml hlm oharged' lunctienaainst Counti' Trea soluidi hav te be trieti lu iaison, O0, Âmes tus prerent tieseaele of li lb, isu'al, lie hiebeen horselie end hie ie jpraperty ion taxes. peole haro comporteti themseivem Juat ubat prapenîy tise trou, witis dgulty andi Ionoat> andtIif thorao coultinot sate visen seen and ,11 enYtllnDns rong wilh the 001enY t tise papeni e-eeburrieti off ta ,"Io ~tak» a Bherlock Hoimes 50 dis- casa ubere tise petitien viii ho ï~ oeei i le. hefore Jutige Wright, Attoruey id ls iance the bard row tissl Quayie vii representing Une rosd. puelty bave ta ioe. %Rioati properti' vilI net be Traîchor>' Oniy Means. off until the teat thing on tiseIliaI 'Tise eniy possible nnoans ai evet prtlidiqNw fgetingl' elIart If ho ts ual ailprit lilgNv pot, sud aIl egree ln aaylng tha ise Tisere te siiIed i bddlng Uisi ail rigit. lu Unnaugis tis, possible on Une tiellnqunent praper!>'. andt t of-o!mie o! tise clonlas.s ia a iseen ricairy belveen se, ofcr> - a!te idrteambngt tnevse au>' officiais ai' refermera btdnts m bigt Id hiane tise turneetftiseir lires ppononlu or maise lbem lune by ýèndiîg iît or any o! is peaple. jrr'lvesc nI ie Waulegaites Pavon. One af tise quW'-r tiinga o! tise day R tie atti tude ai Waukeganiteu vlno ko«the Spit Fruit farm ulest Blun- 'T, i 70%ey eat ctuaiiy vilh Belhart anti bel b.Incenieti vers any effort la ~diefodme hlm. àe mm"u t. have scareti s It b>' glu condttt althougi s a a matter ai el(e f uai f lis vlftorsasgnee oit1 M bts oranteacbings. - Biihart'.Repu,. U h linfrit staloisne oved antet i5w*iaper n lAite Conut>, "4&Sb 71.rtbot. 0bUno rIt Fruit -ôs aIWoole Lake,, tol.un~ e :m ! Unbe ppo.dIejt juto!R 0'ual th i es!a aa -Lmter i. Full. rIfl4e, Ill., June 22, 1901. -r=i1 ppen a! Juine 3011 4ww& OQu l l probe V>Oetbee' titi Liclit>'GelasZVon. W. H. Licis!>, a!fZMouCity vu tise tex sales, anti va pennutîte biti lu on ail o! tiseZMon prof ulUn neoOpposition anti gotfil] the recelrer. Theo electnie rmatilulnnctlon vi isearti Thursdi>'. N!EWTRACTIONM UNIFORM4 Papers lssued et Springfield tor from Chicago ta Wsconain P, Springfield, Ill., Jane 20-Tbe netar>' af lIste toa>'lasuet a cu este ag Incorporation ta Une Cbli & i Wisconsin Traction Catax vinidl la ta o ecantructed -trom ISme tu sanortherl>' anti notbveud directioni Augli Une cosInties of soit raie te s point on thesaee te ýP"DQ' capitettul S. LAKE OOUNTY, Ilu TImeI uMefnli bisg a eLakse cmftv mon boa beom le WIL 199VI WIEVU O OYGOLO. 'mnt lluud. Wesiodb>' Clumn of Air, 10 orqpm oulwo.the Foer Milioen and ealMm Bacit off Fred Brownp Wlntney's re- lum rntm roipe, lies lise *tor of gome of the thIags tbat the atrenu- ou Wnubigan man 616<ilfte secou thes wite are asIdllows, 1-4eeous.d' conslnst fer Ibi. rsisng -IftIse Luuno. 2-4oeus'd cotract t. blld 700,. 'S sobmW[io of Ihe Lake ttern for th. A&ustrian governmentL 3-Seeyrd contracte o unsfaltd vlume for submarlnes from the Rue- -ia govornment 4-Eatabllshd ollcos for 1h. Lake enlflieOni Londun and Berlin. MIr. Whitney, tras son of -the bru- liant and rmach respected tisa,, etthe 'RIDÂY, JUNE '2b, 1907-12 Pages point upott vWIi5ate's Attorney Hanna agreu t 'ff . A famnfIrmw tist *ted in astore où~ "idmlIee utree W4ween a South aide buaba", $Mdj të ýand continued te tbeir #at li t tise tT'ro building lu Waukegeu, fluujýR evenIng, was finaliy med lbý tbIntervention of The couple, Xe,.$a4 MIrs. Everts. have hati trouble and bsd planned ta lperate. That e»u"Ij the busband announcet Idbis ite0htl o oftaking the son Wlth im.. l'b o ther objecteti anti trouble w» M4001il the store. mhen they Wou illý*te lb.fut, IS quamrl wu eooo«BUed and Mn. Ulverete fusIy l'ei$W tthe police. The humbhud wmss4eu te the po- lice station aM- bidam usa wàrned te 'keep away trm'ble lutta.ars he hati anaoueM t Ba sis WI4Mot desire hlm near her. W«ILIL DRAUIN- SWimp LAND -FRON _ffl 1 - ~Rl CARS. SEARS NOT A DEVOT Et Of socoEiV Just a plain Annerican Citizen Who Loves Home. sud P.miur. 18 SORT 0F RARE AVIS AMONG MILLIONAIRES Got HM i * From a Nine Dollar watch ihat Me Solti for Eleven Ninety C. 0. D. Lo)okiug It ail aver, It becomesaa comunnoplace tblng that Richard W. Sears, teiegraph apereter in the 11t1le railroad itatlon et Retivooti PaIis, Minn., flfteen years ago, la the millionalre boati ai thegreatest mail order 1,mtaeilbmaent lu the varîti. Sa70 lb. Chicago Tribune oi Sunday: Seers binliel! laye the bt ail oi this la conzaon»lec; tiset If a watcbfirm et Fredonia. N. Y., yearsaego bad't $1.50 PER YEÂR IN ADVANCEK. . A Favorable Comment. Baye the Grayalake Times of Spirit Fruit** colon':, The colony la composed et i fve mo. six wmmn and two little spirit fruit- one, a boy and a girl. They InterforO with na ane, pay for what tho> ey e are courteois, obliilg and esocableî tu visitors Sld neighbors, Ilve as o»n large harmoniains iamily, and are ap- parentiy happy' and ountenteti, couse- queuti>' their presence lu the coM- munity la regretteti by nane-at least as fer as the Timon bas learneti. The Spirit Fruit Soclety bas a pleas- ant horne andi beantiful surronndings, but it la doubtiuliIf Ibeir teachings umdo o -t iving vill ever become ver>' popular with the citizens oi tais section. $15,0S0 BLAZEON MtCK!OWN FARM Residence, Darn and Moit of Farm B.Jiidings Oestroyed by8unda>' Fire near Five Points. Buildings, barnis, farm mechlnery, furniture, ha>' ail supples oif red and equipinent were ruined b>'lte fiS biast oaiflamne. The blaze started ln the sautheeat l'orner of the barn snd epreati forth- MYSTERY Of WeMAX Leudtu a DoubleLaie but Win Ilgis te tise Bitter Biea. WAS DA#LLINû ENIGMA 70 &SUURD FOR Sou£E MONTIIS Contrast.Sel*een .Am~roteluet Ulooded Wesmsn of geth thora Trownand WOmsn a* chii- caga Under Bond. Known ta iaoblonabloe uc1090M * mrs. Lemuel E. fichlottor. 1 Kýnown ta Chicago police as Leeste GarrIti'. Itlstreseln Giencoe of a lzr mansion. surroundeti by siiukal* grounds, attended hy men>' eresatO. driven about tbe village by liverfl ý5oaecmen'lu splendid equlppages, 1>.- bînti spirlteti borses and acoompenied b>' a coatl>' poodle., Mîstrens bn Chicago,, at4éordlng lin COUntV ite -Couti' ba,pie Une -sent hlm a wetcb, C. 0. n, vith wa'd, e "ri' everyti " lu visebore a 10-yeat-old girl la elleged te e who direcor for Une Lake Engfineering Uwift@ amd AtazW Lae Fo~elpriviiege of retin if ho tbougbt ho Spdthey. ncldng ains, té ab u1, C h ave been helt a prisoner. 'rowCoMan an d the Lake Sebmaine e s 1a.'itsgUsWest wtniec e. Voider bond ln Glenc oe n MU sllow Company on-'the Cotine:t anti bu -t*ms tit tg . ýwla eme coidut oeUil, t " stili aigbt bedeal- about $15,000 on whicb there te about Mm clteoI't rtf'vse m anti w lnLonponsa anterli. con-er ln cont, vooti, anti ubser ln forth- $5,000 Insurance. -_anti hae e beat 110aote ml is. I Wtlu hc twooints of e ans. s--.-con-cluMinnescta. Tise cause of thse tine cannot ho de. un ate bd l isago s L bae 14M00,0100 ln iniacta. s'tftmtloIw" fc ert< oni. ,uotb .4 Itla jRichard W. flear. the milionf-termineti. There vere ne tramps Garnit>'. ta stand criminel proeecntlon i igbsls hr a nE-,blbsuudr*y n ýeabout andti Iere vas natbing infiaun a nrugbs htabveta'luE- b.iso ndrnI vin t>' ~aire, Whoso tand#s out lu these aarp re- mbei tebias giel'î mntnor I n mmonity. se thse pape. 'KT. Wistne>' 15.1.6 coutracta aimant certaIn, rens( (a the- formation f ief ai bis lutilviduallty égalant themA. P.lnMthearn. ieeur nibs Tsa neplc a' al.saO lii for $4 os nu auinerne0t a - drainage dlMto tandi4 ggng of A .t - , h wnr ndbsThs tev o lice v aym Un'therlaof or d oTas h Gnn elineebi larne Aa- dies kebmidai bt In-backgrond iof tise coureutlenal mil-tenant, F. Holet,were nreeent an t e it-o he baat« ýe but triântgovrumeut lu elgiteen intths elutlau a .» lu iistg lâienalDoares of the 1Ualed States. nessedtUnle . The>' have lia theor- asie !eo elueJil puil a s tn héid a t -it aulbchulttat -a et f170000. SnOb poweltaIlMeeseý n s-the Who i Chicago n huasthîs manls i h d ntiHlafaml>' antivs n> leob oeia a lit aimasetkes la an unkuno n um- escapeti unscatheti. as lit tock SOnlO vue of, a travellng masnd lived a ber of! subinarines toihob lit for' the S~ anti Asmotnu are hfhint the ERihard -W. Saars Neither bis came Urne for tise fine tu reach îbfir £ ie surrotmdeti vil thse rflu i -, Rusmlan govcrmnmeul.. nos- terthat of b_ iseteglaoatise ral ai deuce. Few Ibinge vert reicud ai fr0 uencea ai vealth, vruug trale a1Y& Blesides fiis. there are Iwo glant The Cunilnghsamin muip as Illa 5iIi engineering uudtintakgs. one the laff>In akeOMOnr , 111Jiii en -fatU> urcb. Tise>-are ualt tebe fount tise bouse. sort ubero. itlalucharged, a16n ex ne tel taislng 01 lthe Lutine and tbe oti thUe aaotie.anti 77à àtram lthe an the nemberasIp lisaofiauy club The oauner sud tenant bal te standi oltigirl wisalurod ta a lifeot s#s- r h centrytetl v~II1 aise o n &- ImIk Oount>' lino u t., Iabout tise or societ>'. Tise> neyer have figuretd id>'b>' sud sec theîr »raerty bunnt r'ey ioCis uq-jsji borne 000 la bolng oeuatructled. .pîsuit loU. It&IraW ewil i'etoiesn luhe ligbt o! an>' or Chic*&a&$ socle-. a noaldathi iesoracar fra ogtié rrm" attend mais. Company lipIuadrels etainres nias: enisauc ii..ui inetou vmnUCate n br eorteas ou t inohethedentity oa i * pLonA .rnty>" Wbi aihenc moe>'a a- valueea 0f Thifir Îiwdicoere fb'eldscoutnsdUn over ! tse ortSt y Meir theo Laite Engneeiub COmineJ, =4 eue 0o!f The ' nîr'vmna~ ui ec.ip.TIe Ot70,oe Os!udr ece ira. Une e bouMme.or utéOnt r h ectA - I-bo Subnuerne Boat Comnpany. are In. te lwtlimpet t«hncut.Te f e.lyr7 eraStreet, . c tg111 Portant la tal-tise>' re oapidly fec liste kînt tu récent Y-dU Iu tide du fUbtmioableOak Pr, vinera Uethe lCeot antier Hceola teblusUeusncaggnr b'BleWhe lng up Une .ulbmarine, hoat buoinea airWflitg Sen. bhome le and' bas beeà foisever- Ileltis iuandectlngterewin thcr O U charis n ire Une Ble Wite",0s the vorîti. àt I»Oadut tIhe swaup canersan aul yexl tI«nemt on, qal e!t fasers fea nti cigt mwn rp 6 aâso 01100 0Io . LAiete nominal beai. oeii,4ares'wInicis ail ts5 priisg, 4dtise fashianable set PRU taBa n l h ieth etise Sean lis nlblsbi eeeu elolrce bjl lit l -e ya ynicate et Améreic .ienshueiat na.Uee asbiee asinn eure I. l was. ie on ]vs. 5 xieib'ulen Inshi en eerd h md nllllonaimesanti tiserescureongof! be.ba b>' Une limead l, teUne>'sehldgel ta th rtues& ilsSovery Utàathse ari't-is %denamPuY 'are 'sountiless. .-;fOre, Sttreeti munch attêàtieu and Bore vans saretblng ta looit loto, neMigla! Une dl anges, t ied n LiolEbSyote' rioc 1HWLutine ll esRaimU. omn rulPsegr nth lc gelll nva fte attaiteguI o t e dues,65in asutse W rè.Lmn-XOhota, 'The Luie awîîî frgttattie commente ropse nes 't aempecia&Îlot lueuvtew o! Une65tintcUnh!1 Gleuco.. , - -t e- % .a . th Eg'h strd The fnigaoUa ti c reMM.eti t th-eelipoli t 8 Beau hlnseila oui>' 43 iears old and holse.n héAdmifts Ihe je Womne. e'.j tiseaEglsn o is catuesti teBrlsnIelulelistispit.cnslabe bieil asigrea Tseoy tery frmet lu regard t r.Scnlotter, ven Informi0 bl-laion ai 9ba dll rsein laeie ltisaI Un. fleurela younger antipe' thUe 1dFO 18 tiai a cigar club carelessl>'t ,Unc charge, atinitte t Uat sbc u54 th;# llibk Son ate ba! aera in vaine WARM WrArtIER soali>- quite eligible te ail Ibat l drappei lunthe barn, causecitUnelire! wOmau accuseti b>'tUe Polce., but mm te i'etleve inanclal distrems. lu in it S!N bYtbat hreCROPS City vison @be suni Off the coast of!Jchanminso! Un te social voriti.an htbWelWitI fen ln- Hollaul. BtN oc 1>.tatinnhatvnlctoa amner Thes Uoide bave Charge o! the suin- Crops A"e Looking Up ta Be at he Mauuy Friands OtNofW LAWtS fr'mpan intadn ken isulk andtill gct uhet tino, cen Band Fanmers, However, L.et Muchi lv.nvlyt icvrUe14E L S r For -tva >ears Une '-WOuau l inte- ne 0f t ra b b"ilu olie of the aura- of Thir Land Go te Hay.-Wauise. snime ai the closenttrfiendso! Unie BIJZ WAIOINS visite Meanlied outoccuploti mi* et us umeuieelsg dtirces ai the LSke g1n -rdeiaAreSheeng-Omatmliloain mmi> vee Ue n-lnts- asnlOV Compnany. 930 tise Glencoe reeGratldentaire tiso wes th .t*Ik te 0 d Tva buudn'd thousanti toflare bas Growthm. matie vhen tise Seani home l in Ça- Two Identification Numbe.-. Are Rs-.mat i dmired ber iseintiful ho0me, vW thé 11011recoves m flutUe ractine la tise, go vas a littIe fiat, rented furnlishedti quireti, one on the Front andi One.ils sPreadlag livumsuad , beantifui Chi-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cetr htla lpeisneaie Tsr lilearr flae u1 atieen yeeri ego;a; Usmornea!the on'1h. Back of the Machine, And in cts.The> badtiacliet ber blu.' ieard vont d-v, divers gettjug the tl'oam. Lake County this e cr. ale-coe~iod !Uebueat difnIiiiLto !Bas~tiicraeat annetboie. Innau' rov aite facel-evpallstsdai. Récent reli a r -d.'ieidela>'s bail been acqulred in tisat aUner mati- On T39. 1es, as ber - coacisuan tirov ber gM-. beceuse e! colt icih, i and vilÙise est fiat oi a Year later, vben thise t Ib hene trOugis1h01' atrocité, ber ou>'cou, sotId Now Mr. Whitney. for the Lsa ieception of corn 1;i' nl Boucaseare use couiti allard te bu>'a' ACp'a ts iwautoobile law Pénion e ralueble vsite POOtilo, snd pealelia coua Ib cntract tO ueeks oai damp manîrui.,ather bavel fiat-a simple iurnishIngs. If hais been lias been recelveti 1îyCity Cler:tise>' iati ondereti mahabouit b relue the treainre from thse Lutine t'ts fuuv Tekraniwîe ie)y sr ',AItst a hoo !bi-als neins toi a n ev oce. eusedth ie trops n to I:il: ip as If b>" the pracea. of Yeesforth enw.Takrnd hi henasele Alttwskov «br.aj» week Devise le lngmuious. magie. This weeî. alfn- îlas been as er frientis oflise liousebeldti lacame conelieredti iehe et that caulti bave -village,bave ver, ualier naîne. Bitho tee This device- h tise one. being bull- gool as a nonthi i i- régulationî ta lits simple ie aif veelti>. eeu timnteti, if lnvery prabable thati-recelvet no Callers ironi suong tiso heefor Une Soutin Auneicen eufflnor%i»spring ueatlier. - For Une leurs il!. tg of Une simirlest. tisere are clauses Étt iyl be samen- tavnsepeanti bd el fuvileSa cveial van-k. Il migis! bc caaletiamca nt. <>%» bafa ndadutukad oei alvdan o rah eaitenx eso o h ur.f " u @W"li ana ci) budti cenel banod of bee, axriderdnnnucitud or-ltlaIlvutant ufornectheduttt isenee.sssone! iseeeem- tam Tsheev o olhipoic r tise purpose of grouplug about lise sel ay.e'dedtly uoýttîi, aundtise cd. Tise borne aithie canner of Sotti bly. Tise sPeeti limitenemains , tise charges vas a bomb $biel. .1 boto.tiroalsecta are for i, - 1fuI] crop Oak Park avenune and Pleasant Sfic-et caerrebruttise naltenniftisplayiug Unef Her hubulnc18 a a Seatuan for s lt luafttet up onan au rdinar>' acqv Fàrnmrs,'boweer. ai- ii>'yuaing- ln Oak Park la ortsoxne by n hall "numiers viii b. tise objectIuînable Jevelri' ruandtielaet h.o i>' se with .a vol! n tue conter an dO Mch f ei dfor - hUdre othr buse inthillagre., povintilla.ati Wip b1l as et tisîs, eil tise baud reaches white a Tise summen home ai tise Sears fami.' Tise neasune provideilsraUnre - lmasievaspen itsu! ai ber hsue tthen inea aar unkovup onI iy et Gray's Lake, Ilii., merel>'le i e shah file bis usine anti addreîs anti dring about tisevillage. th retliesbigauvia t ldGRM NI BROTI1MRS tretcsofo! rinlutîminen, viile hohindl -a udescription ai Une 'machine vtis.tbej "Tintaoutrageans proeecutlon cau. i for M.Immense Money In t. O4 P ! M N ARY il anti ta tise igbt anti le!!are acres' Secretary aoflIste, anti %hall psy a -ulrai i ovcin at~I Ir I 'Witne>"u compun>' succeetis anti acres ai farming lent own tn' regis!ratirîn fe O fý $2 for oe nmaSiotter "seitlaia smunu. Tt ui iî1 ho ln gettIng op tise Lutie bullon Iigasadpatdt on n le hn.TeScea3 tSaà$a otr wVl rocelve a alvage ai about 1750,.- Fimus Marksmen Losre Amateur gssatipattit en at iec hn. ieScetrra Saesai is e Mm M y beaurtifinl boumetan i000 lu estioiL te Ilse pS>'for tino Charuplonghip by fi1mai iin. at îit namne amk nIssue 1i htba ub icltlOluc,~vvr ne.ias tui aoculvis u . rnto ainea bject lesson ai it tb passinig iermerm.j ufon at e ig tua tache$ li 0"5.,Sud 1 Propose dgbting Une case succosa. taa e s finish ji rapi ote Iflel betveen tise home ln Oak Park diameler, hsrlng atampedt iereion Une 10 li* bitter ldTiaI.ilIvi e von put up, George L. iiLii), o-jtmr nt.Deua.ne Ga>Laite that tînenumiser ai Une machine andti ln ta SJ', 1vil! nolt ilucua tise case fAir- IrD 'bain N. C, wih a hgh 100m i goSeare simple lits la liras, yeqr al, ' -à isicisft bélouga. This aoal la aleo es, LueCAI! 8»IMU S D larigets broken, wou thie nreziui >e r. À twa meutieseSte>'ln Eur , pe Ixedte evehîcie. * Bi imlye She Wie white slave. 'Lintouc handicap Imroma fielti of :57 of the lest vinter, lin uhich tisey simj>ly SeParl. l dentification. Theis t1e Winters girl, visa precipi- eoin. Poice Separae. Turbulient Couple béat amateur anti profena-ienaàl vng vere'Mn. anti Mm. >R, W. Sears. wltb- Tise Identification numrni; a lm £ m te» h oieri uo h le Who viii ol Lire ln ttaruon>' siolaOnUe otiet tGaderou! lelters a! Intreoductiuon on lelters aenétoeture, andti ti are rnured r'oit ld Une authitles ihat mise sec- ci nte otnn i a4rao crédit, was tise frst break-onti oneach machine, ane la iront antidueal*bud ieen luredte tahie place b>' a - ~parrk Chicago, lest Weduîcsday. Thueti>' itrnon Cnathi Wlen o eedti nlyini ~go utprobaisî>'tise lest-lu tise routine Cet etthe rear. The caucber Il all ain eYounugman, ubo heti pramiei ber orif- huefy afofOO1 la8abe ho o eeedonyfor 4.- ot tisismple.. lue. upon Une lampe. Tbeao numisn'a are1 1gb! vont anti gootipsy, anti balt CMI> Henry' Anderman ,use4,freti of 11e ant ri nlSed Uth behomust breqk ove' Totia>'ou tise GreysLake feai tise te b.seperate Amsble tumorale, n! et nlettsr gia iryl lau>'. charge o! bavnt étoilen a brs. fromn tag larget ta deiet tise Grisabno-It 11h2Seerees are rnîîung l lu tise loea Uafour u ebu ogie ntiad ie plae r ornteri alie..' Clii Joh Flu, o!Palaluèea, Jay and Tom, of tise soat1gg'Wi voodis bereiseaeeanti eunburnned anti usa i srake -t e unt le» tissu one- ductet by Besmie lem, but it gp & te$i Fnietalaita ppes- $ l du~l- h faill' i Lng uis. 'No~ ite lntaîtereti. Tise e ia i, 4i 401151!an Incis. Te Uise Uital let. examination af the booàwe d as flt Cookt sing the casa ltVs Attorsei eu a hat i let i hm ultin 9àýtîne officai Sm- th iem-two girlsandti tueb -oteaataretaei. yusseeiluierid ' lIme.atatei Uni ho ai iuoa*lu0el *sq 4' linm*utaul>'lait is beriagm ireuenîl' in ise aitseuthei, - tnla ise UeccaCiuvte ho uit. voma visaaavebond#kS e ape CU- vmsa cavinceti Abat the s vIsais s TI e nt e~nan ligbt delayJlu4 d aifGraysu Lake village, tvè"n led'bsrautt ngu iLoi ant'Aoý~I e itla War vs berenlto!ai oôs~ Sliipt lto Un sun lslu~lrr a>', a 2-seatedt unabout lIii'di Ieistction. learnedt Uat Uni vs drunkeaprmnsit on thei Peèt ofq4ým ç&qý1Tube Lion n-5150bisg 0ta Ister ta fiaunel abîr!anti bTheo sveed imhit proviges tisat rno t..-etecln.ere- am, pnt Itu pusei - bowling up ta 'tise l e,"i,' c initlexeseul filen milesperao e- ,rb4waeUéraimlile tour létliuea otNngiu on tethie bours-abla~onp'miloe O NT et- ý. 1