Flo-qjr Wedding Presents Whéire the. Weddlng Presents ýAre 1eus prepaed to plue gou..J £« do beterl bW.gtJW olh quslM*asdpriS tdmecm' Chl fiteg de mot qect: X"#»% M «N'a 0 0ier alw roer -t mke othr lselm pu-1 ANDRI3W IUSS Réeders LM SIl.. im. s i rtvIs epet TWde foMa d br Pqmgi trW..H.aIdm adeabus%' Aa Mm eJ. W. liarmq as bienquit. sici batted 4ltins alô nle t pw'met. 'lin. IL _De. W. W. Diedeic departefsuadap __ W5f xt.IdeI businesstip ta Oras, F.L8.Loveilibus wlred bis store vlth b o elmtneftyhaureplmau aedurug tii. smmer mn1s. * MW II! taDo ath b.mils tract » areney~ ail Uednomdtise ovéramovWin! b. t"eks.car cfat lb. baUlfeI.raek. .. es I Ovllsg ta the ekum ofathe maMagrb, sud ownsr of the."cires. t" latrmed bore ber Mouda", Sihe'=.qMto . Maea dWmombadanitie pNmmwla stoved fi vWeth avWs, part olit gocg ho Chlcago. ko li. A. tmadi t.op »ýUriW tietorni f1lbit Tneeday the. o.sph oktbobe ecimmrL ,A-bol. wau torm la tbe elto.roof but the. croie wa oï uemvui Aron Dock as Pull Uine -ut Chidre'a san..................................ou d Up' UMs. homi .... . ............................ Si sud Up-ý TýoutW@'sasd Boy' Siae.......................8$1.25 sid Up CId'i Minim' and Ladies' Blippors ani' Oxfords...70a sud Uit, Ladis' White Osevas Oxfor-di................... 75o sud Upil LADIESl' SII9ES h ................................................ $1.30 Qnmin Aexander .................................... 1.70 steDar........................... .............. I... .Z.28 'Iral................................................2.0 Ducheu ............ ... .... .......... D 41W ,. patent leatiser ......... ......... . ...3s ý IPoISOWlng Ar, Few Sa lus of SiQme of,, the UesW.csw ý.Vi Ansercais, Patent cot ........ ........ -AA~~~~~ t ..i....p..... if...... C= .................................. Weste,« rn o C................. ............ ...... ..... ..... .... Cr o, &but ift«nledie. af ILt~?Jis v tntrtulned at a diAmsr vet. uuLkoi eeeaofts The.many friendi cf Cty Editor- Leter B. Coup y wl relert to learn Shah î ait" repurte bis condition haf not muni im- prou-ad. A trnlned anre from Chlcapo laua attendance. 8 Btn A. M. lPh. D., a the psu (unversty, Whoia 1 Ccaounlvrsty tuse sumiser, @peut the w.ek en vith ie il. v!.erp. H.AnB. 71,,tw farBdat PPutyarm, ii bbblug dovu as bore undai vas&Zuàe ief la lu theiHght leg. wannd va raiu Ioneaid hé vas coaflned to isu faor eevral dayd. Commodore Foo.,who 10playug su engagement aS thé bilte CitI.las'..ý son, wmitseiustO f shethé Work va. begun Wedmeday mornlug on mpe attie stalle sit thefairgrounds la pmqpartlo for tlsecomlng Mir. Iep are octel on lth. vus mde of thm roude on lend tbat vas pourcasf Boumsla Libertvvll&mareuacea h'@ tu.ti, la fait hei arenons ho be baud. Tis e " «tts irqà ofaitmlaao C. A. Appky tremivefiby p "epu t. fin sSa egiý%Miblood bousaï sipie io Oida vilehoi. viima MrOrwsefsdiPMVM i 'ldag leuan -mprtas oi Ot OM ami ei " se o ici hma pdgreamIa $Our abEvua rm iau monselie worse for bil. laa omn e lir. C 4 Dna à,livlkovan arra.gmmeste frarellta e~ by 1hW puplis ahthe no uc t4ayemain&. Juli 6 Ave larstu oaela uinaresuadi-as look forvard o a etum a ai unneuament. Tier.v beii Oveaimies rs by out" atlent: Tise ULYutlc Workirs bell 11.4v tegular usolngTusdiLiht Thse attesdance Steuai. Ten caddahi lueintte Wla ta tbe mustre of hie ardit On Taie- da sigt, Joli 9, a banqut whi be beif lu hbie hwavinsd 5le beng Iaoksd for- ward tu ausaverp emsoabla accasn. Tisir prmset quarters are niuM"lât ta -. ncmmodati the gatiieving tiiep expect IlsnDp ho tmne enterralg busines Mman viss.e tgmmt la open at late *boota andbo gamlinefor lb. beneft of iselae aianonlobult. A"n nuiben ofi machns.paeu bore dur-bp the enumn men*tIs sMdthére bualais la amisefor tU ise suon eu50putea barrai of Il beide otiber cieotlng liquide. Serve a boeusin, fau sud maie pour place popular. Aus automobile boongl t u a lr. Barber, o ai sdsere,;trled -ta ellbatelegrap Vole allIbe Cornmefa MRganke.ave. maf sprguse tmet Sus. day alternoos, iitoît muaiésh: e -but vith damagehoitemil. Aller i»e buStant .uough pover obt*id orua hie Cen. An lmpr-ovlised hrllWu faiuf lu the bam of tie wVashi botlt vere tise car saalel sthe eg %némrolis oatie repair mou. * Two UEvinton faiemmnema mo tu Dm. of hie flueSt Catche. or posii ea w î*i eigvtpIrZR à tour nedeIe~ oasa Sut Sundav at Dr-s. W York hors... arrived r turned iborne Satur- eyeap'o serviice in the We eutertained about 'Sioiteahere lait qr, of Mdflenry, visa ber niany friendi bore, It weelc. *race.s t tii. mile Iii. Fine afternoou ety ofl music. MruIIcme Bus- th relatives and friendi @011, of LnaCromee, Wis., ..uin, MAinFlorene r-relati ve@ and fiedi. maude Whitueiare varai ion in c Cao i reliatives tiere. ck lef t &onday for Ifiphire, where se.In- psuri] muer. '7isrsâep the27tli. wAll lie tih.lait meetifg 'if1 h. Easte-rn Star, uatin Beptemhor. Pur ndidateî viii be Wissresare pu oîn to @pend polIr 4thls? Lr1Elileof tours., to me e Grnd htcfI roeý. an opportunlty pan Ianol abaq to ittrit' L. KW badhu- tisfortune -to have ane orf 1 hlhI i med at the. wire mlii lait wveut, an;tIat an amputation sti.6 MOoni JO"ntWas ecefearp. Dr. andi àu. Taylor have r-turned Itom au extule trip throuilh the .551. Vlstlng tSei. Jetorvn exposition and oSier pol.stsof nteeuuî. Tiéi. Lyo ihers, ircus arrived oit [icedule l e y[i Monday mor-uAup ta tii. dell e smalA boy and fmcl. deal mrr el oues, and showed ta godaudiseoma botit alterDoon and Wm. Calered Tueuday froni as exten4d tniP umrugh Iowai, Nebraka nêf Coloradom' îit. rupt.rtm that crn Séerails JOa*bu « a foot ilgh; n lowa »ud Coloradé that In Lake, couaty. Bebo etltle gramdson with bia Iront Calmud,' Ail élection M eli -eld M the sciiool house, Prla, jusy 5,for tipipurposs of votgfaoruor 1< tt h. proposition et g nd titearount of$10,000 fo . tibudbgcf an addition ta-tii. àemisol bornai Interemt on bonds at foa frpeeat Roberh 0. » an. dramatie r-sd. sef lipro~.will give an aster- Preehyterian chutéb, Tbps4a ei~U, Jun, 27, undsr thé. ~~u ott Ir. Tiihre ru a PaltrianSs tle e bsnay lue 0, ai byfollv lu1t3 1 0a. m.Sudymcioiiru MribethadlmtServices. 6.iM. Wminai morng eervl. .bwundn 11:h0o,mti. Juno .de suLd-tii ingm servic thr ew be a adre b Noe pastar o Tu r t Ontlav" au tisr. iibn. n7:on0p. ma oy'. echru erojes0a nd-ag d il uagtiioulu o MuyafAetot Srcnrgtisvl Tionmuniopen a nr servicethedayvnngm Ou. lte. Junetimportnt andusthle rpAn oursid t, ii, . .Bot Maenc- lngjý Ca.,b maes o! v aol'@corubos sud rugiubav deci e mtontao tii. lrge n reail tisegA uion sii. prie .nth qua rcesbcuped by lies r dnineopen dairevanil a ul viAl break r ud rAnddition. Ti Onediti heAIbuo sh ortlainuiesit 8Z 1 Co. and co otrue o nsn ilcis hae ne bilding vt i ho tel viî bprgésnen i exctr ouie ytoa lie tnnnlin me.. Te capit al 1tock briai h.iurmd froau 8a0dit0io.40,- en0.Tise actory andive. van w panti ber of mon the -yuar round sud consider- il¶t h. l.ngth of time bore la gtoving qi.rapidiy. Nota" Ail paper accotirti mailbc paif for b y the lOti of the mo#*.V itnethu isp i h. dl.continued. Tie i made necemary by géver-ai émalA accaUhi ung over. Tiiere yli[e a IWM illcommunion- tiop f Lib.rtylvilI. IodgeNo. 492, A.F,. "dA.M, tridiîv evening. Jane vu, for g»s purpage oi work. F L DÉvi,W. M. Wise and 0t~sete ýàmmer dayi and en igst. W. a ie ta have I lier ta do ATILANIC Iutereeting Article by Liberty- ville Man..Joy'e andi Sorrow. of Ocemu Travel J0YS 0F 8EA SICKNES* VIVIOLY DESORIBgD Chsering Passanger who i4.lped te Whie AwaY tihe Puier Houri but NoaefteRmuneiation. Taking of prevetativ.. and cure. for imeakn essrmAnds nm. of tii. eclentet Who etart.d out to write an exhaustive istory of nakes in lreland. Ater & thoron»b reearcfibeh.fonnd tbnt hm exhanet bis nubject in six word.; 1'ber. are Do iDake. ADin rlaDd." Th.r. le no aura for sesa-eknu, and Oly on, sure prevetative. Damely etasing on dry tend. 1 tried everythiDg sugigeited 117 kiwi neighborisud vise.friendi; diatlng aa" seatoung it witb Epson i.ta foras week previons to saiting, eating jamons wItiiout Bngar, puttlnk a @hast over ansela tomaeh, and aeuIi taking a drink of brandy on an empty etomaci. 1 etrenuouly objected to tii.brand cure. but viien @moeSt Louli fri.uds sent me an alligator covered whuky.lmab a lew "y@p before my departure, 1 had W sur- rende, and [ let Loveil 111 t wîuhbihs buit flr.-water. 1 was aveu deprlved of tii. satifaction o!fIJaming hlm for the dire remits, au my brother-lu-law i Gormaiiy who i-. competent judge of beer, wl;, or whuîkey atter sampiAng It Senerouely, declaref it flret-rate atuif. The. Germa xuilltary. revaillerous.d un trua ber mumbers the tiret morning on boardof thtiéKronprnz" 1 eem.d to 1.51 quit. weil and wa. mentally arrang-. ing my bill of lare fer breakfflt, itnd. fou ta gt My uoney"s Worth. Whea ti. firet hall soundmd. Isttew t e up. Bt wiiut an avfu chiage aiu 0f a addeul -Thliws daced before l sien. *verptWilg eean.d te tum topetuvy * udd a nueab,a tu cto W uNptn and Ilmpipi1 auk 0b My sUpfar i;o; downy ooucii. Tii. Stie, of .y route- m tii.b upper berth while gettlng up did flot add tu the. gaiety ettihe nations.. Àiiough thus Wasi 11tmubtip acrus$ h. eenud a litile wormoff han 1. Alter Seversi attmmpte 1 finllai7gos la nay clothe, made a lSd ,au a puoenhm ort 01 a toilet, grabiief i ,7etmanserrug and larcii.d towardm the. v «"Bion. Achil dkdlmadl. ge.te uafew oc =ioig feilow muSler were 9 il dte stl.r In a btteraidsbot a»d 1 »ohsd tlag o ifhmry pnecbhêm. CoveeIM wth our ruge, ovo.ooatm butons, cllai t -o*p. cae p uds down w laidbocm l mach anImAtion as Influis lmgsg Tib@ f ore.ooa baficoasA roueisa finis: bâtuaaW. e lapgu&i TiL abut ,Dog daji Tmeortilo. doi leva ee"bt a dey ofal stoet on Wb" eiievuesa r ttsrmei tin * ie shmow l b râ etlas 101004 . 0 is "*u~Up sma orfltsmhndRtbm" itu visioaour puut. badtolaa"up te Il. Ttseno bont e'= u,a tiiat Wsdassday on board W"slp I twlc. as long. Thé. fum ain hoi cofse ball at 8:»0, thse uspLft.uit 0 gj. 01n agéesspart. We taiN oa oni 1 'dock, iuplp from lui of cergy to pet out pf oca=r . Tii. sIt snoming I tuls4 tsaisue bratofibrandm'ycure. I1eetInl ld the, momenp requlatenf an empemomdl. Tii. émailiofwhlmk.y am4agammt *y grain; but Iflnall ioi strm"Up c1 s enougi tua wallow a tsae i ii @eeu" inhabrame masop woideflst laI Ibafilounait araumna wost of iiusal isWDodly [aat on dock nafmarchait neounfion Ie wobblp surface for 15 or 20 B"mie. IevMn piched up cotrage ho watchthoetumbl. lu& wavas. Pride orne belote the.tfll, ad, mp finieh was ner ah band. My moutii begaq u wo ater, but Dot lu anp pkiaentanaticipation; a sudden Deumea, a daeh for thserail and the Bah haîtdan otporhtu,î to take with theit water a fit ruyon the. side. I imain1 bad takes about a tea4poodlIbu Irain tii. tacStinbt It took me tiie wiioi fonesoe tagmtrAfof ail 0f]il. It i i s i h t a v e u . a g l o o r O t tw o . T i i . Kiy ure masS ho a epin A mpari- spa ho yp.7ePtrLenc sd certainty da n- ut b.amoresofettie:Iu maklng one a total abtainmr. Tii. watii.r hmd mproved and tii. ses was ratier quiet la the. elterno; but ho our surprise the. vassal kept un = o igtu the.stromy vibration, caby lts powerful engnes. That wan the. penalty pou have tu pay if pou tea" au exp res steamer; pou sacrifice comlort anui ssloynsent ofspeed.' Fridap proved ha b. anotli.r fine daj and the. lame ducke comusenced ta lift tuit hbass ad tnt, aaIltie Intermit in lfs. Miost etf hem otan comnienSefito est, altiiough 1laIlk1I ouif neyer aigala cameta do auytbig s pro"al as tint. Ail orte. of amusements ami et wevre etarted up anong the. thp on«, îlnglng sud dancing. =.-SikAelîin the. eveng. Wiu w. e ve ere content ta b10lain 1reasy-1 chairs, swap talesi oi o. and figureoul tbnt ve were aimait balf-wap acrom and we tlh Sit w, heaftii. oter half Onth Urnlfinllp broke my lon f0 tt14econbleperuasve p9wers à mp fellow trevellera nfsud pela Mrou deisteward Wio wue i. huaent Dow thilo-;;n lieSPU tý AC infants,' Ladies' Oxfords au Shoes. WeAlso Carry the L- Douglas Brand (lents' 'Footwear Prices Ranlng frn P. P. » 1«411 C. P. Wglour ¶4~ith~ LAKE COt Vour etito .c of tne" gthres SomnGood O ALL NIs 0F U'AWM J. !, rg ~. 2*iohe........ eLine of« I !s a t 4uL F