FULPÀY, IULY~5, 19Q7.~ ~S4.Or pronfl ecno ' Uo.Pue todsre thd' et &iuaoce and cheaper - tasn 0~- b dans'g Wu.., R~ember lpou have but one Ufeuý-rlfe4it: e It J, E. TRIGGS LI&ERTYVILLE ILUNOIS For Wedding Presents Where the Weddlng Presents Are 1 an prepared Io p"VSgo.....I1 can do botter bg gUm in both quaftg end p&ietan can Chi- cage hbouses... want oSir coodnued patronage theg de> mot expect it....Mg Uold customer alwags relus. 10 make otites pWeasng pur- dtass.....Mg goode ore m.g recomnsnidation. ANDRI3W IlUS S UBIrTVIIJ-EILUIe<OIS Are On -Deck as Uswuit with a Pull Line of Men'i Work $hoes ..... Low and - Igh Cut: Cbildre'siqgàes........................ ......... 25c sud Up Miisses'l Shoeu .....................................Si sud Up Youthh'usud Boys' Sboes ........................ $1.25 sud Up OhullIs le, sd Ladieé' lippers sud Oxkrcts .... 70sud Up Ladie"Wblte Canvas Oxfords............. 4........ 75 and Up LADIE~S, SIOES Liiiy ......................................... ..... $1.0 Qu..n Aleander. ............... ................. ...... 1.75 Stellar ........................... ...... .......... ..... .25 Trhby ................................................ .2.0- Ijuchm ................................................ 2.23 - isa, patent leatiter.................................... 3.0 Following Are a FewSamiples of Some of the ,LUnes We Carry, Aul Ainarlan, paten col..................... .......... $4.00 AIl Anienlan, suppremsd kid......................... .8 ........e......................... ... .211 em s twa Bozý Gall!.......i..........................0 £ c........................... ...... . s Bon flur, lcnioreide .........................::...... 2.80 -Vil Col.... .................................. .21Ç OSbavlkk .......................0 I? *...........................3.fl UBihr. ....................... ............ An~d %eîrs tee Numerotiste M.gNh sd at AVI Prk.s --- L" l iousof1 Imiensite ~Plded Up lierea, E. W. Paikberat was lis Chicago Tues- dai. .ttarusy Paul MacGlluffie quite mel:k with typlid lever. 1 IR. E. Maimnaand viie,, aiWauconda, ver. vistors ber. Frlday. AI Hende., conty clerk, was a Wedav viutar. Judge Hope and Fred Pundt, 0f Wsu- kegan, ver. i tain Wednesday. t Mr@. N. C. lurand was a Chicago1 visItor Tuesday. lira. S. Bond, wha bas been very fil witb typlioid lever, la very mmcii better.f Lester B. Colby Io uch mc praved, but It Win be son. timbefore lho le aileta hoeout.' Hou. c. T. Heydecker and .ewett liairstaw, of Waukegan, wëre in the. village, Tuenday.t Mir. lRoy Wright of Edgertan. Wis., speut Weduesday and Tbursday witii hi@ parents hlie. lirs. Jas. Prie. and childr.n, of Cehao, were vîsting frieuds aud rela. lie enlat week. Mir. aud lire. Keler, of Chicago, and Fred Worfler, arrived Tliurday ta vinit E. C. Young and iamily.. Mr. and lirs. W. G. lugrib, af Chicaga, Who wer.e "te ai H..T. IMagoniand fazuly a. vmiting iriends at t*rayslmcke. lire. E. Rt. Sieierd anîd graudson, ail Chicago, bave been the gues t ofMr. aud, Mire. . H. Jusi this week. The. Misse (iraixe and Ethel Wheilerl loft Wedue.iday for Auitioch, ta speud a few days i th relatives tiiere. Mis. W. L. Attridge praprietar ai the1 Home llakery and- restaurant wili move1 ta Evan8ion. lie. Spriuger viii takel charge.È Mir. and lire. Louis Pratine and son1 Freddie, of Racine, @peut the. Fonrth with relatives lier. Freddie renaintng ta make a vîit. Jacob B.ibart, of the much dlsussed Spirit Fruit colouY at Wooter L-ake vas iu Liiertyville lait Tiiursday nivrnitg. Chias. L. Triniile, assistent sertary ai the. Liiertyville Trotting Association, hua beu in tain the. pet veek busy with niattera pertaining titheturf. lir. AlieChadwick aud child let Fni- day nioruiug, for ber bonie ln Bpriug1 Valley, Ili. 8h. vas acconpaied by ber nother, Mmr. Skinner and Stella. 1 Boofitiie beautif ni n.w coloe CM the. Bradley & Vroomua Paint cler card sou belooked ai if jan lniend palnting. To be meen ah P. B. Lovell's. Chas. Taylor aud son, Uoyd depart.ed forBan Angelo, Tex.. viiere holie vljota hie vile aud dangiter. fRe aold i@ ~busi- ness at Elgin and vl sek a location ttr.. Mfr. Englebreciit's bouse vas strnek byî llghtaing Thuraday nlght dnrlng thbe stanD. No particlar damages vs. ] doue, b.yond the. teariug up of a f1ev abluglee.1 G W Cid T igwas nh Fox Lake letE M. , MI boer . whUlc hexct t launeh soon and bis vaos- j tien daY. vif b. @peut on tii. bouadlng vavel. Tii. Libertyvilis townsilp Sgnday1 sebool convention vili b hed ai Ebtke- feler nextu Bindy rom tvo tin av@.. Oauinty officers vili e ho twand a good( progranibas heen pjaed. Lberty-1 Vill wrkers sbauid plan ho.attend. The. entertalnment givenat ahe Preaz bylensu chureh lait Ther.day ev*ing lu lielaif of the. choir was good. The na"n prt ai tii. program vas iurnlshed by Roberh 0. Bownian, dranatic tenderE and lmperaouator, wvlhiseverai pleastng aumber by localtalnt. The board of auperviaars Inapeched the. new water systese at the cauty poor fanm, Wedueaday, sud oniier matters of Importance. The usi systen vas ne. oetyinataIîad tah a ost ofai 00. Th.y vere entertained et diuner by Supt. C. A. Apple! sud vife. Wni. Laycock le B.hlng et Mnoqua, Win., and Tueesay bis family ber re- ceived some remea fron thti sport, con. sieting at a 27-Incit all-syed pike, a mushalonge meuang 81 luches, sud elgit ilack base vegblng iront four ta Iifudonebl pouamds. t bau bien1 réported that Jin Young r.cetly caughl ýa .16-inhbuhse. Tii. thistle commniislnr wvIli gtyou, if yau don't vatch ont sud tis lsue Xives jan notic that be is comlug. Warj i. declared every year on the. Canada thistie and thua year s campega in on. The acytbe wyul get In Its deudly work anQ higivays sud byvays ill baetir improyed thereby. Borne af tii village stret will no danbi ph hbeir a@lmr, that in, it is ta be hoped no, bsu. P. MGavick and Miss Mary Daly boti af Cicago, vere marrled ah ol Angel's churcit, Chicago Tnsdap, juil 2, BisiiopA.J. McGavlekoff Uilsing. TI"e groom l a napbew 6f1Elaho Miegavici and aIl particl6ilng pûe weil ýnown ber.. They bave, m9y , riendisud thi eddlg asa veli atiii receptlon at the honme citAibride Vr largly ahteaded. ?hep JeuWede'ly onua honeylhaog ; i oidJi*do.' The U. IL trm=saur! lrsrolaoroa the number <il-éaiS insl« lnlio -tdm R m 4 "'A i j Al water renta iýg due onq J1'i8 and muet bpM ory< bturned off. EAIUL f. Ooa"i4, villop Sîitten by.ibd«r. a api4e bite, J 1au eTex.. >;i. vat. e Clark roalemil 17 J. à. tdomsewés in waukegaut Mon. day. Chas. H. Kilsw wast in the, eity Mon.1 lay. J.Ehlgpt%5e a bîusnestrip ta Frpd Ekkdoliade a ilyiug trip ta ;bfl aletTugay.1 Tios. sud jeo1,Wall,'uder ujlade a trip oa Waulkfgu ulax MM .fmlcs tat.,seut the. past Veek wif.b 1fr. sAMlMre. Daniel Le. JohnuieAtu and IL C. Gardner de. parted f,.Tuesr for '.ct,3sumiBooth- western iýoiut ,é W. C. T. i, U. W at.t li re. tfartlia Fike. Tuesday, July v -bject, 'lira. Mary liint aad ber .il,* Wark." The MiystiWi'ers iuut,'st supper at the Town aSou Tueétday eî-ening, luly Oth vill hé W i-res uly. lira. Ell& Monla. aoi I'Iintou, Wix., sud ie.ughter. (Gertr'ude. are visiting lier saut, lir@. JameS iak 'anlBroadway. lire: WIUi H ke i t odaugiters, etuuedMoue~,71àtr ivisic ai several .eeks vith sb i îiet., lira. Hiu i t Plymouth, lad. United Bstais ExprîessCo., has 'stailised a braic-1ti- in Hackley'e Drug store sud le Dow pîrepareîl ta sel nony orders.' Misa Wlnniita Ma, k bas gone ta Lake =eonatoupend>îîi .tiîi h. vih ali e unt. i.... llrackley wlio tas ber suimeiiir hom u bes mis@ Etubel Flagg hai been vivitiug Cis. Hapke sud fait-il vet Mcflenry this week. Bh iii.j dtihe ecming week wiith eetr-and f nienda la Chicago. The. LadIWs'Aid ofi i,'Presiiyterlan chureit. ilîl semva l 1)cent tes, Thurs- lay Jnly 11, Irons ;t"u,7p. ni. in the Preebyteriaa cchhm. l>.eryliody vel. C. C. Treoey la mauagiîig the. sale oaia plot ai 20 lot. 4a tb. Kuehker sulsdivls Iou of Libertvvlle, an adrertisement ai snhich appearsý'Io ttiiî'm ,e. The lut. are uer thi e ti k and have bath wester sud l rs'îinectiou,. The, price.. arereaisonable anullocation gond. VUilge »SSraiProceedinga The board bold lu. regular minuthly meeting Manday. 'Tic. entire board witb thi.eepiiol iof Bayes belng preseait. The ann a e, Ici,.-ordinauce vas pamsd sud appeer- litianotier enfumua Sthis paper. Àaüpiir electrie lighton Pair street user thiiîr ground attas crderad. Tiié Par i,aociatioii ta tbaex«Deoecfiglte aciiyèar.m btd o r F. H. Mar , iti for the. cuttiga thebhay li the rk vcam accepted. Tha cityattrne, WyneColby, vas anthi- arsd to sotti 'ith John Green for balance duseaunmener coniract. Thera vas discussion regardlng ooni.uhig belngdo:. Sa i mpel the. building ai vkabt n ation was teken. The. followlng bise ere allowed: NaiL Notas Co., meters ........171 (0 Lake o. Indepeudent, printinir. 20 05 0". Bsohm. reut ............... 28(0 Entmona.tircr Luin. Ca., nid»e 6 74 standard Oi Co., gaoline...... 14(0 John Ayere, maî-ing ade ..... 00 E. C. Young, salary............... 6000C tOi Quintin, laiar ................. 81(0 North Eletrie Co,.... .......17 86 W. C. Sanhoru, iudge of election 5(0 Donuis Làiîirrýy, salary........ 65 (0 Wm. La>'cock Co., repairas...... 210 Ch»a. fIrrugtou, labor ..... 10(0 Bruni Bras., cernent work ... . 3 25 Xlloved Jnlv 1. TahE AU]EgH. CRLET'r,,Clerk. TateO'0Id Subscribera." Tiere is a tinte lu eacb year viien every well îoudtiîed businesa,:endeavora Ira dean up ail unpaid aceounte. Tbat ja Wiiat thIi, LaiE!<iDENv in trying ta do at the prePent tini, sud a nuxuber (g bille hiave been sen t eilt for that purpose. Il îau.have revieili a bill don't imagine iora minute tiiet ive hhink the, accoat a badgant bt ui are ouly on. of many subscribers wI'have usglecied. to psy up. Acco,îlutýeat tis office are alwaya de.edgaod un til we bave Prout iposi- tive tiiey are ,îtliei-wlue. KindIy give the. mattet' yair îralitpt.atientiuln sud you'li seî'p a m ih aaleat conaciencd,. bave a better ap1.ititî' aud gond Bt. Peter yuli give yiîu niiotiier credit mark* ou tiie haoks am nm-el1 as.tiie one you receive at tus office. Open Air Services. luctead af tlîî usunai eveniug services the Preeiyterin anmd Nehodist congre. gatiaus viiiunuite lu apen air services. Tiie tallawing planî has beau ni"defat the moutl;i: i y 7, %v. J. Van de Erve wiii preach: Juiy 14, Bev. H. F. Lswler; July 21, 11wv. *audo En.e; Juiy 28, Meu'a lirotîcrlioo'd. The sermnon& vill besliort, the,,nsiigîII llbe aeature, the. viiolepublic i. invitd. T1%. hlm. ilive )'cS k.The 1 dace vill b. it hehade 't ofthe Unio lualît . -la case of unfavor- able veaher itervicr viiinein the eburch i viose paiir je tii hâve the service. Thiatie Notice. Notice is herctiy given ta Itiglivay couiissiauers ai thee iovnimp of Liber- ,ill, tanotify patbttreststa cian n districts, hlg!IWOP aio rlarmesud lots ()î,i Naa bltW bdef hey go ta seed a iselil m ehaî the 1lawis f ully observed, 1:Deim Lnssmv eCanada Thistle 0Q]Minir <of the rtain of Liiertyvilhi, leàke 00nta.ILI SM O ES ýA Complote" Line of h1 fants,' Chfldren's a nI Ladies' Oxfords an~ MACARbNI AC'fORY, Fouids Miling Companýy Offar E&SY. Plissant Employment; Weil Lghted ad Vsntllated Work Rooms. The. macaroni iactory, formerly owned b! lte trust, but recently purchased by the. Foulds &illing compauy, of Cncin ati, la being overhauled and puS la shape ta bandie a mucb laxger volume of produet thau ever before. Under the oid reglîne the enterpriae was acarely up to the . sadard, frrat a business point of vlwr, but it now bide fair to become a v.ry properous and paying institution. The Foulds ililling compauy cater largoly ta the. Auerican fa&ly trade aud put up most of their gouda lu wrapped and seld cartons wbicli gives employ- met ta proeortonately more girls titan umen. They emplo*i- in their Cucnnati lactary over ifty girls, nome of wbom bave worked st..adily for the punit ten yeara becoîing very proficieut and ean- lug gaod wages week lu and week aut aud year in and year out. W. u9derstand. indirectly tint the. Fould@ coîupauiy wil start out with' tiiirty girls lu thle local factory sud in- creaae the. uumber troam tue ta tie as they enlarge their output uutil they bave twie the. umbier (J girl@ ber. that tliey employ iu tiiý Cincinnati faet'îry. The. difference iu the.capaî-ity af the, two plants wll inake tuis easily pas- sible aud as the. fading of demirable eni- ployvmeut for girls bas been oue of our local problenis, we are glad to kuow the. Foulde conmpany require more of sncb iielp tanuieu, who. a"ide trom the. nie mannal labar have Jittle -otiier than mizing aud press worlt, tu do on package goods. Tiiose who are familiar with the girls' workroofi ait the local fatory wdll re. cati that it je pleaisant and conilortabla with plenty of iglit and Weil vtàtilated, a niait deirable plac, tu work. Mir. C. S. Faulds, wiia wii manage tuao factory, in not ouly Ivery particular &bout tii... ordinary conforta for tubir girls but in extreniely particular about the, character af any on. lie employs. He has always nmade it lits apeclal duty to mautaîn certainnrl.. oft duel- pline and exercise a mnOt careful wateh aver the. couduct of ail eniployeea, wbleli means tliat a girl eau depeud upon bar anssctiteibelng 'deirable companlont. This method of enploylng and mna& mng tier help no doulit explaia wby quit. a aumber of tbe girls in thte Cincn- nati Iaetory have been with thena du nisiy yeara Som@e oi our people bave wanted to kaow Ufithe. Foulds company, inteuded ta open the. factary boardlng bouse or keep it loced ,& it hbasaenfor the pet twô leam. We hav, obus beeu In- formed lu a very dechded meait by Mrt. Fou"d that they not ouly Wlll Ro open the. bossdlng houe but wli lu"la upo. thome of hhelr girls wbo do not live t home findlug board and room qeom- modatlons wbere they vli have die coniorts and good Influence oi houm surrouadlngs, wiuck under no clreum- stances would h. found in a sam-hois or iscory haose. TeIifatory board- ing bouse building will b.oîiaad for tÔr- age purpoasa IPupile' lecital. The pupils of Flora I. Durad and C. E. Quiniqn aosastad by vocatlata and a violilt, af the. Clilcao 'conserva- tory, will gtetii. toiowlng pro. grams at the 1on churcli, Baturdaz ev.ning July 6, commeniug at 8 o'lock sharp. An admissIon fteetai tirty-llve ce swlll b. charged, excepttathuose hodn excage ticket». Ttb proceds Elllc. gven tu the Lncoln Park Bani- tortuni for ebuîdren. Tickets mal b. wcured of F. B. Loveli, wlîo wlll act as tresaurer. Fallowlng la the, prograni: Mid-SummerNIgbht'sDream.MeiidelssOli MiensMiler, lire. Durand My liatler'a P rer.............. Belden etl Hkl.y Fantasia on Schumau'& Traunierf .... Lax Kennetb LoveIl Duett-Merry, Merry Are We......Cones Miss Auna Jobauson Misa Mary Johanson r&nie Lau rie . .............Lange Cavalleria Rusticanab r-i-g .. Maeani iPizzicato, Gavotte .. .............. Latun Grace Butterfield German Trtumpbal hari...... nkel ain E ver lrggs, 0iga fRuas Milns Auna Johausan Slumber Sweetly ...................May Clarence Loveli Tii. erenade ..................... Schuert Lilab MeCorniiek Y eceuse ............................ Godard r- - No.l Durand pRomance, sans Paroles, Et Rondo.... ...........................W ieuawakl miss Nallie Haymear aTii. Bine Bella of Spotlaud ... Mms Duraud We Also Carry the 1 L. Douglas Brand (lents' Footweari Prices Rangig froîi 2.90 - S Plie: PAuL 1I&Outie F. P. Dneovo OIRtCTOR8I IL a.O.u 8URPL.IJ#AND PRFiTSy, ON LAKC COUWY MTIMM Vous attendeis caflte gq .oup Sutumer Goods I sacwm ia s4,~ ALL KINDS 0F IPWNI W 4T Il ? o. I. UiCI IIARft4ESS SI J. Mi. Teqw PBlok Llb 4#Vj weatba biigiu iwdfflu i, luÔsm; defroih a," lawu, whieondwlth blabt rem *ù4 , edots .... A Ught 'nt fôtr............. 9 nJapanese Kimonaa, from. extra fie embroidond j 1' crpte uloth, iwhitei pinkl- 1e. ed andlnavy. S1..,. ah trImmed -with matin InPen~ MLe................ Ki't 4mae fo ik" C. P. Wmnrntt 1Shoes. er gthea. 'ou Winl ~Yand 5es U. Ramblers Doteal Waukegan. Tii. Libertyvile Reniblers am etsii playing bail tis auun id ue far romaine unieaien. Laut yeer, ont of *84 gamas played, ouly tic gatsVe or iot sud ifls=aranaa rouat for. mi- thlng tliey . p ip . sme g« ihia semao. The. Bqsély's Horne Erov eau, of Wauke«sa piayed »Itee t Snnday1s the, fair grende-sud werw bsatevp by a ýy temofa 7 ta 2. The lame vas oidy fai'ly1elU tteuadd. Th. sore by alin - 0801 0O-2