-'I BY COAT OMM$i0U8l Usons by 11«0 Quiek WUug lma nWho CUeo Noyel memabsiet LIU Snvlug. CLINT SIPOOR AND FRANK< NANCEI N HUMAN LADOER. #4» iimgtfad DowN Over Pie,, Wbill Nonce Hoid Hie Foot und Pulild Munrphy, theOre- lng mn i. safety. Another esapo tram drownlug, con aobot as Close ne cauld mreult lu la endlag bt vas not a fatalitY, occur- sred saturday evenlng at the barbor In Waakogan when Clint Spoor ail VisaI Naoeregmud tram the bar- leS a&coratester at the mugr rodan- uj, named Murphy. Mw edrowninguma vu hsnng ete a& c«teaiywisevlltheo other sud o ihe eom. vu hlid by a cmr- penten uauod Ovanson and the leevo vu alovhg ripping trou the eoat vI l Muphty vasgom ozanatod <la b^ VaU abot te 51vo up, vhon boip -c a. o"na ne sachoier club Outing. The Wankegaa Bacbeiars club be lis annuel auing st Third lkQ Sun- day ad the graundsanld club bauneme ro tlrown vide for tO recep- tion ot assoclate and regular mou- bora. Dinnorva serveil at 1. Sparts vore boatluug, hîthing ad basebali, the regular. or Spirit Fruit team, defeat- lug theo mmeolat mmber or Voliva tesu 12 ta 6, taflod dowu ta 2 ta 1 ta lok btter. The Urne viliigo davuin lastory as one of tbe vory boat the club haa ever ba. 'R TWO BAD TIOUBLE Tsry Jo«».james Taectiteand Rold up Lle Girlsfet the Point et aOa. POLICE FAVOR REFORM SCl-OOL~ FOR GANG On. Cuiprit le Found Seeping in Col- 1sf of Hom e horo Mohor PyqiodHm for Punish. mont. Changing t<bo l aes, the tva Sel- vwaria bons Alec and John are being TmIe mosvu mad. la a offu-marouv*tby the WsukgmnpoiceOn t"Iauimnue. Spe ahng over tho the braiid nov ChamgofaiHlghvay «or f <e Op be IleMna bld xebbesy. Asnenr boy ls yt six- ie ftestunapueliMurphy trou <thoe mYearicl, th e M 18a&remarIa- vator. hie anc. 1%, accldomli lappenec about 8a Alcdy arretod ledoen times, Ih le '00S a et*dv $"n&ns.The tvaosilliatol by thc polie,for alleged MM ladton ibng on the ort e lIe sof brasa, the.tvo ScbvartRos pi M4 vu s veIDla te iand. On bave adopicd a nov wsp1ere Of action a* cr1ic test bu stret plauk tlat bide fair te 1ad hem ln tho ne- M allln.possible old te grab frID- ebId-- *im tu thec vaten la a nuher of al Woflan Make. Compiaint. Mire. Opel of Pareil avenue ciafins Murpnhy stuc igkéesainet the ihat ber UilWe girl, sged about 10, vas pai nriug 1< badly aMd the lu- bld up ai theePoint 01 a toy Pistel V"Iiion Il maromul anda Ovrh*icloasded vi bIaIksad monoy that *a«6of thiser, the pilou helng close amie badl te huy things talon trou ber. te the 10488- Mn. Opel nanid tee Scwsrtzei ai C«fM Threw o< suspects. Thoy roes l UIc h neigb- Umsnimmolltely lerke code Aborbe& miarchargehla Uinait gonSiMd tlr one en tO he l ug heu XIt lamade by John Toimen, g %l.ne Dcsezedl h and ho tvoa aalbywogy htatyp aboteclolufliy for belp. aoimwai l boy iaîtaya hiebat iwuis A Orutno one beard. Thon the ciii twoI iaspnto ihmveh i euies tltyte Uic mon araund Uiche toheb.plor ad <at $2 vu lestIlvry o aln.,taken ot ai is pockets. Spou an None Imeditel j- Police Find PrIoner 1. Colli,. Spa- al an. lrndiael Juup The police eaniy Monday vont cd ao a boat sMd vl<tva pairs af t h cwrzhm nPwl ou,# struck ont for thesplace trout aentheandchar oude o ovthe vl Uicthe ndm camae. No boit vite- aon d<oetudoea h et power otber <bau cari ever trav- suspects, Alec, aileep ln the cellar. el ne fautitheUicWaukogan barbor WMen ber boyj uisbehave Mrs. thoire.Schvartz la salI te put thec lutoaa ~ <~** dark, Iaip celiar for jbours. -416M swwRipplng Out. The other supect, John, vas avay Ad 'bey WvrecJbaiIn Ltme. When tram boulë, no 0oneknov vhere. tbey rélec e Ui icne Mrphy vas Another cbargel faclag tee boys le Sut about to lt go h lm holand tbat they broke jte a harn lu vhleh W- vIlle' tle fatsîevoovu ilws egis Company vagon too and b$chgg o bal aJ=o> riPPel Otad tool trou a toc] chot lu It brasa Wea4 bave talled lunsuother minute. fluinîgi, al nov. SpoalNanas leape ou tee pir Roform Sohool for Thom. a ville Spoor hung baddlovaaver Sttes ,Atorney Hanua bus takou 4"e pier Nonce bell I et bila. the matter up and vili roter Ien por csngt Murphy "ad by i the disposai of tbe boy hold-up. tethee gent effort lftod hlm up ea bis cou- county court, vblch viii probabîy re- lienle drov hlm onto tee plor. suit la their bIlng commftted ta somo Modal. Oaervod. retoru lInsittution. 111e Genvool, SPOor ad inci bote figured witI Pontiac or lit. Charle,. grest crolit lu the Incident ad de- John Schvartz vas tulm morulug ar- mrve mueb praIse for their efforts lu rese oan hlm returu boue andl113 nov saving Murphy. A tom beoamediilu the bauds of thee police with hlm am e leervelin Viukegn tels 80fr brother ad inother boy. amon sd he rescue of Murphy addAd tfa More vbo dserve the honor. A Nirrow Escape. Chester Davis. a weil knovn young lie HUA MILLONS min residlng st tee village ar Fox INusMIND Lr.îke. and a youg ,It no he bai goDe toa d ance, ba&L a miracu. J"e Miater, a Gardener cf Highland Parkc, Who Wsa ln an Aiylum SOM* TWsutY-mlX V«erAgo, Thînks Mi I-las StdeOf Coin and Shuts Of On Labsr, Thsrefore. 30e Pilter vu s aturbay adjudged 10 eluthee couiy court and tabou te tb. ayluu t Elgin. ~feâg lna.agargener t -Hghland Y»k W hoa telulsatest ho bsstacks idi sud iltheretane dois Dot neel Ilff . 0vOii ot vor and maney Ill 0OMsaU aOfa!bis <lue and tl.Uf lOa19 id te ho violent st Mse ubon m dou restrint for five *Moea thée PumiKI5I Saitarlum, ln Ilomoslbs,, Mdl'whmonfouaI laid au bud ouRs. Twcuiy-elx ysari ago, le w" lnlu a yluu (t ýAtenneY Penny1L. Parsons' viii-ae arly uezr vesk for the mutlia Ji ftlullng 0"O r lpai f10 - dconvention cet<to»Malise ai MetSratega 1prup..M6 » W'âebo ln 010u1,14Atborsy ilan OU sameammisant clIp at loua escape trou death on Thursday ovening vhlo lrlvlng alang the raid betveen Silver Lakelad XWlliaot. Wbeu tey vero about tva miles trou Wilmot the hors. they vore drlvlng vas struck hy ligbiunlng land nstantly, Ililel. Davis lad teYoung vaa*'a lad attendel a danne et Columbia bail at Bilver, Lake,lad <bey bid startod for hom u ma mter 2 o1clock lu the morning. Subdeniy <hure vu a groat clap of thuader, land Ith the flash of Ilghiulng vhlch failoved, the Young couple smmv the bar.. drap. lu its <nidks. At.<the mre lue teey toiet te hock of tee electriclty, bii they ver, not rendered uneousclau. The born a. vi aved by tee Pacey. lvery itale at Wirnot ani va. viluol at .8200. Mn. James Mari-av of the South aide lot Tuesilay for au auto trip tu aOhia. Hlc vIte sud son lad Mr. lad 8Mmrs. l J. Gurnoe, accompaulidte Mr. lichard Morrov reccutiy teck ai varions Points. Word la thai ho bu. voacbel hie detInation mateîy ei W a lus trip. Womau signe Quitt CIsMM Deoi tu Mian Who Tool lMer Money; Spurmesi Uer Love REVENUE As $HE la DRALT OUT, IN THE POLICE COURT. Woen Ulvs Reoîpt Thot Her Dbta Nm Doon Saimfl and Thot Hor Lcratod Feeling Hmve amen Homled. Mise Fanle Shlukatls, of Pîtta- burg, Saturday, aav the graduai fading away of ber lite romance, tho maylag by lega praceaof ber iveet heart's love, ad lotitho police court $150 richor, but a hoart the poor. Frlday Min haltlavu oes lont avarr-at for Fraok rluos. 01,1 aon os ie1r laver hack ln the clty t <at la caiied "- wyul tholild off," Ibecanie of lie glaniumils. The ma lad propomod ta ber snd aho bad prouiaod te becomo hl ieto vbon lie grov reitioms and "aid <at ho vouid go vomi ad sool hlmfortune. For thls purpase, ho borroveil $150 of the o o e t varions Urnes snd la varions sniountimsnd, accrdlag ta him ova onfessIon. ipent ber board as faMUt ho got ft living hlgbly. sonds for womnan. Flasiiy the toue of Mima Shimwa- ils biten changod. Bbc vondereil vliy Ginos, bore lu Wanlegsn, dld nt oud for ber andl keep bis promie ta ved& Ho sent for ber at lut ad she came Sunday. Ornes mt ber et the train goneb ad eaimly taid ber ihai ho ioved lier 1no longer. Scorneil, ber feelings tarc, <ho mo- uman turuod upon hlm a d demandod the monoy. -Ho iaughel. Revenge iln Poli**Cort. The varrant for Grince, ammcmi foi- lovai Saturlay mnoralug, ou a cotla. ualice trou Frlday, ha vas ordrel te rostare theevouan ber money.- At ffrit stubborn, ho, finilly capîtu- late ad aummonod a brother tothee court room., The brother gave up, the $150 ta justice Weiss vho olomnly pub ldte amount aver ta Mis" Sblmlaltla, vIa amiiledail aven as aho got theeval. Brothers Tam Tables. Thon the braihera turued thee tables. Grlnos demandel a recelpi af mt- isfaction of tee dobt and a certificate that hava doue vitb theevouad, Uiat Bbc bal no mare dlaim upon hlm. . Here It Io ms Justice Wess bratel it ont and as It vas signai: Remarkabia ftoelibt' "Recelved ef Frankl rinos $150 ln psyment ln full for laceratl ng my Young and budding affections nd for taklng waiiope ai my bank acaunt. FANNIE SHIMKIATIS." The recelpt vhen rosd cansed roa of, laughter lu tee court roont but It tlckied tho rluos brothers and~ the vamal haIftuta bath, and they vent frorn tee court raou swuilug, althougb thero vas a tinge of sadues ~thee omaa'm Bulle. Bbc had lbit ber laver, a vonil lat the $150 lu crip nov laknotes tallai tala. #IeN LAYS fiRUK !G NIIRTII Men Meloqnq o t Wareck Fpmily on %yeatWmhingten Sireot Got Patin. otic on 'h. Fouril, and the Egog s th* Resmit. Aim now et the SUN OfMiceon Exhibition. Soye That ho Reognized Throe Mi Who Assslsd HlIn 111DarI a0 TIet One Fired Mohet ai Hm Whli £trnIord h&bisSde. Wound sla aFp but Poils Question Siory. ThoelMon Cty poice are lnveu gatlUg a1vl"d sud ooiy tale thai toid by Hovard Hurîhut to thà etf tb«a a 10k mga Frlday ho w beld up snd shot by three Wauk young Mon. 1 Accordlag to the story alloged bave beau told by Huribut ho vau roturning hojne Thursday nlght v bo Va sécoosted by tbreo youing mon vhbom ho rocognlzod as havlugs OftOn lai Woukegifl. Ho claims that one of tho r ua= pointed a pistolai athlm aud firod witb Out aMY apparent reason, tho bill Pasag along hie aideland tho Sloe. It la a tact that ho vas abott, Woànd noeesltstlng surgicalat tion. H»Ovvr the Zion City aro Unable tu find aay trace of Sliefflda iggers and are convin that the boy muet bave been. hY occident ln a prouaturq coiob tient on the Fourth, or eosthath WU @bot ln the hellef thât ho vase maraude. The sEfair la ahraudod lante adfov detal are nobtainable. Te Arrange for instituts Prof. FraL H. Hall, of Auüna, t SuPorlutondont otf Iaruoru' i starto ont Tuesday evonlng on à Ovor the state to arrange dates Pilaces lad portions of progranis tho annualcounty Institutes ta bol <rongbout the state tbisco viater. Prof. Hall goes to Champalgn veol and ho yull spend tva da thore. Thon ho strikos off for thc moutheru part et the state lad v thon vark north'. Tva dologatos oaebciountty in every congresona district ln the stite vîli- met vit Prof. Hall The Institutes, hovevor -re hy counues and net hy ccingroa- slonl,. districts, the nid plan hatlng beon dous avay vlth. 'the delogatos tram, thoeieeventh congremalonai district viii met -ln Chicago, July 25, ta make arrange- monta, for the Institutes ta ho heid ln" Kano, Du Page, Wll and McHenry cauntlem.-Aufla Beacen. Fir in Powder Mill l'ire broke out ln tMe charge bouge at the Lafini & Penud Powdor Milie mast atter i a'clock Moujlay and ho. fore the, lIamne, could b exotinguished, the bouse badl boon compiotely des- troyed and a great pie or empty soda sacks bail been burued. The origin of tho tire ln the charge house la a mya- tory but the soda macks vere ircd 41 sparks ftram tho other firo. The lune wiii ho ln the nelghbarbood of 15,000. The lire cîuaed gréat; oxciternont In Ploasant Prairie, but thore v.as no ex- plosion of powder, !OB/ 0oW tor Cemetery- Work 01 EverY .1Desciption C.irr«epodence mollclted 126 GueeSt Wa*ka Con a han be pailotiot Yeu Seti A Plymoéuih Rock hon on the Fourth of Jly. laid an qs w»lettera on It. Ilh. ietterm ors iler an à or en R ànd a, V sle by mId@e whiie abve thosmla "lot appoarste le àeJ. Tho ho' bolosta tho 'Warreck filiy lut heyond Uic êiiy limita oàn ,Wsshlagin stroci, Wankosm. The oug vu touad by lira. Wrcl. on July 41, ad abo smannotiled thee lt. tara on 1<. Whlle teey ire very mmU sud are ailigbty biuired thcy eam readliy ho made oui and are bIne, aalmlar te typevriting. The ogg la nov ai thee SUN offie v.bere many bave viswed it a» a curi- colty. The tact tUit the, hmi <la lidî It vii a Plymouth Rock id tho<la ht vas laid on July 4th miles the egg doubly Interostlng. Reports arecocai4gila rana aurnu& lug towna tlIai bral& kVroua Pait Rives ent e atdwoton. EI NuFor bWaDL ]EL THE. LtIBERTYVI [LB TkOTTING ASSOCIJATION WILL IiOLD western iercitiN AT TIIE NEW MILE TRACK LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 14 RACES AOOIRE<IATING 0,20o in Stakes and'Purý GRAND CIRCUIT MIORSES TIiRE3EBIG '-DAYS .Remember Dates This Wi1i be a Race Meet' Accommodations for' Automobile Parties Restaurant On, Orounds' RACES CALLýED AT 2 P. M. Fine Mu sic Aduits, ý50c. Chidren, 25c. VeNicesi 25t. 1~5J ~uJ I~i 115 laS lu S,,, That only' a very , few of t'Ahe, beautiful lots in Kuebkr's Sut"bdivision. are -left. Onlg responsible people can purchase these lots. Prioces range Iroan. $325.00 to $3 50.00 cash or tim e end no reduction in price anode -for cash. Water and sewer connections. Maple trees, *etc.. These lots' are 1100x200 feet in size, nearl1j hall an acre. Lake, Couotg ailordi the veuyg best, in the' land , and Libertip4lle is Laçe Count'scit -or This sale wMO absqlýptelg dose Suodag, Julg 149 I 907. lor laitier informnation fse Ce C. TR AC EY On théedubdiviWion 'or qt Paul MocGusffn's office, over Lake Countg National Bank. To Say