IILLY 1ILJI9O~ 51gFuvdfure ý rreau gPtctreu4 SPECIAL ATTENTION KR To out of Town Orde',- Uni And Shipplng Trade MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED W! DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS IIORSE FURNISIIINÔS Summer (Ioods, Light Laprobes and JHorse Sheets Suit Cases and Valises A ver>' cholce assortment at reasonable prices CH-AS. IH. KAISER' UibortyvilleIlilinois Pure and Wholesome, Ail materiala used, at our Fountain are PURE andi WHOLESOME. The Ice s always pure and dlean; the water is freeh andi uparkling; the phosphate servet inl phos- phate drinks le the pureiit qnality that can be made and ise@epeciaily -valuable as a refreahing bonie; the syrupo, flavorigs andi ail, are such as can be heartily reeemmended to children as weII asto adults. GRAYSLAKE, PIARMACýY F. J. DRUCE, Prop.- -g. WE WILL PAY 19e a dozen for good !fresh Eggs You can do alil gour trading with us as we bave a ful Une of Groceoies, a good line of Drý Goods, a good line of SIb.cs qnd Oxfords, mnd a go une of Men's Furish- IF. J. ORUCE, Editai' -Phine Oui*al Thinu Sen and Heard Pertainings og arayalake and »0»0» ~Vlclnity ----. Lest Weidag Juy 10 occurrel lthe Pm"liMmdMM aiccomyêuiètàby reulon of thei R a t the hii omne ci Thomme46= of aiChicag o nt Mr. eMd Mun. Joup i> à"fally00"10Cldat ~eMacLachlan cottagle, 01 hile pinies. Mr.insd Mm'.Turner baie GNW@ = k fldY. 1 largebeautitul home ,ltb ipadlnE Biltor Juil i iamily psiunusa riait grounde. mea"y aiopttoi for snob an lt ueSudy. iair, whlcL latuted on the baaof ; levmiredtahmrpt thtie reunlon there were Oive famIlle. Tezmxai., ean. repreetented and throe fgneratlans, nue.. The.Court of Honor wil give a plcnlc berlug ln aIl 106. Acekes P@ dinner J 2a on tbe west bsuk of DruSo was eerveil on tihe Iawn. Piturewere a. Eve*bo&y welcoms. takenand tbm différent "aIlion $peut the ieCp ~ i on as a day reuluieng, wble the oungpa Ule Col , Miof Rund ltoe,,a adtheir ftr"deenJoyeà boit landth usofU AnblWdmr natberlagr water liin on the lako. 1Siaday. Wm. Blook and wlle, John Book sud Mm. Wm. 8meth returned front ber wile, Robert Book, in. ElIzabeth Whltý mt ta Pili , iiiN.,Saturday. more and Mm. JauieBook wen the Ove repeentatlvue ai lhe aid iae.iliee 0"" ,Whl*of otHancock, Wils, a Win. Book le the oldmet, hein« 82 veu.Z. brother of MlM,IÏitmore of this place. old.The ook@ woe e&ly etlcre -hoba bd hie kg brok..n soute time ago,é boesand are ail progrosilve well.ta.oobt h ieog obv i og people, wlth gond character of eterllng catch One. The tire departinent wae worth. callei but beoré they eould arrive con. Siderable danuffl as done. The Ladlies' Aid iaclety irlil serve a 4 o'clack tea une Wedneeiay atternoon GIWNEE at the. home ofnirM. Ptter'tt. Mveryon.., le cordlaliy lavilgi ta attend. l'rocepds ieEuBnsth î.du eea agwll otwr. algfrlepr n dyoofai tiseweek with Ethel Munro. ege weIî.Mr. gnd huO. R. B. Iixou visited RenrY l)ammki waR appointed ae a relativee at Rameeli day. commnîtue 01one ta go ta Waukegan lait week and land the Sailore' snd M'elue Nottngam. of<Chicago, in Soidierm' reunun St Grayslake, whkiebhc visiting at the, home i, hie aunt, Mm. did. The daté@ @et are Auguet 22 and Lake.6 28. Corne and have a gond line. Rer. and i M. J. S. '/.ran attendedy Rer. Willie. who was engagedasthe S'IndaY echool Icoî1vent iaoat Rncke- paetar at the Congregational cburch Sele unday aitertaoo). I Soate tinte ago has been fori bt give Mr. and lMn. 1D. C. <iri-gg and Misse up the offer on accnunt nf i eknee. As Hazel Gregg, of Oicaga. vihiited wîth yet no an@ ha@ been enpla)yed ta take H. C. Hlaines aid amily eeveral daye t bie place. faet week. Botel Gardinler watt honared the Mm. McClwkey aud eidren, front Pourth by entertilg is aen f Waukegan, ipeal Friday at the Dilley Chicagao ho tohle prie. for being home. Chicago handiomeel young lady. NimII.Banche Chitt..nderî and Ruby Clinton Wamhbumn's chlmneywBamEu g heeu arm pnubg the weck camping stIucklat Frlday -rnngi -lg 1wlha party oaiSguia at Gage'@ Lake. electrical îtorm. No eerlous danm UlMme joeephin. Rein. of Chicago, ileJ wa donc.. mpedng the.week at ùaly's. Wm. Wheeier sud iaughter, ofLiberty- RF.,II. ~ bsiesl fille. were guete ait tue, Laitue haine Li . . Dxo Tueeiy. buinnol Bunda>'. bryU ùoo. Ulm itt Riley of ibetyvlle Warren DeMuuh bail lhe isfortune la Mment K'ilt! oflu ee isiLuhe ryvile, break hie amn Suday alternoon by hèpe. tia i atwe vetn aillirg frota bugg. h MieAlla Loitue la vietlag moindeinla Mrs. Wakefield. of Chicago, vleited ber t Waukegan îhis week. mdoter, Mns. Jolley everal dasioaithe. pomt week. bir. and Mns. Thomem Wmlehvleted at Tb@, LadluAU @ Iaety met WtM n.m Nuana over Sunas.. J. MicClure Thuriolay aiteruaon, intiai1 Kelly Kimbail ib m ptedaspoietion ai withh Ir. l990a lougli ai bai bien a$ the Bliler uest marlet 1anouaeed. d LO UlS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAI Mir. and lMre. P. W. Hubiierd enter- Murrcîta Washburn te ,peudingme l talasi their son. W. E. Eabband and time witb ber parentehies.. faenîly, ai Kenoeha, over lb. Fourti. Dan't forget about lb. weskly Wedase- P Henry Allandt calaid on blileMter, Mn. day evening liayer meeting alolhe E. B. Sherman, Tuemiay evening on bis eoug sud praisp* service on Suniay 86 wsy ta sioux Falle. evealag at 7:30. l Tii, Rayai Nigbbon taok ia tires e -- -- -. . new candidates Tueday evennuansd GAGESLAKE j have mevemsl more. A large crowi atlendei the Fourti ni Tic Gage*e Lake Aid Socety will mie l; JuIy dance aI lie opera bouse sud at the home oiftMre. Eh Barris ou h report a fine lime. Thurs4day.etterne,ýn. .uly 18. Viitore C. R. Sherman, oi Libertyville, waainvtd the gueè ofnisi brother, E. B. Shberman, Miss Essie Trigg.- spent the Fourti eb Weduesday. Stoughton, Ws.a Rev. iWelcb, who wai called la tic Mr$. Owen,. T Norwalk, Ohia, is bedeide ai hIe grandftîer wbo wae viiting Mr. and] lr4. WiIi 0ONcil. serousir III at Ada, Ohie, relurned ta lire. Evani Law rence laespendiug lhey 6rayelake Friday. .wcek lu Chiag,. t Lyman Alweil. oi Chicago, spent H.a nela .erlbsdr u Mnnday and Tueeday wilh île parents îroui tîîe niîv. bardrsou bere. teiiy Dr .Palmier vlslted aunid chao.- Mm. sudlirm. Il. Kruecnark, ai Grays- mate, *Dr. Tilmant. la Iowa over lk pn h .ut tW Sundy. Or sunaYIn will have a picaie Mike Sibînsmer ni Prairie View, bran- tDueLï,oStraJl 0 encteilbusines bers Weduday. tir. anudIlrs. Wiggine sud 1Lutie1 tt*Churchilli transacted business in Mauzer ahîrrîm 1 Iv .scaped seriou, injury CiagoTty. i. y having &tu aur )rua io them at Chicao Tueday.(;uges Carniers. Mr, Wiggins aud lb, Wiîîý Sage speut Weducmday aiternooa ii 1e girl were ýverely bruioed, the sud eveuiug lu Cblee'go). iorme knocknd dmw ansd the buggy mi;;. Wm. Wilmiugtan salter going demolisied, a liilire auto wenl îpeed- Ibrougi a very succSeiul operalon &a s îg on il» way. Chicaglo iaspital returned homeTuemiay. Mr. snd lire. Fred Wright speut tIr. Ge. Tomen vsiti a Wake.Sunday et Mort Kapple'e. gau Tuesday. tIr, sud lit-P. Faran sud son Frank. MissCameon ansd MisesProctor, j are pending aweek vîih,1ra. Frank Libertyville, calleil ou iriends berellTuee- day. Miss ~1~Anna Pauka la ipending s week Try a eau ai aur Fly Bouaper ou yaur Uin iaga. stock. itl wuUpay yoî.. Qrayulake HAINESVILE Pharmacy. . Richard leenguY sud family, . of The youag ladies at the. baume party, Chicago, mpmut a i-w ideys ýwltb lie Hall glven by Mima Coamba etQ . Lk, iamily tue week. enhirlaled Weineeday eveuglabonotr ,C. Marbie, ot Fox Lake, cafleo n Mn@. oi lheb rtida ofaiGeorge ».Ctaend Coamptononue day lait ve. MimeSIyvlg Sebm. Mm. aiWarren Clevelnd spenathlbFaurti Ja lrgenean, ofWaukegaii, trane- thiaufMr. Celnd actai buWàm 4m, ireWeinemisy.. Wit i ul m.Oa lvln mies LIlly M"ad, ai Clilcao, atteaîeî Mme. Frilci @Peut KoniaylanChicaga. the. Haok rullon. Merie Clevelad le gin va rk for TIhe youg olnP SheilifGriffla laber uncle, Oea. Clevlmèd Lsammer. gpendng tihe *tok alb. home ofi WS. Mr. sud >irm. Sheru»n, 0 Chilago, u Brsnd@Uter MSsi iaiii. vletlng wlhh Mr@.ubrmàa'i moIsi'j - .,rn Wa**aw, oi4-auo, le th M.eD V. i Ileplce ni i. amsudl*. iwvueL Mns. Tam White a04i baby spetit Tues Ariber *M Uê4"b. isuom f 0" <~dey viii Mr@. WW @ V.MoUier, Mn fauffiibe i A.B., Owen'$mlimpprvtu. iký»w b" bruer Willfnd MdiiWqii M ad'um ~ W.EhSIImOSS4, WBf00cWidn EZZ~ZZZJ Alfrud Nieholla, of Chicago, vitd hlm parents, Mr. and lMr@. Rarry Nlchaila aiveral dayi recent.ly. Mise Mande Walton, of Lhbertyville, wai et home from Thuruday till Sunday of luit We09 meAnunaCompton linlmltlng' relatives lu Bigla. W. M. Froit wae tb. guet af relatives at Kenaubalthe Fourth. MUmm Catherine' Do,.!!, of Wffl Fremont wum ln town Saturday nlght and îimâsy. Mr@. 8. 8. Torrauciaid son, Clyde, af Memry, spent Suaday ln Vola. lirs. Sarahi A. Howard, of Fart 91i1, in viltlng st A. J. Raymiond'@ IbIs week. Mn. C. Sîmoni, af Elgin, visltai her mother, Mr@. Richard Compton and ilitêr, Mn. Jame Krwan lait Saturday aud Bundj. Mielade Estlager enjayei a vaca- tion tram Thursday ta Sund&yo lent week. Dell Smith, oi Grayalak., acWs sa mail carrer durlag ber ahejence. Mim France, Roeing who bai beeu IeIoed ai"hello girl" at tii Round 'lephone office bai nei~ed ber toe Ilnand len ow at ber qorne in olu. Mns. Fred Dunnili bai etartei ta New Yark City where ihe will visil relatives durig the foilowlug tva monthel. Mm.. Sylvester Wagner sud daughler, Clara, af Freinant, are spending ti week at the Sabel bomne la volo. MILBIJRN Mir. sud Mn. Ralph Wlieston, ai WhesaWn, Ill., andl Mim Rose Welch snd George Saffard. oi Chicago vieited tram lVeduesdsy ta Monaay at tbe parionage. Mir. ad Mm- W. B. Stewart returued hame Monday eveuing from Kaneas. fMn. GeeogeSrang i@ entertsaiig rienis ira i chigan, wbn are enroute to Oregon. Mies lace Pollock, ni Chicago, came Monday ta epeni eome lime wilh ber aher. Ira Jamiion vlelled Masiel Hughes, ai lurne,, Tueeiay. A. H. Stewart attendei the fam.Uy sunian oi the Curran's at Lake Foreet, July 4tb. Mir. sud Mns. James Pallock ipeat the. Fourth ln a ukegn. Mmr. C. E. Iliaman sud Schuylsr @pent Saturday calllng on iesde lan(turne. Earl Wite viaited a short liae iswth bis parente, lMr. and Mns. David White, "d veek. Mnu. A. E. Stewart le11 Monisy ta vimit hsr iaughter, Mmr. Denuan, of Highland Park. Mime Olad>'i Gad!, oai Eghland Park, eturnei tehber home Moaisy. Several coupl. rou hie. attended lhe dance at Anllhc the Fourth. Ask thiux ib itraiaed? Mmr. C. A. Mathewi laitFriay to &pend about 1,0 montha is b hrelatives in Kenosha. Mr. sud lire. David Young loi# Suadal for a lire manh' trip ba Scatland. They wll stop at Niagara Falle ta ieIt )ave'î cousIn. Miîlbura le wlthaut *"tii 'hilage blackomlhh" ftoi lat lenghai tlus. Pleaisul vayage. Thone will be a Mimelanary tes lb.elait Wedamay oaithe uath at lb. churei. Mn. Herbert Maths."upethIe l'ourtb at Rueeell. Lybuera Stewart, af Chicago, ipent the Fourtb wh hibe family ai hie fathersê. lir. Norman Adam@ le vieltlag hi' parent'@, tMr, sud Mm. B. Pautal. Mr.Cihandler ai Chicag, vlte neveral day. vliLMor. sud Mr@. Neffhau'e laht wsek. L LONG LA"E E. Cody sud iamuly, of Chîcago, are spendiag sometime ut the Cleveland hame. Giflori White bai returned tram the souh. Mr. sud Mrm. Ed Horsu, ai Cicago, &Isa Rl. L. Dnwns and wite ipeut lait week at Walter White'@. Umet. ee alemn r,0f Pals- ti.mne S th Carirs Wm. Paiman iad thii muîrtune ta o V1VI* lame a youa iorne lamI week. UIL5 I"AbrTultle, of Barringlon, bau ~enga tateach urwbcool for UIJ LVEX A the =olger. OOD MUStO Jaoob Sturm, Jr., receved a bai kicI front hie borme euoe . Sevralbe GOOD TIME GUAMffl rVeen trk. il uky liai hi vue d nsldoniepo.DOOLITTLIE leWHIL h Chrie. Elieler bougit a "ce blaek hornifoa aamily irver,.Jaet eel. M mi"m ay unl, iPllume a vimit a oeli orh IfuAlla Witt, ai PaZrkecm home ta i@pend lie Fut wtîbr AtAmU'*UI Flmhlng parties are qut. numkeran. SwtUrq NgIJuI13:î buti thiecre mrsda aiull prie.- Tii. Chicuga 'lelephoae Co.. il e= ulliug 0Ru a lins iroin the.Pomery echeoolhuva.dS dava the. kopp rosi to gîve tliae people the b12e2t oithe service. BM bCW6 Tii eopZ=h .have coversi the. lait i fHM eC" d IW tIk i gap w h oitwsen Quentin Corneri niLong Grave, so it l@ gravelsi ail lhe Sappoe nia vs!.- EZZZ D ~DiiiSoNý hm~D The W. C. T. U. met vith Mns. Chase Wednesday. MIr. sud tM@. Witticomhi. cntertained over the Fourth. R. C. Gilibert and tsmily aud Albert Swansou sud tsmily vieited iriende bere Suuday. N. P. flwauna entertainsi 'an autai mobile party over thie Fourbi. 1 MieseRtuth Moore wae a pleanat caller ln thie vlinity Suuday. Hait the Worid Pacifle Coasters. Consldurably more ta hall tbe peO- pie aitiihe world ,lve in the. countriis wiciborder on tb. Pacille c cean. The lateet avallable statusecs. - alsied by the Uaited State. dopait. ment ai commerce and labor, gtys limse.countrien. exclusive af the United States, an aresa, o 17.086,00 square miles, and a population 0f 904e- Ileuuie Velu .I1~bI.E~5fr Goud 1hI.MI~tmbes~ Mr. sud Mns. Wm. Wilson, ni Zeuda Wis., wer, eceul vlitan aI tihe hme aof Ibeir daughter, lin. Auguet Hannen. N 1U 1A large cmawd attendeil th.enciety aut %DVme lu and W* Mr@. Caine'. lamt weck.OuBI sSmnof MG & tirs. Will Sîiyder snd son, ai Lake Ot fIGa _ à* f PIN m Villa, was a vîstaratthe <ilinyle haome S BRGoodi A=m oem Sunday. . elghte. mie. mitcherlins hecu quite efck with DITiS and OVERC04TM M* lisat trouble but i. muci imprar-ci. 10 Ordet, The oiti gadlng alan g lie nortleat We do Cleanlng. Dycing înd Re, shore w-as a mu4-h neeed inmotemeut. pSitiflg The lakte cottages are al l illed witi Chicargo people. W .JAHNS A Chilcago uman sendiug bbe Four th. The.rayalake.Tallor at Guy Hook'@, hsdhis eyge badly la.- jue hile holding a Oire crocler wbicb taînily taok theiet train fer Chicago, If~' togel ruedical assistance, hhougi bhey O K S TU I b.d pectd tomaIe a langer stay. LiZZ~.~ZZZJTAKES PICTURES DAY AND PâÇdff Penny Photos and Post Carde, Mnw MeCarbîy, ai Chicago, le vleîllng Ivnnsfo o~p . witb Mns John Sheridan. vn gsfo 7t 9pm. Mr. sud Mn .J. Losemasuspenh Suniay except Wednesday and RSu. Mr. sud Mn. Wm. Krueger, ni Wauke- gan. výIeteil wti 'relatives ee u Joseph i Lual ani !daugten epent Mondey hors. Walter Rysu le spendîag hie vacation wltb relatives bere. l11l stop your pain ire. TOobsow yau fint-hetar you @pena &pepy- yul umy Pink Pain T&bhîs aOÏj do, 1 Il mail you tre, a Tri» P&okffe af lieu-Dr. S.ph Tab- Iota. Neur&al. eflthoiTo tlbe, Pelai pain., tU., 8aid» IO Miato blond eoegenUM.~ mOi ~4 a*@ e T"bitau~ M, l'palSby ICE ' pe ent qm fa. Thee1 sOLUTELY no malku oir FACTORY. Tb@ 1 none too good. Try it a TuE GAymAvsAIe C Retau *wN CIGARS auidCffli LAUNDIT Ore11g PhoiieNo. I, Ihooord 2:141 1111 FOw; o'1 hi - - bi ti di if T D v ti lý F ýl 134 day. tloK Th Hav ,you iiiyla undry t. mnd away-lf no I wouId appreclate your d 1 -Foe $1 telu me mddu*1 wet.1 y