CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1907, p. 6

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ýteU. Deneen havIng declded ta lie a bidate for re.electlon la arranglng W-tbare pefitions circulaled ln ei-orY mxt>' le tue state. Tiiese >eiis rW luntpl>' vith fhe iiew priiiflS act, Pb"C remuma thaff n certain num- e tvoera aIgu!>' teir willngnca5 Mt the Umlii amed lunUiheietiion b, 'taifàse for the office menlitid 6ite05 from Springfield indical- Liat me gevernor la preparlug lu wage a iSi*'Ous camnpalgn for re-election anîdj at tiio contes i llli e carricîl luto faJ. ýpart of the state. *Wiile Gov. Deneen fI te iist ta noter tue race lu a formai manuer,i tla pracflcaily certain that ho wll et b. nthiteledJudgc Me- >we, o! Chicago, tas about declded1 ELnèizirI TAKS ON MARRé%IGE itCunuined frai pae 1) lIstai té stuh a proposition. Bo- s, tue question mlghf iclilibe ko, vie la to decido viietier tie gAla begotteu b>' reai lov, or lm- a~ pasint Pasione hici lsI.nly> *9 manient. 1 ee the enormit>' Ab problun before us andidsipl>' cpe lana f1 augesf for tuas i" Stne maior votas. ,ugi je0Wthsoto ires v"aid acf lu- p M&sdtais. roluntarily upon w Wail respomahbillfy au>' acf lWlrmaa fteta. UaN$0 Noiss ieves. ~ mrap IK asuf le fada>' ebg,46 a. purpes. Slaves b>' Ibo*opmo bében.flUted il>' beng M*ilbotsW. bert>'mut b. rv W."4 ot iv.matltd te on b>'-ai iim * iMt or cannaIcon- ïi0ww ae amurs muet be cou. ÎWtY *lu Thom o i Ilmot, fo camne out for te Repubican itami- natilon, sud 1, already assured of cou- siderabbe suppotrif he entera te race, lu the event tat he lsa acan- didate il la apparent titfthe Chcago streugth wIll b. dlvlded maire eveuby taitlu 1904. Ouf lunftesf e ftere Is cansider- able falk a ofoter candidates, there belng a desire lu evidence ln man>' quarîcra tat a country' man ho nami- uated b>' fhe Republtcan;. Varlous candidates have licou suggeated. but te faik bas flot coîîceutrnbed as yet ou an>' one of tem. Titere are llent>' o! firaI grade men frotu whom la choose andIf la certain tatte nomai- nation wllI fot fuil ta a man of lu- ferlai' qities, nt fulfil Lte law Or comnPl>' ifi fie conditions tb wblch I roter. Tis home la flot for flic purpoge of demonslrallng Uie basf resuilte ln linglng affaprînga mb toe warld. Tiiere are man>' aLler problema to meet ere tue world la resdy ta gîre place to til ver>' Important matter. Humait nature muet lie frae and man muât lie fie mastoc of h1maelf and imbibe the true spirit ai brotiseniood sud the Interest of hie 'neigbbor must be is Infereat ere ile nlîl be able fa enter Itata, is tullltbert>' and do asuilo mlgiit isi lu regard tu fie creative tneflmof Oieanature. Whoe eLaw&s Cern. ln. LTIthe. manniage la"s govern tuas. r vio cannt govera tuen»Isves. If a vomai G*nat owa a mai and iiold a Inloa and religions nit ln order tb bit vimwes love ne longer afîrat imte iler, then bet it be ne, but let iler Bot expoet bim fa b. au> truer te ilen filnai slave ls10 laie master uhO serve, oui>' becanie h. belongs ta hlm. M - 4O~JirY WIbIEPNDT OFFICIAI. PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY lýpbo».,No. i. IldlWr'aResidence Tiepid>ne No. i i ueryrule kExchange. Mat**4 at t 1e nto8hcmaat bertyvifle. 1Ill, as Second CdaisMatte MCnX)W=tbY. MiVCUttgSING RAIESMADI KNOWK ON APPLICATION. piNprtIoN PRicE 8.50 PER YEAR SrtRICTL.Y IN AOVANCE K . . JUST ................................................................... Editor FRLD.Y, JULY 12, 1907. DENIEEN PETITIONS COMING. ý1 b u t7 but tomceilt upon others, Wihle people cao flot bc.hurlnt andr Wg be Splplhb>'outalde force of do nul because it la rligt.tii.> muet j»ui te support fiemnaelyeu and b restraluedb b> law. but soclety l*M t tgiefts action. sbould &ce f0 Ift ilat a thlng la rlgiit1 Me-b c C ef>0t' or state afford before tt Iu enforced. theia prie, wiltei nature lm- Corneil? Love Togther. PitfO 4Mm and Vomen bdtng fore- 1 beUOeve It ta rlict fur two pensons lve lire 0tb.n and brlnglng tu live togetiler If tii.>' fnd tii.> are1 lito, tfie worlvile, areot ellge aii ld a bi tu sob f lier sÇomd4" w s.* pr«Ul e noSucb need no louai fien to iiOld tiiI. ~Mêar attraction for oneil - h» Wh ed«Uir vdn 20Our »9Me t Wo8er 6W wouid nuit rmain togetiler *If if sure I*W ethe voekllig out ort tus great nfot for the. "fie." and an>' who need ab"M and lit muet bl$ "worked tYlng abould flot b. together. at beast r-7-mr Y" cesit *"fali t out" or ouf produce otalprin u t, crs. tiie Pmoemdrclng the. entire soca, If They ToId fthe Trufil. Upoile religions and flnanclal Wiiat do you tink wonld fakoe 911oere.Place, Bay la Chicago temorrow mor. Ei a a apersou désires toow Ing If a Iloeock tonlgiit ever>' bua- Ytbb tbY « déirs toowntheban tod bs wfeandever>' wlfe rtmiuqeg fle, an11d esi onte ntold ber iiusband tiie exact trutiicon Ok POMatIon tloe arwie lonb tce n ombeveryting tiat has a beanlng vav oership on the, arc lo n t a r marriage ntgita? 00 U to rov ve te la h ter. flot anonormons amounit of uS $0bye.déception practiceil dally and le flot s. oope re gnoan o!~iYpocrisy and déception a grenier &M 0111Yi> ttitnof ts funtions moral cime than tu sens» or express 91leae thonfe power of ifs implua. in an outward way a feeling or love W> Willnover becouiemasters or trcinfo ntir if bicl ontoi ai lwerfoma !'Let'a let the curton drop ere w. n, Mid most mon, as yet. se fto mucil and become dissatis. Tis. woinan wito bas learnqt ail ilied witii that wiilci la cauing mont W SEowledge about sex f ro* ber of our trouble. 0010ates as a cbld wtl nat ilways JACOB BEILHART. Id ilrseif able tu maler tie Ira.- "e fi ler nature, and cope auccesai- New Home Honnie. «Yr Wlfitii.h forces of bler com- Titi.village board in building a tempor- nhpWs nature wilo maylntend wîî ar>' litucture an a lot near the w &ter et n, »bl tobe ma lnsucessto wer. titat la taulie used for a hom. * b.unale 0 b a mn I sucea- bouse, jail nnd otiter village purpos. «MOo.frllng bis own nature. Tite cage wli li e moved froim the prenent IaY tilinge loi. their Power wiien iluarters on tipragrue atreet as soon an '0 titkBënsblyof tem.To psi-ble. Tih. village bas no btilding of itisnk snaib>' o tbe. Too $-own for tes. purposes and la ae Ma a fi4p lai =c'a self intensifles pregent paylng relit in t wo places. Tisl new bilding waff a wiffe move on th. e l .t Part of the board an te saving in relit wlgnnP thte coot of erectlng it. ln 44 the m>'fratpurpoàsetu, help thte fnture, sa ona Rome, o01tthe MMJAW1I Onientu become intelligent exotinuglicanciai difficulties oc» h. themelvs an beme ajuaedpermanent quartera wtllbe failmmer dsrb;ecme b ii. eown la sorel>' hineOd o- et al hu dsirl; oc-publie building of titis kind and if ls"ti b*ev.tbOMet e.thï te owu a be toped ft.e day in notjar dlatant Iti L tb file iY«,gpotelet a........ lo! Dr. siloop's If iat le. SWYoImmput lt Cof .0" t Our istore. If rei cultes disturbe your Stoinacl. your '111111 001%yen. b>' fat Hear-or Kldno.ys, tiela try till a doer 8 ol ven>. Coq.. Imitation. Dr. Sioop blin loe. MÏM00 w. f>& 1>' ymatcel lOld Javase«" Mqoia Ct- $O 0 - iii, ym fiestav- and ftt*.I itan, »et tu, to yeanom aamaiisgrainof rosi 0030ela.41. Dr. nat I he Sicn op a Mshlcurés Iafatlel ba* -ff *@4 ai. tr-mperas « l pý aileor Oerel. itile Mat, Nots.oe. i 'I~9 ~ in 1% "Mi..140 IodiosVaif. Yon gpdel ~ Lil uai.>' iwe If.Solu b>' Mr.IL ~ *mtiat se aby Xeresnwe ompenj. lm fl «» toy k cen ketZ<tt. - Met tbe -ce**" "domLL 5..... I n a a c e o t fi t' c' ai d b Il e v i 4 Il F n o s] p 4 Il ai e s v t n e Il s, b i g s f c WAPIÙ WOODWORKlS- fxp.ri. enceal at cither Machine or Çsood W dy Em. WRJtfE-GMng4à experi.1 CARI R IYDER ,& ADAMS CO. DUBSJQUF. IOWA L.T. COO PER. L~oW 0*TO 128? HELTRY.", <Ian aot 'aima. Oget taie modela. ilth tie. . OU e a i toale ami tue ot monl tIi lmiivtulit>'fefera fo u tek" M*o For Iisgue. caiem tbst ts 8 silfu 127 N. G Str ét Just ait tiitirae, hen file business men and otiter citizena cof LibertyvilIe are awakeuing te tbe need of more ctirity iu the businesa affaira af this t>', it mae>lt lie out ai place fa relats snne af theithodaimade Uuse fb>' tier cilles and tawna in promofing tuer growth, and etilu mare inter.attng. te leaàrnthe reanîta ai ibeir efforts, Il th. boomlng oritoosting of atown or it> i. askilitull>' done and teplace bas sbstantiel attractions te offer te la- ustiai euîerpri.-, tihe buomning or boooting lu suie te brieg resulta. For luatration: Woodatoek, Ill., belate tha location tbore uft he Ulivvr typewrlter factorv, r8as a luw-goilig place of les.than 1,$00 population. 'roda>' iL bas'orer 4:000 and i. grovrlng b>' @tarte and ounide. Tie Oliver gi%*.eèinploymenf te near>' 800 people, pay's them t'op notci wage and it bas leen the. meana; lo mkigwoodetott one ailthe leut nail citieo inI linois. Rfochelle. NI., two yeare ego witlîa opulation of11.800 lnow it lias aimait (000.Il wne brouglit about b>' boost- lg te cil>. wiin iiai casagave aub- santiai Iluantiel aasistaace to faclories sekiug a location. Thie tiret factur>' wes aeeured liv an ssociation of citizen, wblch l.oîglîr4O acres ai land outoide b.e village, eut it up infa building lots, meking la net prolit 0i $16,000 ahicli was umed for th.eassistane ofaithe tiret fctor>'. Seraoaaer fîwlories bave oine been îsecured. The. inéehautie of La Salie. Ill., coin- binc ndu ilit a new busiue-s @cluel witt nmadern building. in order te get aood accommodations ai resenti reut. Titi.>' ih e - tre paî" the interuirbau. wiclî the>'tuait i1w a seiected liai. Taken f0 Waakegan Hospital Ralpit Mulhotllend, engliteer at lthe Yore Bras. bottling plant. wenit t' work tinda-N, uîorning iu appa-onl>'thte beof of healti huit Ives taken tsuddenly ii aïd for a Lime was flot expected ta lire. a@e îad a violent hewurritage and wms ln ,uch a serions condition ltai il wau taken imumediafel> taebis bo.arding place wiere bis casqe heeme goa enhlcailtat it was titaugili be@t ta send hlm ta anme igapital. An ambulance was aicumed fromt Weulegan and lie was taken fe the. MeAllaoter hospIf ai et, fiat place, aud h.ili bave te undt*go au aora- tion itqore b. li>' recovere. The. parents oa ir. Iuliliand, vho liveleuWWsonnin, arrtved hberseMoeday and vlslted théîr son aifile hoopItel lu Mankegan. e lagetiing machbotter ud soon as aile vIlà be tato en aa "-aPil'&le1Minnesota wuer. ha opea- tion w ie pafarmed. Mr n.Mhbaliand lied mai>' fnienda bore uho deep>- regret bie miafortune but wiba a isa, p.ased te hear fiat hie chances of recover>' are yret good. ________ Henry' Neyer, Jr., agedIl yense, va. struck by a Pmse entraint Deerleld ou the. oveninu 0f Uy '4 ani ufnstb> kiled. The boy Waaplmlugon toieral- rond track, traviag atonïes aapas@- figfrelght, -eodeepilyengro-sed vas il. li filepastime fiai . id not notice file appraacii of tie peasngea-trainutil tue lot@. The. train was a tbrough on. that doms not top et tilat village aid gansestuera at the. rie oa I miml"s au Fumerai services weme iteld li ti. st. Paui's Evangelical church iaafurda>' a:temnoon, tie Ber. Bo.old ofclating. Thie r*îbains were placed it th famil>' lot lu th.el>enliebd ometer>'. DL C.IL GAU.OVAY. osncu o07s2zovsu? Dure avoas. *ouse-Jnoîp1 ta 8àaMd 6 f0 8 P. M. W. W. DIEDtRlctl OptometrIs1t aid Optic-an EVE 8PECIAUST Parlore lnHesath Block Fridays and Saturdays Rouira 9 to 11:30 a. M., 12:80 tf09 P. M. No charge made for examinafion Libertyrille. fIL DDV. P. STIJENKE UNDERTAkER and EMBALMER Hall Day, Illinois Telephone Central DL EDVAPD V. SNM« Office and Reidence appoulte Aynley's store Rockefeller, Illinois ,iione Lbertyvllbe 644 ilone l LYNCH BROTHERS Liver>' la Comiectlo 887 Lhbertyvlbte,ilI].1 DR.FREDERICIC IM MARTI Office aver Smthi & Davis Office Plone 55 Belence pilon. 761 Races: il ta 12e&ta. 1 to 8 aid 7 f0 SP. m. libertvlle. Illinois DIL Y, LTAYLOe oPPMcsovEa J. Eau. TMOeU aLDO. louas:-? te 10 a. Da.2 ta 4 aMd G ta SP. ta. samnue on Bromdîs>, olîpoiteput. 'Phesse »2 PAnu=, M A 880II~#tW M IL1 DL OOLiNG DENTIST Raius8 fa 12 a.m.-1 taS5 p.m. Kaisr Block LIbertyrlIl. IMinois DL 0 . P.DYTEFiDLD VETfflAET SUEGECON. LfI'IAT arm svia&aia,0 AOL XSTEMMN LÂWYER 218 Washngton Street Wankegan 'Pilon. 2761 LUM'BI -ALL KINOS-m Maoon Fruit Jars, pinte....... per doz 45<c Maao ui t Jars, quarts ..... sgr . Maison Fruit Jaro, hait ga o ... ' 7 0c4 Porcoei, ined Capi; with Rub. ber.,Rings (wiiI lit any Mason Jar).............. ..2 c ' Doublé Thick Fruit Jar Rnbbe, " lOc *Extra Quality White Fruit Jar Rubbors ................... * Tin Fruit Jar Fillera (don't over-* look this), 5c + OUR SPECI;ALITY is Teas and Coffées 0f Quallty E.«E. LLSWORTH f. LIBERTYVILLE Uood. OId Summ er, Cam" at last... .Now walch thinpg gow Picnlics Excursions 1 ood Grades at Fair Prm WiiI be lni order now, but while yon are enjoying thes DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULO- INOS, BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE. ETC. G. M. SCIIANCI< FARM Le t Us GIo Rgton and fi11 up your BARD COAL Bina ...You willl wat t aer....To do it îow VSMNYan WORRY. . .. Ites imply heating Insurance. You ean raise more ýChickens and gel more Eggs with RE3D COMB FEED'than any other; try It. Others Do MACHINERJ«e of alilKirids RE~PMI~3O h...47 »ami 7 Thoroughleésý AND' I, M'g L Go. Yvu~ q.x~ rTe L*tgest I"iarneas and, Stable S' pply Store ln Nortfiilinois It wilI, pay yÔu to get our prlceà before, you buy SPell Attention Paid to Repalring WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Will receive in a Iew dags a làue uine of GENTS" DRI VING -GLOVES, Mode 'bu Iutchens ~& ottrJohnstowuî, N. V. No0ne better made., The ,fît Our raIl and Wioter E"o of' Samples of die jTRA TIONAI TAILORIGCo* bas arrived. >Cal 'andlasic to sec them. L6oW.rkhur-st* SCHANCK BLOCK For men Who Oress Weil Bem eau. ha'boelmtw àa go aprnmea1u"d.te mmwterne, te ead sttwmtiw -oUdewe l ee~lIkd e la ie, a Aul priw iloi asu 41 yubaie ternm. tbf hast deor ati arival.doWt JB. MORSE-& Co* HÂNBT BLOCK, LIDERTYVI LUI

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