CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1907, p. 7

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LDAY, JLTLY ý12, 1907 We seUlpur goods strictlg on merit a- flot on the streqsor l gn labels or. promises we canoot ioa&e, gpu>d. Pure Ioods are the, bestfe inssrance and dieaper than pl4psî.9 dans'bis* Remember qou have but one it wel. For Wedding Presents 00 Where thé Wcddlng Presents Are 1 am prepaed to plemaseoi con do better bg Mon in bodi quéltg m&dprice duon cou Chi- cago bouses...U wanl go..' cootinued pooogl d"egdoot expect it....Mold cualomer dwogs relusta m& okeadetplesiug pur. choes....Mg goodo «,e, mg recomuefdthn. ANDRI3W JUSS LIBIEWVVILLE ILLINOIS ýulit Lne of Men's Work Shoes.......]Low and IiIgh Cut ChUilren'o Shae ..................................25e and Up Misse' Sces .................................... $1 andi Up youuii's ansi Boya' Shces....................... $1.25 ansi Up Childs'.Mi@es' ansi Ladies' tiippers ansi Oxfords...70c ansi Up Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords ..................... 75c ansi Up LADIES' SH-OES' cL .. ........ 1.30 Qosn l ear........................11 ............7 QutnAlxadr.................... ........................21.78 stnlby ..................................................80 Tib ................................................. 2.30 1"sa, patent lether .. ................................. 3.30, Following Are a Few Samiples of SQme of the Lines We Carry Ain Amrcan, patent colt............................... $4.00 -UliAm«i=ea, auppressesiki ............................ 0 B1,sa .............................................. 2.25 omet Wa.tas Box Cal!................... 2.50 Edlalr...............................................2 Ban Hur, horashkde....................................80 vw lcolti.&......................................... 2.25 ...............................................8.0 B hakkln. bigi cul .................. ...............& ......... . .......................................17 A"d Otb«* t.. Nunieraus tii u*(iMmt *tAil Prices L !l tems ai lufteresto JubtvilUe Reders PlckedUp hereandlher Pare parlearOmen at D. D. Young@. Um aIren. Soin, ofFAae, Ws., ie tbe lie. PhWp Benslnger la quite iII wtb gueet of the. Rughq fa IMY. typbold Ilever. lire. Paddock, ofBambou, Wl.., ie Chria flapke and family, of MeHeu ry, vhiting H. B. Eîger and family. were the guemt% of friendi ber. tus lDr. P. L. Faucher, of ltaî:iràe, Wîs., week. yiaited 1. 8. (leaonanad Wife, thiâ week. i..Brokwno haciywoh Mia. azel Tt lpiated lier unele. A. basaen IDS.Lk' oopital st Chicago in C. Richarde ad a lilr Prairie View very much better. ovar suud*y. W. C. Hait Manufaturlng Co.. alter Tb*. Lakeslde' om=lFy *ît4ety wilI being elosed down for two weeks la meet at the. home !Ms. F. 1'. Dyinond &gain in full operation. Friday afternohqf, JOIy 12. , Mrs. lDavidi Loîrimer and children, aof lirs. E. W. Voler, end daiîihter, Elgin, spent several day. bere the first of Heloise, of Irving Park, mpent tlunday the. week, visiting friends. at the Fuller home. . Your pianotuned, cleand and repaired. Ueo. Hardin andi famly and Nirs. W. Ail wark guaranteed. Addree. A. P. R. Morse, of Puiiman, IDi., arn guesttt at 8111rH, headîjuarters, Orayîîlake, .,1. the home of L. B. Uàrse. Box 125. Ere.s. A.Wooeter, front Hlighland V. F. Siule and famiiy have gone to1 Park,« was i. guest o!fMNIiiramser I)ruee Lake, where tbey wili @pend the! Wednesday. month of July in their eummer honeat Ni.E.mmTbunaaad Mr. il. (rattRs, that place. o! Chcago, spent Sunday ait1ti home oif lir@. Wîîî. SkLnner and daughter Btela o . T. Maqon. rturned Tueda.v evening fraîni a two OO U G 1A week( visit wit.t frienad«a t SiiriflgAGO DT IGTIT Valley. Charles Haux viâiited relatives and NEEDS, BOOSTING friends in Chicago tiunday and returned with Ilia' nephew, Mater Hhrmnn L. EmIelrln, who will enjoy a long vacation. !A Crying Ned of the Town of Mir. andl lra. J. C. Cunninghiam, ,f! Libertyville That Shoutd be liorgan Park, Mipses Anna and Maryý Remedjed at Once. Jahansen. o! Chiear, .iient Sunday nut- the honme o!f Mr. aud lre. C. N. Du rand. Iibertyvilli, lm a fic. tow i ti a cire H. Il. Srthani and daughter, Mis' iplaca w ire andi bam Iota îfli :copeople Bertha, of Wiinette. wer, the ginst.ofin lit It i. as modern and up t-date as Mir. and Mm. E. E. Ellsworth tuis week .I i.cunr.Itla Mise Bertha remaining for several da &yvllgynth onry .ia ae work ,swrgas andi elh"trn 1 i tye.e The postofflee department ha@ issued tri, car .ervice. and a&l modierni onven. a a..f uui r aitt.w . ..w aiutin - for the. carriers of rural routes. Tii. exact dateais nttmentioned. J. W. Hare, pass@euger conuuctar on, the. C. M. & ISt.., i. atmpit runng on the Pioneer Limitesi etween Chicago andi Minneapolis, but sîill spenda hie tueé off in Luertyville. lir@. W. C. Brandon, of ine Dale, Wyoming, is tihe guet o! B. B. Eger and family. Mr@. Brandon'. buaband inl editor of the ",Pin. Dale Round-up" at that place.. Houm..patai five jean ago, with Bradley & Vrooman Pint look nlcerj ans an better protactsd thau if paited two year with ottiar paite. Boy jour1 painte from . B. Loreill1i Bufalo, N. Y., la ta have san old home È veel fromn Sept. 1 ta 7 inlusive. If jon hava ever beau a residant of Ihal partie- niai lty -0f tii. ampi.'- tate, 100 eugbt te, go baek andi aeeaid friands. Paul MacOndin, the val Inowo atlorunay, wbo ha. ýeen very sied the pasi veek la reporii admch Improvasi. Me bam been conined vitii a case of pneumonla andi Dot typiioid as was at Olrat reportéd. Athe la elctiono!ftuis shoali disric, MdZ Juy -),oniy an nega- tive vote n wfis eut andi tih bodî la nov authorized ta proceed with lhe building of an3 addition to tii. school house et a cot o! $10400. Milae. Delia Crokar andi Ada c Laughlin are at Lake Geneva tht. vew attandiag the Epwvrt Leaful n9titute. The. nstitut la campoead o! dlgata fron theiimididle wetern tates vbo. meet tiiere ta study methioda o! Leagu" work. About tventy workers fronthtii churches lu Libertyril. attendasi, di liunday achool convention at Rockefeller lent Bunday aiternoon. C. . Wrght and A. O. Newsom vers ,lectad as prasdaent and sartary for tihe caming jear. Farumere ar..qpw at the. ieigiit o! thhir buay seseofs. letee.n cultîvatlng coin, whlchbha. macla wonderhul strides in the vay af growth during the lut weel, and cutting hay, wviie promises big returna tbla-vear, the seaaou could Dot be a bumer one, Thi. DePlanes camp meeting je announcesifor July 17 ta 29. Among tii.many featurea that wili asisita tii. eIWpftueasOf ai tusession vilii haa sermon by Bishop Meilovei on Sunday the 21@t andi a sermon every day of the week foiiowing fron thte Bey. Dr. Quayle t 10 o'clock. Tii. open alr services attilve o'cloek Sunday aftarun ar, an innovation in cburch wark ansi conductesi in snch an informai manner tiiat attendance ehoulsi ha mucii arger. Reigioue fervor oftau tinctuates witb tiie thermometer but sucii servie.. as these siaulsi keep t ata more than normai. Ji aitate lava pansesi by the lat ie iaue vet ino effet, lncludlog a lawgivngà bounty on crowa. Tiie state pays 10 cent. for eaeh crow killes and irOe cant@ for each egg. The crows or beasis o! crave or egs muet ha de- >liveresi ta the.county,- xown orvilg lark in lots of tan or more, wbo viii psy the bounty. YOU ARE Wbose pcquaintaoce JUST THE ONE va vent andi va ha- 1ev yon ahoulsi ha giasito 100w us 10. Novdnn* a~apresdlng but lot us lairo- duc aurseivialf on den'i slready 1.0v us. Weara lb. Vi T NATIONAL SAli f' an'10?BÉYVIn. aba.i.,,ss . efor our oi viwole thi. h àbut * cea. Our Wmi, ldnliaidvlor o! mm&. Il ha. ha.. va wbava emi all, la lue lIN i"blm ebope o.t. Vil iencem that go tu anak. uîilIiiin hia odern day but it la lackîing iD one tLhtug. Lackiug in a tbing tlîat is an absolute nhca.ety ta amy nontmunity, a tbingr that every cltime, busminess man and property boiSer às ipter*.'ted in andi witbout wblb ie ela muîh fet atake. Th. particular aubjact bh.-mufhhcient tire protection. Whou the watar sy.tam wascompleted the. vill board brougka hose reei andi liv. hundred lent of hon but glasi to r. late tiiay have flot a... îuch active ser- vice. Th"i dom, fot"badicate they "Ii flot ba n.edl howvvaiandi wh.n the tMme dosa coma, they ahoulsi b. bandiesi Ibre qulkI ImanILIre dl trefighting weanpous ln an latlWent manDer. 8houlsi a irs emcr Irmen are always needed aud aaaded.baly snd fet thst par- ticulair Urne, bnmedaIàjr, tien andi there. The. solutimonfo!bii.question lasa vol. unteer lire da Artmeniomiîîued of the. rounps a iactive men, wha viii organise, appoint la chia andl then put la nme evateatielupracti ,, ithat viien a cri"tcalima coms, diey vilbeabhe tuaset out theappl rtuslaa line of boa, maire coupwg, ransi g11yet tream on the. blase in the shurteat possible ime. There la always more ur le.. ez- citnant at a tire, and mten wbo have some pactic ansi eieeeacaer- tally a mre fiiet lina acrow o! 'foa ou ehodotknow a lire ping The subject la Dot ia Dciv one aldh basa discusseed before. hut it la neariy blle liaI poina action %vas taken. la- surance complanes recognise the value o! lire protection as their raté.eishow, andi not only that, but every business man andi avner ai buildings in the. town of Libersyville ie entiticîl toall the. tire pro- tection obtainatîle under the circoum- stances. Newa of lhe Petit Court&, The courts o! hoth Justice Hackiey ansi Justice Wiosner mer. taneeian VS" urd"Yay nd a great p'art of tha day daotasi talegal mat ter.. John Cameron, o! HaIt Day, va. suai by Frank Eagie for $20-Mi2, balance du. on wuage. Tiie jury lecides int favor 0f the plaintif to the ainount a!1415.50. Tii. case viii be iîirrîeil telthecoonty court. Tried blefore Jumtive Wissner. Tii. court o! Justice NV. L. Hackiay vas bonoresi u7 tue dîutinulahed pros- enc. of Satur Gro. A1. St&ples, o! Lo)uuana, againat whoin lie Chcago, Mlwaukee aaîd St. Pati! rairoad brought suit for balanc, due lin t reighî chargeso. Jusigement vas reudcred aginat tihe Sanatar, btluii justice ta hlm Il may ha saad b, va. not nt fault. Ha ahippesi tva race horées t ii ibis pace front Louialaua ansi umade a cautract tiiere for charges straiglit through. Il aier. ward develapes thiet the charge tbrough Illinois seire su ntuch igber that thioignl iruiglîc bih ol quite a rum.Th rilronilsecturesithe Mdaniail liîuiiriy iiiai'eraled two ciAprita, tue Fourtli. Pint druke, that'. ail. Succemuefm!iuelimle. Tii. auditorium io! the Union churci lut1 Saurday cveing xwas wall tillasi viliittny friedsso! Mris. iora B. Dluans ansi popils, wliu gava a riaial *eat* that evaniug aseistasi hy lii pupila of> C. E. Qinlan and students o! the. Cliago conservatory of moualc Thie pm%0ain, as pubuisiesiniithle fast lue, vas recoresiin its entirety, vitb but lIichneansi receivasi lb. tarty agiueo! a well.pleas5d audienice. TIe O iulawitiiout exce tics scqu tbmii.svm ila avery eultlichh m r and dhplaird a kuowledg cisclala'qu 1-hd mIcal ability liaI la « ainlrd oaly byF0OW fulansi tiorougii Iaoueisa. wzyuse r iCkicago, Mdvoa tive ischirof lia violîn, àmat artiallcaliy peifornw&si. >fg osly X«m o lhe anter"alninlit . venlng vm al tahdiaon numib y UMi Dutand va. antirely tva bila. ThiMte No«*aý, inh" cie e îha UBERTYVILLE RUAL ESTATE lI DEMD Saie of Lots ln the Kuebk.g' Sub- division Go& with an Aciivity hat Show. Promiaing Future.. That peopil en erai andi the.publie At large appreciate the. value of Lberty. ville real esitate, ia demionstratesi by the manDer in wieh lits ame seling in the. Kuebker addition. Trhe male proper ha- gan rracticaily on lant iiunday uiorning and up to tihe present tinte 16 iota bava been aold and options .ecured on many others. The lot» are in no particular way any more desirable thauninany others in Lib- bertyville but the rapid uianner in wblcb they bave been taken up in proof posi- tive tiîat there ta a demansi and wbere tiiere la a demanti, there must be some attraction. Litiertyvilie itself la the drawlng card, and no town ini the state of Illinois has a brighter future than tuse one. As a resitience town. a plac ta builis a bomne, it stands without peer, as a location foir factorles andi ather industrie. of tiîat desription, there in noue that ofer better advantagea. Libertyville i. advancing ta the. front tA the stage and i. already under the spot ight. The uew' mile track le an enterprise that is assunting gigantie poseibilitisa and this year ia a far greater propositioun tlîan ever before. It bringa mten lier front eveîiy part ofthtei country mnen wbo are (luick ta s,- siti half an eje, what any î.oimurity offer@. That's why they are heie, tiiey knew wbere ta conte. Tbey are men wltb capital ready wo inveet, a.nd their coin- ing and going alwaye prodoces subtan. tiai returDs ta flot one in particular- but many. Tii. benefits tbougb tbey stee tut profit oniy cantparatively a few are reallY a stimulus to the public ini generai. That the tawn la undergolng a trans- formation, hbat .ometbtng la happéfig that we don't altogetiior gmap, in realisdi by many. Dou't mistake tuis change Ir a boom, a muahroom growth or anythlng mlot normal. In reilty Its jut growlng pains, forerunner. of a natur&L.Jbeaithy groiwth that la tii. brhrgt of'âny proaperouaeommrndnty. Outsiders bave appreclatasi thie faet for sîline dine andi now the vIllaga lt.elf la f ully aware of tihe trend a! affaire. WAUKEGAN CLBS BtAT RAMBL!RSI Libartyville Defoated by Score of 2 tao 0in Excltlng Qame ai Fair Grounds Sunday. The Waukegan Cuba lnvaded Liberty- ville, Sunday, W th lie mistaken ides, in their noodla. tii I hhey wer golng ta have aneay gaineof ball. Tbdy brougit alang a bunch of rooters Bisa, via laboresi under tue main edlualon but Il wasn't long hafore the lookasi at mattare in an entireiy dffrent ight. "Foola ruai in viare aglear la tresi" asd o viti a aupe= 1ud ance o! canfidence hhey plungeitthelb.gaîme making tva ruae.ia teiret lnnlgad diat wsemall. Tiiey dido't knaw viat diey vere up against andi von the g=me la lb. firet inuing, mare by, gooi u undoobEldiýy vcre a little nervans vian they vent on the field, but aniy for 6 short lime. Wiien Ibey varasi to thair work the Cuba were beid dowa In g od styla and aillii.herooters la Waéu- ke cauldn't bave got tuant anytlilg atchar Sailer aplit the linger. of bis rigit baud in the sixth lnning but piuckiiy bandaging liieni together con- tinuedai llthelbbat. In th.eleghth linnpthie Ramblur made on. o! the. prettlait playa o!fRi gat.Malo.y, shortp, toa in a bot iiait andi tbrew to Davis, puttîng out man at second, Davis lu turn threw ta Doerfiar a't tiret putting out the ruoner, tinlsiiing thIinning. The batterie. were: Cuba, Levas ansi Lukey; Raunblers. Bayes andi Seller. The score by lnninga vas a. foliowa: Cuba 200000000-2 fiamblers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-> Severai hundresi people witn.eed the. gaine wiih wa. one of thei. ntsucceas- funi of the sea@,ou, tn atts'udance au vell a. financlally. Tii. Ramblers seul prabably gel a re- turu gante at Waukegan in Auguet. The. Iaunilera celebralesi their iret defeat by getting their pîctures "tuaI" but wiither tbey were a11 smilîng, te rentma tu bcsiien. (jante eit Suni1 wbth the. North Chicago tenan. AÂMylijalMTine. Tii. Mystie Warkare gava a banquet et lthe tawn hall luat 'luesday vnu diat va. largely attendai ans iÏ . la invery respect. The reauiar meeting wa. baldsittIhair bail, four candidates bslng latse, miter wvieb lthacompany adjournesi ta the. taen ballviw"re il banquet va. preparesi. ÀA uiat dae wa. alan a fauture o!f taevilg A nuinier front Ivanhoe vi, rasa and severail fiani rayalak. 'MC Waukegan ontinget fallaidta in n lcditarJ.R. Adam., of Piano. 111=adio aof thé. Iodsig ulctioonasPrenantansi ïdelivered a oic. ddru. 9 Opet Air Ser.vIca,. The. opan air service va.a a wsase lat gua ala oon.The flat Md i ouge ta inrait anA Ob"q. l'lp i .i ,Iof r- â ýâ B e Trc . Tb av#sam -J One thlng It woniit cost you to do business with us: You don't have to give Up any of yQU self respect. - C.c You'll not bé hustled, nor shouted at, nor' Indifferently deait wlth hore, If we can help IL. If you corne to buy, or Just to look over our goods, it Io ail the same to us. We've the boat goods possible here at your prie, and we'Ilosee that yon get what you want, If yon don't get what you want, or get what you don 't want, or are not treated as well ln. buying here as you are other places, tell us about ItL We wânt what you want. 1FRESII MEUS and VEGETABILES e1ý wags on band for inmnediate delivery. A good line of Scmmer Goods --- WhiItE PARASOLS. SLIPPfRS, MUSLIN UNDER- WEAR, Etc. A comple lime a of twe' urnistiogsu. STRAW MATS. OXMORS. StIIRT$.iý BELIS, Et. Corne in and meowhat vs have. A. O. Bcemzagài PAUtL liàcoun'nx F. P. Dnaoîso DIREOTORS: C. P. Wmuuî H. C. W. ou C. B 0Âuov CAPITAL., . . 50,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 20.000 w ilh A b una nt G4pj and Ample Fa ci LAKE COUNTY NATIONL DA14K Vour attentionlis caled te. m# om Set 8"m ai Ilevg Harmuss Lght -nome Turf &W Sommer Goods eaIvlysMd let ive. Prime.. ÀLL [INIS 0f UIAItNI Nd N S y 1 mhiTL! 0. 1. LUCE3 MARNESS sut J. eu. Trrioggs Bock. ~~~~ KInaaim douaII lawn, wbi.lêd wlth là-kII Ca garmeu$ for .. ....... Goe ejaptmom e imonos, H io exta lUtembrolderd «" ~olatb, lu white, pink. der, zîd and navy. gloevea and 5 twulaed wth atin lu Podai '...........................I lKimonniomdofrom dar'k rw4 £ ... . . . . .I. . . . . M. ie T Pl ti fi. ti

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