CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1907, p. 8

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luches vide, 81 50 aue7 e "ILOTHUE~ WSIDND" Blouas. ami Wash Suite for Bo». Our Semli-Annual hwnentory begins .nont Moeday, july 15., -Irroeder to cltat oMnafi broken à=e which haveacwutd durng the past six months, we have appUied m=àum wWhlirtA tl in the cxtrcme- To most merclants the frthi of the year's busines was a diÊappoixtment,, to mariy it "Wpeile4 Ut"'40 us with Our increas4 stock and fiities for handfng naecds it has been abrifitsuccess. sThis- succm shas flot been %ithout its drawbacks in the way of* laueàtiucuwm "Cleaving, us with -increase numbers of broken lots and -odds and ends, and on thcse «ilidrena Dêtly hommed i 5 Sj Y&Adslong. the pI1 uî1oso'T~~> he ;jý dj «ravers the iaslr Pair at ........ prfcua acuul ___ o. fbwlll c enteed. ..s yours, loss.......__. (hms 1kLadia.' Ilable Tippe Lud i Swa"d'Whie Tu=a.V"White Chilfis Lidis GI.,. rasta ii».. 9111M4 Vesta 81akGb, SUC ce"lai jeGc Washabh itos e atw.ia la white aud colore,, 3 and 4 ches vide, Qualitv that selle reg. Those gloves tire oar regular #1 .80 quality, fuli Ladiae' turu-over col- ite' white vaih., Childreu's k ni t i.ed Pro-itvetory prie ai colore, et fur double the am'î 16 button elbow clamp vith double tipsanMd aa lare, reg. 'Ibo, values. abi l cita, Ibc quality pants, reg. 15o qi, i1.t 19c 7c j 5c ;ia~uusually big value ai the$I25c8li Ladies' 10.00Pnama Suisti5.00' ,Ladies, 12 50 Eto Suit .......... 6M2 Uâde' 1150 Prince. Osp Suie ai...6.25 ladi.s'2MQI>oay Sui t .ai........ 625 Ladie' 15M00PArM& Suite ai ....... 7.50 LdS'15.00 MaiMM tonu uiseat. . 0 LaW eé 18.00 Panama Buts at ....... 9.CO IA",es'18.00ItoM S ite i......... 9.00 Lm&"ie1.00 pÀony suite ut ........ 9.00 Ladies' 20.011 Eton* Ladies 20.00 Prince Cbap Suit$ et -.11.00 LadMIse20.00 Pony ý-ýiS"ai ...... 10.00 IMi..'12 50 S1k Stat ........ 6.25 Liadies' 25.00 voile o aikid.a......1.00 Ladies' 8500suite aU hunds u.17.50 .. PVSa'Ivenm 7Some et lds'Washable Ladies' 2 50 Wmsable Shirt.Waïsts8uissl.79 Ladies' 500 Shirt Waists Suite ai .- 2.98 Pr-mvemtury Sale of Washable and Siriis Ladies' 4.00 Paamia Siirts at...... 2.98 Ladiet;' Panama sud Mohiair Skirts at 150 rLadijes' 8.50 Voile Skirts et...........5.00 Ladies' 8.50 Ohiffon Wauama Skirts .... .500 Pro4uvout.sry 501.f LwaW s'Auto £loîh Skirts Ladies' 1.0f) Auto Cloth Skirts ati... 6c Ladies' 3.00 Auto Cloth Skirts 1.48 Plae4unmîOÈ7Sale of Lawn asud M11walst «Ladies' 1.50 Lawn Waiste at .-.5Og Ladie'2.50-Lawn Waista ai. 1.49 Ladies'8.00 Lavd Waïsts at. .1.49 Ladies' .50 Silk Waists et .... 1.98 Ladie 150811k SSlips eilColora98c ,CbMtl Wahble Dresses op,,2irout at.......29e oktiptwUable Dresses Ladies' Long 41offl 1i25e value ai... . 7& Semi 3.0e et Dresi"le in Mst instance$, vitit the exception cf Danieh cloth, messe a siraight 20 perlant. reduotion frcm the 7.5.15v price: Caehmer., " inchea ide, aSl coloa, bon quality lets 20 per cent, nOv.. 40o Mohair Seolifan, 62 lâches vide, 50o quslty lem.20 per cent. Dov . . 400 B11k sud yod(J0"pede Chine, ail colora, 75o q*éàlty lue 2o pur cent, at Soc Stoxm Serge, à$ incle, vide, Mach, 75o qsallty leme 20 per cent. .0..... 6oc Heriattas bIs.,brava aud tans, fuil vidth, Ose'quai. leu 20 per et. at. 79o White ChUoesnm, f.00 quality, ful i vdth, lme 20 per cent, nto... oc Meirose Cloth, white sad green, 1. 0(b qulity le 20 per cent, nov. ... -800 Wool Tafette, tan, gresa sud od rose, 1.00 quality les 20 par cent. nov b0c Panama Saitlage, 0 emcli..ide, 1.00> value lles 20 pcr.cent. nOv.................80c *Black Voile, &Il wool, .2 qulityles.20peu ceci. DOWv................ ..............10 * ~Silk sud yood repe de Chine, black, 1.00 qnality lece20,per cent. nov .................. 800 Colored Voile, bise sud brovu, 1.00 quality less 20 par ceut, nov. ý................ ......SO00 *Black Panama, 52 juche vidé, 1.00 quaeiiy les. 20 per ceanot ....... ....800 Black Armure, full vadth, 1.25 quality les. 20 ptr oat. nOv .-.......00 Bs aBngaline Bopp, 1. 50 qualil.y lepa 20 per cent. Ov .................. ........1.20 Black Gros Grain de Paris, 1.50 quality leos. 20 par ceR. nov.................. .....1.20 Chiffon Paaams, 56 luche. vide, aIl colora, 1.50 quality lm t2 0 per cent. nov.. .1. 20 White Storma Serge, 52 inches vide, 1.25 value lesi 20 per cent. novr... 1,00 Water-proof Suitingi, 1.2.5 quslity laus 20 par ceD4 nov...-1.00 Waîer-proof tiulungs, 1.00 quslity leu 20 par oeLt. nov .S..8o Panama Suitingo,. 1 50 values les. 20 par cent. new ......... 1.20 -Medallion Cloth, regialar 29a quliy-Pre-Inventory Sae. oc19 I.ubLze SiIk, regular 29o quelty--Pre-Inventory Sale.....190 "ne very newesi Lavas, aIl colore, during Pre-Inveatory Sale 4je i'; e , ry neveas Chah.., all colora, Pre-Inventory Sale.4*cý 'NewL.awns, regular 10e sund à 1* quality, dvring ibis sale.... 7 le A; 'hite Dmmitiea, vorth np to 1ISc--Pre-Inventory Sala.. ..1 4c A: A Lite Perfàian Lawua, Worth up te 20c, t .......- ..104 Pre-Iliventowy WSa .Oui 5h.. Section Our ensire stock ëf Ladies' Oxfords have beau divided into tvo big assrtmnt:- Lo S -Inceludes &Ifa 4.50, 4.00u ad . 50 Oxford», in ail the very neweet leste sud leathers*, higl ad low heels. sedîsa light sud heavy soles- *~ Paeb-lilwtosy Sle pre .............$2A LM X& 23-Thias asortanent embracea &IlIthe broken lIse ale. front cur réguler stock, ucéhiag but aios cle ,upto-datWOxford. lucluding the swsri etap slmsaswon seathe more conservative lWuS, yop915e fz.x esaso»»f et les, su Imoken aies- To i desau eston a aredioalonsly low psles'-v~ t~ Nt.~4Imiiai O t5hst55 l à Lot S-ALod#t" 5 B& -AU 0#0P*4 A tbm et 275 te0., s, téla pto 2.00,a...., This embratie ven distinct pattons and weavee ini %quidity thai oelils reularly .1..- weeup to 1.48 espeoiaily'pie I for tbis sale st ........I,........... 9 C nom, ?Maut 2.15 This embruce au unusay flo sortment ini Wqnuteds, Csumemn d IHome Spuns in checks, striped andi novelty weayes, ç#rong weli made, every pair gUaraneed.not tg rip, trolisers th"au r madie to titi nd are finish- ed in the -aie manner as thon ast higher Prie, values that unI elsewhere up té 8&00 espeoiaily priced for tii preinventory sale'ati........... I&1 Preinenî.,y Sah tif T.u nom SmIts This embraces ail the very newest effeots iu both single asd double brematea style« !in black and fsnoymixtures, sizes up to 86in* chest meaure, theo biggest value ev.e offer- ed any place at nywhere near the price. Preinventory sale prioe aten95 Sm Washabe Sit. 89e This aisoriâmeut embraces aU th. very neveat effets, se*eral different pat- ternisud several duRferont f.bries from vwhieh ta make your seecicu ihey couac vith Koickorbocker trousers and the blouse in irlmmed vith eum- blemne on the aleeves and colar, suite that sold at $1.50, especiallad prcdai ....... ... 7ly Boys Rue. Pants at 39e Ilere in an oppertunity to make 70cr soleotion front our ent.ire asaortment cf Boys Kuee Pente, several differeut materiala, docwis of.: patterns froua whioh te ohoose, aIl regular ,5Oc sellere, Ireinventory @ale 3U7L- Pnthn Vwiond houa.Walsts Yonr ohoice froua any of oui regular àoc Blouse Watata for Boys, vIth or w ithout collara, aipeoiilly priced fur tbis Preinventoysal T o boe. f cdoses. of cbArtning- ý E l Y f thosO aw, r =. or qidrame e.oqom *50, cu hoileroth rsmaIninu nombaràt ... k... Fe iulbrtpvi4l MM elltes Of Or*". l'and as'4p,mrIunluthé Tii. ioUovnltu W oda-Ju u~t by àùkwm aw m Là pout , ,nnwlla pw$ 0roa1,£. iwai aurmpo* istihver Co., OkIlama -ol aijoi*Iagw nscone, Kuesas, Whpre a""v a miLtseuiy P»eoia ve ..ala eeoambrl.nW in meythffls "nef l a bmhlng lanm ec»aV» bueIfi 7", vaut ad I1 vaste uivice les 50 tom e psnolymud loch h 0wycutod- ML. Tualseoisi aeey le je .yers <a. Mblotb« " aqmysulbave*sfd un- 'fbintgMd'I làdose volf hmi. NIy orft ais.oebuela paers , oso 0* wbmt 3hs 5, epelts 60, nMilo amie Md, Ki o i. aen athom e a-maunîbo béast«. Allaf,do-Weila". Irish patatoseDai Velygood luet, ewe posa"be A No. 1, promu~t» gool, $mn action ralsod but this bua beau a very lasi epalag, so cold vs bais aint bal Irec. the ground aller the trou5 vers ait heavei out. I set my 'trous back aud frouo nomte of thena demi to the grouni and kilied saome aiogetier. 1 MIbrotbev i .owtng 100 acres of fiai nov, hohalldton aces btiyear but i don't knav vbat It madle par acre. Ho cauwne be.froua rave two reare eNp on e viei ani wheu lie saw niy crupe ho, od.. kàisland lIn i-va aid moyed hor@. 1I&aV(sar..&bUL .WelVe acres Of CftUlb- lot. j. ,hiut.-.I tis yer. Lait Isar 1 bail @lcî.t 'w- sud sold 7463craies of lt-lei ,. ii . r.. veragod me 65 cente a cute. 'l'lie -, 8ta roua ivo tu tour lust binai. ali vi.rpd dAa ubosal. Water je1 fi 1Itlp t,,1.iU teet deep aud A Nu. I Tiale in Net Coldees Spc'an. 17 Lm se .csuad oe,, ltiéa la.1 nut the caldea e 'vaon rS uod. The jer 1816, fur aîra5s a«d coud eather bube" abloek. An c olda" bock et Oma8bubejuib budu up b douer la ltra.vea ~ole *W1 ho mye le ontalnsila onesottepu«; of tbat remasable raye menuito lu dstitue ofhast s&i people bcam mn ws extlngula ami&"te ori wu comlng te au ami. liataereprsaehs .5lmoU m nt ssnd fanatàmsformnsi relis as o0 ata and iblemnsi peoplefor 9 ery ,ti"ml. Te lu ary &M iMaaub, but April and Sa ver, e . hitkepi gatthag od orii Jam lu wbven. com wuaskilis ami vogt&tion aloo. #Mnt wvaSm-rn Suce S iNo esecumon. Ics'formsd i a quar raian Inch thklaSU ail i. eem @$ou on e .4tà o' ud n peope *h tbttvgwtouUbrlng warmer vetaier usdWepponts inl tbat. lm. forai tbatmoota luarl &U the. e.s»t.r atesaud vat littjecorn vaslait Up te thattimn luestered lccahtlsewveakilisi soi vba fitil, cors di mature lu the. south thâ a lDwu Wortha$5 a bueal for sudsinl 1841. Flour soiti thai fan for 014 a barrai ani Meetables van vWorth thair veiabt lu gol& saptambeandsoiOctber ers tva cold menthe psopls e rs thaîr vntor clating sud nOv 1tellun aauy 0ohe> Nv e glani stateu. But etrangs te 0h Nveaa an bltterly cold w uaiual f eav, Deceub vas l>.nalieotmouinluthe yearaid petple began t1thlnk the sseons ha chaaagoi about." THEIIE WILI. WED. Willlls Neauit. Moslnee. Wis.. 26; Zada Dillon, 19. Antan Jenson. 32; Pairs Osier. graerd, 28. John Williams, 34, Racine; Lizile Needies, 31. Maude Genevieve Blckness, 20, Min- neapalis; Thomas Francia Logan, 26. Robert H. Bluni e, 21, Chicago; Ma- Fbel F. HIluln, 19. Richard Anderson, 21, Racine; Eli- zabeth Mchier, 19. John Dpwlelt, 21, Annia Petrusze- wlcz, 21. John Oison, 28, Racine; Jessie Hof- fland, 22. , Edard Knapp, 23, Chicago; Idella Bedford, 21. Monroe Cdinton. 27, Hlghwood; Mary Tacite. 24, Port Washington. They get their llcenle lu Chicago. Arthur Beshel, 18. Freinent; Anna Hiegerty, 22. Jus P. 3 Hethana, 44, Zion City; Bair. rah A. Cemeron, 25. M. C. Coudrey, 35, Rockefeller; Pearl C. Smith. 28, Ivaulice. FranitGrealis, 253; Franc SymokIs, 23. W. F. Qrois, 24, Mlwvaukee; Jace- Fphine Faet,28. - avtre Moutemmurro, 21, Keno. eh;LydisMangen, 18. r atre Renvlt 38, Buiffalo; Alto mains a yes, St.Mary'. s, % lmxis Beblett, 2tg, 1"èkeForeet;, illuta >al"Mlnd -orant. 23, I sôtWlc.; Vio1g*ock, Î.Ub

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