CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1907, p. 1

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>ENT... L~KE COUNTYS FRIDAY, J LILY 26, 1907-12 Paes Si.5aFEdYAR I DVN( - o rd Lleweliyfl Lloyd inelliy ime @M e tale Nome ofiiOn Who Left ta go on fReccrd Smoaking IBprou. Lat Wednesdaây vcek. about 4 a. mi., thle boy of anu uknovn man4 vas toan by Jake Zîimen 11ootin1 lu the milS pond lu tile ean cof lor Sngton 1JUIn!>bouse sean thc Wlas in- sin Central tnacka. It vwu brougit to ailore aud taken fa McCarthY & ftrea- aen'. undertaking roomu. The gkull was crusilci, igit ieg sevemad lust above thlealUe. ett foot crushé1 aud tber brulaca aant taie body. On thc corpase vas foundi a gold watcir, bearlng tile ianplo o Y. Lloyd, 1893. Front Marna. tothie amount of 88.10 vas aiso lound on thle body. t vas tbought at tiri tu be tire body of a traluman or âonie paaengcr vilo may bave falicu frram the cars and been mtn over. No one vas miasing t Burlîngton aud tepa vere faken ta Identi!, file emains. The rigt edue' waa obtalned durlua th.imrnivilen John Steuilouse of thle Engigs ettlemeut, Who vas lu iave on busiueau,. vos told o!fihe body bclng founfi and 1h01 t vaà tbongat ta be of gomeurre by bile namel of Llyod. lie at once remankei Uat &,mon hy f ut name vilo vas vonr- lng for joe Joiluson. a uigirbar. bad! ilcen uisslng alure tile Fourtb o! July. Ou being abovu tire body, Mn, I StenilonieientficdItilas tiat ofa! Llyi*s sud aIS daubt vas set uttrest ily M. Johnsgon via bai beau tels- pilone 1, aIse reeouilug thle re- mains as. f oseeaf Uoyd's. Taie mou baiil een awoy frot Joha- so'a place on o sproeezincs Uic 11oMISRfanasU iongit f have Boue ta Mllvoukee. go eurnued lad via aroui Alaici Snioy vîtil noth « Mm nt itaiiy ths marnae, «Job On. uer. The Sat secu o Llyoi Veaslot. on aunday uveain.' vian hileSef Con-; nor oui started ton thc Central de-. pot lu a tlpsy condition, sorîna ho vas gina to iMlwvaukee. If la tkougit -e ilwandenci auto tb. ralroad tnack ani vas run aven by the 12:3M pue- seuges- train, as flot vas about fthe tinete 1havoci stappci fiat vas founi ou bis persan. The man's cah ani bIcycle veme touni et Chaos. Bel- er'.lvemy stable, vilere ae bai left; fhlmt * Loyd, via bai ileen lu Mr. Johin- soua employ fan taie pat year sud a hali, vas trom Chicago. vilene le bai tvoalaters and a brotben living. 'bey ver, notlfled aouiadoui o nther-in-lav Gea . lSalveacu. o! 705 Soutb Moyl treat. caie on and toaSt charge o! fie remalua- lHe retuei tetheUiccty With thUicbody an Tisuado moraing oves thie Central rosi. viera burlo vas 10 b b ai lln rat Home cerné- rie@rjan's name va r'red Leveilyn Uoyi, thea volcilbu-vas vearing bain& fiat of a irofiler vila ied ei5v- crgt Yearoa go. Durina taie finie o vorkei for Joluuaon fie mau vas quiet oui teair oui only veut avay once for a short ti nteau ospnee. MeUt Supi Sai Nw ta aie POr- «Isty Pare-,sud Wflu Contami- nation Owtng-ta Poerelfipéne-, tlén-, VMIl te b. Moi. Sumoe. Inspection a! eveny lien a! cattle tu the'qlstts'y iti fia oujed o! erai- loqttna hubercole sby kbuting intact- ai oovWIlepjoe n "o sthie reaulh af!the é6pOilaput. belvec 'thie pokers âà4tii Mational Lite Stock gubject in, peut*wmidm caoi!natian Tbe* dasigalà ýI.Çavê efté Selaa fare 5ppre,0lae IbouS or Wlbhepu, vaIe f insplection SU: tSaes' langl fer o! inecici beevua. f't lapropeaed lia at heovuer tanid OPublf the iose on amuhfe tâte fbe othelr hal. Ioreport lis flot Wteuo»Oalnfa 4!Airlreekîng viti lie 'Gtaot-Wb # ,"mi flot IIlnos a In na r spply o! theis t* a gigot «on»u on the iaoi terers tbatble Cot muet sdone or "ofr bu abltted on ftheonsumer. The emtik snpply et fthe couutrY boivever lunot Do ilapplly altuated, molk front Infecd covoami 11being dlatributed bagouse of teck et inspec- taen sud kiiowlodue. The csnIptigu t10 ertermlnate tuber- eurin ai atl!,vqil b a costly one. but aSt bas f0 b. donuesoner or Saler, St la thle vise plan te $o at nov. The longer thc delay thie graier thle oust bot ln Iilites snd lun moey. File Sunday Examiner Baya "F'or more reanoas than one thie country in faclng a scarclty of bec!. Daary lntereata are encroachlng aun fthe fecd lot laIllinois, Iowa afid Mie- souri. On the Texas range thc home-' ateader la swarmlng, vile Montana, Dakota and Wyoming pasturea are, bc- ang, rapldly curzalled. The ra4ge beef-making Induatry lias dwindled tn, amall proportions, and most af the big outfila vilS be out of busaness vthý til seaban's roundup. Cattle bave treceutly advanced a dollar a ilundred, e$6,0 7 belng the preAent range for 'he bulk of ateers. For twenty yfars peust 5 0 5% cents hba been the common pries for decent dattie. sud thle new basS, of puicesvil! endure uintli pro- 9duction catchez up vîtil consumption. fEtiler tie consumer muet foui tUic bill or bath ihler sud retaler must elnarrow their margins on profit. à"flince February ilog values bave edeclined anyvilere froup $1 8nd $1.50 per cvt. Obviously If tiley vere vont h tire moue>' trn file>' are dinh cbcop now. At 5$4,6 cents, tire range at vbicb tire brlk of good bogta la nov sehllng pork la relatîvel>' muci cilcaper tban bect,'" mUMAt* SOoTV Es Dcci i àle..aLgoqi5rSalite Mova ai. lit& Aeusata InFine lIee. ied o!Coligp ~8d'-g.uas~of-erppfed boraea &u~ Msd .lsf eai, belng bealcu oui abuai autbey boulai graveS at Lakt Preat, aecordîns ti charges mode by Hugo_ roug. auperlteni- et of!thie Anti-CImeif y ocety. Hie ,'»sr e foira tilat William J. Newman. 84 laflie street, a teamlngý contracton. ubho vaaarreted and fluci for cruety ta bonsea a eck ago la Cblcago, vsn Uic owner o! Uic anS- mols. "Hie Boai e oui get imb trouile1 if ile varked ila crppleanCiaa,"j saad M. Kmuae, "no iles:.t filen tho thie Northl Shire. Tiere fthe vere Ouedinlu iaulîna gravai for a prlvate rosi te, connectfthe ihome o! J. Ogica Armoun vitil Uic Lakte Forent treeta. six warantotheicdrivera and for Newman vIlSlic taken Out fits vuei." Lampera In Lake Forent. Tbhtireai ilsoase, ampeas, bas brokesu ouant ong Utceilongea berel aud ilos slready causai a big oss. Si ilorsee belouggata Jackt Doyle bai ta b kbllei Juy 9U. Thlisl fie econd large ot. nine bingkiclîSci frcu one stable but a bilat finie aga. Mlorneownvemo aiaul b ou thie vatcil fon Sf oui by uina cane about voter- lngan offil et0fpublic places, fie ileos-may nof aie conacte.' The public vaterins hauntolu ban been shut off.Tlic, lAdre Forcsteir. Me Went ho sieep. Lylng fut asleaep on fie thiskao! fie veal irouci o! thie lecria nasid, neon Roudout. SOuriay niait aM il c'cdockl, ZooPiacher, o carpeuteri aI thie Armear place, vest of 15ke For- ebt, age forty-eligt. vas afruck lu fie ileai oui sorlously InJurei. Piacher, accrilua fa hil* vufn oy. veut to Ltbertyvibc earlylu il e ev- enlug, ad ouimeme. Intaxictqi stifO viîcli Ifla.bclevei.hilsteatcd to "ak bock tutfie Arutoun place,wvie a moanuoigmKennedy la biat Ore4 man. gonfie voy bock bholoy davu lY 1tic aide o!fie tracksanoui ent ha i aeep vîtil bis beai aginst fie otte,' rail, ibut notrgn il.N Thle aau bann Ictr strockbÏlit Bs oye wvwo ulbai- r ou andalarge gasi vas inSîeti oni Iisa fonebead., liecvIlS pnoiably ne-ý ,1sf. boni, bo vas ramoyeaitta ge MiAilsIr Hogpito iere, fiel taore Couuty WOuld Recelve Imense Proi t ligna Sncb Projec ilIfCauai Ont CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL TO DE THE OUTLET Lake Bluff Silo Location of sn Imn- mense Pumnpirig Station tilstWil Furnisil Water to Flood Canal To drain the historie Skokle nibnair &long the North Shoe; To locate. the drainage district purnping tation,.at «a point between Lake Bluff and Waukegan, intead of et Evaeston; TO redeeni thousanda of acres ols now worthiaag lands at practically no eapns te thie Northl Shore town afa! foectd; Tilesep are Plans now bheiig disicUis- ed amour lske 'outy People, wyul a prnospect tirat tbey vis Ire earried ',0 a sîîccesstnl conclusion, which nîcans thausands of additional dollars ln Lake Connty pocketè. As plans bave ireen' made,.thie Chi- cago drainage district, excavations for whIrcilhave licou lu progmesa for mantils, la ta eud at Evauston vîtil a pumplur station Paaaengers ou thle Nortilveàteru bPave renamked eunfile queer excava- Stians for montis.* Asic Change of Plans. Hoveven. Lakte Couuty eud Nantir Shore people propose ta ibave these plana changed and vilS nast flot Uic pumplng sation ire,, ocated nt nome point nartil o! Lake Bluff, no taf tile fikokie oui aller marsies aoag taie shlore conau e drained >off ouidfile marail land transforuceinto tillable, saleoble >ud. it la clame tbf ftils pnaolct la pefectîr femable ouifdel,"ba111unP- port If are lalMth le Varionsutovir aui clfles. jffctci tao gala support tsi tbiîr plan. No Extra Tex For Thiae Tile improveinent. tt la undesoa, ila donc out of o genenol fond o! Uic stahe. oui for Uils reogon, it la sai. Northl shore havas vouli uot suffer au>' speclal asacament on toi. Seven aixtoenfbs o!filhe district anyvay. t la clainici, la outahie Uie clty a! Chicago, no fiat Chicago vouhiý bave no aljecting butln lunu fie aev wciente. *Club Lande Attachai. Lands belouglng ho Onveufua ouian Exntoor vilS hie affectai! bY Ueuev drainage district oui at Uic saine tinte fie Sile' la inaluci, a sort o! canlS viU maIn Uic Cunninghlamttorah nont fli o Rotdout ouidcool, eieni- tug «I more acreage fronthfie curbe o! uselesaness, due fa Uie marailea oud ik m bles. rie propoeai o!fUieucv seme» places Illinois mgltin a Ue vlfi il.- ana lu the a. v et!reiecannamanai laids, a& Uic Hoocer sate la -erc- taning exhtenaive pan% for ncdecusing is aorib parts fromnt h ivter. New Version oftba8hvpuggi. Sai o Havye Token Place I$3bween mHIe- bond and Bon Who vas kbld mathe . o! Amhit, hua mua bep healasid, William YeOm, sai te tie 'tiaw idtu t hav tilla i lem sn Inan acolisahwoie, reontilr, a" d ho vie'freed -of th# aile ~p»irps efu ei, feord. vo««, te p e l ng filai Salue' day. The, li lIed tmîtYoa ela@a" ho.fitai a -new ialo s ien h* tbm ne Mm vY. ur4ahie hIe ti of th quoftel %* 4 aIme'pée athat- It b"4.n ad, aihUglauit.4 p' not muhlut le te entîra iil Mti tiarnecfte Ose" son. lye vite u h* ate ite chldrcut b>y tlýe marfmiag e -sboamm* al Papeo i FleidlbaMy., e Tbe e ap 'Wbv"lit huicapeu. thon for ijeutioiq. *6rè fifo atan' Moy "ntq giib tp*o1 envIes vas enterai ou mc re-rd booki, go tht t fie osg» 454ot become public ntif today. Mater lu OChtMy Clarke ibas ls- sue theflic no"efofor Attorney Run- yard.,vhso reptetehti mrs. Youngs aide o!fihe e. Whm Mm r. *Oug Claime. In ber bill, MM. Yoiug tatpsa ta aile WoaUnitetao Youg, October 5, 1881, and reaii vitir hlm rintil July 1907, viiea aile 1 1e9 that bis 'lit- tncatment,,pbobuia irto eaveui. ChagdsCruelty. -Among atle@sd aets of eruelty filat ile citea, are tii. folowlrrg: Yourng, aile soya, ha., eaten, sruck kicked and ciôb r. For tWa yer-be liar boen thi the habit of going on pree. In 1901 b. fbre* a t, a lot full of boling vater 0f ber'. she aaYs, and aile wag burn4 Later aile claima h- hald a llghted lamp s0 near iler !aD,thaf she wras again burci. Iu Yebrnary, 1902. 0he naysa. le rireatened lhem vîitila ,hot gîu and aile hpd ta fiçee fie hi,'sp and sleep lu file barn. Whore Son'g raI h Cornes In. On May 7, 180, athesasys, bi threw a coocoanut at ber which would have bit ber had ahm not dodgcd II: by wardlng t off witS' a pan th51 sthe This. It lau li, lF tire Incident ln whiîcil Tung amgon Sn'rfered aud met1 bisl deul. rusllng býtwes en lis tathen sud motilern d recei mg, by accIdent1 as lias beeu proven. a fatal voundi froma talfe la thr hands of hie fatilen. Young Ivas fird of the chargei o! vîltul murder. Worth Over $25A.. Tic bill sets tbnih tire tact that Young lasvorfil over $25.000 oui stale tbat tilere are tvo ecildrien. Emma, oged 18, gaund-olive. agcd 10. *As according ta tire abilYoung threontehatrnssCr tbis prapertY ta p4euloide tie f nom getthlugimanro! t. aile asilcitire Injonction aud got Il, WMAT ME SAYS. .'lt la impiy tire feelIngs of aneir vous voman -broullai on by local puai- son," said William Young, Of Antleci, >osterday, lu apeakiflu of the divorce promding. iis wlfe ba* lnstltsted agonnt hlm. 'Bile bas n grounda fer action and cannot get a divorce. i have neyer &hruck ber lu my lite.", Young vIlS coteit Uic divorce pro- ceedinga and expEcte ho vIn. He bas attorney'. He denSes fie cdaims maie îy Mrs. Yongln ber billhilat be sfruck ber or that bc tg an lailtual dmunkond. Ha dlaims firat ha bau neyer dmouS to, 11aoantofaauytilglu I is. t l'ilnjuuctlou, bire atta, be ii ual cara about as ire bai no Intention af diapoalua o! bis praOl'fy.., Tanalaysail albinsetonriris vif, ahurtina thle divorce prOeedings hr public sentiment about bligbome lii regard tu tire death of bis sou, by big iani, If ie alleasi. He clbinta l be obsolutel>' cauli uet bel#4'e aBei dent as bis son fellcm thse Imtéf. T t I. Echoas froffiOebl-oit. a Eveny bru at heg rosse Point track ai Detroit laSMWeila prMpor-1 flou for thie Grand4 circuit uMfng vilici ýopena faiiia,1q5r> ai laeet ontera lu tire Merdiautu a M ou facturner% dtakc, wvlb Il! bpota Tnday. Tire moqtboge! 01 r Cirl oui Highblalil te oslngM$tq i= e wua inteneat. - ý . Tic race iSfor am o 0,3pur»anou le fon 2:24 lbbe of dutiy. Nigit starters are 60ocied, for fils eant. Beatrice D.15iS 4011,18 Claty Lotis, Kenne& M*e. am iMol Viogg beang egadei on " stafters. Monlorie aud Toiws jChbueosar* abc being preparci for 1»raMO, but fie more may not COubâete. HIilbaitlelasai tobave regaluci bis fomm, but- SOMM& (M IIl ibe favorite ln taie stakea,. On auteOUt o! fie voon thfe tiq., if la tbongit ibeSy fiel Ardllî'g tii a! ofS0% lu the Ciaumber f 0ê'Ma1ner shko may b, loverai .Umit 1,01ba beon 80 tharouigily rol 4 the f ansage- ment bogole t Ili O bui l tIaivtiotbIg~q ' liecent IutproveiuOnts la the. suicol Depanent $bat Rave Bee. Completet! MOSPITAL. NOW SEST OIJTSIDE 1,1 TMHICITY 0F CHICAGO. Remodeling Wag in Oporatlng Rooni. Sterciizlng and Ansesthetizlng Aorna, Wssh Roorn and Hall. With tire comîletion of bthe entire remodeliig aud nibuiilg o! thle sur- gicat departmeîîb of the Jane McAlls- ter hospital. thre finlrtbang touches of vbicb were put on but ietFnlday, tire local iroaptailaites ifs stand amour tu- ".Ating -ne--O-fe t. f. ney. J. W. Bcaiey and Mn. ST. Spring, let tbe contracta. 1Thie board of dîrectors meets as soan'as Mr. Whitney returna from a business trip ta Sspect and apprave thie vork., Wa*Espcclally Flnc. Thie finiahing of the vaiS5 aofthe de- partmeot la anc of t lis est features. Tbey are of adamant plaster and are finisbcd vitil four coats of pint and tvao ofvhite echarel. lighiy Complimentcd. A Chiîcago pilysîcian who perform- cd an operatian lu the depanimeut on lant flday, paid iligli complimntns t file departuient, thle hospitai and its staff of nurses. The niateniassued ln ri-remrodel- ing wene alected after careful search amoug dafferent large Institutions vhere they bad beau teated and prov- ed efflcient. or country and, as one, ot the lead- VERDICT OF TT ÉI! lrig local pirysîclans sald yesterday C R N RsJR ai thie Isutitution, "aur Irospiaila filhe O NPW ) R . finet outaide af chicag.', eundMnayAtrono h A SUN reporter Satuniay visîb,-dRerudMoay feron u h the ilospîtal and unien tire guidance Accident ah th. Armaur Esate e! Mise HeyS. file beai nurse, lnspee'- Ate everai Adournmetits. cd file Improvements. Misas}leyl, as1 The cranorsq jury lu bile rase o! la every nurse,' the hospîtal associa- Leonhard Steidel, a laborer. employ- lion ladies and everi' doctar ut thle cd by Mai04>' on filhe Armant' ptate, cit>', la justly prani ofthie ,Iml)rove- iho vas klhîri b ya nonth biound pas- mento and fthe iospîtal. Soneger train on file Chicago, Mllvou- The Oepartmenta. J Se. & St. Paul R. R.. ]st Mania>', Thle surgical depariment consiata o! renierai a verdict Monay afterrioon. tour rooms aud a hail; thie oirerating .Tire deceasci vas killed accidentai- mom, the sterilizing roomfile anaca- j y by enlune No. 118 an thie pri-vate thetlalug rmuom. sud Uic physiclao'5i-gt-of-voy bilonlng tu file rallroad vwail om. wvIlle rturalng froni vork ou Mon-t Bachl roam bas becu entlrelY buiS day evenlua. aven sud file vasi room bhas been Neltiler file rallroad nor Ru4olpil mode one room f ram tva. Taie vork Bloolp & Co., thie coul act or,' for ilas taken tram file 5imft vk lu May.-vilo file mon vau cmPloyed asunte conhracfol5 o, Woric. any responsiililty. The carpenter worfc là the -8o aThle Injureri man, P. Kukilnakl, la vag donc nuder Uic direction of Con- lu thle Presilvtcrlsru bospital at Ci-S tractor Hinea, file lathîn and plas- cflan d 'yaS! recaver. ,1 teing by.FranlcMier, Uic floors by Thle meu vonking on file Armosir fie Chicago Morile Company "d Uice state bavp a camp on the vestasde patgily James Tldy, and file o! the traFIc and vilea réturnlug fl-oi plumblug by Lec MeMougai. Ork =Ma-làoa*0 e ullmi suer.« Theleronis araesaaltary to the ast ty. Tilere la nu votchnan or proVi, degrue. Even Uic corners are round- sien o! auy klnd maie ho preheet filet cd oni a speck o! dint vonhi bave o oui on thc nlgbt o! tile accident lbe ilopeless tenir trylng ta bide tram nvev. a partilly ob:ructed ily the keen cyea o! taie attendants. hile piles cf aan& IAliS ooma are finlaieln wuitle. lu rie Inqueal vas poostponed sevemol file openating roOrn tUic 50cr le of different fîmes untîl fie englneer andi vitle vtrlfied tiSa and lunfile otiler firuuic a! thie trai that kîllefi thc roomsansd file hl ait1,of moelle ile. main' ouhi ie accorai teto esay. AliSthe roama are fitîci out with Tile> testîfied fiat tbey ilad not accu camplete equlpmcut of taie latent pat. 'nor n aew notinlg o! the accident. tenu, ani are tan bettes' equPPed thon Seversi trains stop 0f filaI place ea0ai are mont lnsfituf ions lu italien day. nmre fa allov vonkinen fa gel cilles, and many lu longer, off and oiers ta plçk tiet up lu Uic Fine Operahlng Tale. eveuing. and muat, o! coure, aie fiag- ln tho innorUtiU5*W A sî.,lath sti.1gei. s'a tilene Isno station at tfiet fiat vas purcilasei vitil fie procceis o! Uic bail "game baeenfile paiyî)- clouganouitic lavyeraSuf vinten. Thle table i1. one of Uie beat on Uicl markct oui vas long necicd jr>' fie ilspîtai. On Thîrd Floor. Tile aurgical departineuf la ou Uic fhil 900 oo f Uiceiloapital eaItUic cat openotina rooni, Sgbted froiabovel vîta itylîgiltu. It la large, air>' oui To fie ESouh la tire anestbetlslng moont, vile juat veut ltgfile stencis- ing momu. Acrosfie hboltram thle atercliaing noant la fie vasil mcom. The0 department la aiequalc fan fie present nmels a!fite hospîtal, and tu oua o!fls cie!f ealunea. Thie boaplhmýinl on a iligilen grade 'nov flan it has beeu lu aitlis ils- tory. If balla fWe staff o! nurses, St la éeeblently nmaged by Misa Heyl and fie fHospital Association la pros- Ten Nurse tHospital. A rrelgilt train passlng ounfile oppa- site tnack at tbe tint eo!taie accident aiae aidcd haefile confusion oui douilf Sega drovned taie noise o! thle op. pnoaclilng train. Taie remaine vere luhcred i thUicLakeaide cemehcny, UAbertyvilie. Be la saifobave ict_ a vite oui tilree chlircu, but nohil ina deflulte la kuovru. Thaifct lot ilbe vaponrand vlthoutfrtiendu le, obvions. Book on Social Probieni.- josephl MoiISPattenuon, vboue aummen boue la nov ei bau t aua Libenfyville, as vrltlnga, novteS,e. tied,.«A'ALtIe Broflier oa!the M0il.. vilic la lacliedulai 1O 0 gotetise peil lîsiler Septetaier 1. Thc bo* WvIl deal viththe aociety probiu, vit te stageas a bawuou& Aul oi I eontoîn 190.000 varia, Tise Anfiê 14 gcfhlng local coW at tise polo poUde ouind e eaieatem iiyiIagii. tIe at, fie lterbohveeM hosW vieWU v ganai faine aadi fîoe sf11 fr fies that 804u 11ai. Ton nurses are nov at the hospitol.________ Misa licyb la superiuteude5it. a grain- New Lawfo"m IAt mon. ihe nurse, Miss Freund. bas claaro! s01 . m uijmlk doalaS ilote -ruceva fie aurglcal depatineut, tva groinote notice o e li nn' lo# «à -veimnsngthie nurses are la fie varisandouixI10Wf- reWollug c fult Wvirlo iw ve to taet dent nurses ane aluo bchlag. Alutar ertchjuly lst. Tlie lav stotea fiat clasa o! sîndent nurses la oxiiectlail iirota ir -ilb solr5 al a ve oy september wvIc l VII dd four Or ftvo tsi aiand mai auireseaou fie aide nurses fa lie saff. o!fescil veell. Ny bmne thIa la NovWaric Waa Dont. setoh t risi ln àtail mtaIav Wilen the vomitvas decleei ou, ia veielea fIoseu!front. 11 comimitee, cousiaina O! Nia. Wg)YbO, 'ho l a l e sult f actiorn on Mia. Page oui Uns, Miltimnore vs hf gl or the!fi e 11. 51k Dealema appointe ti poSt np difaient mater- Association and là ho prof ect taie des- lai ho il. usai ui to brln a rWport cus, Il. la sali, liefore fie uaigodo . iTlie 555005- ines Ifor vioating fie 50v are ho tlon thon votai goen bat sioli b. 1be mot lou flan $50 or more flair 4mond ouiéflue tors. éMarhuaw iit-.80% i But Col an Boiatrous HoeH" te @pend la thse Police Coawi; ntas agbvood. BANQ ON CAR. ARREST»: PAYS FINE AND TRELATI Unbutteng $3»00Wad ho TZ et B&P the Boys toi Fooliail Wter,' laëlt- ing Noad.quartars et We's. Hewea file record o! a race trael follower at. Ti rarday at Ubýel i> sud Higilvood. 1-Gave Ito cabman ut Llbevt48W five ho erdet abat ticket that rU1m 2-Tirreàt*ecito "Sck"l ploya of the Chicago and ~tW Elechrlg Raliroad Cornponty'. q 3--pegged Off car et migbweeMW arrsated. 4-Paid $14 fine. 6-Produced à roil contuleuugIS and ingited On treting evet'>! who had a part in hie. arreat te 7-l(ept open hou»ai dyF and diapembed the 'foolilhvb uny on. Who woeld talk whth Tilla may goundIlike a,,ab but, tire o0eal renardas *ow tW 'rae unova plugier ln 4, Instance bai te Suave lbe file middi! o! a rae3J~~ a cab, bu roi ho t ae rie and as part peyuient for $ 'gava thie oabby a $20 It@ t4 ticket on a bormse t won, go fil eet lue iby c Meailale thie pu*MI 8 oui vilen il. got tIbo Mt thie top oi hie Ime ene" voue. on tme .rx Mdsea hk ickropthé.Uo la" 10ad ami tillen, M qk md tlls iou4rei vaw 4 Xtet on sinsinE. Thse codunhor tleliuei lgbvodainsd vile i mou rea0#ei fiat place hoe ily tirea moto buuky emdlai a cordon o! Hlailioooi Pol" fh iet a odrug bIt es Md ductor vaa unrkei bet*sa in lb. ntiae. The plunaet' viitabmu justice lu misvoei, sudi1 pou Sf frona am$3 l5 ad 1 prodaco tfrOnt sons ihum, rien, he lassted once 'roul Md ami iOlau d&i0 Pagne fr flic @towê vMw &bout ui ctb"s lgt. l tlhe Stfl IliPwbt SupesDt apigot 4W go faut ho oIew bik sn*la« h e wm i. fup. tre aht% am um i mct u mee mue mmoeu e!t emblp. ffl ,tib il wtt Mr. *mcê14 "'flre am anmy cf 51* inane ilere et til. OnoUse areah fie boet voakere Inntatue t van bou t lh --TOo 10e thenst eeh o! muci lalbor ta o t place ilere," sadlu M! ta do 1, t $i couuty vI! at.4 ,~ r:»Ier $1.50 PER-YBAR IN ADV«&NCZ

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