m ETC. -f... 1~ roomi, taon, I-flus.an lok l f41ot black.BUm. P. C. KMunL, * aotvile o » uolo ovprlcis "d FARliS-W'o bs-yoe ale*age iiiA obient faime ta s»I, mioum s- a la Mallge. DvaoNuu A Aoni. 2"4 -------------- LOTSWe sre eeluavo eeutefor Iota. onI.J 0le~ sudvson,11e eolcee lot luLlbrtvlle. înooAvAierns. e1-tf FOR SALE-it mi aionboul .200 s 'o A viL . t!0 -w--2- Foil SALE-fboru 7 rboar boues, ba-th ule.trie igtht, boat and e., omet sud south iront crner lot, large barn. 11-tf J. .II,:ATr.E, UIorttvlle._ FOR 5ALE--O)n esmy terme. Riu iml lot knî,wn na4 iMord bLISmiti phan. Pl CL MMuotri. 4t FARM FOR SAE-la btter fsrnta' L.6emoubty. priesreemooble. iHU L. 97v.êirosie. 8o*-ad ae, 111. 42-tf. UD00%J 10 10 t M5e . F«U.8W 0 J*sr p.uul VregM o. m ior aDAr IL t. 40Ot uri4,]I WA#TED-Two 9ru Mi;or lt tehen "aië kWe otfiore. ouzo Joomeni, Ub*~vUs.80-tf WANT044MflOB»g usMen ta wOrk ui rn*atoal tatory st Libertyvlie. S*eywoyk ýuant«d. Appli l'y jailo. L. Davis, Z.fais ! hoFould VIlaso.. Ubertyville, lii. 40-ti =ATDçmptit yog woapan gATIEuograp ' dlue aiexpert- eu".» dtwho wtites a lefibie baud. Gire NiTenmi, previdus oxpeiefleei.Dd stabosary 7ezpmeted. Addrem Y. (C. lodepeudt. Libertyvilie. 411t! NANTED-Large number o! girls ta wor in lumatarPul faciory t Liberty- ville. (Iood wages pald and steoiiy workguarsinil. iai rigt and airy wOrkroom. Aply t il.L. Davis, areof heil'ukl &îuhg C.,Lberty- ville, l'y umil., 40-U Il -I H O UETto«-affors anirft streo, 'a bloea bom old .deim..t L. B. WiliNEY,. SIZHLANIBOUS 1 FOR.,$ALE-14ew nubbpr tire, buggry .thep. No usforit. E. W. PAmiHIa$'r. WANTEO--iJne'nord or good Wood heliverei to gia pleai Bat Third Lako.' 88-t! opp. H. PREaq-rocz.- -- 2- MONEV To LOAN LANoOOuT--W. = -ukspeWaiy of leang money forbluild- FOR aiNT-5 roornootW S.m pt ng purpom. Aima fum lsmas. Dymoxiw metI. . kD'c1-,Librty ville. & Aumrl. 28-tf hIONEY TO L.OAtf-On appreved rami FLATFO tT-en roornýe etate meurty. Bs-i l. B.MiLLREE. water. bath bâd colet on llvaukse r$,YvIle. III&. 38-t! Ave. InqilifOCuas KÀME& ~48ti rue --INURANCE-We Wmite SOeParine, FOR flIRT-FIvertioS it on Nw- aridt sund Il!. lmurance. âyoir & 1erm AVe,. LM A. 43-t( Acan, LIhot"Mvi L 1 h. 4-tg IFOR SALI-6oci billard t"b, vlth LM mia-POUND oue By lo0balle. Inquire a Libher- ~mlb otel.482 ;&i ry q t. 1an. $P80 on rmal etât. nurlty. 'mt4ra m hurd t OedW.. l'uaoa, Ireas. Jw01.ofaTA".oUM. lath reumi oakeCoalt.Ot ber TOMU A. 1. I*s. (Contnuod troIS Page 10.) a= eum ae. "UnkIwva heinor et afLlm pmi. uO"Mary Township of We o Comrnlsmours W.te undersig of Higvats aoft Deerfieli h.rebya mad a nreful eu 'hable cost o!ft and vo doesatilpaÀ rail of -Utsais sand dolar(. Wltuesa aur bal of June, A. D. 1907 DENNI The State of Ilii Tovnship of l D. E. Gibbons. Wm. Humn. Comn veya the township beiugi uly evori theo amaont mont mate la whlch t imed. le necoss sarne vili not be àive than la nfao. 3requlred. DENN JOHN Commisli subscrîbed andi the seventit daye Ju The Chair app: tate of 1 Abier L., Zourd o-CdpOt Ceia. hauflic Ieby ertl' 'Il fte, perfectian4 Tec1r=£ 107 or! ~ '~ntostmony w baud i l u Lake CoUnty. M. Webser. daeoftsd." Olive P. Webser. "Uo ýet Derfieli. Boa r ld MryX.Clake &etlob lrsore ;o! lIlgbval'e. . 5e. L..Sv ut Warren Z. poven,. dclaSc a . ýgne4 <lOntiSSIoDers Male Paver... Lewis pettOr% o.ntui5eii taroiliie Peter%..'Uukown b. 0fmor iime te Tovnship ai West Kiepper. deeeased." XatiNs Wflhe.*Uanlowa gtate Ibat vo have hein, or devie«05 ut»bimisa oupe. etimate af the pro- a Webser.O'lv .'Webster. Louis, ,è nov steel bridge KIiPaen. aud the U"Vu 0vnoeswut 01Or te that the probable perý.e.. iuierested tu the real cxatse, deeprihed in t 1h ut Ofcoaplaîn1t a wlîlho a IholU- l hue auit ibis third daY sb of the deedants «UltuowRhOtrsor 7. ýdevie«o f Lyman Poser' doace" 'lId, ~ iar P. IBBNS. es *a lnknown heIn, or devi. NISE. GBBON. Mary P aeo Webster, deceesed,- Olive HUHN. y. Webstern, Utnlo.ovuh;k, or devisees 0f q CAROLAN. W ,E n esdeceised...Uio louter$ oflilghvaye. Ma", E. 'Clarke. Lewis Petters. -tJîknown bofaioulee ILlepper, deceabeli, 'Unkins noIe Lah Cauty.haire or evlaees or Chrltlan Grope. West Deerflld, as. deceusd.' opia<rope. Cala Webster, Joh CaoliveS.'ý:=Loalqe Kleper and thse JohnCarlaDand inkownownes i %r ruait'.iierested lu imiioners aof11gb- the rsi estate deerlhRi the ii of Con,- .pl Of West Deerlield plant, eaufttbcfours!se tiant praces herein nin ati Basy, tIsat ain beau bld inthe 011e«Oa the Ciek of tionci ta Notie e t- uerelone hereby Cven 10 ithe saBl this affidavit la at- ý-Unknowu hein, ardeviseot Lyman Powen,, uary and that tue decessd,' Mari Powers.- i3UnOw hein, or Clovissesn OfCalua Webster".Olive F. emade mare oxpeli- Wokîer. -UL'nowu hein, or devisees oi led for the puirpos alu aqILpE.Poweuu, deoaâOll. jUnkovu heire I d CSrk of hn Clarkle deceafd. Ni .GIBBONS. lso*nheiv of Louise Kea>er. de- <CAROAN. iOtee. inkaovu hera, or ciee«0i N CARhrisil=.&D rope. deueaed." Sophia tGr=p HUHN. Calm. Websier. Olive S. Webter Lous louracf lgvay.[Clpe~r and 1«UIknwU1 owner u orpr lsucra te before me th. mu el ompopilt',delendanies arseidq et lune,, A. ifl. MI07. jtlt oalsiaat sied im C. W. PET'T1B. hce i ieu oot sud atlt u ie ustie of tic Peace. tbsroflwn tWed iout et said Court agsîlt h, steve nsMed delsalsate. meurahie on tins inioitau s- aCommit- sue day ol th trmof Cl Utreut.Court e tho Commisalners ofr ~tIse rmoul wIn c:0 theetby Bmtilug snap- tel uten8- eIac liettor. tradîng. Motion car- vb not rv willmail yut reta roemerit hertmon mpvodi it-Isampies of nt Dr. Biceps Ueitourt- rurn. , ouica rrled Ive, and my tfeok ou eltier Dyspep uOgSed. 1 la, Tich e mI&t or._'The K1dneyç, "&U LHENDEn. Troubles o th* ton»aci, eart oi . l 1Clerk. idlneys. are morejy asspioma of a 1V outt, os. doeper aiment I»Mat aSie lie nom. 1etd", Cierk of the mou errer of treating strxms o uy. = je#»dgpr89s-1 yrAptom trbainant, -le trestiug te 1 ,^'bm d dé esuil pf tour aim aunidai tiih ho o, l.a ceuse. Wosh StOMMaclinerve-tis d e"dr*4*f maiulieuervoa-himi 't Stepacieai. ut ssfsi pIqwaç , pi- nette, luas. Andtho, «erI, sut lpOOiAU Joue . fiO jidys as e el. bs-vo their ceutrol lias or Ins. evee. Wos-hen tes e goof d a t'utBSS.nerve, asu.you Inevtably have veal 154al aite 044*1Ital -organs. Hem. le viere Dr ssiiCountt> uiI1ideWsRotorattls ha ms-nde t D. 1907. 'abl I MBE I& u. M tas.. No otier reneit ove. elsin clrLta treat th fusIille nerres." Abs. _______ tt ilogilng bllousceuse, bs-i breatt Q)O~1, laurne tifflSops o I Aufef ce. - - m~te i. . feyrtnsample ~t5uliOt5eUl~,book. !l.-*M#. ,Racine .'. o~epi ~ ' '~5 MOMP2!!!tis le di i "No osm'ac "or boaable t Ag. uerffise et pyendlag tabes% va lit out0" I Sa*ert&d1. "i new @4.th ubti uotedo eeuru ot=dthestok blafl, ot : es, 1brboc ta1*0. ,T'kng Yul. sot fer the liM.et mes OU wu edom' Sainesl. flai ré*Ore n0 joyous b6ý IL ne.utbanm.09, the menet pou* îlegs In the ibd # depths or Bohg or@ ln lesgue iii bila, titsrete, yes taî day. for la the moud hlmbo be., la dS4 "mlriésen xý an awful cra' Mhe t M pt ivo« lit Wl eald caib.l.hab.md tevor do possible for idn 10W watt vltthon,;uaui. 1 have MM let ta iiv for.ý aeonIf hIdasellatlos epesdod ou It To bc sure I1pkrno eelng lor _Tba mention of a»y cfthOs bg 'am. mother., Pied,. dters. But for yo a tem% mon drives hlm te sa th?. ne 1 have a ave0.,.0cpld only ta that I hum te-day mmade pote molet tusa i'old bave fe11t eulah bail i be any 0ose1,man *Ver maIellua dar O 'hic. we te vi Il«.Th. tugt the vorld beges, and b.é a cuit tc> t. I h neued hie u'ok*k vies-'b quit t!ta n. W% vTtked tour 11, plou me As1 *audlu he schu ývitb ail you hué 1t live for, v.ould ade nc e. u doIit, hith:Ozu coin.; bave 6oùteig lsMraw. My fle le mouplace an simple. fterwad It1, purgatary. Del lal only an ever- beyoud, my comprehaton. At th: iresent ent. t te e-a gbost thal gait h. leaolg the RockofIer, Van-! rends my heart &s- ul, one minute derblt, snd Gould fortunes conbined j lth a blInd ftsauy ta revente ber WITTloo0k tinYlu eonparison wthte 1uronga. the et bell'an ïcy rornorme Oue ho viii have lu a feu >a,amT~tbat 1 bave sot e*readv doue su.I> f Io beyond my pouer of Zigurlng oui., I dld net- havo bai, perhaps la Urne andi t gves me a headache eve,' Ume: 1 coeud fortoel: rpOthA Imgt lay, 1 tri tau se tirough fty out same pebeme te belp pour devils 1* - wbage poerty' Maes Ille unendur- CMAPTR v~.able. and vlth th. millions 1 bave cH^PirE VIII.taken fro m the malnshsaft of bell1 A nfimber of tlrneç durlng Ne foli.iiglit do thinglis-t 1would at leot3 lowing year, and finally on thse anni-. brlng quiettrnmalbt tli- versiy ! tse aud trgedBob; possible ulth te livIng corpse of carrled the Ex'cbsnge ta tbe verge Of Boulah Bande bOM.fome every minute pente, onîytot turn the market and and filet devil mhinery whirllng lun save "thse Street" lu the end. HI. rny brain ail tlb "0methe sang. nRe- profite ere fabulons. AireadyF hie venge e hr sud' h father, -eveo. fortune uaetate4 ta btween tve, youraeft.' It la Ipposaibie togive il sud thie hundrod .millions, one of up, .LI mutb*have venge. Ilrnut the largoît ln the tudrld. Hienaame t sop tbIs michlguy tbat lasrabg bad becare ne udifterror uherever up more Amri os eartmsud moli stocks voie des-t ln. Wall mrelibai eanln year tiasa ailthe rest afear.~ corne ta regard bis every deal. fron 1gritders pomlaed. Every day 1 de- tbe marnent tst ho bes-a operations. li 1 becone monle Slendisb lu rny d>, as inevltably aucSuful. Now snd -1- Mn. a., éb » 1 ocnt kmow agaln ho would lump lt the market 1tikat 1. have lliereJy turned mb s-a when smon of the pidhglug cliques ftei Whafeeoe c late I eoe nyseif lind a bear raid uuder vay. M suWil ln the mlrrçr. ýI budder. When t put thon teaTout by buyog every. tJmak of uhat i u«se n your fatior lhuln uslght a"Ulbdding op prilais tood us up ila b'bis 0Sce and marel »mtIl Tt lookei as iiough lie ltesimi us lau Itbismo-t.*Mlfvelllng. 'moul-cai. te do an oxtrsordlwey vork on tekmloeig hunsu, s- a am annov, ap.elde&au ho vuevout te do on th I1caulot keep <i. Sadnes. dovun«. lova. At@U& fianes b. vau tbeidol ept vii run 'Ton know vhs-t Il et the zeisage. uhc osb te mmasfor m. te aay this, me vho uma uho pus prIces upse it iita. tartai vith mil asc ride of a Brours. bizevWhopula l t deuis. Onum vhen ly; but t OI ., XPII.The OUbthem var nuse labed *yu ther1 Imveutbo«. ib, w ROUI frea i ii vsewactoa end rumor b"d thesb-thoIts' eOf tIc pâslt sud viii MY metmemevu uuatossu eoarou-brin abs wMrom. llteudla te MMMoN U t »markt $ho en d.med t alMI ,pot ont rny rovlvmu4 vunce informtos. uM he - ud.*0km feulaibut se 1 uald1»I >srd OUS hauku haI sepu p o M teg l tkil bulitan sd ilMslMg vstou ta1no que seat "s aevu bughed 0" 1 Ueet chilIs latM4 seernd luevtable, Bob suddear lyoappng hor banda nild. 'Soi la m Mrnasiel.loatinmarket br o<ariag secdte pi"y viti Bouai,' and te loud on. hunred sUlfonat kmu 1 tiaught of tiat devil Relsaman par cet alr buglagug a.Iblllus li 4ev Sanda of th. 'Sstem'b op pries at the sme mc e, lb. put IlagrtlefItcontinue thir vork klde ibmhe hole veebingtencrm"l Md' Unbedu sud Inould nt do h.It'1 u rNe York aoosplle te usastnu have roveuge; 1Imrnt smsh tai* Tout sud cauel lIm e ltabumillIns.heat-crushlng rnachiuery.Thon l Re.Scouumi ils epprtispe vlth la- eaugo, sud ltekoBoula it leksn, creaelug violence und la«oriulg prof- Nov, 3in, lt us have i l earit undee lis up te the fourth aanverauy of the ataod anesnd for il." tragedt. On tho laterveaiug axanivr- Itemorso aud sol tuess voee put; sart 1 ba be"a eompelbed hi sel- ho vun li.Inilan agailà. &«Iam goiug laiero and fur Ustiat ho uld realli te vreck that bell aunez -ooedet, rpull dovu te utir ei aet tua- sud tst nmre day wviibc he i.ext ttuea rsh la and fairît. drag hl méUr1 I tsrt lu. Dont argue vith rm, -W -B& vitli-hibi mwftlu-muasse dou'et mlsunderataud me. -T.day "eq Mny lulluece Wullvanlug. Baci raid tpped rne. 1 doi't kuov uhether r t II'VsWn V oii e-er 1diflcaj11tt that I1 ton meaut vhat youUthreetèed; 1 get hiseuTa. da'f ra enov it le lut es, Wall thst Winualy. ou. the butth asgivorrW,t stDpped. for thse 'SYstem' machine t.il a pauletst esesmelte h. nuaulug 1v*111ho tiiore shenever 1 start in ', lo aon*=*WUg MoM terrible lias aMy aael. Tt laies noilg of lt ie Sul- ipvevious, holie auger@fusdt el aa. l shnoe, .noue ofaltedestructive paois coe te My 7 pog es aag Mtst h b 'grlnding. but au lie conary. tu 'Weald not istop, euonUiF R»dolph & yau knov. it increases lifs peed every litandolpi mre dokel te do doujin Idat it rues. Now. lin, Randolp>li.1 thecleusa. Tt bai booms buo2 ont vaut te tell you tIsat you muet get the fleuorthat 1Iwue t. ly ocme uo tours and tIse bnuse's affaire lu suci fcouli do anYthLag viiihlin lt iseshape that you wnn't ho hurt uhen 1 transi«., s-d my platiiai i hMsla go itetethat buarna v*t thét.neit tselobbt wun ustehl b heibm mcm- tino. fer. uben 1I cane. tram It t bons et te Exeheuge vii triple aeod New York Stock Exchange andte suspense. Wh.u Iwomoe-rfmm MigsI 'yten' viii have bai tel? plues *mphaUic getuie sd'raI#esiroc-.ujo»lned. Yoa, and iM, bava heir for ho vau lu a roeklomffumocbleu abletarta ouI. na Nthet 5111openplo rdrilkaud madueses-dnir u paolus ,t ao rz IeAiskcupol ete dlsgulae bis18 luntl -bt~ their savings and their iMsbhood sud r-eould not prevail tOpon. lm, lme. wsuonnodadgv hnl x a franuti rush for the yoles 10erçv change unadulterated tormeut. i an im r stocke aa au ets cf ý_ffilgoipg tu ho far with IOL jIm. f.l1W deuly, alter 1I baitumenol nt l'ae Tant l'me 1 yl imeoqtuietub- e la despalr. tiere Subed .h1210MY ISCje. -Afler thie i'au muaitako tour su les.Thesitatio ~.ies~s- Cheance ultI tIse reet et thocee ho i undo.eiu tios- Iu bDMt bs-jetetado vilIs the 5ie4bouies. deeasdelt titsa -ustifia Mdh 1 Whou 1 trIke again. oe viiibh this lutmiy»1 I nimbaekl ina. a pm&e. I ylwreck 'thé Sireut,' sud "Bob.good-to." vbiamred ibmInnocentwulîl s9o doua ii th* ot, "good-bte. la ton aèrdIn s giiit, il they have My soOeim o vili get Wordtat lIn IeadoiA b hani st that tire. nu hie tiroat! " Rc toppOd as tuuo To behonotinUsi) t- I had, pluagoi a h ale leus, Uue hie fojoheda -roundlag Mou, 'da"croO#. lte- b là hibry e eie a 1111X, Don't judge a nman hi hi. lotes. q eulug 10ock f Itue r. - 1 oi made oannd thse tifor, mode the *"fflp. Jiu. ft, Godse I, dekli pler. 'Doni't judge a mas lqhle fanlly. «y mt l tai.mu. XI caplà ll sov. lot Cmai belonged tO4 ft: nil. Donlt toni me laute ha" Ut- a. bou't jmdge amnbillueu i, O on~ mu."jI*tiiitfelo ms-ny a ma-n lai]@, butkie, hols 10 aumâ'»'"Metbýot lyte osace h e. imu "1 dont acu PiWh~s, ou eaa sthoseui ta inceed.hl> ou" am o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n lithu a-tks 'ui,~ uile rat fteu inhfb~It grenier for 5&i1l Uie UO*7 la t1b '#crbi motstructure. Wheu a mnan ldieulbeWhoi oved fr i Veu. 'Wgt t 3110svive hlm ask ubat pvustr therg la 'H eedfer. Ma hecta, ae4 d»"qy-iToiot behind; the angles.pAIF enover merusaed tg hM tu d~Iffdl tart#etfthe dyiug ma-n ases litdesee ha@ k t.eon. -H. Out tom bs-* loto set belONe bl. r. t e rovd ville hadaht for4eth teAn-IgamateDiè-be Thec a, vu Adjudicutjon 1~~ lasaved. Publa Noe inheeb » Prueetylie hoame bsch 0tes.tetamentUi Ben E. î "lm 1 M" have a t4lk vitiyPM. arend tlb. tit ort te ot tiethra ho tuel ie i Sintfront et.e, __voea and uJrIN p ua. tauta te, -t t..etes%0 e buloliets tàm*iaion V.uV limfflact L FOUR WEEICS QNLY The Lake-.Cbunty I n&eç4&nt six MMTHS xThe Dally.,Inter Oçean six MONTIIS The Mtropoitan Magine, SIX! MONTIS ALL FO,, $1,75S Or THIE tAKf.&COUIM4TY IND!PENDENT for six mondUsTii! DAIV INTER OCEAN fr six mouths, sud N!EW NOME! UBRARY WAL ALL FOR $20OO The Daily Inter Ocean atone costé $2.(ÔO for six montha, the Metropolitan Magazine le the beat 15e magazine'pùbllshed, and the Lake County InUependont stands vithout a rival for lake (Jounty newa-a combluation offer unparalleled. The New Home Llbrary Wall Chart muet be ïéeen to b. ap- * preciated. It le lu seven beautiful colore, with fine engravîngs of (*overnora, Preidents and RuierB. It le a ohm-t oontalidng hree obseetoss(six pagea 28 luches vide by 86 laches long), ton distinct, mape with statistice and Information of great vaine. The. oppor. tuulty of a life time. Do not mise It. The above offer expires Auguat 20#h. There viii pw.tkvely * be no extension. If 7001 aubacriptiou to the; Independest la- * already pald lu advance, upon recelpt of prie above itf Wbi el- tendôd a f a six montia., If jour subwAption lu ln aaoar.-pay, a" - upantiyou too May beneit by thua gret propositiom thlk i -overi. Awtr AUF St Ot W ii ccii 0U more. ON THE CH ICAO( Why not spend a fev days, a-,week,* oî mainder of the summer at one o.f the lake resorte reached by tht. rmlvay ii Wiscoin, Mînnesotaor lowali Go vhere you may, anjoy bcating, i.i ing, camping - or auy -othOr outti6ot pastime you desira Li MI LWAUKE.E & S-T. PAU L IDAI 1LW AY Âýmon8 the more popular of tbeearë k in*te Fox lake district,, linq~ Lake. Genava, Lan4d«e Iél0VýS Minocqua, Tomahawk La.1**4,ýt Wlaconsin; Lake Ifinnetoom ]Élunsota; larLiL,~> Lake Il. Iowa, The. sommer iioteWaio41tome ~b~ tieue rosns oëfer exefunti BOM00gat a rates. Tii. Dell#of ithe Wtscooin llbogrn,m be lulnd laijour linewI more piftw ar2mge4,ht of rok and -oif forinatioxi WoIldji»taiuWa bena islanot to be foi te* 4lei Wust. 4ek auy ageunt of ti. railway for ira. l*' rrdiuo, 0v rates and train servi"o tii. rtss or addrýeus the. undiIi aciptive litarature and maps Ires. General Mm .19 -1, 1 _ -- «Je Il-