CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1907, p. 2

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w- ul08on tbe local ipettors i iap e utlnsr om-uil rppearu0e la. ummof actionl vue t :daeedturday evsang. tarïi' a ii x lf¶tm& hie h e, c EMmdDmàui of ehcago. are bai ropkaceltke> home-run vlth a vehtl.home of Itr. buk4tll lpher.plw oul be ausMol. MeBrde. I curue th~ dia'lau golbaI faW, as ~. H 1.0 ~ Glw ho vwan vorklng ae. Pu. e .Hr@ udydmrd on due rougb «round at cshort sauapark und are iaediflg the wi>teâ%Ilf. H. veutoa for ou@, buti ~wtei,M eativee. h d <> e ha vaste of! S thefai '0 Edw.arde, of Wu and ne Ulp o hlm. Butew uuel le mmyBook, of Graem bue m m oanayr. In Dite manumer 810 = bom proest at tedocva*. '»op chwavrtz entartained t @~jvulue short. t erowdlnees occurre in ths lasibehaof the aeveath when Duont )r.C.W W owles 5 td uissattecupted to removo tii vlulllug dird a» cit17 luit Fidai. .baustuan tro the ins betwef Sepalià Vaouffge Fox a&W Wrls ve. Wn. and third. Elmner van eaig alonags "day, la Ji 28. A good game full) sieO and we bave no doobt but asurel. vbat b. vould baveeucoeeded .dlirl'l les ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i etiMoryvsavatr lbIse pwrpoa, bal nol tbe fWeder au sueaurray nasak soda grabL hlm pround the valet and Wk@W ad lvin Par gun&Y. tbrev hlm. Trouble'vas In lb. air at $e& Moret sud Rtrry (laku, of Once nnl,uo vas KeWYe. Bego mbal 10 M » nlhytna eek's viil is conradWe s aistance sud lande 5a170lanse.once on the vlier' eountenafle. Ër.Md m ûoardvehme IlUuptl'e tinberli auppel belveen 111.1 ~ 04T 3I . ~ova d can a nd th d e eom hat ats im uedl ali lo t 4% w @ve v it Bover. Wbetila vs ie i I tlie locale ocItbi. ar elue wilb good *WmJ. IL &M IL T. Fulletanoeilel su d anmausl aine tanls hils . W. Coo teaugelde b es t tr More for dlm enei, .briaginif thir woq" t ea oSte vetota51lbtet lbthebet tb.îOould do. 860-00bie tarnAin ma di. Itour Neve'items. riadMnels t BYB uR u . n eî =Alow us 10 Ihtroduce b ou the S uoUfJS5in" Miswuex Iai M BrnezKathr*Jembnhmm 'n l. aklnd a argurle berl, Juil Çsa me e l, th b&M o»m lé 11dMeiams J. 8l trohsoem d jir., l Jr.s erome IL setuir veuk vIs re l at hélmtiares mtma r 1 . tuehnunufor th - i & ies ie.ien a Part- *tewasto Waoke- Ve iivi lw U» iy ltrla 1111 gSd 4 nturel aidruqaboitlthemnte lit anussrro acatrl 1powdir 'nabreakfas ol *wwe srrldus ébigene ogat*.:Tis géicIy lad aavcredDe JC.,5on vu Se kat lth*q11101 ;votj a isIomvhleh P' aîlé by aenorif ciasm aigu. nearly àcarril uin W^y vd odr abg preeIie~ wremet. AI latent report tbsiey MWl W"4 % îatoiusy 0m1owm gavraneritewbo id a grNd-I l.oglsrOaO t.chs0 blem lendsnvo bal laces Pr Deprle * bas uruof ber net, wMiitfroua'Iboe010m akmgaio b lo Il.etMIs îazland Fred Sanie> as8aiMlb MOnnient ta ber iokp l. u-grde 511.Ka W. ars jleasedl 10bars> dus n iet are& y7 te is iors Cha-s peae4ong ctiauo! 91bie eut vi nMca rd*mien Jrh,. 1 0 IaialsMal hope that; lbe trlunmrsta ii lUhsLae ora ev dives conelder thir chargé' iges a" mobe à 14blk tpt eiilMsd the too uere vitu then.1 mZ i"asGarde Bohuer mald brother Henry, of Wbeing, amelei mgi relaivesbr histheek. àI" lie.oea Iom 5115111 i.t- Lent OS ni eteroon pan ascill '$"d"Y viS parete sud othet occrrel ta, Wl. ib ahu » hiems vhlle rlning asptlake Zurich. 'Teo Warren uter.lnsd mtan mtomobi, vhislopwol viSa thssiatr parn o hst week. tha hborn e$m. oowhat &ttlbeaM butlsertel a bel ote bile bOYlaU t.-anmhrtrous berseloyel Ibe panad th j'. liTb*aoo* ouI halle .4eril cdi. A. "Bolete arentsi1U14ttl e er au 1lre 0,eu vs utevsy folllh e oe ideelt~. vo! chleegoipent at esk Chw.o la S vila I o tels-roncse. - Misa riDa Hu am0 C IT L A , M da E s.c . Winou entalet. lie, PreaLvon I1,cg, pu un on a"*Smt anrdrtretou a ve be - wtoM on a ta oh 0011.clutcgo lir.u. petdckenad f NeW O1 4r ber; 1<1., wUI eti, ofUme Chy,la.,iste lUng. vit big beom !ebei.. Rooeksh1 h ut.sp«wle ias bV Qek aik Mie Made W rot, o mgdlie Mi u lnot, o . Tharaolkail vsiin biaetc Sli"1petereon, of Wauksga,t la vslyagwith his cousins, the Rutchi. son chilren.1 lire. Baunssima, of Chicago, I. viei- lng Vidu lheEnder famulî. Mies Frances vlaltad la Chicago Tues. day. tie guest 01 ber teseher, lila oundaemn. The Presbyterlan Siaday achoul are planning to, have their pienic the mecond veek in Auguet. C. A. . Weymonth, of Waiforiiln, le tb. guest o is LilaChase.. lire. Reser, of Bloominaton, Ili., la i visiting vltb b MseBMie Gallovel. A number from. hem atteaded the EbenmOme odai -shool picole of High- land Park Saturday atternoon. Tib@ nuit meeting of tlýe Diamool L&4» eemeliausuoclation wvii i tth 'Mp.Jw W. Whlncy, ?hurodai Ag. 1, et twvodcock. AU uebsrecous. [lusE a .-Ad lutb Loes hquite iiiai preleaî waitt,1 AugusI FgcWUch left for Iowa liondeil t0 bolya cedioed of catile. Mies Emmâ sclîafer béasreaumel lis p ,laulMeyer@ store alter a long Dinm(gwO ocoihe. 1 i. end Id,*. j. H. Pink viotlsd îr"dm4 1t Ltbe.to7vlihuna 0ev bus Mtt iisumaner seaaoôn. lBe acoiodte lvety people. Mrt. sud lits. 0. Frank, Mies obe- Meyer anld> te Miée, aihafer v-eo amog Me Wanconda bail gae. isitore The Lake Zurich Ladies' Aid viii have " mirmn lpileeSundai Jl 2f3ae Oak Part .gjtonds. AU i dof ogaum and »aces.telfrehMente mred ou as asi Oe band viii turnlehed Heur Bliman an gt a nies stock of À Mse will bcegiven in'the Oa rk pnlOandai Jl 28. Born' oahet oviitrnims mugie. jol * Julos Amin lalorepored M i ith E. a m iaenty Coudri arrivel b omis on Stordla allrmgoextel a bEkl.i or. ejtrtrudl rbu lui ti Un indgoa o s8.tede evenlng after il B511'. riat witb "& The choir Wini mon tIthe chubur0h1o Iriday e lg Luejamood adhis molber. old Ime r"Muefl ! rboe aue vieti «0 ,tir. sood Who Id Dow Lak M ll,'i&, MW ii h ipit bée for the tvo Suudaye of hie tay ver7 acelby. Elvard E.,Biai., editor of the Home euder wviii opibotb mervices heme )nay, jui 28. MrBuekeea îeker o01niMenoteandola large mdience la boped.for. Mr. Tanner, of Chicago, Id visitlng et ie Badke borne. À Vary entertang lavn o social w11 laitFridky e etI tbe bonms of Mr. and lire. le= . lra >mpuyoy sembiel ssd spentib bvwugY@17 ém@bb on00the hesutllui zoon.t lau wbr. e etra fine "bard mes" supper vas ummd. Mrý Ziegler ad famlli leton Tuoeela iljo otbMuenww boue et Park Bilge. 'Ut. Mudlire. Artbaur enuiae. of rajulahe, spnt Bnadey aI slwhome ci Mr. sud lr.palme There vibe a mse rvie lu tb. burb na neS&WeveunJlIy 28. A oçW wil i een nOuit Welusé$ay ofý»bebur hallody orMiu haif l flhué W. ut.i loie lS arsar v 4511kW ftmi p tWbe b Iur 05b v* et tg 0"dles A, IQWM e aeVi , So tuya4 b elatoeitwm ou 5 ,q»om te Se~~~~~~t diet W 5.Se UI me Itou Bigla be iet veek' :42: c Cises., qui s VaI <feoft he T» cow wc>ee atl l toi" 1 Fm*rconth. da *";w*i le mtrk Unes The tvo cent fte bil. cauaing a eut lu Mormthvao atou lanflhlois =à~ Wiaconsin, hieýmaIes asobntaoa- tMii fferem nladinh'fuel for tic- kets sud at1the aM» lime Put Mie Northvectetn *L a yoditu bcoin- pe la a vay vithSe elecItUns vhlch are paralleliiitg lis rlght 0f wai gradually but turelî. The follouflug t a table of the rates vith comoperlmoawhich 'tii 13UN obtaluedle tamornlug: C'.*N.W. Elc«. 011 Nev. North Chicago..S. 0 8 8.0 -or.0 1*1.Blff.....17 .12 .10 1,51e Forest ...... .2 .16 Hlghvood.........-35 ..22 Blghland Park ..36 .28 .20 Evanton ......... .72 .48 .8.0 Chicago, .......... 1.05 .7 mnCity.......10 .12 .1 1Winthirop Harbor' . .26 .18 Kanomba......... .47 .36 .25 Racine............7 .62 Milwaukee... . 1II1.20 Ilviill b. seen 11*1 thcele1tCWC road et,,, bas lhe alvautige, "asol a SgRat salent, ouly a 1ev of 1the rats« stand- ing any comparloon ad it *1faviorabe Il. dtesmirost, wiaidimu e uer by stands) ieductea. The Nortb wa wtbs deellel chngabemuttegratassud Mie. cleSrgytues. Ila gthu ding Balo WM te lapri4gdrotes rsnlences, viii).the leer rOsialb lie theMan ni s la Ulugte tuttiW ilunenurn ist>% 1w Sub$M record for disem èMW bir Se (ustls sshow lSe'%0 t Miicf auO trial by theie dtpASM$10$ Otvre linorcecames a it *A*d bit - Enantu alot«9 but Sta lt le no* lied «P 11 t3S*o$ . a4la S«,,mt. Th. tomt of nuuton. t a. . boo epompli- etaollot0h. as- E 2C3ntno*. W55?su1 Ubed,- a gliutic nrom"itiOc lna sais and& esO set U sl costiug Orer IflO.ail O!ks'wu.. N. a., 5 f te & M I.Au I04RMG ras Mrtb or ustoumoul h. loft p- 1 ffl': tu regard ta0 »e ig* lad W ld WgW; h ene q Ea. 60 rlWs omfleed t10 drain off*Ili trong ~ 115 )li.4 . .IUO lsr oir and seerage lntath lie ma Ze e obat bu.chie sday hlbUa e 1 »l u a oumm e beaairrl prllnt croisseiU fe 1 Md Court e-1n1 the, .1.55 W am ater f ltact the drainag uue »modetend.nts re = (t rle drm d y , ihm townp wvt Do more aud 10 onIyt0he elfir*4 t .cia n,.i.w' ýPure Pi 1purity of lthe1.11e han Chicago lt<al la nid L4116cS~ntjj M tte Vit monl-1 qired,5sud whieb sile M ndins. rb are grovfng bows ~Mîd b.- Waukeau, illntol. July iUd A . lm' ning more thickiy popofated eft" ?~L esos ista ollo4- tr a ld th1e 0 o «Ulet theî have au es » E xpU Aled the Ialta, for.1the Shoile mars11 t îaitee a lot or gSotIl"uetto comble the other aide citera no imousibill- »cme mon 10 reeb tlie-4ep. W1 Mater are beeming vorseft I L- rt along tue 1511e £boremaslthe, ldentei there veil knov. aud l -l <> 1.005101tuIMiecondition eaîars cau go on farerr. The Lîb le and Si sintion of 1the $roh- a viil.b hb.ean90ni> cofthe toi1e, =anbh o conLnect vitb 1the LTe XrtSore. 'I!be ar& &Wb are uoo(b he latth ciidBe ln Opqm ln ai 1%0 gegr.gmtal Ioati o f tuetM d i mMu voe e ft spoint eW Cmyamq @je Bin-Ils vat« er b.e YOnnyd0555 lem h aituad« omè enaLE.1 W. PAl of about $80.0.00anula sgemerlai leviel in t h11 liaIrtel sud not .a ffl- ciel Moament an la thme gDeraIlum- pteeaou. The. tact of 1the malter le tint lets thm*n oashaitor ho . more exat even-gix t t e tteo!Me laxed disWtritle recelinu- no henelil iht- soener tram tbe canal seulStands. Tha t h 1e tender Épot vltb the morthh sore tovua nortl of Eranston, and for 111cm te .noflt 1the PnMPing station that late o flshbis e, xte- Mlon Mun et .mucb farther notth. What proves belcial te these tovua mnuet igast LAke-ContY tor the nat- oral drainage la lan111*1 direction sud the oaule sourcethal relièeasthie mambes Ibere viii ualurallî drain the groud nortb otf iL The taxation ln Lake CountY voilil la no vsy he increaeed hy socb an impfforemeutý white thé 5reauitz l- rival vouli 1e of Inmcl luaie. Ccitt . UnEeppîsSottiese. If 70t m tte dtatLet ILotit trou an uempi. bomte, tàes a piece or mi!! sgwtr6, Mionea loop of il 41110 the Dock utf the boaie. tura the b101110 uyae lovnand ba ejila b. con acit in»p thé0 nack ener as IlUgbthlitaktn# car *Me l eoop le big ieneqbtoashow. thle eork tc, dr*P tuilerIL. D*wv th* uendsof the string lova 1ii l otIl the. loe hurommte Mis corit Min puill laeh«Mls uiMr ansd thée crlk viii LEW SemITN& DAVIS Touioril Paior R. W. Stafford. LibertyvýIfr, DM. cIrder Taken for Amr 10garmnsead Put in Order lhengS. s mn Paint lris Green &QfflNt IN Paper YOUNG. IUBF PIKL5 ho ymr .to plazit )u wli b. .irry V bt m tbe mn" i-yblele KHUSBT i. S. MOS8E & cd. M. S. 001.5V Mereentll. C.. JOIIN L IRVING, Jr. CONTRAcTQ CEMNT'lmCKS ANTUL J 00. j Mill i ot à -inut -L ji;ý,-îàc*l-s ,,,QuamW»dý 1 mou_ 'Md "qffl e-4uy,;-, t= i

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