CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Aug 1907, p. 4

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NTiY IN~ RI1 OF LAKÉ ý pobwm" Its jejae t erflytlie.,.as lleboudClame Masert tamt.u vnt uo uà5J>EB'1m505AàmDKion O n &PELIG&TIO5. #Ptriomi PiCK *1.50 PER VEAR BTRIC+LY IN ADVANCE,,, .~U8T ...................................... ........ FBiDAY, AVOUUST 2. 1907. 1rO GUA» O AAI8T 81.NSTROKE. 1*011 la evidence that the ss Fahrenheit, wth 8reaut titirat, quick. q funble tai gord the bodly puise. pains ail thougb the body. *11te elitude heat. ln heaitb. bheadache and nautea, together wÙth ipertae of 1the body 1must ai. diMfellty lnbreatbl:g. hdage sei« the smem, regardes of ot a fatal resuit lsaiways great, but tide temperature; the normal wlth prompt and aiilful treatient re- Mure in a bealtby person be- coverles are rery large. If each lu- emare ou the coidest day ln dividuai wIil consider bis body as a, Mir d the varmeat day ln sum- furace lie vill ielie thatlin thm this being accmplsahed tbrot*gh varmesl veathèr b, shalit notue Sevaporatlon or sweatlng. asluch fuel me he done ln the coïd >ýZ avOld beat prostration ne mut weathimr; therefore, bc wlilnet orer-1 theb animal functions normal, lord bis stomlacli and illii be sure that "o fequent batima ta keep th. skin bis digestive apparatus la itorkiug MX si d ean, go that tbe pores may pnf0,ty.. 'Wm their fonctions. Worry and o verwork predispose t0 SUMWtrke 1s Of varions kitide. ln sutroie, but. above al, alcoholic Il. De ferm. tb. symptamle are erlimu-_ lunrs are poison. To, overloaiith1e », wlth a teudency towards faint- stamacl i wth foot and over-tinlat g. préceded auealy by stomli eh.h brsln wth aicohoi ts tb. best " «es. gidiness and mentsl excite- posle way for preparlng for a sun- Lt. faloweit by drowsIUesa. thel sroke ttack. - While these candi- -ainc mway lbih iuucon.cieuu. tions obtalu 'sunstroke generaily ne-ý Detier unit Ila popiexyami aePhyx- sute fatail. kk»-.TJ raiaclc lausuaiiy euddeu Don't worry. Don't eat 100 mucb. 94 toàms the tern I 0fan epileptie Donlt rnk ton, uch,except vater. 0* % with 1veneswaolien. fluabeit whicb leunualtee coid. Don't burry 0lý cncested eyou. at a qick, for your train; there are other day. .umsdan eoeccaaliy conua- te corne. A Ute rare an wenee 4n#other-torn a *feveçrorll- mt fear tbe sua, no malter boy bot XP çUlfes te lie' degffelalla IMPL4RE iCE CRRA M. -ýé vIth theb. uae fer pure therefore a deairuble addition te1the e l mlif«r thei. pos <ofbot vatier MeMu. acuted ibat the tei.. eruin Chicago bas aready taken. Up the mu*kçiriýojus amalter of cteaning npIth e.ecresln ~, mitr.rnuk aris uil£ssuppiy. Chief Vaory Inspecter Rit- UuiflEiatim Up115iie ~ ar T. fDevise liasbeau mble ta put C mwlii b19 ises&" rs--hlie iiters te tbe dasber, thanks t0 b 1k11 IPluian ipeople: but ilthlbtnreaseitscelle of tbe vonkte1 *MtY w uiz-r, -«--thefactM7 ~inspecter elm lb, lucep. ,t h gp M *«a ttincfItmhev wfactory 1mw Zuly 1. ... 11e miSaa~ i*cl a uregard te the mannr lu vblcb tbe impore mi1tll enioy Uie fc sry Inspeceor la approaehlug the 4IDial~t"e truer 0f 1lesmater a Chicago pager suys: ~S. erdlnl &Y& ."On of lbeblhef duties te h. taken '*Bk tu e murqaela lu Iiiovni Up 111.s etmer la the Inspection cf OMM da urilg th@m-suMmr mi1 Plaues la ivleli lecreu la manu- t~l*i a IY otite ferufactureit mud soit. AU tee creun UI meyMa& 1ee e-cernmuaI id of tbereqiuret purity and Ë h plVWI«Iuu 0 le at b~ttel ft tad&ad efole it 1, salit mm0Iicid ,Palatabie and te the public. WANTS RELIGION ;N POUTLCO. 'Air, eM-tary of *i.a troclns. e maya the country neyer Q0tali ori e EnImaiMd 1viiMe Ma" Ith 1e, cldrèh people reffltjy, coaeut th e tnttlmmeev illimmking pray- tu he %ftd, tats. dottft mis &Mdlot the dcvii mail e lwms. and11 IilatStla.vs Ml;sd ie reCommeuits a returu te the ~M ejeai t li. mpotan nethoitaof the purilau farthers. vo ut thie euat h"uSa vr l4e lmI.- 1ev mt cnIY bow ta pray eut boy of the.Ile of Ibhe hurches. tp Ibirpl!L aces lu tg~~Ulri o1 erre as e- Mr. 1ev does Dual 1k. the Amen-. 11911P *#h mit o bml b, aw of eaun Suniay.,Engimmt, lie aya, le ~Meu rmigioa 1f.. but do.e nel fastloSimg teIbm &ittre Sabablâ, but OUM1O te enticise severalAmuent- Aweia, hl thin s la in; lft- A L'practlce. EffelahlY doem bmer., Me 5575 lie bas apent udmys lu M fâtil tb Ibmthefat, as he aileges, moMthe lie cies 0f Europe, but lu 19*t1 liteiuepie of the cburches do Do One of tbem dît 11e Sud the day )t mmki. thetr Influence f.11 more so ba! as lu Chicago. NEW AID FOR RURAL SeHooLS. t~e me, 1mw lu relation toatcate W s district scbools pravides for s mcel anuaipayaient a01$50 a year Or ree Years t0, districts malutatu- li a' rural achool of!tleetiret lass. Tb* eligible districts are sucb. ual SM~ wt hoiiy or ln part af an lu- Svillage or ctyh ' have se u9dmi a echoot for elght Cl&ao turIng tb, previous year sud !pteysda leacher havtug hait two MgW .8uceas<ul experlence. or baud- iselesAt a teachure' second grad1 L"#Mat@, the district belng pravidei vitb suitabie buildings, out-buildin ga apparatus. sulpemeîtary readers, andt an Improvei syslmm 0of ventila- tion. mand having doue eficient vork, The0 state superluteuitept i. by law autborize h. determine vial elail b. cansîdereit needful uppuvfug and lîroper eqolpient. Crtain apeclieit rePort, muet b. umade Irougi the. county superulendent lu lhe lIaI, supertntendeut by eaeh district mek- inging aPPlicatIon for Ibis speci Etate aid. No doubt 1h. tate's citer viii have tbe effectoiii timulgtlug e rural districts. C000 PAVEMENTS PROFITAUILu. B*Ule News offers the foiiav. unit tear or vehiea.s footgear, temper racPrtUcai suggestions regard. sud nerves, ln peint'o0 niesanit e valne sud *profit lu gooci. nuisance and menace 10 liemtb, rougbt pivlng: Pavement o! muy kud la metievai. il <t la't ivc prude nmcrmnch as comimon 0 *Uâ4 are Butin1 cut that sens, tint begins te prevail I tone PWkMI. rangh Pavement, la un- degree lu civtc affaire. If mca do W1 lta veny seuse, no matter ual Yel cane muci for style and tooks t. amy colt or boy ulicaply itlin puvlug operetioàs, Ihey aI, leuet 0 LM& It ln ta tat tme crs teatîract husiieai ta thein àUM etiut eiimoney coul ôt Place,'af business,' unitnotblUg ta bsom ofe smooth Pavement equki h. a gaod pavement for tbat tr and îkililliy laid. la var purge..." FOR THE INSANE. ~VMOMMM -tb the uev Ian for Couuty mima lhoussea *oaMt* bumpI ýIfae..u* o th mInane lta& hetormum avs ~i __ ~tonlfleàtie abo$Ptwi<u 1 It that bave amtole lnial edun a th bushaus word &ad uc sayit ,em. irmu, mesd a pply.Ti. »bush...mmn 09ttaie c*la 4w:4rstu tomfer aod &t. ~ th emm e *esor bloun u#r,'1t Ie aoimth" en l wuModM4lwwî tu mami t = c. ute ,..d t à u .ie7da Né am . bas~*,~a»l eftou Wsor tu veull*y abum etu my., thiag sairla airîgt o sai asyIng au- ftuscnable. t la q oatpsaJlita duosa su mc oat femuid 151w. ia '% tMmd whluwg tudo arptlimpo- adib But. te quotstlé syu s Pma Elliertua, - ïamy a & m i .lugfor "1 mlpatbi< Moetyrali io awif t Wk. P1prciaeed.1 ln !i, mhebusius.s nmm et "skiiand im hlaa fursg6e econcluior that the errer viii mot oct.ur tugalu ery moon. The . fmi thati appte fur admis- sion hem muet Passes. the eved-ntiais andt b.e Muued am-ordmn4 h. Bertillion ruies. Not for husines tanding atone but hie Moral cbaratter, that. l the Cbaratèr of thlirkte n u hile ele en- gegfed andt the. kind of. wonkrepn and employeu. vithi which lut surrounds If you ami uni, reeldeurs d Lake county outside of Lbertyville wnul kiud 'b. a towa isleI, Ihey ainsys liai, a par. iculwayoaidu' i lý.S',anta*tisj byV sa3ing: Te sa 1îr ittk towî alid tlwy Iar.a na i.. cimso<f pwpf livinîg there.?' Lisp up ynur n.pitati.,tà tu.d d,,m't ahiow a fror.,tit mm.. jlO> the. townuthar. iM gQlng vo .nîpioy van îi.,jectionmble cvie-q0.ofpei.. NÔ towm vii ..v.r tbeorm a goodtui ueffl oenter No lontg se ttc bumtiees,.<n le-,Y qu a fkw ,aeeliasî,to imakv the iffort' b britirtur dp to tov... Toqo Olten the Metu iii a kW ittius u ttiide ae about the aiy OunstuaI mpach out after mItoin. Otber mnerchauts watt until thmse men induee ibm epie 10 corns tii tOwn and Mounret tiiemuseves witb ted.e tbat eiaturallY drifts h. Ibeir plaies p ubliea silted nmmm should mmi hirnsel l if hle dolmg hie part toa mtracl people 10 oreto lova to trade. Lansing, Mlh. liau double-I ils popu- lation in six Years. ,Tih. local business 4ssai latol ralsed money by subacrptla for the devélopimentofai apife o f .ubub.a real osIate. vbieh It old aiter *dselapa[mntîaI a prfit of $25000 andt the Money va oesil la securlng Thoe mofaiLapesr,, Nich., *geureda ches. laetors for liat to#an, ralaing 81.500 for the capital lu About tIbm. haurft'. e lotugmont. Co., advertises lIsail by aneasaof a fetliia»lld Putpi, dai," On liaI day thte àaepnto serv the visite w lit pumipi i, etc. The. tgon u , ~ut 6, 000 ulation Mmd dotI sumntmu ew 000 people ln "Pumlz . 5ý1 BOYS RAlLffE"DAMI Sechool le On@ Thot Glyme a square Demi ta FaIiees Wal* Md le Locmt.d at Lakte Ville. - I ilii# The dfty boys Whoa an charges et thm Aleuitale farta at Laie Villa, are ta lie thm benefileadie of a fortighta perfrmauce of Patl'm"Eruption cf Veauvina." givea imiter the manage» ment of Ibe directers cf the luatitu- ticua utheb.Washluglcn parkrace cours., ln Cbicagc, hegtunins Augost Arrangements have »emu made --vi te pmertelcgam4 texembitsien whereby the, fan vwiii receive lbe net proflota of, tb. engagement, Oie businUessmmd ianlai direetibn 0of wbich viii be eutirely ln.-tbe banda cf 1heasociaticn. libla v. ay, Il la hepei t taOVercme a threatened de- ll lu Oie farina tneasury uni to1 niake l posible la Increase 1he nuom- ber of boys lunls charge. The. fam. under the direction qi Capt. Edwmrd F. Bradley, ceues for fIfty delinqueul boys, laken rom the ber of lhe Juventie-,court at the criais of thein ilves. ils purpose la to give tbese neglected cublîdren a square dea-a bomne, goot îinlluenfes dlescipline, aud varie. In hein litle community lbey becoem ib eir ovu juitges, tbeir owu proieeutors, mut they are tIns laugbl the idealg of Tho asoction taie charge of 11cm ai.t1the average amgo f 7 years, Mud exereises centre! overthe1m until lhey are 2L. ManÏ c<ibmhegraituatea a.e lu pocltlomm qf' Itrl &a Clicage, undioe .of 11cm vas preldeut cf bits dams aI Laie Foret Un ivergéty la year. Thc cIpense of maimtaning tie flfty beys anit -the s choolm la $1,000 a montI. Camaoda Thimmi. S".. Notice le bees vonmie$"ltIpermon baeng Canada hblsunhsoa*1*Pf>s* mi#-tuol uodt eow Osanied 0ei Morot, areitd d arsas à ami a t itIte bai. fmf¶ fl u'p Canada Thiie Coimullâes. e lte tonumbijuCI er ancu, Lai e omr lu cepmmut cilila oué-d*w usea f001 a 11e Piuli m 127 N.ý- eu cf <l~ee. PaYy ý 4ýal'ftAttention PNid t 4,1 WAUKEGAN, IWNOIS Our tacr.aulpq Té&ea u o car.uily .14v îialtysud Î6 SUPIERIOR VAýUW> lie price.. 'wocharge. compared *ith wbaI I9 rnge retaiIeaMd wagonmon get, gpïm for grad A RIE MUcfl LOW15R id4 wlU give mnoiuch more uasfaOtIol e LOV4ERS 0OF, 001) TEA b. folowhag grade@ compmred. Pei x. tenlit. MI. «RIC SUND eD ...I'....... 35e 33e 31 &.NCY SUNoDR1EDJAPAN ........ 0e 46c t (A m0e rade EYLON AMD NMA TUA-------...50a 46e 41 (Wagon mon ask soc le 76c) DUEM OSAO NG......60e S&e 5! (An SOC qumibly> ,l.E,.EELLSWORTU,'PL i Jutgive Te» and C(iz#q;n Clans idbl *0Judt*1 mr C1oIleýr 1 liait là 4-- ta-hin otés P Ir he wgmeioder ta A I*Prd M duo. BB1er «rPM4 'BÙNI1S- FOR SALi3.1 Gkel ail yotü equ ont of your Iie monoy. 1 cau. offer, yon FIVX PX# 'CENT SPZ0L L SSES8MENT BOND$ en snobtowuia s LAKE FOREST, HGTJLANb PAUK. EVANSTONand WIUMETTE. GE»QROE AND~ERSON iýAÏÉ FOREST, ILL. DIL r-. LGALtWÂY. arr.m .ovEa LovgLL' Ume e"os. noum&-Inom 1i a Mmd 4,h. ap. M. W. W. DirDqtCtI, Opiemetrist mi 600..a EVE SPEC#ALISt Parlors in B.4hBlicl Fridars and ge**rdeys Hours 9 b 11:30 a. m., 12:80 to9 p. M. No eharge made for exa=Udia là 1wrt'y ville, lu,. UNDERTAKER and PINIALMBR Rail flay. iuoi. Telepione Central DY. EDVAIDV. UETffH Offiee andt Residenop'opposito AImsi'& store Phone LibeApYIlIt64 LYNCH~ Pham U78 1A~,ll'N. PM PALMAC UPN ATTORNiET AT LAW. I Ubevtyvlil, flhlol. Paown sa DE EL Il SMMTH DENTIST. OVE£sILAI e OUmTT ANAtL DAIM. gouma-fi to12 a. m. and 1ita 6 . . DAILY. Lllierty'vil, 111*Oh. DENTIST Houri S81 ta#.mL-1 10 5 p.r. Kawn Block~ Lbertvil, hinule DETaSEERN ULDne. LaWTIA" DL JW,. Male gis uoima ui. atmi iv- o 1 a 2m te 4 ffld 46*. Egleson Broadway~, 1.vgoMus P"4 e Ulb yy,. UIMn~. i àLems '19.' ood OId Summer Came at last.... .Now walch thing go Wi1I be ln order now, but w Rlght on snd OU up wsnt itlilter ... W~Rait* Yon caýe -Mao~i these itreJ;gswlth IL. PUNTiY 1

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