haé u n b t» ML S m t a u t M ge u r 'm o bss , 'W ho ie M46 1 4 l baI ' nor employI by lthé ChiesoIsiodlpollli.sud or thfis>wto ou1 b84ot* -ho atI'5 FlllA5 adae a î creamanar hae roturued 10 their respect vs B ée4iriaienprl 4~s~Wg*gaafielnsi Clleebis abllltsauwe ssb cess lu 'Wauefaa business men bv ~b rpmueU I*s Biis e Mult tglua steaogrpher laleaued that lb. W B. C.au aPpif tu thé hxfntr q UVie #*lse, aofRockefeller, h o d e freal elsd sob la tii. DYthe Wl!. Wln tOu. aI gosmti tpWlîA es tonorae i s~bookkeepm Ott 1h5 tfi o!Me bs O b UOYieeli b II iile d oceaya ate e esi~be~n i teois eXs. Rosa broke inta Pltnie 1101 uaIMth ire11111 3' f ltthebanor Cef îcg, Mlwaukoee Me> Prof.. Mmsou appectu sMd trkusei u om wîel a mb ies10«sad vomes flt ttis-.trie R. R. Edvard lt the saut ai thabietshte.busIenssmeonvWh baram!i U,"" la glleged, and abstrâpte fur, theb btu **le Ot'l.M557 ouar. vît and humar, vhlch couf>lsd gva emppymeut ta bis stU4itg$700, tuicsh. 1! la sald. euft5et UOth mtrU hbey vltb the, p.ollcieucy ne acqured ta and tgs pessii iti the. suppol'the Wlt*1 *#e ieitaMlwaukes. »msUlg SU SF5UOW Sltiif bi vorkvIl!vIn lm sucSss0f ud ri pèr <6smed ber sud ab@ vie purimiu aeral e Augusta AdamWin . mloed ee fWaukeg=and the eounty bçgtb". Lakte Bluff tb osaa ý;Zl putio&Z «= oble AugstaAdam la emlqyd Ahave giiteu t» hie cole». «Mbr wo te ,80 kkeeP- stenograher snd boakiteeper for the 'It Ili the.alneoaitheo collep te, over, t W rth thof t. %114 eauf55. 1lies 4" fa l 11Steomboat Ce. Auguta 1cel-maiutaluah g he sud p raficieutldt h*s 4 e ucanvicted, Mrs. Plig- *0uP tSt@ *iPbl-.and thug 11- Pieted bath coUrses and v4 W55*Cstandard ta vielie It hW aa aiue& OBI*tO av I esie 4auily o01,9.4 for 00-e van, excellent atudent. oua of th1e very beet lnttutlOSs 0of ftte te the Ousbsnd. ~ *e VUsg taése. eeplutree frry Mitîli Iof Prairie VIew, lath* e l»d aud oa lat Waukega lioeeleent oa ung la tie studeura w".g.ont froui It emploied as .bookiceePer sud stono- gy api'oud ot. .4 ta 'iel to" the.husband, sud as a fnto the busness. vorid. lb keeps grapher for Fovier Bruas iI'undry, Miss Hanso, n,"uwctor lu short. rugilt, tbreý was no prosecutian, lm coe touch Vidi; te deubt'a wel- Chcago. Harry vai ond i the ment hand, departed Frlday evenlng for a wie MMi Pligno agreed that )£rs. Wae sud always reloices lu ail the rapi aud accurate of ivorkers, Unu!'-Mmths viieta ber nmrnelu Morley, Réas sbpute 11v upetairs In the samn ý#âeeea. dI t tn \ant ep igS eeg~sd hiesauccesaln s ~- Mi . ProL aud 1fre. Muanon aime bouse vti ber snd ber husband. ' unin luany vay it eau. sureS. 1bave tthe City for & tip r gbthe 'e hutand lIs aidta ohave ebosen 4pst a word about thune vho have Auna Rckmau in stenographier for But id 3»meW, Va. . hlm 'elfe as between the. tva. 1' mont receutly Umne out from the col- Thamas Drang Works. Miss Lulu Mi- ,Mil tuom en tSpt. 9, sud ý At noe nnknown hour Tn.sday »Mi hay ho of Internet: nott for tie Cyclone Fonce Ca. '1300 large nuiier bave already enrollid nghtOr Wednesday moru!ug, Mnx. buegle Mtaw. stenorapier for Younug laSie' vers fron the 5sme for the corng Year. Pligua dled.lit grent pain and the uext Satboaml Envelope 1adtory Besl clase, apt and prafielent lu thaîe__________day, Mn,. Rose and Muto began pre- W&» of the faithful onesl eho wr.paratSons\~for a quiet andl unasteuta- ég her successe was asosured tram the Berlia Joues, tg employed as stîmo J 'WIImill youfr00, to prove merlt, 1tlous.burlin trot. graphsn lu Recen W. Coon, Law & eu e.a my Dr. Shoop's Restorat- fiad.it u»t bepu for thl ivglame. lut lCye. senoruherfor5.Reu Esat Adive, ba ouonellier y5pep- land care of Underta?.er '.Veuaaio RuthNeys, tengraherfora#Rgl otae ilces.Ad Kueber fils asTh Heart or The Kldneys, Ia.Frs h rm ih ee 5sauk, Hobrook, Neb. Crrle $bois, ânfle position vîti the Sextan lStc- eTroubles of the. Slamaeh Heuert or LieFnateciem î ee helds an excellant position inuthe.of-' & Brick Co., Chicago. Kdes r mrj ynLtso aye been dlscovered. AIt vas, ha AMet ef leB. B~ . Miss Nelle, Ray Andews la boolcieeper for, the deepef aliment. Don't make the com- rfefUd ab.'termîsadCr Mirlhausud mIabel Lake are stena- Waukogan leeCo., mon errai' o! treatlng sympbome only. louer Taylor vas called Ilu .ralieev for oey' & Ca. Aima BerIler la stenognaplier for1 Bymptant treatmlalt la treatîng the result ai yonr aliment, sud not the *.au Sebus.h.Ie, of Lbertyvllle, t4e Dayiplanulug MIII CO.-f$hevwon1cause. Weakt Stomacie rvo-..uie $T. VOUVA SPRMIGS ~~~~~~~~~~~Id dairilti Eeoti.ot aueeletsuethesorin 1.1.nerve-mesu Stomaoii vak- A S!MSATION Oas GU- C&.A-un - ~iise notes resemblilg engrved coi»'. nous, atvuye. And the Hoar!, sud ore.boo&kespOg sd steno- Arthur LIttto, aue a! the, fatÎtW i lduoys as 'e!, bave thel, contraI- d ialgmalt iieelleut von., vnu tdn bac a good position llng or InalSe nerves. Weaken lis (Contàatwdl trou, Page 1) 4e*a 'Le 1.atsagvahenr et »0 eNtàW l Euveon y vs. . nerves, afiu you bievfabi, bayve aktgvn 15itlsa i lee S,0, u Cty flosios. Rer $inter Benle PlIWIfa s tenograpier for vital organe. Hors Slaviiere Dr. obe Sboop's Resteratlve bh amde is Ie *601-5 s la >PY«e às tefloESi- Justce Wslas. Rassi Bivards for faune.No 0111evremedy evea clainu tIOFAttSOke pi'OUihd. *eet àUth MCgdufv 1.05CO. -loti M.'IE. Docker. Gruce rnale- for tb. to troualie .Inaie nervis." 41.0 lla te etrellrVe îaae poie iodas ~stVos' eedlail vok Salales NoaIsGo.for bloatlug., blIlauSsebad breal -issauee oUeslu vbli b.hovitt ulvs lu saoOlsud rs metIngvlli MIW Ull'ad«sslaempl*yed u or complexion, nueDr- .SiooVe RI-, datage -ctf 'Wes uusliakably ils. tuta elrOIMM esprofession caslsr Msutenorher for. G. ILE. tie.WrIte me toas,'for uampl1 gr ri.."r suMd la vbloh ho Wbi«* WboýO« ý itILlamua OOU Mm thel ordo la Wls. The RestorntIve le sli b,' éU2mthn aot Bn Vin.lubookkeep5tfor stenogaporfor the. Cylone Fuies Ail nom <ley, a msoIt-cneseS. Slrty oh tisa. oo_______A_ et."ýI o om ed i *11bils -po=olti la.('MrySalis, private aet"tryfor Voiva aise atacke one of the des. WWg'cri 91w5W51the Co%.th& OSUMga bg CoIn 0pChIeSua.Wher i55dISNe1cet5Il? cous, 'ehoie Idetit,' la biddoe unS.. Oors er 1097004ai MMOtbs. UL890 a lxti, sograp of * The lais Dr. Relabold. leaons 1 ie thiiSb,$" oi "Brudder Toi," 15 fl Oest "fh Gloe."la,'wieion s 'tuebooks, tele af a Geram, suferlag _nW Mbeý' oy hOoer a wth rom dropy-in Germn called "Was- ail b,'Ur.Mi.Edrldge snd otherg, ta 0%,, LOIs Foret. aud leabis father te tb. Norh West, Terri-,* srsuebt" or vaten disaass-.-who "e . aia lImmoral man, snd caugt-sol toy'. I lamed: "Wbere dld 1 get t! I saYs Càbk-ugglng sud kisslng OWs LWab9sIi,02f octqiele, a Roy Newtonand rnk nu Huber arm haveu't tasted vater for 30 vears" ter HlIli" stmart Won't interféra. ph cr u -ltaubuMed te, pot- a Coîitiuation, Until the 'Closing Hpur Ticàdaycf lits ______ i._______ And also "eies to dhrect oa attention to the nmru tions of various lines that- have bèen added for iuedaecer in<g out. The sanie price that have prevailed during --the ps week will cpntinue ingJ melce upeOla' Jmes B. ttait, vlti the. rect MM 5 action b. taleu J' Agalt ,ValIv&, Coi. 43tusrtand En-î speotor MeAlse- roi lie prluted .1v ep1ir careful&i aiSter.couferri vIli fite UtJui States 1District Ab torne,', Seclrd tth le. a, no cause for action agalnst Valîva ILOTS Or <OnIAMA , MU.te t.Thls.-d.ll.wili Watt"p HmtiyHe $ayaand W#11 $tort a "- New Pape.for Asoover HearIagg. Wlhur Glenn Valîva, averseer et lIOn City, madle a savage atts*it ou b-is ensmules lu Zicne. t a Ume meut- Lut of 20ofielmfallowers at Shlah Tabernacle. "I arn out for blood," mhaocÇV- '.. Va. "I vîlI lay mineeneamie$. "Tie>' know mors about 'irhiskey tlan <lad. and mare abou t te ton-. spot of diamonde than the Ton Cam- mandients. -fi. 1 "1 vIl! vallop Recelver Hatel,'. 1 ul l ollov hlm tae e ud ofaieday. sud 111 dawn him or he'll dovu me." VoUva annoninood - lbit during the Scomlng trial of lie recelveabip suite lu Judge Leudis' court beglnnlg on Aug. 5, he vaulà; publIiha dally evuWpapen la bg naineS "T7he Megt Axe." on, "The Sgns5ge Grlnmden."« "I vii make saUXeo!Of MY eue- mies#'elhh fils uewffDer,".be sid. Plans ver. coutfllet- t4e 1 iet- lugtat croate & trust,- fond ta relIeve luvestons wbo tbave Onkut éiever,' eut Su Zion. He maSe anothel' attack énlhis eue- mies b,' mens of si priuted handhlll. spresd broadeaut truougbih tiict, se- .. ensînt1Dr1ai lie t» ce iâlnoUs msa ofZ104City., y ilaue, S alu "l deeda. AiU are deglauod 19 b. 'jilYMMi8 cf lis devI," vbuld 915V Md- "merf anre moude« toiris e .4 Wvl*es o e on.iVlt e.uesmle Who la luis big 1%W, "Sv&? Or le Is JUil a 0M mon ani, WM hvilve i *,tuom~ W" r05w eeie ioor*w f Tilt eeb. e I IV Sucli a sale as this bas ziever 4&«or been held here andits moneysaviragiofferfngsl have benefltted hun4med rn?~ Broken Lot'P;ice fr clk*ecof our 'bea-. fui $18 and $e faziy patternsults, ind& the ziew grays an AÀIWC kte priv- ilege of -ê' > these wonderfulvaluie*. Sa Puice for' Spits worth $10-00 to.10 . 10;75 Broken Lot Salé Price. fr Stiits wotbý$15 to $I6.56O Perfect fitting manupc&wd bythe. best makers in the U.- S. Doôn't buy élue- Where until you sec SAflUAT T8~ 11,.40 ~~om b . OMURTLEFF't CHA4LIENG. J~v T1he auflouncemeut of the gberas«, I LLU tria anrdacY of Edard B. Sut- V l A a challenge of the Tlght of (Çaoco ' *- County ta cantrol the stste legisia- Va Lm,* memr of EUW lf W"w Yu.g or li ture %aven though a majorlty of the amWO m uri ayBe HsmhhY. people of the state reside wltiln the- boundarles of that county. Such a *medml*M challenge of Chicago,# political pre- tg nu mst dmnance muet create for h lm pow- dslie.sg' erfu opposition lu that eIty,: vbleh __r lie may hope to offset wlth out-of- Il.on MSo iaasupport. Throm nzh Iaist ent wth the priilples of! popularI tu4*618M J goverument, the are pleuty oay! uiroù54W practical arguments ln favor of cur- Î taillng. the .power. of great cilles Ilu sg stale leglalature. The Ume con~ eCr0 slderations vwbi.h InducesMr. Shurt- 15* 90sas lef to suggest thât Ch"cao'spower W b. llmtd ban been appealed t nI m New Tai t taprevent the. couerolIof the affars of that state fram fallg os taa the absolute eontrol ai leglal- tor tram a". great cit3y The.Shurt- . 1effRI ets a pormlttlng C8ieIcagot. o Oltau ContraI et tke houâe, but-bai. he; usatu ancdng liaI wit h asonate notrlld 1______1____Ili______liq____ by the meut of the. tate, bas la Il; aie- Anothrtbi kOn*.. eto at tb meutes at practical àafaiee lo vitil1 etinadflb ua t apo'qd£ ~b~~ By a varrnty -4.<1. file4 Friday LYlag Bs91«9ln is b uitlua aSt. Mt a apm" ,atoce, i Oicaô, "L D. Campblli.of Webiaflu,,W. IPaul car ai -(turpoè, ifanday nlght 9A but MU WlatIlian a * ltèa itatWd h onvention fl Italie oeIon band wat tefie icl= ale'b emr»youu.d ilti0"cu gr.! ilok13, Esout il aetcoq uo, a. hurgia. wboAfi" e Isclotii f"'ogsrbMes"ftett r " and inNrt hdao a led ,bstrahit. gettlug asulmoty b«* bofest*ët rSkless oflie ; 'TsU'1W be au ,vu &Ipa'ebek for î$ê. ~wthof b. ètv~Rockot4Espab W 0"flIU i7ý au d. ~ .the local. police lmt,, &adi iUIhur4 Sovu lite .rc0bev, vhin 1 eoc hY t-e fk vIma; teIivlag9Ik~