7y' INJ)KfJBNDBNZ AIT(1TIT. 2.1107 ~~1LIvE 5Tom ETC. mýi lilo tro cbanoifru f, etc .Ie't.42-tf1 Z uitbl, ee for emiik rosor -lC frut.et. Ple$500 $s, O ChuTh-u erAopolite Cook le corporation low priesand rue. Di-siono & Auevîs. 28-tl ïAi6 a--W-e ha ve alar'g of.8ai as oouuty farnie ta sl, aimam ud i ota lu vilisp. DvMa5zu & AUsMi. 28tf LOTSI-We are exluslve ugste for Iota lu 9. J. Grinma.' ubttvtsion, ths choicut lots iu Liberty ville. Urvoau& AItOTmI --------- FOR SAL-CGetar White iiOMei0 11' hie ta teter pdate oe rlubet. RouEd.in k MaikfllV îf I -- FOR SALI-A, number 0u1tsPvs witb fr.,. - to serail sinalipige.,A. B'. FOR SAL-Ctmkp; thr80 etuma bred'trottlng stallons, an igtered, or eligible ta regiter ln the Ainericau Trottin g Register, 1 weighs 1410 Ibn; the thers wbep maturod wlfl weigb frain 1150 ta 1lm Ibil. euh. For fur tiler particulars, cul, on Or adreu john p. Davis, p- R. No. 1 Gurnee, 111. Box 80. 6*-24t --------- I VANTRDI WA54TEO-1'wo irlsq; ou' for kitchen aad ow for store. PRED JOcHElNI. - ----- se. 8 -tf bog.evovk; yl iuoitruCt ushrbatI deW»sd.1 AdiruX Independent O00k. 44.21 xwU,-. un. . A. I. 3 ______1 __----------------_ WA0-.&terai Young Men ta vark FOR SLI-Moem 7 oom hues m ecrmi factory st LIbertyvIlle. b.tb soe l iht., hat gad etc. OaiStmywr îrntm.Apl anid ssh front ôcorelot, argo by r gain . t . . . d . Ai8.pulde si-tg J. A. MAm, Libert"yevalie.e i, mmof be Puki IFi1rLE-00 $MW nnam. Md it CabL a s tiicvn -- 4- sowty.I~ remashl.*ma'£u L. ~ ~ ~ 'I, Suwe> iLiS 42-t.1 r oudf4l8.L8 <Ni ISles Mel r eifi.~a om o ritSe a 4Mdf ~AN'VWvLLfBCUmnber ofai inetO - lu e aieceilat *ry etkroom.Api v ta ~ou, MlIng o. ,lày ..m*LE. f«cUoNai.., bbillardle. joe SAL -CI.bah udtoIlsoa ouvaa" t our ev vory balle. .loquretuber- ~qltCA.KMeMI.ý 48tf ttpville Bold. 4"4 'e IX ud e d le-t 4lasp. Nomee for itL N W. PiLaSEmU. 1 MT"c' L SOLI-Telo ~oEhlFOR of 0qr 6purs bred ho. whlTsmue, W lU 8 mer pkmqmoeB. WIcel bnwp If tekkena t bi toe m." Spu ore uCS e mir ettingfted boxe. e»d I L - i lB'D 'O s o r ~ n e e . A . P B d o k , R o u n d L a kie , I I . __________I442 I NE TO L014 uuvtO LOAN-On WOOIIT TO LOAN-&lc Im."$1I00 on cmai ets M 81W.C. la MM" 70 OLOAN- ePaeblmy09 loeing moM ing purpoos. Aielfaim 10 Pubie No ele a b *nbae.bef xctrut torf"eu LoE.DI M a M nsuv Crt o court o se lunWe.keg.n ou *6. àrt monda 0o 00f -bta c&W vheiCAdi pesoin eaimNa d Fatare T requet.td to reseent the un ,or ~U& Osa . W. Dt, Wasksasn. Ill.. JUIF = .190 Adjndication IN E. y. ORVIS. AI PublieoNotice la ereb? euhearibor Admiflltrator of Eizabeth Cunnie tend the outy ourtcf Loa tem tiiereoi Ito hbuhidsll et] In Wanersn. lu sait COn mondai of 8ettenhhe4rext, whe.real perOit a 't ni reWateea" natiffed Ana reu the, aine f0o "IdCourt for e RoulII J. CITN1UNB4N Wbukeigan. DI. JUIF 8. list Adju.lie.ttoU M PubieuNrrîlee le tenebr Bubcriber Executûr of tii Teettuent cf inuVedilo suismi tIe ounty Coourt nt: aterm thel-f ',txbhrldý vLJhres'tergonshbavlti :mII Ustte cr0 noffied a, PreCsgtobue saine to si Wo,.an.. Ill.oJUIF 8. 190,1 *4A sMd MiLER,A e4jqguIation N DON. M. MILLE. A SAdjcaJo ,mkueIUOM es, red ' FOR SALE-MIe calle pupe. -Prive , 02-*00 iiUch. EAuL KaNic, btemand .e ~ e Lmke, lil. .x 1 44-2 tool, fnuds ta te esertf. WANITFD-Onecod f ogad oa woa. Treme. tdlivered ta nyq peeeat hirL.4e aeo8o* 8 u-ti . Pamwrcu. 1-W. mette ae . lo bd. IS8URANCI-We vrite Ire, marqe il. DviOoDan cidenit r.nd hfe Innrance. 6unosu 2@41 Acirnx. Libertyville, 111. 84* feues., PAUL fACOPIN. SeibLet. aSCe it the State of ilinuois. Couty or Laxe. %L vie tu la tttcircuit court or Lake Couatl, actu. ife 1sselber Terni. A. i). 190. it s o'ty. AuROn t ihan Ys unkwwn hein. or hé om ai.t the devioenof Lymian Po..eff deceaccd.@' bary la said Counay. powene..1unknownianOfoi dViOeSofcalao tober aegt. lui? Webtetr, dýeeed.' OUve P. Webster, "Un * aiejiekown bel,, or devisecu of John Clare de- noiid aiceased.' MaryE.Carke " fiuknowf heire or to gt dCourn devt.ee of WarrenF.PoWcr, deeed.'* Marie Powers. [Lewis Petters. LesPeters i£, Eioeutor. Caroline Peter,.. inkownuheins of Louise l. 45-4 Kiepper. deceagci,' Matilda Wlke.'bIIntoWi - theins or devisecu of Christian <repe. gotice. CameWelt.IMe,Oi. Wc tr Li ElIpper, uItc fntnown o-Dn..of or lty. urnon. Interested lu the reai existe, deécrIbed aiven thet the inthe M 01ofConplint. of the XLete e nChancer. deeaed. ylt- Gen.Ž .34lls keocuni. etc& Sat.,acior y afiauvit that apon due laqairi t.onthe lirt d:evisee. 0fLymnnPoweTv deeased$U 1907 min ed .Mr,. Unknou n tel,, or devi. bans _IdUltse üay Powes fu tt ees .1 C'Ono Webster, deceaned.- Oive t i c . taFes n . W e bt r , U nknO w n e ir n or d e vi e e'. o r dj1diotiol. Warren E. Powerc. deceareil.' Unnown 7. uvreM hein. or dcvi,,eel0f Jolie (Clre, deoeased, à1s ltaëy E. Cark«. LewrIs 1etter'.. Uln heir, 0f Loulue Kiepper, deceased, nei îotîo. licr, wrdevisees 01 Ctriuiun rppr deeeasei.- Sophia Grôll. Calu Webster, glenn thmt the Olive S Webtetr, Louise Kipper und the .0Ja lft Wiiiand Tynknown oivnervet or rrnon interestrditu et dealied wll the reai, etate decribe lu the 1HUI 0f Com- I AkfOo0untIf. At plait cannot lic foand s0 thiet proceaq herein lon et ttc Court Catnat te rved upon ttcJa.or etter of them, d ounîry. on thc taving bren tleld in thec o0ce of te Carof udxt 19M1. hen sMid court. ig olsMs again0t Notice i theretore tereby iven W hettMia Ld leouested f0 'Unkno.u teirsordevinceieo LymanPowem, id Court for deceamed," Mary Powerg." -Uilknow,0teirs or devrieeft 0f Calaio Webster."alIve P. Lcas. Exoutor. Webster. '*Uncnowll hein. or deviaen o T.41-4 Warren E. Po.ers decel.'1 Unkown hein - or deviaccu of John Claýre deceaacd.* 74ary E Clrtc. ,"1Lewis Petters. U .ttorneCys. tnown heirs of Louse Klcpr. de- Notice. ceu'.cd." -Unknown telle or ee of Christian irope. drceaftd,' Sophia OrG_ CIO filthat he Cuino Weter. Olive S. Webstecr. Louis 0 thfl ntteOf Elipper und*ITnn)n on vers or or pet- LUe- Will attend son. lnterested In the nueactate uescribcd li 91, a taferin tce Bill of Conplalnt*" detednsa aoe. ijcuola b Iat thc ubove nmi nt! plaillant Éued hI 5. onttc 13 111 0f Coinplaint La at Court on the M. enadChnery mide thereof. and tht a slnonsr 'qipinagojnt tercupou lmued ont 0f1netO Court sfaiangt the ~f00titOl1 abaove nanurd defendaute. rtariat c on tbe llNlOtetilU i rsOt day of ttc Terni of tte Crcuit Court or Lake Count v. tou beteld lt the CourtBuseLi 44_jlisrtr. Waukefan in aid Couay0 Lae, e o t e ntr 91. Bt-S Monday lu Otober. A. 1D. M97. sealeaby lawtr- quiretad whibstl l1pe asn. îU.YU>'.. Lawls 0 BROCiWAYClrt. Notice. Ji.lv it. 19M). Wutciali. 1muaiis. Paul MarOlolIln. Corpianat.oicio sud Rili ibem ATTACiIMENT ON OVERTREEII ontvfl 6t ity on th,r. Attacilment ueo made Tuesday on ýt =1.w ý1 dloperty of Contractor Overatreet by 1 A&I I N5l ntOiltable Broun on a urit froni Jus odm nht' thte OrviW ofte. James Kelley I& 007L . #uel the attuchment for vues ta the - , ~~*mout .cg$lot<due bm~~U.e ïo.id. -M 4 » IW*O, vers attache. The --Aý.. 0. - 111 qo ai. .1, - ;il 1 E .1, - 1 . 1 1 - 1 Wlnne, lot40 blockt 18, Chicago Lake Forest Water Company. 1Ia4X, t Highlands, $350. C Îî creaae of capital stock' ta 8150,OSOAv iReal Eate Transfers l P-&bb 10 Elzabeth S c.certifIcate. N,.eojsi'unlhe B . O* S. 1ý40 feet lot 61, Lake Forest, Q. ., Hcira of George Baecher, deceasgd, C Lei "Praihtd y4*be. 10, D. M. Erekine and wlte ta L. A. ta Nicholas Baecher, part S. W. Lakte Couuty TitI' & Trumt (o. Jonesi lot 12, block 7, lit i lghlanid quarter Section 13, Ela Township, Q. A ttr t ts of Titie. Titles g; iti anteed. Park, W. D., $2,000. C, $4,580. 5li~TtpeBd.Waukr ii. Ili F. P. Crandonan fd ulfe ta Joset 1A p ea n ietWle Li.]. (leisti,.çLebondowski and wulfe, lot 18, bîld hPen u ie aWle 12. Washburn Springs, W. D., $150. Trac, four lots Nelson's bd soit, th Martin Abbott and wlfe ta Clia. S. W. quarter Section 1, Grant Town. Chicago Titie & Trust Co. t. 'l..L. Schneider, W. 71 9-12 test, S. 132 feet ebip W. D., $1. Bock, lot 14, blscki 21, Chlcago Ihli- ,lot 3, blockt 6, Nortivest' add Watt lr anîds, $310. kOegn,. .,o..14.000. ' E.A. CSuninga and wite tu Antan Edwin Sykos ta J. W. Sykeq. 12f) Duzait, lots 3 and 5, block 14, Weu- Converse Marble asîd wlftu toWif. acres ln S. hait Section 28, West An-, kegan Highlands, W. D., $500. Sexton and vite, lot 9, block 3. Mer-ur.tdori Township, Q. C., $1. E, A. Cummnga an duite ta Igiasta vle euh, Section 9, Granît Townahip. A.W ryt Brh . jNouait, lot 6, block 14, Walikegft "My pîowerMini, le unliltàd; oth- i tu e rfiliAte of %ne AlO-i reoIlie sW D. $20.Iots 1 and 2. Petite Park ln Section EihadW . 20 t'tg can î,ay lit. î amrnot going ta Trust . $120000000capital. 120,000,- ,5. i HiadghlandJ.s.,ron W. D.. 8250.owshi, 2,00 ny fuÇîrther. you have ceeu 000) ebares. vere llqted uprin the 'New M.SxoJu lt a..G lo oli P.W ey n oldshsubdivsio00.f J. Orne and i vte to fi. C. Bd, na . ,u-: toastnuitknov flot mlYork, Landau, LIld BOiton Stock Ex-i W. hait lot 9, block 3:, NMarviis suitb, Jh 'Ryula îbdvlno ards. 27.62 acres lu N. W. quarter changes, sud tus ý amian Frenchi Section 9, Grant Tow ni p. 'I. D.. three lots on Crab APlîle Ieland In Section 30, Warren Township, Q 0., power ia greater tilan te System" Borssan# traont lln hrm ta.rte~d 300. ItMa. 3 ry .O antTwnp.ltoGne $1~ . See u ie tat -and you snd I sud te Streete have cl- off fast sud furloms t 10fheTtc aim vay knuntht he Syte' i mrethat one billion oS tilietwî-lîe billions rn imaJ. dwlet e.Convention of New .leeiialern, lot 22, C<ra IU Nitahell, foot 16 Beach Grave, pouerful tlan the goverienlt, more 'capital liatbeaueatt !Ir-,i be iard Brown, lot lnnvilla.ge 'of Antlacb, W. ihock 137, North Chicago, $1.to 3,Ws nloh .1. povertul than are taecourte, legisfia- ln proectiug spd manii ilirlîingthIe D., $1. w .Smith and wlfe ta Oliver I Scio120Wst0.lch . . th ntae Sates, sud th epr d ent " t f to k t tic marat nt h.- n o wdur- Frankt Pitman , 3Jr., asîd wlte ta Ge. H H flas 1 aut 2. block 1, Smith'e ranne B. Pitiman an dmi mbandt ot Lb.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UniBSaecmi.d ht v~vrie btvnli btdr artleit, lot lu village of Antioci.s. add, Round Laite, $300.A.NTffyprlo7,imn absolutely ontrats Ut. foundatiailon tng plunger dld net think of velllng iteh AN.Tfayprtlt7Sioe uhlcb h9Ys> ret-the moue>' Of f the rh-# D., $1. J. V. Garrlty and vIte tu Fannie ld I tic,(.,. 1 tatlowr. But My pover lae pester, a It vai evidut te aIIinluthestîock- Boea E. Diver and husbeudtotaG. r.A. lhelton. part lots 1 eud 2, Evans aJd.AnL.och, Q. Scily L.ollir thousand. Yeu, a million timea greter , ambitag uorldt t-tilie was ta *ha Sayler, lot 10,,block 1, Wart & Dlv- euh. Hiot 81.J .MlrI~10Hnl'L or thian thelrs. Ji , ta>'aMy' tat Ibave -*bc, Sytensl' grand rorîj, ihat ct er's subb, N orth Chicago, W. D.,152.1 E W Parithurt andi vite ta W . 1en, eS.)44 teet 1aY 5, bloI4 .'(l end oembyta u m Is scompleathte maLtsireould lie G. E. cept, etc.)drlginal< WFkenkn W. EL te vontd. The>' asy'that 1 have lOve i rudely cvakened t> a reali',ation that .sue,*lt5 lcI1 akus 8,6. footse -mlons'of dolars, but thielr n veelvii utetel sud wve, lot 11, blocit 1, Ward & Cunloghem's sail, Libertyvllle, $250.1 .î.D tadIet onMll hundre millons 0 dollr.,.b t h t T. H Durit sud vite ta Jonnthe mouent T e r a' o tf hr e0 cominîedAmricaa iudusalries ai vaut- Dîver'a suli, North Chicego, W. D., Chicago TîtIe & Trust Ca, o .j. B. gins, lot 15 sud E. 8 tact lot 1 ËhuI- mntsie. h uds l on tatavey 17 LIlatut vaines. that the feu had $5.950. Key, aIne lots tn Chicago Hglands., itein & urst'î mub. 19 lo* 2 2k open vhile. the ones the>' bave bcd m lbh.fuial mnsy, ud that s'at.n ai etPsc nkI2.9.fLny'g third mii, WanktgsSl, W, 114. sa opportuulty ta keep talb cn. But I tempt upan the po*W part ta -rugu- sud vite, lot 11, blackç 1, Werd & Di- ChicagoE Title & Trust Co. ta, Luther 1 450. teil you thct 1 have made aveu mrs late andi cotrol, tie new systera of verm goubli, Northl Chicago, W. 1o., fi,. tKey, lat 6, blocit 39, Chicago High-1I Juliana Pete..o, et AI, taO bafia la mùy secret taxIstneau soieont rebh.ry, vauld b. ftrsugt lt lluOB450. lands, $310. Le ieese,î arlu . lie>' have seen me labo. 1 bave bat paralleliddi.siW'-.oikt te, t e 7- Btt fE .Ateig.(î L. A. Jones taEmma M. Mantgom- Bti ates, 3% erttsl an9. QW .7 getsvlb y apta l ser' ..' utte eh.splio.. er>', part lot 7, block 15, igîhland dial. ver>' sIsal th. '9~êsa'bai Blanc Dol tqtfrons Europé, 1 ta A. B. Oi, N. E. quarter of N. W.Park, W. O., $2. Il10. rigiot! up. The vori mbas btrov- luimon " 5 afeu tit«. p quarter section 132, Sbleld'a Tawnship D. M. Erekine. Jr.. sud vifs t l ng up Ine band s la ho r ait be "a » te O clobe r . S e a i ot bee u sear an di lot 28 , W estern A ddition, Lake E.M . ' o tg rl u ar t o ta7,i na d P ark , W lot, 3,5 h0 . k 72 Cruegie. the bbsmnt orlit hrg. thes tock oê"thC fe StrS5t. Forest. $1,525. bok1.HglndPrQ . 1IBJ.Lueaiviet .R omo u ti ffIbe. hundr.d maboseofthortir ttaI"er ilo~etg ot the "Pe- C. Hl. RryMsud vIte ta Newton bocf, HigJand tak. . ntomC .P$1. lt enmj-We e7im IL svag ta theStal bai.r- BeWsg am Due&"' 0. tIcStreet" ln rselt12 lc 3 o 9 blc oa n .A otoey I«ollt2 euel u ab Jias. D't acovî saithoit puat- dubbie4 the mv itru he bagoauta, Im .tu 1,blcparto 1.liîck of lot 7. blocit 15, Hlgbli Park 5, I.adtil&à orgs' ad. Watkelb r e5 telead mea lcturs outb*,pmrge- ehov UV et bW agi»relarîs. This 42, and lot 9, lock 27, Lake Bluff, ý W. D: . I.». $10.1 î . nmm or My baguetue. 1 baie -3', 1 viW»il. ea.%* om affaire vIes Cf le8. W. E. Sunderin aand vite tai John 0 . .rowu ta Sophia Naet, IW 4% ta cau tht. gami ara ms 00 i1riit red Eromw&W>' uime op suate W.C. Parker te Catherine A. Silth Meut&ansd vite, lot 1.bock 1, Brook-I Wsshlun nparkWankegaa,'W. , nausn. it la sot busmea telsllhtce. mI Ief tSI he I ls -i lot 4. Helmboolta euh. Wankeacn. W. aide adi. Woukegan, W. O. 8350. 83. v11111iii ued profitas ~et 0bM@as «my aetur> 1 idld cuit roli-13. sPei~Ulc yulboa, ~t-lIm 1badl bsseu 41ag lu tsllng. OP850 . P. Cranton aud vite ta A. J. cu mt n ist oa a *a gu-for tir ~ My tbouUmtabMienu chwasiu mcl85. Marchent, four lots Wahburu Sprngs j&va, jot 19. block 7, DMrers eb, -I lmsaa>Wittfa im @5 i- tlet uIOPIigit*Nk* apidIt>'bock John léiecht snd vite tluJ1. L Vet- $420. Northl Chîeffo, W. E$. 17 11110» eustemI elulapsi 10&tu over 8hbe t l*ea u.sud tha16 b:' ter sud J. A.Stryker. lot lu village of fleraLd iShelli>ton IL W. Levitt, lot G . U *Upk and vig, tc F. 8e M Mds'Srm 10 tu 8, sud ne - ,fore*li. Mid «M t*augbt deegmsi 1* msde a dollar. Troâ ils thebiLel alt. ««rMyprnanut mQc-Deerfield, W. D.. $2,00. 6, block 38, Section 21.,EMon Cit, m1ti Paut lot M 4ada, ot t- «rtr.e. ed s«a r uisg 10rallec t l loa. la ils alut cetag sM Chicegfi e £ &Trust CO. te C. IQ C'- $0 Wetai Wsnau W. 1)., st the unsee a tevI be lctioaa mytel*~ merang uaga.i ronui*g uP hundres et o« "Mr. Uli. tr Heavea. sakeMsO thesl*p. rbspapre e .r-bave Pm doms mollueyetr it vus =et 4re u ouu i rdonseos. "rblugs&M a mirfrlglttulberi. WeVm brakere a&» mil- M ;then t velug te at fleMSd tau esuad, e ý d» on dowlta 6resecant la 1 4l s i. litla ; ta.ltaaail easthe81.f pus porpotcion orisi'la Aut:, saiw e Ms ogievu ie Bob b he il lsilmaft rovd fiV neie' gt au>' etz8h, a tc bai>'mimd.lsa hssbu i«ýtm Tur0iltsud JenxthLa ' r giviug Comat a huntret thomiMet vsrs jouer et haing rimlg l* mm la 10,00 lots, ami h.ut ton bodi.o that 01ephgargi- Me aet sgo h wv se lei, ptratei laid tateir ieor,.ý0 amsuist Bob bNuisitotafacse arrry ocueuL tisas dooderu 1baits . f eWeit, Th.y'ksde" 3 0 pointe su ilsau4> ed vil ruthlm i s os t U .didinp ailoun they bavm' eut otati-- mot esormit. But MJs, 5 irwh. PeepWiif reak aaugil yoLT. f "s 1 sots ftlnuiylvanU Levet>' ý" fer ILVO Ut 9551. t 106, bt tierslas us. a yuean vitls te e.lllg vs8-quan- ulir tumot joit lunIlt Bab. osie 0 i b>' the preou au 'Cam iht, ug oer et aàgeSonal attac4 it huneil de dou owi eIsveà plâr ouiAuAPeople'@ on ta 1 thar&M leg. aud oNu Io k for Rogers and R-___________&adthe syyaa u etev, iàw"p. amr gttu l ls rl.fFO9%UR WEEKS ONLY I h ave to-dy a iIiO loutd es, t beBrmr Coget n laoina W it A Bookofolilsr or C(arnegie Ils b a ien,. Ple latest tclk te tiLt Reinba8* du » owr u, anteBa rry Canpiesan ht he ossamThe Laike County, Independent celam 10iay la vaste t e su»clsi n altl l leilO.D o I O T vorli before ta-morrov *UbtTou n kovIteinhart la et hi& PgSes luVir. are elcme, t. a an' prt gUta and canant get bars« letare ta -illion, sud .Ut o -Y pn ___ morrov nigt? If Dobt breai ubT he D aily Inter (kean yhapieir sou viimake me, but vben jAnU-pePeaI>IC'e pg. t uli ia Ucts vormi 0 1 trike ln again, don't attempt ta eta>' crash liret" ZSI MO T S me, fr litwUl d no god.» Alrigt, Fred," i anever@i. «I1' me. fr it iîî d uo sot." ili go over tu Babe rtght no W5 .. . 1Ii n . Siorti>' clter tîs talk Bob lett for haa'ù0 "-T e YbU JA ILi M g z n Enrop lt Beulah. A great Ger- ho mmn expert oan main tiuoriere bat p. ,si ON II ieîd ot hope that a six monthe treat- IArps U 1 ecîe aitre t s.r- SIX MONTII ment at hieisanitarimlu Berln forBobs office. AsIneut thougb ks r iigit ait lnI reetoimg ber mimd. The>'hmcutn-ay m fU.oek Ireturnet the tollovlng Augut. The sail ,'Tic>' have liist broken Ati . T' 1 , trip bat been frpitless. t von plain.1People's ta 90 on a bulletin that Tom i' - F O Ru $ 107*5 to me fiat BaLf eua the came hope- nul*Reinrts Ie sn u ud oslei au.te y leuly tesperete imcm as uhen holite hvefaniieitriaTHEItalLAKE 5, .CO. mre bopeleso. more tesperate* If an>.: citent at Ibeir place lu Virginia. Tie>'y OrElEL K!C UNTY INDEPENDENT foi sIx MOMIs.THI DMILV Ithlng than vien hic varnet me ofii 1thtktatelcr himl as~- INTER OCEAN for six months, and NEW NOME LB A Y W L tmnetl1m.kllet. That bes been carrected, ai-.1e 1ý Wheu he laft for Europe "the mm-itcltntvm aIa b a~' CIR ýn Street" breatiet mare treelv, and asu pratrated."- * tunevent by eut there vas Wn g 1 reppet ou Bobs prlvste-o2fce . . j- > aibi ouienedîttriu nfunc-door. 1 felt the cormlng truggle as 1I L L F,- e 10 'ein the îmarket, the Systent" 1effl board hi, boarge bellau. 'toms lu.1" luuît ifercidaH.i e Ie toot et the tîclier, vlth tce tape 11 eeripe frsetling up tems aone band, while wit tse ther be, .iIdy t atct-n~sh.-n et i eehn recoivie' ta hi» e«.r . The Daily Intor Ocean alone coitâ *2.00 for six monthn, the Itrapu. It hat been-advertlod trough- IyGo, wliat a pitr o tage! Mtrpolitan Magazine !oi the beât 150 mafazine published, and the iout th vont tihat Toyp Reîhat ou i atiltu fruveaetb a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fn tvwute.ti iunle a a~e ere as llrtuly platst su If ho Lake Cotinty Independent stands without a rival for Llfke County )f conioltate hie aud men>' ather enter- ver, mate ut brouze. hi. ahauliera 1ý prises Into one gigatlc torth throva bcck as if hie vere vithMtan- news-a coîlbination offer uiiparalleled. tuelve billions af capital. 1518 Union Wgtce rush ai lie Stock Huhentfl . and ti autimnPactilcratrasis oeasee uevr smn The New Honte Library Wall Chart muet b. een to - ap- M b smantuitering bIsze, is ev vis set un 0Soutîneru IIu*.tagetier vih- 'bis a va>' tat brougbt Iinta terrble relier -' 1reclated. It iii in ieven beautiful colora, with fine ongravinge of le steameihip compan>'atilt ann, the uev, bard imes dfit eiperation oa rPrsdnsad-ues tinacatc"tiin he lu anti copper mines. vere ta lic uergedthUat ici receuti>' comae te hiisface.GvenrPeinsadRur. Itsa bxcnamîgnei l.wth tic steel, traction. gas, 440 aller H.gas cet rislng end foli . sheets (six pages "8 inches wide by 86 tnu"e long), ten distinct ce enterprises h.aunai 1011yw>' vib«astîougbhaieucre engaget!lu a phyd- a"Standard Oll' Some of the ti4lro,#4sciial truggle; hie prectatttug, hsa, naps with statistice and Information of great value. The oppor- le ovuet b>' Rckfeler ami ig bol l lack Meltoa cutave>' 0.8. t rovu, tunlty of a life time. Do not mise ItL La ic tlbr btm Ii,>1 tu hsck ftram fie chont,.sud a lau, t go lu toc, ad ith tiese vwu tuumte tur-tova white coler formsdthe The above offer expires August 20th. There wili positively f- filet moimer iog of tiem aIl, "Stand- settieg for c thot cani leLi tbat r> art 011" Itaecf. The trust vas ta liemieni a ne of a frtomoacrcl e_ be no extension. If your subscription tb the Independent In au enarmolia oômpcr. tslek.- aO ha>' outhie mouaitain crug evaitlng led adi dacuc'rçeito re bv twl .e vilci bcd util tien ot 011% eau eenUocomlag of the houad udIl uters. araypi navne pi eep fpieaoei ille x trcea i fb>' the mont darlug stock 1hositctcd At tid'rireehaoid te catch tended a full six months. If your subecription Is in arrear&--pay r-mnpltr.lh Ssetr bosm ret, uJ oirlut erieup-and you'toot may benefit by this "âreat proposition. -Think it nu as _an 55trust adsud n fm jfigure. Rat Bob Brovule> beacu an w