UNDECIDED -IL Mmim Béés Beïeteusupreme Cornt fer ISusy nm.a ndu u la Tot &n'the. BalaSc. SXTRA UEShON NECESSARY IF PECISION l8 ADVERSE. oum* tof 0 ofthe Supreme justices Obus.. TI..p of Deelan for Terni After Tortu. 0f more taterest than candidates ad plattormsaet thé présent time la thé fate of thé primary 1ev vblch -hme ben before the Supréme court fobr a numSér ot montha vheré Its vMiOty bas béen questioned and ut- taéiéd on many line. Iflmé thé death of Juatice WUiital the ecourt hue conslted Most of tilea imo of six mémberm muid term ater s hum hum Pe"-vithaut a deciion b the Plmrream Thsubu led ta -théev» faundedbéet that the Canut t àa-a 5w ladge »iMa vbo imuccmd- t - ~ISWnili eterd upon und-il tigett léJumeta.Mdmina the log i 3"8@mbl b*wtvnStat dthé Octoben tsa, tla eboeei. tbat t lesst fou -.tM ffMme vin amé te marn *pmutothmeprmaury camo. -, m* e c t.afollg la ailpoliticat i pe l - bet l* Av vin. lie dectat *"Mu fo l oe emUatu vil velcau"me tolia tec- viiim ambut if mc td la i 97amel fav - uMt w4si i t o.i lGm' m vo .qumim thét se bilD eau lé eme eelii lis case a nov Pnlmarr -M~eoet CcetWm lonfouniéi :Wetlé.m cmeton viii meet ta May -'0é JI-e.The Républicunnationals Aefvetlup la very Iliily ta mut thé I~ rPat of May or thé tirt of 1%0 Thédélegatea trm Ilinais Wb elftted tva trom eéah cangrea- démOO distict ud four tram thé slte t large. Thé congremelonai dé' natates are seloctéd et thé congre.- 01o0a1 convention$ called ta maieC ]nomnations for congre and thé delgk ateie large are elcted by the Mtate convention. 4f PrImarY aav la knockéd ont 'ani anOtbwie, l 1luPut ilPan thé books 4 a Ite Placé, theré yull hé tva coursesa for Republcia ta taie. Dther they «QprOoceeéd ta bold their primarle "ud Conventions undér thé id ys-z tem vithout anY 1ev aud malce thél i ininstlonm, nesnuu, el.foré thé 9Meetiofaithé national convention. Iliber till or they may, by mutqWat uqoernnt, decide ta bave two con- W«Mtlée.bth congrmuonal andt State. BY unanlanous agréemnt they mWoaibt dftcintaPut oen the pj>mry MM eOVI Cavétians for tate and con- 00081001nomination$ untîl attér li WY.tht iéymgbt pracegiunder ~4m'&.Conventions for thé Of -atgdlegetes ta othé éoMVetlon mlght hé called Ca8mireoal district$ andi #A f an a sinemnt amrveti ah 4Çto thé eloqtim0e the tour dèle. ne tIPagéS« utbacha cheme bu a oompllontéêami expen- @#, Mi mmt et aul uatiofactary ta *W- .Au tilsié la liy to a qéateet lu thé Repubgiload neiu AMIF'MUlan4théPaty vol ilait oulet <e éonventionstaechocs. th dèecaieu tram Binolsa mouii h ma. Up lua aParty pnlmmry .lthr méerih mane kv or appalntuients ut *w*dWttat«e vould ris.e atmorts of 'Pidmt beceufe t vauid hé far moreý 6tbto cni valntry primai- onmosamon% a W.ukemenipWUtVil.. Elglt tiOeanMUdollars lae:theo I~- Ing filet>Wmeg spot% fmuie m the vtamlng etthe IL. and M. race ai Detroit race traci eterdar by sonama cil. As the porte for thé race le anir $10000 uni as Cap. Sprtagér, thé ovuer of the Girl, 414 mt get ait of thîs. Weuieg.a Uimilng la probably thé larget of thé day. There were fév. Nigbbu.t men 'lan thé clty ani thee bai It rubbédI nto thein proper. uccanitag ta thé numara. one man ieng a couple or centuries becaus. of 'hua faith -ln thé animal tbat "broié'" et UÀbertyvile. SMKS DAUGHMI~ collet la That Summer Amsortlng Girl ln Kenceha Ceunty WiII Tutu Up Wlth à Iluand. Henry Gunderton, a bromînent farmor, resldlng ta the neighborhood of Wbéaton, MI., vas la Kenosba lat yogi niaklig an effort ta flnd- somé trace of hie 19 year aId daugli- ter, Miss Marlan Gundermop, vhý dia appéared troa Tvta Laikesta Kéno. sha on lust Mandayer ventg. Thé Younig vomanlied teft ber home lu Whéatoon on Snuiday lest anid vent ta TvIlâ*Laea on théUme day vith the Intention te apent ývo veéka vlth one of hér girl frienda et a cat- ties On the labo.eh.Meremminai et Tédn àée wyer undyay nd oju ,fondu, afteru oft1eR rémumbîr for bore. fiMn. fat time amn traç ha. hem foUrniof tis.girl uni ber fatier ami mather se ta 'fuar tâlt aml mau bave met vitil mrné ou sur. Niai et a Reenc. ThéréIn lut a hint cf a romance lu Upocumu with file dlmerane 00f thé ;;Z *vUeanmd It laà»p. sAbe tiat <Se rnystery viii é mov. làmo 1 Urmv#4*oaadvithth pNepaI~fpftb~tu ema ur vltiegvfJe. mlllen "tte cM d Wn é thé le vewy'»mort and retai t momrng tilat thé mlk mw0y, this momi wu 10caui séter tuaIt v m t monday. hW ave gVent ilcutty ta securing mlk Md cream for 10eecretu," hé otateS. "a"i are parfmg an extra price for It. "The mliiupplYers vil! shortîr rais. Ou lu md ve viii havé ta, ralse on Our customéra.> **The liet ugi théefà.sare the on- ly cauoém 1 cim eau for thée horte ,whlch- extends au fer mBath es, outh Chicago aMd ler north. Site for Sattimmeuit. Thé site mefld ut north of Laie Bluff for thé e." Hille ettie. M«e tsPermanent home hem ende- clded upan and the option pricé for thé grouni vu Paud On Tueudar. There are tventytvo uMd cethlrd aéré and thé CMola lm 00an acre. M(emrs. urry Md peiry, ef Labo %trest, negtltéd for bot el-U- The location le mn Ideai one, aMd f thé hénefit entetimeikt proves *ucoéast nibuilding viii bégin lu S.pý tomber. Death 0f Wel.Knovn OtiÀn Jullua Ehdinger, of Cll.i.n re !mud McKinley avenue, died Uriier aternooon et 4 et has home, a bomor. abage hélng the dIrect caune.. lie ieavee a> vif.. ivo sons, and brothers and ai.ters. Mn. Bliliager la a former hoe --ln, éxtremeir vell knovu hèere, cf ane of Wauieguue goati aid faznlléms. -1 The funerai vill hé heli et 23Bus daY attéruono troom St. .laaéph's Catbollc cburcb. <lt e free saxuptéof Dr. eubopa "Health Coffe" at aur storé. If réal caffée dilturbe raur Stomacb, raur Heait on Kldnéys, thén tr tilla cléver OaOOe Imtation. Dr. Ubaop bhem dom- 1r =ntohed 014 Java ud Moche Caf. tei laufvo and tate. yet It bas not amingie prain af mi Caffeé lnILt.Dr. aboqie Héalh -caffé Imitation la maie *,cm Pum.tauatéd graine or cereue. vIti Mitt, t<ut, etc. Maie ln =lactéf. IW. tedioca vait Tou VS«Iiytiihtt. S iam b r E larbor, 5114 iaà 0 ble. The vhOM Vt wlth him lau i hi à and hi; vif. ivoi * ~ Th* Eepqltof the laquent vue i wL* Vrdict *dluig accidentail eatIL 71à Wlh csI8* ~Wl :Y ~,e.lutgét vrA.ibeld MoadaY DIOTIUiDW bUO4Dfhhg pLeh3304 the a~e.&Conrad morgue., av4?Irvom e beck HAD HAND OtTIJ @**Y LSAOR RKg BuUSG.Y W1ILUN *ME FEL.. B MelEA Iceef Orlk Witel unuRifleWhàn Wat WC rluIg n heAr ou n tisd il agplodi ,'anâSmot Tort At LIleéForest whon Overcome Thrcufh:Womn'm L.ft. By the Heat. Whie M etodwit on bodlAborers at the Armour g"et$d Whlo eqhé bondelthof 1e af4 ~of tête Forest. vere vitn.uiee grmpln tt hnd. e t oay b Io a tb=uiln struggle betvem moM *y li Whlch he. l4àf'.ol q sund détàWednemday, vhem Herbert ~mmlylh, n.jouef D'U'hl<0f Wl Moberg vre avercome by the ,haut, ,throp Habor, Saurday mftrnoon - heatà unîn uha&dofine. colved a fttpl wcIand whon the. Win. Moier uma firet overoeune dtilo chester rifle whlhe her huMband was dlgglm the tronche& NeH WoBSO unloudlno dliged «mud the lmire m1j*ocupatin u bullet tort thrcuagh ber Sot k.... P.îloW Workmen eaw hlm throws Mrs. Ourlk "autaken ta, the hopi. UP td i hMi.whlle dlgglfl and #tg*, tal In Wouk.gmn et solocglc saturay lier Z y.1 nlght. At Il o'colck e@ho died. Fi$ iset mm@ edIstance *My front Narro £eu 01 aby bil@ PuOW À *11t. tiip îrutu. Tho Nmrrw Lmp.et aby Mon, wei seino te pick hlm'iti, b« The accident happened about 4:30 ho lewlvbroe to hi@ font, etaët*y Baturdey eternoon. Duri vasa.un.a M ea la. Seflghter, Wh$ heu bOu loedlng a largebore Wiuchez&ter ~aiftJMeeImit luithe 11115. ýlth . mho . tte bi& kimue. The Jut a l fe ft away. hie viïf. stood h nnnini 0tel mtm eePo*,T. hs watehlng hlm- Wth one hand mie 1 ho ».m .tahi* fuin h*111t M ui i puahed a baby buggyta anidf0lm la g # the buggy uvan e.'1-mouth'm.old Iel' forn à.ort 1ealUé Was Unie#Mdng Rile. ~tae 8% '00u00 *Pl&. Duri toak Itvoieis rou the 1=,l t pa, fi %h l th dm:tK #ÀU magasine of the rife. The third ol eI l~* ift pU ueaS ut~ omi pd vItb a ery.MmI-u* Ueithon iS, Ubmuis nui tathe grend. Thot huilot bai 1 'VIUTloisad O taon tbro u beft imed .oompetb. » ' e b uo o ly htteriig lit and teulm a tarieoïtN M bt hae thrauglithe buée.. l *quL1 u , o~ MOI RuaisofE phyeléi m e and ho af,,d« -10 Dri fremtioca éll ed for aid and h&-1 t o__ mm. ali- i Dt. ~~h theloe viairnfailatoettelm -o-*é>t Piiff M. Ne wà,, oWttbo*s ai n m a tu a bitter atrugooe ftu Uriwou ptb. eîs*io, --m «tURMO t '-Or tu vleh "houmè fier. vitil a Iermenm 1bsig,.T'bu ho 4m*0 Iot tht D1i b ome. ~be fanily tre x,tbe ttte mr wtI Unme ll abomln,, uétb<of wtutig> 0r rlo IHarbori*ami drotly on tht 30eýý Migille Mt a v Ilu tlqmO M180020nelahbore éd do»e vial;they ouldbut ateul h plbo te Hilmi, eare fciç ~ , bmm hé M ~ begteêh f ber lInlu*a»MSa 4 0* 0 0 0 ,» »m » o v , f o r aà I M 'FO & remched the vomaau. Me atténdeiber maihe 4w lut fa~orhIboU ani at 0:80 toleîaba.éd for the 18r. alit té, iBY e tu 1 0 insvuep on uen & Cornaiambulance. lt hurfled41; the Isqume pm -riybut bhod4M ta théescène. net ahos thhl'Wh"au the luet btter i pli ve. lterred la thé Tné voman val rought tahIopttw SlI.It le#alàd,. Jane MeliAlloter hoapital, arrIvIng et Mobérrga pîrnts m eIn Aveden., 9 lathe ooinmg Oled et Eloes nO'Clc. A Dîisoded, rpplo. The shock and4 the armet lae of UneblO ta vork, vitil both logo blond Pravi tue luch for berad bfly burned, on. mo'eerloualy the et 1 'i ali ahe died. foot vili probably ho amputeteu Monday morning inquent vue heu Peteor Tente vosa Tueduiy dSbcliby at the Larsen & Conrad morgue. Trié acother te have Iseen dlaodeIyand hneband attended am u vI nterviev. a warrant aérved agnm fltnl. éd bY a SUN reporter.fio lea ayoong RIlanot liely hé viii héa rréatea mnan and Wvhllo h talked dld flot as ho>bu been outaide but adal or show much éltéct et hi% trouble save tvo ince hé vas brmed ver a yeéa that once or tvlce, as hé talked, hie aige, and it la thought that the var. voice broie. tact vu épite van.L Three &mail Chlidren. Hé vas vorluag for thé Cbinga He tald the complété #tory of théeDrm Compay t Kenooba, about a accident He tatéd that hie vite yer ago, and vua injunéd *vhén a vae ORlY 26 Yéurm nid. She bas threa board broie anid ho vam dropped li cblldren. azed 4 yeera andi 8menthe, te a pot of mmoe brus. Bath lep' 2 7emrand Il menthe. Thé father vere burned almout uP tf0the kme. la empioy$d ta a blackamith ln Wta- One foot Itje nov saad by the phy. thxop Barbon. tic" aunder vhoseecanéTust, lie Durli boldoa a god repu tation ita1vil have ta e aump.taé. id id )y id bd or .k *tb c fý u iooe q«,Wd, *h OW k l be 4 fer &be« f. * *1 *5 * <il SThé. greatest display of otrszig ab"t" brn ebaby, witi apri* T*O lassï C es i under 1i yar i amndîrom 1to 8years. Vocalmandbaud M.mi ai. a 'long. SHeu Hahnw, the. great baritonýe. Scientiflo boxing. bag punohunq s wendedul fet cf strengtb nsu kiil W members of the CUtIS'Atbletie Club. A carnivul cf field spots sud races for the, Young and ocd with valuable prize. for winers. A cracking good garn cf baue bail Continnous dancing, music f urnnshed by two high clama orchestras. At night at the. bal park by electriç illumination will b. held 8 six-round boxing Conteste to a decision between 1«011 known moen. Thisaunsual event will b. arrauged by the. matchnmaker cf the Cabs Ath1etîc Club. This àures lively sud exciting bouts. Lunch served,,,from il a. m. until /C 'log time by tii ladies of the. Jane Mmlitr HospitalÂAsociation. Reg- uiar prices will prevail, no '"hold ups." R.frelbments cf ail àinds, exoepting '%iquors, sold on the «rounds. unit**à Gwefuet f * À feture nover befozëattemptèd in" ansy place in tii. world. 100ý-ceunt 'etm-10<) song birds froin ait, cimes, 21 'difeimut, vaiei« wiU be, sufflnded caes unéa tli lif he traes' Tii.eut- -lulbirdckoruswillpresnt acotnt* "iyuumng ad be&~utiM pprm a o natr o wn $~ of "oor. Thils~ iÉt$.resting, ins=' W*ie foature alone t Wib ch ouilng miluuitome. pur can', 3c #er J.N. 1391 . 1 ;'e gi