CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Aug 1907, p. 1

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'A. Y~SUN 1907,.8 P"ge 01.50 pim YBAB IN, -.MNE OF'8 R$f .Gy 'Viluew l1'u hW adr av PR0MNMNT man dvSbéleidute pcim t adu la -an infet*W aftedsuvuahoI.staei sýwcfnlHall$s Padm WMnot-Feu ~th"bhodmi te gmonnaiey. 1de Bot SosCii" PtPnt-- hit ken, yct bey IstndMber," lic iid. les Ciré 10iStafoO. 'MY trieude. boveler. assure me tiat Euch Urne Wanksga Day.bau aserneovcrnor Dee's talk deat witb snd suce, Uic clly bus doclared liaI ftic prsctical bonsitle of parka and a bas mccUnligreatet holiday. vas recelved, vifi acclaim bacause Monday Itvawu heurne stary. Il carne op ta the rnark of the, day au Wauibegaa Day vu hisser, botter,. eli. lMe told of Cllcgo parka and mmreIastIg ii efffct. more typical pa-k plans snd beartlly lndorsed any tbau it.bau oser beau betore, snd ul o Mveret for the. establirnment ot a dscting volee marrei the bar- places of publicratl sud rocreation. rnony et the occasion. thc ouly faism Represecfatlve George Edmond mote-struci iln the viole twelve Fous, cf the United- States congruas, btôts bons fhe clubi btweeu 'the spoke of Waukomn as abe sa rogat-- WmansuDay ranagcucent and Uic dod t Washington, a boudilns, tbrlv.- Puise VIroticra. lessees of g Ulerc 116.encgeicelly deafle ta state Park.tai a recat of vilci thc Wau. Ieadop. 4000n Day eonimttcosretireil aid Iau ofger.. ivng viy the Cty thc Cuespisycilthir gaine lu a ved vu « etit itea aIoderai bUldlup «Mi of Ulcetalo Par* tti Uic Chfi- adrectcd ibouln s @cbaiedrecetvcd Colin AflitarsSml-Proc. largaly tbme hWa careftu admints- Dlveen fiteos sud tweaty thous- tballo fr uitercets. sud people tirogeciltUicgrounil.salMd Fcnrcr pcaksrIK D. Shurtieff sa far as eau bo Icrnel.ot asilngle duait vihWankean's ae position, WSukcgai 5 ta3'ffii 5Wy- Te-. ber maerlal preporty a"d edvant- weyo basidos tiron«ga frontor&M etWe. towvuansd villages tu lic vi. Deucen andl Shurtieff, opposlng eau- chilti of thc lty, al Mauna Up thec j îitej fr tbe gornorshtp's e"r irt -merry making tbrong tbat nesutisrrn. st aonUichsseeplatiorin tahc Cc.ty boasever scen. adboj sayedavay frontCie gaione It vau, in tact. se Ciairman Fowier of polima stuilouay sticblng ta, MWl, veb . howlerncld "lutt->WaukgM Dyansd lis meauing. mcci Goveora Den, Uic gret est day cio. Uic fouudlng cf tUic ogead o pae 8 To cewl a le r gnuls. 111 M me Itff Yuti.moro. tie cuêbr*atio f 9t~ Ws"%e«amDay led te thc laubclas - of WoukoB'rgrposet jOjct yet: P c ï,liait rww-o1 a fer Op$*d*,Chiau- 1~iICSLUATIO 0F IIU féurs Who a&sM AB te Oic>' T" onwomumm eANUS VeURAtyl $irons Arum of I.w. o0W ePm#(OIN, Theondu a5lin W. 5 ,@hk> Alter semai apeitg automobiles tory lu 11.'M *'on F-umsl Yffl wbom Uiey ladu attempteiltaarM-st ssttt shsd a blec liue.tradingdaappeaiWd lu the.distance, the Wil. PW hers. . mette police londay r rte i f tuah ,la 930 tie mans auk m wll 'ro ' mehodet topin«the law. TWO HUNIJOZD TEARS 0WD. Chiet of Police Sieber- vas la Tbe occasion lIotIob.oimade the sig- charge of tie trap, viicb bai au ad- nal for the gretest coeobratlon ever dition 10 Kinuai equlpment. Ucyc inowu la nortbern Ilinies. albuaredtest beyoud thc polc»n laidCiairinan Povior ycterday hwo gave lie signal for the spegierà vian the B911, vilci orginated Uie <> stop vas anotiier oScer vin bell ides, brocbed Uic plan ta hiDi. ane end of a ieavy roi» Uic cicer end "W. cught ta tari plans rght1 ofvilivsUet reo awayté clerat 1h.fcudin cfopposite aide othte rosi. Ail exoept tlei cenumunty, two hendred Year@ oceswr ilwdt ieo et , ed ot U9 aten allait*ond thcrope as it lay on Uic pavement, ofiau, tic d glmitafa i nsab.large but if a chauffeur vbo bail refoseil ta encugtec lmtedis ne o areobey the signal ta stop trici tuo"Mmitc o~ t aoommoateIte utues.bis getaway" tbe rope vas ralsel sud 'Lo'. ogn rgitno. Ancucefasteucil acrosa tbe road al about Tht le vby tbe aunooncernent op- vaust beigbt. pue in the SUN this eveniug, Seven drivers were arrestcd during Cbairman Fowliers conauimmate the afternoon. One of them. Frank abiity lu nauaglug thc Waokegan Deam vas "roped.' Anotier sail Day celebrallon sud bis good-wili to- ho vas Nelson Morris o! the paclclng ward Uic 2Ooli annlversary celebra- eomPsuy Of Ibat name. Tbey botb lion augur veli for the latter. pald Ibeir fines, as dld fOve otbers Peatumcaof Mondai vers many who gave the names of E. L. Stevens. Mud ange rtra adresses by Goy- H .ra, Sam Jensen, Martin Cor- erao Deoeu. ,ee.etti'..Gorgerie, snd R. 1. tklnson. ElmmnI Fomsa .d Speaker Sbrtleff te the grealct paradle tic cil>' bas ever bal, uti 200 entrants, al of the -*!&i!Mt ou-Ic, anud avuta a baby shiov, a bird show, a manie>' raffe, s lai raffle and concessions o! ail kIns. Bua> lulicthealterneon tic bal of ' W*aikeaan Day evet began ta ne) i ancneo! le ic Orat hims on tic Proriai v«a aerlca,.el short and fit- llug Iliroees b>'tic goets cf hanan of the ia>'. vin vere: ev CorOarla S.Deneen. Rat~sU, léoerge Edmufli Fois,tmoss Çttv moilais.1 CAdIye Wn and- vllage qsffilsof LaIteCeunI>. trowler Intu-ducci DenoSit. CbairmamuFevler,of thie Wsniegan comitlîees velcandIoù! i e at tic spaker's platfos' on aile o lic gretinîs, 1111i*I r tlecrnen Deucen lu a typl- U tisth. mail moWqeul- aime hela louig of ao-iem. "Tii City -r te ý Quayle Was Ther. SecreIan>' Tbomas Qusylo. of lieý Laie Caunt>' Lau sud Orler League for a lime IMouday -lireatenel lu rail Waokcgan Day concessions sud actually bell s conversation viti Goyeruor Deneen ce. lie sobJect. He aIse made a tour o! lie graundla Inuoring li te "ubeel et fortune,." tic borsraces iii nuninirel bise balla, tic ramfes and olier conces- sinua. Goveruor Denecu lu meeting Quayle rcballeil hlm andl lie league, ased if be bai lookel at-oud. Soin. one in tbe party rerinled lic govenor list he siaulil be iculent aud cicr- cisc lie4 paver a! pat-loulug Watlio gan Day. nçcording ta huils rcas of a feu moments belon.. Pays Sama Dividende. Tic defuet Waokeégau Dair>' and Prodoce Campany>' as Moula>' Ibrugi E. J. Ilcydecker, attarne>' for tic recelver, payhng ils final divi dreuil cf 9% per ent. A fou-ner divi- deul aof 12 pr cent vas pol sanie tin, turne go. Tismsies thc total anml. on tic dollar tint stacibalil. er 1bave,necciveil 21 % per.cent. - Laho C.umt' h WIII b. EVENT TIIÎY l~~T PMICK 0F SOS ATTUACTIONS. Racing Crda laces eWiI fer thé WIend a1194an>'a"rc Plnnin te Attend lthé Races The Leke connty ain t tiberty- ville lbe BrstI voeklu Septenbcr bas beu attractlng marc iutnten a u na- uai tlia year. Tbcyliavceiceaurnak- lnt a Jndicious expondture of monsy la alveitisiug shich. s alreaily b. ginuingtanproducc résute. Tiat pcople are bcginnng to look up and taire olccla very plainly deoontnated by lie Inquirieg tiat are beiug made early for premium liste, Information rcgarding entries. A mnber of applications bave benu made ta Uic pinting comniittce by at-1 tractions of unusual menit vblch de-q sire ta gelalpon the rouni fBoci for Uic space tbat la for sale ai Uic fair grounds. Tbe Agntcultural Socecty ileaires ila accore cul>' the béat attractions and1 for tiaI reanon la plklng carefuîly1 from the. applications it receves.q Mon h vbow up m11acunt-y taira as0 a business appreciate thc golnoup-P portuaity Uiat la efféré& at Liberty- ville sud ane lerefor souons ta 5se cure space. ,Tbe &lnmaoUicthe nage- ment la te oee tiat thc people eo! idre county receive sil poeslbic benft tram tic prlvllcges offereil maidésirs ta gel oui>' a fev of thc better dams of attrs.ctom f ram outside sources. On a»«t Frlday Uioboat-ilof tircc- tors of lie Agricutural Socicty idcot. et Ubertyvfle. lirnai inccitlugbelon. Uic fair andibubau specly çslll ta comnplété al n- UulshMcdboulies». Tbey désirs ta bave fery atramaWmnt, fuly con. plai»d' eud cvcrytg possible donc lit aIvl leu inta asuceserai Camni natio éicBrut wek of Spcic Tii. meeting hboul be very benefic- tl andlon obit productive of gond resulla. Ila t.jusI safanalpow-SOw of Uic big ciiefs bete re c ar dance. Tiat Uic Laie coant>' appétite for brse races la bocornlng abarpor or. or>' year vas ma"dopluialy uotlceablc by tbe increasesl atteniano. Ibis yea:- nt Uic UÀbert"vlle mile track. Tbe far carl shows tire laya or goal raciug. tic exclllng, bard run, cise. fnish kinil liaI make yonr blond tlnglc and send you bomne vili the feelingUiat yor moue>' bas beeu WallI seit. Thc trac t tbe fair grounda ia a baif-mle onc and you can sec lbem all tic,. vy--snd lifs a race ever>' Inch of Uic course. 1Tic gëeat mss a!people vlQ go farier. t&Y longer and gel more en- Jopinent out af rnnnlng races than Uic>' do tram harmea race. For t. reason on the prugruin for cach layas raclng at the fair yl be faufila running. race. There la mars lr,, vim nd lir u ic enunners andl Uic effort o! every horse sud ever>' jock- ey' la plaid>' ceeu t ever>' Jurp. WhIle tbe herses are ont aila! the top-notci class tic>' are thc kiml fiat put up a dlean exctng race Tbc floing lis the ratilmpo gram sellulcd for lie fair. Wedneeday, Sspfembcr 4, 1007, 2:29 Trot ................ 940e1 3:00 Trot ....... ...0.0 2:15.ýPae . ..............40f 1-2 Mle ltunning snd repent.. 1I..à Thursdsy, Soplember 5, 107.- 2:18 Trot ................. 840040 Fre for al Pace........... 50.W 2:35.Pm ac ................ tmoil 3.4 kle 1]sai, Ruluig .--,- ,1" Fridey, Septcmber 0ý10. 2:20 Pae ........00 Frée for aIl Trot.......... 0.0 2:40Tot........ e..........400 i mile Uai, Runanug .... How bapeleca icla 5te imer nS uation's explcttveàfa enI~r li" scage la culoual>' lluuffa±e a a Euglisi-Germsu and qGaýâ%àiIlglgIt. dictlouar>', viere " a rle' trauslaled "Zounda!" vi otd! au lbheallier baud, ta renIerai.1I* te Eungllsh-Garmau part by "Potitsul- seul!" and "fSuppormcit' "Potaq. seuil' agen letranala*ed "Ie deuee! andlqoe- rac jooi"' #fandLde~i cd te .$tort for Mbm w b But FilppedWopn Mobbed ny farmers, atter liteWg taurinsga«r bail accldentally run over a little bey, S. P. Cbapiu, millionaire braker; a son of Louis IP. Swift ml- lIOMare Packer, and two wOmen 00W.ý Panions, aoeof.wbom waa Mr. Cha. pin'st wi f., are mail ta bave been driv- en tram tii.automobile ln the vicio- ity of Dcerfield, EIL, forced to stand and look au wbtle the big automobile! waa IncineratedlnI a big bonhire that the larmer. built under 11. and tiien comPelled ta walk two milce tbrugh, the country befare tbey conld Und an, accommodating driver wba would take tbem to the Moraine Hotel ln Highland Park. Tbese staternents were made by citliens at Deerfield Frlday, to clear up the rnystery of tbe destruc- tion of a large tauring car lent Sat- 1urday, about wblcb lit fI. coulil be learned on account cf the manner lu wbieh tie owners of tbe car guardeil tbe incident e Il waa stateil on goal aulborllY .Frld.y, iowever, tbat the occup-at tof the. car *ere yonng Louis F. Swift, to a"of!te ic nonaire, packer, S. B. iChoin, uneniber of the brokovage arin of S. 9. Obapin & Ca. wltlOi&oa s. ln the Stock Excbange building ln Cllco. andl 847Ifth avenue, NOW Torn, mIeChapln sud a yonug w- Man wbo bas bec vlsttlng ft a Illest et the, Ciapin aummer residence in Lake Geneva Malped Se>y. It la reporteil tétOven aller thc mnauriste, bailbeen subJeefl ta aOl tic huiunliation youug Mr. flI ent book te DecwdMcmen te SvlUS day, bail tie b«y ttcudcd ta * thc béat of pbysletad a m elpcd te lu dcrnnhY ty nticegb 1418talion te any reafblo cilcut for bis miasme regardlges cf the. vrceWug the eu- Amaîher Bad Trait Oisoosrcd le tOu islchevioas noiie slnd ofa Muet serious Nature. Om4eRSTG OtOANO>JU "LOui n k l lla 09Thbomte & Mir IlAguOer ' rnow ri*. "«OrhmgWl itt eNet t .M o os e l . p ow la u.a threuh arenlcatD conalderstl il1lite the on iil Mary R i toe .Mute h. hcld te mei0 te Anmr te li cehargo 0Of Wh"l rUs r Waler Oit iw' Iran *t ~, of 150 Feet semonsteOirl Wl.e. Amasben Big While huebVI -Mil at Ournes, OIs uket Clevela*d te Tino. .11* St. P*' 0MI1.NP worlcmcn di&- emrsed iait e--* Of Abqut 150 JOUE& DO£& NOT WIOH 40. _Tsée o4 la' ewing sai it ls TO BUY THE GIRL NOW. ami Iuwn iW 'in tea uîrge an amouait te bYlPcd out oet , "lYsa"*H»&uShow,, WhatI Shoe Ca The wil le a-0di on whlch Her- De and Dcci Net Want er at min bliMas le' bulding à h01I5e Ai-Raler stickc te and lie wesmm, 4ie mode the dis- Hlghbalf. covery arc n i*As'Siutpioy of a con- - 1.acter nmdSlO rmPîkesilile, Sonorna Girl (2:06%4), winuer of Wln. tic M. andl M. $10,000 stake, added Thecvvlla"ge cfG«erme- was startîci another la ber lislast a week aller l'ueaday viioztiUse va liaI oit bad nomn, at Cleveland,. vien thc daugi- been if rock onle taînbeu-g proper- ter af Lynvood W. capturseil lh. for. t>' Uirough thceaukihis' ofta weiî vas est City' stake, Worh $5,000. lu apresil. Man>' VOI», fatracted 10 tbe tralgit bel. and îîuallîy lu a spot. 1'15, Og altbougi trotting lie second uMile Hew MUtikNet Known. ln 2:04%ti. There wan cansiderable The <oit vas %not stnck in auy sjqundisapIiointment ovlng ta tbe fallure lily anyvbcre ner-paying size. but o! Hlgbbaill. 42:044), la start, but il l W"a coulgb te min the water, sud vas ceeu tint be vas hopeleasl> il la Uo4 k»WU i"ther tbe suppi>' lamne lu is front leftI-fool, and could cmn be pompai cUlor viether lic iardly. stand on IL. woln muaI ber *audanel »r ater A recori-reaking crawl lornel out PurPoaoc, vili lie egpcctatlgnof a!seeug Mugi- The vorkmsaefigaed In siakin; ihaland 8anoa Girl mccl for the Uiê yoDl bail -rOéltd a depi o! about fontti Ume. andl vien if as- lie lelvice. lic« era staruecilta ocedfot thle Iuiges Zstand l "0 cil Wi"ci 4Meaed lu amount Hlilllvasunit tu start aller an coMne1P th lie surface. Tic neye *I5 im atOlb>' a vetcninar>' surgeon "On0 ipreailan 101M the violc vi scorint for tie vond. U"g kan. tb.rc ver. man>' murmure o! regret. - »l upi'"Uqi Yt Failcd. Il vms a sad bov tu bis auner. Tic PWDPMghm Sogue n e eaduly Fnittk Jonueand Driver B Efl ca ulucem Md the 04i bai fot yet giv« er foilisi ere "agr Itaose the taon- ot W a a ilerable pocel or the - ouagding agalusl lte CalIforula va111luabi. muid , 1s'bave been tep- 'Mea». pel by tie 'Oeti. WiUi lilgibel ouI ef lie race, It 011hmbas ccudtcovered îrequeutly vas Coedel te Sanama Girl vltbouât là Laie Cceuly, but iever lu paylmg au argument. ThigirlI ran lihe gai- Q»utiT i l 1A Oaltme« eula slamply playmil viii bas benm ovIrOt 7uruee.. Be1ll sudvon aseslc pl.amd. el- At Wmmmiw et Veàr. l ula c11sl Up eci Urne,.whiiithc LasI yan flu»" cM ement traugbti llit W" for Plae. OculcolH. taklng ont lieeawtl e .iïmriaed vi.u oit the pluis ice. va" diseevercilu> sétral planes At El. Gee.vuA Onaliy able te Waboeouiia Md UUM*ous o5lift5s wea 5i51OR liel'oodao UiaI st hbca Uftk te.U It f lgisPPl>' oold b. od ie.theo LIberlylII 150uIS&then Places inlaihee couty 0nelng Mdl van vi Adnhetg tli bave. fUtg@lshexectemcul of the. :05 pmce lnustralgit ical, allbogb mm rnd a. lob" Calivwe tll I&M ta ilîver thq ThO WialletGrne la belug losely geais la tic 2: 0 trot. le it.s race watelcil, but 11je ual expecteil liaI Lillin &, Day. Siaws. orgse, Wvo!. nYti«img l iidcvelap tram IL. strigit icats, neduclng ber Mi* t 3:0% lli e Areot su ad repqald m4Cgt fACTORIV AT - 12:07, Pravina fiel m$ho . a -ta ZION 0RV 50W bo vatabeil lova thc circuLit. thle 2:11 Pace. Alice Pointer, a member of Tte. Largcst Bd was from Mrsbsl Day, Biavi istableon van »slrsalgt Field & Company' af Chicgo iieats, maklng amtie, vilor>' fa, Four Bids Recelvsd. Clevelanders, defeting Tiornvsy, "LOng ShOV' Couesha>'barne,,lu Reports from Zion CtY announce eac bohat. Thinnua>' cialenged the liaI Uic lace factory foundel tiare daugbter of Star Pointer tie cutira hi thc laIe John Alexander Dobvie l distance, but couldn'l quit. rosci. lu about ta be 801 1 to MrBhal i el & Uic second boat, Aile. Pointer pacel Ca. for $265,000 and liaI lie Chii. thetest quarter lrO0:29l,. cago Ohrm la planning ta @pend $p,ooo,- Tic racing of thè afternoon vas et 000 lu extensions snd Improvemeuts. Uic higiet class. eveu tbough Uic Four bids for the plaut are nov lu oventa vere lecidel lu stalgt he&ts. tic hande of Receiveu- Johu C. Hale- Tic track vas llgting iat,"but il IZ. and they wili be opened au Mon-.vaWrnlUDm ait about lie track. but dey- by Judge L.andis, lu lie United ul ou Uicthecourse. The average lime States District court. Tic Isrgest of tor ailt1the heals vas 2:0O525. not a lie bld. Io reporled taoc u t of Mar. boat biiit laver than 2:08%, made' bSWl Field & Co. in the rsI e! lie 2:15 trot. Wil Emplo>' 500 Par-sons. Tic attendauce records vere irak- Te plant origitial>' cou $450.000 en for grand circuit races, lier. and employa 250 nmen and vomen. beiug fuIly i10,00 peuple preseul, and Tic plans of the new urchasers lu- Iva-hhirds o! lhitacrawl vere Prea- étude ixprovenets ts laI vli i eu t taomccsticuel belveen Sonoma crease lie enîpoymenl rail ta 500. Girl sud Hîgibal. As on the Oust Of tic money recelveil b>' tie is- day, tiere vas flot a sîgu o fa bel ceîve"e n th- e picîsanî-is set>-u. ,eMade, tie authorîties keepiug a ýOW wll b usel topay.ff te' uot eiful eye on lie pr ceedinga. g00 ul wbe u now ctapsy.of cVort- Aller tie race for tic Fouest Ciy gagy. uhics 1w ca gve a i epoian Stake Frank Jones, ovuer cf Jlh oCestta ity wll e aritlee praer>h al, declarel tint lieu-e vas mnaTruti holdirstundlia theilesi itO adeteirlu lie stor>' Ibat b. bal apenel nego- limb>' Dovle. d tations for thle Ptrchase orfitanoma LiQuer Md Tobacco Uarred. Oir vnela u.e blr i Tic plant itaci! il be 0011 subject "Ivas ared.'" ry entr e oe s bu ta the provisiosu ofthie same lises Wnot nov. l emrkdJoes "u vhi* In luIoe a perpetual pralybitlon r5ýli5Iait Ilsenmployez traIn driaFvril rp cot ldtexlcsIiug liquars or smoking or FvrbeCo eot clteving labacco. Ucapîte tic unîfel efforts of exteul SWlIbur Glenn Voiiia lut nigit' dcd 1 eatiar lu tic carl>' part o! lumé;vm hilstabernacle leant trotuThîr- lie sommer, sud tie mîmst continu- lyTblrd sn1 Enocli avenues te 'weu- oua rata intc., drap reports fron ail t Il veuli sud Emuma"isavanues. ove, lie country aste very' goal. la se doing alakes *and Ce Mrpea ic- Tic Tribune Frida>' morniug print- longlug la G. B. Notirop, vbin leDol cd a ummar>' from many af lb. iii- of thc Vliva flId, vero plsOcion the foenul cates. Fromt lîlinois, the foi- ground and'action for- trespasa vas iowiug repart wse printeil. begun Iis mcruîng. ILLINOIS-Something btte, tien Eu aveuage crop of vicat, a flue large MapIc ef a Geai Mas. jý crop of bath lîmoth>' sdlclaver b Wby mter diuner spaoslngla &-an-sd.- pleut>' of este sud ryc tg thc loved ve do flot knoS. N<s neall story of tie farinera. Tiecocrn ls goul man ever speaits ailien linner.- keoping up Wei sud Inuit .alue -is LoanillObe.lanisil siapie. , Tic spart-cv, the 0 aanlittle vie a! muta. cirer ubiei maie lis bomerne Thlu bagout!etii. tva Sq ovni> village, town sud cit>' iu cVOiY day continuel byý Justice WeM ate îlia eunion alvii bcie- et tllayai t 10 tu lhe ipOt talore bas becu fou"sl ilabOvlaO- The pnlsocenss-e m i bas been discaverel w'th a tiilet-bal lhiitsurromnundssI 11*0 g habit.' says lie JolcitHerali. plaints Tie>'ant- e a4014e The cbirpiuga f rom ¶hl 1111. ellOv AttorucYs Orvies andEiv«184 ma>' ha blesasine tosaieof lie tes- Tic ýrepOrorthe l. ooMgf*x Mente but ta cIllera. cepecll> ' o-lielves ictr mM Intier ýj part>' avuera, thc bird la bclng re- lu the malter and U.Y or.'41 gardel as a nuisance. cd. The Malter t. nov run The 11111e fellav la nol bilg re- grand Jury fo rit l0 pr*Obsle gardel, as a nuisantce atoue e ccaus'B llî valve examiuationatai Ieu or fo muci noIse, but because it la 13g. learuel liaI i. la s destroyer Of prop- eut>. il in inown liaI tic 11111e vins- cd cresture la ual capable O! mevinlg or tearlng dovu au>' building or sire.~ turc. but Il bas been learnel liaI vwiti bils siar>' bill h. can damage brick LiP D.iêAre$ lVr buildings, especiall>' aI tic hase a01I§ne for 4, Nin. Cciii"aeMd lie chimucys, tic point b. fators. Ton Cominu Ver>' Scn for. And more than cne cilmue>' Juil Flv wiere Il extenda fu-aintie roof on th o! ofuildingsaIluheUictcy>'han The followlug la nlgil l4iý W Ibcen picitel aud eateu mtob b>'tic lit- t se UN'- tateme.7 fuLq tic chirper, doing muci damage. lu Aerîcait: several Iustanceas autliet.1Uc li I* etsshe~0 a voo thle sparrov ig natlceable. Tiat wUl be p sud luinsu>'cases viere lie bird more i» gennipop~> ban peceol Su thelibricks sud mar < wl0 ta, holding th. curba af atone It t ee taealléoct. been ueccsssry to make repairs. > ft ltb. pn»IWefe a Especlally la tUic itItlcbird 1011us P ajl-t voent k> Igrom muci lainage toa srao! bildgs cent s a&renul; poagety w lu the block au tic souli aide o! Jo!- flble Iemo ta (3 fersan street exteudlng fronC qhfl oor *19.1- vi)occu*Omcine in Bq etreet andi running vella e e alIey be. aoMeerng ta lie atfl lu lhit. bInrkilla noticalie' liaI OScar. aMdi metberacflierCq aImait ever>' bimneynci tuhle' t*p o! &IlMSolsMili Deaflea'Aheo lie buidings anl even podoais0et B' ameetinug wil habo 1cM â ile' walla of lie' etmuetumsbave priesoB<f liilk ailcreanM ail» iccu mare or les *ten by tlte spar4 ntI. a osibly 1tu b ros.qat Man>' of the large 499MzMM A croit lMr ovemnî. tending liaI 9 Couent io«<" pnce agneelupn Last veei tha Chicago & Mlusu- 1cul>' a short liase %M '10 V Itec Electie loitalirosd Comupsuan pen- asiel.but lie, 8 41 ed ils Laie Foreal double ftackiug., ubiei abvii« lie burves Ilirougi are close tut e5, - - the college lavu ani maves dcvii Aie 1and knou thle flO distance belveen Laike ForssI sd mncr«e1-f1oà Las elfa lck or two. The m- 1 posa ef proicinul1lea gVeat oeeand maies Poed t setd-ui iem-.. _ cents gopur S~ FRID&Y, Restuci LW y Nlt- The s»lcvoYl et*,4 jury on the de@* or *P& Piga.etf Lae loc'mm4MW ou omBht4m "à6 v la Prlay cvooi ie. tiuCbusié cafleithe Iu, iteubtorlat tamg incas cftred Wou Laiee rout. m"éb - « ua4*ÇUml. veyllcl ouit wuvas rluues* bip #be umnons la a à« Vet o lai iom gqosf*»Oi eUMl b"rI>'be CplM okaýj 98*staos. lis, ~gc nfjt ea mimd 1to tbc Ii02 -long Vdk%"nd beo l cmd u W. e ialmmu ic, boascaleil ta Raekblnra4J - d.Or., -1; 4 1%0. vemdltoflupleies u10b lbi Mm)ba fi.Masis. ishaton.Mu*t 10tb*O Ouw Jury te aumveta otic -obum lus mus.daoddi-m Emila.Plis

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