JNTV INDkE-,PENDENT. [E EKLY SUN NsVYyDowapour .1f aai AnOmj'suied Sp Huit tbe Weoeim a anTese. LION-TNING KILL8S SVERAL HE" O0F LIVE STOCKL A Number of Baorne Struck by Lightning Are Surned te tise Ground With Heavy Lois. A vl<eit trm, a teatuhle of visicIs vas (lt-t argest beillWaukegan bas exieienecel ince tise sixtie., dam- mccl st-et. sandiouaes a! the City tii the extent of $10,000 late Sin- day sfteinauîis endleveuieg. TfiIt exirerne fsîîtrineia of Lbe day, vbicb mide tiiauseeds sufer. CoL a few belng overcanse for short perioids, vas falovesi by fifteen minutes of rettling thunder and long bote of igbtning. Then carne several violent sisovers. luihur vhich the pover ou the electn ndoandcolthse hgbttng dm- musats qt.off. Tisen came the big atoi-m of tise day, accompaniaul by flools tisa tare streeta, botae that ripped bsouse% sport, sud hall that .isattered vin- lova, electrie ar-c globes, bucales- cents, anl greenbousp ane.,aco i d otiser damage. Record *rsakhng iHahl. TIs, bal thtfeilI 011 atlera îmrs- nounce the largeat Stnce the slitiez. Daniel Pike of Oak Street. mn old mettlei- aid an 014 at aud fie.b vat- ci- ailor, stated this moming Ihat ba bai flot een bail as large as tisun.e! yeterday ince a Storm on the latte lis heetzsies. - This storm came vissalie va. ietishe vieel and kuOcis. md tise bienaale ligbt out se tisat bce steârcIle là ai-sassawvite the bail peIflelitlm 1k brick hatsanmd a lkavy oilelanvas ne prtectinc. emcelkcg Marme.ta 91101« 010eta34yer ofthte SUN force sumare a hall atome that Wva.mee and'three fourt» a Icises Ibrougis te 01IaIst vaY An" on.ead a haI tlsmcsgisanotiser vay. IL.W. Levi cs eaaure t.argait hall stome b. e " d ,& k va. au locis aul sioveigite Ibrougis. ¶'Alvin Wat nleaare tise cre.- ~I*rece o! one Stone. It vas Ove and a hoit incis. round. A neighhoriag vaMan istatel that M aiebd meaniel 'one six tachesa aioued. Others sPeak of bell atones as large sas LIer fints, as large as Penchits, as large oa. ge. TIse bail camùedovu lari agged trag- mseunt as tiougis come one ver. chili- ping tce snd buring t dovn on le- fenselesWcukegan. Tise hall di not feit for a great distance antaide the City, Mini *ruiaed by Stonle. A uortb aide boy vIs as-n ont ta secure a large tone that bmd tailen vas strîîck on the band Isy anotiser. Tise bandl tnel black and biue and was avollen belly. Amang bouses cimed to bave been alruck by the tierce lhghtlng or demeged le other vaya by the tonÏo,> are tise foioing: People Who. Sffersid. Payne, Cbarlee.-wReadetce on Grand avenus hit, esiîngies from lthe roof Ceon off and pilerinq kocked down Ibrougi tise houes& Motier, Meyei anf hîgar grean Icouse-Panea of glass shattarci but damae net as gi-cil ns ntichptse Faimbiarn, ONoahu-Place -oetbyal- --mme t Noi-lb Clcoage sIuolu a smail damage Infited. Hull and Uange-Basemsnt floodcd by maice. Punit Cîgar Stee'-WicdeOW5 -* c leirber, r»Auurew-N ri" ones NeiliLle.&héei.struelibb1helt Od à" i asc*l a. g te,-ed.&i# -0 - 'mo tiseuis wiadow pant a busc eut lni c eeumty m Mr. telsicy mceul aêlte~ etu @mmam art».- &LASON, J. K14.-PsI4 t*r '#MM %Ooed; 581»0 daucale 1qJty mlsleast 4 *is. Ibe. g4>yor Wankealiwa.iev tbO hbd~ Qavrdu *t LI8URTYVILLE, LAKE OO1JNT, MI FRDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907-12 Pages $1.50 PUJ y TIUNUS SN WIL Tu c E * Beigbth district comprisesth riem iBe MUNG iw NRy ~~~coulities of Lake. McHenry and Bnn HEcMHr1NmI M, ,A NLVLKBf SING MCI!NRY and by mutul agreemnt for veara O W AtJI tbe Repubilians dtvIde the legisiative O pSalvatre Mute. H4uuband of Ouad A Short i.grtpby,of the Senaturial, offices among t he three, glvlng the Gmet boes were torD istO the! Womari, Romains Mute in Re- Candidate bons MCH&ênry COuntY state isenator to one county, and one! Picnic and Reunlon. streets leadimsg iowu ennier the biIi. liard to lxlianation of for £gttgtu District. of the inaj<rity representatIves to' On Tbursday, Auguett1h. the.&an- Bridgea vers undermined and em-! Tragody. each of the uther counties. By tIs iiuni Diccie and reunion of th. oldý bankmentd tom aaway. Says the Harvard Heralil in regard mnutuai agreemen.t the state senatot,- Grve Scbooi bouse la to be beli et CarOffTruk . Nghi. Me.Ros, L. wnin csrgd I n t he proposeoi a.natqîirtal caniddate chlp next year cornes to Mci-enry' Wadswortb. Lest ear the firat r.- Th. filoode wiabd away tbe cm- compliclîy iln the poison eae at Lake!'o b'me.foD clny coun lony, wblch honora itself and the union was bell. Over 200 attended bcolveta fts sbnto n stret Buuf a sen bte alf ida "Ther, In no tom n itheticountry: district hy presenting Hon. ],. E.the Picuic. The leedlng spirit vas wauivorthe o sucIs aidxe wd tha te b aS[In.Th vma 1wowho la better able ta reîîi.-er his con- Ment ch, of Cary as the Republîcan; Attorney C. T. edcerwoi wml o tse orb ideva mdeclainia b be but nîneteen years -i anlîat, linaeoillnt orbis lte ain uPromotlng the picole thia year. unsase and bung over the ravine. A, Me "okm to bc tnirty-flve and*bas ai sliuency bomeat ant faitîtrit aservice' ltîanv akgnts n epei waicisman wsa posted tbere to warn race marked witIs bard fines. Fier In the general asueffiuît Bornt lune long devotion tii aud hard work inWulenteadpopen the people of their danger. lîfe froni ber persanal appeamance has.3, 1t60, he moved wîîîr fls lparents the liiî'ereisîs uf teLtîsR.iînltraîî i aity, v s hc ainelbypitdi Later lInlise eveming tise street car not lieeu one of case. to Algonquin la 1863, and cas edu- lie la entItiel tin the office. their nminoi se one of the fun spots racks were undermined no that one Thougis aie clalma her yearsacre- cted in thse common s0is .nd mthse The Herald endormes bis cai i ujf their lives. The reunlon brings ti- of the electrlc cars lefI. the tracks mIl ibut nineteen obh. la tbe mother ot'Dîindee higb acisool For tweîve an beaseake for htns lbe enthus- gather many peuple Who baye nol tgteil ha reported and the Higis- tbr.ldren e io. years he taugbt scbisîsîl, MCHenry: latice support ofuil ttguod Relînhtlcana ,nci together, sudlis a widcach other In yi-ars. waad vrecker was called. Tbe few, Whoîe Case a Joke. and Kane coutntie»,r. urîuuîg lie tisrouîghouit tdis lntrict." TheIieiinlc ibis year wiii surpass iaaeogere aiioard vere uninjured. 1 he aikd one i heîoison earc of the ine tn Cal,, finalli re that oflest yeair li the nunîber of Cuvr&Waahed Awns cs ieluh oilyad .meIsigning on accoant r lnru healti LACE FACTORY CASH alttendante auitl In thse arrangements. Culverta ail alog the ravine vere 'ot tîh hoemttraltlgi Hl1s work inas ateachur r-.fi -tIi- PAYING Of fDEBU S W O EL E ST entîrely or partly wasbed out. Thl' olse . îbii he vdhow i8. PIgate ati*and vigaraus. W O EL T E ST culvert aon Washington street suffered eng8h. toadthew Mme. Plîgno wae. severeir. Tbe walk at Lthe south end tt- ik tbalL. aeeau au, lieugag te Inlb'- - oiMr@.M. J. Ourik, of This City. Gives SUPERINTE14DENtT of lIse Genesee streel bridge was und- of tbe worll sespie wlLh aeeînîng.r9av& odn I-oiaIzI T PtalRes Dd o ermined and vas repaireri oday. fO itrtthfeo ts oocv al ilage & o aadv l bucîîai t T PataloRte ae TeDeeda toitedetReoie thcesDond allil Iand lied vithin ivo days. trthe Ientftha e rrI î-ar. i stlecfttcLitsa The C o fSpMisiendns eci CheknaDewedSaye it waas icknesa. - trtpeieto b i n-had psl.aNme Msies trom Young In North Chicago and Waukegan ,Mx lgoscee n asdadbnawy xre i riead Ladies Seekîng Information. ava'.. T bavoiemeaso liesthe eAtdthe Ieipful Infuenc for ilt- we'lfre of tteieaae dee il il tdiriiîg hie last' Belvîdere streeL bill, the dl-t under awy e pne ob h n 1the village. âAmeag tthi-r office. j fpw dava show that Receiver liatelyr The osan who la lielleved l t carry temdew fabo u eighe t itetor-aho maiLer aldlng ber le avayIn bicb hehn baeld vhb ittîtinr ta hlm- 1laelowly ,but lerbaîsesurely cleartng aotwt IDtegets odo relit of aot elg rusblg doheltaurlothie vomana corridor or the I.alse self iand satisfaction to 11w pjubtilic are cway Lbthebla tof Zion City. uladoni bas been found. Hi. popularity aeto cblekeîî i hinp Aowt 20 or 25 Coîînty ucaglvLsmre. those of tax el jsi.rr-tce of tIse hether or not the deal toacl tbe bas growo ten-fold wîthin the put cbceo e.dond.Segilydne ha hr as' pence and supervIsor oft Algonquin lace Nvorks to Miarshall Fieldl Com ftew days among the girls and young aey crime. Wheuasiked about viseth-1 townabhi.,isaviag, filled 1h,- latter of- riîaîiy bas lîeit completedl and tIseladies or the county. The man bho Cisyton Street Hill a SigisI. ;wa lice forLtheliait tweive nu-crin. H. has. moisiy sai over ao Ibat IL la belng-.laobelleved to b. full of knowledge The Cîsyton street billvwu rontedi succeeded lui reducing the.- uxîuu-seeaot llSed for Ibi .4lnriiose la Dot kuovu. r!and ready Lo dissemînate IL et tbe up on the of I thie o h ill aer-s. n ah. ai ah. noong out pal- ithe township te a. eonsid.î-nahiie exteut, The t'e or hree deede reterred tLa asklng le County Sulierintendent of Don Is nrt 51eo!Lb bIl.~ ~w batever. feigssgh ueaL t aewthebysait e l.':-are ienene deeds turîîisied tbe eî-'r lchoole T. A. Simpson. tenie aIgxet a v feetsuin vI etisgll t e onurpayera. and et tise .,ari nw iebai ýtale of Dowte lîy Attorney Chasles' A few days ago be Vas surprised fromsixto wo tst nd n with liby toberlonue.been a constatent affolîîaî of pro-1 Whitney ou hehaîf o! Waukegau tainllnd In bie mail a latter froma froni elgbt or en fet ta nothing. Muto la Mute. Igrens and publie lmpro'i-umts. 1 moneyed pieopile who are ZIon's cred-! yaung vopian contalning a seriez af Tise sorlu vater gosgeieuttlthe Saivalore Muta, tIse hssband of the i"ýTbree imes ne vair etcted chair-.IlitOs largely. -questions wvbh lcb e. ked bila te flllmg and racel aasy tinder th@e Mev eaij voman. talits practlcally no Bng- moao01Lthe 00 ttY board or super- Tvo partisi enesshave been kindiy mouver for her. Later otiser oden vaika, maklug th isen Isan- lilcb cul gofer bai made lia itate- 1visors hmbasenchairnitan o a! m maie by Mrs.. Mary .1. Durkln. former lettere came and each cantlied lhe $sUme. ment o! any i.ngtb or Importance t ifa!thse lmportasst .emaîîtteenand e i ~ownes- o! central Zian. vIs ailles on gmre identical question. viti a airni- Ma"btelau Pgmlan. te presc. Muta le etoicai and I' it ssi-ent cbalàMaU-ef lb. public bud- BCia n raant oumie a Zon la-aeq eut.l4ma md Cellars ait over qIclbety ver. flood- bis trial vitisout mucis seemtng Inter- Iings committe.. - He repidiy gainediCtiatlras.- iafyaevain.aOsmd . T dovyoqr et waer va. anistca. Thse pair, mans and vosfan, ap- distinction on tise coiiily board, and When the moey for wbicb tIse Zon pemsnal applicatfin te hi. to a» grat"temanhole et Ftranklin a! f Êélover o <oItlieceb i oî y nega1biyadlace facle-r as psrcbaed by this aer queations for tb.m. Thse que.- etreat and Sheridana Raoulvas"& yel- ad Lb, crime, If tiser. lia acrime. o e a ib.suasea poair RMairshalFed o!so .a tise dbt !'enwrepetinose. telu bis sud p. table foeulmin. tise vater bollng fluom w orries tie. flot lu thse lgisiteat. Rcgoal feiolovshhelp- o eu rpaUIFtemInhe lep tise top,.________ favorite. Lise cîl vii uisn vanîsb and the big, Th. mytry vas great and flot for Aldermai Morrov donued rein (1051 Stricken by Iteat. "Mmr. Menlcb le c member of thehreatening ciaud that bas letiPed a tirne va. be enabiel to dIscovef ad gems he.. an Ulsyiag forth Wiliiani Vase. 57 years aid. Pale- Modern Woodmen of Arnerica. Inde- the Zian people for no long a ime viiilis.hereson for thse numeraus mals'é opeued tbe seves .macun s mpoaal- tîUne,, Ldroppel daut mhei pendn refOd elw n b etoe.anxlety te kuov vblcb 5111e bad tise hie. Tise treet va. a river the a-ile attending an Old seltiere' picnlc. the Mamana, and ha. occupied a chair The deal for tbe face vai-ke Isnfot biibeet average altitude and If tise. valu reeisag r.mour tecur. Lavhg h5 hme arl hotheIn the grand hliIt.,of ail tbreOP yet entirely c!osel, but soof lviibe,, as a Mt. PittI n Oregon. The de- The stretcis of q'ranklin street tIinl norning. Vries attendel the t-Id cet- eMssbalenexedgy labtggae e h aigwstIers picole at Scheumberg, 111. He head officer ofut he %Vaadmen. debits. reticent about contessin vb theyl on. big nulisole and lthe vork iivas îaughîng hea.-thly over a "n f1h -isary mequlta a! h or fsald.lîg Zo«lw.teL.qucinsaaeed. lelye 5 arenî. be h.raee bs aus us flI arereeuLats~ itSpringield l aprogreasing liita iatisfactory manner ial ydtl delyedali a estit.whe heraieoibit bade nd ellto reresntaivea u esacident bc leamned that Automobiles Scurry. Lh. grotnd n i 5le fri-ende thinking lharougb acqtîattatice vîtis tbe leati- anii the lieds of the lavis are jubilant aFianoily ywsofeig rs Tt vas a sight te vltoesLthe auti- that be bad faintel. threv vater Inlui;gmens of action îtbrugbolut tise over Lb. resuit.pin letsyoglayesvrn -~ ..,. ~ - - - - tala andthi..- 'r Mtntetonlova>lady____________ uiujuuivcand this Sir. Menteh ini us.v1 - .1-l Sheridao rosi garage. Trhey camissnl ail conditions w hile thse tlepbçnî ranlg steadily telllog le avu tale a! msachinîes streoded et ail points ln tise county. lue to.eogineg kilied by the rein, 10 eklldiug tram use rmal, t.) break iovîi-. !,)fMonde, tun cil causes There ,ur? uilabiy 'acveicl tma. chines abasdoned an tve-y mns iCCtitlnned'on page 12) fils ace. A îubyalcsal was suuuflsoneul but va uiable ta revive i10M. Lotus Bois in Bloom. The.-lotus beda hIn Grass Lake are floverel outL et present but people who loteoti ta viait LIeni houli vait anotheu- wepk wheo lbey yl ho 1n Lhier full glory. e gloryr rai-e ledeed as there are anly tvo bede of Lb.e1<101 Pn Lbe United States. »111TE LARE COUNTV -EXPOSITION ho hfie awîr ruijnnnîof McHenry nul one te beiterkIxnun.nd i ie bas i-e-, celved Lb. warnne-.t volunta-y assurh-- ances of eti iuiiait fnoOi every quarter. Leaaing piaitiats us hinaess;nien aud Citizene lit ail waIk-nof liresIbave ex- presseeltd - t'.- inqualiielly ln hie fasuir. antiNli* 'ueîiLcb cames be- fore te voen uiof lue district ulfier the niosL favorabtleî auspices. Their Boat Capaîsi. A sailiboit ln whlcb ver. twtî Chicagoana overturned In c gale o.1 Foi Lake Suusiay ocam thse Grass Lake ebeoflel and vere IL nat for a imely ieccue the tva nien vonli bave heefi dravned. As it valhcy were iiscoverei cllnging ta the keel o! their craft valat deep In vater. TIsey ecaPel the hall. Lb. questions mast correctly and Lise girls not t-isting themmselves ln tisefr kaovledge bai al deciiel la go 10 the man Lhey tisougis knev the niaat. Coîsnty Siiperintenient o!ftichoola Simpison acndii ther caunty officiais Moniay atteisici the funeral of vco- erable James flood. laIe village clerk of Lake Bluff for yearsando a wel kîîawn enîd respectei citizeo. MAMMOTII ATTRACTIONS AND EXIIIBITS FIPTY-FOURTII ANNUAL e-. r r rr:1 Tùesday,* r!n and 'ty Y VILLIE ,Fi Spteber39 49 5 nd 6,90M7 oulu.s end on a Lpr 5cMdm..Amg Prevmm Yh $gM M$ad RYEAR IN ADV,&NÇj .: Foer t wRil Ure Groit FEDÉRAL BUILDING SITE ISACIC 0F THE REMOVAL? People Are CompetiY Clese Front Lake Front by thse Govérnmnt'm f4lew Stop snd by Imc.- plet* Plans. A slep, tbe Importance' o! viic tan îlot be overemtimaled. bas luist tueeu Lakeis ly Lthe United lilates Soc B y tise revecation of tihe City -Bf Waukegmn's lois. Le tthe lake. front land between thse Gourley CeatI pi and the prement norh aide of te south pier, lise people of Wauh<gos are eut eff fi-cm tise laies front cems- pletely. Tise revocation eates tisaILise haà" suisici tise City i. cequsted to vfaat At tl a si-lJeci, onvenhence la te hA usai for tise new ligist keepasi. boude and ground.- 1This opens the doors te funtier 7 speculatien thuit ec-hep.thse preeefi ke.pars houas on tise governct- lots nt Lake and Sheeridan moud la te tee vscated for tise propoaed new V%5- 000 féderaI building. City Clerk Thache- receh Ced thse- regrettable missive ai 5 y.aterday ev-- Wbaltishe OM&iIi Plan la. As vas i-st pi-intedl n tise 81[11, tise gaveromeut proposez 10 baild the abare end o! tise Souths pier flot làaa straigbt lin., but no that It lllii «- tend la tis onts and veat d4lIt1~ ally toa cPoint peraliel vits thse ueq - end 01 tise Thom" Bsras Mmd >lias. - The terrilory hetve.a tise icist point of thia esev çautls iiera"d tise e en of the. Go.snley dock ViiI Pqch.- -shly h. mied for a ligIsI bon"e ruer- rvatien, probahly haing feacel la$14 mlsarked and cultivatel.Wvite la lie. couler viii h. the Ihast kepos mréa*- b Ail adeug the shore vii be piel .i-tp mappina. r bis wili have thecesffect etofde- r.treying tise beach. Tisere will lIncet ha no beach. LTise recuit of Ibis viii be tisai PeOm epie seekiog the imke breesea or tbe seuan pile for the. cisihiren, or, a bats' - DI'ig beach ai- anY Place for beach 1va> rlieu and'4aWb'ringe, viii bave ho go )ioi-tii and ai-mini Lfe barber oV abansdon their pieu. of enlertainment ill together. Bâd foir Plessure "aia At the as.. Lime tise revocatioa if tise lease andlieilsreainu are 10a* e biowg tu the Weukegan ovisers t plesaure bouti as afler tise impgo0. un mientseare la tiseir bopea o! hatu$P yachting hbas la liste auge to f Souths pier vii he dismiPatel. Park le O. Les-scoparii is vas c1ew*ý, .91581.6»d 8obeialby this lipî tep a coriseoo! voluatemfim Yachsamen and thse UaMalousg b t WinI have Le lie sanleasel. -Lamsn' a bot livery wvi i hM No longer yull ItLie. pcaalble fer and wvates lhe boat# pse o«"es« iW4mues te the ww @ .-»eMaeloterstile MeU 11101 - h.plauta nilin oet f4 ftlPte aes t tise Bate 10y blt li»ete elleovu pgeolar fiwm- ta'"Illiedne. the seEff: the PeopleeOftoeWngle tb ilà Sciaver ho isel aptdam ibid mont Tbsy Pregese te no &Vare o! lise revoktsg ut jItoe mllsm ae vr li, otn e p@ e ta -ér NaasJage 1 mobiles come scurryinz.tu down At the 1