~~fto. aI odaiPoint Waubogau poice 5rlday ster- tacs m ediest pai r fihop. *M IMhave asurmm oui 0 15 it". .1«we.lv» isonerrs, PhIlipne «"egm% s.wiio hai ecapcitro the *Wit it> Iortte ome-m Pdrday snoulug eeriy tle>'ai ltoergel ava>' frm that place viiere t>' aore ander conlrtac sud*i 115fr us>'*0 te edo&&s.The. eiderïs. 'tie yoaii-l>ogrpaiiMeHolSm19 y.ar of «ge sud at the. stationm Wd ho vouli njoy sou. nice fat puppy. BoM tarc of a deep oiiocolst hue &Ui have beày tha±oltimof hair. T»e Sirl vbo gave hemaume sTogay *Oq Maff ltedlat lier ag u s15 ym. »h. *e lilaigily cobrci *oo dole viu isft » m uug hap- M. t. ouga alttIe frighieaiat thc ilb te bletlins casteiers. Tic ller-oli Igorrote wvobu i ___ bar bauil »Mdb"isprobabl>' bomp4 et SK sai ncv a bhast car- lw ii hm lIae, assa vwu i m et thei ltiruut =thspa bwvu0s lieu aeilit luattraction, Io *4s Uniedsi lsmfor smne two mm««er vin uli @pua& bo. W hi hieri tamle *Mt to Nw14v ou b«Me to «M" Ie v iIs brid Lu salive buI,vIes dmg 4 rOiet.Tbe oe Mma, atà tIiMamot bot lie caul b u L. Il. boim- Ton am. ri» lmi m iii mg 0 woos Sa. te gilet of lb. Mdi vu am mouem ulma t*'w* h 4 âe. vswu " Ut PobtsaI, Sml b>',hlowie 's e ierteacoon',Itlal l tah"'Vonateoolmg th OUM.i talqluhmiigym>'cmM rom Md aj ta ge Ait »Ya b"f lIb t t bate emu t, S i, i"d a bue et came> t epedomtemmui "di ua"" lw eeor fàamati -be du' i a duosceow cwio Md> - ti»Sets . vnuoft datr i ammi lal. av $à.,s QQ4Smbw vm mt ,u bo0 ft orbmjn m w Iv osAssassin Whso W, ma Nm abeme Tys Welss olo luleinle5w SUN At ilb. Tia.. *vc mufiel tIa tacN.r 89M làe *0favlug miteigeo. tryle ort atgaI: ~lilite a c o me deteOlivbl tie 8liasse Of am e-i tmePo.tlume mtemgai o"omis'sur Tiie Prises«fa toetii5r4ii. t ise eid. tlat le IhAi sbood l'y whleD& ffe Bamptsooulaa tibed kr th eming oftas eviela lad pobin ouet tIe doomed au. al a «giveaont b> Lieat. pettmS of tahevew Y"detsdiet egpl Ment.Wbbéla bad tas situa i tvimBi IptiOS la chsite. thant YSSmr M11is i l seapnomb vit%lue eaidim te bt lu o9ani.tconecta wu thun*ol ot tiotagibe- la au Ibell.,.d *0 bave uovu a geuet dul of liefaer vori. Iiet. Patrsinoroceutly Menanut* >Irsi lu'Boston au Arnieniaa nauci eM»00»8ls, vio ofcére his services MamnoojIan furuIhed informiation en- abliug PetOulDO tO &end a vire ta tais oit>' liaI resulted lu the errent et Dorbas &llepuerlan. Find Poibeou.d Dagerws and Souk. The Police serched lte building viiore b. Ilved and lu the cller imder a cou! berne, protected b>' boards. tbey fOaid a number of polsouci isagero, .eveMi l1aal bombe, a quautity of Poleffled ballets, revolvers snd a flam- jber Of -large boMulet cfydrocyaulc acdi sud sulpliate of ammonia as weil sa chemîsta' soales, ballet mods sud clectrlc Ippitus of varions hindi. Taheua to Police lacdquartmerst ma, broke dovp and confessed. He con»uc. tii. police say. vhat the>' bad aiready supete-tlat Kasssk Jelau@asta.heod am lfront Of tac social>. Soverai lter srret v0e smude Yesterday sfteruoon by de- teotivas. lu order te eiesr her gond inme trou the sImuler. ltaha,.veboom talhqd about the City, mi" EBul> TlM a lea Ir cr eqooW w~ ho ootgta f -lit alOis. lIaIhave r>u. Ol~mle ahq~ lie oit>' la, Z':~~'~ If possible I. jursomelly lnvUi~ lu, iraoné roiise a I #*nd OMW TwM CoMine - , m he h, hs* viiiàaverv 01cfft lme islaM wlu la hies*ntesilSeAlisum ujm5e vas oggi A lIe *sbm Maifor Iet ter, rausie m theGurU.viedmêt et ta, Cw«s e dmatite Un»0Diuai. Ton lata lhe Party' dlcomm î115 the roed uuder the. vfadvet vas 11ad, ed. The machine vadd lu vo sud baïf feet of 'enter Ontil i%, englue vas hilld. Then tae. alderman ani Us4, Arusotrong, a menteof tae part>'. took off part of tloir gsrmeutsand!u vsdiig Su -the, mliii>' water Uti 'uimslIte machine ont. ILiver>' lime a Waukega parly vonld pus' ln buggy ao- bus the. tvo pasiiers vould bidebhuai the. ms- chine. At aine talrty the car vas stili la- hoing lu tae mach. Teuagh Traveling. Parties comnlg homo t rou lhe lakes bai taetr oVu troubles yemlter- [daY. Tic large nuhoer of bueusud ban>' parties tiat came houe from lthe lahe, lust evenlng la the. itom had their troubîe.L MaaY irove lt. the voods. ouitsnc* part>' dreveite lice Wood@ f e eshovers sd camne ont on Grand avenue forthée'bigs in. ThecJbesvaddWsi .,mw*ch lat oue vouan vas talm PsisLch Anolbor lus Sob a luliclaio e hil drove OTIOr sàbilgU aflgizmt ani -arovlesucpoi a fatalit>'la asule- fort *0 gtot o te , v>of &ah auto- mobile. Nan>'drive inte f" «e pbars m, alleiter. Tii* vater ou nai ýavenue nier '-vis avenue vs folt IuChc iue ThiabletnoiutMeas-a. -vi *00 *ktot, W*- têiamue Ni" Ttug. 1, ta vsas v hoa -ae 'gai -be4d w» on fini lug~th,~sa ~ foiýl la th le lubs as t*, s.nl g t n > l u ville abe vas mever srregted ou Sme clora. oSatitlate veral lh cilles have bonsi memilus for hem ami vhii-abe diaceriWliaI lie> vSs seolng for br hem eatI oc viole a ,Cuit cf Pull. OBare ami niai flotarrueler impoit *0 tie aSacri et Kmansatut' Th Ie >'oINDvouelu ber etters lédesu detat f otala uf to W«Ie os*tlaostiamea et hie Malte. Me inmsiselIaIt *9 ici » huoimo cf et <iidm *a ta.h l i lhe mi tbat sa idineitknovMm Bar mon0eh l a «» hsd egmbl Uta liom mm a leurdo's ss Wb"ea POIpe m5idohmet berilers o W D lmt 1rily, Frash ClUYet We.*. mat sq #Aso $* bduts. toe ft" is sai mia,, se a ~ ' mow eluig autr u rwnu<wa qui &a ChuesgoAmeelesa I q boom ulimu tic s»Wassye sllbo~ S SmolsIal pw&M &Oels.u Immig f tar* is w "bet tharle Mtwwali dos s.fu d lbe Pbiles 41 sis ig4 reoea g *0 tan,1u~ ~if 1v, ave s entWUmine Sme bose a ise «UnWo ~otr ,1> nn u l ~. -'-s., t- W ieý5olt orf litlng san 0d~~ . Dc lffeyer b"rs g tac ,tiers vers owt e vas lmlhing a Sv, it.- tb * Ç à olIvlth a Mp at elve lu cldtaglesy 1%9 hue men, leuigD a« van bUrtiek oter shelley to ht4S$M Of the lau, the pail 0o it lh eut. tesine ~Ti. cov neit 0te theon. lsN erwas mlkinggwvustmmck dei. A llte also prsiiC. . Thé lAre iad be.n set &AMrsby thc boit -au«tac men, ater tbcy "aitr.. eDOr.uIhfinutle eboch, dlaoovecoud titi Tic>'r.scued the stock sud ail the. valuble. Tbe barn ln a tota Turbult Waters Enter Laisoi Paint Stor Salement and Ruin letise Net R.esait. Turblenot waters to a d#ptb 0f tir..ft elt, utered the basermst of thc 1fm peint store on North Ocm- «cc strict sud rui vas the. rsqult TheIi. oi aused It la sali b>' tae *a"ove iihig up got intaolthe dry pWielbxes iand bairelu and lie resdulIvea basement full 01 5850* cd valtr oolors - Thc dxuufl geg etmasi at 81.0 Othiir basuits faif DlgL, la0t a b"Sse tha"vawunwh by tt n'cg talb ~e Dmp aitr uiUsi. Tiic 14= b semmut Vas &modE bi trop vgm"»" ueisla Urn *uiMe- elaata»nu ' ,vvu litnoe lb vt Inoete *AÀs0aag it& MmeW ý imW.lori, elgdesm le o«Eu thé e4mntri,-v04 buml afler havlsg bie ëmi l. IU's-corse NOt AVOC 1W tma COUNTV. ail the. omMny vanMm a o asy ai e.Mad came later. oni la ueorted ln daoit, icta. 1cr. hallatome 14W, 10» Ot.sued other standing crops. SAS SUCO-li t #M by amibarn buwdon Thomas Audd's rWasveui..lom , à dht.re are new m li» tpuids. UAYUftxa-4m tP* bStha, lA,.*0.euted hImly, barn, burned Ilec Mt, N o.m cuigf M ~ ~~~~«ek ~ AN.1rnUrildamage uesiarstveiy ml WpM IeOI gt* e »burng downetWte tun the. vicia. bm theIa 0wBisiS bre thers, sono of Ameimea Peter Mobe,. Su u :' i ulu th. pastures Dni er us. t hig arreot hb bai a cebfck for P amue maufacotslaq cmjimy. Wlllla sclai mte laveMlay ln- wey roww WM&bM iceatiai friends teu OM, Ise mbt 1Made *bu@* vâtm nft0fwlîe *tIf<amth ar 14 nomgOve the POU00, tm1syest5.$gate -89~ .ttr w3t. AdWoms" Lin"io B>' fer th -tluterestlng Irsa. ; attion tInt bas o0cra l t te - ilght la the suuounomecu maie tais v.ck héx ateMulOmtseia cý, seurei t les'e euvirfag * perti of tlsia Fer. a nutbb W,. il. X ey ispirt.1 »Mit store bulug « oca1o on Gene- "0c str tamur Wasbngon. tir. Hige>'late lupossession SmntUme Ob tntait euations osa b;B made lu1 tac Iulln asemnfor Rla accu-, J550 hir=l=>ntel Co. prias' *0 ta- opeung 0f cspring trade. Tii. alemallus vilil e extenive snd viantacelalorate fuinimblusu are lu il vil b. impossible to find a more beautiffl -atore ilhe ta.la.. This dà e airegs.Waakegan the, dstinction. of bavini the.largest ex. Chuve cloihansudsait boueu nthe Biasoabne ouetfthe. lurgot la tie couta rp tactof vlllcbtais City mav volt fse prend. That Hhu-Crmtiben Co. shouli chang e t.r location, &fter building op~ tit sslieiibuineis tintt loy have *eWydcisince tieir store vas am topted, yul occasionc omuer- able surprise, but, au a malter of fiât. a change of location bas long hoon conemplatei. To ta. SUN a, meuler of thec Inn ssii "Telllitil ltrbe tait va have leamed thc Hljlae' store, sud lu doing so vre lave tahqn a long mtep tovard even grester uCese. Whlle our presse lIsmodomnemt expire uatil lu the aprlusMi vo bave si option forr.- seva. Wv, bave]longXh«ova tntOui- pomneu k"mnli vunot ta. moet leabue lu a ae" oelmiug ex- miaslvel>'tu vons ad bavebenu gt">' aeclog somctaug botter, We have lie avare ofthta.»4a&e labllilet ftaheor promseut. loa21on4 M5 4«Wiby I».. aliciamIfrloue th# mbte l. nhve ben yovoaaroth"l sur Moc0s vgi UV toteae -»«#4 eéetbtcm e, 04 qo#ere4, ou 11borotoi novledg etf "lsmuet e. eug lino,or u"4M4ansd Khorat smiodi 0f dit g ainoansd u&i. susad truthful advertislng. No. vo do nog carite0stateOuorl ressons for ot coiisiderlng our .pi- sent locatioin. dslrable. but ocu '9 Cassai obeerver ftmiar vîi local onodtens muit amr..tint v.are tigbt. Thisti. ter,,vth the exog.. bitant ront saIcc for a' renoval Of the lIsse, mado us finm lu aur deci- &ton to change, If possible, Forts. natel', ivo ver. Icudied ithe. les.. on the Higlo>' buhidintan sdconile- lng Ias excellent location, .1 sncb favorable terrn», taat ve lcnov tiat[, sre bave don. lotI oursilves aiud cuse tomars a good tara. We cansidir lbe Hgey.location the cqual of a"r ln the clty. "Tii. building la 10 ho remodellei sud'made umodern lu ever>' respect. A. nov plate glass front yl lbe put li, nov stairvay *ta.thesecond fio4r, bcsiul *0v i xtsqs, 1&st 0M e littlng rociffl wubgail couvenleuces.4 rie larg'smmtn et spaoe vOl ea- able un *0 adi 1tii.hassortiment gui variety of aur prienet lins' sud viii peruit or addlmg otacr lUnes if >v o 1 1w# ae&M nnpomeoio ihm boulin a mmifils.to partait o th. mur eirnUates w. lave I1U'wiv8 and so thèt ira eau b i. frtb lonatae ln. t1mé for taheln ol th orh igl ga-. Ou Slblfttml' slreiw1i~ gogl l vohiu 05a.vItus, A*ofratbe ftlvluig Do bot men uples Ifuas *0 rumeiàs a, foir t>' &M 511 ov aIesm r ralImg w -» ouretta? 1MeV ai Amorien tema liA cm ye av* llreu? 'r" maloI>' et o*r voaeu al- utys ave i-ifei ud £lps e Ul, lialgâe »as uglim ve Oses>. ishah U*-ahi uydauaiafor ta. ruil et0 lilsmertsas-niDot for tie ex. Ndy'sIMI? Fln.physiques ta meet moticniiood vlti ustural joy sud ex- , îsaion, not-tar; ricbi lbemutsla lf. rtier than mer. bock hnov- 1.45e, viich Io. oi>'sappleuentary; a. spirit, ual hainperci b>' set dI.- cipline sud Soirma, lIaI*mie. (bd erywhere. "The. clever motier Io tise mnt bistorlr sd art asouallésudIlitera- taes Ii eigion sud lit.." O1%lalde -oftheiiboue vamansa Vorlà foIrtdmeauem t10 viiolbery seX veali direct ber la large sud natarail>' ihouli ho cbosen lu prefer. ence te, mnIle -Vocations. Cullivat- ai mateailaIl U et vl be anl>' an *Id t* -a tru. ýuan vierever e Noliers do not oss tblr grip on81 heur boys begausa <of a lah ofhui nos.a triaung. The os l me Il hoosus ot à lack af lusiglt dort"g hase esmi>' lourser>' dmy. Tii.>' lam e Il a.' causýeY c'dii Dot knav on vibat ioiy grouni tIc>' stod. Tie>'forge tic>' bad idvimiIl t, te mr or uuold. Tho>' foreot tint their. vas Ibm sal- à Ilime oppartunail>. Tii.>' da-t'Ireacl ont for tii stimulus of atiers thouOasd rom"solà e hili cutltuc am baume Ilt. Tie i.'da'l kuon, ltaIt OPOulug oce'ese»lf tot.hle Ne lespirations of litecoli. lSu linusse uapnu iev. cilrou. do vIWhalh*ag eAIP preiuebingau uelver le. ThO *ia> ras tai tiorI racee ofnïrner>' dIt ami ble es hldex dce ol oMrer mi meuli raSe, Cbim.u. ram os the iist o >oo et th.e su 0f thecohapter. itb i'sc) theIf. atier bas e 4.veiTake à Olp Ive luta hlidrgartem îîtemnturt aud pl- lomùpbyand ses if taire su mo- III Suiüttnlunslua tl Thisluteitheutna- tal truinluq uiohhera sscie. Let Gosgive thau m f lie bouse ,h aii chance te i the roi mga. t6 scuim- on i Pot asdi dd ltefamlly, lteSdM kg vil It e Isculture and traiing, too, *0 Id tbAt I e, MIv e bp vortiiy ofthee b@iciet =Mtil JWord ~utac'.-ge t~. * ADA S IU1YE8~ I ~ m...- -. aatout me aWei Net Spedup li MAttai-cof Lire Md poaSentile cet te lelient MW tlie Star>' TOal Dr. J. .' f.51 Are ù~ lub>sica. pald Police M(agistra:o foyer a $10 gfini Tyc>' atier thgn sade the. coasiqueoom of bis arreit for vtolating the auto slpeei 1mw Ly lyiug. Dr. 'Wsmml va ruuuung bis t'ar about cugiteen miles an heur on Wn- nisu dellee. ven iio vas ballai ii Poalice Oftcer John Keane snd co,,i OucWted th e sation. Wicn FIi 'ase vas called lu the cît>' court.ctha magistrats asked the doctor if he wfsa iriving fust in order to resch tlkq beiside of a patient. "NO. 1Iwva't' vas the medicee man's George Wubingtou reply. FrankiieuPlomba.Juige. The. m&a sfraukutesa piamd the ladg. vii.taxed him $10, the. umaS- est fine permttied b>'satuts. a liors OrasIkeIM., AUX, 22-23 CJamp-Pire lu 'Wicks' <rove, Thnruday Nlght, Auut22d >4 l q1<fIt Obteago Male Qiuartgt. PaahoMituzyBaud sud mf e,.sud Drum (Corps .wilfurbJuh munie il,.q4 '1< .1< A promisint speaker wlll be prebent. abtd addrems uit people J'rday Afternoon, Auguet 28d- * *14 >I Base-4 B411 and Other Sports Friday Mornig ýý1'iq4<q.1< I ýlâ,Md4 f1.. cosiort On. Matia treçt frlay mgt -1w BIe a nd.mi m aru i *e i e 1