CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1907, p. 3

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RIDÂT, AUGIJIT I6~ lIGT. - *mst wii 1e a bout oncrt fr05 *ae balcouy f erminet otel sMd- OMier. vii hàa d-cet 1ht oer Inclu PrM Ymevm. 0»eetlie st- tract io tl hela maie <liat tt ' Pala"neMlltary hsd la the mus clfeture. M I IUT (Prom Wedmos s Sn -Who#elltu g s IMP la lqwr Bat lu the Sauter building eGeagees street lut eveing, Un. Auget Bld.1 logcr vas eudasgered byhi 1e cplo- Mion of 1the lsmp, bhneX Ucki cacped vilhut luilea. Aàs Mm. Bidinger llghtcd 1the vick It droppet iloo the clisud '111 a crack thc lump broie. The blsaing oil raot ut thrct«eet srions dammage, but Mr. Bidinger, vbo vas SsandingMUnei esd Uic pieccsansd turcu 111cm h-om Uic rear door loto the aliey. No damagevia doue by Uic acci- dent alluougb but for the prompt ao- lion of Ur. Bidinger it mlgt bave been serions. Mr. Bidiuiger la a part- uer lnu1the Bidinger Brotherg clothing store on Washuugton street. ' IOSMAL LAIE (Prm Weduewa 'Sun.) At1the rmugueteinug of 1the.boa- piilasociation ycterday aternoon, avote of thauka vas taken for Uic minifrleuds of Uiceassocation vho hlped serve Uic dinners At 11e Wa- k MDay plcnic sud alzo for ail ubo helped 'lihcontributions o! food sud uouY. Trhe bositil ladis cleaed about w800for the association over ail ex- penss aftr detucting Uic Part 'hat veut t1 tUic813n"ralfuud.Thov are veli plcascd viUi teoir succes. amamer wthout Hamiet. -1 vii you bat been aithe 1a inei given 10 Uic captaigu U iugt before vo laudedl said! Uicvon vho bis lest got hici hoe."Il vas oun1the Dutchlacd. Slndld' Magificcut g fflra&fuit. ccream.. evmting veý uat, but 1the captain vaunt Ihere st aIL. Just about diuxicr ime ja og came p npsd 1e ad 10 Bit in a coopoPf wmnosort aomvbere sud anu htliM rqn. WMIkk kAs mli b id 1* tu t«uoe PAR REACHIAG LIOT 0r PROPOSES IMPROVEMENTS Mayor McCcrn of Rock Island le Haading the NeWv Asoocîs. lion for Advsnce- Ment. A movement t0 ImProve sud beau- tlfy ail tUic ites sud tovua lu liii. nais accordlug 10 a uniform- sîstcm vwu lauucbcd Saurday lu Chicago hy Uic Statc Mayora' Association, Uicec- ecutive cornoittee of vbicb met at the Auditorium 10 arrange the pro. gramme o! Uic conveution ft vili bold Sept. 13 sud 14 at Bloominglon. Il vas decided tu expand the or- ganIsation tut a "Municipal League of Illiuola" aud 10 invite Uic neada of ail departments lu ail the municl. palities lu thc utile tu become mcm- bers.. The liri. tbing oun11e programme vîli be tu arrange for a campalgu lu support of Uic deep vater vay Pro ledt, aler vbicb 1the cague vilbnsy iel! lu drafting a uiforma local lm- provemeut luv for submaisalou 10 Uic legialature aI Uic next session. iu expandlng 1the sope 'of Uic or g-atiztion the officias ofUic icague believe that more adequate von csu be Pcntormcd by scurng the cooper- ation of ail cty cugineers, commis- sionerae 0f public vorkz, corpoation. counsels sud 0111r department heada than if Uic mayor alone mappcd out the Programme. League WiI Have Lobby. After 1bille bave becu preparcd cm- bodyiug Uiceidens. of Uicleague lu regard 10 sysmatlq çmunicipal lm- provemeut Urougbot Uic state, e iobby viii be appointed 10 on Brkt Springfilid. It yl also labor lu Uic lteresasof cvil servicead Uic lakes tu guf vater vay, sud viii makc an investigation of Uic COM- 1mission sytem lu vogue lualHouton, fessa. f11000pvt t 1yenterday'ass- George W. bfcCaaktin, former Mayor etfn*ck lhnd, presideut. Mayor agaa- IL Cook, East St. L.ouis,*iedlt. Mayor C. H. »aVer, Mount Carroll, tresurer. Carl Bottsfoed former Mayor of IL g. Deales, 1otseyville. Johb 1). dtoaulme, Vandalla. BE. G. KIR& .UnwOIfl james xwovit%<tkinson. Dr.,VIr. U- argéler, Geneva. ECdvsrjPýD wb". former lftayor of huamrd J. Eteudage, corporation counw l01 chiesbo. ,lames i&@ll5W, Dwight. The ic Haltoe,-Club cornmittee ou Municipal aMt 544 civic Improvement iagied tils cyle pragramie yesterday, cSbodylug tWenty4evefl articles, gay- eral of ubiulagrie 10 be promoted by the club à@ subJeOta of speciai atten- tion duiirlu thh.c cming year. Ha@ Fc*toiiing Pian. The Improisalt, for which the commltteê viii mpaign in their en- tiretyarc aoliova: The substituionl of eiectric power for stearoce lU locomotives employ- ed iu subarbm, tnVic, and, go tir as possible, 111e ellluation of ail steamn locomouyagea uiluth1e City limita. Tbe abalomelt of emokè go far as may be practieable and consistent vitb the malsteiiace of industrial proeperity and vithout unneceasary hardshLip ou o<ners of factoriel, of- fice a"d apartsellt buildings. With the vlocu b the reduction of the amoke uuissace, the diffusion oaf knowledge co6onouing the best practi- calBk me leorthe consumption of fuel. the use of better grades of coal sud th1eInstructiou of engineers snd firemon lun1the Management of steam plants. The suppresaioni of unnecessary noises. The improvement and unitormity of Street pavemmts and sidevaiks. The iutrgdutiOO and general use of uulform sgna for Street names aI atreet Intersectionsa. The emitinflue forcement 0f pro- per regulalons-Uh as those recent- iy lnaugurted hi the police-for the coutrol of stria traflic. cTIle graduaiimprovement of thc t ver front including docks and lagd- a lcs D*The adop" o. f artistic bridgeland 1the. liiprovOmnt of the approaclie i- to tcm.. The promnotion of ail plana practc- ablo sud ressnabie irom 11theflulu- l'o e. Fi"# Daxy te ordr d eJ cim point of vicw, for the 1mp-ore. thecmalter of piomotint hcut- ment o! Uic lake front, wvlhbor vith-le-bfcstures ln public vofk, 1the cl out the proposed outer boulevard. wllI fur UteUUme aubordinate the art- The construction of a connecting 1W10e lement, but vill ttive con- drlvevay betwcen Uic park aud boule. Mmt.117 1 gradually devclop publir vard sytm of the North and South tuate Bides. The erection of statuary, mono ment&, foutains or 0111r ornmntal1W~'II worke lin parka sud eaIthec Intrse."' tion of boulevards sud main thorough- rars The inauguraton of a uniform meijiod for the clesuing sud sprink- .% m liaig ef streets. The adoption of 1the muet modem moins for thc collection adsu al SINGLE WIRS SU1TWEEN fCKICÀAO of garbage and tiier refuse. AND fMILWAUKEt NOW 1 N USE. Faving of ail aUleys. The systematioc eforcqement of clcmlincss lu.ail alîcyl sud Yvant Service la Not Gond Howevev MW 1.5.C lots. cal StaIon H». Net Sent or Mc. The study o! moins for Uic preven- cclvsd sàneseage tcdoy. tion . f unncceaaary sud offensive Thec adoption as soon as may b. (irrom Wce da$'5Sun.) practicabie, o! some means by vhichi One vire, betveen Chicago sud Mil uniform building lhues mar 1be estab- vaukee. vas- recovered by thc WUt- lisbed on boulevards sud resideuce cru Union Trelegrapb Compani t odai. etreets. The vire vas Dot recovered ln auj-e Thec supervision sud control by the tbiug 111e ies original state, iiovever. t city authorlties of Uic character sud 'rue local offce had use of Uic vire a style of thc fronts of buildings boere- but no occasion 10 use It, as uâp t10 afler erected lu thc business center. noou today not a "inle meusse bad The promotion of,.a blîber degrelicou lent or reoeived. a of public spirit on Uic part ef rsilroad P. J. Kupsri, the local agent..bas companies lu Uic botter maintenance recelyed no orders 10 leave his post sut lun1the amelioratlon of conditions yet sud la patlesatly vaiting for t11e around pfialenger sud& frelght termi. close of the sftrike or oiers to quitM nale. vork. The introduction o! shade trees on ..Tbey arcgtting Uie country pret- aIl residence streeta. ty velI tied up," 11e stated Ibisota- The abolition and removal of ail lng. "sud I1se nothlng but &ùeceSýt, 1obstructions lu tUicttstea sud on theTbe Western 'Union hlu infar wvota. 1sidevalks. sbape Uisu Uic -Postal. I tbink li More artiotic gaz sud electric ligut la becauze 1the Postal va. botter pro.eý poata, patrol boae sud otier public Pared'for the trike'" utihities situatedluinor encroaching The oim vire Uiatvas lu use. Ibistj uPOn stret sud Public Places. niornlng soeed a plessant relie The reguaton of sigu board"vlihfrom yesterdy, wvbc u nta cllok i the purpose of Ibeir graduai s.bolitiou' beard lu Uic office from about Doon OI. sud «eeciF t Ieir disse inirosi- Cella on Uic difteret keys reclvel ,dence streets. no asler. A gMater degre. of actitj on thc patt of Uicmunicipal art ommimmui IEA sud Uic diffusion of a botter k»ovl. # w UIEM cdgc of lse datiez among thUic tIui C " ciflr ofMectais, builers. public sud lui-d val. contracture snd property own- ers. The promotion of acthetic features <PrOm WedacIw% tan.) ela public vorka, only so far as 111cr EMfe Gree n, 17 jalol t Mi sd Wbt- may7 netobstmuai; or dlr Uic sdop- bur Romn, il Yesrsci&. ver.arreuted lion of Improvements of more prao- laut cvecng se hhey v outmBng 1tical character. Uicth e auer Pou. Maewe Thfe 1The diffusion o k ovietègc of bat girl'rn mothr aya ah. 5smt b oqs, l b cing do nc lu a te vay 0f m uici al eaI er hom e , M U v u d ale a rsa xe. art sud cic eimprovemeul hi other sdce Idnd y aft esAoc8 sud t111 . 1 -cili,1*1 111lu Europe sud la AmnrkiLslice e voe &sX4to 444 ,b 05. (ver i~ Voterais ~Aug~ IiOmàAS Id. AuI.? To e A LRADINO SPEAKSOR Omgmization la Hesdqmdhy pour WssleeganVtean. Whe As am lea BOMtlIm4eta oGrowswk. Folloving in thc compets prografl for 1the 2»111 snusSoldicri' and IdIors 1cuniou st Wicas' Grove, Grayalake, Auget MI ansUt, ater- noon sud evenlng: Thurmdsy, Algut à22.0. Tf115forenoosvii ibe devoted 10 visiuagvi l I MM4 ciir. ]dute by Me d ud Drua Corps. Camtire at 8:00 p. M James 9. Knigt, Prou. 4. C. . sud I. A. AnocaIlon, Preiding Cf- ls«e, C. A. P&VtridM .Adi. Gen. DePI- e., 0. A. IL, Iatroductorr 0£-ce; H. W. Hal, Waucgau, Os&c.UC. S. sMd 8. IL Assocation, Secrtary; J. M. Uimpeou, Treanre. Munise.... Pife s"dDrum Corps Frayer.........e. C. . IL avener Ueng-Amrlc...Dy Audienc lion.............. ...... late linge........ifs sud Drum Corps Camire glortte.... mLJ. H.L1111111 scers.A.... on e.Psrtrldge OS................ Qaftet Wr 'flme Iucidenta Rer. IL D. W41ch soms..................... Quartet Resrlko ..... ...... By OidBote ................... QurtaI PrIdsy, Augtet Mlr&. Paewmc lpmemm amffl. amiod Gen celksField et 10 a. s. Oit SoldWe'sCoualiOr- gam mt »« Enla e eein AtteruoonProgran. MuaI. .Conet hi hat a1:00 P. M. Prejer... .....Rv. C. M. Haveme am ..g.............. ù.... Quut Adres. 1:00P. ., Thom-s H. Geu oeusiteam" ovo hitltine Uk tup Ba" t fros: 46 P. M. uliL. : 00 p. n .ý. - WIi h. 'Evy tem i.this storectbrown on the bargai n Wter at tremendlous reductions, profits thrown ta the wWs4L No Haif.Way Bassnm, about --p1Im 'eto be slaug6tèred No section of, the store over- Iooked. Theres a frast of Ba;gains awaltAng ýou hue, Silks, Diisa Goods, Yard Goods of 'a>'iInds, Laces, Embrolduries, Ribbons, H1nku il Gloves, Waists, Skf Underwear, Hodaey, and A other fnes a týo ,i i' r C ost...To Close OUt th, rt Thwtêy Paye Os a<L# ama WAUKEGAN DAY CHAT WAS EMINIENTLY FflENDIY.-- âovermor and Mefomtm oWTiet ThIfgl Art WrengSWt ThOt theY Nad Bd*be Over- loe&ed. "«The Gesette Mode a vin lu0 statins tll tGousuer DReitb* turned me »wow bmx said Oecretar 'm me QMIpl O<Ut Law sud Ordr (aiUs r The govemnoeil 0"I Ste acqualuted, fort f,5h".6cm O& him a i2umber 0ftises th1e rcmoval o!f1h. e éW - whcu they ver. tnwa om Iay thc governor resaoo&i%ôh are quit. goot trient., mg bue &«wmeuly before.'Dariag lie of thc couvermatos a ' r oi W s ga" vi. 4 wbo l ber o!f111e parti sahl laa 1h44 day Asut If h adtou auhighI »ia ville l 1 e baet aboM Mdc OM& 0 4upforaoat.s u.ssTu ,ta.but wu ow ao10, th la. o tg0 r amfS W. hlm Sr ». nome' lm c WUNOue« eia day. IIMu tot tideahésud«Uideon lm " b» toa u» aU5ww uWdt Ausst13#bhand 141h. qj ý ý à, > ffl", rem,

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