CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1907, p. 9

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B~ ~OT. = '~ FIPTII ASSIS j VAL WILL M" 5AT iter IIL .D"lcg, maïMlim 90"70 ve M i4r lvm Vilev eltYmi et th. Iilucli Darm"era lu stibUbe.pollcing dr. a tov Ideas fron t. IIaalb, happluma 011 bm sace et aery human bélimpèdo u0 ýPIn mebavhoe Mcd tb.influmuco ibat lb te heinupo Idbs e. Houe the Vital importane ofaiiidyiig iis alecceof bomne makiahof byge- las., of rueculture, tbat t may ho brovght loto tbm educau t a"" oer boy and girl that ho m&Y know boWq te evolve bummu hclcgu that vi lisetlubapplucsuad pe. Thon.e ta Ilt miiothmr aselon" tlu ihe vSu to*dai;atreguirea sncb a vaed aadmopet luovIcias am the odees" et boena mm»& SW%,M Om 1 M tKnow. etmbeaoe.more lnovled of0 01n--«OM ci«M . bucn, sM&b m 'dondob7, Pâsysios, bloc, bater- .leloW, botany, anidacà~g. il ne- ellim a kBcwlmdgc et hygiene. mNni- lt@tn, disictice, and architecture, ai hcd. iasolctian, lié combinatilons aM lis ropration; of the select-I gon M makbu etcf lotblu& ihe cane ci he thc care and tnalng cf chllires. Il alco requlrma cm IbagffabIrluu, for tibmODOs ofc 0 evist mm deoeadulangeli upon the Saslal. manmemul cf thc home. Et bove aI, metovin Coul. the bUovlmisa t, bmw hi ho loyal, lest eedMcî%ém Ia, fia )oVns bushan; m* »ov l* ha atru, holptul. affea- do"# M4 qw*vige. W4. so Oece Net Tcach i. DYDot mL bial IltaS tw1y a"M " éprepuaatosfor Ibis se. qq cfbet b u4i~ fllHave our melamalla, cr cllces, ami uciveral- tlima 40» ibs vork for the Aincnleafi mcmamindvomm u they should? 'Do oen youcg Peop. estrain ibir palod of $ah"olit11f.loto ibal cf bom>-mallg preparci for ibi grand opd ionlcu vombî Every home- mae, kuova hwber lb.ecudlticuul et bis or ber edacaticu miandtainng mal. Il posaible te brlng Iblmicon- ditiocs. loto thebouc. 1iffSamon snys La ber book ibat hoeempu a"mmdhomokfopug ai- fais bave bec. pasig recipenba of amcral prsmm and not active par- Uicpms a t ul.Arc v. a happy pe- pi feeta.rom *aludWesOansd on- no, amveoahouli ha if ibis home- makbw P r om-.eping *aoleo.bai os te Tooml f 0olvlllAitia lustmsd etlu ibemuna? 1 hrlcg be- fer ou: yo noe of th. homc conditions and probteica hi mlv, luai.thmé spirit that you, as fummra are méee- fi ~ là yoar meetfin"lu s ndm km.w the defécts hi your plant grcw- bmu mi la your.aloal rdmltat th#elcauses 0< ibise dofett'maY ho kuovu mandr.moied, and lb. nlght cauditlâng ho maie hi prevail. CAPTAI.) SftMIUft CALLANT I4f iA DVE.RSE. lu Ua *5et Wab5an Comm Oise ts matt e.autr cf pomgbkocpeIe.N.: t.-ScOens Girl, lbs ,moct fumonmurace bor 0<Im *et ber f6eldetuo lt *u G Omi racesMaithe drlvlug par Whft gbs vusb*MleaW. * 'ta tbo O&MblanBaron paba St ~ ~ ~ ~ « go&,ttPuse lu be utadltI4 MiON?7DAYS New MmW Importat m bre WIII 1 No Ha~ ollea, Othmwli Z bcC"- cas.Mldway Up bDate. ne fair oc 'w be aima *M 4, -46-l * OMMto.tar the 0 llite $,**t*. ,lSi lIer. *à ho macs'ma iMWe .sbiltors aI th. ictbcong fi. Ou. 0f the uâv and important fcaturem cf the faitn is year ii ho tib umuion aoflbthevwamuse mont grouadu a lu'lappy Hollev.-; 1» ls vin ho theb. Gnatest Pair ou Biarth" vhat lb. ,Mdvay" vas hi th. Cieago voids fair and lb. ,Pibkevmswu t. Louis. AUl the shows ma" amuemenets viii ho con- flumi ta this new location, and ai- ready everY avallabl$ fot Of Baa hmbauoo cotraead for by name o tbm vcry bot sud cleuset Amuse- ment enterprises nôw on lb. road. New Restaurant Building. AnoherneccvImpravomeni on the grounis ibis lear yUl ho lb. nov retaurat' building 77z146 fot, Wb"lacbef.«bng ected mai wcmi cf th. Wcicay' building. This yl ho a haudame building vib ccni amm, . ile noof mcd sappfllsi itit' ail nweecary eqnlpment for conductici a dlean, b.aliby piaco for viai- ors hi gt thoir meala. The building viln bo divided into four distinct mccs,, mc liai a nembor of con- cesiomarle may b prcvldcd for. Speclal effort viii ho mad to pro. vide plety of attractions to entertaiu au valton. Tii. Ope"dPregramt. Thon vii hbye ci dMlx pei contecta evcry day, boginlng wilb Monda, Sept. 30, 0% tocvm Monday, Scpbmbr 30. 2.:25 trot ................ 8 800.00 2:25 trot.ý 3-ym-olda and umier; elildoe Aug. 1-. - 00.0 2:189 Pace................ 100M,00 punuimg,1mil............ 20000 acma, 5. %mue-...........00.00 Tuemday, Ocober i. 2:3le trot -«............... 81,00.00 2: 09 Pace...............1,00.00 1: 20 pace, "3-ol.oI >d under; ligbi. Aug. 1i.uoMO0 Rannng, % mile......... .. 20M.00 ReMnlg, 1 muem avelty .. 00.00 Wcdnesdoy, Octohor 2. 2:24 paco .............. S 8.. M00 2:13 trot .................,000.00 2: 24 trot ................. 80000 Rannnlng. 1% miles, IlilUnol Derby................... 50000 Renulng, % miles........... 20000 'Thureday, October 3. 2:16 trot .,...............$100000 2.:15 Pace................,00.00 Pme for a&l pane........... 1,50000 Dancing, m ilei........... 200.00 liunnlng, 1% mile.......... 300.00 Frlday,, Octcher 4. 2: 29 trot........ ........ l80S.00 2:19 Paceo............... 1000.00 1:12 pane................. 800.00 FIe*e fer ail trot........... 100.00 Daznig 1 mile ............ 200OO Rucig, 1 mle ............ ý200.00 Cthr attractions vili ho provlded, notice of vblcb viii ho given ai a latr dais. Thc prospect at thilnietamr tc aucmet tf be M comm fir lis bb brlgbieai over kuowu. mc long i ad vanc. af ihe opomlcgday Mcd vith goi veaiber, o llol vs in again ýIprove ituite lu bavlcg "The Gmt. est Pair on Earth," Pretident Rooavelt lseci au ex- octive crier yeatendarmaaina Labon Day, Septociben 2, a hofldy for. $v ormcini onploies &Bd laborn w,~ are esplee hi th. day. 11K. or'i aua tolove: -Il le breby or4enei tU Sailper' iempnlloyem »»i thAr day"lborpr lu ioderaI public aervie v*e Moib7ed vaac mpoIhOn"t 0908148 .Md hi bo"m UMPAr int cOMM*cikW" ec s I.& *9 &l putl as làaatI*e oer" racaceor.: JUPM sté mm THINiC WE'D SETTER STICK 7TH iE ZMON O#TY *SaIlO If Lais ocumty Sciathe J#iPffl Nebhlq Dan Hoid Ths. m WD-.. orIpoqcn of Sete cf Thair Crazy A«MI. amat#&f ot ïwo àwIeamion Ire de- sirous of a Change cf soone. tU- cnvoi and dishoarionoi bY PrOmcn- lions et ibo bauds of the people 09 Waukesb. he "y Jueupera vii. lave beau jumping hi the Pounitalu bouse of Uic Wisconsin valernn plane arc deslrous of a change cf seu. ,Theoie they are coing in change pianes vlth eanb other, accordlng ta reports reelvod luit nlght froftMMil- yankee. Scth Eug.r t. Move. Owlngbtuithebostile attitude, ar- resteanmd convictiona eausod by th. good people of Waueoshaw r.contl, mucb b the dlsaaiion of the Jumpers. ibher have got "ibeir mmd upll and vaut 'ta mcv.Zicuitm:ao the other baud, vant, nta ai aay freinth Uiwreek and muluof ibein once happy homos and fadtorls.mad Iodgs tiiemselvom safaly laute lb 01 Puta 10use at Wauk.ehaoo-etlmamous botel for lemmon guestaanmd mow the st of "Jumperiau." Jumpers Sey a Motel. The "'Jumpers" are oZeWlaly kucvua au the Motanopoillan Cbnnch Avec"la tion. Thoy bougbttheic onatalu bouse for 880,000-noue knows boy tboy got the vberewlibal. Their me- lilucueremony, upon whlcb uboY thnive, seecingiy, consista mainly of jumping ep and lov- and IMdwayM Il la thought by ibuir leaiera that lb. factorisa of Zion Ciy-mlghi bo fine places ta get rld of soupeof 0thé auperleuons energy .ach andcer "Jecipor" ls posoaad of. The -Jumpera" have bien arnefl Wto holding noisy streot meetings, have beaeut inlto duugeem, and rmaid vlib itheit fthat the citv lire ba.e pourforth. la FRNES CATR YOUNI IM! IN RM. TRAGIC ACCIDEiNT TO GSoecG MAYTERN 0F SILVER LAKE. FalicgMac cn Ice Pile ia lnes Amem Widc-Prone i I Hia HiHdltby 1 Stand..- ln Dangerous lSpot. GE orge Mmteiioneaof lb. bout kuovo young minuecftlb.village cft Wllmot, le the tovu of Baloci. mot wtb a terrible acietlnluAnutee bouge ietiven LaI, on Mondai ai- tercoon vhIcli mai resUIt U he.k«B cf bis slght. Matern villi & numbor of aiber men vas acgagd lu lodibng la. at the bougea mi oeeof the mec wa e p on i pile cf tee pvssing it -love hi Mattera and ihe othar mec, lu 1mie vway ho lippeda 'eiLot. o.thnov out lb. big la. prongsi elhli ai beon usinsandmiouaeofthlb. ouge cugbl yeung lMattoru n hil.eyc. The faiieg mme held on 10lbth ouas and the ayo vas gougai oui. Wllb a cry Of Pain thq yo1g MUm feit to the groud nid liter 10 VuE rewoei 10 bis lame la - mlpro- ,vbud amulance acdlocal phyMicm ver. calici ta attend hlm.u, Il Vuf dis- ovenai thsmthlb.0oyebai bernpl. ed eut of the sockol and adici b ibis .lhe face e 0juMoiâtira 11"I bien terribr tors. lu va. f.n.l 4hqI tIc boy vouhiloée bbc alubIof of bis 07cmsua rmiait cf ihe soo*pI and ais me «poWbie ho "ký tae ocf the cIdegf bspfl ~ ' troabinoni ToneMaterntla Oo f Ils UMi pparmon la Wlt. týà% aport of bie *oe r«»», 0as_ FORIU UEUNTOR litPHILAN. Tic RW~ VI#M1NT. Wili i dueite On@ i*md and Tm filinSMuM liCh9fflNiglItUni. veriy.Terms eaf 5.. Rou. WiliU& . M, . tformer seu- ator. lAWYer' a . . .. ibýroplat, of kcbadeN, vili %me~ hnndr.d Lmd tvo desevbioogg mou and vomen of Ilnol. a4eol-rhip lu lb. 1mw deprimaut. 00 lb.Chicago NishI Nuiveralty. ÎY Persan le éligible vho la in 0*aage of Si aud the happy posseow of a iood aam«aracirmida lgib ool diploma, [or lia equlvalut. The"a. melarablpe areapportloned one to each couty SMm0cr on. year's tuiion lu the universlty. The avard cf iho ebwloimmbp viii ho con- Fforred upon tlb. authof athe bout .amaî vtt«om pen à auject aalged by the coutj ndp Ocf euhbcounty. and tb. «oeoDlio f morlt determin- cd by a commttee mmed by th. uarne judge. The couros 0f tudy le a gradad one and loads to thibm eofohabche- ]or of lavi. and preparea for the bar examlnatlon 0f ibis state. The colloge yomr begina September 15 and ends May 29. The course cf loga1Iinstruction extends through ibm.. yosrs cf aine meuthaeanb. The echool yoar la divldd lototitre tom, th. antumu, wlter and sprlng «ehb cv.rlcg 0, perlaiof ivelve weekg. The Bomeulo.f the 1mw uclacl ar ebld ou ilteruate eveninga -M-ouday, Wemieslap d Plday of emnb weok. 'Tbf. arrangemnent gives fJae otudentt he ibm.. alternats even- loge for mldy. Aftar muai coualdoration Mr. bla son became pofou.udly lmpresaed wllb thc degra. cof psrocency of Uic Chicago Nighi University andias methoda lu maklng practical lawyers by offrlng a ihormub course of lu- strocton to youug people who flnd l Impossible ta cindy dirlng the day. Mr. Mmmcc bas aivffm mncerely ho- itved in lb. people 09 bis native tate mnd u'aua optimist believea thern la au cppoetunhiy for eveyone ibo advanco his Position lu Hite and biecapanty for dolng gond. IMU conviction of Seator Miaou pmmptiblla u place at the diposal 01 thb. 0ang pebple of Illnos eu. huudred and Ivo scholaras Ibth Chicaiso Nlgbit tnveraity. Souator Maman hellevea there are bundrcds of people vho viii appreciae ibis on- deavor and ho offers themo mholar- ohilis confident that the traning n.- edliWe by tbese beneficlarlea vii MU*. mnccâaaul lawyers of lb.ealisg heeration and vorthy citlma 0of the at. c f Illinismter lie bas posai!e svay. Air essaya muai be ln the banda cf thecnounty ludge ual liter thon Sep- tomber 10, 1907. Awards vili hon-c Moned ln the Chicago and couniy paperanmd by personal lettor. WAIUNEKAN LOCALS Batry C elects a irai lieutenant toincrrow. George Webb, o! Antlocb, la visil. Ing bore. Tbree ZMou leases were flIed at lb. court bouse today. IMr. Dr. J. M. MeGee and chidren are vstlug lu Ripon, Wls. Nia" Rym, who bas been vlsltig Mr.' Kennedy, la lu Chicago. Totmorrow cheaper rates are lu e!- t on cm raiade runnlng loto Wla- Affiur Wager, wbo le il1 a Ibm bospila, la lgtly lmproved lu ean- IIWe toiay. NMmny a voek ago, 1aI fnhdy, Hlenni Shepard o! Gurnee lt200 obekm bly ibeit. Tii. Rani Hîtters defoes lb.h Tong CMicgos yesterday at bbie hely a conoefiteL Mn. and Mrs. R. O'Brien, of Cl- of 312 Maison streal, M, George Ifickla is tilng ber Isuglen, Ira. Cana Shborui-rla - o6 i is veeIL Sho * oi " coli) cfLabo Tnal ut lbtherecuit of the Morotam affara have talc ln thé fater oatraversy. The dmntrY dogtaend pony show, tbe nltiet old faortO. VlU appea re. MilàsUMack l lMillinar lu the cm-, plor of M*. Mlnes, rtumes luChi- cas> ludap. Tb* uortb aide .ever hearbgug a eontluued hefon liM»torlu Chmer Clamke icday. Mur. Wni.Conrad hasne»lu Gm..enuP, fi., for a tov daim viit vith relatives. MM.B. Loii. cf Oraylako, and M Mm Dmjuone, or Chicago, vwmted boe yumday. CaPtais George IL Burmet l'a dov tovua au if «eua smoyen cld Ibat tdateod Pneumonia. A Party of local onug peope are hi bold au old fami=On comu roaat ou ibm beach ibis mvenng. The GerMan Cougregaionil and~ thm. German Reformeuc hurches are bolb enjoyng pieutas ioday. The Mytrlou- Burgiar la the at- tracton it lb. Schwaria Frday oveu- log. The show la ald ta have gVent ment. The aaitantaupernuendent of ibm Caru Producta Raflnlcg Company plant, hla vif. and man iEdwin, are ln Iowa mcd Nebramka on a ivo weeks' trip. ToMorrow tako, place the baby ro. ception et lb. Jusi hame. Ail babies ane woleome and the Proceode go luvards tIbi Lincoln Park maitamlum support. Um Eva Bigan cf Highland Park gave à buffet ncheon itdaylu houer cf Misa trane. Uverniti, bo la hi bo mammmdlatoA. lavrenie Mlis, Jr, on Ang. $1. Tomommcv froin Nov York Cluy vhere the la euloy'ing a vai lu coaci pany viib Mr. Relu. lra. Alexader Hein leavea for Brn., Germaup', lmcdlng atH£vr. Mr. and Mm. Samue.) Pmrlam.ut, Misa Alen Lolita Parllaint &Md Clarence Armour Pallacieci 0f High- land Park lavé et nommhminammua- in hier through Wisconain. iU. B. N. Van Duemn mcd Mr M. 0. Wilder of Chiefgo, moiben sa alto fAttormneyJamnea Van OD". are viating a fow day vib hlmn bis home ou Grand avenune. Theo- t8-ciubaod chili of M. a Mm Afget Eldinger died ibis lm t tb. hom, on South G.eoesIro The fuerai la to ho beld tromM Mary'smhcbme ot Pnlday. Laut cvecicg, et bis homc mat es cf the rna. LaIe rond on Grand av une,. William Rock, a ILmlenui Pioneer, died. Hc vas 87 yearsm mand bai liv.d m--y years lnU aouc17, beia veWO Ucymn. Mn. Carl Hanta. formerly et il SUN force, bau loti for Maal Ofio, bie l home. Ho viiitali vacation on which ho viiivisIl Jaineeiovn Expositon. Ho bas signi bis pant vith the @UN. A moabul'. lieu agalit J. Itoimmbeller, cf Chiago. ,waa 10.i lied la ibe circuit court bY Angual Mocbeiburg, of Milvankee. The Il vae for $224.31 ton. malenlals ferais ed fer a bouseinhi RlbmniPark. A paniZ cf Waukogau yonng S aticnied a danae given aetl.the c 1cr Club Rouse at 7%Wmi lIe byt chi n Big"ma aornty of Chie& Uc! vémat. Thon are lticc oft girls ea, tbe lalean d lbey are vu ing a socilsensation vilb thibmlet 117 to entenialu. fflday afiennn for lb. finati Daiter>. C viii Iire actuel hcts frc lis 8l-inc gog eaiCamp Logic.'T avent vili aimrant iauy vimt Mmcy visit the camp each atiemuo and aenluga mu hla and lb. promon of the simie amnillery lsaiatrui: minL, attention. The dovu siate bc Dokto Wubegaun nghtly vhou ih 4n "aleged gaiebling resort eai Ssippei lis tumndeishlmtu C ,tgpo. yeatenday, and ltcv. Tbom Quaile, otrLaIe Foret, and theLa Coauty liefom Aseolaton claie vlt o7..The place vas locato il cottagennibtheMineola #totl,a a1 mlii hbave bu . patranu largely by Chicagomase. J. Hermi cmacé of ibe hatl.ieciared I nigisî bat b, bai givan eOnry mii anc. tu Roy. Qumyle lu bie cruaade .»0 ou; bu @MIo. -M 1 1 A, lt«. 4wL.-! 0% 27tGm81h ovima " a mbtr Lni At CircuItCoxvi et LU$o Couaty. Octo. ber TwM AL DX 1lm.. praist P. ceaudon va' Lulolyb LE Molitor. la Caueary. No. M«4. oati= . 10,wotth"th$. de- ot.09 hsi.a t4 cIDlnis , @0 ibat ua ~ ewunhim, 8i a4 b 0e 0f Imth tt = J rr no a u t oe d t e s - den1 seaàn*mW hu Ow :IbmaoVO named Oopualm b heeatahr. liéi hlms Bill oitCompwala u d1 ouort that aasumcuathorepa I MuM& qt of sala Court ,aeu t bb "emlq th, 4e " f 0 dt ý retr 0b 0*e icuit Court of lait@ Constr. tu ho ]d * tho court Ha~molu Wsuxqlm *i aMid JLe» Oouutye the lb.rmI Mn. day or Qetober A. D). 1#0 sa*1 t wu tuelaMd vhlcb ausuitg ElUWIW O. DIOCKWAY Cw*. wmukua, Mlinoia. Auut lstb. D. lm0. alam U 1Clark.. CompinantaSsoit- citor. 'étate of tIllicln, Ooucti of lIke, s. circuit Court of Laito Ocuuti. Oeco ber TortaA' O. 190?.. James Gajuh va. -Thg uknowu beirs of Germain Polka. deceasOd and theo "unkn"uovu vur ot ovusers ef the West one Thire of Block Eigbteeni MoKars Secoue Aidi iotohe b.Tovu of Ule Fort (nov Waukugan"IMally euder- sbott and BMella, H. Kraft ln Chancery. No. 8450 Satlafmctory R4vlt ilat th. de. fendants "The unkowu hoira of Ger- main Polka. deceuSd." mad thc "un. kuovu owner or ovuera ofthb West one-third of. *Block -olihisenlu McKmys Second Addition 10 the iTown of liii). Port (now Wankc. gin) " cannat ho fouad and that up- on dilîgeut lnqulry their place# ef 1rosideuce cannot ho mcortaluel Io rihal promue aunot ho aerv.d upon thom or eliber of hhemaududLa ihe defendania MUiyýc- Heuleraoti mis SteallKa titremlde ont e0f tbm State of Illnoi. @o ihat puocees eau- u iûho erve lpon tholu r emmieet, tibhvlcg beau 01"edlua theec of the Clerk o0 »«ai4 rt ., 1 rNotice la theoià re ioy givèanta' the aw0"1" uaxwcen oir fGe- main polka, doased.;'and Ibm "un.m knou ovu$r or owuctb of ibe"m ct ou. thid of Bloek Elabiesa ln 1MolCay. Second Addition luob Tou0 l Twn A oiYt <Nqv Wau amy' 801111 Hederboim i tG E. Kraft, defendants as amemi tbat th. above namedCopaiu herotofcr0 lied hBill oI f Clpun in muid Court on ihe Caca l iboreof*Id Ibat amumo bn 4p=a imel out et mm dCourt gta th abov. bamed tg"mi, M hI he ibm lt déY0 b1 e the Chrcuit Court cf Lb Cuisw bhold, aIt ie Courtt Royccla VIa.' »McSb 1s" amau ille sIbo lm, A19 14-"~ eut~l mMlb mI4. ilspeiug et mie uoë a omm età musat 000A0,buoi W MsSW om Oub ou ocGemuwà aui ihfmu wldlytrcs vu* blave ems *olm*lbg * atdDas m un'm u e c0* ism tif hW uupebr, lath the mt ac ta aib~ m s - M osi tutuWm as a big sce. et *b Indeti*» Ta ab me lvaIeithGo wbmi 1004w tl. vhleb lbaihec m w-sa xie Worth saHae*dose. It devoleme, bovecr,lest 0* di 8aMbmaking "0aMM 1 et*O00 c bis p«msc et84.00 b latter beug the Plurt National tank m 408a fer 8115.00Worthb cf leDoa muems. " Veorge oaih, 'w goveu lu 6A *MW, Pl esa1111 Qsl ber duveit L à"aç't aump <Ime m.m&D.fb, alla mebrber, tut srk.u8pa Or CL MXOemaM or I*.rbwm 0 -mm or mmth t fl Mss7m At thé Usphitom, f 'm >av ivil r flb. m at m thé t 0889, eut. Mi cham s 5wM t~ épmlaxupem MamU amri mn- mqi4mm UCOOcMsUmj un&« te<u i am c i4 00«W.un i, e DalMM, ema eugt ut Plut Monda cf OctaleA. fl. 280, bis frue "di vW~ Wl Snas la by 1mw requtlne maivb*bM i te il Pouding. LIm O. BJCCWAY Clark. MM of <1150 ole . ~ Waubkeaau. illuCircuga i ,A t cCourt cfet a, 19Tbar 'TerM A. .l0. id Bnjamin Prmale, Co mpalauis Jan" 0 51 VI tid - State cfi encui. C aa r 0 1.k s. E r f lI e l b.circuit court of Lueo Coiniy. co.o vayl oai ber Torm A. D. 190.. 10t 0 bzIIUc the. James Gamaah vu. "The Unkuovu (Dow Cty cf Vali aid. c'mer or 01Ma 0<lb.Eut %. oumY iuics u' ibis-ior BIOk ulabteen ilca 41 eta Secoand.Addition thiutile T otUainlloi7Iidv th (nov Wmuitcgau) aoilug la tbp ,«dnt SheobSoou 1 n.Plat ihaveof noordol Jume 80.1$? uou o 0. iBook H cf Ded page l uts10"o"- roý« E.Recrdera 009c f meie 3*1Mu of 1110k I'ii M.CaniysueilinluWaWuamm1labo eoffl Aèdtt" là NY lay -County,. liliola'*'Ihaf Rendor - lie Trt (NOV "O, 0 t p. abholI, endi Stala H. Kraft Le. Chan. 1db.CoMUIIty, lst,' len cey o 3451. avi, ie dlen faal c lat prcees gatùwtor Agdavi th def»aorv* m sijicul or n a Jo-dout"Theinakion om«.Own. abbeu lth ers ofthe MW'oneOvWiifmgIOI) lark01"Mh monWgten i MKas iecndAM mae i okieé a thoý condlng ta the Plat tibeecirecandedXol cv*ow0iw'ope June 30, 1847 le Boock 13#f. Oui, boif oro«9-100k t av~ Puec 10 I he boRecordera 000.6cf oi AMIUtatibm the saiLabo Coutr itualci lu Van-, te prt <*Of Uk began, LaboCouti, 1111001a" cannlm C*Mti3rilo 011- f ouD n cithat epon ililgout I-,a tosea the Gm Gm qilry ibir places of reldemea- iereblorêfi net ho iscetainci no fiat proudesi mogtt.uMsa=l1 ino canat h. servai upon te14oý bà et> tbouacf tm cubher of ibeci and tIlthelb sUamia 8o oou dout dmEmiyHendesotta tadSdoMU.~ W Illinosanmcthat procel Sa cblt.- hl~b C non served epon tIomuor *lber ecf lissda. om e to uce iaving hbeu lied hi theo000e f elie lb nt, ha bai Clark uf sali Court. il W atI'lu tig Notice la tibefore benihy give o ut, n% )oyIe osai "Thoe nkuovu ovu rbrxD jT ul x tby ovursof lb. Sait cao f.b*or hi* vtea un Block Zbgbtmen u wlu. çwHais Imueut Addition 10 Uttle Pot (nov gin) co"lg talte Ibm 1101. Chi rcoredlun $, 141 tb00 X r eamin iaParmaWe mai ieeda Page10 à* c jiOwu ______________ ake ies o f mli LO cptr, MWtu na Kf,. Ieteflma y- maimu me ILo m~s ~ t- .ick ieore ie ad h.â1 t L UXOUV lut upon fluei out of *M emIt l. ab ute às - ô tbecirmi 0Qrjio tiwam ut le Miois National9 Ban vil probmblyi «es Wmeia IL:. tg e.a amue e Il

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