5dBm~ * PUCIAL. ATTENTION To out of Town Ordue's And Shipping fra. tobiCvit -HOTELS AND NEYAit Wl DIIJvin TO ACD Pktur Dr* Tokon he %lob Work Adert M. PCoînt paaLi4foU b De= g aimn MW si rederiche a eLsok1an ad bar 'nMim e hist olObsg,oar stp. fo e oupie cf9 voi bat the Mac. lirae J. cot4 Won&O -thee of ber peraffl4 esteW r. n.ad - k ll cnlsaa b o.i M. Ti0.moAdali i ay. Rn.b n.M. E.Cadi ftEvanetpraidl Eider V4s prmet. tir. aid Mm. tianbal, of Halaeville, urmo~s lir. 9. Ad..na1.s .atrt.Inng ber doter fron Obeago. tirs E. B. Sheima nt u eral days vimting l incag* Liii peu# wek. IL.KRSSUPPIIRD, Flî Bounce vI ikisp Lb.hlai» ay JACENTTOWNS roma your stock. You viii land I t Lb. fromt North ilaota uil almo ber rougin, agisTuuarof ZonClty. m 'M!T iI N G N!.W IN FLY NTS 11INE LImE 0r HARNÉSS CHS.H.KAISE3R -----------M uol Pure and Wfi4,e All matua used at ourfountalu aue PURE and wHOLESOXE. The leu la alwas pure andêui.au; the Vater la freh and sparkling; the phosphate nerved'lu phos- phiate drnks la the puremt quality that un b. m=de and le. espeelally vauable as a refreshing tonic; lte sympa, fiavorluge and all, are sach aà eau be beartily recommended to ehidron as well sas to adulte. OýgRAYSLAK,3 PtlARMACY rwwwwwww~~ - - -. - - - - .Your chance to Save Moui ori OeN-E WIEEK We wiliI SELI the BI3ST FLOUR, $5000 Perb. Aàd we will PAY .14~c per DOz. k 'PFREUOS ýl Dr. Heesegrave diedsdt is bomne aL laite Villa. Stuniaiatrernoon at 5 q'clock. altjao7b atA..doctor b"dResu la pour hsaith blsedsuisdtb came ai a bow to bis ama.î il.ndganid relatives. Fumrai' wus eld at Lb. hôme Wsiieeiay and the remalus teken tu, Chicago for huril. Q. G. White vieteti bis %vite at Lb. Labelidebospital Tmesdy anti reporte ber ding v"y n"ey. tir. and lfra. E. Cleveland. of Long LaRe, vers Oayalake, viotora Tu.eday. N. Jacobeon ta entertaining bis iter frm Cblcago. J. Parker, ol Autlôch. calleti beri Round Lak. aid Long Lebe mbail fans u~ n& LtheLong tek. diamonti lest8unnda. Theecore vae8 te 2 lu favor ef Round Lake. StvnRernngonam lgt. Sat 2 iokvt RZa 0:ceriLb a.l.Rmngo vasI t atLm dsm eoa u moulbe ime w Book a Tb V io"a tiser.i FMENT 'gS Bene. sors thai ordlaay ,the home of Saper. ris nesr 4rylal.e parts.being Umis dut daugbter. a»d z~auof Lb. raffair Lb.ecsrmoay egrounds and vsm er. tJobia cervice.ueed. IMima carriedtheL. ini *lily aud Mis.Marie girl. The weddig y IdiseAletagînacu. tire in luhibte elk bd Pink rm.. 8h. lx brideemnaidm vho d tihe Partinmade a that will b. long a bridesmaide vere: brds, Mary Book, nz Edwards, Bertha Iwards. ,arty wore conven. a. groS= ew ou. Cliedards. >bEdwardii. Richard ba bati he inromt elabord af dlig cupper. Owlng te the larg ambw ~of giesteitIL as impootilampmodate al at Oum aid tb.evq "taied in parties of 80 at, ai linneunet"ait peLuothe. lavi. The cS iu ne OO0thae recipflenta 0ia large nmbcri val abl nd beautitul prasete. Thu. heng anî oli liver sets, cet gklMa, <lima, andi other articie eas by lovlg andl appreclative Alr the ao»ppêr the bridai party rolisd avaWv in th toasta. car of Attv. Orties, od à 1%a.5'f vehicle vai tteS fuit iostal vLlamanyiiellaneouts artiisosno - il hoes, ribiions, etc. ssii v psItsê wkh rice. fithful tu Lb. tradton. ci Ok omenteusoccasion. Tb.y 4«.gasfurChicio aid froua thar. go tu tb. e iof t s Wimcomlu and otb.n pu"eésof interit. T.y vilii aie viei ai *0borne cf the groom'» lather, Wmn. Garmniso f Greillon, Wl.., at whvblh plan "eption will b. given by viii maRe their borne at Round LaRe. BthUr.uad Ir,. Coulson are noplan7015<ig1leWho bave many rn.e0,d6luthia Whlatv who wih thêta sncb epltl They are botb LQUAM8 J, ,,-k TIHE PIA, -M -N = I lu gond mteadilu hww uglm b bla u tetlu lodge worM, b. boetn charg0a i b. lisansm Md"Es t~mamami ahe a mamber of b. Euh of Grayalabe ybimk la teunk.star. dau mioaaisgat L@b om. Ruili@4t b. vasformerly audM»attoPrUcll Bou n ewt«y Chbdo.Docer lse L.North Chiosoecoo s a Ed Bon ernad hicegf oun akM. Goulmo n isa trustai emploies 0 tl Bd royi ad vls ci R m uaoundLasaltemd and hbu emviLlathe, nma H.Rom Allait, <of Chicag, mnt Suaday wyul E. B. harm anid vW. *gtr. Griffith and v"i.aid Ivo S Mmtira.BIstron Gothas, Wis., la Lb. vb.n maklng the tr1p fnom Occuo gansat ofber @au,]Bd Bet. von, Wl.., to efflle th* bOhui. Wa.k~ ~tourlng car, met vila b.bd ancideetq J"m Dn% 0 W60«", r"$Ot0d s tuzopike betweeft MooWe'.Cama huelassabuTeeàsw. ad Gravalake. Mr. Grifft la maRi F. D. FPd%",h. V. Pesta, T. A. aqiiturn to atoll a sud bols, 1 Bqalis A.A. icl U mmi.Chi.Longe. enC iddsd lutoaiéop Iktah, tbr hwegtraimacsi boulisata Cicago ig Lb. occupant ont aid a0"etti Tffsdsy. car. Mr. Giffith@ WbilÇlm vs i ey "dy. vhil.Mm Mia GBh raco Pete Bener, of Waenoda, vlalted some bai eut. and bruisse &boutt friaids her.Tadai. head. Tii. boys fortuabai mua lira. V.Boock iàspedlng Lias voek viLhla ew cratcdboa b . hevknim vlth her iegbWa, lira.stragng e iiaccient were Lakan te home Waikgen.Clairs Boolttie, and Dr. Obaffer w aurnmoned aid "aimer phyaicm Mb. ah"ao( Chicago set for. Jito la llget hoe"iO iwit U5t e p5Wllig ams. o iparties vers veyiotnaslno layavill Lb.Mise. TuiWa. ceviug more serous lujilW.. tire. Iving Feue,0!i ocktol wuvas Mm.Howard, of Masachusetts, il tbe It fMra. James XMjtrot or b. tao ber brother, T. A. Re 01 wee. 11 giT.accompanieti by ben r isît. . B. Goitrey trautsihibuiness lu Houef. ChicagoTuu@day. V FEMONT. Thomne - Jackson, of Chicago, la, a gueSt et tbe MucLachlon cottane Lhim 'Mr. anti Mr. E. V. Onvis, id Wald w.k. gai. visiteti with John Enhaft Suit lb. cadet boye enjoveti êý Sms"e oMime Mary Fredoics, of Chieage tire Tnesidy evenlng. Iudge fl* çpiReeuting a f. w daja wltb ber pan them.a viit aid amnusait tb. boys* tbhm -Cid van 5L01!p. . Mai froni here attendeiLb.her Onidlle Wlso, o ForîL'W , lad., plcnie and dance et 14k6 ZunlchSud epent Tueday .velaing wb me P&»t&, Tbe Lbrc.ing semaon bas begun. i. aid lir. Wilson. W. B. Wbelock tranaatd bumlinetla Fred Norduneyier of Dl g (1bicSgo Tuesday. -viitedibis brothpoeis Fra aid mh À load of friande and relativos e aithi pnceSunn, the tidetseat their camp on 0«010LaRe Mima Maude EdueAnaof Rollins, lus.dysvelug.b. marileti to fi, . boinla Thère *111 b. a beaitcne saýer. e114 tauglds laeaGoum kiovufo da y-elig ai tha OPo"stbonne. nluuus terme. Congatulations m r stande are toe etable t O a meek's llmitittra o bs iD o01lfg B. *, I &Ilasi htM.L"Sh*01B iathe promuotr46 rBile hjefrh a reek, luth.. formoas 1» Mie B good aa*m vé fMjtg". ýThomas, of tuis place,, le 'bave eertoue 'gui turasout Mbleorptb.loaolntlon for cane" 61 b. te tWbave a Uttié cf thie shsoroW*abavt tira. mele e i el k 0" br Aa inoatof te tie. »roery .ilahope: f1tý 1Yb"r m J. F S~q~aa. e tla*ic4 ~ fiendm. t" Mumms Lua and ' Diti aid Canre Tekai»O 4" #&y tv. F. A. bL df*l *îtM*41 a1 Let t tFrank vtlllSeplséday i on. oft ANi i eg'mnoon. aR.John FleoderileL, dcois 4, bd vistfrou, Chicago t*a t w ee. Moud"m.- A.I, the1 À 20, furr M~ fl¶i Pt'ta- .,, v ct l Io t bh S e nO ho ' 2 d f ui MiseMa y Bison, of Russell, vlmted ati R. B. Dixon'w a few dals of Lhe puat wSek.1 Brt J. S. Serai attended the Sonda>1 mboul convention et Dlimond Lake Suilpar aftsnoon. Gladyso Stewart vlmted relativma In Chkcag a part of the week. Township Suada sehool convention will b. bsld at theCratau cburcb, Saundy, Aung. 25. Tliue. vi b. two afloos, 10 sud 2 o'elock. Thou atendis« boti u slon will nuit@ ln a1 baket 4d9»ret the cbureb. Mr, aMd Mm,4 P. . Everett, C. B. Warren, Mme W. T. Ilnderwood, MW Mâache Loverld eand others of the proMinent colntyrunday oecool workers vili b. 'lMr. andtIra. Ney Lamb and eilidren aie viiting relative. in Iova. Bev. Suminer T. Martin o Chicago, district sertary of ~e Areric*n Christian Mssonary Souiety hu bbu. mmiurd as the.-evangellt for Lbhees" of epeial go1IMeetings vhlchbr Sept. 15 gawtr., Christi.. church.1l Martin bas a national reputation s preacher and evangeliat and the cbnrch te to b. congratnlated upon Ito good fortune ln .ecurlflg bu. MIRJRN àir.naid Id m Guy Rughe aee Thain ame rejolclng over the arrivai of a baby boy wbo came lit we.k. Mma Frankr Yul., of Sommere, a nft ceveral day@ vltb ber daugbter,=, Jams Thom and ber mother, Mi.. Robt. 1Mr. aid Mra. Alec Thomi, of Nebraka, are guseta of 1Ur. aid tir@. Wili Tbom. Misa Vinnis Jamieson rettined to Kenosha lant Friday..1 Mmra.1. L. Hlmmi.entertainlng Comnpany froiu Cigu. Mre. Lake, of Stafford district, i. dremmnakng tn this ylclnitî. GSo. Gerrty sent in bis eignation to Lb. craeycompany and b. bas acsptsd a etuaf ion vlth Round Lake creamsry company to a e. place Sept. 1. Mie. Libble Paddgett went tii. ltf Tuseday te mes ber buabaid, wbo w vieit a short time with tb. home fok@. Mime Alice Jauniemon MlefMIonday for Chicago baving spent ber vacation wth tb. bome folk@. Prof. Toute, of RocheisereadeàY, ilifted P. L Strang and bad ebarlo of the mornng servicesfaut Sunday. Uir. aid Mn. Robt. Jamelonu, of Détri Mih.,am vtingtWrparents, The creamery cornpaiy hald tbeir Masof'hall. Jt ae reported ¶at the lirm Lyburu Stewart and daugbter mtuied teO the cty th. pat W@e*. cblmu, i Weuk.sgan. apat Smday viL ela b. a 4s~MoLber.Mmlira pe d. Tu*aisCnailugba. lir. aid l miJohn Bus.m ai«me Jm .s suusimoamy to tâàir home la Bohton. MrBim visi Tel far- day aid Fnlday Lftilfhliset Doeed. lira. Wenlvorth wvente .cty t0 vwst ban iaughtsr, liu. Broya tira. aid lii. atar, lir, litheva aid Mm. Waelorth ver. Âutloc The C. E. lopie Fo.egar l.aoa Aus. 25. Xb. Lucy Sapalob kdr da.5 VO Pagi Avey, o! chicago, 9% sm.ma bis vAction e t hi homen the Paddock Dr. J. L. Taylor, of Lîhetytilis, vas la tovi Suaday. Umb.France. Ro.lg wva aWoodtock vister lestSturday. Ur. John Oa a i iting ber mother at FPox Lake. lit. aid lira. Latbrop, of Chicago. ae t apuendlg b. veek at Walter Whit,. A «à:.gailit= odjand fanlly rtaus after svera ee Mw ýtatt f 0blcaao, visîteti ir.Mm~ Phil CarteIbi vk.A E. oeveland bés nebri recoversd fIom the eRule of bie fouI fr0.a loadCI iby. WlIlfEker as a Drue iAk vimtor AT brother fromCt IOg.MII Tb.he 'LaeAid So*lty w"llmet Jg e. at Lbth e o m red GrIaauU ou Iulfmtist s.en<isd te a*il visitera Everyon. rom, preparsd forwork. Mri. and MUn. $agle @peut SundaY at Ravinla Park. lire. Fred Wright in entertalning a couple of lady frieido from (Chicago. lire. Cannon and daughter are @pend. !ng Lb. week vitblira. Arn. Tb. W. C. T. U. vilii old a medal con- tut at Lb. chnrch Saturday evening. Mir. sudi Mm. B. T. Webb and tMr. &and tira. Rd Oliluga, of Waukegan , spntM Sunday with friends hem. - Tuesday eveniug vas cbllly for Lb. laun Oai, yet there wam a good Ma. tendance and everybody mad a nue ime. Thi program, wa eepecialuî good and appreclated bu ail.R ]RUSSELL. PleuLy of rein to mnaki. the eorn andiT Mr. anti Mm. Peterion aid tir.. .ellnger, of Wankera, spent Suuday with 9. P. $ives aid famuly. Bwe ua demon and Viola Broya bave bsen apending ïk veek ln Pleamost Prairie. . gi Mir. aid Mrs. A. ison returusi Sun ait fr013 day trom theïr visiL La Ringwood, Lake brOkbs' Omnis aad Rchmond.'l»mP lameta Keniella, Wl» andi Moi' ý4"b Sayle retüned to tbeir hbo nis uChicago Sund", Myrtle aid Willie Corna acOco.. penied tbem hbome. tirm Sarah Young la visitng Dr. ILR. o I B. Yomg for a few day. before aterLing for Brooklyn, N. Y. Nancy Cham s . perîduc nmre ime Op" viLla ber cousins. Cluford Cham. ba@ gone to Oregon Con Tb. ale show movsd te Antàlc I Suuiay. Mamie Rouaswon th. vatch , Mir. maedtaîrj a.» trnn by r 1tang Turedaynl= aai buami le tgroud. It Omtalla quantltyof bar and fahmenhlnoy. lire. Stelendrftrrd te bWnhome sunlay, Mia. Nicboteomapauisibat. Roy. Pihasevas at.rtelad ovon Sunday et Mmra.L. Bousi. Mv i, 0 Mmi oba Soonera»d liMm L. M. Bonmer- pnt W.dismday vlth 01W' lirm A. 0. GarTi.. vM M#. sud#m ariurst f Lbrty- a ç Mr d Um àn IODM afl grove Stwr, m aksga. wais&l r, 'W rab la Oek Dale oerb* i by IWW r tbfs e sypa" yo usi a cil àjjA. coud Mr, op-s ths sR sA.J àyoi9. vieil tire. Cbarlty Beuglât busreturusdto ta se a ber home eit Lb Rugtruaimaer Bdi ,dm. several veek'. vmi"tviLla frIende inlu îr.Waukogen aid Cbicago. trie, ElarriH. Grahams, ai Ckiago, calledici on old ris in to11'liMonday.A Um.Ruby Cooke. of Vaucaudau, $peut BSun boîe. $aturday aid Sunday viLh ber cousin, tare Ieây. Belon Raymaond. Arn o,.t Mrm.Jennis Cooutenuanti daughter a ronta Mort, of Round Lake, @ont Sundeyin Vola. rosi Mima GoresIcapple, of tlrayslake, Ip Il.vLa.w tegn.toif fieidas er Volo froua POI Wadn.aàyta Fnaday of lant wsek. *YOI lin. anti r. Rotchiord, f Chi o gtoi, versgueesaoaiMr. anti Kra. John Rak<em Are lest vomi. Mim Manade Walton bas returnedtu t vI ber home ber. afLer awveais tiait vith thut relative@ lu Waukogau. 5h. vase coom. h5ii pauieidhy ber cousinlu mMary Valtan taro wrho rernaînst for a 0ew day,. visit. le. Um.Lucy Buailli entantaieti a iew ;&010 friande lait Thumd&asteilion hhouasr Edlth of ber blrtbday. Tbos-Promeut ve rO a Mims. Mande and Elsie WIWU onLédâ, aiRussell, Beutte Dunntl and 1Prac tiy r. Walton and tir. aid ise. George WalLoen, J r., of Chicago,,w--e000111% ot ame tir. and MMm. Barry Nkiclu ollven eansel sundai. pay 1ll stop îou pali fie, o ' 5Ir* you flrst-elptê Yeu, àb" la peny yhat:My Phuk Pi alt a c willMP» 01tie, sla "KPaciage rysof tb*ii'r.-. SWe.* Sédocbe 18f E >eeluNeIl*.85,Hei UVic* blod ouitlni. U S ud'54 Cl l a'a ahlida5 o ____% B. Combe vas la licflEriLion1dOW. Moret Tbomaan 1a nt@rtalulag a Min fr0. VWaukigai. r, aid'lira Michael Rosa bave SOaS las Jemaiie Hamnilton. of Chicao. la mding & fear dais vlth Adellaa Welt dra 1ni tra. Loti Walt aI Waikqa Led r"ltlt'e ln this ticluty reitW , gr. Walte bai mast retnnasi troua Vobt "i, icb., vwhem b. basbeen taRt*, stment for ebeu»mau. 8Ris mau ada viii be gléAtO knâovthbO *er vet greet benefit fihe.mul rndbàt1 nu igteretlug bailgaevspes uday onLb. Patitoipud a en Lia. Fort 1H1m Clmbor mi IM nm' WstLFreinant toue, théetir &lfetd iby asea 8n 1 thesit to TO CORRESP)ONreN. lienge wga yoa eur buam a"itLe *toffloS attres, et arbla nr-dilt Sr mail te, ail co0" mat thlqoue, cergand ua ITohacro of2cbarg e o. A *U Ibe t= fo aam.e4dnsmm.1 mil ML ,au 1 -