CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1907, p. 4

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ôg*AL PAPER OF LAKE OOUKTY IfTi0t4PM*IC i 850 PER VEAR 8TRICTLY lm ADVANCI WDAY, AUL*UST 80, 1907. WEWPAPER AOVERTIOINC MADE HIM WEALTI4V 0-a coubler on a bondi making io onty a fev score of pairs of ja year to lte owner of hait a iet »Ix storied factortea, produc- woarly 32.00.000 pairs Of shoes 41pU"00,000-iauccble thelpro flioCOd of W. L.*Douglas, whose hft aioffla aljnost pvery Ameri- ; ewopaper. 110v 414 he do il? Mii tell: 'eipsper adverlisiflg bat made *iitever i may be. Have 1 trled advertlsing medium other thbm newapapers? Oh, yes.Ve tried oi il. And te newepapers give ta the best results. Cen better than magazines?'. Eiery man dose flt reîd mfguinet. Tliere l e nobîmiet Or tinY settieiii8tt on the continent liatIo left reacied Iv uewspapers. Tiere le no place where oewepaiiera are fot read vith pager Intereat. Se by placing My ad- vertisenient In the newepapers lI 1ai Lieif evident proposition titat I viii reach more tien auy other mdi. would secure for nie. That ls why 1 advertiseetflo nti ln tbe palbers of ail the principal cilie, but îleG ln 800 country newepepers.' In tii. Years W. U.. Dongiaa he spent $2.000.000 on newspapers sdver tling, mot of Iis îfpportioned b>' Prank 4. Erskine. a Reading man. inch better. And for man>' res- Thats the bet proof that- Mr. Doulg- SIn the fint place. a newepalier las thinks It pays. He adds: itgement trilces the eye the ina- 1 am not a believer ln sp montc tb tesheet le01.11.4. The. ame adverliaing. My princîple ls eeKQp rtisaqlent vauld b iidden pou nding saa at te reaAer~il b ag tbe pages of a magazine nut l ime. Formeriy il used b ib a eue- X*çéer found hie vîy 10 Il, If lhe tom ta advertisee aioes et 'y vcen- dtd. The b uulet min's e>'. wil tain seasans o! the year. neer pgbl and is attention bcid b>' adiered t10 liaI. ides. 1 adverise- iù of i strong advertieeient iln andi 1 keep on advertising. When a àOlY pape. Wheres ts asm e season le duit 1 adver- SMuS Mliglt .Bot ind im8.e.ta go tisensents. Tuat lz one a. te secrets. 00b *1 tiie airertiseinenta of a 1 thlJnk, of sueas." iglne. Au opinion b>' a min via knovs Cvery ara is«d a a5paper. nirits attention THmE TimEs HAve CAmaED. gth tintes bave changed. roM eYe, *1 aived my money and de." canant ueoevîdenco else- bopglit a hors and buggy. Ail* 1 bad e It lIli e .58.1er of lallY ta do tien vas tu show myself andi l& sveettearting. oourting, tie girls liocked 8. p.. jë%g gr. vatevrer ohier terni you O lelupore, O m=l+s à *ww u ti. Listen ta tiie oldmin af tiie future: M pm et Misday willsooit.ha 111 wasup agslnttt o get a grl 4r by theamire hi.bskerei d n ben 1I vss in the Iearning-to-amokce- p1ped rtirement, sating futo up stage, ne 1glieneold minuto buy * =4tentatstheor b - - ovmea gis bus-*uau itom>bule. you ,Wft biar.-" Aitisir taie viii knov--ind th1ltilas i clncb 10 get *#W dMgreit troumtiie tale of sirts le bunobes." ~ga ~gideWwh moine oul>' 1h58tbe iosa. -tu he l .4man 0f Ioda>': . sad buggyasd the. ingiisb langtuage *bn wo u vsa Youg 1.10v, bave mone out of fiebion 841h the g oii et aa viteirt lk teb ft 0 lilani d liteautomobie ýOtwr lova, beetujeMy,.IW amsdtise diatecIof 1illted arit bave I ww dIuse mif 4a eee la style. W> la *e pu e ble pair v ies m iL ppmoualior Mtise Proveau iM iOMa ofltbe dillment cen. mla hlie *wiwiia siaira ofthle ai- ou mmuin =nmai m *0 vitag e vo oov 011301 bveto Uakuevaa esoluoaagi>. The.Ma& esw*ffdftmý" Aýd"a"toiy . et h*mmbatservei ne as a ~iiligê dltuledohip. 80 ftie. It lesÎ e,ýÇMb o sto ober satora- mmaner ntprop If 18'kempa e. UWY ml Ld caMWer. f om entiiose prtdploansd tuat op"r Mteft f ICM »uns«r obimuutoMf Iiutdlal almvoWb" Imh e lé 4hseI4o4 ml tbe e tiltai- uslhe b 11er o 8unr premt ft Mud Molasy uhici hidmdevel- ppwUtY. .-aoll. the peu te thé tii w& oi m uathe. pree- vble y t e O. usli,.. Iii. rot 15e , t eatI. Tie bila atieela opportmaI>. - 77'LONG Livt TH-E CouNTry PAiR. U4 toime vho m a boUMt Iis leur bMa crte isOt einps, is stockt thea ~. ->' ~~- Lsadari stoch. bils omen folk th. 'i'd he couse8 fai anî i. coaaiIu> o s 7%0 soual laeieue act. tii. only fait. vberovera 'ý% meing Pl- .0f "le Peuple' Il la heid, la au encourager or he. lietb *» panple's forum lu rosi lite, viieiOtuer. la la the. people of ta ceunI>' bu I Manda ath 0poe0il5 ends of the andmh" tg1h5lavy poople sboold gatiser ooit Caie, %ake bnis sud aagntail>' M1Ytasec thse reais of 1his abolies, Werepoliticien* air thit encouragement theories. viere inîny a busineusdeail Lak c aut>' la abanner couuty lu lé' arrsused, viere eacb man's Me. someling else beiies tanins ontI qasintauce grovsan a mi v iu mbasthe largeut' bld honni ropallican beneitt b bu. vote. Go out te .fair snd se. ln addition ho Iis il la a year long wiene il excella otiiervise. Toc vill encouragemnut ta tbe friner to make mae no mistake. 7 TAF? ORICINAT OR 0F ROOSEVEL T POLI.CIS. - The recent speech of BecreharY as te occeessor of Mn.R« oosvell- itt st Coumbus, Oh10. bas received The tact la heginning te, diva that tisa- *Jmost Mas mucb conieraion f rom policies of Mrt. Roosefflt ver,. la tise country Mh large as il il vere, a min> cases origlnalid and suggeslei l~ietaer-accepthng tie Republican nami- by Secrelar>' Taft, vio bas been bis K .;att« Wfothie Preaidency." Ti <loet personai aiviser. liseq0" b receive tiie beirîlest Secretarv Tif t aboyasb>' Iis speech et th f Ie coniervîtive bu$inebmt tut he leaua accurate Interpreter of k m 'te country. andI hla an as- the wisbesof thie Aniericaunpeople,. ,,#AMte iii... Ibit the legitimate vho vint the guilt>' law-breakins coc et thecoanhny yl bave noti- Ponations punisheti. and* lhee trt.r 5pebittinach ho hope tmite forwîrd ons encaurigei. lMr. Tafti 'fthe Roosevel poicY. empbiliciiiy comuitted himsnacf îc 'fi grll uiobteIyl continue, tbis policy. New Munting 4~*ibatWIÎ o i!nterost ta ~ro u sDone. Itaihts renov iouSi% n a sVa»*a telvate gaVa off, quth pirle cllekmiis. d4W*,o m .T* nov camue law' fr*ai4 njby qS*që &ad made lita a stauto bî th* ten«e.aieambly, ' be!kspe by' Govrno IrMDnen ud ddy encrepwd upon theobooae. It vii 1>. àsurprIs to mont local sportsili*Ètoespu tii tu Mnder Its proitalons rii>ita 'e ta h.e 'Protected the sain, au ýotiier garni. &n tbat trom Peb. 20to Aug.1. The rabbit'bas alweya been looked upoti ase somewviiit 0fi pool, snd tbesports- men hmsv8 ubolthobemWhînever hhey ran ici lau the, , hetiierthey vint- ed 10 carry tiiom homte for the talle or not. 0f lite yeare the code of igante lawe bis contained a notice toi the elertt laI white rnulle vere reali>' gane, lbey could b. siot at an>' season af the.year. and at one Ume. it vas niot Peceseary ta bave a iicnt.- ers licenso 16 ormer ta maire. vr upon the. cotton talla. Tjtere are varions aiher provilons of the. new gane v whicit are of itereet la sportsmen. Tii. open seasoun for the teIiling of 'quail bereafter viii be fron1Nov. 16 to Dec. 10. The open Seassn an doves Is extended front Auîg.1 ta Aug. l0 andi the open squirrel season le tront li>'15 10 Nov. là. Thc extension of the, leiod vii.. prairie chickens cifi ual b. kleid vas exteuded furrfour more yesra. sa It vas anticipatet il vould- be. The. tour rears camec vs, to expire tIs yrnd man> hunIers vere, hOpofuli tiat an open season vouli lie provId- cd ln tiie future. 18. vusboiievei by the. sate gainteeatmiaoner. boy- even. that tiiechickous ieeithe protection of at isel 5.n0hber four yeure. Mexico, Ciliborula and Ger- man quail are lncluded lu Ibis mame proisioni, and vlld taniieyesuad pheasants muet flot b.ebot for six years. Tiere viilbe no more atonIes of big begionnge ma". by hantera, as the nuicier of gae b lu nd ani- maemet by the. nov gane lav as legfitmate la very limited. Uni> tvent>'. dncks foris»tance. May bfe abot dering a single day la the. offl Rem%0 whvicii visontle docks me mnmeumetviii hardi>' bq.hia i dIra sport. TI ia iti or tvoaty anpie alw t behr vatlb ilsa veil M ducku. Fileoi eai»0 or mier suaS birds Ula un th#t eau.b fi ne mm oé di>'. àm" *0e quirrol Sautor Muti e ttan aume ater lisabas Lftooa .1 e Plsutm e um a b.ultu 6largeut 68*0 lisatit. 8as $ 8411llie lesal to phoot tIi tit4t.«t he clSumtallsa id,i i scigle 68îmyof'lihe opes oaoo The. v lava vili bu leounl u...e diatelr. aMd Il voiil beWelor hiWas kegan apastafeà te so« a en«of tomaey abootint ta-ue. Lsowlada W&Y. Dttleving tuat lit vouid lie Impo.- uile for memt goovercmne lbe oppo. a111cm Mf thbor gareis ai bematrledi et haIne, sud ceavinceb l iaI il vsu eu- sential ta lisait-isappinosu liaIt tey i. màriel b>'Maamasa. Chastes (CiiuIi>) smpsu. lm0Sherman ave- nue,sd Mni lssKatismîe .Pauibuet, 1612 Hilman avenue. Ivanston. deucater of i former Waukesam min- ister. etole sae>'te Kenosâm sataria> and vore married tiare liy Jais J. a. siosson. Ii Siapson's Parents oli30ew bo the mitcibeease i»aPaikhiat vas sn acttoe and th.dvoe i vt. ot Dr. L. If.Giielani. Hon panaI. opposai it bMcufe SlmoU&luaiiar junio. The love lietveea lii.. bogan viecN is Parkicnat. lien u cntl>'divford, MW oimpoon plarou hal b* on the foot bail tasaM of ie Iorbieatnu tuweity. Hlievau te bue of1the #ainetbt dasy. Th* cenaiendoeuisi *0 lae i marriag àa secrs,--but ne" o f 1h r oecied ruas" eoire antue>'did. i Weamm ,WeSid *ise Chante skta ect mmet u**mmia efesafl to m w M1 be Vas t a -tn feý*«u u C"IMMt ne DOse.Oiselaula £xterminatin eom. 01pts 04promb« wbe ad one a Among bees in the Ilie Of Wight a vouindsCM meii-s w vW& agoodan su insulîr disease bas been spreeilg. reaIIY i *iy vas P« fortbrafmins ou It asurnesthle tarin of s kind Of 'VIII bO r< ealubuOM e taoete& paralysiean d up ta the prfsent 911 et. Ona u rr ssice le ole te > fort combat the malady have beeu Casi in membra l ay, uselesu. il la believed that thebb. otie.i "dam $a-era-rbran a l iibextinet ln te Island vithin bgqrîng QU op gould b. 'rT« muaist50motioher year uniesas aremedy ho muet eut o Mi, proacb on clii au boid qMlfkly .found. tbem i ."-Uuciaage. pnaity aX scetsnd Wendsem. mure tii. shallses té Ili e u w* Popie vbo lire ln vuttand barren à,, te ~ s gugltao & bvethe bot eYeuigbt. FIsi-Cane",8 Un *0 un viidtffo a ville fox on the toWiihip4 > = : ý nta a et distance, vbiie Arabe ................... .... * e o bjeo un the.desert to oiisa-Sprlug- vin$& ab* Ut iw s , 1 1ics ' i. " e sd n~ M T.., WAUK&G N. I1NOIS WB OWE r ncreulug fra.bnd"tiîe caret uly selecto u4ty AS4 te -SUPERtoR VALUE- he price.. -e charge, cômpard wth what, th oerage retailer.aid wagon men gt, grade for grai ARE, MUCU-! LOWERP -and wIll g!,. se muoh more etWuUeot t L-OVERS: OF 0001)TEA Ti.toflwlng grade@ compared: - PerIbS. olbo.hf.( CMRO KDMNDUEDJAAN ,........35c 33e 3 (Usuily u»Id nt 60c) NCY SUNDRIB JAPAN ........ 50ç 46C 41 (a ic rade) ON AM DINDITRA .5c 46c 41 (Wagon mon Oak @OCto 76?C) (An 80c quality) E. E. ELLSWORTIIH L113SZÉYV11LLEI ILL. £xcuMve Tes and Coffe, $SU»t 13., F* SALI 6tail ,Otit uot of. ygur IdIe mouey. Ieau lIfer yon FIVE PM CJET- SPEOAL A88E8MZN1, BOsD6 on suob têoéim m LAKE FO1IK8T, IQ1eL& sl PARK, JCVÂNsTcîlqand ILxMEl': ODOE ANDER$ON DL C. ILGAUCWAY, orimu ovua .YL55i3SiS mia-e. i to a »ud 60Io8 P.m. 1urv lb.lbw W. Wa %Ps«-110 No o15~m lin LYNQ PAUL MAC OUMN AmTOIUT ALW'. U*rqinS DÉL . 1. pIITH. I*on, là" I, flo 'Pummonartw. ob ark D P U .L 1 Q «IUMKKN you THREMB Iyu en ed -WSTAM. Our'Goal makes 'Vthe bout steamu.' Dont îîdinkr."Try IL. When yen bey FBED"ket the boat 70u eau Sud> for the. money. Our.prLie -e tthe LOWEST alwaYs." Now lu the lime le use OCEXENT; It je KUIAPIR tbu iwood -or mdoue am# aujefle elei 'Seusnabout I1*. f-. peryu nUaiiel' RoM wlth our41 ROCK EQOINO, lestaf,ou, &lIUtlea, savs mugir. W.eau" always supply jour I41umbor vWants lu haste. -Coenu and loetu figure your festimàates. Pou47 mant71L I l'y.,

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