OL, ternptlng, appetizl'ng cfood@ arn pIieuan1 t lite paste themsaumrer days. Btèafas Foods, ail the pâpu brandg and rna.y other good thiugs to utlsf y ,sud plemaa dainty appetite. Frea fruit and vegetablSï rfei v0d dally. 00f e. and Tem of the highe0t grades snd quality. The kiud you 1k. Ni. ELU TRI Ç31S GiroceugandMuket M s Watches CIO çks Jewelery sllverware FINE WATCII REPAIRINO ANDR13W IUSS JBWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. e-J ofal uIToe foa r l UITee L re ne usd m us before buylug, as rhave the agency for two i Chloago's Lagest Custom rialors, W. cau supply you vth any1thng lu the lino of ,othes frorn a Sait to a full Dress suit -....... 01~, VES from -. - 25C g $fom ..1....1sec . ........... 1I à fro ..... .2C 0 fron... --$.00't MDERS rom 1 c i FIANTS [rom .2ÔC & DAVI I Libertlvlle Locaýls 1HPARCMLT i I Management Propares ta Entertain ___________________________________________________ thge arguit Crowid in Many Nl ul tford t Suaday with Il the. fair inta4emfw« wl your busines <ai trciotGo rsals dfred ir.qut your busess. Yas trcin od Tii. tork lafttason ai the home o0M1 SSe 1= 9 < he ego, pend- Everybody goes because everybody lobs eAse, Bnnday, Aug. 25- lng brvctoa it~n es knowm the. Lake, County far li alvays Mark Elavorti la »Moding a two thelbout. Mise Prancs.Clark of Urbaa. II., la vueka' vacation vlan relatives et Thpol fLkecuthvebn visting vlth relatives sud friande bers. wilrneîte.ThpeleoLaecutbveee A aumbsr of th businsesshousse ilii grouesmaiig ponllav exiibita ar wiaitlug. watchlng end talkîng of the oss e very aternon duilng fair time. relqussted ta bring their chiekens in -11oili dxposition that taee plaewe coups. every yer lu Libertyville and next wssk Messre. B. F. and E. P. Grdley, of Mr@. Bswiek, of jaamviiie, Win., la wllmes ail their fond hopese rsallasd. leo. vere visitors at the home of ,lmtig aithehomeboni f ber son, C. A. The management express tbemmlves Osao. Gridley, 15unday. lleeielk. i rendines and everythlng properly A ful lfini- af Neyera & Foraselrn May af the .orsthat lhave isn prepaxed to give a mucli larger sud in men's shoea from 3.00 te S4.50. loolng Thnrsday lbtyl rpiliin open every respect better fair ihan any pre- E. W. PAIMtUUI.T bueay0 luir . ioa Pa- Everyoae la gottlng rsdy for tbe ÀAfuil lIns of boy*' lbse pauts froin The uidcous expenditure af mouey I loir tbla vssk. tu Ivo wyek aslew vili 5 taI16 JOOfU 50e, 65e, ?5<e 5.101$1 '()0, improvernenta and repaire bas workeml h. getting over it. . W. PAHKHST. vuo utegons ubra MIss M. Crasser loft Sundai' for Evans- Misses Raas o«Ora"e liButterfleld chang"sil arrangement bave made the tan wbere site vili spend ileveral weeks snd Noel Duraad ,mtTuesday a t Lake 1 a with ber iner. Forat ut the Wu*" home. clsiflca1ln af exhibtà much botter Tbé Peobteia Buda, qhol ynnM.C.,»Iy uli iavl troghand thé ew additions ave made pu- picnkcked et Gage' Lake let Saturday sOutber imWsousin t he 1w iterset of ible larger sud better dlspiays. adejyda pleseani outing. L. Gould & Co., manufa.-turers of The new flowing weHla i making good andenîyedwoodenware. the reutation it made at the stait and Ethel snd (George Falconer, 0f Chicago, Rer. M. B. Froiansd wile ani E. le bsing piped loto ailt ts buildings as who wsre viitlng at John Wallesdes R.leunueman sud vilse, ai Capron. fil. well as labout the grounds whereer Ilace the pai week let Tuesday for weroe miiers ai&asi toîuobiie Party Ilcntnest fo aeeai 1tifrir home. othatlptasodttnuo@ hohemoTharsday. I tht pmed thrughbers Thrsdy. ihmse-încb streani, whlch vheu reduced A sectionl bond ou the Chicago & Mi- Mr sud Mie. P. IL Ellsworth mllent to oiselier pipes will carry thé. water ta yankee rsilroad, vho baI 5400t-bSly lindAy. at Evaneton. MasIter Lucien rnasbed Saturdai' was taliou ta the rail- s'as snècei jIlyjirte Zp li F1 a beighth of fifialsesrt or more. In fact -rosi] hoopital et Chicao Butdays. day an su lso n the. oad to recoveri'. ther in ranuch more water than le needed Mr#. Anus Foute sud daughtr Lois, Let your boy@ test grow uss nature In- snd the greateit probleis leta dispose 01 Wankeffu. speut ailev daym the tiet tended them, pro" dehein witl, a pair of fi. of the week ws*h the former'@s'dater, of Eduqtor or MeissiesEik Skin qhoos, The business bouses of Libertyville, Nie. J. . Grldiey. bout on irarth. For"mi by E. W. Park- with but fev exceptiions, wyl b. clotied firset Comxilaner YounF.hau been hret. every aliernoun from ou@ uutil five glving thetharougbfaes of Lîhertyville. 'The sunual insetingof the Lake Monnd 'lkinodrtâalmyate. nmrnenseded attention. Tii. reuit la ceentery association wil hi. held aithe.odc n re htai a ted rnucb nester otreets sud btter roadssa 5EastiN. E. churci. Mdoaday. Sfept. 2 et The tirei dey, for the most part, wiii velI. 2 o'clacb P. th. A fnuI tond of ailut he given up ta the msklng ai entrlee Amoug thons, wbo aitended tii. owDn i idlréd. a.N 8ms nsd tao w ,ilo~sdaue funea a u.Elsyre Spliran ai secaar'sdTemrs ~ nent& ta arrange their shows, sud WaemckMu.nd r: . udMns. Nattera ta, ho consldsied in seleting a though periape nat san eil aiteudèd McCrrncbMg su Mi. Tuey Mrscshool: gond lnttitiff, good libraîyvihoa teaiuprtateve. Mr. sud Mr. Grimes. Ni. sudNm. Lyue sud equlpinent, wniM oral animnephereat o te wek Auelsa, JMr. subd ie Mwe, ob ndloyexpeise. toriformation about Wedneday la Cblldren'a Dmv sud the evisa, JackLynch, Edie elansuOC~i)cheti-r. Win., a jair association exieuds a cordial invite- nusry Usla.horne choullotiii qalitie.s addiOsi tian ta ail sehool chldren under 14 Net week la fair ve, tbe big veek, E. 0. Toms, B . A., Pria. 48-2 ia-p sdwIamttbmfe the. day. vo elebraiosud itomail 'a- T, Tuesdof oelcand Auteriadmitau- tbafday porta viii hoeverythin ala exns T hesd.Ches ýer(a a- tdy Tb@ii I NNT w? iii hopub= isd~ tains the doti notice of Thoma@ Thuieday il# tLbig day. the bannser Wednssday thait vook, so tiat the GHâber son of IOtfflan ,d the lots dervo frintbebI cela. illargaret (lalloigtoir ,brother of Nu. day, sud viii s.e a greater cravd thla plasore ta bu erRge, ied< frontio tudherthn vebbfire vra iii all ointerfor viii ibe ragi-MM ffM Cahrn leadyatonvrbfr. lai work. WllnaunJ. GoMnlagbsr. t rother's The lsif dcontesepromise ta be liveli reeiduce, 93 EdgsmntuiAve, u xiiga heebsho nc lynder the. efficient mrnugenmi.ilf C. "y@le th@ ~ iss 'ieri- landîy htn ube en vbae been c S. Fauflds, the macaroni fatary le nowv v"Leibete'vti aerty emmeente o hohvebe iunnlng in a firet-diais maiser. A owlng tue is bt liai ilh two flawing varkiug tlieir haraissai the grounde tie number of changes bave hemn made Invola vhlcb fuvleh fi&e village waier paut ew weeke and wben lhoy corne ta- various deparimnenia. The remreieling upply aMWpug i ." Nubirotheaugtier u ho real coultlookoua ai the drylug mrneale asuinnovation are misiasm- Samotbing wursetom ir ii otagiesa aebi ibat obteîns mnch botter niiuit ilian liai drisieop. osSnday. The velu Tberday maorn g dateronhem b- fornoerli', dryiog tie produet better- sud are liowbig uendly, tlank you. faclll i the i.atter aof idlnh" iug TeRhhblemd*Me-lthe. Fox Lk e rtyviDla hoduledtoay tirsegaies Tii. Lake Caty Telephaus campsuy "m lut Sa aiow nontaithe fair andutoue of tiera agalnt the Chicaga bave bad a nunhor of lie mn implye u"utbelotoe aq il verd. A,.u-BriseWo,,rei aKenoehba, vbicb vii hu bsnibs ss k lug inextesion»Mdmu0i1ethe lb. gular ' We"atalnandt ho ilUprobabli'tii.hebeat gains 0i MWtlg i e alahs e bnov o abe .--laad vIllie putbvàmgh isedui nuider thse Im --a ý SUSSI ie e m u,,n i. palio opou ine udo- ~but ayëard the -ragular oDovlub la the scbsdule.of baebail svay thiteb ibm vMug. e MWy ai4 tagaine. fiwonas againes ftabu hoiysutduulng tie bu. iNov cuuota, boxes, se., are &MOU bât*hg ,bsu mosi ai gaine sud tii. Tie la uc a eres of gainesfor s bg otheim UIovmonIS. vhuitas 1not show up veil viii pares, but for euSclaine the puresbe A Knmsinasla convincsd al ad- hinlers etai systage. divided t ai60 sud 40 per m uiassae, LP llevionPuuoraosé "e tas.teme i fcondition aof *0 sdbibui t o ani »"= PbOÈ sad a ab v bo lie d Uberuyviu libeks t tienon 1 cmii cf hoetob m p oh p one h 5Sin a 1 15011 Ille CouqU ft of <Crrenci' for the WC hotterpla, as lie uoney dcom sot te »sne d flsloid *9» bOl is lb.Ihot ai aboya lun anot cin -- alascf aun n, tesagb ta varrant ihe sus- sdsrtiser. ÀA bydayl l&", vhill@Ok- idsIse, are Indu tirs oi a prosperouie plolg ci peofeseoanal plajere. Igover a viii hobWdMU off, Its@.eiilcu. ai the s~urraIing cunty. VdW al rorag-EHlbwoad vo. uihslatblU vselntomu a bspqçket. lissatou«nt, tbtîts ii Nomi. dvergdle flu<pao 100 soi. Nausai sd theoILb oay anlLoag I$s. AftiS, LgboityiUemOV A O a mkewbcol wul as equiredsult mashow a nîarked lnassbDsetlsl. togville as essi'ofi yrds &ho dPi Wtb 'domith bu et MUeil cm Mai T1iurmay moainng-Llberty'villevi a* sutamobili. is sbmiis giii ncreasseoati l iii *oustlflblend Park. Aéerucon, Ksuoba v. fOlovl.a.1111i' umb boqhl s am o.Nam excSsdethâi miov" by h i' inGoe *10609. Hsvis itdfugontinlu Me iril National for Ibis short poriod by MioiGOo Citiuy hoybluit bus*sd glog up a ba * bout $10,000. The Vril National Pridai' rornlu-Nortb Chicago vi. 1 thlm hla bout C sOvats. ie bovuoer shaw@lite h4gies st$tnset Rlghvocd. Aiternocu, FUAber-tyvîllin v. =200 au Wb"i My'oncle s@Md bs yst publilbed, hsving iner euiu tiédil Knoh c ~vasvsbln bak a lvu bt lit' Sd havlng practicalli' doubleut lie de o- -ha be onwaJugboei IotonbuA. Y.V Bsderpool, ofChicago, uasc aesot fit for lpubliction." pouie lu thé. fast ysar. caan upieba be op oyeds A tutoasnm ou bas sitautieutfoi se- belug su stirely dilteisotsed party vil enving en sndovmeui o %0,000. for Baby ReceptieU.noobirde a.scoydclo. As a islsrtir hcsdsmais fRn.oebe« an Lait Fridai' babiem relgnedoprensT ien bsjaéi MsWa0starter ois hissof Boc laer etaItle borne ai Mr@. F.H. Just. Tiers hespeciaattraction hseawü bo _eVdte et u =Ir gaod baies and insyhéosois blidhaoulit4dminselu veri' esp01ect. Hu. hbauepromumu totecomplots cobt that the y wessail nice no ans the celsbraied baillons dravelargo, the$1,00 uoe asoethtdo Udispute. The affair vuagivn foi crovde yberever h. gos.su ad lhe o*UI!$40,000 vîli ho te"iut bt it lihenft aifitheM . E.,cburuh sud teRl libndnl N ihte to amoraint exemsdsd. pcosude s munted to 021.00 Thei5setbadvi ris h eta laayidecoraled vitii flgMsd minl Timposile trbise ad varians Joseph Frienut, fornerly viti lie îuating sud ieîntshmenusurver est-vuthrod e xhIgi rp ibtics sdarlWui Northu Shore Ger' Com p bec , b s tmtAbout llty babies weraesejt bolutie n-orehbiosaev -pns a ropair *bop on NiaobO ave., nani' laued ta register. e à n0f orti of elng hos.bv be tret door norti of thibm ekaâ'l @bopt> lice rslitored are as lollovo: A niunorofhe lnda fio aveb"s and la fuli' oqulpped ta do ail luda Q Ernest Lawler. :l yrs, 8 ina; lenbscisut o crtu homlwa y" atng vhi 'suia rpsr obPartionlaste.- Lsvisr, 1 yr, 3 gu.; Robertch Lyohonsplatatonust àHien oUs5 ii.9m o;Sli Rbr i'n )ad limue darbleisaU nsoutien' isthgi - 'taP9umbln.. SllviugLyon, 1 -ina.; KehiMsd Tarisoater leon jet lntsristing ta ak lbg,00 el~sie ula,1 yr, 7 'na- Byron à wta JmbenksisLk Sscnd audSlaesud iov remathi, loecran 2yrs; Winifre<iM. ilioWnym alvfioasstholn bspiugLa oderlng Ironan sd ivare. hl 5okmin.; Richard Lytie 4 Mo.; cni aus frtas es neMily sud promptir dom. 47-4 :Mn Millet, 4 y ru; Lées i&ànd, Gtsfieapea D.SoO' -Thi. rsllng oaltie minimnunm btEh "ras Nruharot, 2%4 Ira; Fra nh afreimleo r.ao frelgbtfilin vl=uyBlV5 tab.ug, 9 ina; .Jantes aMnroe -"Healtis Coffee" at our store. If real »a incisais liaIthe trabml, ofmas, 2 yrs, -s nio.; John OutIlle alotes dlturbe jour Sitiuuub. your > éLi«kidoor st epmdig, U&om. Maasnal8 yrs, 1 mo.ý lEu" Maiebail, Hart or Itidusys, then Ut bisoutver selvle. arolual expwhI' o;Fraucsde Se ýrb ,«yre, Ca«gIitation. 1Dr. shoot bau close. tihe charge in univrmisiil l ilI* Grtrude Imekisi', 2 yru; J.oraîni hi' uatèbed 014 java aud Mochs Cal- patrons met aud emalpssb* ob Agia Hubbard, 4 _pir; J.ls" tsIn Ohfi avor sud isate, jet ih bu not i"elvetrbain Chiag .i b Auti,8.yre; Fiareucee uppe, 7 o a single grain of reai Coffee Iu IL Dr. eiq)rm. Thé el vi laisGaiioway, 3 vi, 4 Min aths.-àuat ofeIiainl p,, ortios nes.u ho ýtIe 3 yra, 3 ma.; lWieiev, 1 >' hoi huts d.iitto hW _crpraiosfoirie a1 accum.a- o.;b thy fuydain, 4 jrs 9mte. uindi trou Purs tOsut graine Or nuisislinuch velt. FosetLoveli . 5 ire, 83ina.; sibsrhns celéai, viti Malt, Nuis, etc.Maid.e Darbr &Bake, a Lab FossI,8 M rs.,3 'cru Via orse,1lyr., 6 soi.; lu a minute. No tailonsalvait. Yeu Barer& Bke, o Lke orstviarmrtEger, 4 yrs, 1 iladGîuys viii surel' 1k. hi. Sld by Mr. B. bave enn utoluça restism1of vrk * 2 'ru, 1 mo.; Frankin £.lcbfield, Coibi' Mercantile Qampani. abmuLibertvl,seppfUiDIgli2 Y -RIhard Bosvick, S yra; Flarsuos a Walspa ooi0A" at4ioorprservnait*îLr,3 yre; Margarot Caîbi', 5 yre; A. Love Story of the Ghetto ilihiti5 Md mO ufs . 901 2a,=8i >Kenneth Wheler, 5 yrN n boale o ok atBd fodr dut igieso aier-Ag nd- suad iites ofI h vith sncb kesu buteur a:logieu m [i isa "p ria2L Thistle Notice. sud inight anSym ai mMira Upon eippieîon o wo 0iiij? R NotIce le berebi giron tu, buhvay Kelly. Ber etarw of 17. eh chiure a vrlte guaante sd bn ii rqp coninalanre i th ~ ~r-are tt. ceieof aInneis, Illuminai- a writen fimmt Md lmp té 'rof comlug lursoa themswMbailoe> ay lie pemur irepai fo Iv. jears. Tiee iodo tIvillie ta natîi pathinustsSi 110, ta son np 1log ai agnea dais e ivptis grael oohigsu isghhig 4i~ isur isricshighvaqo, = faste.su d conventions iler lotily Oit eplunhr 4, su 6 cu iii nun-feainesud lota of Canadi. tbletIeeWofa roinoui own, "The Wis. of lie donubte'hin o lis O»d6 ot hy Vir tbei' go ta edalsahoetn We ais olng 10, sud orsl1aiabvlusfm i obsrthe.Woffor," lu tie Septembe oMCur'a. la a viii l'~~ ~ ~ .1 Canada Thisile Duais iomuiof theI~ftervii btenStnlèit unosi yn out pe ori iebu cil t 1, tne wogIn ibotpuruloi.i lie ~sspngimg jOii vhabi pipra t t ii.etile aev (c Iýi o - I ldbie.Amr aul steflis nlozsu p.oelie lc c pa fro asolle oenairserIse fi te es-Bougmis ai Come tin atld ~6e 1~ For DRESSING SACQUES For WAISTS Largest assortment we ,hla ever had. Both ight a dark, 10c, 12c and l5c, Suesinle,S» AlilColors, yard, 45c $-ee Our LasR~ Depomiils AM 22, 1907, 8191 ICREAS PMR tmuftMON=iIs, 17,»3"« sommer. ds ut &LL Rimas0F IU'AIWI HIA RME* I i.ai. Blgg 8ock la Black and White B.tl In SIlk and Lisle V VILLE, 1- -o-ý