aitenoou, baing rogt troi s ès. ..... . . "a an C brollâttrousStue t tot Wa-U a Ih nJter tent to MilwVaukee. . Th frn 0 ndctin Il vii b. up tu cars, wbil essinslagtlroce the pi.. usi t.dcd etreete of Racine and ln the. car borne, (ate .iê attr«ed mah atentio. A a ancilmed tuat them iitt attacti ....,h,. ____________88a a Politiai issue et the 1ait v. Cummiaofihe Cam «.sai Pueo loge eefopsad tiat sout e s Bil 0»" _ý8« M lL aim Xgwk«,ompiay bins lloed t Cumiffl Po@4& " O**1' 2 l' trst e weelected by pledgfng Obut ýd» « «D« «p ",là aseve th BggsUns lsss. re t5reit*mUle ha b ohîi MNve, thecusevea to îLe m1eân one wuiate the affectth:tie i.BwsFilt e 40Te CONTENS 0A*AINSaT aU Front companime bad coamate& i i o OR£ Î 1114t,0F ODOS. It rau neoaT 'for the Chic@@>. With publieastlmet lula thevilleu. Milwauue company tu oretcm ars i. o-ved, mItii a probable ta. lar WObWme lsted aenlandle"s agon Ilis nes la the. ct,'of Nlwacuse. the ecounlansd wth bg inteteet@ dCetli pisda-;a Rasoluont h*Ct mew4e t r b,' September 27 lu cider t dtah e iii. Iing the movement, NortiiChlucago 1E£«t for Senefit of Board of Ns. Lot Impor ~t e .tflun franchise granted b,' the clt,' of Nil- je oufrotgd wtb & s O ver ex. vs'w 94 Wouean. mchoi - ~~s-N irakeetanth.anu arrangement V55 tamdlug liasalgoWe dgtrio pBtt aide lth iMlwaukeaei'Bectrlc uttreet m uai 'rto, 75<vu. Mucli hua een outl, pro and con acho< &9ys the Denver Post of Auguat 24,R 1 IitCtlBI iuliAaiharmvnetvadfeated & about raiagg the Zion City assoi- 1%u relation ta tii, Great Western 1t Meaati, ~ At~ ' ienit wbhii as publiied ln the. ouaN b*icep ln whielchTOM Graham l. gmnn amde b,' whci cars If ithemovament <oes througii, a Z4Oft li,' Neya ln lieissue for Jli' r ahzçk*ot of Lake e cunt,, took Onrt o!l.opoIto electrlc ralvaRy com- large portion o! the. vllige wili ho I- Bh Lakte paned ro uli r uIL in ram Keno- coulai district aud the vhil oghM'yll mte hcibiba Har8rah for T. R Graham, of Long asWMNato vrtaBes0 t t e an>', viii bc oren lirmi.d out îery carofully b,' Our SAiol iisito.<~, lios. A eof,'sibt racit vai e ta aini lt9us ,theNewis aturdi, ansd With à score of 99 out of a possible lI.d tra he da b eoh i> Sianai Luat evaaie. (diiiotcsm.vecudni oe Job 109 ho took #Irat honore ln the Grand line on Milwaukee avenue ta ltheti The flght mai roopened lait even- iuouay than the asoeement vilii ihool *Ëeez- Handicap at Genieley lake end 6ft the Interurban lUne, a distance Ing at the village board meeting vhen in. Yet. under ail exîaîîng clrcuuv- Rat ,ysterda,' afternoon. Second honore o! 100 feet and the Prost cars ver. a petltion wi$ rend asinig for.a Il- Stanesthe, consensus o! opinion la8s t -vere dlvlded beveen W. H. Hee.taoer redc'ÇP$-egs eg,. 4diorit luai -aR rritor,'- anee ftiia , 8 - . tiet h iduo e d ~riu7~an. MN. Maer-0f 1 _rteenth atreet and vest Of rased. Dodge pott, of Fort Collins, eaeh iaving a M ~ ~ F State atreeL itlo lal- crîvfeiew h Tie passage' oA!et lckieo hemovemeo ReitwCity s meure 0,97- Th passag of themovem ttue iseffrt labeing libt-îa:ît- ignd -Th etrprise of the touney vas thse D ê/4$VN > wouid permit saloons to locate liait by arc0 i aad ceaî ii Ai fJlowof f iJ.Blui. Thelatter UPLANS Jfl irOal o! the vire mulle, vbere minuof; meet wvihthelbBoard uexî MNda' tkegan lSD~~ýüoa aia !Je .a d wnthe. Grand Ainerlcan Handicap- FOJX LM <(E the vorkers vould be lur:d before or! 10a.m. wian the -nlttrr wiii cone ocho ~~~~~e~~~ efors ra t isic ie decision., Chicago leit June. i va believei astosadi r epemavement Vas fougitt by the vire Ater a letagthy discussion of the i, liau %*0 voaid bha afactor in ii-su haciPope iOM1 mllemliibefore and probabl,' viii be Ibis whoî, mnatterthe folowi-, motion sehool Qteai Western, but beflore the cou. o Lk Coi.aat, to ho Interesteçd ture. The entire remiovai or the' pena t jin îeîg'~ Ami COM'im viiiai over It developed that mnteMnseiille va even iinted before. the City Council ot!hle (0v of Zion Cre ho vas lu pour fore, ad therefore Project. Nelson Absent Lint Night. an< teBad0 ,li~ino Sd Leur Present et the board meeting lasCityca, e t vhlch meeting numeroni mhool. 84ill a q m t anoy seenthetisa ana- Tho eksai9.Mrof !Lake couni,' ylevening vere*Pfaudent Gartiey and rcltenso! 7aon (City pre, n Mra lsff ogtuhot the.profeaiossl l in th bub0oomd iixt yW as a prodie for Trustees Reckenwuid. fRouse, U .Ved- sadmeeting being held lu the. çoun.. Cit s Igasae,. W. . IL Be«of 0< rdia. roeftors ne nover before. der, -Astmnus and Oeil sud Village cil Chamber of the Cil,' Hall Buiid- » **le. led the rhaluibreakIng Y . s aldte bave beon à de. Clark Cookc. Absent Vas Trustee Net- lng, ZMOU City. ]Ilinois, Auguit l4 1907. 'lite -1et M0; B irboe41 11 nte eotuitnti sr on. "That-it b. the sense o!fiis meet. nI mtui 7,; %ofb.ft 478, Bordas 476, duo ta 60 ealiegai isterimrtion of Onaeprorlienf villager. vin as ing that the amieument of ti5Ci t,' N w e 4%5 O'Brlen 474 and Crosby aMne of the resorts, - ccordiilu à sat-iie board .manettug. deciared tiat for lie 'ear 1907 be COnadered equt Nort~a ceaitructioai expert vhO vistti Wu ass eckenwald, Asthlmua and able, sud liaIt taeiloafd of Revlew ha *uesr led the. amateurs viti 485. Icegas1tay. Oeil Vere for the extension white informai 10 tiat affect." Vilart via«gwo second ulti 483, and tiai. Thiidécline, hao staim, la especlal. Vedder and Roua. oppoiad IL Ai Motion vii ieconded and unanti- l a ff Mid bous.aried et 478. y ta boaot.d ai Fox Lie, tswaeeoui titis made the meeting lait evening mously carried. sel Wft th he avardlng of pisles lu tiie O!f - y hotein of former yae ho Stand 3 Wo 2 for extaensi t îaemed lu vltness viiereof the Chairman col *M Wetern, the ithot of thui.t Maint e au, savat-al «Io liru clame, certain the extension rould pais, cf aaid meting, Mayor W. Hurd Clan- Blanc Por an ,U1h.mont suocesalai lu the tan hoi. la in, f o! ea,. 0Dm.Cir ouncli a Tie. dinten. adWm-. H. Fabry, Secretary or S' Woiey o!foo-euv- trai s mlolng, cama This Condition, 18 i. ho-.- M"t b,'The.citizen aigu isted 'bat Nel- o! siN meeting, bave hereto igued ichool. 1oîî sd feaiteof à0<fa s of0 building neyer son, thte absent member of the board, their namas.*Cr a. s g ot th fasttino hhat Mr. *tfors qeslol îmemjg the reoti, ro tiought taha aInst lte achaeeW. HURD CLEINDINEN. ar omuSau basure la a rea" shoot.tand Fox Lake. inte leu& and tut a te vould rasait uhold-he Cbaîrman. Nii W#Io taan b e îs wai ooid i Fsoies viii e hae1h os-ction of the ha prenant. Thiii ould put the mat- WM. H. FABRY, Nli IkilWWbaui»el., e la h. leader i-t ution thle lacs, b,'anaum- ten up to Gria,'and wnue ,it Le uatiece Sry. <ic. ieïh-»«aous oxpertai hmsaclatlo of maisiters and ciurciios-peu, ________________e. I& (%Ool< SMmsa i i s e pom o i aite couat,' for th. scoommo- 1( 7"<SchS ~ 3j*O.dation of lie 15v sud arderalarnent, Zion C _410ke. 1 . oo boses- s- Zoo wos t> i eathe iibuilding, nu v ln progre , or, aKet "»Mvi _011 owu ,thealar, gymualua ailsi-oi S- to. Ctot.d siait thi s ii. adi t building of auummoi"at Su tonIt ayVi7 Esiler Mun& * its. -h M% wtuA is teo proopects are tiat the poilcy Ct e of Fox 1La I be achanga a - Hanm __________ mort u atfai of runlng ou the NwFr lmeeand eme,' biais of put y9ari, Il gi vM ib. Put on a boudéi of iaraid ci- col Do ? er. alaw snd order litvestel o! qiol ichool -tuSemmb ,poker mises, bachanaias M~ Ifl V huUp rW evoi-d sud iagiitiy sgectaole. Catbî VoneuémiA re If Ibi* changela made It vl ha due suM. vils aid0 e hevilta"t..UW orh lU m* o' we OM tu tiihecti o f plans golr belsg tho<i3bt b,' masln the: Vllart-b.Cho IlFr-anc UiMe Maesso &thyatees boins. 1 - i m aeu Chi osisd %M . a nea epl oi do. eff lto!. preot lanti e veut the nI b,' lieaofuu tuboura. -Blnto ad o W.ou vi it Iluulr oal asir ,» M es tisa Monda,' m, Isl,. be lhTin la cmpl -1-seemc ter o la alh vt ih mngna»d 0tht-o me beha.a Sst pandaNeI WieMOnct.laultamelA t teEisls5the Uu ou eeeasclbonvt t is tthe -'MeO the etbia conui Titeug TrîeTee et Mlvaitee Maltho ý iiem utmou. At ea wa te me cm itl ibe rputla AmI 4fellev vopli ha bblae le seuIl h - eatia.d b,' 3ev. les.. Ntebeil, af -b 1t4*F 0 Lit Cougrogationalciuh. DrVs. Mitehellruen a t i geils. eit ia e-Plau Illa t e ret à tliet test- uaVS,. permuce-bâtaifor the gfccmmodains Be of ethle Ume quiet andlorlert,' renneb aeud rs. Me 10 now at-mark gttiag jobl w-AYI, b, tlsg caital ildcburch inuteIla4 lund.tOi vîit bis acheste, asud atoaut 1 rosI ad, uli$Ii usllb.thefarn ofa astock cam rt-be In-.1Fbr tlis perpose h. viii, it la uiJd, an oaci0010 M inu"ter la lAite COsut,'per- g t. y, . MiaItOr teih Mm b,' ioter &sud trI ted and 1t elet ther "l o s 0w-mmofaIthe. mare at n«oes.Proulinent membera o! hlm Bock inter- me beau sed In the ichemIe. gt. pre Il la bellesel that the, estabish.- Mh mens-- ment af such an hotel rould leaven Lvauitee. the preseut undealnable elemoutsstai "leyizaiFox Lake sud prevent Muis of thet 1 t-up ln vice Ibat ln thera.,1 Wera Lý, Dr. Mtchell boes-es 1h51 lier. att D ai <s. enougli ordeîl,' peope rita auId vlah t4 maietahir amner homes ai ne Fox Lakit alerae h ncw lM»e mi" ha. ceas of bilsprojeet onde il in tartedL. Chicago Ne ob aa i W&foeaiui rtivet- Waucouls lm ta lbsve a baund nov ýtpl-«et resort hotel o! a cosl,' ai elegut rg ta se- typire. Tt vili be tbnee sotaies h, elev"e itai bIIIa clle Vie laiteside, manviii birough -t ith ie neIgiboriood o! 825,000t Ult Vould ma zunect VU]i Mailyaufieeta proveostoit, 8iltîu- sampies 01 My Dr. shiow# '. Bolt- steru L 've. nd Mriltu' B cm u e-ai ier-mfpp to erect is, Vie eurt or .1%0e Klly, luto Troubles or tise Stomacli. liait or am qtiUe Ki"@,,are mat-el,' symptous Of a km uit imentJ>no,î mate lte cont.t k.e aM > Mouerrar Of trenllug ymnpwos a oi,. 1.a ru pyini treatment la treallg lhe1 Mo#t ai MRei of your alimntand sot tiie cause. Weuit tomact nrv 8ii â1o s". âtsido uer-ot--noau toanaut vs t Mm e«s, aivaiî. Anu the Heuran a PS Rme,', ai meli iave their cotol- HU Or Oa liug an malenrvue. W.aieteueC 'W lii mrves, sayoU inetItabi,' have veut vsiif-tiel - .Here la *vis-oDr. gs et> Oboopi Reebesatls- ias made Ils1 ecalle,"fe, Nmsaouiier ZeuedY ceanen aims s 'os- be 10 «»At lie "tu"a erves."- Ue »mUoug, ulmasea, bl ïbt-gelsb ~ ac~sgegi~ n aes. shoewa lès Wiin vote iginat xtanaa.D I~ U K~ I Vise matter- ras ap.ued lies- en u- annnof 0< Pua* lOnkTause o05 up- lugt vitalsClrk Cookt rend the. pi- PQ*11t@eHaveCewos Thtislas. tiOn asitîn; for asaloon district noffl a Whieh indllo rout Damaa. of rêountuti treet anui etO! Stote atreet. The petltion vas aIgn- One cf the buildings At the Crai- Ml b,' about torty-tvo afas eorea -edam,' Of Mis.,Scot [miaId, naar Peutlng the malorit,' of the frouinge. Laite Bluff, va de.troyed Maonda,' mmi Cumnanetina LalCompanyil,lasai ngbt b,'a lire, nhich for a liste t. ie -tie blgges signer and it wu- threateued tie ontre plant. Tise clsimailait esenVW b>- ana man tlat biense, Vhicibruite ont. at 6 olct C. . IL 847r-la alo btellns the accaplaitho attention of tii. vilage mot-DmesThe 'ri e it nsarnoncmtheofin.-depariment ft- ,an isaur. It vas Pétition vas liat of Charles Wmier. Rosnyl,' ubinai befare Il apread ,1 tha Fiant Opeita aid cli,, Tenti itreet banni nean tie batRning building, tues are bu te Lialitw-vera 150 <allia vere baused, Voiler Novai Layilng over. Vie burnnug out of a fuse lu a The pet lion vasDsniooner neai maruture tuowu an the ta"itbouse. thai Truste. Vder Jatupai t iera mvia abs-elr, la aupimsel tet and dectared, uat a aimlar p-tO have Cause the re.VThe blase iion .bad ba vt0t.idown ayea mucl i iedaed f thitis ,mae> mNP sud li bis hOQue ahoulbs- aa ! tmuhoh"a n eti h Ut canlderatimof a funi board. neete plant vas lue. ,Tb* Laite Bluff mO . he .Mt.t-bu Md mr l guliarn'ent va sia4100144 iMds1410 tiie next mmeo "bavie.a M, board b,'the emaiployas o! the lait, lie.e offlib. e reantT'ee u" vu mnsfougit to tep thse blaseconfinei est-f ldusaMoIBWM Y ud th Incidenltiithetructure lisehib Itroli. clos" Ilw lent evenisg. Thei vork vas Wurged au b,' tle S wîi eU i satm4 ët hhooti, knovielge that Ir the baernianteu The fltmftng i di bord as101,Igiled b,' asapark I&M tbh*Oa 7oco 0MYaula n la eitmber, pe of0<the 150 uaMimo kiept tlie tva véees asy. lumem l t el iharIl, beha atoel.V ea 1149m làaMM tt-.the sudaOnewhafrlght.ned'b,'thl ire, but about tvanty nret- hetusMeeting' lb9 dangSer va nver 1so0greal as la mak t eceuyI @ v hl. luit evoalng tu ratch Wocoeelq. I ecma> .reoele XMuet'tef tsa.of thme village -«4«Whythe lot oioag up t. TH toitWILU. WED. tbetptlg In steal theb ~oW bhuts; Bis C. IH. HorMja, 1. of tb. vire-. Milsle tota Wgukqxu. , Adolph J. Las-kln, Cobigo,P.5U; va1 Vise ans 4im- bauiaft g dm001 faVth,' Watt, 2IL ar wa r raith; mm,$ 0ft"e Jaitob Nos-ai, Vankegas, U;Auna tbat the sa. inse * aguat qi. . W Lidiyi5iu fPark, $9, l btion aya-mtn a Ye 0» e st. b. benti MAry if.Appe,, M an pasiiiug the eaj" sOiDi aya Albiert Ltlreneo UMi.'Ciilco, 31 2;à Anthar put-p Of < lisIugs.& kFrancia Deulaou Et-orettl, 1.- eusl district tg th pros-a, a place..Chu Wesiin, J7,. -Thetla Catons, for the MsioM 1i 5le ile ag iad238, Gil5er. auieeigblh dm linea«oualed mat-ail Th«s. N. Megc . , p; Ilel it.'i t-aiiugstation t. ilceat. 'rbg-meut; la , Chicago. - ,'cso otr preffs u o.Sis by Rob-t p »,00@M ins City,'48~; è (totinued front page 1 lisci F. Qliver, usowlilliam ont. Mla Veetorleit, tio Cîtyt aetto M. Aibacli, mon City"',Dis. laY Yfthkaer, Widsvrth. Tm. iche ool. taces, Mrpy, Zmon Cit, £t<on schoal. -a, Gaggi. Autoc, Actiacis le Watéon. Antioch, Antiaci bSi. vii.l C. Malien, Waueoudo, sin- SLake acci. ace L. Mulen, %aucSndg. GrauJ e cool. w-lie galligiier, Zion City',asseil tae J. Suiea. Glaucce. hn H. éSyra. teinCbty, Zli Oit,' t i. eE upy akgn 4 tciool. *ti -l'au Atîtne. -Wa-ds*ortW, ie scbool. ail X. Thorpe, Zion Cit, , Zin school. Ma flietuteyer. Waukegan, Wau- n choo. nà Dahninger, 'Waukegan, South aM. Povera, Barrnugtou, White 1Û. lian Tutti,, Banrîngton, Qunutins ira Cannon, Antioch, Banill IM. B. Nielmon, ZMon Cit, ZlouI guhooi. bh B. Darbhy, WloHaines- bara E. Ehart, W'aukegan, Yom-k chol O. Turner, ZIon City', Zion ehool. trda Miller, IlaeVilla, Laite seicol. sl Wlcox, Rockefeller, Coon iea A. Dannison. Antioci, Staf- éhool. - ÀGniidge. entioch. Emmans 1Llttlejohu, Oconee, I., Keise,' le M. iCinno,', Waukegmn, South teie W. Aitchiion, MIon City., It,' ichool. bryn Siank, Zion Cit,MZon Cit,' arie Joins, Zion Cil, ,Zion nai J. Patchi, Russell, We.t l M. [uers, Wancouda, Glynci Carne, 'Rnssell, Bidîleoste ierina OMona>, Wautsgau, Chicago ichool. mes C. Oveee, Fort Sheridsn, ishenias sciioc. le L Irving, Itumeil. rN. Bro, Wadavortl, Watet- le Books, Zion Oity', District tW. Glyncis, Wiucondn, Flint cool. Edvard, Gra,'miaké, Meade àMorris, Zion Oity', District I A. Hesa, Mon Cit,,District beti P. Aiart, Graysait, I chool. I Jenka. Wancouda. Romevili, eW. Pr-att, Wauconia, Miii- ldvaria, Wankagan, Grange 19. Hoot, -'Lait. Villa, Voia ra M. Wa.uer, Mon it,', li B. Dietrich, Zion Cil,,MZon «a Tilbury, Zion Oit,Mon M. Peinuêr, Clicago, Libeif'- c e awkins, Laie Villa, Cribbt 1G. Bradley', Ronlout, Wlmab lutter, lugiselie, £la Holior m-et A. Rue. Waukegarn, Fair- hool. et Gastfieli, DeerfiejI, Higli. Fo Iicving hi s lot'O- t Iti «"aand' ti MantIL R.Wheel, Llbertyvifo,' Magae-R.Wiie, Anutb. Gruli, Fort se Mary,' Neilie No. 3. Lalia Creak za school., Edlth No. 53. flotta No. 6 Blizabe Schultza Olivej achooi. Nellie bard fmcl Hall iec MaryE icinool. Elenora Iict NO Cirah S. cam Oit,' ftii RimaIl Ville aci. Neill$e school. Isabeli sciiool. Mirgag Bell soit iMaruî A t i e M I a v ei, 'W g a ai s , N o rt ii W. . Cox, Laitsenfitk, Lite Zu. ricit 1"iio1. M " ,. 1 - L . D u R s , L iýý b r t y v a l e Laite Bluff achool. Marisi M. LaCiapelia, Waukegas, Lake Bfflo eicol. Coecela IL Gean, Graalai, Long Grave icooi. Charlotte M. Bride, Rocitefeiler, aoubabtute markt. 'ElUOshb D. Foret, Waaion, Dwistet No. n7 inua fliard, Nortii CllcaO, South ichool. Wsuksgan., ICatberine A. Vurubuti, leuco. Charlotte WiIPPle,, WAniega,ý North ichool. ary . Lewis, Lae 1Blit, Northt Prairie ichool. Graco YaoManm, Northt Chîcogo, Suxteanth ifreel sebool. Elizabeth Wheaier, North Clicao, Ethelyn R. Johnson, Gurue, Voie scltool. Wiulfred M. i<rye, Zin Cit,zlou Cil,' ichool., Mantha James, Liberî,'vilia, Gages I1Rke ichaol., Bessie Martin, Wanconda, Wancon- da schooi. L W. YFehierLakte Villa, Laite Villa schooi. Frances M. Feiker,' Lait. Villa, [Laske Villa achool. Grace E. Mina, Waukga, Ra- ldiasGenes-leveLyons, firn Chilcgo, tu Opandiug lie veu t vih ias Mry Mi-e Blanche Cittenden la enter. laiuling friand.ftrou Cilcagi. M--i.0..iG. %Hris.sud Mise Mat-g ai-et Havitinq rotai-e-d home Saturda, aler sn ezteniel vs-lit lu tha vrest lir, sud lin. Grande,' sud utile Do. naid earted 'rusas,'for aMoutag4 vhre 14in. Grnd>'nIlteeci next yesr. Miss Bnp,' Metcalf untetaiem lia l'IiMers fromt Wankegau Salai-day sud Sanda,'. Mon Loi& Austin nf Wanitegalinl apedng tihs eet vitt old fnisdiandl acioolMt«bles. i- sJo@ophline UCae viaitsd viti relative. la Kesuae is at veut. Mns.. ImurWakeffl.Id ra s blago t-laton Tuas,. Hgroii -siAahisRaispet ascouple Of dure km SI veinlaChmoigo. ,- C o t e g op r a r _ s t a s ti a g iii b u b sd paraauags, Aàcrdial cSlbswill b givez t auai. di,'. Bbi.s iiooi set10..&sm foiioved atI m. Uponismesr. t-L.S nom« Police r. lFii? Tii. Suds r sacol oavmtkou,4beld &t iii. chrel Sanda,', vA. vMR atauda wu s7i5mrssimu.«ot, N* = '-ie land Parkand Dr. Somster andl116 A0ddý iotd1a uaalablgani. toatsso hcium a<u s ofvasguiteami ot. Sustasinthem~idlma ule ecuailima ltvb,'f liaIs, filaetvtr ROT obe C-' stmnla ea mi ou ei- psop Vie atro. t0f trins uiss oflheia viflleugting C on b a i Gan.t vli. 10dil _____e _ le'st-e o = çieflsaitberi hMdeasrsip WI. Besi Io astend a @qnc-iii'rhlg s p&ol.mof thecao bgy rcont mheda Halai charge of tMr. JG niucê vill fouud ctoolfouemansdi va. pla% t'ô almuditn lt-et-mItofo! lilbsle . Lait tfiai lite Guru..av michiluMI Wii.n0"Ib erlaoai t4eafflÎèteMo cbori. ar. 0" l-l8 toeiu tala the red. OUnd e lmIlt té Pifc@ 10r0 Ptale,' ilbalub... d.illadtit Wbk-b he -roni eesud four ia lista ambooLUnisiy 09 Uai. t à lri ig foutéi oo bam. luite, ticam ut.Tla,'8%c ,veut.6iuirnla*A 4 record< ter t boutdA= pia i 61l' Ur. er o t' lied lbtaa th" leh la tlé pevaon hlar vu s o a ccv 1ev be tngsa Tr 'si aeon a-n, p lan altis taera - muccesel 'dflsuh fe 4110 an sd veoapel lut theale trm IÇo J, 15 myeOa eav k5bt ose- à rba fo!tiiao. 4=--no r,, Miiedvia nai"n#&ril o où~ the laash..aaimm eeuar !theChlcao , ' ' cycle Club, baie abaunel Uh«id of holdlag tiieir second aunai eadïâ est Tuounisepmer 1"douai 15 tie coorse e clfg Mlohe%,10 ne.vil,,Lte O.a.s-a, Riglit kisgenl. Owing t. thei I4iityisi the. conten st lciasith Select t4g4m able cours for tho uit.ts, Mk It bai beau planaIIgotuai»t be rà aud upon tbe arrivai et Aigougetintg -otestotuhe iPory and pmpoli lustod tiie club viiibtas a tw* daY upIU tu Kokorno, «Oins 1b,' va*r mieblgua Ot,' sud aneth Baud aaO r.turwig os-or s rosi tiat vip jla chiade VSlparalso. A mrles cOf racea viiiýb. eid-met Sunaa,'eaItii. Lihrtyvili. miletr-ait, and sevargl Wsuflaurider. arc-in. pect*d ta compote viti the obloei Club mean, Ou. éf the faur.ylIsem Firet Mini jub.p. 8o Oid that Ovid dpnived ils nagme frons Mente, a Young Greala omua vWho. b,' tiesunit,'o! abarnstseusat goddes. Vii convertint t he plaI wiaae oit la nov ai esoential pari of' tie stock or the lrugglst, 'lhe caul,. insier and Ihe Ca, impreeario. Charitable. gorne p-elîIdes o1 ciarit,' i»e i It- a $trviug mks a pepeit tabiet.. New York Tirnes Reposrt et TI&* Coeiom 1111fthe, PFIRSI NATisofuL BANK- et Ltbes-avie'. - u.ou 6" S.; aNiSe Mi ...gau.a..... t nIas omSeea=mt:. - Lbabuilea. . . ..... ...a- gAon O w o ta ý - o w O ua t. 2 2 noaie botter. Youi- busliess Io laiblo& tPiscir heet, ubotyvll09 ~lm. iuSAu OeuiIlB0kpli - - - ~joOti, ........... py mun, Fi@lm