WEE~I NJ SU N ;c<ý, AKuff CUniTyS FUIDA-Y, SEPT. 20, 1907-12 Rage@ $1.50 PER YkA.R IN ADVi T" 00" u 014 bumuu.ev Imm* Ibo* tis»e t."kasilte WVIU 0F SOCIAL CLIMBÉI t AYTST ?IN, LAKtECOUNTY. Geed Self and Polo PlAYet-, HVe IWs Sëst eh*"cea m o in or* Set- ter fftessTha" te Women. Rames areooit great leiportauce luaa mial "clunbon! A naine maynot b« strong enougli 10 set hum lute 5005.1>', .hut t le Ofte" suflcent te keeP hlm out, It lu solemnî>' recojded th",ats vortiy >Young insu Mlled *Foi-k," vho hsd nicoeas, golsi clties, for. olgn realdence adeverythlain; desin abSe, coeld Bot makellmolf *'go" Su Chicago oclt>' impi becausepe- pie mae no mucl an f b is nam,. afflT imlu a Summer. Tlh. hast va>' for s natiro Chis tosa, man or vonmu, ta breok ltat Clicage social>' lu tomako gooti Une et the summers time. t luasaMd ta b bnpoWsble 4o oltain admulson 100es- lualvoelrelemSla tise old famélasd va>' of building a bg tt>' bos. and SIving eulaboicSe entertalaneuts sIen the vinter eàm ioust at s boligisi aut lb. aooilrsmpsrta vbch nMa>' soi lie ipsied Saa àMldvLuuter unat as>' b. »amed Sa quiet trlumpb tlsrogb acarofly w orked cet suin. mer- sisafl.. SO0" Plaue la Laite Forest, 1j" . rout.of course, la the bot SelS Eforaction. Tbis suburli son- tains acrepurol>' faablelpeople tissu amy of ia snortis *bors neilIbaors, ailiuglaHighland Park, Wluutkc, am the. im tbave tues, ovu proper. Uios of "amdityl" famxille.. A mnk bersilp in tise Onveatlés Club. vblcb teSm asratively am te, vin,.sud s gradui i ntoducion le the *s-at' smet hics .k.. ia endasveum tiere vnIS eimplluis ooderlmr tie g*- uSaIuPiagt. ouetatsalas na un oue..eblp Ui t e usmes or lmft eVu'y > lo Smlesaytuodr a (Clcdt. Bu ist l a em st«itsMud t ai, v»yebas beau coadeetaionsUmutjuât sut Sb"UnrI es. Tiere lu but ltile MlsseOum nsu aIL.Providoti su sP- 'piient ceme velI reommnaimet. Sti a uni &OsSladivft e 4 vok.sgsins bi. -tise boardi cf gseramrs uMnal> la villing le, vote admison. .ldn n osmiutM int151sop. Aller sequrSua luis fetiold tue nev mmeh. aSàbis vif, ptobabl> vli receveai asl mta loy dianer or lancheon Invitations fram oltior mns- bers of lhe cilb. Mre la Ileir final trial. If tic e elu tau Ç;" iIf lise>' are nat bosafu about moue>' or \ cher possessions. sud If. above aIL, tue>' do nea appoar ta taise Iheau..ves Ioserlousl>' oi to cm-e Iomucb -about "bresking« Su" lie>' sIl fins tho fintst stp on due social laitier maie easy for tbem. If, bovevet, lie>' obviausî>' are "an due- climlm' tic>' vili b madie 1 t-ait a long wtIe ho- looethe>'ara atteti furduor. Soctet>' luman. Socety', ln Chicago anS elsoviere, in laum»ia tor aIlIf a Penson ap- peau 10 vaut a tblng abat. ovemy- dhing e. éit la but naturel toa.e bSn b>' hoding l ont o! bis reach. ga, too. eauet social seekersarai- "*hazeti." mast au a freshinag le baxed hetore beiug laIton Inte a cllege fra- , Tii. point once esîchlehed that lb. Onventela net-corners are ualo trylus ta move bearcu, anti eanlh ta, l'break Iu," tii.>' yul find that Ihit nevl>' madie fri-euds t-Il eccepî Ihoîr laltatlaus foi' relurnudînnens and luncheona. If tlb.>'ota heir part anti contributo thoîr fait tuer. le tke va- rinus club entorprises sud entetuu- monlet l ie>ltSufinS Ibat the ativunce -. uapvard continues oa>'. Lotthdern levure, bowvvr, of uontributiuug lai O um& et!mono>' or offerlng over- expensive golf Or 'Polo cuPa. A "splunte" vill do mai-e bei-m Ibsu het ai àt' Second Sumnuer. At lb. ent 09 tuheennimer due nov Le o ut olkil SUfins themeselvea pcoseoieso a aVliablo, If amuit, cii-- cie af acqlitances. On tis 1h.>' muet rltoe,10posek Ilrvad graduall>' Snnlag lthSIUW. viien tue big balla and ,elaborte dowr i'parttée aregIv-- eu. 1,Tiehe coud slub du the orth aber. viii se. thein Sai1O'U ieagb- * Hbes. Tboa. If tbeY Silt aIbouse, * enailor large, 111e' t-ii ,bp e à la-% to one, o! the. varions upl4.bqotl4 -r- nos thticbatactontce Lakie ]MOst t-iilie dnown ltoie l 1 as > bi s atde torce. in «Meer Pr fer&M mn t sneush le lfor_ aI ,tPOMa ltiu lua theSsff mores abôutasuit, tua men. 1beý lao er o.SUSY And Uiey ame use on outof, leut xeeort. A, (hiSoagomsu's beut vey uto £111040 sdcety le tlumwlglth uetia iOu pidtu ba able to tarth ie tiiek iellty or lis devatoos. it tili eu do so. xlthougli tena Soer degre. Il î 0« te àafirat chauS. olfor li$ nain gtu tu, b. volS knon, and tisai al mcmi 1.labaff the. battie. luInthe easty. daya .tomobuilng iS; vas tkeeme. 'Butznotorina soon boraine ton ilg a tilnt for merely fashienable 'diversion. and the men Who nov ske go mua Ila ! tCaro but littie forimocfsty. WC.T4.IIOKM Mrs. JinhI. A.Miller o f Wsulc.gan Electsd Consespondlsg and Record- Ing Secratary of Union. The annuel convention of the Lae cobol>' W. C. T. U. vas bolS et Llb- erlyvîlle FriSe>. Beptember 13,. lu th. Prebyterlun clurci. The sessians wero largel>' alteodeti sud muccilu- tercet snd enlimuclasu maulfesteti.j lie reporta vereoeSuraglng anti1 muclk votSmg betng planned for the cornlig year. The foùovîng 9oecrs voeeelecteti: Proudot-liru. Jenle Just. Weu- itegun. Vice Pteudent-lite. Edltb Herrick,. Llbertyvilîe. Rec. sud dort. fereary-Mrs. Jeu- uie A. Miller, Waukegau. Treamuer-Mrs. Mat-y L. Druse, Giiyslgke. Audio-lirs. Ada Wbiltrore, Ont-- auperintendenta. Ant-Narcotsc-Ulrs. Mary_ Boyau, Waukogs. Evangelltic-Mns. Celests Tuornp- on, waukresan.. leain Wori-Mrs. Csrrle Mteuif, 1 avler Mission - lins. Luclutia Brovn. Graysluke. Franobiue-ht-m. Joule Rogers. Wsu- fFranchis, Assoclte - Miss Aima Rae. Germe. MeSsI Cotet-àtus. Lolse Sliep- ff.ameeMeeing West. ml reaa. -,rs.Lef *SMa B'm»rae-r arth lieues, lartyvlll OdciiSie Tnmettsee Instruction- liraEmma ilmse.,Waakegsus.* Suabr obootWok-MIgns. M. O. Tanuermue. Ultmuare-MSsLois hhiopatd, ètiUreé. Ookiers iaN 8allors--)tu. Mary R. ,Bedgwkk, RIghlawl Pala. Loyal Tetuperance Logic.n - Mn.. Jounie A, Millesr. Wasagaa. The. petit purans dravu fan lie Oct- aber anti iarcb tenus o! Circuit Court are as follove: B. E. Sîmmous, Benlan. Heur>' Sine, Bouton.L W. D. Wysut. Bouton. W. T. Tamublng, Bouton. Zdi. Caldwvell, Bouton. David Pullen, Antioch. Sol LA Plant, Aptlocb. LonusHoak, Avait. Han->' J. Etivaruls. Avon. James Shessby, Wst-ren. W. E.,DoLace>', Waukegan. Fred Hulrer, Waukegsu. Chas. E. BaIntot-, WauItegan. J. C. O'Sbe Waukegco. Gea. Jackson, Waukegan. Bort. Thompklnc. Waukegau. Clan. FrankI, Waukogen. . B. Keseler,, Waukegau. R. C. Fulton, Waukgcau.. Hani-y AlabuIei-, Wsukegen. P. C. Raan. Wukegau.' Frank Dow, Weukegan. Antiew Grahiam, Waukegan. E. K. Bain, Wýtultegma James Breuton. Waukegan. T. V. iui-pby, Sields. Walteron Obl.Siolts. W. 0. Sauboru, Lbertyrilli. John Austin, Libertyvlle. A. jt King, LibértyvSlle. Aitr-titRtls, Freinant. M. L Pavi-s, Wauconde. Fred lSeIt, Cuba. John Goaeelen, Jr.., trnon. P. F. Doole>' Deerfielti. J. V. Gatrit>'. Doerfiold. Male No corivemts. Six mouthe tu jflhave faîteS le couvert Charles Baum, aged apootlti o! Iree love, fiou' hl@snotions ou. cotaulng duo mattiage relation sud when, Ibis voe, ho e tgreleese froin th. couuty juil plie sitar- îlog serveS a senltenco er afl. S - logml coaittion. tWIi Amfqdo jôgsca, b. t-ti ,egdiq - botiIo P" docetrines liai ire obnextffl ged vIlles l the- .nue Signais Passed Uvbbeeded ln Dense Fog. Enginasi Jumos and ls lu a dense tog early Tluetiday maru- Injg a Chicago,lalibauke & St. Paul frleght train 'crahed, loto a Chi- cega 4 mllvu»o .electtlc roaI con- atruction train tWO miles Souh oc Ra- cine and the. trechi of the junction ver. plaid bigli vlth the debris of six cars trom the latter., One man, Sugineetreldent, of the St. Paul train, vus lnJured In a flylag leep froin the englne of bis caba. Hia leg vms broken end b. utalnod otiier injuries of a serions cîaracter. Ho'ls et St. Luke'es lu Racine. Signais Unhoard ln Poq. Four hundred feeot Soulthtof the junction' of the raliroad and stteet car truckste electrie road's cou- struetion train aignlled before it erosod the «Et. Paul rlgbt of vay. Four iundred feot nortis on te part the. St. Paul train slgnalied. Bath ,Siguale pasod uubeoded ln the foe, whlch vas aimat Impentrable. aud the otectric roadea construction train of six cars proceeded ecrose the St. Paul tracits. Impact le Terrifie. Tho St. Paul englue, vltb te ten- der at thie iead- end, bit the. Çof- trctlon train vnIit t as about haif vay mrose and mattorod the. six cars lik. leaves ln an autuhlu gale, wuie et the. sarnielime tbe tender turuod turttI. The. engineer aud firoman ai the train bail seen tlieïr danger sud lsaped. Redrt sustalued bi* djarlos lu hi@ lump. Othr veto hurt, but not budly. The. St. Pauni train bad fourteen cars of cruseet*liou. as a h"u. AIl tald ou the tracit. Wreckers vere burrl.d ta the, @pot next mrnrung ta open the. ins for trame. Pammngr Eecupes Wreel. Liter Tuday rnoraIlug Nortiwsvet- orn train No. 1. tosded vltii pasmen. gers narrowly oacapqd a beadon ot- lsion vith e lgisifrein the.nords ou a om raUck bridge over thse Rooi am Racie. Thesu a of tboe passeegr traia avm4 tIMe day by ruanlug onto a aSêUng& but.asait vas. one coai nd & dine,- vem, bit aMd ou. vouan it suer «Vas meffsly brulsotiand shaken up. Nunda Harald 4mCeMan sd Advo- entes Lynchi Làw AgalttNarn.lems Crime of This InhuinnPaient. The Herald in not a belevor ln lyncb Iav. but If tiiore ee vas use for a atout rope and. a ire. 11mb It la Sn die cse of Fred Paron of Mgau- quin, sisauld the chargea agaînt hlm bo proveur. Ho novlies lu jul _at Woo4ftock avaiting eltber freedoun or lndictineui b>' the grand Jury on thle charge. 0f belng the. fatiier of bis ove 12-year-old daugters cbld. Perron wvas eureted]eset Satut4ay b>' Sierit Wandtack and giron s learing bofore Magisirate Gardner ln Nunde, State's Attarney Idvell b&r-ý lng evoru ont tbe complaint and liao belng present et thie examination. M1agistrat. Garduer fitd Paron s bonds et $1,000. Parren'a defonse vas e story ta the effect that bis daugbter bail been essaeulted by a streugo main lu e lumbor yard and tbet lte mai, bcd now led ta Germen>'. , Mrs. Pari-en siietains ber huebend's story. but the lîttie girl sets ber ovu fether la the gultyaone, and ber sitto ment la betleved by rncny of the. 1e9- lng citizens of Aigonquin. The girl and ber bbe are nov a; the Weleyan bospîtal lu Chicago. la cars of the enthorities. The deilgi- ter. glale's, testimony lSe du the longt ot a evoru. statornont, vhS-h kaccufs the father. aud the girl aiea Beys tiiet ho bas been conductlng him.sel lu, this unnetural mennure vni since ebeg vue 8 yearo old.-Nunda Heald. Wants Tbim Flued. le Lakte County aetl molest.4 wtith blnd pige? -Oue 0f Our h-14Mg Iudges tilnklthbat uberé eam ït leut one buudred ain theouai>' t. day. hoi. my i, "ydu a bstop lmin but 1mw Ptfthee *si~ 1the count>' *boe fl u04lit alt m"eu.The. aunagr> 1bave bail tboma il mmmwýtis u tlust thne iat t1'wmtnt t te çb the - laites 100ii14 buY ad e 1 Ift mares no diffe<oii<e N tane for t or.~ d Flicos. or' it bi* tbe~t Pet-via P"i ýLv ICTFD ru the Town Honte of ,lred. vote of 1= taie >41 Favor Would Make Amy' Movêle Dothi-one Hlmn *Smmk eofPreju- Wilbuui Glennl Va1iva mas i-aimal>' electeti Suda>' 10 the îuoiiOn of genenai avenseet 0f1 he Chnilanu Cathoîle Apoetauiec c-h lu ZSan for1 lfe. Tbisacet vp b>' t-lia-generalec- clenaaticai conféte i. laIn luWateut et Zion City', sn the vù of J,162 vas ironouncoti minabuans. The formai Motonuao! 1J lînoare For- by, suli-edtor of tue Vit -il-raid anti e Volva lieuteusat. lied he. prepan- Pd hefore thie couiferena-' mnet. As soon as VolSva tboitbils placeas pro- sdluîg oficer of lbe meeting lue recog- nîzeti Forbya>au to t lok the lattert batif an haut tu eadouS;hinoat ion. ln bis speepb of ascce-laance Volve announcodt lai s.maM iL aa-ting wt-anIS be boid Moqday. at.Wbleh he would an-t nounco hie plana regardiig the pli- grimage to the Nev %lexica ranch wbere. ho nov ZMon, CitY l ta o ees- tablishoti. St.-e-tisa aldtthat lho vould bave 10 JialO#10,00In luthe neita Ion days sud, cafld on al lubs faith- fui fOIoflturs flcouîrlbte. .The faction te %ZisaiC;ty affaire1k ieaded b>'.çunA. Levîs. naineS byl Dovlella ise vol a hise atfnl suc- ceasr. yl bae sàgeneral conferendé neXt seeli. Nuinrelî t Ille Dt 80 strong in filou City#&haa the onelisadt- ed b>' Volivu, but h bas a gi-ater suR- Ianrt fron ti,, aMliated churci tbnougbout-llo e rdd. Vollv5'5 Purchase. Overseer Wlbur Glenn Vliva ne. turned te filoity>Sattunda>' sud M portoS tbat 1e bai pui--hasted 25,9191 ae l laNev Mqieaas su cbldlng1 place for blï.toùïvesa Wbhovti s- oede villi hlItou tue cit>' finudeS b>' oie but nov 'unIeS b>' United Oatui euils sMd othor InluoeS re puigient ta Wr. Voive. a evva e lteblbllco-verqcuMWrla>s guag eisa s emade filou dity'f mou. leaod aid DovSe diaeci Vol-. lYsa tisaoiered agauel hie eneuSoeslSu Mtg Imoteru vtb whlch lie spatteredt ,plie naine of uheuMost Rush Ge 1 1 dol>' th viole ouit," vas bis an-c noancenent. War on "Hottse t Rail."1 The poster was headed- "A declara. lion of ver agaînst-thebouhsts of bell reprouenteti principallY by the Mu- nicipal League. "1 One of Volîvas grlevances egàluati the Miunicipal Leagu le nâid tu be liat il te controllua thduocil>' bigla ochool. vlulch îaîssed froinpatiarci- ai contraI wlth lthe destb of Dot-S.. Volîva !a so dspl.-ased wtLUithe..prom- eut menagenuent that ho vSll start a School o!flbis owaa Although h.- is an dopai-I80 Boom, Volîva aise sic-hec- 10bave thblge t-lgbt as lung as h.- stays Su Zimn CiI>'. Iu bis posters hlie1.clames e boycott on ail detIs-to and lavyers oxcopt tbaao of his choire. Ho aiséadvlsos hies followers an haie114) coul nit1til tlb.>' see Jilmn. He- .xpe.cts ta start a coal yard of h.b isil. Ecodus Will be Graduai. The exadua olana Zion City' to Net- Mexi-o la nat t,, lacglunotIl next apring. elti hl),1 - iw egire vilI b. graduai. 011.,ix,-my familles vîli go at Btrut. amal <aha i-c- ilI follOt- lu eméll dotacrnieualn. Valiva fefusedtin tell. wboeeSunNew b i bs nov Zion ii eltuatedl JAMeS MONAGItN IS BADLY #"JIR!D Fi-entis o!flaaes Monagliuofo Wauconda. we-ie-slaaaked Monda>' or- ening abeai aes v.as telePhanci ta th' village 'iat li ac-SaSboomu a"lIy hUrt b>' a hbIusSawile- llPtItSil t.» 1 cave for theue cve.i-aIllding. Tiie bull caineUa.puoa bis vicîlmn un. av-ares, knochlaag hlm 1to theoend sad ropoatîng the attelvison Mr-. Ilpeain arase. aniai a t ttlia>p peaiSd that the face Waté ne4r sud tise bottain vire bigh eiu&hpt1fM W îe gu-undt lapermît of hie eenstia l 'a>'. Sttaonure thaut 1ip0911e tii .aagy brute voulti have Xt>d lb4» Au si vas tva t-dus voe t>gIq* One ,t0 batil>'brulied swS94lt v hole g b vanol goredb>' t it dhit, e 1*Oy btho vlS b0 x 'i~~ &*S, bouaiL Ist vlI h be-voille bie tc ,J Ttit WOOLYWEST Episodîs of Lake Couc>' Hunters lu the 4Bcd Lands Writt.n b>' one of the Party'. Jlackson Hale. Wyo. September. 1907. Frleud .lust.-We arrlved Tbura- day, tbe i2tb. and et once vent into camp. there nI belng a holel au the pleine. Frank. Ibis eurely Sea()oda coutry, and If anything will macIe e Mau feel tb;t life a worth living tiI cIi-tpwestern air, les t. Gel up lu ' theruorning ai 4:1.0. take e sauce lu cold sbrinq water and the blond goes ronplug throngh yonr velus until one tîngles ail over wltb jo>'. Ater getting oui- tents up. we vere enxloua ta star, huuîing. so we made ni) parties, taking guns. anuunltlou andA lunch, Loyeil and MaeGuifn go- lng loto ne foot bills muer by and Dr. FoIe>' and nyself folowlng a trelI loto the vodA lb an asterly dl-oc- ton from camp.. Nov. Frank, my reputaîlon for truth and v*acity lbes been fairi>' gond iluthe paut, and 1 fear to dotail tb. resuits of tiet fOrat daye hunt. aud under no ci-cuistances ahIl1I stand sponsor for Ibis part of this1 tale, relattng te IdacQufin cd Loveli,9 as, 1 menel>' gel il ftorm tbem and give Il totyou for vbat Il le varth. Accordlng to Paul. b. snd tovell1 bcd gante about tva mlles Into dhs bile cacisod thelr lunch sud conte,. and separaod about 200 foot apsrt4 Pauni notlced signe of boear, tbe mois bavlng been claved from thie atones vhere Mr. Bear vaw buuttug for gruba. Cantîlously procoedlng &long lu the. thieket, hq sauddsnly vas Jostled by tvo large blackt bots and a third pieed bis pocitet of a tobso- Ca puch sud 80 conte lu cliaig. Weil, Paunilot out a yell tItg.»asoi Whou leoS1%ouderlng bimse»veMlibelp.' la« ot vheai calkes for breakfast., Lovoîl mruan sd opeeed lire. Tii.> ebasd md is e e until Ivo of tdam tan ao a bollov log. PaulIasu Loveh nulleS Up bath ends of the 1 IMoa sue eare igoiag oui ln the înonutag te biMuÏ uI» i.eulog "di 1 ql. PalOe4 mnêm>'m-lSotone. »Alé Ig*mk a"iutv bu bise. This phs. lu fui t o!jack ruabits. Intstad ofsebotIng ubei 1 tbougbt ra a clav embeme. W. placeS saine lgs Sa t-e ruftWay sud Paopiqd-a blacit"et on o oCbheMd, tie talat tlslnkWtgthe log e ers lolw vould rua futD tiiomni d dauli hbeir brains oui. tberli> savlng uns lie trouble o! abocting. Our guld*'s usmoe la Puse>'Ike. le fe11 lairto esauto from ttlactfuel l lac, orne years ago, bm.d the. opera- tion of T'ranbooan porformed upon binseif and a esIvor tube isemrtod lu the, lover part of bis necit, go ubat h. cotild breatite.,Ike lias beaun mai uSa. dates eice liat, buti, t'rpe alvays lips nit above the tube aad lite traiteoansoaInconvoiece.., Tho vsy Paul consumes food la soute- tilng scaudalous. H.e aetitres dsys' rations laat nîglit flpr supper, the va>' Il vent Into bila rerntUded me of viien 1 ted a bey proe one summer. ion sbauld se. loveIi on barse. bock, be la a pîcture. He rides e lit- doe roamaeauddue final tine lie mannted bor, b, took a dive avor her boaSdItostcorne blackberry bushes, sud vo pickodtihomne ont of bila al tbat nigbt. WiII write agaIn f anytblng of lu- terest turne up.- DOC. GALLOWAY. P. .-For beaven'a salite, senti the. Independntu regelaily. DOC. Anthrin iiFroent. Tic deadl>' anthrax has agelu braIt- ou out among 1h. herda af LaIte caunt>'. The fariners of i-mnaul ot-silP are Ireutic anti are hesleglng the drug stores for temedlea, t-bIle notiflcstdou bes heen sent te the claIe boardl aI boalth ta sent Iinspecteasta came anti ctamp out thic plague. Tite ialest ta auffer fi-tantduodis. ece la Farmrini-Meyers of Front township t-ha bac ah-eaSy lestoue cas andl ounelhoise anti anlicipatea the loues o! mare. -.Clouda of tuaI roîtîug along .the. 'country- roatis are accuseS of bevlng carrIed the.fatal germa liat cpiest the pisgue, t-hichirtia hioIt.out et Gimer,tIvIe mlles at-a>', Iulie àciveaman herd. t-beie elgbleen *era carnIeS off. N'eighbome ho due Bhbeai-maus aise lied largo lusses. Sheop Doge hua>'. Doge stacItetisee.» beoanglitu t Clyde Shultîs o! Fox iaku, lvi, nigita tu succession a lot- ulghts mgd, bIt- ai uomosud t-ouaiutng otiiers. O0111e Wallace lest a large number opi1* ,veek before lut tuatise ie .we TIls violat>' la lIsaS i -6« ethe ulers cio;m -*O obut thein up at alot. 8< Prizes Amfountiîng 10 U.vensS Hendlred ci Dollars.aWlil Se Award.d Succesaful Eclibitors. - * - 1984 osPsmuc l"gCe The Lakte caunt>' fair junioor, an -Mfone7 nt the Bugs allier *408 the aniual Hs.rvest Home R. @itoierte e Lail of the Gui-nec Camp of tbe o Moen Woodmnuoa!AtVerica, opena Tinte- day. Soptenîber 26. anti rung until Frida>' evontng, September 27. The fire1 day la dovoted tu entnies and to a î1ng places for Otries, ex. hlbits belug recelweti to noan ou Fr1- day. wb lie priz.e wantis are made on i-st antiscondi beet oxhibita fflday. Several bundreti dollars lu pises are offoreti. Ail exhîbîts aro dousteil lnthe cu amp union rosorveti andi are auc-ioui.d aif to meet the. annuel] ex- pense accaunt of the bervest homo. qi cb ct Last lYoar Grand Succes. i- LAst Year lhe l6rvest festival, vhlcb la a! course beld lu Wootiman Hall, vas a grand sahcces tid et- Ci ti-acteti attention froin oan ot .le w state ta the ether. ox Thuis yocr Ibis record le ta b. aur- Il passed sud lh, Wotiren are vork- la Ing wvth nmlght andi main tla set a oc record for follng fedtivale. Gunuee campi»of lhe fraternel orderthi la progressive sudgru'*ing. Refresla.lb muls ivili ho serveot uduotwo days 'f sud large crowdi are expocted. St The COmmittes. The leedlng committeos aresas 101. Iova: th Gi-LD.Potter,. R. W. Cliltten- den, C. D. Ciase. Frut» -IL B. Otrang, Honr-y hep.ln ard. O«G. Hawis us.th Cullay-li. f. iSobtyver. ' -A Eledman, E. Hi. Johinson, -Cand Pruit-Da'. Jolie>' L. W. ul Bracher. C. B. Demma Vetalile*- a.dtp I. L.W. Ù9 Wailfield, Jeu. R. huri.+t Neouàevori-)I-rz, KIL I. JobneOn, W, W. Apiglyard. Em.XmetBlx a. C Cnt Fii>veransd Potet.4 t*-i-W. W.. pplqrq,1,. . IL r. a". Art, feoe~~Ii-iu ~a,< dn*Io Am - . M CeIbt, Le Felo bu-AJ W Orsa. OS WYb.J H.- W. Orby.- gatrWalaet - .0 . a Wbltnoe, A r 7 7.a p - N la57b Faen &sud Figures ln. a LiIef Ps,'s.tuslproporty thut Wli, Se of lnt*ffsi. Tue board o! rerSewetaIt51 receat1 mssions nalsed th u M value o! %*Xei cocqilans, -.lots, raliroati sud par-4 soa'Spropeniy 11,132,635. Tis fultact ume kknovnThnneçlay t-hon lie reporta o! lie boardi ve fiod, the ciliris baviu4 eaded tuarit vork tist mari-nng. The, lb&rSSaISi-1 .5 Ils sessions at Seturde>' aller a1 soneallonai stt.rnpt te tax the ot-neri of due couat>' elot madamne.1 The total raine. af Lake e anl>' propent>' lu nos' fixed t $t 45,0W.8640.g Il t-as $43,891,11i.,vlulcb makos due1 rie. o! $1,132,525. Thie lgthlb.lrgeel riBe lu years.1 Figures lu Dctli.9 The figures lu dotait ste as fai- Personal propert>'. values vas 18,- 799,830, la $9,832.800. .' Lande, value t-as $16,489,635, la $16,469,525. Lots, value t-as$138,146,6, le 118,. 154,175. Thceaverage velue o!fSrnprqvod 104s per acre l i 1h05aI #165.13, paLo! unuimpraveti $46.50. The avet-eovalne o! Iowa sud. qty lots, ImprovotiIg lu xa t 14,76347 anti a! uinlnprove.5 1180.40>, Among lte Personal lIene. The lust oi pensonsi poopftty>' aveq- tbe folioslug Sfires M laIeI4t: No., - fl V.A.VaI. Hanses...11,U65 $7U.30 $.%113 Catte. - .28,621 741,885 24.79 Mules--------- 66 4.190 64A# 8h00» ...5,017 16.730 1 3,18 Nom.g ...- .10,748 41.34 IL44 steasm englues tas i.$" 38 144« lses---------.215 440 14309 Billard ltahles, c.........5, et.1600 2.4 Watchie ui dlocks - 301.1,70 9M5 SO9M - n- 1 pi sud t. k'. 841., Itito. S.338 9.06 1,676 111,881 78.06 480 8.070 16.60 .... 6,375 - - - - 452,500 - - - - -.. 55 .. - - - i. 9,580 .. - - .... 31,995 - .. - 815,945 - -. - iOCKET8 WERfl PULL OFf OOUNTEHFSeiT uqUAtgg Whin Olacoveored At.pt t IG Aw&Y T4uow1«Sg Mon.>s e l Pui-sueS b>' tii,.. insu vi. * aovered tlaoy vièeo laaaug co0aM eit rney, t150 "siioverss 14 I queer'lt-ho vont te 70e LoaXýf Chicago ver. captured LIter àp4 tie fight SatqtiWynocu enou *' . rat track noar the. Muebro i-ld $100 I ,Alfreti Bravu, Otto Mnbe"da Charles Craugb captureS the i'ben caugbl due>'blad about $1W. cuntrfeîl quarters ou tbep i4ýb trov a lot mare Inteut.fef l estItuated they bati ail tuid !W# runterfeit coin, The mou camne otfon li i mrning on lte rt r11* begon teý speud Iheîr mne>' ise>' D"»4e ai about Ilthe lsp tla nid! pamod quftsa u tý4 id»nebâe,DOMuve snd £l'euib W' ulseeveeOtt tise trsm isulcý mdw* lysprici ta rueq' Ibo;xcotey &*y bo o ctore tise lite # tovy serts tubs loto ~i~z 3lu " l e Saigo« Ibo confaMi ute t cute mattnfore*M eW4 igema ulthe ftrkwe Meul*era s i~ liombons of thse pe more ori>eaa, but Ottinïio 10 bave gottta t115 *wut t-o blacin pyei. 'lu.4' conntentaeu's lan tw bealle. Tue>' t-res 9W4,- tii.>r au'.sloqe tu haves p ou$ cota la tlu. F= >-loin tly have verteS a*hg 8moilq hater-' otevupop tI lisreubpi WSSmiOlvt t qet t e * eot 10 ceaa ith l eut et W Sf opino>' ati thsJwWt« corÉt. Tue tw mea gie li ,b- lowla Ie blét*milS e*t Aipiles sud os»>' the *Çm A, S. Ch*ntilet oS1 b*l iet nortivect et Wi0ved 'op a golS soverolgu beutiug lb. meatiof King00r 1 e aI Oirsi duoight It t-p sIhen due plawt ut-tht it q depth of elgit Incios. as dW vîth him. Lau htedafflnif Stodmen, alter lie coIn-had Ii eti untior aa, t-eut b" tg lb. plov brouli t t t lt4 wt-le ietact tdat il WU,*A.R- v'as dincovered. r $ Tho coin l a s. bùt Mri. dbta4ler tIco tiSs kg )LS ins oS vbm q , lit1v vina -e IS 1.