er maesa s sua&,. wu aIl nete 8 FOR DAL-Iàquim sta fb.Wu. Po 3.. o We h ,d* # rie Vk. gerw R *INT-ýftri ai 70 Ivresi, Wou oevl« afom oe f aiyesmeu. octa mtw toueet .1 Warm.naoaGrov. 'a d ibbons. R RgN-frmet M <>aegee -oee kt muth'eaoolrer. A. P. WiLler, R A~8bore. pao e nilar > untd on wheelSWuwebeowmlr aucliet .d "itamamfte" ,Arum. luewtyvil$4 ML 84%1 LOST-A fflket bookni lautk smn0aImaceeyat the hall roun.s,Lt M..vl , ISUnD e ,afIofui4 iA libeal ewal n-II e g tan Ilse #c& t. ,8T-LsdyaMd -coat lin ie~ vilor ounb r"d tiorthesaoft ira ioe sv-t liiioffic. 5. I Q#P6breela ur eImtrde pot UbertN)ê ~Wrcox, ltCkkkr. ntfot mach botter. DABMShugitwbo bhau ins sing ail~. John i. ha gos, w Kausse hies Mtip. ia.lurtablet*eel tr f, ntudb 4 %« i* Il~b.d.nht". Wehtur to bis hbose l I om Ufr mad Urs. G aî0e... aloi r 18-1 'uee 1 .4K. I Pee,>-W ez, li en oùPatton, vl.ltedDow"rastbe - roUe medln4q i rtt0 hi Wh *1.ê Lui la hsvnq saurc b lut on mrs BOPïe Ià ý qOitp r»pidty. a stote, whb Ushu qliit ulPiv*. Hery Ingals le »t Ispcuvfpg very ont %là the place _ . ,n " ,& umbeù,= frotle. ttended thestate I(hUO. ebb la uilig à fie sl*dpio àr *t ilwaukee Ilut wsek. 9n Mai _tee 0week wl ebeurtÔéy-Is~~f 4aughuter, LorettaAtus.tIý0f ,kw à-011À, VIotlI.Ber Ry Iflw0éuta*àoed Overeucp -me, ~du Kt M. ObOtl's.:".e I Tt Ir" »' 9 pk i 1 fat od umer bo i e« t 11 m gtah Il*s uc' is a e a oiW cW. O adoWy Md i tom e11.Iumtonafa * rul.be4 me fr ma" - ouw he4mum ee ia u stuabidecaire.ato0«r -m the 1I< le vm sNb'a I. m altefat ie I VO' atWL t.i 0 re. MW 4uffl <tiom Mr « -Mutt o Yee-M thoir boom ba e 51 ," uauog lai *WMMuU Wh "Te uoale mt" cel Uw»t 5W sMd Vi 711 Il vO impomelil1 ii tii ie et tie-miu* pasetiw .*hmes Sitem blepaltuIttàs4 uM, «M tly a perfc qulety t W* - cd ma.proot f cf ItiO bg tas lodsaroua '*1 climulel lhe eveniug Il b~r~at the cud 4t-e sglaae sipdiotoi itle t tic Ittile bas orles yen lalmatlr V. * ostre V-M playiug a m -Dto »M ff" But bIe. but and tuism6 foae.*Mpmwt usiesîci t body. thec- raka lpprryf t and'ice. il shnftd lmpoeuibb attlss Ami rotlaIt h t. tityo< bhon- Oapea t4 liaI 1 go Irtt»TmOe vu abolit mU wVIt; 1I eoi4 ovebalslmc <jlÏt IL*Wqrted *riti Mbd br y mpimà I reaciel lthéliéde. I Bùfl1 lb$* put forth thé lu atroligtfk. 1could uoir sut ganus egfor loy br«uatiAisc dately Willoulghby Anusl vis Sged varlùà met, niem n lu*that p"0u isi4~~~~~~ bel*»peW erI.ut 118 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B Me omo-br hrt Iho~ haut eit 0font vie l etabr_,Thasi~ tut *wo uhier; «p"t h"e- ber b: uoqbe Mn Bfeosuae enre un W.coléfot.Euet.ti erot wofsuto the am 1 cair. Tm- a Imm ci Id ve tt tunt t" te ett thta A' , b o gg1pmet, OMM s o e a soit lut sIl1 hW*Ot1 eIndifférent t Wb «MU OL out rthOuton t- ad the tsaoeey But 1 s 114d be byrîtand. . c Pota *obe-i d ave But à tie a~'l i ~êeU h tred.I 51 ex 101U4, » - 1,eriy"ouav wu porawa ei on my baaGi Pu* bbbrt o ni.Oute sp t co*Y Pè bff iS ed o rtell ite Wbis b #uioa teWod ait a nd ymor fflK uethte- rn mey orc * tien ms Wb ae l1ber t à»lu mittie ta mt bailemou sprgtv op woIandaealina ýto yqU .Symht 10*3 - er ail mu e etth& S. Bute *N &W t tis ti. 1,ws amonet .1 .Wok- vêtu%" Iuld agftluImhed baci .7n-cr. *ici tseOb*te eybasr 00«W-'cedI waa augal paie. taudp& 10 spl oS hersi qoe 0 W he Iaupote. ,Te nidhove-. PW day *0 te deteneofeye. mait i I m ayfel4e% itert thatyou id o apa e y-. 010er" le fu tona wler Llier, atio! eref Uhd aeuyu teko ethmr5U1 ? 9400wy leiiere on matock. a*:t eYl bc" e fortemSOnte P th wdl- ipaoted OW awn Béthe' *Qroe i-w b otorhe plad eubt*0p fte i!b»e ta Ifa tinl Ma4 eeOf «à am li fae i s15 m à; "Op atwr ait. .Yeu reect t*1014 Ae mm «W t»r. t Vas a mrn ntlc et x9aýe. tW,?, W& ýý Aing1 a hd Way M-Or cf yoîîo. en a l it lOf, 1.r 1011 t teetib ý . 1suposen', slf Is,*i qry *iht etor tg80it ie got xe 4*y bew , b d fese QI elea it6o 0 'lle _7 ý,jbqý« tatyou d lite &aer yQý voIcettelltte ILlwtlspen -.,à <ý . *su iou applcd nVt AU là tbereno ater4M ? Ut t-, eatitefor th ie t , *O T-: -Mi ca I"ýý cl ~a - lte @Unbb 0 m teS ie rtutb "1u &0* mentsi t m W10w 15 1Irh*« ba trombte as *mofat.- 17tw brhar rtied hI>%5iiis lobr lieItba OIIAPTIER VI. 1%0 Otiier Wao.n. 6 e »s la m .w fat ISe aer un *At- mut en cut*mmr uthêgty beest.h tluon b hell lima bis imaglu- &lion-. The ieu of. h«o f soiety, olé 8eetyofeaMing bts da6117 brea-the* are liarrIers that hem 1dm la thce nmW rut ut routine a"~ ~P iuie. , e O '.t eck over the ro- lijb manpe.tint hecion a ilulu. or, If 16e dame ho mueIthinwprutewfée sometimes ooueteigec 10the ind. Bat oomolsaly a esasclysui.boi *o plysbcaL sud ixa* ltrn*t oe Witb- V eut the faailelaIudarie The. habýit 0* a léutllUqare taotten tho. t. tleu' o, 1 ceou*4dies th. ~lm - le, in4 rdmeté imt. ee bbat riw es *hitgItuactionla u bt et*>, It lt trué til the .divine me0 om lm loo u4ai; thc W.ouma o *omm, se Io 15 ntobu< *arpy th't10 normalVOUf puSse he b.redé e.waathig 1101 cou"e. witb fa!lnu or II self- ouuece--are alseady alm in mottes. a«dS ktla ton lat. to rai' back: lbéreCircuit Cc La wUoIu ter itbut to ho lorueno- bq Ter waut *#Lbthe tfu Johh.Ila -400 t iii«UC.. At fat aliaS* tbv 40I 1,1O ta ao " tosayts ff t *50 1 tbuat hae baelh* owileu sltatof ae*Ibg l, of d4oty, - -*M#>bblt--di Moot ta.b«1er- 1 e1musi MMé. attcr 5 land boy o ame.t eberisbtu e cbope ht im unse aioR lm 0iventarfe "nidi comme, 101me #fbad liat hsppee to-s1lâtL T", 7"" ne0f t tome Mi lft bâi béoc - SaImo- àplur e alssle d am $and C. Whes t 1w ma thticuumewshty, boat aufq as ecr*arrt.e se#A , midtilIIoasljre Who lfre lut a oh- some 16 o t det 14.Wot ,L bai Octobel truddedêi* roti M5d Usipli bole of bualm mes otàne. imy eyu5 bout som- Wiy a peatl osusee, W buey tIli w*a libed C~us 4c i:t I. aV flot h15la mt lite. 4*dieu one da> i awoke. tferw etae td Withb astarýt t l liauVS afr ping ay trousm me;and ulli tSltthe boe* tic golden miatiaus And, de- oewe.. ll<b hlat l hako lit e Worth wille. 1 mwrd waa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o elpl amchneertera s *u m1io1jý à achine ratai' 9M unko in th bluge uiachine of business. won,, reboee. In ane day 1 broke the o.tsiu sbacittestbat boin4 me. Icwu as frs, l.citO Mi lif* w ele tst my very own I e tate-t "hud do wth lu wbst I plemiee. 1I nw- 00011 go Vhere I wlalied. leteeV" And no I baoitne.toE urope. 'I b0* had huggeà terMy breutathlie6moomuu MOlle but pmeticadelusion that acroas lté, .eu 1 xouîlld somthitng-Iudt -ýA jIE M I4 ot inôv-eoetbisg t*at ?" *oUldýmake litemore joyouds, biTe te t chanu ual lutemest. 1 bail fflurcilcd dlllonily tlà* magie tiimââ i n trass. aci ,. ao- of ffn»1 a, I ent tomd i IT, ioa rwü.Iý5' 1 l1veïr ta ot te b. plua d"o asBy hoaconou.. in sgl#*m o OrshouII v6it s, sor Lire wale t sape w 11 te Tags e ct ted N amh tmis. ever? mas ie%9aa- taIMNr omplaiuantgsBoit. Of rAit0OfM 7. mark ef af At moet or MIm el @'wu