75' ýlS. Genm. mie Rsu .40kga 'N - s c %r Ove car"od of the cam of the colosaal -bsallrupt S"oc ~~ *f the" LL.NeIwm Ce., Chlcabo thewmile's rget ltbuos Prorn the first mention of the purchase of ne fine carloi of fumniture from the big bmnkrupt distrib- mis the Homse of Meycer &FPrank, at 129 South Genesc Street, Waulcegan, is been overrun with ecnmca and %;ify byrfrom ail over the county. [one have been disappointedfSr they have fud tbat the savings have been liberal beyond theïr, gte atest expçctation. The respone:of the public Tau" will bc encouraged daily by the addition of. several ship- M IsTIea65C . ments which will 'ariveurngthe prop«s of this sale. ,leulThe, shortagevol of floor space and warehouse- room has con-, M. L N. Ce. et 01.15, noye.pelled us t adeteesimnsdvdd * Frak'sBeakimp Sue Prime _________ 6AC il Enal N,,iàd hi hk ýiËures Woot dituet"1 iiOa o gkouriagle ahtud akbe., IL L M. Co.'* prices 8,8 Nye tâ@Wo f Cndws tt@$87 tme boUt O e Uc cOWsMt raliàoi, O id 9kmeu is. bsh* icuphOlter- 99 rush m -*an impr.vi quseand sprbg 0omm8,.d funde&ion. The L L N. (Jo.'s prioe. 1450,Meycr &h Fr»V aakuipt,$575 e pilce..... Smua&" Cmbels a a GreatReiosa ai"" Ooub"e, auIiateel cnmraod, Wbetoutea nd bock sunMr of«r cmviii $x springm. Meyer àh J rama' Beabrpt Suie of theM. L. L.Co.'$ stock affer. am opportuity for ah. parcha cf que of thme 4mhy deirsi oouche t gretly reduoed pneu. Irem ltds Bt $L75 Ail colores ad sixsairan beda, voi made and highly finimlmd, IL L. N. Co. 'e prias 0,3.00o, Meyer à Frank's preu..........$L75 $45 ltr o » Meyer & FrankiBaakrpt qà NNgm ict hInSe& M Bt 27.54 Artistically and olidly eonstructc brase beds, M. L. N. dà ro.' prie* 040, Neyer h Franki Backrnpt Sle pria . ..12703V 50Inn lods J oyer & Frank Bankmapt Suie 010r ....a........ -.................... ............ Ka 0X'm1foldang go-carta, manufaot- ured fram the orig- enîbraieg the lt. et mpravuueniflt. -Just th. tbing for *piatiul every-duy ioia-d-ge er- !e..Durieg th.suie Cobls stook regular *Z6O values t kw~~MdtIL The pi-st oak, gol 1d en iglaoe finish, &IsO modern mission patternsi adidn wagthered' o r Antwerp finish. To lic .isposed of during th. Meyer & Frank Buaitupt Suie ai ah. M. L. N. Ca.lm stock on the &&me lowy priced bail.. I Chairs $2.75 NaoyÎgurd quartee uhighlypoi.mhed, golden gwah, gcnune leather over cMe, upholitered seuls, haped bukos, M. L. N. ('o.'s prie. 84.50 Meyer & Frank'& Bank- ragpt Sule price w g, 7 Stoves aidanges AMECRICAN WA"titBEST At Greatly Reduced 'a Prices Durig The GiCmt Bankrupt sak Of the M. L. Nelsoni Co.'s Bankrupt stock ci Furnitumr at Meyer & frank'sg 129_ S. Gene Il 'Il at $8 Attructiveiy graimed, qurtered oak, geidon gloae finish, French bcveled plate mirror 12124 inohes, out brasa trimminge. M. 1. N. C.'s prioe.$12.50, Meyer& iFrankms Bokrapt Sale prias Espeowuly seated qnarter-mawed osk stock, highiy golden glace fin- Ast, Prenait ev.icd plate mrror under itou, aoval front top drawers, divided ia sections for siverwnre and linon. M. L. N. Co.'m price 818.50, Neyer Frank's Baakrupt Sui pric. ~275 Sale e c the tabis Bt 9.5c Large ased, weli made, standard conitmnoted kitchon tables, M.: %w L. N. Co.'& prie@ 01.75, Meyer & FraWks Baakrnpt Suie priae. Sale of litchea Chairs at 35e The purcasa from the M. L. N. <Co. inoiuded sovoral dozons of weli rni kitohen chars. To give the greatoot number of peopleoI, benelit of, li parohase, w. limit the. number of oach cuilanier to.four eaah of Neyer & Frank'a Bankrupt Sale priae................... 35 TO LOW RATES Ittlug AboidS UD Mis etthe auge la relgt S"be. diIfis Sal QUICIC SERVICE FOR MERCIIANTS SEING SOLVED. Çratifying Inruase in Busines* R. portsd by the. Expre Mandlers MUring the Last Few Monthe. <FramnWedneeday's sa.) The. erpreel onpanli adotn9 busl- nie" l u.a e ve ,e alarge ammouat of busineson tint ofthei receet action ofthtei Northwertern road ln yraiig the. price for the. mini- mni charge for carryng pmckage treight and It la clalnied th"t ln a short ime neariy ail of th. package trelght wiii h. carrled by the express catapanles. The recent order of tii coenpauy advaneed the. pries for frelght toaa minimum of 40 cents for any package of a iiundred pouade, or under and the express campantes have grantegi the sane rate. This action on the, part of the ex- press compaues hasn nertYr galvegi the malter of quick delivery of package treight In Waukegan. For yeara the merchante of the clty have oniplain- md on accouaiti.thcft fiat il won Impossible to get rapi ftrelht uhlp- menftioc! mmiii pckage. frram Chi. cago and ather citie atnd mamty of tien la the. Peat bad bera uilinta o pay thei. biglait rate ta tii. expresi cOMM"asln aSter te ixPedte lts de- livery e!tii. mSods. Ina»» e uB la baitaie Md ateven: ire das Lto a~s h na.ad Mllwiakoeami, "w Iii dflrles m abg madie ount" day amer the elpmeit trom tic WL dWbMta, thicUnesave« by suAp tic g=Offl by eupreu. ii. uip- gluthat quit. a lite nouisl la the vag et ciNigai for quit. * l et tii. soude @Mt by capret.. delivermi 1vitiout earge, viii. gecii aiilpiei by tright tuat b. hWetaIthe os th Uce oeigaee. Tb*ftctth t ti.e epresosiaed t cecpsles are ciiurgiug tic e rate la at geaeraliy knova ta peopleote C ityc, . but tb .ma- ru 0f bath expes campaule. re- a large lacrense of auale.i aine. Dew rata vent tata cfeet.Mid tI1 hbouait tut viien the tact lis. geratIy kmown nearly ail uofreght ta and frtrmWmuie- wlli b. shlppod by expressi. Watt la anc of the. few cilles. lathc try viere. thc freigit Md «Poexp' ar-e the.seime andthetiimercaate otieri iaving amai ahlipmenti ould reap thei beneflt.. *W Pi-sidînt Taie. Hie Chair Te- dey fer- F1,5 Time. <rm Wueda"'IgSuu.) Laie, Foreet Uaiversity begins ta- the tiret semaiter of ls eod 'years of existence. Thel new rident. Henry Nolan, tormerly 44 e Univenaty afIndiana, la the irnt an, ta occupy the progenet!o r ln thc Institution.1Hi.a ama- of siccative contrai mar-ka ane Ucy. He suceeeded Rev. Rtichard VHarian. The nov bufldings avait atitis year are Blacstone aMd aui ialis-mena iarmltarlO-tic Ca-ie Science Hiall and the. Calvin d Commune. #Y ST ~. PAUJL TUMAI MWDo», Luorc et A ruourta, Seiy Injre& SWatar Duvuon. a laborer ut ÀAr- wue.taf laies oreet, visluit î t et 10:30 atruek hi aw St. Peut 1la the. umda o e Uc Chi1ége X*l ja Ae ýSt. Puai re t Rfldelut. YHia rigit arm a vueeut o09 andI ka acriati injriesabobt tic DAInIaa via reM"ud to or- il igne. la UbortIvIleamd He bad boa aqlu uskeganamge sud bocumctiy boita.. He about lO andi lahrioi. TIWS W tt-. W"D. Bmaw. MOlvuakee. 25; Cara P. OSe iBux FaLIs , . i.. Sue .Darman, 52. & ereA~AMer, Chicago, 26'. sle BScleinger, 25. 1'rank W. Keiis. 22. Waukemia; tuaie Maroce, 20. Jus. F. Oakley, Syracuse, 14. Y. lit. mye. Tatigne>. 20. John Ruger, 39: Paulina Prou. 42. Frank Iteardon, 23; flarceffl mc. Cready, 18. Wiliam Brintan ChllteadeD. Sprnt-' field, 30; Grace L. Jones. M Sud a OlItp TW*~ Oas Suer ~ mutai veuim la tic - Ét US doesat miani alibI. W*efo h liii. mai aSeOt, uPW~ p