lSaie 1 i W mow aU ogul Subur. JUSTICE WEISS MA11111 STU NNINQ PARSENTATION. Police Oflicers M"d Ail Sbnt tao ift te Mener Thoir Mesd. Speakers Laud ChIet Tyrrell. <Prom Wedneeday's Sun.) Tii. pot arprlseeiminula W gan lust nigt vas Chiefof !Po Tyrreli, vien lu the une o! the.~o îles deparlmneut of the. oity juste Wei"s presened hlm vlth su eiegant sclier star. mes preseuhation tbah pis"elust e the. nlght police force camne on dut>'. Assistant Chef Hicksa nnagmi ta keep the. police chief sua>' froni the station outil 6:30, alhiiongih. v aut- ed in coin. back at 6: 10. lMiaslY. et 6:30, ha arrlved. Slecs Gatherinq Wth Surprise. H, vas ai once umbred ta tii sec- oui star>' of the police slttu, ubere the entine day sud nlgt Police force. cobe Us!uier tGres%,newapaper rep. resimiathves sudoera v ere gstu- tred. Justice Weiss motloned hun te s chair sud besgt dowa vit utoulub. met urItten langes ou bis face. 11 bave an Importat dut>' ta par. *aIm." saiJustice Weiss, Who lsaa canidate for easte's -attarney'. "lb lna a ty ai once Impotant sud pleeseut, ince ou. 0 the. peopes M aeu devoted servants a ta teb.boa- orei b>' tbe men uui.r hlm. "CWe, rau have mrv.d the. peope Of Waukegas honesil>' sud devotai> for Ivat>' yanaî udhave b> menit aoérs fromsthp rauks ta 60e Po- idum« ~ or te police. «IaM bers 10 preseut ticyon la 6001 nasai.of the monunuder yen, the insu- bons o! your force. the police o-ss of Wsubegsn. a silver star as, a tokeqa et the affection lu ubicli ycn are mu MTey bAve prhased it sud bave aeked me te preseut il 10 show hou t0e>' regard you. ta deinoatrate tue affection sud respect Ila uhib i ou are heu." "ftke il sud vear I it 1th6e dis, tungulshed lionor sud fidehit>'. hast bave made your ta moike tue Peope of Wsubegau proui o! you.1 . As he endek b. bandai Clalef Tyr. MIeiltistar ln It elegmtil cees sud 0»ca tbpl*sr oe c ol if, aMbu bu6th eépIe a back çt tlm sud vituhlm illiso et 6' N. Matou £ Anhmg police smdoné dome mot euhwo kuove 1h.- Refreslmrela emes CigaresuMd re àftêto verserr- aid te .ead ti6igâ*Iti *asd; tbe niat1 police left thto ub oir beauas usl. A eommttes oonglaàlulg of Osts Trift sud ONM purebassithe slar by muig a tnp hto Chilaso 1or IL Previoul>' sen>'police ofcer bai coutribted i bas bMretà .biuag l.. ht la su letsul piece «i vork lu silver, lgoli s&aieMamue sd la vru vit1à distinet5cu b>' ChefTynneli. Outhie front of liii t4st>' dési unar 60e vode "Ciletf utPolice, Wmnke. ga. Illilnois," *bie ou tiieabvee are the. vorile "Prestei teO « Odbe ,TiioumTymnelI. b>' tbcWas- bes oieDeparhusnh, Sepheuber 17.,19071" The prmentahice us. scompleta aurprite.te the ebief, sud lit bok bil Ait svmdnug fQUlîrtoremise ths good thluathie boys bai p.esed over on oOVERNtmENt4 S 4ft 4no MURRY .WITI4 FEPSUA BUILOINcS. Celle Vor ExMhauseinAalyses ef Sojis onl 51ePurohased lathie Wioo. Tiaimipenvislug wecbitech of *0. United UU* ai menuet bau aUy brohen the.-long' 4acm la regardte thé Ks.cé public building said vaille thePeope viiib. %g toIa0emma tbat KOMM luii set besa.eUnWsl -oguë. the ecisABWeatiSf u Ibe arolhet hves 9W. rasbae ta believe tlaù : Re*Oo'viiib. imou c hie publice uldl o usyeur. 'nea Plaes forthe buildingbave mtau> yet baumai. ami tbep viiot b. tg niaint4 bgoventsal ma viue-Ieot of iatmtom alai reuud te ti.nahure-o« theêunol! ah tue c ocf Marbest tanim bch- eau mreet- la rier te melve thilepume!.Inu1re gard ta the.soi! sud the mrrouuiug o! tbe site Kenomia anrveyors bhve beau asked to, lii for tige job or ma". Int tbe exsuilaationa aeccsmary A" Ih viii ha @eav eeokg t!not s montb befare thIs preIlm*M wr>ork aa be ion.Tue Invesatioon la 10 b. a uet -Mscbng One sud the govera. Ment la ta b. supplied vliuMn, prita IhOwltgthe Mr>'of ii es i olan"I. ,lang the nature of tue soilandai al of tb. streetansd slleys la the neli- borlaooi. Tus chuthmueta ios 51v ID faet aven Point tuaI cmn b.oued il, connection viii the iaylng ont of lb. 11,01l11aue la addition, lia Loers Meuta demanda liaI Ivo p"O . vgph ebOvlug lhe site frOn, diliereatgobas, be forvsrdei vith the reporL-Nmvk dwards Siethèueate Dredg. Navi The. Eduaria Brce., Dreige Cornu gayof Su me. ManIe, ici., vus te only blider, u etssimosa se yard, for CMopletiu b. gnsdftg ah thie nav,]alinilmng station for the day. Tuers an. about 8U.9» el ________________________Yardso ertih o b. remeved. The ag astau laer ssstat Ole lOheblde vers opanci at he .uavy dept-t b" .plaae itilon the police eet mu l adlshn bIus4 buoa Chiot Machi AfesIs. $g~ ITIllfg u lua avole.bush>' viiielaOdm. ClilefTyrelili. I *11tlieuhyou, bon'siSesy Ps of RienCaumeMuai i *baak. 1 apprecate hil." Wssiwufts AIs e Me Si la tans George C. umaats WtDée Tue* lee> nins Wof lgst it sud a $UNIWilimam J. Smith editero f t jnlyg ao vh i Osaiti exCulf a PoIce ilaFlsephone *Bd telegnapi virus sud o-le, Abeiinant Obcthi ce M bc lwbt eatnt a iia"a agg«Job*s Muyauansd chieraamiou be ga,' 01 orangM, iouing tuai brw <respoones. #55agvam m e fect boe. ' *Poh aiw "- S ob Muste Clulef. Tme"' vese. mm. v vmoam i )end NIhtUnder i1k (iuWedamdmay's Sua.) vitia a qthbilubis bond v*hmleuvas IvAk=a iy a crii W thiuder Iis 87"b'Y Mr. Mu"mb saf querei a.~Mt te go back lu the. bWldbg *salm ~muau aI3 ocock.Mii .K au t tisracouli fini t te pgO sudm IrI o! 773 Marlmo set, taudi tb.iitoretisr vit hum ûth e oi bioues D11OCf ne Mud bati a bard liait ticeilar viti theecotito bul to ayraken ber hibabiansd Ivo hbt thé bple. ail carry sud isanut the r.. vbo la -a shrItine s ouaicna. bom be overooms. -,Tbey dui not have ta oboklong. of- Mr.Mamsb, Who operates thé, mmuh icer Nioelts vas seronslb.atreet tMS berbrtaop hiougit aetfBrefthtat asi boit notced the. dlstnbamoes sud ~ ue 'omlg uOhers froua a mg lr lmdbltely cromaed sai! foreei bis »«0e that be bai luit atated before vay do" a M the cellan ocly toA"li lassa to bei. that, the front vall of ths buildingi Wi K goeilao&sy startei for the. bar- bai been.brokea la by the terile ter- eicp but oli liai aothiag wvmug; renti ofr ma thal vers falilag SU gbis fsillYont con the. street. nomter WIt h su ad severel tue omie- limedlately seL ont te avaken ýMr. Inch pipes, tbns rapiiiy Blillg tlÉe Obomalni,, uo opersies -the Cash bouse sud the, stores vithI ga. Miel; Maret lte sanie buildintg.- 906 familles ver. compelied la vhi nbe louai blin Inla bisaigtsirt aesaithe aightunodei liie avulng, as taflug té fini 60o e 5. if aay. lu the. hhey coulnu uahut off the. gu* sud tua pipe. coul bnot drive 1h froin the building %The' tvôonu pon opeuiug lhe ce-al-se tiey cotuicduot force as iraugbt Ian. door vers foced la retreat aagla 'tbronst,. 1 ta the air la crier ta regain their 'No serions resuihu are fit ioda>', brethi. Bu60 vore by t6011 ture nearly oulY ail complain of severe beadaciies. emuohoerc.. Both mtou are marrled sud botb bave Mr. Skmsglrt sarted back airain amail eiliren. GET 0 NTTKI£iLT FreI0t Users are Alains i Ilanid WIII Protest ln Organizud Form bonm (Prom Wedasm(ay S un.) Siaillar scUioaa viii bc takisIlnocier The aeu minimurate of 40 cents.5t$mes affeefflb>' 6,teu rate. per place on local paciagafrslght. Tusdeaiejace la tue rate on e ubicla vent lnoo fet ou &il ralîroas epackggerlgio! dof per cent, va on Au&. 19, vl b. bttstiy contestei 1snaéiiaei -vltbout vanung. It le b>' sblpper. al over 1tue country, sud hlievedai t he Ie rease l a hIe naleues lasohrate of 26 ceute la re-' nature o! retallatory action onthie sit.orsi fermaicomplainte vili ha maie part of the, rallrosis for lthe -cent tote iter-state commierce commis- Pmaegr rates tuaI bave .beuoes- sicnan th 6e varions atate ralîrosi tabllehed b> lav la neari>' bain>' state oommione.of tue country. Shipiiers viasre O1effl of the Mlvaukee Mercb.' faniilar wllb hconditionssa>'tuat aMUs sud Maufuturr aso iaon thiere fa no viii rqecoevii>'thé rate repreetiag. Mlvauee. hipea, 6 cents, Il le sali, va s o blgb bave boom. negtiug vwitia the r&. that the expense of a short haui and rosdoukw fo ton"Ystr7ing nti thedils<lty of ha"llng $sUaipck- for sues ers mr a opuae or ah Iceet.a modification of thes asu.fobyta s tialestsu a justmoi fno muekina u .Thei nrmue .affecta uent' d u reaclisi la a sbot hlm. formel com- cusesof shipier. sud of course it vt plaint vHiab. Sildai uth botii the Wl& hsve a reflex etoët on the oe1Msnr, cousin @talc ralîroai commission sud vho lu th.e idAf giva705psyhi 6tshe vte-mte eommnerec commission. frelgbl. wawE. s~ Mu. Aiqui te lHave Pired Font $bots lt. Wite'u Se.. Beys be en $ihwlla aTramps - <rom W.dueedays Sun.) She ounfessedt o lb. police liat her A qffer tara came lu lb.. janyateri- bubani bail don, the deed, havver, oui assanit on a south aide wucinu sud Is arrean sd flue floved. Te c wna ovascaeped uben tii. lest niait visa ber. buabani appeanl uih.uand stateu4 uat he bail firei the ..i suad peiguilhyL Hi* Pies onded 1aots at trampa vbo have or tata oas of the muet remerkabie oriminai beenau suyini the viclil>'aof blis Casesthe cil>' las evor bai, one ln bouse sI 607 Market street, ulile vhbtheb.muet coatradictor>'Moates goasing nelgbbora tatei vitha vers bold, ail appareuti>' true. wemlth o! detailitiiat the vif, bai ah- Prank Oblak vu the mn. At 3 temPlai ta biltlier buabai b>' fing Monday moinng bia vifevuse fowithelb.hots sud tuat b, bai beten bon ulterlng la ber oua blood, bail>' taoescape. beatea vbie tbere vere the, marks He useln hldung untiiluat niait. of four abats brougb the jamb of A etrange 101t la a the abois are ber bei rooni door, Dn. Kslovaky 51- oiaimei la have beau lireil rou, the teadai ber snd abhevii! recover. quteideofo!the bos& la. Site bld-ou. Party, hbat burgiara Obias'a ufopiesd ivit!,thePoilice ba'i rsi the sbotsansd liaI aie vas ta, ho lenient vith b:m, viich la vby beeha resisag 60em. ho recived such a llgbt fine. AT wotk MOVINQ Daunse r "'61M -Adkid Plie b>'Attene>' fWM Ap*w .. Oimue (Prm lEver3m wFon t shi Cbemuug cf tha Brie uee a tel Divan Jobason'toethve lbunci 0 over froin lhe aeu slip, iubere abe ban been lyiug sud wvlhe oseuaeofth steainwinch on bis divlng MM0 Ipaileil tue laca&bout thhrty féel upon lhe beach. The boat vin ha rebulit b>' itiobe Bronhe, 60e notadi miii>carpenler gM tlis cit>' sud Wvi!b. maie toto i hOU4up-o.iate pasenger launci for'l' Lini-lu Park route out seson A suih for dasiages CI! $UOO ue fledai ansh tIc Uni e feeUbiP Oo pan>' b>'AllornseyParmialuet il@0 Cit.l>'. tattera vers séjugtwds a . . Lawrence.thie ovme, bouali amalil flsbng hng lu Ksnceiis vi, B OAT. h. viii une for, Ibe te! l IWýig. in suit <SM T U Eéaping illuminanlt Cause. Pâm AI a ishe bur hie toiletthej of bouse aI 778 Marion atreet, collet b ML) M LC1rke, .ere pmau reWl* 19etff y temal fmftpugM unlo1ý gM@Une0 b>' th 0e o £ qî ,i"k ftAP FOR TAX D00001110AND M~SAN WMO RMAOR PILR MER& Ch&ion Boster Deojarse Thot It la Up taethie Vomi Men h. Moite Wamkegsn Wiat Il *Siieead Bu. "The Young men la the. City et Wan- kagéu Who aa toas'dreamilngOf s grenier Wsukegsu muet avake andi leara that It le up teta 0m tae kila lta deveiopoent," sali Prof. Oit liet utgbt. te 600. people. "The aier men ubo hav, ides. differsat froin the.Ides, of lie in oftlois>' do not cars uhether Wsnke- gan beoomee a City of faine or nOt. Tbey bave money, the>' mail. their mouey la su easler muguner thisuthe lad 0f toila>'can sud lbdy caq ait b>' sud see Waukdgau becoïne a grest cit>' or cau ee lb isoplaeifroin thie map. Organisation the Secret. "OrganisatIon yull bring the. people et, WankeMeu ogether sud vili ieail te the begiauiug of a grenIer Wau.. kegan. -Wbeu tais bas been accompliabeil parka viii boon , Industries viliiap- peaLr fromt naova places aud Wsu- kesan viii baila ta relize that there are men lu thisla ommuuitY liai bueva miays.aud -ianners tInt viii suppi>' a meane for obtiling parks aui the brluglogof foreigu moaey la- te the City, Nature Mao Given Park. "The City. aeeis a park. The Cilty already bas a park. Tii. park le iu- &tad lu the ravine. It bas the. founia- tonu of eueoflthe buet parka uhat itifl b. founi an>' place vitain su ares of tire. bunirsd iin«e. The parkli.. hovever, la auful shape. Underbrusb basl groun up. Tii. people of liii touae are dumping rîhbiab iulieh park. More Taxes Bon. "T ies ii lu the, near future bave tab hasaessed ta remove Itis sud then the peop, vho are tods>' dunip- CHA-4 MORRISOW £Ageu. WA&U K005 bàwi 119 WWesfor ý utas vM- luine for,",toedOla 1to om *ter it. O'gtoa" meent, "TbJere 1l,0o1Y.,os. vas' lu. vieo a mwe .OZ tiis kulmca ho degested Msd tbat Io by evernfldl mot vonblmg toguth« e aAIf tuis uov.ut ulil là beting Oprated la Wauk.suato4ay dos OO o t utogb, Or iiltory *vi la. sest bhu i t emOve mms .9t««esnoyer àmgk. ýa gioitoua. HaveMmie ludustry lu the toua ualt Wili »Il ber Prudents nmie plae else and viii bring foregu money ioto the iiesmére Are lmpert"at --iu»g tii.cum4r ul iim4gW4u- kegea ai Ui dit OW l erPmtil the, couty viirbe ab io f0 fe thb City anid the clty vil! b. pi9gA eI snob a manner that #Iit 1! la»» able t0 aid the faua. food -beis by ~taclgs*v uProveumeatas scb as the lincibator lau her'ur ams, Seome lMW Thinga. "Ciemu up ihe Crooker property opa Our main street Ramoeer. ii cte shoot at the. eutrance of the. clty. 4n %it Place Aid moautblng thst vlfl ad Ino the beauty tof the tona&souie- tling that the. trami.nti.aleminen viti e. sud tell <o their frisait. sud thon W, vil! obiain feem dvertlsing. Rap for Temseme& "Stop the. developuent of tenetuent dletricti. Tbey do not belp proeai the. tounansd lu the. end tlaey viii b. a detrinent to the tounansd viii coul the. city many dollars ta b., removed. "The. freight rates are tooc ibi. Viud a way la have thein reduc.d snd get alter thon,. No one can do il alone. "The lov a lefuil of iirt. vblcb 1; haing abifiad around and viici houid noyer bc toucbed unies, it la to bc klled. *Wbea the. neht eleetion comps arauud, elect park eomaml"moners wbo wiliilok slter the. peopla inter- este sud uho vilii ot speai the. pea- pie's money luambemne sud vbo viii not anake mistakes ublchIi t vin! Ost triple the mney ta bave altered.1" Shewed 1Plcturs. Prof. m. A& Ou brongbt mauv of the relatei good pointe _that b, advimeil tii. people ta toits op by pictres liat vers ta>su lu tid lty. and mihoved pilies or gaae taI vers tbrovu la the, clty sud of the beantifu.i entrae ta the cily of,,Waikesma. He abec aboved maur beautiful pictures takent alogg the. ravine and boy the. ravine could ha usde isto one of lthem:« parka &long the.DOrT& abe.. This evealng Prof. OU it ii deliver a lecture oui "Home Building and HomeFIMndlag." anS viilboerthe. Butors the Msd ofthe roeittthe bail promises te be crovirn, quertet SniesAgmin. The. Importai Qurtel of Obicsguo«- t.rtaned the aience lu a mont rraia mnuner al he*enasgof the. pt@. grsin. Tihe foillWu ee.onm voie,, "Tiie March of the GuanO. *,Lavelie sud tihe Woridla i. Min. ,ÀAliee Wber. Art Thou." "Some& *bere" and "lMh Paie la the Golde The. quartaI consists of the. foc- ia vel knovn singera: J. J. Wynfe. tiret iauor; W. C. Usai, second tecor; W. J. l"nnkey, lirai bas,sud IL Dgrker, second bus. 160 LOCAL FEZ WIEAR£ne TO PA. RADE IN CNICAGO. avent Cornai.Nea Fridey But Wau- kegan Delegation Sienst iTempis Tuaeday vene. Waukegan members oftheb, iîl Sbrine have esiiei a seclalmeeting ai lhe Mazoutc Temple for nsit Tues day eveuing sud urge ev.ryoue ta at- tend. The mîeeting la to> organise the. Waukegsu delegation which ii vii - tend the. parade sud banquet lu bannir ont the. elecCon of FIrank C. iioundy Of Cbliasso asgrand Potentate of tue United States, .g<o b. heMlu lnChlc<o nazi flday eveniug. Tiiere are 100 entuiie hrineri ln Waukegau sud ail are expeciai ta lsaePart la the cereaules. Ten thousand libriner ail] told viilbe lu the paraule- Fermera Pray Fer ith. Denfali ho Cesse te Bav* selve.. Thes Lake ooanty farinera are. pray. las for lbe rain ta cesse. Tii. raja. uble, Ilt tasagVad hui fur the. corn. la mpiiiy rotting the. po- tatoes sud munir of the. crops are al- ready spolladl. Tiais mens tat the people arouud this motion viii bave ta depend ou UWWonel0ansd Michigan for bhelr ululter snpply sud un a rasuit go.> 1potatoen viili bha anc. and viii soit e1 onthe local imarkets for sa111gb prioi- D îme t, itdUiiST ANI) ONI.Y DAYLIOHT STORE Nediwear PdSod Fou Saturday's t Noaay'3-SiiiÙ» Sept. 219 and 23 Pi- IRST FLO R. TO thome wdg for a rare oppr4ui In MWs Fn*bigs the Lfflchanýceis hmer premented to you. One lot of mWa' ftne neglige shirt made of madras, cheviots, perc-eanid uhlrtng clotha. I latestand' most atractive colon. Soin. wlth culfs aftaçhed, othçn *ithout An unusually large assotoent çontain- in ls'dus, exclualvely for Saturday and Moday at foftowing ircalty reduced $2.00 Lint, chokce $1.59 $i.50 Lime, Cbice $1-.9 $1.00 LMne, tChi $.79 $ .50 Lia., Choie $ .39 ~ Tiie kld wlth ec urt attached and are worq fur gweeera* everydaw '~EI~~omem.Ur9CU5 l ai se outiasg. Made otfiflest madras. c eviot.a ai W~.mrn.lsed oàg ..F..ncj .smhie olorp Hver alz-, maklng this a cooosfrou. Uipecia lyforgnturdaymi Lndyam lgthe Pries are:- $ OLime, Cho .... ....S. 175 $2.o ins, Ç ........51.25 Autactive Ncckw<mr Grca:I'y Moias Uodcmrw r /Undcrpriccd VIs Vhu irlor À feu Odilesud ends otAuaidr aent. : n a , Ow'ekmour lino ie kuovu on the par etih on Our bande (batirwe *ietbýeOvaloq .udulol ine of Wank7an-noue but latent the benOs of s iilgredueton kn àt over étyhus, ..Iorlngm aud e eotm. For Ssturday tUi .onotb« #s»ton. To bayuoy , M ut msn sud ~ ~ m &(~4ygi tr Oc lIn. viii bu r.- enviOis ovOvr na sissIee. amimaaow ourin-anj lagreebinet, oqleflor.. Ô i &4uq.ma4 M*day in avo freuetas, bsokaad'whte-v.r cai. gadeasfhlu: eh.aIoesLMoamyaadSatrda, jurobole. C Veo~ 6 ~TcTs.25e Vàmu.for 17e 7" 'IR d i :faibm , At 41 isWu ItkP sFaruGIT DATE 0V FOI CENTS LEMT<r