CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1907, p. 7

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8~Pt ~0 UOT me. féodeareN plemami 1 the 'm peatai tbs. uuor days. ï, W. ammya blec. fln ofo .Beskfaut Fo 'Ods, ailthe popular brande and .mya»1oim. ood thingu' to susy adis.a dainty. apputits. Vresh fruit and veptffléo, recolvd daily Cols.e and Té& of, the hlghest grade@ and quality. ýThe ýkind you 1ke. -FINE WATC1I REPAIRINO ANDfflW IUSS J2ýýWELLER LIBERTYVILLE, tIL. ýAS arw c FE-1 JAPAN T!A OOILONG TEA ý5c 40cý 45c: Soc 554:c 60C 40c 45,c 55C 60c 65c 70c LI~TEAS ... 5Oc and 60c' corftEs 1 8c 23C 25c 28C 30C 33c, Llbertyv4 wr Mn .l w Umiarly. Wii.or, of vntdl't roi tii. W. W. Kinabsi Piano 1latiag hmot it. wok. H offananbu ,lrbaiod Thon. plm ac on 8 da aDrive.- TA.1 The. W. C. T. U. WU1&moot vii Mrs. ellâie Dymoud, Tonday, Sept. 24. Ee.iptloof u afflere..ý 1 bliRoxie Newsom, oMaica, Indlana teseding a vmek illI ber brother, 0. Chas. Young ba reu Md bis studlios lu th. fa" yesr of denlltry ct the Nortbwe.ters Unlentty lu Chicagae. A bail teaur coupoad prüsclply of Ramblers ptajed bel tWanond a.n day, but amd ta relata retarred wtb no laurels, Th scowas 8 te2. "redTiec., of Glmer, sad Peter Pties 1.1 Tueedajrfor Kammlotulook overand purebai. lac&. Tiey vIS=matean ex- touded tntp of tvo voeb anmd visil var- loua parts a01lta. etate., Lister B. Olby Ila'nOv lannchlt»t lie nevamaperfield aITra»,sud thue h. Saa so»me"nedlfàrua fohmgo al Lot Oouty, Mes se icomiu an md bi ork. Mastr LuisuEllmwortb relurnod Vnm, EvautoaFrday visero la. waà 0 *Jeald npo sudise nov a weü oy. o sy tbt h tehappy ex'pruo .It Mmldy. W. J. Stolsmanwas ied 25 aodýmbt lu Justice Owkacyse court lact Tbnwmday uioenug. B@ gave bond fpr the. contli- umme. of the icm vhucb vlprobashlybu pi tdl dta lu iercutcut M. Burte, Who for the =sighlys bus b.., roadmaiter on dvmlo o the.a M.kSa cuIet. lvybu b trauderred teMWauk 8R.He. i bave Charge a l01 pluoflrt vih. vil be relàpedeihsvyllaaadle beavy trefie fohem o cal is.Helen Boyle, wbo for tb. psst thbro.years bu beau a Iaithfai memiier of the INsUMMnSfmaifne,Wlaamnrdcy mor=lgifo"n, Waah, ibre mia. vini ae ber home vltiia ajoler et tiat place. iii. bu anay frindaberd wiio regretber departur. for the.Wfest but1 viii ber me mmci o anmd happinoos i The Royal Negibors,.*thie Iodle.' auxilla yof tle Modern Woodmc atteudainl a body a meeting iild et airr.&atrday. Quit. a largeiaumber Of anldat.o ver. lnitlasd sud tiare deputy grand officers msldoW lunthe. vork. Tii. candidaes ve rpt &U #ùm Goumese alanebut Iem vmions. iduiom &out tlieoua». Tva but BaSrkir IButo, 0f Lob bisetwbo 'bavé bec o ing a greadssl of verk abmsLgbrlvli mn.prepwmdofuul oae for' __ tafor it waiste rerfor Ivem an. Teyaloa a5 would cef t hli ecnerige roc graveoroatavllaubl.1ttt a wy ovuet lat 1nemi enougi tu hoar ti.oudactr mumbie tii. name 09, lb. station Mmd et anlt seulmlyle stations look sa uch bel.a11le * ery comfui en.When Fou mlbuh a plog = eillyu sit up MiMd Cana ic j oints ilahé tie rslsta bout mise. lng yourstatlau. Poopemarnieblimv lu signeanad thla would -a. a goal ooe. M. Alice Davis and'- HmiryPovi neturmed home gturdey mter a w Mk s ista. F.Protu'%. Our citiimbea"a always glcd ta velcomemwg Davis haek *to lhberyvlllfor tieyom Mreefoisaj a musialtreal.Matrary mi tademmuybfieuda vWl% hor..- :ablllly su4t" uugla azocution ouon-, p la àle=111tlforeboyof hie Attw y.tlc Woesbnu rudceled enore 'it ruor #11W I, r futurs.4 oel f Wau. AI KIIh.nnbw s us Libertyville Bom, to due 4wêof -Iobt. Bpelhn, Wednosdal, leipt. 18, à Mm pound boy. Mr. sud M Y-à Tp vlld v er Suusy wl$ket townors Tri* BIC= *MoiySoiety wili ab me 4o%. is Imogene UciaucFM~ ,sept. 20. lier. Tromas B. g;ma otLake Bluff eulled an aid fismcida mbertyrvll, Tu.. de~ MiOrmeauin 0oSin-lew of Dr Miae Agace Mcl$o% of *mnelvulle, WIa., LW -il1ge COU0104 r».james Mach. M Mel la eooiwdmE th theDally Recorder et tiiot PW Mi"s Thecle 8telqmffl, wlo bas been speudlg thilst #W*imekk at theP. J. Allemn n ome, bas *tjeiled to ber homne In Monroe, Wbs. Tii. LokéBs iZZ Uu~éage wi giv. their Baryum 5nit nr, Saturday, Bept 8.'19 dmion or the ev mullg iWin bbu d 04ta tinte. MIr. A. C. MMeyW vs ab Lake Bluff Moadayteb t plans for th,. Hervt Houe tO be giron ut the Orpiamm seo ir28. A oer bulllu~atoe dltntedon that oce- TimIL. Ldis'Ai iety of lie Presbytslon iebom 1glve a Bakeryi saleat I t 019M la Utnrday sitar-1 Duo Bet . Tl*pie Consiste utf b,,~dldbi~JWWU. browu brend, bbm"sd candies. mbs Iiertvlflt of th se en" Stawqnt. n gisàe àter lods of bar muat a ÎÏ l net tube beld Uoptr rwillfu= the bil] 0f1fan a, gattend lo e At tics amnuai sc io trier. of the g Metiiodiet Ladiqm'.iAU Sacty held et1 Np aro~,io 17 lb. follovin1 Fred rokssnvWeipmod t, Mr@. Edlth Warren; mmtary *Mms C.L. Murray; troensrer, iaC. à. Rwia.1 Proteosr Bayeci Garrett Bibi"a1 lustlute v le sfn Miille ou Be- tomber 28 t. gva Ucaddremmuoribl std; Rer8. J. 'luseditor oft tii Epwo t esliib the speokr et lb. venig sso.. hesespeakers corn teair. liaS' iptriet couven- a oof tiieEpwot due Tii.WomeBsofW»fhionarysociety Of the If. E cu -e their recaler lait Thuredai allniisi im e * off icSeser. sisetai. M IV. L L y, pele5 n F . tiiolwlng i. n bnigt tiltiegrl'. voue mery. bey drink and srb mm oee u have 'su Mans P=tls but tb. vont.go to churci. Ponbagis Ifris ea bonnets they vauld. Tbe Vamp he aprng frompo uk't esbal' Emabezzier Arrsted. Àccused of having euxbessled 1250 or more from the ONeflihardware store lu Lakte Furest, George Strawb vas Fr-ay arrested ln Brie, Pa., W"' ilbebrought to Waukregan no- ni b fraering. ilra . halleged tu bave lied LaIe FbetSturday nlgbt luanmd uhen 14e ccats were checkod up gl la lidi ha vas fuund to be about $260 Sbpinte cash accuunt. alctvs ,yerealt once put ou his 4iA"su ha was located at Brie. HO )eeitt2 years aid, bas been et 14ke rorest for about a yeei, nddtse ýsud other relatives et Wcter- Mmragoe af Cathuhîca by caxon bot a oa'hhollc piest hersaier viii ýài b recogutre b he etitel. A dèmes tathat cifect bus y1 s eu proiculgted et Rame. Tw Ucasp- ara yalowed, anecIla qsf Ucuen otd--t, ad th.eo t h* tt it Itla lmpcs b e- co pn orl 1he foderala thiio The Goli Usdal Coutuot Te grsed OAldmS conts.t given la the. adtorium 0f the. Preebyteriaa ebureh under the auspices o i.W. 0. T, V. tait Frlday ven vaes ttue. rea;i-moerber of the, ie. MarywkimolGuruee. Bbedlvsed an eluie" ol..Tho. choies of the. con îole f the. fowlar.X4Mia ar Brow., of .Wedoworéia MW'e Ll. Brover., ci Rosen; MWs. 1ry Havies sud UmIse CytiaBaris, of Oure. Md lum par e, ai Gaylae letmu. were the. vocal ac0fMs M. 1Me. Dvb Msd liihe no slaeb ai ber PW4 EkRairyPowell who buai1, ~oil~future s. fanit i ore le ao msasang twa piea.lg Ti. edal contesta whlcli are ivua la the Intaet ut lb thenperace Caus are l in va . h e idIlver modal, gold sud graddJald medals nad diainoul Mmd grandad ond modaleso m a ed0 Mm. Sieplerd, ai Ourase, Who had charg0e0fttit. conteot. This ieng the. tbird stop la the se *.,the <uromr ver. far fro. amateus augavean excellent .Iocttonary entertalumentFo Wbat Others Thînir. Tiie Weuoond Leader m nic&. afew "i memaikiabout the. fair cnd soya inMrt:LkeOouaty Fair air1907 bat goneum ecord aa o it theet la inloisnad thonvWho bave a" thle Soir aî vi e8 ha avelmmatcueta fM an boen rai ede lainluat lnatilos. Tord fu. ~ment cers oou h c dt- or proentexitonM aooeue wllldmy tem thê e M cre tberbbave earsomi; but t. Lorg sturd~y plomeriWhoiaormlnted lhe Mm o u mt ali r, wbo mr.utheh. ever oud fially boit thonen- d mos. aUboue o- u t oi d h. ho" eby-resdthod u na belaleiae* an thé M~wttLdail the eu" von, ailu eoug aes PersosllyWS 0.g r ltaheve 0=>or, ai _dpressat Wbo bt dansa m=hfor ailithe. people of 1.Ok Couaty. 1.1tii. members me't. It et tb. wnI annueleletion that ga mum ari kspt lu OMM ce thlisesd h in tforfontoflmes sout 4 The. Firsmén'a Biaol. You mIca UtertflrIno iad air. TI»Zd, tougb Youmg, la elrang .0.4 =oolahot altaq PetMmet facilita- tion. But the. boy mt.bave dtoll. Mmd le cboxa ghis ovamthdo buou liai. tl.odc' aut& by bai le" M au iforsunalely"d ai thé' Oevenl m ae nov goltiug sdo% *mdleprol bulemud no tumi ao "OUMe *los tshows s~ The. diretors of sebool Ilisriet No. 7-% rintocIobnrsfor thé..s 0*001coo yeoar. Paybeoe itlda ne 1 bolymrn lita thre. proig of lii'. moàtbi pb sud mach nan-resident ocholar hlehaesagalloved ta xt %ma 0f tho.. perode vlU b. roqulr ta yromt to hi. or ber tomeber a certiicate lii.theceerk of lhe board shawlag the tuilloa hma beon païd for that perlod la adveno.. Eaci applicant vil!cmli upan tliain'lcipal et t h. sehool building for cuauaeat of grade sud lieu vilii eee J. W. Butler, district clerk for crtlicate o1 payaiet am above. Deatia of Oeo. Oridl.y. (Morgo tidley,cai od sud rempecteci rWsdent af Lake county, dled at hie boue lu Llbertyvllle, Monday nulàh agod elgbty.îlx y 0ro..Hie healthh beu v"r poar for sainielime past but noveret aMy lime at a cri" tic oytge Outil thé paet weck iben ho bcd hemn voe loi. Ho Orsetcame to Lakte counyy wen a boy about tvelvo yeers of age and ime t an t«e a resldent ai Wauk7au. He bec6ma se uccesul mcan dle voli kuovu toa li cg the. ader remîdente wbo vii regret ta heer uf hie death. Tii. fanerai took placeWdhodesy 5a5fiioà5- Rev. Lawisi ffleletl ,g; boitaiu lamnd lAkeeemetery. More particulars ilU be fumisfied nest woek. Thistie Notice. Notlc le bereby giv ob hW ?0of lbeso. township = =4?.010 tifr paabthmt Olamal * to 0000mO1A amai du * Dy obmerveu a TuIse oumoa.r, LAbortyvllle, Lobe Conta mli ta liatw liems ri ai..,no frt aI. FOr ,est assortme' t, we hade, Být> Ight, 10e, lo12C anà Uc. Ailc ffs MFWY~* -'d ew ALL KIMS 0F UPAM 00' riA ri. ~iriw T 9"p m etIlateor YARD' oQg~vO1~it ATflGMae>2 m k~wessihotymew "ortha .U .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . A W o sMgbiy wiW dGERAN4 TO!N »d SAXONY YARN, *M - -~L VVIL[ Il W4CIeS -J tri LOVIS ------------- ------------------- -------------- ---

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