Çoe Ca., a corn x w. Whtto elle f. sott u ralia. New york, 3»; y> 33. 411Hon, PÇlRedue2t. LII. LleivHglLwai, 21; Meanm, 21j Anale guldly taiovi on mn avetl l me? r.IAPTeit vit 1 ormod tai=y bc o 7ça.1 bald r Ii lImbI. lNew 1I asel', nlgbt I1Jiai 0 Iwoudnt U t *mind telling 'q Wli tpb*by. the man ,who Ia Mise Bt 84 w6tl last nlght ,w -her1 7 beard of my bo hr lie hanar tao en - u IraM me the d4uW od es heavy face W'~ by sympathyad Brett! --he cried. sister cf Sir Moftlbèt hnw ler?" I re never qeen her, but 1 tic of Sir Mortlnwt. 1 bt pictureoque fliffl 1% dilolmat Le ,servies, *' pcturesque? Th" 1 ïMective ta despèo, ~r. Who la o& 1 onsul general. bt lbe;ry t e Dot i attache 0 bias Dt a1 at ir Mortmer Me cdaims ta d O0n17. my delr te tient ta mabo ý) tb hlmplueln am afraid that'*'M srt of nota iety,> eu the saler tactt4 apdwr would 1, - factor l Sbeard nauuh àendBl, for i 'tCopumon n bIave laured iktr a fellowB8, mnereMW b1~appea ta bq. Iiheré," , Y«" gossip et Z.b wort li Ilten ÜM mva i t gnce voe ebad a, oal S 'r-Y.TWu ltand by me pt oves If~ d zny ao Pa MeUXT Sperson l4n a n arme"i out Il." ~refer not to ' wlth h lm.- t My dia'a glnm t tt lb and tiri Swatched h&g lieement. 0 chlng nMy an tdlthin o Ted any 4f ult,, Hadtg they gaBy 7 Ire aniflumg0 isweaw story. >OU hbavee lOtto Nw ui. 27, &H Js. Chanea .7