m eIiIbiu.vR be gtî,u at the. à 1«',0 #Im44awauu - v(w $16, m th lb -prise ill wxl«tbiW Tfl.e oitIi will C, COhep,, .an&viii be tb Iiind evow h.1& Tbo deoôra* and ev.îUugeone" itê iib. and. your -ticket .to Chiefago rnde go0 S St..pa L r aad,,,- i oqgng' Mn; #aMt of this .ompay for owipi ,lot informa- F. A. KILLER Uenii Paupsupr Agcat) gO lte *ýùe AaeMt each wonhh? 40e your.lt 1W.apouition to demand aad gelt rom' 1,000-00 to S6,OOO.ý hyd#y. py Çorepondence ichooI S$36-00 fer i48 oours vte ef you dn bny or}nf~ rhy cWiu 109m' " r ftaIly fronta a txbook giving the corse .thoroughly and in a oompet plein vay, u trim a CorrespowueSobool tend log ou. lesuon mt a time' ~ yes uml ir *gêW le i. *Sd S2MOOina oder te Place y «Oua in a pu to tri ~~~~~iu pw p woenùuu4 mO& 80,uyou are MW seaalot? . 4rçyn le orra.y i ma timat taph Operate, .Lawyeê, I3anker. No mauter vit ekeyon worhbme*. Il you areaàFaraaarit uwI1 r. No Qàê k»ê#wa che.il my bloomfl1 h&uY w.. g.O ào et ba Ofry ou 4, - b~ $10 4 .wi iea owg ýton. Laid. le or Ibo n"m "iaY bee l emt eQinaitet tête prograaa-ù a wemr>moit ras "aieani1 o tata, Wblcl .ami ,4 w er. a,*-r of zeDIe,*t t vIa or i o!lu 011. of4 the Mb mud mpu