CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1907, p. 3

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~R 11, 190?. the, E Of the !ept. 10, 18 orfuuial,. estt 'Ab Id 'for fIs Relie *t à@ *d' sppoved May il tom Md i on 1loi 1. 1903. z. Or.t your pettitialer PM"y mletht rour bheuah.board iiil rn.- Ot IL rOeivo file bocitm'. Îi abovae emeuioid Act,> Up ut S, ite suaiomot Ono Ilunired *01 [%M* PtIy Dollars par àaum, payable -. guarterly. p5 P*bis Arlilur x Friable, Applicauf maut lAi, lnemm tes t ure-Jamue Con. MM.don Hueam" Slt. f4oJ .- U aias'. Quam - , » lm, iaonRecrias,*- @umet' ,= t .iluiuolaos: 0#M&18 àu ucriosph. Albhsl s beingduly svonn ac- %Y obertson, t ecorilusta l15v on ils afi, iepoa Coiamaaetimon t im JoUa gM M4 mis fthlho las beard read ti. 09 fl d Rîla Park- n6"i ,iakL aoeapplication by hlm subsanibeai Adarna,osery.0for aSOm o em of Msd bDOW, file eastenta thereof, and Sus eunit, 0 = taS file tateaienfutherelu coifainsdi md C.nty drets e»r d nd-.arce uclasubstance mmd Il a at. cgéfle MILArtuFrianFsble,( TlM follovigfll eios vasreai sud z..41I iDsti. relrre te deumitteu on SWaIDp Sabscnlbed and avori th beor. met Lamis ilslih day of June, A. D. 1907. 9 Lé A. Rende., Depuli Counly Clou-k. To tlheorale.Bord et tie Super. Vieile aet the coameu09lait., Mue A51sv cf Two Cixis asu fa Resi- of BilmoleDns. Tour, sefilluse J. welter Subes Ste of Inais, Laite Connty, es. wenld espoottbw tp-owest that a Porsesmly appsared befare me thil OOM vp~basautlfor ummy day filsemieraiigeai, ho alosdaly pYOMe c almmicer* Ivoru seconding ta 1mw, depose and tala bal -vithfleCosntof Laite say, eacb for himmaif, fiat fley are mal let&aoDiuaise, vhhe w.e la i fî Ccaily &agi resîdents ad te b.svarp or oteoloved lamais. hheeortâfit tuerbave b-e a- vif litSilomeenlaset asAst or Coa quatel vif h Arthurn Frishie. vhose gregsa entfl aiAq Astateamble thel mmm.ila ebepIbed tate eforogoling Mgloteet Akusuend stilir Stae. apliction or ite6t-int0o!10 yeor te.r*sC Ie Svp-p Lan i vthla aid 10 y-sr epectiveiy. aid of their lbelr 1 e'agovelSeplsierova bnowviiedge itnov fiat silo appli- SUt l m M àuta g.eaismto er.. s«Mlabu een a restaent of suait e et, »adelalao te bie-ceoveeimal Ooumly for mre lima titres iearslmi- isehied wvihhinfe gaet rM&chmeiiaely precsdlng tie flInsof 1h18 lui ho- laite Cotit, mier dap application. l2il( ef ilave «lo$WN tthé Yer James Gordon. 151 a ommets hSt.t kilugbC. aii.. aMi ~uIeilveai81 u.est * Dof luais. Bbmbicibd and gwom a 10befoneaie Tour pellUoservert taither repre.tfisla 11h day 0f June. A. D. 1907. em-t he S Soudemy of Laiteblas I..A. Rendes, Dsputy Couaty Clenit. b0.uhoiosuatlieistahmue te il- Me te sa thie osat'of Tcila s oit w ofsetExaminer ofthfe Blind. là m 1se c l ertaina bsiy recle. Stats otf Ilinos, aite Couty, ce: t utom sel Septiàmer1h, 1891, '. .C. Knigt, M. O. Exaiier o! reced = 9. bokEpage32 ofSaper- file Binaiof aite County. boebi cen- vohm eceords. ,- - tfflt at 1 have as fila day examiaed Tour petilesareretore pMs tht fihe vithin named appicant Arthtur mie CbWa maid Out et filinBoua i Vlble an d fat M ho te toftai, b. stiloîlee sud directe lef0ms. ýblini. «stoeansd deo ho tefie folIo & Wtaecsamy hani fila fvet-lffi usmel pe, -u, to-vt: lises C. day of Joue, A. D. 1907.9 Howard »di Emm A. Hàymurd. vio F. C. Kulgbt, M. D.,i arm l tu ai lpossession ot uid aid Examiner of tac Bila.i. sud vIeo clsa ile of iml aid. bav- State ofIllnois. Laite Counî. s: li« Paici fie s MrCI tro- 7-uTo the Ronoreblo Ciinisu and "Mb a Mydl&dél Bard of SuperviseofotLakte Coun- 5iIU.MhW 7duP81U69ta enfeme-Tilc underamgned Nets b"0 la = enOSlt mmloibUles Anderson. a recidenî cf Sields Town- priertaholMeU11date til t»510PeslO sip lans«liCooaty, ami vises pont- et 1 ,t , eiNs >11 l nlàooilsSdaa , e.ainreesla Lakt o Foest, hIeof t lb pamenst tof 1UIpetmse.naslae, rmeeuly repreeentsauo toa ,05 ~~ t00 1 t ilW îoer Iosocabhe bonrd tbat bcla ovr sM dung"10t 011 ci"1dee the. age f 21 ysara to-vit f thfe age on ai MmandmnbeOlf Of tile of 39 yeai-s fat lhe ilsacontinticusly CoStC ao 0f aU i nUt, tile andresiedInlasoli Lakte Comntfor tmore Inteoest. hil mil .Couty bas> on timantire. csie'eyesuuandinl MMha1Ve lauialt. 1 Maid 500 the e~ tate Of fionis for mono than fia omeev the came 10111a 5 tila lu omsctive yeaa m m.iewy precel- tm, ubmple. ýth.fe Soutet In th fe ffiipg of tuilaapplictin, tliat IevW d be e51 5011101 qurter of ile la tS i flovmr cno propenir viol- iulhtk ty 0<5 5t1~lP44 ever and liasno lucarne f rontaMYi # ti lse.8 iaScffe StE P.M. soutee, tilat hil@total lucome dos@ot oU M 1* . Ùs# Lab11111 eo 011a1a1112g xceifihe smm of Two RHundaM an '40 mi V-00 acres. Fnt>.Dollans per-aucnsait, mml b i 1A" lorhir hatIth i e " s-er-lanoS a chargeofeur arialhe lu. 01be1mepetflmel Sbie-yab.r- sttu" lsof fie Sf5 e or of samy Ccii-j elt&bla stt he iutteftion01thefierfyoanCity flereof. eomaay et laie tacoavey tle Inlm ee Tour petitioner tunfler repregenta simapli te fIe promis ers iin de fiat be la blini, hi vit ue oft viîci seibel adl ceyed tact, togsfler. vif h the tacts above IciagliWalter SBibs, pet'on-se.msgforti. oulues hlm ta relief lu so- Commuaication rsi and upst Mo- coriance vitu lie provisionIs 0f Su flo, of Saparvisor Lameylaid lon the acf of the Geeral Assmnbly of fie able vifbot refermi, o-it. Sta eet luais. enuticu 'Au Acf for the Relief of tie Blid' opproveil ai Deed. Mi. Au£. 31, 2907. il, 190. and lu fonce July 1, 1903. The Boadf Buperviors. Greoetl ,Wlterofore iour petltianen prays Geàntmoff tilabord ce 1 viai fiat your ihonorable board vili maie hot in t your DLmtOsfu y taxes sue oudrsa lutfe promises as yl of 10&. vilre you vIliose fth"1ensile hlm ta receive fie benoît usai- vua messeil ou 81J1400 for stock ed lu lie abave menllcaed Acf. t0- vilc1il eMounte Si Mmiuf.5eur- vitthtimsaiofOne Hunirei sud las Co, of vilicil vas an o vahla ittiDollars pan aunait, payable sest dtie lthen la IL t prselit and qnsrteriy. 1s mo ught tu of a beautagel and' i Nuls Andersont, Applicait. v~e Ivil hoabrlug boifore 5CM body 1 i-bis mark. c mus la fuas, tiat700 pleaae remit Wtaousets ignaturo-Gnst Ander- lu to file mon icairtI l'aiOU 0said *as, M. Horeubergçn. stocks su I have no gatlaeè lan no other materSmsu1I at notilug bat StaSe of Ilinois., Lake Couaf y, as: vbla sjut aMldio me. p ieu. - l e Mls Maéesonbelug ialy avornuac- flua your cret uWe zeatie. and eorailng te lav.on bis 0511 deposes do aas yosv oid iMl e ehave medo anMu08 t he lio as iteard reai the yoa la inte s-.casle ulth voslhop. labPws theBb4ontote 0bh td las an esriy reply and lm my tavor atid tfmot hrincnama I romanaMas eler Yo t - are truc In sabstance ail tafoot. a"v. il..r . M obis Aawma ~-Apleotloorlief w erRsuas Bubacrlbed and swonmta.lectueme - Peilewtâte M -diy of July, A. DU 1901. ~4~f04.l ~Lae Cot7, s:i .UA. Rendes, Dfpty douim' Vient. »U0*gaerSls ofrl aie Comu- AfihdeiylofeTwo CUisous a Reel th%#esianci, Ar, lStte of IlialtIsLe Counnfym- 910 '~ rédle1 or CShields PersoUy iappearel before ame tâM NÉ* à oMpt. and vioseday fie unaersignetl vio loingswaoru moret î.11- asceodiis ta 10v do iopoee mmd m tteit. your esci for hiaitelf, fiat tileu are li- le over fie sesaof Lait-omeunitsdresidenté, à".,àr"U -*w* 'tls Npsofj flereaf fiat thy have beau e- k">tm »p& e-qualntod viti Notalq, r mvbose m Inapplication for fi. trm et 14 yeau-s of oh" = ;; ouind12 yearo respeefflir, and of tiu i OAbgOyova ituovuleigemcv tthst Mappui- 0" t-1J' c ut bas heen a resaient of saiLk - lil.e ailt eOvuft, et.- COLdnltanformore fiai tiree Jours ilm- atever Mal»0 6 1110MMOmodloely precfuug file flms eoftâfil par $Mýt0 h"t Abert Schlts. ofre t my bg Sa* tmnibed and avorn ta beore me Oâ» tSeo Of me l M Iday af July, A. D. 1901. tileteL -i aA.. Rendes, Deputy Cuf~lk "s- ~ ~ ~ ~ o frie pieetExaminer o. *Sli nt9 Ipvite futnaeslaie fth - idil. D. oExsmiaer ta Couatâ r 5 fr f.... hb WIme 1bAud Il F.C. Ka StaSe of Illoois, Laite To tIe Honorable CI Bloard of Bupervlmore ly. Qmlstkie-Tio uand Olarles Ivdaui Racdi. ilem t fWautegaa Toi Coualyaid.vlome Pot la M s print St, Wauk 1 petullreprésente m <tventy-e.vem yeI ijaI of 27yeara 11-12 hoh aseonlinuously ro Laito oaty fou- mon toussmesatitoyeasanmd Ir Inosfrmorefiai te yaïs Immedlately prom e ti fiaapplIcatioIl ovufn cf the follavins d, otty, to-vit, ao propenfJ cepS is clothing, ah.u ($75.00) Dôllar, bing appgel nd dpenail b mcf sai propenty b.ï Sb. vonfli about 9eve 00) Dollaran md fiey fromi sii property bein viatevor, fiat hoierccl corne trom fie boutyq aven Fltty Dollars per hisboari. Thot is faf@ not exceed fie sum of' aid FIty Dollara Peu-aa be in Dot o charge ta institution cf fie ts Couaty on Cit tilorof. Tour patifloner turt filaI he la bilud by i tact, tagelben vlth tfi net forth. esoutien hlm ' coriane vlth tic Pro, Act of the Général Au Sf550 of Illinois. entifleq fie Relief o e i Ma 11, 190U, and lu forc Wherefore yonr petition ioun honorabl, board w criera lu fie promisesj hlm to neceive the ben fie above menfioned a nom ot One Huudreda lara pen annm payable Charles livardiRoi Sf51. ofIlîlinois, lAite Charmes Rivord Roe] Ing uy wvanaccordt hia cafi déposés anddga sean nemid the aboeà him subscnlbed,s*04 km touts flereof, and fiatt tilerelu comaiai arc stance sud lu tact. Chares Illyard Rtl Subscrlbed lad sworn fils 11h day of Afues A. lU Renies, Ce Afievît of Two Citîxo douce. t otAlly bUla. sabuerled àa 'the. Om me ah lday of theveo. mfau t st t e mentag la oontincd are--true ln subid wlt, m. 1D. and ln tact. er f thi. Blind.EreniSt W. Baskerft x-his i Cpunty. sa:. B<bcribed mmd'OWM olmtbelon Cbisrmn and this 2911 daY 0f Juljy, A. D. 1907. of lAite Cotin- B. T. Boyer. Dopait <'o.ntyC deuslgned, Affidavit of Two Ctun* as to nàbaober, a rus- doffle susbip lansli Bfal. of Lîinola, Lobe County,i gogge Udremes Personally appearel before me lkega. Illinois, day the. unieulgBed Whlo belng te unto your avoru accoriUto *W ~do depose te la over the say, each for himsoet t fat tbay laiS, to-Wt, Of been acqïoalutel yu Alrfest W.1 12 moRIts, that erield vio» n aaut abubacfl ,eldod lu sald the. foregfoag ippile@040p for the me than lire. of 23 yesa mmd SU is respet n theC Stite 0f and of their ovu blsflege that Leu cometre Oapplcamit ba beep 14 uident of Oing flie films iCouuty for umre thiM tfree year at ile la the medlately pre"cdî0q SitefIng of i.eribei grop. application. ry vilatevrexc- E.C. Zoeli lt svcitty-lve Qborge Jack 9 i bis veng Subscrlbed mié Atotabefor louffgiuga Oly- tibs lti day of J,là- D. l. 1907 ming estlmuated Bl. T. Bower. DfftYi CountyC yeary lnome.Cortflutsfe of Examiner of theE Lag about non. Sf51. 0f HIUnoi ,11130 County,1 elves otiter lu- 1. F. C. Kuigut, M. 1). Examilî of friende Dot fhe Blind of Ite iaity hereby ryear ta psy tîly that 1 bave on, tamie day exan ta incorne dama the wtbla name4 applicaut Erneâ 1Tvo Hudr.i Baskerfielid d fitat he la to naumand fiat bllnd. amy charitable Wltnens my band tila29th dm de or of any JulY, A. P. 1907. , Ir. C. Knlght, M.1 âer represenfa Eaier oi the1 irtue of vhicb Supervisor lfayud i moved ie tacts aboya the. applications b. all0'w.d, and tO relief lu s- the Cdent b. diroeWted .issue OvIalons 0f an rants on t.e Coanty Treasurer fo aembiy cf ftle caverai am6unfs t Vor of tei td 'An Acf for centsanad tf0 date firoat the tin id' approved nlng the. appieation. rce July 1, 1903. Motion cannit. .- mer praya that C. A. Appiey subnmltted the fo wil mare 5uen ng report vici vM rad so as viii enabla ferred tfa Couafy Fr. Auditlng ieit named luntte.. at, to-vît, the Liberfyviie, Ut, BeS£,t. 9, 19 and Flfty Dol- le quaterly.Ameuata lvied oce quary. June 10 1907. To balboe ri h,.ndS îlcenachrJune 13 To M. Wait for IL D-n Appicant. brrys Ioala . Couty, ea: Jmît 16. To I. Wat for kil. -en- berry'a board. :bhenbscbr be- Aug. 1. To J. W. àM8er f- 12 i115 f0 15v onl shota 150 Ibs.... - yS ft h h aAug. 17, I. Wait. for H lb- appicaionbyAu.22 , 8. J. Clark t' s ý-ng nova file COm Calf ................ .... the. tafements truc lu aab- OiAotaioult re.sved .... oi ount poli eut-.. eheemhft'hm. Anouut due A*i Coun(ý -n t. befor. me t, A. D. 907. ;omty Clark. ne ne to Rosi- sf. o!etDIuaois, laie Counfy, 13s: Peraoually appeared beforo me fils day fth. underua, via obeiig duly svorn acootdig to lav, do depose and amy, eait for ins.lf. faât tiey are ettisens of Lakes Couty and restdeuta Ibereof. fiat ti.ey hav been se- quainteà vîithCharles ilivard Reich- eabaclier vhoee nsme la subanibsi t. the forogoia applicaion for fie Serai of <vent (30) yesnm sud Iventy 120> years resectlvely. and 0f tlir ava ltmavleage knov ltalaid apl- cnt bas bs a oreidet of sali laie dounfi fon more lIai three usaislin- meiately precedinu fiefIlins of flua applcaton. mm. Agues Neubent. Mm , eorge Bennett., Bubscribed and svo tt before me fils 7tb day of Auguat, A. D. 190. A.X L. H«eesCcuny Clark. Certificat. of Examiner eoffth. Bli"i Sf51. af Iltunola,.LAke CoaatY. MI 1, Ir. C. ngbt, M. D. Examiner of fie Blini of Laite douat, ilerébr can- titu fiat 1I 4ve on tula day «kMine fie vitiu imeai applicKat, Charles- avard Reicheuacier and lad haf be la totally blini. Wifaesa y ai ai Iis 7ti day cf Auguat, A. D. 1907. Ir. C. Kailgt, M. D., Examiuer of the Blini. Ifafe ot Ililuob,. Lakte Cunuî To the Ronorable Chairman anc« Board »f Supèrvisora cf Lake Cotii- t. Ceaiemzen-The uudensaoiBruM- oit W. Basierbeli a rsîdeit of W&u- kegazu Township lu aald Catyl, and vuoae postoffie ddress la Waute- gai, lmis. ýreapectfully reproeats unt. your honorable board fiat h. la over the as. of 44 yeara, t liehaibas contiuuously reaied i lu sILaite (Çouty for more than finie doumocu- Uv, iears, and lu fie State of Illinois for more flan ten conacculive years immeiateli precedîn lheiellng of fila applcation, Thaf he la part>ovi- en of tbe folleving descffbei praper- Sy,.10-if. lots 7459, bockt 10 McKay's 2oi addition t. Waukegai. omd los 1 block 23 Ttmas anaddition. Thora us a mortgage of $1,6W0 an fie tout housse. Ail of çald property being se- timated tobe b. 'rfi about - Dollar, aid lie voarlyI lconi f rom sali prop- erty belog aboat taibndred dollars, of whlîi your pefitionen la enftied f0 Oie Rmodreoid MYi uuDollars, filaS l ieîevuofer lacoMe fr0311 ne, OS ler ecra., fat ilse10ftaalincarn do"sPMotexeed thc suai cf Tmp Rirsé 510 3'lty Dollars peranaqu.4 MdnitDu a hola t a'charge Of 531 ciaritible instItuixon f fie State or of Mr1' ciinty or City fleroot. ToYur "taer tertber ropresenta eM o t b1udby vlrtoe of vIli fat, foeliet vitil .ttêacov a" forth. cuntitr igahm 5teief iii aaccord- ance vi ite 0provolous of am abS 01 the Genel Aumiblv tif9 tie Sta e et. Diuoua. .stlei 'AiuAcf for th e 4h of lie lini& olproved MaYil,1 m08 Mdi un force Ji> 1.1,. Wherefore iour, petimiar pàys fiat ycuihonloable bord vl ÜMei quci criera lu fie proses as vgil enaile hlm to receive fiebeot uM-1 ed luafile above, menticm*d aut Sut0t, lie sainof Que iluadret ma" 1lti Dollars pet aamt aalebais Ertnesst. letr-.Siel Ameuta PaldOut. June 20 i907. P. 0, Box '.1m.. June 24. J. Gcidssbsg 1 dsz broome .............. ... June 27, Express ou frumk t. 111igh- tank Park for .10 lady June 29, T.eleram to Tan k June 29. Old mansstreto '.o July 4, Expu-ess os hid-'-ps 10 oseo"do. Chicago ... July 11, lrdut on auur ý. , Juiy 14, 10 Gelions rslnf, , a... July 24. J. E. Browm for llushela Pofa oes ............ .. Aur. 1, J. W. &£Uiefou ; shoate 70 lbu. ............. .. Aur. 6. Freight on TiÈra e - AtiE. 6. J.Nevelîsu- for 5L ushels Pofafoe.................... Alu r.40 Frelgh f on m ot ',r. .. . . Aur .Freiiht ounles, . Aur.41 .W. .Allen H-. ,u Iire ffoss onieri by t'.ninittee..- Aug. le. P'u-cglzf .s Mro eu- turne& .... ..... Az. 14. ExU-es.on y i s ...... Aur 1. xpe' ,wo boxe. fuom .u-on ............... AuS. n ILB.Kirue.o- lare te Mi- yankee Solder,11n,,... Aur. 30. Postage St-uvsî...** Aur. »,. Sik Ban,, to Chicago Aur. 20, F. Wl-, firepoluIrnc Separator .. ..... Aur. 14. W. D. iisfou- thur Rose Spanno-ro« .;.... Au;. 27 Cudahy Nfg. Co. fou- lit ilb.. Moppsng lsl,, ,,r.... Aug. 27. J. Ntlrfr 4 bushels Pickles.... ............ Sept. 7, A. luas' (o, (locke and Au«. 9, Rickkelrnr 7 Co. 100 Ibo.. Total paid oui.. ...... 51sf. cof Illinois. Lakte CoatY. Senti Annual report frointfieisI Nothern Hospital for the Il daaed July 1, 19017, vas read oraiered filed. Supervisor Huntintton MOve aIl bills properly sworn t. and bî parties ordering saine b. nu vjflouf readlig. Motion carried. SUpervisor Gruaham novciIth do nov adjouUntil tOMOrnoy lus ai 10 oclock . Motion carried and board sf0 jouned. SECOND DAY. Waukegaiî. Wi., Sept. 11, 1 Board nmet lurstalîf ta aidjour a'ti Charmnl Milerin the CI Members 1res-enît-Siipenvisau pletan, Clow' Couri, Bd' fi'ahaun, Gibbts, Har,îîbeu-geu- Hu ton JohnsonL.aneg, Murnau.1 AiRer, Queninl,. Reardou. Ray Robertson, Smons, Suthholait- Abeeat-Supervisor FareY-1 Supervisor Graaam MOvcd th ràlhiLtfO of previaus meeting ato pmeed without reading. Motion carried. Report tram fhe Illionla s i' theîncurlie insane at Piool vxi redadi onderedIlledl. The Clerie read 1e 'dion lioa whicb vas refenred f0u lafmaiCOMMittee , t-vit, f1 of Illinois, Lake Couufu, PtItion 'of John Corbett far te, certain swamp lande lu coCtyIlflinoi s. To the Honorable Board Of 13 sors ai tho County of LaI, ste oi Illinois. Tour petilioner, John Corbeft Tovm of Grant, Lake Celmt I repetfulî repreileats amni@y7M omable body that at fie -1=e 190 meeting of the Bouti 0f vigons, one. mRans chls. lb petitin vlth sali Board 011» a Quit Cloui)eLe" t. certain1 aids on the shores Of. MipV Laie lin sali Countu, fiat sali P vas graileai by t he Boord ct visoe nsdmthfe Presîdet Md «f laid Board ver sutber» 1 cote sud icliver tu tii laid Saciais a Quit dim 000f1» thel jjs ea ecrlbed ilu asl peftiot til. preuauae. deeciffl la çai %eIaitfor vhlit a qI lli atouts by saiM DM SM is bbat luIed fin Sp , ei~on. 7100 Dolars Boumt et fiiere- about fhait @fhéI. vamp laMala trusttees emiedla moescsa uies. Cà aance of and adJoining fhe promilses ovned 81.76-100 %re IL .Aime. Ce. Trecs. by your pstlflouer. John Corbett, tfila To ftheIfoorale Bou of supcrvl. N lacif. your petilioner vas mol advlaqd that sors cit [lliée Constr, Ilinuois.a: igarit. the pet ition 0f SEmma IOchlns baibhe 2lieundetmiged, Clarkoth fiCm ne mne grantedl or that lif Included avamp cui olt O ansd ex.offilo Recorder etfA 7. lands la front of and abuttlng on is ald Ooqat voufl repccttuliy report A Cierie. premIses knowu saslot 12 lu Nipper- file ftiflvîmiecciptsanad epeudi. e oi ing Club subdivision, lu Lae i am. forceet mycilice trougue thi, 1900. tyIllnoi, uti Jue lth.190, f- in Deeember 1sf. 100, Inlusive. ter your honorable body nad -adJouru- Nlbt0 Dcmnsreored donE Z as: cd, that your pefitioner lmmediatciy li er3s. le fh,@ camised a notic ta lbeserved*on ticheoriges rm.0436 gduly Presîdent and Clerit of saliBoard o o dfg e rcv$ 2,348.30 8e aud Supervisons sfating fte tacts above prvofyrertd1.8 fhive mentlonod and asing fiaI flicdoei oa aan a te Basi u a otais; ~,lieha ot ezomtelutu court mets eamned . 3.00 ed f0 YOUr pefitiOnker could preset tue mat- Toual Cout0ois.15 efterni ferlbsera tih e t meeting of lbtoe d4114.00 tivelY Board cf Supervisora. Mselnos co rcli........... 126.00 it aiu Your pcfifionen furfier represents MI.ýllanora c o à t a fi aiathst no deed abould lisus t. iga recied ........ ul fi- S.choas f0 fiaIportion of the promîm Ttlcnas&ndýî. Dfil Ibis aid pefîtion deecrlbcd Wb"îitli. Total cota receled 841.3 adjacent tu cni about on lot 12 of Expefises. . hier. Nipperainit Club*subdvlslon vliih la 80117 ................381,00-00 ýkon. ow.d by youn îietifionen aid vieb Clerk Hitre ............32,134.26 r.e me premlaes arc more tully descrlbed as _____ndPntg- _820T '7 ollova. to-vit, begluulug af the uorfh- 8,182.46 Clerk. west corner of lot Il cf Nipperalux &lam i n encensa of Blini. Club subdivlaion of part 0f tfieSoath- sxp'e:»P" luexz-esa ...o.f2.0 s: eaat,,qurter of section 4, lu Tovnship rccelpts................. 146.30 s se: 46ortit rahnge 9 east of fhe third State ofIllinois, Counfy of Laksie, se: )y er- principal mendianInlu Laie Conty, Lavis 0. Brockvay oelng duly i y cor- Illnola, aocording f0 fthe Piaftieroof avonuon atil «»sthat the. forcgeil te mes . econidd1lathe. Recordera Office Ot report by bilamade .la correct tu lbe tW.i.ake Couuty, Illiniois, lu Book B. Of tbeet of is knovledge and beilef. ofaiy Pias on page 36, fiience Northi 59 de. Ls0 . Bnockvay. t îay of vrc esl 80 ftest thenc. nonfliveef- Subacibcd and avornu f betore me liy n n. parailel vifli flec vot- flua lotitday ofSeptenben, . D. erly in. of aîd lot 11, pnoduced to 1907. lte nnti ine of fhe south lhait ai ficAtheBoaor, csi ici Blni fractional quarter of sld To thc Honorable Boardof Suparvi- fiat section 4. thtae eut ta a point sors of Laite Couuty, Illiînois: i taIvbere lb.he eerly in. of .ald lot e uenîg11 lel fi aC i W5-producci vouid lntersect viflithe cuit Court and cx-officio Recorder 0f or thle notit lineo0f the soutit hiait of sai sî outvud epWtul e 1 PPli- southemaf fractionai quarter, thence orti foîî, oîag nept mm re- ne ai southeasterly in a trulht lIn. to the portilthres of mo fi e fom tsad ex- norfivesf corner of sailot 11 vblch ber md 1906of0yJOffc 1sf. 1907. -lu la& th, place of beginnlug, and fbat clber r. 10 oJg o,10,l-t tohw-le pefîfioa o! Emma Sel as f0 file ' fDcmet Node uga id r.- promises lastly describeid sboulieb. umbar ouet eoiiirn Comn- set solide and no action faken therean. R haîdnfs ar 70.8,25c Your petifloger turtiier represienta Racordlng fees nscelved d137.6i 907. Ihat asels the ovuer of lot 12 lu Nip- 1ecodig15fE reVI11.3 - perink Club subdivision Ébove do- Total recoringtees re- s $12.6scnlbci mmd fiat the premisea adil- ceived .................2412.26 i lng if andInl front 0f fi. sai lot 12 court cOmis e9rned...3$1990.60 12.00 ae.aplnevfl i etn Total Court conta rm- 1630 1.00 of the Acf cf ConionescuifleitAn msineous c osntee 11.0Acf tu Stable the lstte of Arkmaas eau-uea ............ U7.60 ài 11-0 ad oier Stats..t.reclalm thfi ullai îasec at 1.0Swamp1np asithin their Limita, ap- rclel76 pnoved Beptembor l6ti, 1850, ana Es nlu n ecens of ~ csTotal omits earned.84i80.68 .0 ceamendatory fieroft andltafie Totalomisreceîvei $31987.75 3356àsaîd fands hrelaatten ieacribed admmiaii.t .z43.41 above menfloned are lalmed tf0lbe gxpe$1,0.0 =9.2 aIcluded vîthîn the. grants of swamp CI= Hira ............32.12400 9.4lands to Lakte Coanty under Chapten Eprpso niPtage.. $o."8 179 of the. lava of Iminois c09lb.heauE Ttal ex«pena ...83,194.55 -51852 and ofler lava 0ofte Stafe 0f Zeiinn«Unexsi of expennss.......... 15.00 3.00Ililinola, vilici sali avamp lands md- Reoclpts In exces. 09 l lacent tu and adJoînins ssii lot 12, expendtures............793.30 c 604 owned by your petifloner are more Récapitulais«. .25 1.00fuiiy .escrlbed as toiovs. to-vl, COM. Total number of Documents recrdei * mencing t lbe nortiiemt corner 0f durng tsar. 5,298.G .30lo 1 o NppesiitClb ubdivisonWOU WdfuiDK Oust tfil 30lt 2e NptsikCubayar............438414.54 8 l being a subdivision 0f part of the. Receiveidunlng Oirst % ' sonfiesst quarter af fractional section tsar................... $33,047.13 lm 16.76 4, township 45 lou-fi, range 9 cit ot MxPen@m........... 83.1n.46 Bai-ueO urlnt as 42.00 Uic fhînd principal merîdoa, ln Lake y ......... .606 .43 Counfi, Illinois, tiience Northl U9do- Itrrr.s lent ls 4.00rec s st80 tes, fume a ,ut mmenons ......... 00 dogmesesot 88 teeS tience outilh .46 degrees voit 26 ftet to the uortbvesitToa rsi unn corneret said lot 12, thance norti TOIX .....v.........84 IN 182.92 vesterly on the vesterly in. 0f sai yeidro..........7.04.9 .70 lot 12 producci t. file norfi l lis. of Total expousec dîzinns $3.u7.00 .26 the south lhait offilhe aoulhaat frac. muamn.s......... 2.60 flonal quarter of .aid isection 4. hheno. expeâm ne et....187&.06 eut ftu a point vhore the castely lino . Rccitaluexesm0 1.11 ot sai lot 12 producod vouli inter- cRiuses............. 415 1.00 sect vlthb flicnorIa in 0f flic souti 8stef. o]Ilinila, Coutî of Laie, Mas: hit of sali soufliemt factions! quart- Lavis 0. Brocitvay b"isa .bo er tlience aoufiosaferyIna snalgit rnwor n o oth »Fil tiaf the f1oolg9 46 Wiicrefore your petitîoncr respect- 0f bis kuovîciga, information ma i: 'W î.âo tully prays fiat your aouorabie body fief. Lavis 0. Brocsvay. 2.pan a resoluficu autbonîzins sma i dî Subscrfbedaid avornu t.befote me a] neuf lu; the Ciarmman sd Cicni t of Iis lQth day of Sepfsmber, A. D. Ç 8.60fils Board of Supervisors t. a ie, 190.b * execete and delîver ta yaan petitio- A. D. Botafoni, Depafy Clrk. 1600ur. Jobn Conbeff, lu fie nmm.0f Sf51. 0f Illinois, faite Oontr, su: 3441thet Cout of Laits, lu conideratich Offce ci P'rOd E. Aies, Ooaaty ss: of the payaient of 11.25 par acre a Treasurer. No. 26. I niimoh, gond and suillicient quit dlaim deed a Wauitga, fil, Sept. 12, 1901. mime al the. nIgbl, titi. and lulereel vhIcit Recolved of Lavis 0. Brecitvay,C A and sai Couufy 0f Lakte boas or m=y have Circuit Clark, Six iluairsi Il'OrtC lunaid t.fie premîses lsstly aboya Sleven & 90-100 Dollar aectuInlu d that descnlboq slvint to your petitiomer a tuli for balance due Couinty on actifs- OKcd tee s iple provided that no ment ta jum et1s, 9. feraquit cdaim saolhaieexecuted for a $647.90. Fred 3. Âm, Co. Tres s bfrklegssaiuit tan $50.00 and fiat ssii To the Obairman an&- Gentleîmen 0o! deed ibali furtiier provide that If the the Boad of Sapervisera. at vo Intention Of. the Couuty of Laite t. I, Albert U . ende., Calmi Clark ma o onvcy titi, lu te. simple ta fie &sdali dmi Ceni cf the Couaty Court lan M i mo.promises theorin iscribed amidCcli for the County cf Laite aid 5stef. il )o ai- veyed.0 . la s ueciI ~ lilinola. respecttully aulimil Sile fol- I AuIl c l epctul u-lcviug report et a4l fées cf ai o£fice, mitted. sud mIlafile csseary expenditaresà John Corbett. theretor, for and iurlng tih alt Yuarb The toliaving re ports Olf Counti endiug December 1. 1900, vierelu 1 Oficers vere read oui referred ta sf51. tie poissalmuat 0ai ltes bYà 19o7. Apprapniatet Cammttees, to-vit, me caruci by officiai service durimg sa îeiit ar, fie total amount Of ment To the Honorable Board ot Bupervi- receipta cf vhatever nm*m or ebiao-F bai.., sors of 1Lke Couaty. Illinos. fer, and ail ocesssny epanse for te Ap- 1, Elvin J. Grifffa. Sheniff lu and cierltrie and other exponses. yards, for fie County of Lakc and State cf Band Re- a îuntng- of Illinois, rospectfuzly preseait ile iunina uia Meyen, tolloving report cf al feesai camolai. Nature of Service. % 6Y. t% yr. ymnmente cf my office for anddiuring fie Acet. Of Pro- rondbate------------...... .3 44&.77 -1. hait yoar ending JIuie lot, A. D. 1907, Acet. of Civil & Cnimi À viierein IIsf51. ftt. grosa saiuant of ual cases--------.....17,0 àat the i i 01o eouet ym .Cet. cd Coutt ser- cui ap- «aic by officiai service dnnlug lie 4Sct. or Mlace lneous biait Yser, fie total amounfa cf mo sryieu.............1811.10 1 il.1 uni for Ceiptâ Of ybaee:r Bais Or cilarocter. Total erig o amolumenu ysr .....y.... EBamuiron o . for services par- g pat- F li~iff-~ fce 4 sula. orneaIn lufonder tg et, 5Stahe388f5.@ 1Z 17.05 M .uad breu-- Bwamlp For Miscellaneous servies192.40 "2.40 (ie rocfeisumt Total srnings fou- hait nscaivei .......... us yar... ......... *....90.0 AcOt. of isceaneotis Reie=ve froniearnlngs of te..........,. 12 r de 0.0. N. Powell, former Acet. cor ttsInPo Laite Ubenit cf Lake CouISty. bats......... 304 DIllin ouai report eiMaot. of CvihCii bperv- by as e.mned and 8630 na Cases.... lupevi- reelve ........ l.30 Total receipt .- e aud Total receipte for hait£xedtr, year ......................761.76 o ?jyHlrce of thc 0iabureensAnet.e x-p- g Bberiff's salary for hatylà*500 IlniDue Count Jue 1f,107......15 ml A"tIoc or hbon- ple......09 81-* A. D. 05..BaieceA. m 40, . ,513 Saper- îtate of Iits. Conatty or Laito, s: da flftd 61d ben 1, Elvin J. Griffan, Biflas'ndmfor L 4 a ng anflCouufy 0f Laite amtState of Dii- Toefilhe 103n1'!Li Ousm uen of cer. slotl aeenemmutsaýoS f. 0fettaes UnPro- Bal fea ....... .10an tCet. of County 80?- tAct. of ielnos4.3.7 m37 - .services ......... q» 04.0 T ota.l eanùhv for % - yrer ....... ....M 0.31 fe e Pt & dz l for ser Cvices& ar-m Toa eclte..flot &M fet aEs lu Pro f cet. or clerkrire.. 8.3u8.00 f oct. or Ualry. 1.160.00 pelue ......... 73. 8 3,67I00 3115110. due Voutilt3.... M4114 Total due County for year .... ....3e .769.94 Reepecttday sabuiifd, 'A. XI& Rende, Coaty ClerIL htale of lunos4 là"e oucty, -se: 3. Albert 1. lRende, do nolemuiy &Wear tht iit»ofe»Mu aasmut la in ail reapecaute jume buesaooeoed to my beut ladgment am i1bllof Subscrlbed and asomte o te me tbis 1ldsi' of 8ptdibetr 18«. (seal> B. T. Buvir, Notalky Pul. A Inezber of the lm et Aikinaà imeefon Co. vu peot. se TO., quested fthe privile o f egh the Board on fth. mAter et aocounfa of Coanty Oseet t i u 0. pesae of $16.00land 810.00per iul which privilege vaaUMM Supervisor lamey moved *0*tOb nouter of empioying eujic lupeon* ats b. referred f0afthe Ivo C«dk tees ons efflement vitil OoM Oq» la and that tbey be m» mre and authorla.d to employ npecialWa, coumtamts Il they la tâtir optealos leemed if neeum7. Aye ad Ny vote beteg cofed fat Superviéors L1 ma otion wvauot rîed ti WU t. feovig rasait. Those vottag Aye ère Sapervuoo clow.,I wa* Graham,. Wbbe. lima. embericer. Johnson. UMM., g' Meoyer. Miller, Qu-st'a. gmea&i Rouet sn, imona. Sabutaaé"-46. Those votlug NO ae amopaveku Appleton m»d luUae- Ordéegi fiat Board do nov ad>uma for Comitte. voril. TiIID DAY. Tbarsay, sept lait. A. a. lm?. Boarulmet puuamt te 5i20eU- ment vif h Chaunmm billeu Ille chair. Membera pe.t4prhe . Plons.CIov, *'Cur&& nMW Orsam. Gibbs, itovàbesu. Munt Lngton, Johnson, LAmas' M = Meyer Miller, Queutll 111241111 mod, lRobertsa.on, Ou-s j 0"' minutes 01 provincemeenba gteng hroeUaws m d 1Ie tollovlug ecmmlàegies . 1*1. BIUiS, D outIL 11. 0. Te the Honorable M«bm et UP Connte Borid" ob O , Ue Vu have bal ulsio4t, o childreck hmuILt thue me bore wtuu als Mr mmy oue.Lamtvlm l-%ba vraned e-fi"e Renum w>Uuff11. èelp la csqhigfor hée ebo*0iV- Mi V» COUS tae 70«thia yeflAr a3 fer thle &me. We reoWMas't00 u vé 0 uilouldhaies me..but NE p aw gréat es mm eplue M lt Pmu «Mi b. no0 le. Tours slaeer*, Lu03o J. iuhes siapervisor Quentin mevelam t» requst b. grmed and *0 Chutb It directai 4. lâme a wuos ten Oounty Treasur 80 o eg Orphanage m&" Upvelb klus tome for 8800.0 Motion carried. Cauakty TMUMssaNt I: IL ues submitted th. e bievlg eport. mmorA, LbCoumr. Gentlemen-i Ierevith sublt 1 tollolg reporc; et re0 A" . penditares 0 otv, miht statemeut of thle earmlugsor th Sme trcîm Decuber 1. 21M to 0 se bet 1. 1907.' Cmuteit Pund ceve ta . C. . Trmm ..... .... Pèe sarnsi la xee të 13301 a" cir inh b U e . Csae an. Tris&....... skairy flauxe, berrevld'a aherryet o 0 AOo& L Hais. V àmtpaiW ouf ani for wbat PeiM. OMU OMM l& alesu l. Tftul.......

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