'ville , I Mlan.laJLYl Tbefr tood tofpp1w a ffrocery.Ou w à4 to ,coaduci a "tgi9PIM.éu patwomias Mr OumI -I prf thatf is imdaýY , M" ht$Ma good. 1BithOeitpleor âNcy grocerle. Jietle .. l lis: IPINe WATCII IkÉPAI RING ANmR-BW IIUSS 1uf!RY VLi ~'$.'~s s "t nldot S il fl Webbism h~g J. M L Swsu .5 i>, of AngSoc, haie bWistils gane c or A. Wrght sauf Poin ta the vif. af i'red fiebllker, 7, asoni. t C.a. A*erlmt mauda iornamg for Letgon etucis, M. viii topai l'ou %,lVl a ial Muui. ilse. The aialicàlurmy Aisostlon .-Mots.t 0. w. rBE a' aatiY', ai Lake Umi. As»Tr.ptow retuned snndsy hmsro faumnisd vhoe "0 ah. vasanaea île aupso'a"aite la. ila cullnary de. partasieai ilehéaat. isr. John IcCujrmlci a&dson Bd G(ian. A.b WrIgbt md soe, Frank, tit 'Tuedq _ algiai for Lxuta EntnckL tu at-a ten e al ia ..place theru this b John Brixea buibeasa aci* cllo.ly =19thl is eé durimg te lai i0s eomy ort unIlhemcadty of d.puty - À #100 sasiéaifPhsl's Novait, cou- Mqstock vai1imd on thes aida 1 llMiek. H.edld ot kmev hwuvas 0. uniji Il w found. 1, Mlm UaliaA. Rew, ofFramil, hi.,. a ale" 00flies. G. A Estan, la ponlg T ai couple ci veohaa M iho Us»aoibaa. âhe 10 «440W gmamphar lu " ly aesvn ý im fja. aukee., hbeaus Lai.a itst@woe of 1 eirod BagUid ay for dgrto wt& tetore' mmetlngo thel ,li1 k at tbst place mi"ai" tts t 1a kpufti co0U. tafllago,., $ riday evea «bai aterasmmb010 , V Iil recove - À For foist- DoW t tununtror1 Grs7f.,fL, 12.5. Ail work Accam"p, No. 1"r. M.oderm Wood- uensa aéi ul WUgi ve a Halloween1 damc sat the- Mri hall, Thuredoy1 evealuag, Oct. 8 T e M ytu o ~ s w I l g i v e t h e . o n t ai t e r e la I p a tie n on M ondai neit Oc.1,a * Workers' Ril oer sinlha 1~ Everybadyin.. vited. Th.. BmabisU 'iundýi- uphouious cognousa 99 "4m1k'i tits leàrtsd the aaot a te.nLut " lit e fair grunds " a uuigby & *Om'p f 5 to2. Thi !Colj haUadtfsWtuwnda pitcher a&l Geert fie01 id"d hmthe game Weil la Bath oi tbe gebtils lu Lber. ,liwho u . t the co.nty eaa~~Uam w held at Ilbuin Zltuzeday a4, t. 24 smd25. Thé Usvr anate fled WOrk aia ôspekeri Win h 1béBol* BàYP mnual conlereac OI0sd'Wedh"WFr n. Rev. H. p. p~i~~Wther yeasr. T» ioaioqaos w Ltheii.st. Jaum Nailoiat ou .<.il5anw ad h'I', M5~Uts S ils ce were »oN- halad luufli by the. uoai~b il ~s meiuaios. rcbover wc IL. ~j1I Igvery houzewlfe lu Lake (Cowfty who ha. once tried."tla Flour hau been so succeuful Wlth theii e.bgthat we ai once wln another regular eus- tomer. A Thi. Flour ha. taken a premMum at evM yLAke fou~ aiM htIlbus ben exdbioed anà( it. excelent qualtleearn beomlns bettp knowa 0V07 78. The_ or vas »mWouvmouffl au omo ustomay. lOn be mm 2-cam rataiote »mofas tket. smd ise bgI ere fou il. . L' si whin Franmk Cr*Wd aul1M fand - aud ithe ib*e.IW è .-4apbyzlated by Êgui ., =v adboum aiw yvldthe mue sdMr. .'ead vue ad.ý wua the yaungeter et ai 105V kMinng ubey vene la Ma. hqo cd hb sand plsyed about h6ma wb ith neyer a -uc éensid migt be..'e ugai bi vile playlnîg aot i akt""a ~u a1 the gas tave vsIM ttusd death came il[00 oo a.hl 4 they have gone ta~Plm *sa aod kitteme go. vee aaied by a ueuima owhy we kept onamhtlp. il mb ubecription datta xla tnaptiane wnet aoui af tan ýeu s ' "calin tbst his credit aun ta csalt a rt ty.(f a sub@e fIti leneit ta i pr ta onti er tae tiane ha iary for ihe city bw ibisnul. BAs Iigance simdta la the. caseviti ribers. Our sul i banan ta kme b hein Integrif mm the. paneri A. Sbould aný ilnued thsy es Sto dateI ibej k80. amethlaç Ci AT Otigen'i Improvament AssoecatI.. Moet at the Town Hal Niai mn- dey lEvanins gg Vielcock. »k for*, *401W.: Foir 'h. Cii..'. Iuprovsueni Associa ioof iLlbsriià@h. lid aàumeeting a tis, f.- bail-l'at ?uea aag Owlng toila aebort sotis0fm ssci' *M uaiva gvi« tI. ittsdance vs aM larg M ai .lî abofaibas. Tb. bovv.r, le onuih.t4Iam ofai el.O nwed"p sud ig»buafos.ue IasWb an litemi lu the businesiar wsIot 1il toWn -vISbave ample oppoWtsulty te slow th* good vIliand apprselila.. olU ils mri bofng Made a ieding. TEhe. uting wuae lhd tainorder br Psidelt, M. B. CoIbp. vholinaefl addrm o xplaiad tuai heetii.nisfg hb beau eaedadfor no partiefflar purposa, ils , a i.% jctbelng ibe revlvfog of ibe austauon anmd iii deaire thàt the. busiessimen consider vays and, mena af promoting the. growtlî snd business 01 tbetovn., go thon called upan a number of thos. prosat for ahrttalk,. The spirt ni b gaiberlng vauvery snthnsiaatic sand the aâdreases pertinent and ta the. point. Ameng jbaae who resp.nded w.,.: C. P. oSud.. E. A. Blabap, Ed W. Au".In C. G. Hicks, 1P. P. l).,moad d thers. A committe, on memluerabip wui appolnted to visit business men anmd aibes a 10 olicit memberabîpeanid gain iii. general publIctavoard a7inavemeni af tuae ktimd. Ttmocomitteeis compo"e ai Lv. Austn, E.A. Bishopand E. M. A cammittee ai arrangements lori a banquet composed 01ILE A. BiShop, P. P. Dymond simd C. P. lSuaI. vas &W appolnted. Tbe l.imquet will bu glusn la thons., fatuem d aIl new comnis sud porsona wha ami. ntresWtudl Ubertyvhla or vicluliy viii ho Invited. Mahy gond suggeionansid exampla vt citai durhxg te meting a of bl ails, tovr*As adfnereaoed tlmairfc sAd lwànaid the.business af meiaa lau h. Wbsi iliber havedaa.Uhorivleasdo. Pebicftg. adverdlafmsd vorkinggi ntmon vii iM»mptlaltilsmosi surprieiug r«W 1%9 agm. ounuliy vii bous and gh. M"lrcommufeiy ibud fui parcai atrai.L"b*tVlll lai aiatgo iocatou, people bhi.c mmbshu%,suoam eq- woqul yo aï4 i'uPro -* di "D olok.Mosflo" lil ,eua s~ 1o - a a ft Cb a ro:vg oa Aitor ot UayudaaloVIi gmrvS s Ml..-i BIWWy aexoglsait tbPrebymenl" hm Wzi mo uads.y ai jOlm . & .er Wb= the bow ie ka'ibs $bu& i nS- m lwâdt% i - e Mi '- T 4»SIc Bo1001 Bon navls«tu. ou un' bui thie bi do ziot know wha d far« uvdsa ""I=iamu=1om > Id ........ Lrgest