Libertyville Loci a L*e it. TIlt, fodtupplie@ at s imodemî gz&ry. Our ùuho@k in f.h and A ioelgrot~ q# ie W, to coïuut'&mmd tpo i patron, la our iWulem Fnit tiat la - freb. MoX4s thatar good. lat1oe tule or thm" J.- L TnQ Watçhes CIO%*s J<W*ry Sihr~rware FINE WATCII REPAIRINO ANDREW IIUSS, JEWELI3R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I Evoe onevife in Lake County Who bas oncel 4ried Atlas Flotir bas been no succooduf ni th their baking tbat w. at once vin another regular eusi- ,tomer. ,A Trhis Flour bas taken a premium at every Lake Conuity fair at which It bas boee exhited and Ite excellent qualitiee are bebomling better known every ye%~ The ai towu at which you eau buy thiti bèst of J'Iouzr a our store.Yon do not know wbat youjbave aimod tmtil yo'bavo tried a baking out of 4hIu, >artcular brand. None better. I. Psrthhtreturtned WmaI rfday a humtaftErip $peutlla ilnmeotaiw a Jeinie Km eru1t Ibut Tbuia"y i o viit friende ia Fort Wayne, ore depriétab ordered capu, &Md fubber 00515 mcd vill aoon r l rgutation 0e.. âbond. Bown. ciflg, epent e itr virelatives and frieud a l mcd lire.Jaice Bu am, or ~t.atOanday viti li. end w ibn '#uen md twi ae a pbb enom d um iii lMr. s6d dinêubou lu a pvIi e bu, a.Me&e40@» liaProve- Blarry Kaler,,vie yankee, inta rt 0a liaud Wb lea thlrty-àv of ber yoq da. eà.nlcg. ff d«Vbtr, MmL SZ, *SII.OuI.d b- haro Wl wbw l.ephbe ade-lm# Wé - to tit ad Mre. A. A. 0rcyltvle dsugher aist the boule of ber motEr «Mv idemuetrmB ou coSse. t -W r~ The. 1ae..'Aid of thi eebytota m b>e oeb hvtWinaoetvKm I Lr. WouIIlits. ..l Nov.? eybody 1ho bm tvo viole aeci Mir. a mm lia. uuaecCovi. Of Thé mplym0<o IEVIUOMU LwawBd of< a Cc gve a dace4 wod. mmd MWB. . oucg apet ?= %bt A usm*wta Gcmdabe0. va. %haem cd'Uii Thé liatwf.boih.nev flUar.plamntore. aM , saîdBtm atedame viilirun. D"A" " Meai mw aucîber 0ofchangea attbe]IL IL ebsube i i wd..£iuwcbond. lm. Tu.d«a moS Jummîts om4 te *irue ber mmulu>s oldlase dgter ce lir. Mcd liraIler D [ra Vreg, dl eOt.28, maddvsm lu- Wnod in ebedeetM e,(bt.29 Ofev0<tiie. a odbaSt> e=r'em a<." nby' Revf. . IF. 1*u.f c~ (li&MaE.Aotm" md C. 0. ila have divinlon 6ram Staves avmme lo tbe Anti. <mi;VhII4 "viibp Oçiau au ainsi. A >o* of <ii<th M viiib. eut te lota &Mmd okLd A mmd of 1madaelcg muicim wmdBftd hmtlv qtBUdb m wUa vaueri mou *a m fbil opse ai p~ir @0mc tliy oinu1m vadeadm emm t 1maiaout ver, m wmàrlag. a Mlgm. Dglming vIth itral th."mcclii of ad miW Tone 1041m, litit8; voeh im ipsy 81.75 pur hundind for ma j faorv e" m" aUt g t onawheb let ib gbaa -ArnOagiieio pi on adl b oay tsCit cb ~te y about 04dsv Wîth bis nd fmmlly *gbt 'or2, Assocation il onFridai, ,mmforta. fren by the. >oiE-e @aeu ýia tie dovu m&i 5 ..vatch ou up a cotel ~vyvlle muai Monday ve gor»ted tuam Md Coc. and GreenVaIy !e iE-b brJ o for <b. pust bol liouday. tiqq Foulde litc aIE-be tovu hall vtly social crovd #ftning a moat I r.M. B. Coby wW' Aid Society of *~ homneuf Mma aseider of the. 'Arntaepa.tor rbcaefrcnt vày 1ec o thé asocation Jppper Bt thé -'evenlcg. 1< Bvnbody veut ,yeverybody. vork <bey ara Spointa& Ou Wetopped ait tbe ffir tber, Robert =pc tb. beetof aded lier,,and 'la i@ nE-e o 9 LOUI J TH4E JE P I F @-lu - - - - - - - - - - -- whicb the. rate for the firt ICOitb vm À MovmEg. pcture "Wovopamed ies evén eutaîtii.09un" o ilI ç.e0< tii.regutatlon vmrlai vii ev eieva end UVe"I mv- T tgethe. odinar!sud tial --a bIn la tton cuita-mo you mueti Ext.nelverepan md mprovm.oc am e made et tbe . flImmci aoutt or town, thoowaer cf vhtchtaàasd te be fMMameUa, 01 tbe ÇhiemUOA1* wiulee elstrlc omd. A unir~ houam, beau. and nilier faim buI ame betmy couetructeilou n a bo mâl su &buttwesly-ive mmauaaa = t <~empliyd there. Au ci' W dito iii b. sdded to the d boise. Whea comnpletedth" vWib.ten0 of tii. ntot modern and up.todate faf Bu lu La6ke county. Theqestin.lefroquettraabd witla1 mort o?. euperciliona distotttcmof tho face,commcnly cafleda grin: "Whst t. tb. purpoae of Ctlae'à IM.proyen Aoclation? Wbat do tbey tluMd to do-" So aword cf expastien mwy b in order. lu the iraI place th.y viii probsbly change Ebe direction et wiîaukee avenue andd mn 1 ensat Md W..t nalad olf orth and aouth ele nVing it aithe vay. à fow lots ii Mb bughst et Adwesde and Ebey il~ maisuObie.rvalory ont- cf Ehe alîrI tate:ksud place tberebui a Man vtfh S SWimetor to wateli for ges-rlcb vq' à fflemmoieinnnpereusi ndirs *berea or 064@4 eii vflbeau v ouher et mo< i ûnu rvitireb& w eto: Mr. sud lirx. 'iaom, Urie. J. =lira. F. Trpp. Mme. Recto CI.C F. Wru, E-.Mis@e hackly, Mie. de Erre . .and lir. B. P. A fev veeke mgo tbrougb the colusma nt lb Ii<cEPrrENDEvE. W. )Parkburet iésire a box of cigare for lii. Bout pestanet ear of yellow or vbt4 VDent corn vhlnh ha. beau awarded tu Willim (biter. FortE-b la rg eaiprmet potato a( aMy vartety 2Horace Bulklq a&W P,çodda box of igare. A nunhér of apiin ere received. i »hm a eiaomuiEtee cf the Epworub leau plucned a vory plealci arvlc. àw li older people "1maibiday, ,tatcg. The church va. dâcoralsd wihhuturnclesta. A fev of theokier woeevre brongbàt to thé tiurob by pulae e.t ontbyEho cmmuta,. Pie oogegton sang soomeo f tbé mont hilrsongs. Tii.choir remdered vo B~iu electious. Rer. R. F. Levwier Fpricewupon -enewing Yotb." Oume upon a tirne ini thi.e oumr time a Mac carne ho c Town. Thé Mau vau Vb i gmman d a Nvl.. man md thé Town vuas 11E-E-e town. aO r' aIlatIEove Bcd the icbabitants of E-bt. Ile tevu vgab very ignorant-in fact lbey dtdn't v omi. fBuE- the Mou. va, lco àUfürtE-e Ton nand tbh Tva va ~k~for te<le0o o f conrge,Iie ti avter ti ev did Dol mixl. Thé 'tubo he parable is, liaI lie lan pO .b e nh ef] the Town did not loptoe-eMan. Marai: ARlIA. & "ate 1mw priw d,' that 2 per cent *0g imcc. eboît bWapplIei foS tii. ýuWt of E-he tire depatuMo t bm to*m la bicb E-be inaurmm tglawrttoc. ibat m 00 ilca bueineo e la vt-fW oUteli md .percent goeeto bislli.u p(lW ePartente vhtl. ow vu 'vii. tcen ovn ire, and ael vs a *e*yof bel arno n lir iuý bogaO. extent, but actuall r1lsb of the very peple vI~do houpe mg.Be aquare vîthyour ovu love. -Northa Ccago urnes. As unuenal card of tbiaka va. Wi ibi tutfcfice iodcy, amy eeAZMgo bhbeé. 111did coi lieusa a<c f banki eben My bbt d., b ogyv, E-at home ntis )loi" auad, Luiabte bave onepmiated. 1loi ;; thac, cot tuas. friands s6 u mq:st. wI e v Wnh ley ded in thb @i m &M pbiatied about arrepulmtbe chl lovea sp mca~'tl tu rARW!Rs DONIT RMISe TURKMY Claim That it Cota Too Much ,te Sring Up ha. Thankagiving Place de Realtance Thou. Days. It la ratlier early to begin thtuklng about Tbanksgivlng, bu t overy fermner ln the country wbo raison poultry t. gettIng hiW turkeya, ce ad chtkek ena faEtecod up for the toat day. Commission mon .ay that there t.i 11W chanceo f Etbe aupply belag gre at, or tutu yemr than fcrmerly. 1cer aevori reara nMW E-ora ba been a growlug ahortage cf Tlicm-w S0ving.tukya. and tht. toc i ta pl. « cf the. tact thht every Induoament. lu- cluding tha ishoat of par l.ta et- fret to theis. valocf pouiry. à mumber of rosa are given for the. .borim4p. theprluolml one becg tubt tarlteys ane toc bard te rata.. Thon. toc, thene wua wUne a fev yemra beci Iien tb6 Mepply cf poultry V»vaau uaually launitcg tW the rom that' lEle!ofIl vaas bfpp.o ont of the. cou>~ try, and the. pricea votr e mc1w bt ma"y armera ver. dt.ccurged ficu raialng thbe bida and have neyer agate ltokn t np. "ITiere are. cf course, more turkeys raiaed nov thac E-ore vote a few yena ago," saad a commissicn mac la apemkicg cf teituE-ation, "but the suppîr ta aborter becaua. the tocai d.maakd la heaver and a great macY more turteya are ablpped out of the countr every year. Tha eiport tra4le of poltry la groving gruE-tet ev.ry 7 yeursanmd the. aupply for local mlit- kota muet ceemmaarlgrcv amalier unieu. E-e uuPply tacremla<a prO- pctioat. degre.. JE- dome gt, M&d nenco e e trtffl.* Tie C. 1. A.. Daqam. The Sisle'e lwpreuvesmosloe of vhtch you pnbape har* baud aibi whlch no donbt jon have fraqPa*l mu gutocd lunthbiscnusae e « pro>ý grudcg-tumt meema gobW WIctMrm la far fr0. bolet a set a mal. " veak a nupiber 0ofcev apaibera s added tte the bery nov lu. club. a very neproos"tVe roe««rc Libertyville ctWm c. Jvitationa wlE he loaàsdthe comcg week mmd lccloo viE-h ouh vii hé onnd a&catit of soupé_ *16. the .to e b Oiad teinMd utlm&ed Thla.mbeolutely ameaY 00 uhallie plates viii b. reqnlred aiE-be bafe. Th. commiitee on apeakere haviekéf lecrkiniband mmd viii provide au ocaw- titng prograns <bat wyul b. smunouac Lt a later date. Membera vho .vlah k> ,invitesur persona <rom nelghborteg tovus that they tlik would to bau. fendte, thé gatherint ebould ccWtii invitaic cmmtt-eeat on. Thieon iE-tee i. compoesd of thé follo~lg Ileul. R. lilen, Frank B. Keru Md day B. More.Thé memberabtp rol int.MM -open sud you will hé receiv.d ivithopeon armeanmd get tbe glad bacd. Be pro grea.tve!. Be a Ile one! li,' a gond E-blcg. TJa noit meeting of thé aueoct4tou fill'e beîd mi ibec-,ity al w eveclug, Nol,5'the tovu hall betu ocupled on tbat date by thé cbnroh beasar. A fuit atiendauc e t. raueat a. Et.sintaEhé lent meeting prenedlcg tbe banquet. K.ep Un PomWed. We would b. pleaad te hear r <n oui farmor Monda <In rgarg tote many littEI Item. of nev" about the 9faste. Imut ycour dair mmktcg a god record? HaventE you sold acy atock 1recimtly? Anen'- ycu nov makici renome improvements about the. farta or planning on tome lu the neaV future? Ian't there nmre otben littfe Item ooncemrng your orope or fle atock tE-at vili be o! tuteffat' If there o te oili conalden lta great favor if you vîli apprise us of tho fact. Every littEJotem helpa juai that mucb to make tht, coluimn more inter- esttng. You are Intrned lInrend- e ug about wbat your netgbbor la do- e ig, tEn vby vouldn't your noighbor lii.E-o knov chat progre you are makring? Start noît veoli snd rmke it a point to telephosie or pend in au item or two occasionally; 'it vîli hé tapprectate<l. The Cbsrch Baara. 0 e. h@eurc bve been prparulu loionq veiig, Nov. 4, '07, ai tovàe.thall Ubertyvilte. Thi.epa 6 atures of attraction *Ill b. tuhbe t a, bvttil Convaie a gret u »mb" 01 rpmoclcue.and destrabto artleeiawl w vPl hé bmoet artit.ic ad tissu ý Y tirdue@Wu. A enorucrh- dplg. ticu vwt th te b=mrvTJhh, ani are tnvtted. G O tr.*»sswUUi ht.noto Win5O *gtp*"D vhu tcdathe wecb f in 400 à with a dance. ]miil em*Im attend <hie vet the mnnif er .nI.Nom - Shoes oomplete iMe knowu and much WOrm W. L. Douglas Sh.. The eho6 for men. TIey are eles,. durable and moot carefully made.. The best sho. -in the worid for men. Unioig made.. The prices are; "ab u1. Dsa "!? - ' . ' , eush in out"ldBauks, subwet te drfoe, - - - .0 U. 8odôiverwmnt Bonde, Due Frm . U. Total, - - ctatE-tn, Net moets, - Duo Our D.poatons, Exm ras.f ala Over Ltabllt- ME-ckol*r A-ilo-lI-- Toli, Noce of the. above aaetsam are nvat vie. la viev fEbe abovtiveeyarmo be l IIcuibeut ta ernlic 5517 li io Wlua &C fi-cm la de te ccvuiag. A aima«.iof kW &es.M hlsla Im la heamvs ea oiOw a wi a;* . 1 pine.ut u ie iilotj c ym 0" et... me se .p mâ ml m