Qýetc.,FOR I Je. Li t Ion-* v- "Modem els rom be5 l'e SALE-00im e lt kii*li ain willu 40>ret - no. lmd mais. ueWMO4tomewfb LtAerue on (ié . IL. .M~ eft7vJtls Priae 01000.,IM. Ots aprowbmlaeet onblymaffisw owlay sud eodhnknlselo bee. m «m edsolc*al, but Dlot uîeeseey.' offlrtonttr fir iht pereon.A paboer, rBox 59, tation o., !owk.- -- - - - - WATg ri h'lfor houe. (w*t weee Gri p.d. ratan .$toe.k 111ieYew I. Lbryih IMSmD TO L OA MCN<Y TO LOAN~We naSe upeialsy o! loaalng uooey for bulti- tmp purposse. Also fera bans. Dnhoxn A Afigna. 1-tf .MONIEY T ONfOOo ai PMOererst 6 pareau% 3 or jSImm. Cili »io". 1291 or 2321, Wauhegae. Il, Addr« .ue Y. Onrcv uV een", III. LIVE i -EC S ENT itslerF,00 SAIt-A e "t 6 tre lFOR RENT-Tîte leu, Uridies fer.», Gu îI fs, l -ln -Ctlor 1'. a.mil estç Prairiee 8 335 ierres 500 .,Frst National Rtank, Librtyvilkê. le. V Z4«-tf IIOUSS TO RENT-If voir havie '~FOR SAUE-Nh0bri%l.ýr .,t- wI. IL kwbo e.quitk. n...qnt. n «ab"4.s ith i Fea.Vi..'v[Ji. t FOR RENT-Roupp rnî,jbatrrion MWl plooti ,. - waukee Ave. ituquire <4 IVirst Natioball ..eeo..ue~5e.... a.usi . 4t 2-tf 1, - - - - - - - - - - - - il- - 1 FOR &SALE-Au ko0rtk corn ohredder lud J, . I. ees 04Quxu.pwer,noute with ac dbet ID* MOt! ruuftnfiogor. der. D.Humaa* riie tew 44-f FOR SALE-0 bewn m f w aber FOR SALE OR ~-4irîc corn ebusider sud>, <r. If iqnire W.Pf. W*SIIIWBu, . 50111lI. 4-2 WAUJEE aWS IQmT, Eu&ET AND OxLY DAi!LIGIIT STORC FARM FOR RENT-I 0 los ltet 1% M"le mrth of (rl4uake, anti 1% mils oiiso!Rouassttin.Apply P. (- inS L lbvîl.i I 4-01 WANT-re Pairrt isgai'njafl capit4il to take llitersgt inEdimon lateet Kîno- droine. Vali di ULibetyviile Botef. WANTK-Pwp cm*ew wan ted hy mer- WÇBtn.) 282 W. ogre.. 4t, i.,Cbago. peea pte ansd prompt pey:nente .-ua"tqnkly j INSURANCER-We. write:gte e marine,i ia.-ltl..nt attit lit.' taeu-nne&e. Aus'oe. Libiartyville, 111. 1-E LESOSONi-divra ~eu~ i =mteArt. Pbya1eel O1tuuý o Sborbae ab typ ULMtia. o rivale. For vartieolars addtuep A. N. FOR RUNT-hn Lake Voret, 10> acres~ 1 lai d, 6 rooun cottage wlth fine mg Po' b bsment iouder ail; 1trrp er, hedn..___________________ and eblekeS bouge; nemvr failing weil cdf feewvter; largu 'it'r.APPqy FOUt4D-.h luiuiek.pie coirond bta Tho&. Appleton or à-,i ljn ifftb. lAlkej yond river bridg.. lInquire ait tioffice Po rem 4npay fur l. ASD ADION TRET cal«. WU)CC.Aý mlwaok g.. (~ENESEE A~D MADIMON l4TRRIfT flflRlQWTI WATTitL'aA~T. III t~TÀ%BL, To 'be aways aiaied wth y=ur coting la the interetingpont. Youchoôse or styleand fit2 and unleas vois et both- t~it a jatas bna o discover the lack of cither, your dsstsfaf &,gi=. By the absolute guarantte of'coinplete sbclono 4 n ifit and style 6g in q uityand pria as wef,w a= ble to holdou m 1i reg ular patrons, and -are' st* pingahntue confidenceof mmy new ones, wbh invariably inmm 0"-W succeas and growtb. .CloWuig -Values thtateEasIl-yPÏleve theirEce Ienc The neea' mont atyliah iuite and overroataformnen. The $uiîs ire in exluuive urnrt put É Ik. townoi of #Dne Enfli wfflted-Pftterne foun elsewhere in suite. prieed ul t about $18. T eOer coate are the ehbie'fft black and oxford grey mixtures of he aao-uaiisthat i ,. \ most <an't afford to Put into ceets at the prwe. Both lines thene garnment t ehoiré..153sas. __ a mi_ "cm I "Tour cluateai, has ru f. tor 70U." 1 alt!, g ruet S1 wme came toWard me tUW ber bande claaped. **Oh. you awoild mie «y Oka monieur. IL la Bf rngandeuoïl and se high that to tee iîl e throngb thse branc-hes of!trie tu C P. :r ,'c'ac:.ab t':o hiz 8"';r3. a dren, '1facci.vy. Aw low. very fat belue.thète la the ltti' r r !-t n soarour-id 1lt ced an adorable villa» bu e e close to It for Protection. , ani- there are great ubadoWvy .0ou gteamins bar. linorecnd tapât Ob. yee. and there la My éoo0 W.. thetbiMtier mut«t 51. Iaett motutaluoandaC 9"e5a ta 61t l hielu doué àb. re et lthe lgaId* W a Coud. tgt isact b.ot hï*.c't 0 nbS& Ielta t. gt '0v. P.0 sg rn ee ali bt dm lah0* ACAÏ, athé lsp e touar tej t uirb eht. Iere cam M y Sww my.baokoancdwy pooi. A" lb PeO.. MY cae u.a atle lence. and It la a OmMle r Ma1ë 'Tbat le tlb. nete0vamciv hgs fpr," I1sMi5ef~y . h. Mori res*leud1t ta l1 pretuie of Clapi Wble a a sggetionofa r umerat usa cprocecelc1 lu ceatb.dcl: 1 *w Wer tumaateted toua 1 Md 1 vaut.mot b.e etodf by ber. ah tpe brUpty le tlIe of a pbas. Nsr *btt u#n te ber te.q»hb"oe 1Q ~ Ice. :Then mIthe be06ebar SI. bes;m . "e,,,d= a hi. dat"Wi.tu lat coe 1i oppme bar, sleme sai" aue lthepicS.. '<q iss I c1m hloeyt Ypung Mon* Overcoate. firmly made of Urey end iblack friemes,long stylesWolfl llne. Ilxse 31 tà 34. Bt ................. ......$ 0 Yeung Men$ Overcoata, in 44 to 52 inch befie, leese bock and foins Ming stylos. IKaeom emettns.eult. 1 0 bil cnd fapsaleg, et...... Thou oylePly rontOvercestii, for boys 1 10 leyoae. Kerseyend miifrletae; -ufreySé lIcol. ble. Thee valu"s 80w ......... 47 P ChlltIVB eOvw'ta, 4in stylos flm mlong (Mater ta the natty double br«aatïd"?rm flit. tino l lengli,. Cheviete, kesys, fblesse. Every onea s a 050veue ow At ... .. . ..... .. . .. . -Th in mci le fait galning lte purpos-that la to malue - hleestoremore widey known a aplafe of beet. lueeni Me Dcs.aekardueed to ................ 49. Ue Dances reduee o. .................. 79e 111-833 scslc rodu..d t).............. -il30bân o edmëdto ý..............1 81-0 0*0ks OdC00S............-.1.49 88.-U De1uha ndnSe., w..... ...... .j roOueed te ....................... g Sl-OES,~ Tboc t edCosas bhSisfor womon have ge&nod tige frient!- rblp of mun eeyvorirejuat for tnelr comfort-gf vlug quatîttes. Made ln pin or blucher &tyle of aoft vila kit!; etk teather ote &$d%50 $huappy Ore" Suit. for Young mien; neat Plai n wouatesend thlbets; fine b" tand lnsserges. Bout m IU ofvelut$s..........: . ........ $10-0 Younug Mon'$ Heavyweloht Buittaln 31 ta 36 inch chutt measure; very newe e «C lI boit o! worlananehip. Amy anse à,"%. o hse suite, choice........... " a~1 BysDouble *aiaied Knee Pente Buitte wt oguintion or knicker'bocker pant*. 7 ta0 Sei $.0valueset......VW4 Chlld's Juvenile SuIte, with knclkerbocker trouters. Aga 2/ta 110. '5 etyles values selling elsewhere ta 88.M0 Price ..................$ 95 SIIOES bto Mua's Unîveraty Sb ol of C.ua Metat ballher, ln bisa- cher, bal. or bu'ton style; double soles. A dremy raid weather ihoe. Tho pair GL<OVES Fo Ladies I lapGoeof unlined moche, Adter's û Soit ealk lI Broyais, greya, blaoke. The par. ........... ... Ladies' 1 Ctaap «loves, Adier's make.Heavy au- dreseod kid in bak, browaas and greyre. Pair 41.26 and ...... ............. ....$1.75 àMen'a 1 Ctaap Dresscd Kid «loveo, .11k lined em4 un- 11usd. Blasck, grey and brown shades.&~ Pair si.00 to ..............~ i me. a«i via-* usa orac tby"?r 1 ci * looked et me wUSI J " b. vuelwmqd a a o. Mudo esête ual le 1 « non..- l, 0r yil versMtew mile-bo-"bt o f«MK wfl m mloieur Ias ~tt $IOO; Cots$5' 0; Fu rs Thou LaiteeS' uita for 015.00, are tallored .utactly 1k. suite you Suttpa>. 025.00 for ehro and f tfaqqal cty meaterlel. ln fittrd and snmi-fitted satylee, of very fins bnci. Clotheo gtl worieteie ck, brouta, naïvy, roc! end feisqy stripei. Pf ull garod cand plated ..................... .......... S M ThecaiteW 191" IAil Wool Kefey Coot t. el; eual Ite evry dotail tothrsfo0values. Mthe U Inch lu«e.gagaed bok moiel stylletly rimlunssi wth bralde.Éd Fiestn lin ........ ....... .........I A Mi sofsylsebuté teesntlyji cl ifrom4slay -suit. nie# ff Ce a trfpm .Mode ln Prince Chap or Bit bong 'flnt tyl. Oipbfeil pleeàed and goed. A. hoie lno f 01s.00v4buspàt'.. ..... At#3. bhf inou eef 4pdkoVLO2ihLong Cooiae eMMe ln p1I)l MmIbock modes la ase ofeleosI. tant e.ilty atwooll wiq, ttirlid lla allic brale g ......................... te laie m ...è4.......... ~5O Cllcre'sCotts $3a98 -m For Chîldron, thesa very neat Korsey Costa have already attained wd. pOpuIarlty. Cllzes 6 ta 14 years; brown, navy an red; you genemlly puy 06.00 for these germent*, here ......... ......... Childrene Fine Woot Geste in brown, navy blai. uen d They aeWolf llned ae prttllty trlmrned with ornamete, SuI armcte aholce ............. $3.00 valuse In Chllireni's Astrakhan Costa, and made wlth pretty, eti a nd culte. leck and white mlatursa Thee 'coate ... . ..... Fur& a Inensli..k MinI Neck Places, many Chole Plaeseet ................ ......... s The 11170 vlues l able Fox. Boas Cie very hancleome fur& aandz atra qualitiles et .... 72 Inel foln.<ure Throwe exoosi. Ingly ohoc. $1M.00values for ....... ......$7 0 Mo madeofi.iio ânenela; wIl he, 1* ................. ..... Jo LINEN SALE I orlsê ~ emaueai u 1v b. ves a o'uth. lut, e allumer et W. D'mL taU he4m Wdes maidyo0 *fotib moi .1 &J il q -L wmwmm«»»ý# 1- UMM - - 1 ý 1