51m"7 M 5M ABS. 55 Prano U Lecoma 46- Anme,Rbth %»Averi. tIt Clletué ra,«= Vint.. lmaab 1ilre,.Mary 1D. xia» ee t Ot . M ary Iitke, "$MTryC. a*m**, b4»r teJob» WIrtv. MIbroi. eiler. Lonis l-lpàpgml- Eller. ia', tandqVanimoownu.,.or r or rhfl-pereonslaterestedl fithé rne&a. " le-,tata dmaotbeçla ttii. 813of Co: au »n _w et OmiolyIn NO. su8. ..o .!%aille Bomo a fieiýèby uivei thiat *mut goalby vlrtnae ofan oder and docci, en- ,.,"eue rufl ln'thé. above ontitbd eu»e la ar =oui m&CicuitCodt at the, Octèber n.Ui* Temni. A. D. 107. tioeot. the. under- signed Monter hi Cianeery or muid Cout, vil on Tnemdiy; 'the. ltiday i et Noweinier, A. D. 1907, atjbe bour ,th til " of 'Ono' o'sock la the. ateijioof =4mildaTo at thei, tntdoor eft âe Court u5» uq tHoua., hI theCity of \'Wauke@m. i. thth ei tc céalty of 1mb. a»d Itata of lui- S noie. eil ai public aiotion to thie 1e. j.ý Oiehbgnent and beat Midder for oaei la rtsbm ilhafid, the, oliowiog leacrhbed land and 7iv m rea 6tate. atuatai iiln. e Counne 4 hieamibo<Lo5 land, tat. Of IIUltn, and de. s aenhhd ai elov. topit- ta 10; lai.e «It quarWte f eetlon28, flnTown- £8z = .-iu' ail sip tyfogr No01 04, Rang. Teb, -ia é eea of the ?Mrl -PrincIjal erillan; = =nE 1v.aiS.begiing e n.atiivet col- J tu-ifttia »ret.cf Uc n.orbe.a'qnreoft. 4m» ww otbemt qDmO4erof Se=ctintet t =jtec lzbtaforeeald. tItanée. eaat twelve îdad.j the.Cicagecqp:X eru"mMoa. thence x leng leie .. f mlre.dtiti It ln- - ~b - i- in rei. matel. m..ei.-tti.n ouMdc "Si he oti. mter 0ftmai gomi~ rend tvqtytvo ad etigbty tee Smt ebaina stIée. late.f bgln*4ig, cou- tstauw tiirteem adnbwtu actre. ami it. or tiium t he. 0 ae" tur # ý Mt br deemuibea he fol- M sww wloe: Cemmmulng et tbe o uâtlimt eumul efrtii. soutbvmst qtter<4 tii. - rgn e m5b Wmt tveaip reda au Poe - twent Mo* mo emu mre jn- 1reSeap=4 wenty imbe, tU.ea.SertI - ua ed wevI3I e& tgth~e pM f '~e b-lihp, 5fl<qjg%f tâ-m and one- bail (16%) ibr esie.a l 00 ni. p. ail Je Ama T, mmliet thé eeale eil ea)w - iq4tri"oa Mt . londs Mmjettea ra Wd te'I& M iKUs Metter la Cbmmery. Datd etoer15».. A. D. 190. la Inthe Ch.oult Court of, L4*4 c~oty. u e- Notion .Loe .va. The. lIveigou SLubrliesorCOéiaY, a 4»rporatb, andMth fluerffld. on, Cbamel --~ Gem. No, 34«. Ieaw i- met. Pble notce i ereby g9ron tiat " b b by a h'vIrtue of aen rdem mandIlte.enW '-dfI itereil lu the above entitiel caune. tu twe mai l rcuit;C«ct t m<theiia tber tu tm Tern A. 0. 10*7 thoreof, <ho cadot- 'Jsth. mgno, Blectal Umter Je 1 cIeOç Of som lhaadcourt. villon T*Wpdl ubtheUt" "Y f Kôvenib.. . lu i £t IPe.B ýutet Q umne mae p u me.M 1et CIM Vau«tbt. "uIWM vi j C. ".e ad ..m.t.igff mu- « 1m e h.tas e tax,.m'dil l a ml IOW at> oùe M" bUb tram, es? itsbudmiA*tIn. m M"«-. t, Atb Ilglr t etgak e 1e bwwaemauet¾ral lmteiJu ~mseypa- /»= 0f -elel," m il~ii MW 4"&W»O. ne mom Oms. 1191195 Maaeotgy 0te*ba~ About W iuâ ~lover mal Alfa.$W Ram la Macha.' About 35 merea n~ COru la v . fé. M aiiock. lým Furlture. ýB>amt C"_ OMoMI-- - v'w-ý'11., UmeI u *11 tioveol. W_ K imdPit>ý .Aio oti articles toc, oreh p" maW à.. te o olipe IL anmmas é 'mention. lib? rK 1.Mmn I~enlalE.1 Frpe LIdpull iibe ervel imio. at oo N Nt 'W ,$. Wfaora. 14 dote W34t NEicmIT, prop. iit%, PUte, lém.o ~1n1' llu * Akeiumateammiii.-J J. N »oi MWd'ét BWARA3pmAUet la 1l. Azmlsolp.: aIlOo i lot la SIe. o . "a mw a UDOR AS. uct OVas.-Ai uo em~.t *010me UN il.DEd ~ S0I d& *U&. W. M umie Je r N Io alym * = Netti. L at« t 3.os Mml un, t i W-~ ~ Md it~. ta ,. Amction Bie.bmabbe na. bswtPat N. B. qr. Sc.17, Waukoffl Tp Doec et7.bS w4 . . siiê Having deoed to quit lanuln, Ivu lnNi .An gèod. to e b. ttied for f-I W .$à mailet P"qui auerlon. on thi. B.uEY bhmm oi. A. IR. Warnr ana vif* to E. A. J. P. Mhie Md vit, te J. wa..mb 1garrq lImm, thru' MIW nrtbyt f W. K. Wîi*oN, Pro.>. Sorâlqo. lot 7. eub. et lot 1, IMc ibi .Dolt$7a I..llee*lvill.ad two mnul oU0otIUUIt0f GEmul3Voeui,Anetlomer. *9tg, wami parL.W ».112M0. ýb olmPrLW a oomwwftinu et 12 <clciek anr bai u Pb fofowl~~~bedproporty: ,1é-ýuleh, wtu dj-igeni; 2 bouem, 1I 47Pry Brel wàk. viii l wlmI bayt~tv1l~le l" yarold 1 àmeil tisPemumifr ui trek vwq, wagon box, ua»qjqO, m* WIaLargest imend, About eer P. Amoica Anutà.tinecfariner' t>ye tu Kiew The Amir<a az±lileport)% umpsrternec:t one aii'r4ay grapMeally the' reeent dtacoveryut1« taetebn w lfo1hâ the 1brppzt diamond in the ver lam ttrt utdonnltta m- a diatuond vbtcb weigiiu in tb* rougi,! viekaw e, Wto b iet air-in a bail 3.2%karail. Translated into ,» Sau a Oally rOnte tb Cm d h»o tn S" fN n etaba Poundtand.at l a atevil heuutmm tleukbl.d bacS and hi. trait * lincoe wuud tbi a thrird. L'the w ue t mear a certain famuîoumé. î»oiméest dtwpleri le tht, ondrfl eu ti nt.ammi lote bqat aromialfor two -lné 5~r<ario u imo w as beld boureatmid thon. gave *ip. Wbeu, th" #0" y by the "tIioeIlor"-a bleue of 949 iaidpatlai fxlf ii os karat--eearYhall a Pound avordu. ba da rkuithe ti. baithe » eadm Poisa. Thffl. year. aothi exc.ir athe mo aujoomauHe l tbimeU w*«d1 Mt silr.*" uble v-az adix ftxipod, w«I me8 ia, v. afimie cul nia lot otatones. vlued iet 141&e b»t:A re. #0 na ou*a o veu dbave ~0O mi i taa ttely clpse ~tbougbt et bobina for Mm mi>tiiem.- the t, iler grMat ilamonda or tbe worM . v,-evrdvimo lnh Thm :Kolaudor taftpr t t stln.g>, liewu omit tha havasthaemo M7 Sanie; UNIU On f fyderahad, 279; O tILl Roent or Pit,13ôf; 0Viabe er Tawany, ________ 13à; TiEgo' tye1Sowj, 125; Orlof Or M9; star ew tii. ent. 124. i.lIoipwpemndmntie *M biliplavtapa menon.systei OUi Pa.im~NgWeUea. et o"iellEs erM neer lInttnfit - Kenty ta , t1" a4btb eetui7 the. Crrlao mderge4be trea wa e» rt th Dl tek. .pepis, lntoMMml lb.hebanefulmmait.. are edo t . w& 1 ealtotiuvv bemdg go,. mmd More apparent ei (" MIMYOf abo b«beg oeta- thoe arupeMb.-It. W. Parsons, #ea.e4 b i>théâUV* uèlemmata maila Ti» i. Mjil oroa. 'IflUuetatbavaeOo i lte ne,..1 *tlt et, ttii omiczeu, abgnt U "ef.Mmitam" eb*1etom"ea »W Moft otbe iale v "-kmOrf tbat Vbot le bdWllte b. the. Iam mtIti* noe tt Ud Md ier et bremetet WpeMiseam e1, wbleh.lotIt iii.ndq eemryal Umm~i . ouo eu fti.ga" d-b la 40" wa1 empue tio=Éugreg< tor lîioeil 7 gIrl »dt4 eteaimatt'atbe eeA cI 01>n.b propletor'et 0WGrad MUa 0n. iadrel i14 t'*'etiv-t«r milbotel, Jopeubeov.-Lcn*eu ffpre la a loa diulane..W a a t.Wed- Me te uterriet <oeUoi ela loee; tba toit uli -n OWI 1 e& o.to yet a pe ' rw a Mxtuilier la asamue. At *9llttow., ZAC- mmnd 43p recuuy wect anl tat iway lua& o»a vtum* ' twmlSee theti.de«~ i te me. bar tvm baem. rM vleb 9w e vorne10WeV vuebglèg ibl fer «va lad %et tâea. AMI abe bal »e opW"ve ti, *.White amolli. e.re il to tW# ber 0W drulrmtJosâbn Md t u vsuoathiob:S» t, %4led.? awrk4 mot<er me vN t Mu vbemto 006 2 maNwtairav eme. .- am~n tiiMjqd pop4 of Léke Colnnty 9,. oeaoî 1et w»i qof jour eoM reliable ibuyin; odé. Tit telva Jmrov.uiute t the grent qu*nttty of îre te met o» quo vou,,Mimal etet IM& e te 1me.,' $a&r i r OU Rmmv.0*s dev n.mem Mr Unh imli ?b liaS CUMML tàauàe l- unifi's aBnt. Pm a m o if t mmi' ommumi uay ha