ufr' plo -m be Si ANTÉ.LIQUOIO INTELRIOS SIT UP ^Nb TAKI NOTM »Y.am 14 le k o h e Uc ecUclot Whleh »soat'ublie property Yatfc aPub- A sveepint deciglosby th. Ililola seus out tiat the ovuem « proporty r..tedtfor saloon PurPOss arc hable for dimages lu cases Of Il louad saleof liguaby Iheir teantl» wua maie public yetcdaY. iltt aa prlesta thé organiaation» 0f c* hse umad clegymes It bave bost omab t he liguai lstoram lais. h vas an eguaili Usâta spis, 1 0 ont" tmsd iepissslcivesof tii .4 recel là. ic on lc cfhé ort.Me ail.tiluor forces hOU o"e .biM me* ni t mme lid plane for a abv cu"aà qiv. cualm a 1" bi b« bt, aspeupeM it'ôsms sud th* louw debbmamre t.be u mdc tauot Iimil l> t e cowurt sd. * lvOreibpysimas decomIl a O@e mm tqàtudthe ba ab hots i thob ,~Ots int~qot, ioh lbave ba smm Op SeleetoUt*up t. Ved Ge*Ach *semyvIu TlURoaleslu mLagag. IMu a* get ad SMtithe. sai *iia ktaeitmbte iim tre dGe a- >ma te mh usis lit. b " "' T* mms.la m Ovlas. uI. ced bu~er li rehW Misd laid lbv" paktbte a. dmiecI gi blt f tà wm »a4bbch o i"bil ber R*Mmvseai Seaiutervlevdaim 4~sge ouki br nA le forpc 00 o absbivr tatshe *0 milbi bsboum.Uo I*Omu onu Ui Pe. ýLester B. Coby of Asgi9AleSt on 1mOidut of th -1u' pecan d g .18 Sbl oe.on C ViSai .. ~ emp a. lu& L~ aia. CdIb, terroi oty iher the tLaits Cou.ty Wubld>t. hnqpse *ft, a.w a *taff àormogeetfr t h fort Worth T*WgoUr lo.ntiy tger ai la*earch a!ter Ithe miesi ee Uic dg thé Acte. icis, bslbed it.le bwIeisnar Abilen, Toe" Mir. Cclby visilsi b. s«an. thatli o.muvstloeswhieh elava, bou mai.e of a mine as cld è-AnUrIofi .tal turnei mhevule lsce iarth tryliot çoee pon IbUoO riéi ln lb. flu fSloWegIa>a on torP 1. li Fort Worth TO i, of ai Saclunays *bUsa.. Tbxaa. Nov. If.--Urfc*. kalo *ca tg taur o huaisca.rve upM truam peihftat to buadrei )usn ha-te Md adristuer ofa1a«hU *Mlrut Jacqereihsacet Axtee tlpx ut. ehoilly cter h béal i0Àtksi th. 1-Upoo~svnteun.mml Th tg orycet&A ftaing tr&Ussb matb, etbrnuà. dais.ami liii * iW*ttii le tbou»lt teoussi but duathý efla att Uc aé, sm f ammse Nou 1wo la tounlgU la urdius the sacrI& toce ot hm bsuaimet forbusme. suri Tssa l n Tus Fo *i r . gD &d Amuold tati a M» a eumplcg'cd ith*Uiceccaail eiase, . obatbius tylngte locati flic buaidtreasure,.0 Mo cdhuard of th* w *«Am hard t.aiolt ,burwlal $hp luimc»hwelu Twisas. vhore lie j»av ot we«uUy mai. ao quaitiaeeç --oc UtIi. warthy Me- b ha et paré ced ancet bNci. ysr « asaoclattc aud frienlumsa sMd t i-d lsorr vllbthusu Oufinal'iro *»@W to bus the, vhrsabovita ai a s)uart wb"e voeudidrect hlm »*.fotud the.Ocit toho la th* badsa ancd bis eloter., vver IN96yeurs c et 0 adi mm sisu ff lieWU planum 4 utlii soletimvut thee. vus 9tri et thelbmms bOý Wu osli 1.01h. gava Aruiali thc tablet »esi jy averlng hlm la keep sud pro- tom Il w.mm i ed la Plame NU the b. ouasn. to wbitO MMs l'y. a»lb.s ee or botroemra Noae bt cf pure Kadian blafl for t o< those c et ér tib. v, bai becu McceIsd drives .la s lut. thc Mumt«euua. SBn. th* ic lth. scudbtheccretl achut e" Bred Uic bflwlat. hkhhob. elatAs hoe ras> tbo white-bflrodd di vouaàs vb. bg* 4Opvptely pass i miiy 1,csStumi 0< nit2ih m - heiliim 111,14sanlp t t»5 rad bMcs.orth. <M1.9g aIZê «10&- "1;"d yo no white ummvoIM ev.' proft by the . sal eretor, tes oU th lIecver bars."Thon abs dl$& StUiIliNad Tabslet iut crafty 0olit"cv.Amsoldvus so. s. sailli foolci Ho bccai né vici a CLARK AR«ORIONT 0F LILY LAKR*lB MAN $HOT. rPou"cefai Ruular cand Speclal Demeet lues ara, Now Sucrhlngp fer the ftcbber Uelleved ttelie Fam Ha"i F <(reux Wedsesday's San.) 0Clark Argepbrlght nulht opecator àfW the Chieffl Great Western Hall rVcr comiuyet Laly Leke. M. Ufrty 4mtilesi Wal: t cChicago, vu pr0"hbi fc taIlly chat by cburgar, lu l. th u. r c Mtion ct 10:30 o'olock Banday Mmeuacdesndasumode for Uie am<mey la Uic cash drcvcr, Clark 0laughed Bt the unucebsi but crmed lutruder, sud turnid about ta.bNs vork. , trUulgth. malter maas cIo" ThsI.attitude movcd UtVburgtlu ager -d ho ftred, ahootlug ArMea brlgbthlrough th. hlp md-ceet- nes *oOlng leauuoeed t. bave beau docebsa bmcmsvbo hb u emtped ou c famnoier Lly 1jS. oBnlaIcorfthe clelago & Nrthve nau Mi Chieagor««isaIWuItsrail vais =9 the sheriftaMid d"tlec. « Juehai- aty. &Mug for khlm 1 l a.Mrght vas brough t t.Chic. 4 k tathelb.WeslaIKde Koqi lb. Utuunw b I dsy4egt and lad m ~ote4 il.Arnolddo isebis mm thcu thrcè cci. yése Md teS, M Isusi the ide trait pcn lies lb rosuy ucuthA, Iuntil hoaily Iccàbo ils end. FIlo Scret Cache. ,At laI6h scme t i cie arrea lger Poulotib ah«OsiUptheb.tiip voisbakof ibthen. 'w&The Juil thet&4 ca*l-eqvsred agubola usM toe 4 . R o vct ouvad Ito tb yod beyecd tid out aller symbM bt tba« peililcibeebvard. Hec WO soult. b.houtat w ha veut liet #0 eoat .uwg. 2ALvaisbho m4~insuw but tber slisys poisot. o e*ca«" va" Arsolibd bat t utme t. b6covu.mo-neba itc av6edU 1 .e o . bhim b. bcdb"agent m thé eatm* or "a abiddllmwodta4 he ete vbhu Bne ibsu x miulices onlve rai»Mccl the dib lut cIMWil toli hlm theît ils pudfbhWs psh 4athsc bad vbe a eb Ilào11cf à $%a0 la de btnels bs MAtk tty 0M.' Rai Mt tb téimEla vlh au Ah C"04 09 cfbistro, maie cacda ilS vbtu-sâecbOAnjté h" bud-i 'etein " c clêtlmy ba4 .01v te blckte lb. Iraità"m-Idf 1ev 1* lIte un ciWh~ tbrowA vli .u1.0< la ss*abes n ltino dan s. esiislu-es. Âpai" -Wb vogli»Motbuaitts te burn et th mtc eto "y Aclive Maaiu a I" caugt lu, Ibs ecqtr. olix qisoe Burytmg It. aut 00tieoAmUatbai. oiui UmeaUmm ndaIa Mnt aoiI tbe -» o I b4> hksvmilios.i ïdiverbUll vas More& tucaeut tbo detbc of tlb.-groomi. Ho b houd i th l. ludlue aobukisitb tussfureo pmSA9eh mulba covIA aui oceegbgil hemaie un ref utter ou« laCparPlats km cb ov bu tetmeth OU& orlbar "mmtàe tabor.Ib vent t. n. oa Sarby basas, »eV 4h .0epli. r Te"M"« ee*iu f c"d borosci . sovwet o! uta btlfckN,.a lab êcer. HIL och Bu brlttcle thé asot sud secure Is la beLoad Ma mfle uit.1Thov. au is lie dqw .beound a M sstoamo au~tblet Md t. thc vu dormat ote b.buout tussrs. mm maib tetmicol7. pend -off i taumedu vet IM»ershodieoe m»ý4WO%4saut tlite.oovu spmbote Ïhv l. v*y ltebli Ircauretho lom tty a' co»ppc vus fenM& IAmnei pêchaiU IV umi.d si: "IL j0beraisul 4W»tober. psetehi. Mlu DrCUV La tue1 X lra.EILLesim-le sl mte IchE kf et> V"isePutasobwh.ite à*«&im m». cm" , am i. oloef'1 senlu el ra ot b.erisuisa.ilTheu»MUeR«ChW m ie cutvcesln id urgei ecogaiet« e r ssal MptuMentfl 100y las b>W"igei on X.,le.J. W. Suine Es apndmt a c f a cla Ccgo. et arY aba w re iur l Ie o an '. T rous). t cf e-ic Pfa U L l b . nen 4072 "b em»romorctary. bhs r4oetu rm abuelame Iihussarmspohen viSi ie ori. devollouc service vmu co. by h. 8ev. prank reviea pes« t ivraJicu Park ehroib. Krk ami i. tlia* s ce .im tuoa Ciurlug lm e evnhu. oth shore tomsusurnerapt». [tr Iliec.iip@put à on ffsarae lichaitfor c paq "l Seaoafe Po" s.Atersa at X i51lufer so»sMin"te)- Toc çir they bdt4irbvisboulib. su* go tsa-eg onmu. reuonger fitvsbofr b. c*ini 1 i Euà a Nb«imt sm@Ieolbe lacbta*. 0ftuaI mm e oki m1 Oumtb WD vbi* ilaccudueffl. w afl t a lbe omwty etJ4be tboe. vMM. Tb.y do a t be vwor ciDUowc cad aue i t. bavMe aieas ssNovr, union y.u. the 5 of Il 0. mon MdimaEeEimi ahi bu Mdud pm ibdon Cart of slmoa ty 0 th Secet f nom o. f Uie ma tom *Wtleref.1 ma" ha le oiT bee t bMad su et Waukes a au i dmth Mb. S aa vth dida blch lob-1wthe ht MouicV j»- lie Mdi kbudues 'proMPt. 8o Mat isMcbl «ab*0v.»eW YM0 "U dehancd 19»p fran "ai. gisaito amu &«llS. 04jaig of ablU luhct c»d word. a8i4sutura. aooiationlu a i y«s aboli vent litecreva cr suàaP, m lem --IMdt le p »VUV« oug ccn i h" oW the tefl» e y h W ukcwIliso. MNsI~ Cocal T. Hqdoaer PlaM APplU ~ auJll< etos& - tvn theouanivaruet o f aPPt. ame raiselat ldctai Salse Who bawv tued our Closk Dfpartrnmttl bav.e o ur A#aghdok prqodaos0iotqby hq d v hvi tuegr -~ -. th iepm lem Puctnr- =m n weis âa avint cf i=e $2.Sto' »6.00. WC m mamp OW Cloalu Movas chsp as nmiy rnmbntsssi thrnat thir ÇlaadngSale 1648 Givng om pa,tros hebei values posIe lot th Mnon. P«aUc. Wintet C swAccuate «s to Mode. Tidey P"ieLÔgSet Wo VaS" w aIOr very dsred quity late rieotsd in Our r&20 Of L 'mi l0omP *75 ts'*01 ereâe Lty su roaoot. Usd xwcme-tlexeludrsm M d perfect wormubà W1*Oydyt6àil, vinTk ii lthig i. high cla. The. valutesare ..... efst utnllodlrogoutpe"ial . saeptionsci t 07.50 sud . ....... Blsa4eul Oosy &eck Piecen At .... .... ...... ........ .ih M a m M nk oc TIRTY I FAX: fustb as ve tauba vat Tho n f bem, lu W" Pana..baM C. i. JQDues. cTbl alltimc prasst Ium lia Tb*i mhc prmmsaI li.les a motiot Tali iu cmn I *~4" ia*tTe at SsqciaI Paf2" BWsahd Muk PMst Savil. SOW-crieSlhdChilde ui urSetsof Brou villi hud ad i talle, tn ibt u fM a...............$ 15 :. . or cootu 'qVzo sWIt .10< ...-~............ Vl~ IWsIta lUoo&a 11 qué f îë- -8 à Am