,i 0 wu lima ila.-l1mier t mu m« aeirV. a oiai XU l I s u a e f - s i4 "0 tbd eOti'v e osve lb. eoft i e IIt.l. omf'a rt te 14 ar ounsMme0 pou tarm- i - Amas iate la l.SrOI IIhl l ul se eami! te mi m b' s, e fis ite lie Ptuni $lmty hir, ub l id eut f327-82 la l es-Pabtn s stha ouI' eot' 48Irecelves les. ti lir tus i' le ier â, l aid1e, nilci nais au qu pplpamo tf 100for ech ceUaty fo t% ie slate- 1106W er lar. tu eate moci o mf a 00a*0e f01,$l" mili' a t-s-I ONM mmey hi cgity &Or pl ag- rIoeUwm 1e qk-l. Ie usai t Ia meou ables t11sFqa. * a- bowmspor.àIl rIi ouume te le1- fsao l ur eamy tmlsnrue te t Se 1151 Of pomaftairala 0ka at&tala yFur. ,tu NeLea ceuI' a totale09i, I&-il la premlua mcey viii b. il- émt *mmu t"e coty tans ah lit- MMs laoy sud Ssybt'oek.Vne lima- Fmi tat. rblel PMu eut f14»»Oln wendumsý, nIl euie OffB-.thetu iSmi' fuir rita ,628.175lBlu pol pt- miUosa-nIl Ce 858.70. al& the 8i- wii fls viiout 40 per oul et the ia,"fl.0 iu"*pm iprenilum-e. jucl v I1be laget annibit et Miraslunai> 0s'eoeny v'u iluWIII couuty. rbere ËIe But m wie rre h biIbs year. Wkeeo nte e airsa aI Nîneol.JO- 511*1 al «et lu prnilunia a 01m mu at IsA», 40 per emt of nbicb lis L4mm. This apiohul, bho er, la q lasrsp"l!out by tlb. ie Minl Kmaaee ceunI' Scouti', nith as Ir if 11.1b- *U7&75. viilreive f80 etO lion. iaudelpii canal'. -polI out by the tLur a eus-o ise he tIimus 0 821910. ceunI' faim aI Cartlu - pai u 11,0 lunjre- the fief hut 40 'S @W-. Wdl! et b1v. B pfaved te bo ame ch eueotraeult taumiiota the vax »it te Wwoak i lue iwi hm the o rmaln geai 0etla'OitW -flN;eo alrattempt '*Me. th- oId e ne etla = «*I Oau4 i t ta e Tt t tlat tale vue ,iaatA. fer rdr igtba bof la M ali tw *0t»Ih euwu as uty. It a tboot JâW the mm.dot m=ierciii., à ma M W..the.Mr it wus oda« lut bi on* =yag pa*neei ur vtait s "w -ful *be ti têteampt te ête * ta*k placla #a st ai ,= MM of meIncuba "tOue mmi olaoft w et aton lIe licol a lhSoUtig» 0illmx **acé iL lMeNtI *m *MM,& euho t lt. VIent vas lh«f& ahigb taiset -loèei a astatleuilag the rad ct 111»U I"uM » uWteet. I ivuma hualpwe dute e»em t. m l i u l1. tepreveof Tb@ mm« wu rasicfOuce mporlsite tbe dwm mat ta. Kmlie.polic ffl te 9fl ome tIon teaine citse batlg'about the Place noe lihe pnt ad boomplaooon tii.traci a 800#39 ttait rouli furalali a chie te tam lieual r e i.partiffl Wo lied ~la i ltacS.. r The eloctri lc ally otaclalsar tAking ne chances rita bodup mmi Mi bell inormen sand conductore bave baea provide nitb revotiers and a.expectod tn uneo tii..lu cucb YOUNG SORGL4RS ASSAULI oUfP4DR ldentifies TiseAllegai! éey Rolbors and H.arinugla ied This In No tChf.- DoIeftialas te tic tet bisa alty ta. boge nf Mir. Augut SIciodel, of ist »A Coesiou onSaturtey lIt rMe th* slatreu oae acbogie ra» ou t os erne Batwrd a pping. Jaiqiale Moran rie baily boueat Up b tr0 boys nom the. vitis Identi- lsad as1lt1-yqumàli ce otfMr. JO om Mosudmithic13.Year-od son of <us*rbn Ucheafer. both of Nonh iCli- Tbey, the. victim cWame olred the. boue. ville ho ras loft .10guard if u marater bittg hlmmmmi' Ures, oted the bouge obtaialnt about $iu la ceuh and! a 4cramal trinkti ho The victini telle tb.t lie bai net beaun lef t in careortheiibous. more thae ten mintes vien tues. beya am- tared tacebouse and on e eu; liii tici' made for bimI, beating aud kl&-- lug hlm until b. ran boneand toi!. lie iotiier. Wben ha carne -uaclc hey wre Sote A"i hen the lady who orna the bouge.arrive! îhey raâ ne trace. The. boys eve.given as iieclpgbe- toto Justice SAmui' ofNortë Chilcago Momiay. PoS~r~ -TUR! Lo-SoorUofi'etMous Naval Commit. tac Aeked tuEnLter Liste Aganat ,Attomey SIearne of Wiuke- - gan Seain. Politiai developuxienie of the week UaU" tht Attorey A. K. Stéarn *01 lbvai c ar.i ue'for the leg- This4pdias a ruinor on tbhe teels !buruhv -bornhiig *t A ttorney Bei, $aféla Il. LMb,, reeetiy reigned 8eý 1 eroewt1tiie boule e=mmîtîe qu' 1~5uIaail .vuldt.a csUmte. en sle tpb, a KIN reporter, Âllet<MIÔIdemici liaI b. laa If the roer&i' queaist t t1< the mmaWlgl prpamei sue rolminsfr 'lm .îaon t al'er tu iii. fmaitiitw Ili tact bolte meva rulaa '0 M rerti "î tbê aaiflaj 0 uombfemc ofeta gliAt the bema a lb *11,ber tuilier, tac poacbeset sOI* lb. ivlbout 0t «I In1evldiens. by Ieatibla bous 'larentam. el be a.moani pollcç 50t a MPO tilpatelta ta. Mer TOt orsa- ,0 c elfsud tarse oi bia buek oPuaellous amsnon utder ai- WoIbtd lIaI the Pidllor ladias a est e, ..uiacm Eay resptting nembers Of flair lti. hi deatI rien tasi'be- mm lerreus vith lever reaciiel Ils autaauftliefrom uaiales sud hait- Ijeed. WTaie ostables rer. emntt &uM the ponl on tae norhiiera shore ot Lobe Wluulpog hi lhe loue noi- land. Au taey prococici ou thhar Journai'. ton ceumterybai;troo sud dover- jlron itth rea operemit the onie ci 4tore, th plecI.d op a balt-breed ltirprele.u stuey iesmei fie Fil- dieu ladimauc wre. aablo hi apeait a nord of Eneilbulu tact, se temote la lie district la niib tbey lue tait napiy oft les hava acier accu c white min. Tbey are a ana-hi race cf peoplo sud are avolded aud fearod by lbhe ther nomade. Tel rw"ithe $iMmcourage nblchj bas always ditfagulbeod tae red- maai i unlci dpolice, tbesetro cen-i stablieveut lat* camp snd arreated four cf th. trlt., Ineulding lic chiot sud bis nepler. Tboegb thes» pec- ple lad nover conne la actual contact niti ta. Mouatai police., a goueration et rlmeuoue justice hbai lusUle lfeur lote titir beurt*- Acoceding Ite ue t1h prisenera, tae 11111.dangliter oethte chiras laiton l ith snime complotai, and al Ib. Incatations et the meilclne men tallai le give ber as i rt. Dany ale grur rse. nble the medlciue men natcbei ove ber for lb. dcliri- umi nhicb roWdl' proclairnthe arrivai of thc "'We-tego" lu ber bodyIt vas ber dcatb narrant rbou ta.etuedi»i men lniparL tei nformation. t. Iti* chief. At once arrangements nere complet-" .4 for ber executlomt amdiaima i m a lb. fever ha! dlmppes'eiaili ttbe saembed in n suoffpe eand attai- ci patiently 'for tae. peteramauceof the rites. IFcrefonf amea ".oe&c tatora ras the chili's aothee, Il be' hi; the mark of a e*mni for ai' neir relatives not tu attma4tbt exeeu- tien et eue poaseaci «'t l.We-e- go." Later carne ta. Miinle qru- mns,.bearlu inth i dcgirl tro," her tue..The.girl ouI, 100 rqlllier stand the dire preparationif for,-b nal scrfice, but ber foel~ aies wre alslence! by s nord asoi a 'lh torm ras laid at lie fe.I ef lji. ~b ,-*55 bis nepler. Joge, sel vil I YUdWrgi braves hall ber h -" tve tu*uttIfrh doafh i nlIb beumkeeofl. YO days ef nI! o02 re. mcesar lu complele the. cer.- mon,. Iý teclimelamong lhe Creeela lii. euiprts absouli ne more lie bell, lespeuDube lieu a gaverument bang-, mmn rha-bangs & ceniemned man. The.Ioioins béleve the deîil peU' soase impell of tie belles of people i exaclyi'ta.*sanieny as rasdîm. lu th a es vise Jeens Walked u âë11 shores of Laite «ue. and drove tue devil i he blen etf rine ot Oea- uessret al thencé loto the lait..J Wbcn au, Indhoamm eces teverisa li, le vacedc rsefully, Il belug belle#edI the. deuil lentu-ing te pmoesa#tbM, _. If deliriuta cornes, ta, devil *IP*s sud Il l1e belleved liatIif the vlctlm, luves ..e bewmes s raving mnoc spd a forceleus canhbal. Heuce 1h,ý pîi mtt exoutian ,er lie safétYuta! (it le copa.cçety sud le relieve tlie victini ut furtier 'sufferings and I s ayi' bat he met boa bouen p*tthiIs11 it mt wenty fîmes le ~ ~ ~ ~~b th1*Wmyyer i'le saime taU. et' priceo. lbm as ralbis1 -buec apjusi lm ait b. na~lIà by olecec. Choc..,th f Puy in-4 Mer te a 'S YRIDAYI Nov.29,'1907-8 Pase. i. Hopkins la bu i~WéW~ ote the.treapgvv ea *1 a Greoubalgb's atter be bad 3shatterod iii adminlaterewI leg!d towbave M analaugbter,7. ;,reenhalgh le aie acted au a aId b. drivai ,« the tte et 1. four wnda, bd under pain 126 and coesa Ml the Uime. et the coroner 0 of ail dethA IRatherThie rden lk(rmb. sundown Exaperatel ii' qiedelnumberlese' vioilions ofthle à" las s prehibt- Ing cstîdn; bete'Mnree sud &fier sumdoru. Frdai' AM aturday nigbte. Carne Wardeb ffPetv rchner Satur- day eveanu; mue f t'0d on the nert-i iller as a resait of *lch Paul Pic- el, a 5Oigi llr,'00flned 825 sud canss hi'Poios N*sfatraie Hope. -Tii. feaitureut tas ,raid Wass ren Pichel imite aray-*vom une of bis capteraou.etof *11Siî,oorwhille Kimer sud CliTA-ppoi-s ere etter lire. olieua."ed tie u niake bis escape. HeW. a.canat 1), Spcr s!- ter a long rua. Picholi vaa sbotUgfromth le uorth pler htre.n 5 sel Wi. il was dat-k and b. rais iioopin; alonzth le rater hi' the, beanlf= thie iligit houe.. Ml. ire! luislet abt ahej lie geme rdenaud 1îm asaiutanis sfr. nithîn log temotfui., Hic aeoolaeulu scape! but lie ganme naim;plans 10 keeju bii ceesl ope milnviiimoite-speclalti' ef landlng Iuialum wno shoot frrnt Plicli I4W net pay bie fiue, nhieb aLmeU»i te $34.40,. sud' rac tiore- feue etarnllodtheitcly il. .MYNOT R!COVER White Cempanion Wenl up to Village .mi O upisfor Evenhut Mimai D:runke FeIllw Was durrned. Ni.ios s so. aged 45 ycara. no ka, bee ýnmpluyu'd on lie Otifarn *0111 0fBar,ton, vas nce erly hurimi auîî i 'cock Thw'sdoy aven. 1.1e hst wI11.'el. liai li e onet re- It appear., thail 'arsuu, lu coqpay-' tt James 'r'ui. a .tuai. a ceMp h>out i alte stock Yards an! built Xb lire about nîn yesrisy, hi con« t*efr lunch. 'r'li. remaluel about lhe Yards aIll]ie aftenooo an! Itlalesai ne *lu aniiiioxicated condition. About % Iocl, bit mthie evening (heelcu ilssu-1i ei 10 ounetoflie 04l"10ho c t s ii.Iiis for the evenlng IfÏpomhi', î,t,,,,lie fonind lenlis akùgcemeit Pa'"oiî Who had been eest- 04 beile lthe il,,' lad ole! nier on- te' fle tire anl lie lotbifliefr o bth lits- bal huneil. andIlii tact the body ,WU. buroing, .%ie"r i tingulaing lhe Om' Creetoi sttii assistancesan l4gbëd lois ioed to the village hi$4 wheru'Ili- A Weichet drem.ed barns n its 4'-s sent il hle Cok JOïm iatl mi Iille 8l46 lBt. Paul [ S te lie CI"g'&Nriatr hiia'i1seueiledtgstop the .-rlr. P: iii cliums tuaI ha bas er tnaîuî.d Fred Payaïon in butl- ,ai' 1024 W'est Chîcage stycêe, His rucivery 15 «ôuiltfl.- '5 M ad Hand Cul. front louai of bl o am". b e frenLbrtîhm5r1 u ul*bl brou'ght 1nfqýt à', 4b5k store sud bchar k,14tïp liai!beeu cut l'ia ISBaý P'oley allendel lMma the depo t epe, la charge Oet he hlm bi' lhe pane ef gisaishi - liilliln the unkunemuet 0pot, Anstead of h' ai' o ras bsi!ly et rien tise Usei L.er 3; CoIIi', formerli *t Wb*. kfgln aMd Lllsrtyvi.1tMWii0e short- tif Oý a n mi' mdheaet ti" LaeCU 0" ty IMfdspuiiatMiW ekly PIN,' IC' et pi,»Um tla lésassam ml>oe Ils fort Wfthelra.atuc- tPeoiti'hi teut rowk tilynd shvalfis 4t earth ln & e sq.sbI foi- tii uur t4i AMOac diithe faliluing la à oalilnuatimof hi$ own Per>. è(Ïnt'tluid Fo, ht wWuk.) bela .tiare" AÀrri aMmo e riearelamti and tom bis assistent la sebould dig for a "duel" nhbicbva a.Wa*g -uPontare ga. Tbe mysti- "à à damadi s, ad a abortidisnce, below tac surtistouai a 'dok-hIe st«me, to b. sure, s»d tare. ipuai atoues benaoth fil. The. aMd mma 1I010 aei O09 a giveu, distace an! iag salalier. b. unaovefod a 'toUle," vblcb coaaitedof a teris- osoed chiae. uged lu tii. eacrod rites Of thi.encleaits said te hnuicate tuat troSaP U s ngbt. Tbon b. carotalli' 5Selectéd aneulor spotaid bore dugm np a key. Tbau ta. old maninid b. vas r atlaed. Me told tbq scdli ver' lng Seubrltzke, nebahQ alded Mm. taret nOadertul Ireizure vas bic, noar At bad, sud Miud b.esclli' rescbed wno .decirol.. 'Me. ol mai hourdci! &round!fo nu anMd dl»eaOd. Borne. taink ho la deuil, tatfrionis ofthtle dead D air frern rI e so gli; t o, or religious faniatielave claliel bis lie teu ancâlthec secret. Anyvaye he lo gono sund ail believe'ho bac gone lorevor. A year ato, hic departure persona nas»e curloalti rai arousod began d1jUing lu ta. spot. Tbey speut bun- ireis of dollansd employed bhypne- ties, clair-voyantsansd fortune-tellera. Ali tiieue culd se lbe treasure, ce it pla&Ii>, they sald, Millions of il, but râlitdirection ln finding It an errul. Bloatti vers mnit -ce epa it mod.eue .dicai' tp at apon lis brick. aiid ho 1 Wo peered lto teia depthucouli t eoIY'-ceeits bottm, amdi metlt thon dlil tbey desial.' Ba l4tTabl.t Honoet. thcerot for tac bide LMillions ras ne te b. droppoi c» esalli'. Tii. isabter of Sombuele bai beau left ae o ith. taheeret talet Sura timo lutin; Ammebl' vlsit at tac farrn bouse. VIe boai apiat 1br time,lui opylng ,1a ",Ir, blorolypuic 1for blorogybblo, kaifImark far mark. Novwcernes George I. Word et Ab& 1 lIss luto ta.e some. Ho hin iami-lke tu bisccung for lranulmtngsucist OpanIab signa oui symbole ud amal- in; out their meaulug. dlu aise su, Inventor and eue-lime ruiner, a rell se sometaîn; et a.scientist. Warii cecurei the coPY trots lbe girlani! dlaims tu have dieeovered the secret. Afler iieieral reeks e aretulfiudy ne ept btbe . enbritzke home sud r tld them that the inessalI that sIomewhere nearbi' buriod ras au un,' tiergrouud refngim. Mer. wre the 1 o es of a premt viose flash ag 1 ben tiolled froin hic body. Aise, le 1sali! tuer, rere aIk million in treas- u re. lie aked foti'le Marks, Arnold r ad dlscoîered. Ton, ho teid ual, ? ter. ver. olgit rom n uthe. under- ,ground treaaure truie. He. taid everi'- 1thig mat sa Anoli hai b-tldl t t ;Senbitale. Word Nais et Wàîrk. The. 011 icmntr gaspel. "You feel 1Il au "Old Arnolid; 1 munt believe," 1Ohizera belleye too, and muni' travel to the. spot long distance dally til look 1Into aati being driven by Word. ?who now, ll itskuowledge ofni tebld- 1don Vat wealhh, lsaîrctpus to put s 1pick thru the rails tnat wlll iqairt hl 1portera for The Telegramin uCom- Spany wit Mr, WVard and 0. PFIThoni' asu, secretary ni Abllençe 2H14) Club, mai!e ta. tnp lite dlggings overisu! 1lu su sulnmobile. igwp6clng"tue abate 1 ed lnarîellng aithle ilrange itori'. 4 b.Y ver. amewn .he arr ara lu the 'trees sud ocher signa sail 1 1sboev Were lthe bars.voeehiddeu., IMer Uneevers sà Ml10* 8% fias more vonderful la the t a I t'auMe boirea sare aluait, 1Mr, ri >' ie uferta amine. 'The . tor~ b .e j sprstag. Thlis la a thbl M emnri,. '40 e t.bâ# s ýt4e* freda the. juin. or U aarou. tlà -MW 4084 'ttc surface are tre of aPet sud lemi and a 4uaattye<o ti 1 ie" . la gasre fiat mù > .__ nature gui tbei iqisu ttnly guirdin; dui.etoftae riou miimmtitmbayqi ~er= 11,= :tbA'Um ofer min. AM, to% hé b - <oibd trife o01tli formatioan hléé, mako liano. Xl lu u%, ownde r COOM M. liardbas mol dlggi1g. 140 , mdërioe b. ouba ail waits. 4bhe va Iuhos' ac e it anaisati $Oe W~u ho hqO%ý,Ili'# raillrad taié I l~ub u i It anid Wat4 lbmi*E »e oiIta emhtence aiub. e i PM-.YXÂRINADVàl Il 1 tbegt* t epl Cr4 i- ajs ti la tubh nous. Paillesare oflea tormei at'Ab"e tg, IIWp«4 tb. diing opuatha nd 'Au aow &Us.$ maurday ta. maa vla le Tbn*somp. Ci cPendiag bund- a PO ý*4%, , . - uc MseêtbImg for tih ulÙbhinbeualthe surface 0f lie esrtu uil>ccti te stmloeaw en ,g ble. aocas the. tueasri-. t PWn M tninue it re t u"r i1an W Kin ha pretti'Remltatla lbhe dmas don tais muei'rasu mataoer cAl eteWL âaa'under thebauils Thereensecai ratlneme of !asRla. bigl peinet theie ram au articla mm i o t Iés-eth-i ll*iids ow VMi orsallier. It la ad, taiIis ile r wa rIsd« valu e asiSsu' eolarii e àîats rae ,iproNIltsmi tres a Iummrnag bina nlue ftrai mo is hhsb«ý, sud 11sf a ke or bac n*ul'pur,-uty alis. aalaie's treaiens. If lie oeUi* tloi TIere ver. but thym.etrtlest se- dry la tae allie et pédinly prisai t.,atnera a1<bg iMd à t.w spoau li. seni r ra wu te ctoffl acuus tbat h o re.a CIO"kmaie il $bc. ol w o*ota 24r. Waurd la i*t sure talas le uot t 1'tabut, bey are » sIoerbouseet Motsama o,àla Ist Are ~i tuihile one o ie scontemperary prisais. , t»nmmis e1 drY $cp Tii. tact tuat tIremmi bave 4- ieuh "lI Medg Ciplered thliie nit aid caresi«stop. tu tablets te Io"ate itre.ure la tis *M.thevbMeRO« exact spot and tiiat bell adrea ewl b lie bruWr allib. eludiit ani nature et tbe treasmresamrutIt; tr. Witle thé voll the li.kuerldge thuaIM"' U bai 0*Igilbas bm i #ircbod for Il vitbj agopWa of la afi 5vote. Il I mileso e .opetenlad*e nIlàtei~stlis -trift 1l. te tie malter. 1fi oe Dit" *ei And ngo the.excavation lu tahe ou- boom 1* thIl chent digaiglua g g e n. I Rtuela ressin, Le lb. malat eofn eofthetIC iio o f tli IliSItIll lt~o 55 districts about Abh0le..'1oqily Wbet."fPPEut if socm tae. hîdieutreainre nIl bh . nd ailhett mfil coiered. bIea mfoerne-i happmacinlu mai' CI POSTIER Millions-ai AT 00 et the ewhtt a04 - "* tm t ithe UitedtM If the. Chicago & Mîtrauxcousa- .ooi>*sbfleo tu W trie Railroe.d CenWsuy 'wàlbl *pPlva net «04tihe sa16i ueeded anitch tracts on 1the rosI iIde, sin. lu aBer We a 4».000 plant WIbl be rsvs 194 Im l*o .th" ol.ne4llU Cinmti, Ohio. 'itas ea <t thedo"uU More tisa tale, -bél ln put ln, tarseoi at 4 Wow h "j glant pisit, ouiths e t Buis. 1 0M-t m Tua ancomoml rai salmae IMoa- éee yth), os*li dar y 'Justin K. Osais. MM«1mm*"caicst f~e tuattes MW oftble Atm cf .0rv1441 U rds, i pasb $1 s.o etb.plaste lt o"il wj '0111gb bée..If ch. eau t".l 11* uiioDmw4 les#i 'la tae c. Rasermop Pster PrinhIâs, Companmy et Ctlnebtfv. e, ff___ veti w4aeedi hi'Woukspanlte. t'ý, beei c oflent1 The concura reterued, ,ta ýbu.ai £ te Ni.evw.jersey 1310,M plant for lie printiog mnd 41a-waseth.e isive hm trlbutimg ef advertilng posters, suni owethe tnocra "pcqaltWe&nd emiploya a lara.e OMW tuckfiand Come nîa 0& mon. plclfcsli Clsrenoe E. Runey. Weili rumeniha- o -'ni* ed hor., Iliheai ami rtrit fthe ireimr. And. enterprice, 1wblcb la nov pp m lIe lpmtsPty ino , the. 0h10 Cty, sud bic tati,,'. ais. uhh*lim at1 memebero et ti, as iert attu ion Ilara gi a111n dey attednl o deails of armane-1&rout aomIllinoT meut.. The CompaàYi îîin stAtî e lIsinoteWmdnt perfoctly auIn; te boy a site. Other concerne Intendut - 'ete naethe obIi a lier, si-o manîifqc tories pue ansd am- pii 5oic aCiq pie. 'jr " t 8 h The. tniey concem li. etaled' te bu irlstl ~ dciug a I remendons business, *liet, a t wniîcli lîl b.. trasferretl d*Ieot> distn elý here.Mdytnoge AI Clarence E. Runci' viii be in lu n itegan Ilerember i3lte'roer the ille- EdiardVai, Itanaee Ladi; Mi..~Party Wt a. i and GraecWin"miof adson, g. 5.511,<Ut publui.U Wer. United Hors h i$& o'#rt>U. Tied togaîlier wlth More flan îweu- Uten .ss p t' tiret cr henipeti nope cani eorehi' & iiani!cufted lu emcl oÔtier, fld*%MtheM* Vail et Biroklyn. N. Y., andmisbie-WI*,eth neo wi5sMiss «tic. 'IW4UM UI t'"'" lt ho* rnsllc Crillo ou. te the ilauiil Jouirnal, Madison, wt.. uos'£ e1'îaISl Ïbeard a Michigan train Haummoi.Im, lad, pup ae~ lns. bound for us l* Tii. fe et eIa 1111usd tbqlotse u&ïd01 te iceoifai tarougi tas *V60w .t*'a1 11%, lI e t te t t I*y aI- 1 r plý'--K r ar lia er tis a tta »'ils, d;ý -" *mIubhs Ia.tabmê ýé4,, tie te ý1t-,rmihawlu a M,*r 104, W"pea by l#S teWsec The.- Ur Wle i , mtMae wà te aveb6îeu asecret 111e diu=lcf bis alltM 'lai. cinute î il ah la u. e e xmrt %! imeuheal Là . à