CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Dec 1907, p. 4

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~3~ P1aI*~ Oofim Dons »Outi oeml DoIm au «wm Mèlu O . am. hm omesa.s.m. -.Do ibe l.-âu OMe elomeetam~ (t b ton etnt whlet bua lk.wu for ma"ay yealb oetnm« Eqainby abeot ZOO putistmr Geore A. HlbboNd dauang Mayor 3o0" P. FtI ,Deis..Who wau a candidate toi tal. The orevlaed rtme aahei Iewlsg vote o o t b. mye initao: John A. Couithurat uaqe»35,M7; ltgorald, DEUI ;ýSbbar& Rle>~, 38M0. TII ctti 'to lic"M ~ the, mae of lquor b$ ge m&4Jeity, aornwbat mnallau *i prerlol yeam a hwevor, du Md1 campalgn en the pafttoftthe Sad ollmea l an endlevor hç be p*Woua outet the auburba 5y tr'e Isdopum*iunoma.. ohtom ermatrlbutad tabIy, 1 h5 orfa, Eqihllcad rqyo e f1 y." et veomerUcadinisiaka de beiui tAie beovy vote SIvm lpuadumS Let nadate by Xse »dé the othm Ibm *moueag Wpffma Wmal. by ae en ab lot.b Mfin stBt ie edyIi ai kb eWii' lia bombroual obe turuatu thel- a j *pautman"dla Oie grat otaw *roub ub~bit 10 à& or &bas l . .arél 4 tAie biWNiO=Oet vo*-tepov *9 bdIng pacOuate lIme otber »t< -m auwbmlau rtIi le9pSffl is b... wb bu" *h4-4m PelleSa' Voté lawga be t)mm.efte party. OmithuimI liSe %faise mtem le papotai "A» -eu Demhb*Uly.ManSt to* Pof pt.3êe m we vm w çuv km Wb 41W aa rà .tor. u te Sal laha - y4zo N 04u potettr ug etOR W4fl<fo loura; a irnilir ihass et Bt- q7 Oie votera of LYM &Çs i;aubstantial ogabiatem a- senti ont tu mass ~ bot a comploe 4M a lMei. 01- mmi oM li pat det (baba Vo- M tAie mout sraxis et tg o l ,kw»M a' l lb usteipal ame- 94 l Ilgi#tfen otie. oft bm sielvie et Baba.l "ie. At alem o et t i.l- B0lial reformer Joba Y. Sur- Il the mayor'a chair whlb ch gj'la ui »1W; Ithe Mcesa lm ut George Howard 5.11, a mIveMatInahtructor,Bftar four Sefoasa;the uweepbs Vletory tg Loges. Rp., over Demucrat- or Duscau ln Worcmter, and Mleion et !ayor Welter C. l,, t (abÉidgm4 hi a ecme . we aome etftthe mont cou- b amuuiiefthe . lverai major- b«au la la. Haverbili and è0 - uSSaralO hitae tam- '0avocaes n» te getul VIL" it 04 Mtea ncel holoval op- r 10W ben la offeet. Th o e- 1 OUI belleved te ho 4oe ý tblaflummor etprdUibtion M wb$e uaihua expremod Os~ oSer statuea,thocàb loca e or uguaui $atreçtlu at gl haveauomthe. Immedlate rN. 0. Duc. li-Ti,. city etrebell la New flasipelui. X*7i « ye Wallace Rack- $"eidlMumi W. Emery. M Tbe lmure ecouse mutV.a verit, fla. D, b i 05mijailli' la S5ibRfpllcaa. SObio.. Der- 31, - Robort t DMu"e *t&an bie Md mu RuP, la 41, u~r qi Rubber ired ra ee r with sprig seat exaci like eut. They are big very stTong and wHI bd1 two as well as one. Net] mng btter to give exorch and develope the musel than these races.Our A smaller aize racer like abo ve, for children, 2t 6 yeara old, sella in Chicago at $4.50. Our price ......................... Children's roeing horses, weli stnd strongI mde. Very good sise, values retaling elaewhere at $1.00. Ou rce........... 's ta INueuall à h ae tLoy d cBy Cebitna bug. 'e days cd much hurry aMd fim~y. Pt*iup lly WC $a* t arly isoppLng ilat thws om%ý ".i sfilbs beau" affedigz inySu Mm te bly *0 on SATE AT?5C i"es' handlkerchiefs emmed and henatched, e, edged, -and others Itlh embiiered corners. Svery large 'assoxtment .r 0evalues ioice .......... 'Children's- plain white handker- chiefs, some with colored bordera put Ladfies' lown handker- chiefs, with:hemmed or henstichd edges, em- broidered'or lceedge, Some very spocial values in this aasrtment, choîce. IlNENEmEonstai150. (Jhildren le swiss handkerehie broidered corner, henimed edge uip two in.f5UCy Cbritmas in neat gift box box specialvery speial ~~~zioe ~ ~ ~ ~ coie.............................coc........ SOMR OF THE VMRY PITHT THGSIN LADES Hofly WrApping. Papér, shot . .. . r Holly, Teddy Bear,, ti. S Fag and other pettY designe on paper niapkLis, at special price per dozen........ 3o Holly Boxes, foriamali articles, 3c, 5c, 6e,Sc and.................0ec Holly ane Santa Claus Crepe Pape;, package.............. ....... 5 HoflY Lunch Sets, per set.... 26e }Iolly TMe or (ilove Boxes ......0M iiolly flandkerchîef Boxes, 5e, .7é, 10c, 12ceM n............ 15 Santa Clauis *ead J~trabzl IN THIEBASE i Tin pie Plates,.n ail aises of, buit quaiti ths, le to Orsi sumulul twe q9L ope"albaglu a NOTES PMi (3hild's Wooden Chairs and Rockers, in green, red and white. Substantiai and atrongly made pieces of toy furiii- ture, 25e, M5e and............. 00 TOY Trumks, la exact duplication of larger trunka. Neatly made, several 8isos, 25cto ................ " Tool Vhests, for boys that will give a world of, enjoyment; complote with large aî%ortnit cf toola, 25e to. $0 Oolored Chistmas Candlos, diftsrent sises, box .......... 1.......... 0e Candie . ldors, pr rd... Onsmasa" Sren>. M" ai IO, pi4 reW wuit Bt lie. b ibm 4c Hear>' Japanned ceal icuttis. medum ise. lie, large aite 21c tAgM funiaM» t»e Quart cors popera»1 eut, reguwla oc arueci.. baemit prile. 17c 4 quar aaseMW ea beWlAs beWua a itwgw. lu, S" Valua Vony Ladies' Randkerdùefs, oftfIne swiss, with seallop- ed'emhroiderod edge, laee edge and plain homstitch- "d Bôzfa mo xelet handkorchief values bore speeally'l5 offered at 15 choies........ là"ge sizo dcll bouses and batus, neat- Iy màde e o ooloelar «or ver woMid'and, TogulaI!ly 81.50, Our priee ....o A large assrtment from the commdii rat- tan ones at 25e to'tho very-Iatest folding steai carte 9 at ... .. ...... - A very special bargajn lin dressed d4 làese. Sleeping dresso dolla, with bat, very ,desod. Worth 75e, Saturday and Mon- day -only eitra qSpoel4 you hle..... VIMY SPEGIAL 0ON AT Uc These are ladies' lin, and swiss handkerce finely embroidered pi texiis, seallôped and plu edge. Exeeedingiy pig ty handkercbiefs f are these at 2 choies INMPOIE H X" EIU iefs, em- Ladies' al linon imported handker-' Ladies' extra fine sheer lImen hand- B. Tree chifsniae i Irlan; pt u si in kerchiefs, with fancy embroidorod ini- *. Three chi x, aeglafrel$1. pu5 upsi - tial Six in a noat holidAy box that WC fancybo;1 are offoring, vory pecWa 15 Cývalue, S saa $ . u dng ti hde> s $ 1.50 per box .... chief sale, at per box... GTHESE OTHMRSAT 3lu TO $5 Affl4C Hlandkerchief and Olove Boxes, in sets of, ivo. Very pretty deaigna, worthý regularly 50c, pries a set... .25e (Jute Brown and White Teddy iBears, well made and of boot quality, aasorted aises, 89e te ......1............!KS White and Gray Puas-la-Boots, wefl made and veky ente novelties, $1.25 and..................... * »'***-*»1.50 4 and 5 inch F'rench Bevel Plate lfir- rors, with obony or mohagany«bac. 4 inch Museworth t1.00. Our prjce 48e, 5 I.. f frai»- iome cf à cou"e s"d la Al bouMMa bar- Beautiful Whist Patterns, the very lateat out, put up la handsome Xmas boxes, tied 'with hofly ribbon and Xmaa tag attached, 75c, 81.00, 81.50, 82.00, te......................... 5.00 Metal Jewel Boxes, the very latoat novelties of the seabon, $1.25, 81.5 te ................. lmI29 Choice Writlag Papors, with eni; velopes to match, put up la boautiful hollyand flower decorated boxes. An extremely are ehoice, per box, 25e, 30c.-S 650c . 7g...*11 )to .. ' oo »C, 2 quart u'lm hoUers fte IlliBlti psy mi MmleS waretlaU baimesei laturdi usý .t-ps; Voryhsw ith glass., w cofai pela lui amp. 4u~llti' gai" saisi m'ira n O 4 4" r "d 1 ié

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