SAL 0F SOPLYE!, i AMt Pevdu .Fernfui of A . smta-N ai r LM" la bé; "« efoeu men MOr »bstUffl Hk 1 cmmar AO& L' IL. Ebs 4mf tr Wi inmom di 8" e ut Os msuaa" I«t or New tniaad. the financial stringency ar*d geaiebusiness depres- ughÔut the countryth anufacturers in the East w *wîth merchandise, resuIting from ca«-ncelled orders. îunt of these conditions, Our buyer, who has just re- 1 mr the Eastern markets, made unprcecedented pur- ýr cash, of the seasons best, merchandis e at from i o to ýent. less than the cos t to. manufâcture the goods. ds.have now al been received and for this great s sale we will place the enhtire lot on sale at prices, Ilý be les s than we could purchase the same merchan- 1under ordinary conditions...... . .. .... Ï9' KENOSHA j Wuhé du olmaoemsi ap. *ou for yt alis ailut pe te haI t6ee slrlilu o V ViM e thé utawb huwàpblsomet a ij j;ft maen5 l lUmx%î *the. penalty there 10 ne" gtOut to go hack tea Wha their late employer; lm heu ft woeld h.e ex7 it for hm to reaun» %@MM -ttget the mca.& iMployerscotend. les' ou etthe aet. and, more- Ok the iaw be muttuom a& ne camot chauge » b out mien e mha 4*010ment. nilsmoaew 4 ho eam at iL mtw:h ýrferIL Volatioo f thé bmeortbe iaw, wluich. W,.dsslguea te prevec' Mons, n eeuly td& técontroyrsy, 11 lta ou what Mai b.enauctet! saes ie u c a y . r o w u e me Oght te, tombas rpple back coats, lined wktfine ilk fiished vene- -Pê* lil1 4roadclotb coats' col- à"jwýbrown, wice aud blue, fuil satin iq tllby'trimmed, *p.upeaa..... $ 9.75 e chiffon broadcioth Coats, (te ,ircàd*r'back, lined througb. ô r ir blacka satin, haadsomely t atirg ew selection, just iu fr*âýé* Yrk. ot ýone iu the lot or. 4kmi , - l ~ iatms ça an115.$15O0 Lsqdtasl Tigbt, Fitting Coats, made up in colomJ ailwol Jeryfui leI t.linedto waist wit yod ggrse Satia, neyer fo "thm Sai, speciaL- .. 5 Aii-wool. black, Tigbt Ftticg Conte, 52 inches iossj lned tltougbont wîth fine grade satin, both sëIg- asd double brutcw e neyer betorecould senl a ceat rk iMasfoc lesil ta 018.00# speciai_____$.. 0. 98U7 ThiIs spositively A5M .oocoat, tghî fit- tiugfun1 kugth. inbtgh grade chiffon broadcloth, "u n alInt . sel d Kertcys, liaed ilwoVgbout wbkê guw&rntccd Satin,. fines mI qlodMIdeafor thi $165 Chdames Coats for the Lfttie Ones Childreus coats made up in good ail-wool liandBagSe Wè1us rai, cothlined, neweiit sIiapes, g*l luas nand seai grain. Leatherette and moire M ited #C8 wkpurse, others have lucide ... . .. .... Hed Baga, s ali or wairus grain,. leather liied and là iarse. Latest shapes. Assorted de Ladies Hand B.ags, worth apto 0 . .oo cheviots, in ail plain colore. neatly trimnied sizes up ta 14, good valus.- any- where at 54 Christmias sale spc'î $1.98 Infants Bear Skia Coats, made up in plain or curly Bear Skim, liucd througbout, well worth 54.00 for Christrnas .8 sale, special . . .......... ......... $1.9 Suit$ Chr1stmàs Suit Reduction $io.oo and $ia.oo Saita, at ..-... ...................... ...... . $18.00 and Sao.oo Sutei, ai ........ ................9.8.. Fine Grades $22.50, 925.00 and 113o.oo including fine velvet suite, ai ............................. ...... $1.00 Xma s.Combs and frits A liai e lot of ladied beautiful combe, iticluding the nobbiest. vauciee, these art worih Up fo 5o cents, for ihis Christ- mas sale special at ...................... --..................~O Faucy Bicia Combe, prettily set wiîh extra fine quality rhine- ,stone and colored atones, set lu gold filed mountings, for ibis Christmas sale onty . ..........-............................ Large selection of Fancy Beite, speciai for this ........... .. -..-. 5 Au enormusi offering of laiest styles, fine beits worih 75c, ibis sale atx...........-. . . .O p.asatarouud, very Fine Pauasahits bromu, bluc or braci. la sellwure at 4,% dn s s ematowu ile of wool cllonPanamia *bd v4 shirts xegas P«mtteotSO'., Sucb a s=u mbaoving of Lut. la oelom iouNd 1*wer. a~u» e W I Cm l eb te ti Of the nçiptmat . àg =m-t bowing .spectal a flot be ovoeookd. Scarfs aTrows Sable and Blci. Coney,6a Inch. satin lmed th'pm. fegular 03.75 rKF values.-..... .................... 8 98 Sable Coeiey Neclt Plece, heai md <frfe ornaînents. reguler 94.00 valut ;... .. . .......- Naturel and Blended Squlrrel #cd NUa neck piccea. Fa hp bad m a 0 oume- menti.,about 2j;l intIslt OWom% Worthbas hlgh 4e8 ooe pcsl~~~ Naturai and Ba niSuffo ss s~ ty lche log. Ied wth gur_5 , a t1oe a1a-4-gulr U.: v0 Sable Opposmua. extra long, a fie ur scarls wicord tassais, six bushtala alSo two talle et end of cord, lvern rpMad bandsonie surfs, regular $14-00 .... ......... ... .. ......... JjMink. Squirrel aud MatuaI rSuirrul mai lë.wilb fsacynaturelhat oruements, several styles ta select rotu Worth up w 818moMON choice.......................... . ........ 13lended Squirrel sud J a Na and tbree skiu wlth hed dtaiOetIe, sutInliaed, worth up $1 7 Genuiue Sable Fox Scarls.IaIM endo bic sklns, very select qtallity, QI ff Worth su240. ............ -w I Vsis Genulue Isabella Foc suarfs, exira large skias. Two hlli gw talle. regular 935.00 value ....... .................... ...... ....... Extra Park Mini Se4ds lu three ski anaulml ef[ectL HeIdad d tai ornements, replaroai. o ................... . Genulu se i Ni14Uthrow%. double fur, do luches ong matura talle aud clawo, reguier 930.0 value-............... **'"-,*,--...."" Fîve Skia Animal effectes a"fu, ou'r i«lu hgldown lu j front, regular 835.o0 value ....... .......... .... .............. 4 Sable sud black Concy1 muffs, regular 94.00 N.tra sd lended Si jack snd Rock mini,1 regular si&a sle.....' **Oy shap m85 loa» g tonou