d aut rkfat Bacon or Home The a.nwer il aatiemre Et * Bi Bukwht iFlour on eartb. Strictly pore. The trutb of thus assertion cati 1» prov" by a trial order. We ~bave banidled tuis brand for pars and our regular eus- 'tomers are well ac- qualuted with its e xcellent qualties. 4*iood buckwheat * tbo days but we can_ p rod'uue the goods. W. aro'the ouly fin handling this par- ticular and mont fanions brand. Ias populaity is beoomlng mone wldely known each day aud yon mimn an - ecelent oppor- '~tunity ifyou do not buy. THi & DAVIE Libertyville, Ili. ses.oeoea.' I I LI~rtylleLocals 8Sew leLob çu$S*t r.' *- lloa't bu igtoM"4i sLake oaty -Net avent, *oôy. 1 %e goeuh8bore Oua *" la.ab lit op Fh 8i 1wmv iemlsa weI M go& .Louisrogue.a.,o eo I111. peatthe r. om Çiy,0th r. mi é a7.. drily, Mm . Ha Lody UhI alr istr m $ ir Tomas quesedssrotrya i. e - = dr- . O. Iiby s"Mt Chrit. et Al Mmd faMw @eut wn t ,veilci mtyj ipMoMdor d w "etxom ut.muinCbiMe bte M em = 18Iqufrw ofoibe flse yn omuei lu liioSMt. msibi Mm e . UHmWley aMd sonai mièr ni m, regad, siotbuer.vil le bd .st *kSerra er msuppior X1m a aie' D. A. Tosila. Utêtî evindowesainight. Beamo Loag ob, eiaessy, eu. S 114 ln$ervlsv eiepresisat of the viag Meurie. Henry a»dUterd Leude- if 3'<ur 1m » *t& l JSI5e tuis veSilbor. ofiBewmvl wtheguesté Po ulekaov i ttho*i ha very toud Kamlser Tb"sna. U~fU iO~ii ra #teclrltmu ..lunderethami DIun, je bismletti Th i - mmbotmate a er. tie glu-mille ru, vide optio bere Son. Th e ieConaty Volt vIl he ooenOWhO Aol~~~ at' .slow'u 2e. loth amd l7t ftb e U ionbe TeMde olum f ___hdnlat"amePY Do e o Oist our ticket err. îs.ti Aume Oaa, No. 176 w«Iglve a ten bo n hi oltnbii Mire Grâce Cater, vh eott lmthe1907. Mueby the rcstr. i.chuliér ln thefr mothsr rmé.nus ma ijuut L. olia "Vy hrhM E iisrs* r. aouMmi lre. J O ~~bave returusi tIi.ZOUgl5gietadI't havi noie ýqMt te bbdaa t br hou m. $a t*511 orme a O w. Kan.. iter àfoitellW httiemevw deys.,o' ne .Lodise AU, O the e. y- Ouh MS~ diamfws me WUa retivle- Md l e l w ealmi thMlin of.aitheUet, wm mesi et tiiehome o m ra se. ur.do-UM"84siPqulet Imamu ie iioth Croker, Tue"". ,DM. ai. nme e5hlaOwbO busresidl na oi aMi plein revlng. mum Libeotvlllea, 4of,.,areddpupliten tajour bu"-ui). D»11 y* w.. voox, prgasS., Ibefl et bs home Wduii% iorolng, Der. kuov v*'V5 nMaid ueauhes mjeslia 105 2Z. lie Led bait pont pes er. amd Anher.ih groucby? Ani fas- Apecid u=sotiofthe villae board C. A. Appletook 15 W s cker, sa lier, me gallaet officr, w'reSogal' ta aimeealwlant rd"0-10- A alote 0 0010r uilrame, ta bave noo kyihili5iabout tliiivil- vasceui a- prmat" boylam akf. a na, ve05wbeh li vas quorum ot bolug psstsl oyai. gëdhm»&M at o Ei. ao n*te Bbb <h a,* iourned. Warren M. souri Lêpurcliaied MO "l'es been toli, taooDinui liai ye'r Tih@ sebool ciuidreli have oms veek of eegof land luis içOuthem nOart a lai'aay truct bers Bnays--ln Ssci bolide, eaatfl ii Iby-var nt-ai oS 'flase rownavllle, Be vould have yvei bien told 10-to aire ail ties old 1.00, tbng making 'op sane Of th@.tifte bought more but tbesupl.v waeio lltid. blokes e chanceta soat up a ski fulliof font et theii. beg lo!tiei. m - J0,001)Van de Er"e, "(h as bi0a liose. Ye'rs out sparkin' aroucd tmlia A mmm glelue the nmeus of Danlels vas tendhng the Chleagn Vterinary Collree boru op lant monday mornint aliter le ipmdiiug the Chritums holiâcys vii le o 'cl "ock ntbe moria'. tkila' in havint pertorun'd a numbor of pranki his parent* in Rollend, Mdih 1 parthis an' thsmteri su' 1111n' yriell pecullar 10 Kbigbte ofStheB- ~The riguler businie miofeting emd '0- up on boilsi ojiters. wbem je ehould bu Ur and Ur%. F. .J. Allemr*n rrtu'aNd ciahie of tbe E'pworth'.L.agtir vii le preservi' order nd keepl' titi peaS.e Sunnay evmulurf frnt Monroe. Wflu.. eld Frdev evenlng et the home of Mii A& a tex-payer La the towu of Laie For- bellon h.. eli tiweto attend th Dlia eCrotter. Ail memberi aid tid st eoAise cry n n faraI oaib~n Maun mcoin of Mri. frielidi cordlally l ivt. tIdeoncscbcry'onma Alleman hoth heimg burid on Banudar. Theii.Chca Promotion and Broker. mini je, lm lierm 10 thop l. Thie a"i Co., of wlilch Frosi E. W ir 1jeores- town le altogether too quIet, l'es got té, The. Pniihtmu n .aMi Aid Socityv int havi n.cimtly lemd a new Smgt sop n smtlu." vili muet vith Mr». Ion' Bond for e.1..-dues On micng cliii Sivada on Vol . A certainmm aiamie n ta enter hie t«Ou o!, .0(;..uiunruslmy ftormoon, 'sti' it mia forth lta 1l«iterme Ja.2. Al mmehiercquttpd tubu tih ad rentiuso s ol. ,ivd, il@ etUtia ose a Ui promt. A tenc et lunch serves. district. vile Le camec ont vidtb oa bu" e lI du oneeuga the trolley virm0te otii h Cisîmes pragrm loS the WM . nh êLilgit haui-anti bmaltir a tieirosi ou Sumday mlt mad.e oijcolo*piateco.iairuuL cusievtu Si- utch nlce y lthat coud onli e hr - ma se beotee god im fo illsamidpesthetuing mime audc.TIers vM&.S tieamind ui uivti ti.AhteiIleie aS ti cas asveil cutoSwymr rsclOllUeythe chliren. emugb furenyliadytR! nule' videopesl of he u Wel.No pmte vrm aie furtber then s Nov, DAnnIs, I veut je rigit et Loue ffe av hm i- b * ytriai, ddmas alm mide t1thl ake dol'yoetdooty and stbop thi. "aven- umow ro ileude ofthe cgroom mu- Dîne orpimaffl. lia' aras u es jo eehoui uLerge- "nouugthe marriaxi or Dr. 11- - »WIII VL i vLO- 05O eul'thumsyaii.1v OU«e ta MbnAllie AAndeson et Baton seone101 flergniol le Bonis Nv Moilca, Der- 12. ,"Iem mevlpaa 4evn.fle "TiilOUhitis e o ad A numbor o!i moni photographe wa eho et the c,*UWe urci uont op, vi've bie lotie' it ta tL. peuple totm f ieMatey , rowd by C A. Boda em-h. A -, bM-lb d. g ug%,mdai qou't resutobo j bFrakeLplvI lg aise Le fsfeturi aitb e ~'hi ioo asve1la ti. mseastb.7 »r,»Tcs.-.M e ry j.ol .dc,*d a le or o 5lmiihs eoghta iriei up a dli o *5 mrei ~on pl&»s"Bar la t at etTusegie L.boomsé, s. ve"lbaves blati *W#$ev Uir. &bdMmre. J.M.LU Dnsliia. via AIe, md A Pa do fi'ite most part for SuIr=u"., deohin la s oremume Lave hbis ors liL. l teret oS the support trou outils our.i.a Joh b U Bp*it, a slu tisu _______________________________ eje isgmoIL» m miiulaI QuoagtWs lycme»a pr pou Iheploie fui Iolm dry. go hllIelb.wp todliuk ill th am frvilaW dry Welate bLoi siaut " iry-"" ioa Peles liai vi L Oplis"@ese use osisai pesaI àeooa Ies Ubtu ilis gs. ry emou t yer.Fumes Lu viiiyel"l m mutious f i g, 4 î .nkta of Mthe Globe »-è Uluiet Thiesam O tb5e. oflcoumide 50 lmo.Ae lu Tva jouflg smtlimsfrm Voime- W W havi ff b e n a M U * use. «W The mgbt eis et Loti os dlmbiîii pimeulljma i nude lis i. -,uMg&etmce-lliei vieleSt out la tue mThers laotlslngilite bbsg rothfLf. A emmilbrother ai1liM tovn &»v-«" titi door WUllandil n maien to Iii tlom, Ils jour ilotor lu?" repllid~e. ,Ar-,ibi's up itWuiegetting rimdy. SLe'l lie'w m mms oo as she1la hrougLitriai. ming ber caie." Seer, Robeut& ACo.. tii igriot Cii- Mgo mal ordr hounes, mutet saed tria ti tbi Sàuraicourt et Osemalis,4l&-. on charges aofseng lie U. 8. malls ta di- Stend. Au ladbtimit contbling th-s ,oupti vas retur»si aluat te aunliy t5ierai grand jury. Ths pmiy up- ,pucouvkitoii vWbu a fine of pOOon Chrltmu & t tue home oi M. and Mie. C. . Wntbt vas a a Smlly nulo.i- ontire (miuiof sTonadch«irea Iw ~~u.t. nomrwmvoie tbfolvug rl t, vlabMidbiof Mas et B.Louis- VI l l cf Rami, 06m1 Ck Wdgt, oobfllWigit 'rton'via tatemdilug Le Werd Isl at Nasies, Tenu. 1L. Chrlsteoeentsemet of the * *cperh Suaehool vas ulià AGENt FOR kt or. bu A 0Iep MmLde thc Inférence liaI onUiv to 742, Dpipsrum ci IloWCi O.,&. E..lie prlstIg offices la ILs o5ft-tL5Oe 1vh geu Is o ?eltiOruS VUII Wm»u sgnSUN ai Antioci Pev- Uiàlt .0 dopte »», hiad bde submittai 1te exbp etrume wtb the mmrbsalng commfttee ut the oum aulr mci ioi ae ouvie ty' Qani. la justce to SUPeistii' iigpoo. Ther, lekoe I i t tw 010v et warren tic Tlmeu viehoi ta cili vs Loy viiihimsils .1*15 httht lie oat. la mltaeesol asu .tii iloS tAie stciibg, vo0 e Mir. 010ow bas given the Times su op- hs ou b arneonM&is be Lhm portquaty te bld on et lost tes duRfer. bosOLMWfbon, islab th10st --,I ont oeunty job@e, la tour of Wvthle 8. GOeos iiiPOO tLh Ost6O ouao* .11" ~bld vwu the loveit mai tii vbo vwualvaji active la hie vork as a o£4. iced the vank. As tar as theie raph, ovr tpuly 10 suor *bmel writar cau observe thei. sus npeWrvIai miilties, wvLonas iselecon i buoqWrrnlisactai sq and adl ln aon, au bons« hlm sol Loserale lumil bi iieimgi lacon is li.coaraisebut tu aul i. isov miction wth thi offce 0i e tii 01 homo« <o rcpreselt--GOtlUlke Titie. RusoLvun: Tbatl Iii.Post tenders i ,j A adAccden. eit-feit sympatby to tiie vldo aid The lttis son of tMr. aidMUn. C. 1. t b m vemiat. COui" iîed et tbe home o! the parenst RmLeUt>Th"I thèse reiolutions bi, 1,dimém penths mIue. of thbiait. oety lionday morelmg, Dec. 28, N Bld& O I Qmit e t tivdov o1 out twvo maione-haif joor. Tb@ ieeth vasMr& ms muet pathetie ami aud thiermeulé aia coMMII'ng. ascliet that occormi lbst Tuesda. ille ignobrervesid s cili lisi od uto The > aI haind got holdofae bcofaimat 116001 IavOtiOdt On Barthla K *list old have othervwbelsa ont ai te Ove Part orfBorne. ita maâi. and visa louai bai euched haie countj la conc e bu tihe Laids 1 àfrointabout tvooty matohes.lu couat ln iolstsin Kno Le bs thege hod ool IW.'laloi vas lmmuimtey etii mnd msof hoSneu to lset la0il eeF*mg possible domi ta relleethe 0S Kmsemi,0ami bomureailof d I HWIou bt vithont avait. Ibufmue el unetelopd ei veoens, Itlais4Ws wul r i thehotuT"a b obious a vqrk rciconuni., po,-a @ins harge010. vxde <&lmtedle M7lllLnl.,,,a4h evs IoConutjFVir, the5-hom» el"$ à mta bun. 101h i té»r5UNm à-~fveee mttO uleale Us oIIjI 9sj -Aý 01wr Mmy âhmv bc du e mm " id e0in m be to bd l ow jW " wbib friay trai, bs lin. et "y d tm dw.<ti u~ M. O. W. Mrfp F. P.D'yv*#49 e. A. WUSNT 0. P. mry and XWket Ji