CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jan 1908, p. 4

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àw YOe Xe. o 1. i edtors It$edoence Tléph"e 1<.41. Ue*vJegsed ~ O, Ue.tered a e ibu ,OUCe &iL ibrtYsill. l, Me i*0Oad Ci. aertaiî f14a*0lys s 0SSCRIPTION PRICE 31.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVASOE si pqaOI'noati n - 1AK 1H. ,U .......... .............. ..... . ................. ia doaorM lier iw ti4i fo .'.KELLIY...... ..................... ............ ..........-..iyEtta iI**0 w I wII 1 JOSISI5h. tOt FRIDAY JAN.3, jý08.sad, "à rotnrnod toe a" le I4 ý. FRIDA , JAN 3,terO8*tee=ttob. a gaod nat»i*od sOàl ________ sud ho - -tbougbt "Uiat Is _woul4 cure THEOTHR or,,DOftlOO#'Ofbar yOiiitUe atiis TIEOTE iDE 0F <T. an coseheo lo". ber bock, ibut Ibr. Eul G. Hirsun cf Chicago ini a clubs, as thé, saloons bave bee» aaw *î-Vao. a4l « turU' of habit. Sutremarkabis addrss .betors the calledi Mrs. ,wAtu oll COiltSed, oercorre- iP"onallFthIcRl conýeutioun. eld liti Must ied a Subscutc. eou nd mthe flnaliy pIcieti up Busuppose the reforme of that Js=H~kips of Chetopa. KS,,. Sbat ,tilt cty Suday. deciared in favor spectal1 achool whbtcb la detotlng, ts &c- aiinouaced, teW.Wsslou that Hawliffl ulthe lit unday saloon or 5011W substi-titîles to the work af suppresslna had sent ber sito" ne mntrtauportd- ,lute whsli wouttt protide a 'poor the Sunday saloon should succeed tuiietln, 114 off mne *eut atter býIt». New _Ma . club,"." liiarsch said: their trugade. Wbat then? They she bas loft !Iawklna forr iither s1o -' bave absolutely nothlng teo ffer as a! fiuily and Weston.tblaklng that tbis la Qoeep Aîong With the! Drink. stîbstltule. There la absolutely no carrylus thes J0e a little tue far. bus -'i the saoons b&sd te depend ost gainsylug tbe tact that au adequate applied for and received a dvorce. T.94i1g. aid Dr. Hlrsch, "they substitute must be round for thej i-lv»M have to go out - ot business. Sunday saloon,.if that Institution Is toi MITCHELL REAI.LY QRIAT. ffluat recognize that tis would bu a bu put out of business. 1 onMthl.tepeleto h e, 1q1g aad protlably a dli world If the 'For it la the blstory of roeom Unted Minle Workers et Atuerica, ai- Owog enjommnentssd ieCeso movenieuts tbat restrietive innsures ter W tire of unuanal usefan«aa,-bas Mfrn Olansmel tl e gov.Teewhich leave reasonable huum sneedabe tibi lh i.*ytci = qoogàmo*iatt a lare e t t uuatlsftsd areaiamostInlvarlably 'fol- sadwUrno'înanIal-f - ~c~rocitles 1k.(Chcago towed ta' reaction that Icve he M et of bis -day. - bh*tim 1588f ,% $thse sWi.,vea-sv th1e Suuiday prableni sought to bu solved ln a more chiot when he boleved -th end was m4j&-a uocty of their existence. psrpioxing and muutlstactory condi noms at bsndl, sent massage ta hie' gd 96therO ta gossîp .%s voll as le ien than before thse refon was en- men. which viii lh's long alto!' li la ,_4)"-more Mien ta gossil>. 1 tiuk. forcod. Igone. "Tell thexu for me," ho sald, whe wiý1 teuy Uiat peupe bavé- "There la suother Important Voint1 tuaI vistever I bave donns for them »L sr!Mt te taite theIr gossip vitb their tisat shouid fnt be Iguored durlug Ibis sud whatever uccesa 1 have broaigbt grltheir drink vitb Ihetr goefflp? agitation, for a Baithatharlan or plts'l' tiem, ban uet beau for »ecunlary woor o s's a vst te ns; ltanteSunday. i31 la tut tise iatous beneit. It bas issen betause 1 toved tI,~~tiun4 ay Whonvi syvs o re tho Birt te have a Bun j ytison" The message rêveals some- 1 X -~oslp la about thé ouly masde of I a 45a' of rentand e4 nj457* thting ofthtie hlgh type of the matn and ~the f saloons. Weil, vhat muent, and taIIt vas only as thse leader tat hele. Itlasto* be hoped 'I, Have bt thse worklng oea- sway of the religlisa dogmatistae4- tt mayrominn* s tly bfoeZ the ght to go te theosaaoan for pauded tisat the Sabbats day vas m<iles sud mat' bu used as a guide iIe About thie onIy qSal luade pirely or mostly a day of re- att î.e usaI national convention lu se- làave ,kIlatisesO poor mn'sIligloil Sxrhlp." ietlgemi .wbo la tu assume tbo 'trans,.lad dçvn by lihe stricken chief. 09AD LETTER LEGISLATION. -WaiSd du Lac Commonwealth. 14g wuipisar eft uiaUd,,uory. exetwheîs prescrlbed tari BSNS NCUAI w estîcdiZ-2ta Induc WrBUSINESS ENCOURAGINe. 1~11~W Yrk <id' ~ PI' 00 IThé1 generai expertee of Uicboli- -ore aies. ' Md onunerates 141la" m e uuea Ieer per-day trÏds. especiliy lu tise West, In Ut ! tnt êtuel ams 10 dO to Éother loy». ýregarded as one ofthelIsindicatiots of este 5lOi5* Pac P-ui r oW< tdsaerlsa 're, tue returnlug actIvlty ot business, In te SuIe v opfe e acrimesasy thes.are ntie. matl,-places hiers baas beeua good tho atoory0f rIms, at~rr t'trlms peaclbo bythetrade, unetfar bleow the record year sy»<y"Me <lw UstaW tNow York, ,but Idipies e heoaseauprecesmBsg. tn s few th*~ f~ sifhfslo. a th satuas NOpaese the record of 1906 bas beeu ex. t' U~ OS 15 501t "vfl Olo~~w»<l ceeded. Baverai a! the large ceuters ~ai~i toilde in at, otsd Iba thse fair <de. aftht. BaieraI section of tise vest ont orthtise 'a*tour? listi»dçt é t httorew ar iavasantis aresuit. The comimenta oilm ho 0 15 laa ~*~oou. vto ser J'O'RianTeue is ne îî L'a goo ndicallbo f thseltu- 1lbti O" l~X~*llo~Bitisatitaiitis tctti a sirLang ativitir tbat l; ta camte Vli td 6 e à hrsrel da1 thinov yoar. i.Akee cix nty er.<±late èfflty b , o ldy et tise rport butinoeijuta tthat of the bout preVtous told.ay Umse and l4s - b irtuâtle I ve ote ota wm tau bubtè ' t» 14Ii Os &4. voit.4tl a".os t, ~ Wh. IM PXO,' ~rois. a flpair .tdii ts '~"la i. . 1l RA 14 Iam ta Ù0 16 Mllions tintsliberatod, sWeiffl "Whklý lm IS p,uI OOMM sud <iedf SaUedayt tise fage e«103 mey« 4 ~ a - 4 r # i 5 ci i Ss até eos t h e~ti o m y t r- * i e di a p e ie c 0 ~ 0*b00@t-tK thé b.QL*etSof, fwe ber son,. Chariaes Mcdiafl=ama;Wh ý7- : -, ý- , vsishod off lbe tue. or thé earth à or" aie vsrsloi tlcpt *go a11d ac Dot been ber sud s~oe Otriti rontm ince. lb ~ sis~ piber sakole- Onoe ho returnoil isere » ocht4ii hWm tS ae 49ldn0It p-ree thil schars of thse property In tie tasnly 't*bW' wlllsç shecks wbieb, snd- sald ho vas lacated in A!'5tL otodlA-!ibaitidbatre gn4ry 6, 5This la lte last beard of hlm and 1h0 le probabiy unawars that hie mothet- výOrItIngmua, tua, bas cause 10 la dosd. mo' iesa hWtbagila cirne tho coming Tsar. lrm al Efforts are. bsiug made 10 reach w ov 'pesr." Tiese ccl».a o ltse country camte an- hlm. J=bê Ourés viscli cou- nouncements that mille and factoriesa The fumerai vas tîetd Suuday. 4% a large ».ccre te the ne- ciased..'ben tise Watl treet cyclone plizabetil Ârmstroug MoMmaman f luflbMgeCY vestdrag- developad vill bu z-e opened wltbout ,'was boru In County *Cava», lreland, i. tbeir bisdiut Pacse aund' dolAyrouud Pttaburg, Pa., atonel 103 year ap anad dled iaat Saturday. AisO the channea aof tradte dur 50.0W0men vîli go back b 'work jiext, She came ta vison abs C%,bltisso shopidng Periad. veýek. was 16 yearB nid i1820 and settied at Detroit, lu 1830taie was married IOWAS PRI MARY LAW. te JacobsMaaum a a Chlcagg wbther oaisé hW' noaesisarler. Thse lu our aIster ate so! Iowa lIse candidate pravide hini vih bead- couple realded #"een Grosse Pint tire a nov prtmary îaw hat quartera, <ouate theîr servicîs and and Glencoe, thon te Grosse Pint saverage tattuts o! Uat »or are wtllitng ta work for uothing, uth-, district, for ton or twelve years and ing eau prevent te*r asitance. 'tissunaved ta i4lIer's SUtIon, now ,~htte. I prvlds Ial an- But te newmIpaser le to b, morset1('revu gRnt IutL. '<aers , Mr. Mc- <tfr OUA 0121100 ofic usaY cIPeud 1tissuever, 'tise plitcal -forum oaI tise Mhiasarvstation agest for the &-râmey tunouy twa vama, Hawkeye reoldaista. Ca"1sulîes can TLakeoreban d Michigan Southeru peli ns nomnation 4tUY sevepaper epage if 1they -bave Use for- mAny yeas-s. Mr agapes' edvestlslng. As tise coin au ie neaupers van refuse Lter tisere vas a rmvlt ii ýj0zntturee ta patilions ta laoelthe advert4pIng if lliey dont cage agali. thon to Kenosha and timth ie nevopapers *vaut t l,-finallyty W Wskeg=,s. here for tibrty s ib ytise law. 111* outended1tiat tue nsv metisad yeai' Mtrs. MeMa-anaan adafanm e,44*crWtlsg Dacanddats vil! i wIistrle bth ides ot poitical vhere the pol grounds 5am ngv Ia- Sru» quetions getting bta partissansvs- cated. seventeen years ago ah. ier.-E MT ,burmu, n. b ras bands. pappea. teod te,328 St. John treel, visere roff badiesIn '1te "RomtieMInois vîil atch the Ioaa ueasuroise <die&. t4cma g ldl en t is uaid- VUtât erest c"nIdee-nt that noume Thfee chlldron survive ber, J. P., ar fe 4si oidketis caps. sudtm- d"y If vs grov ttp sd armgond a Wauloegan, Mrs. Iloward. of, Chicago. "Q oo -,irf. the f riend ,.d e iLasA!'1egficatssro vil gra n u@ m. sud Mni.: Iaà ulra- A tickýlmg coueis rom anY sautas, ta HWWPAPERS TO GO CASH' IN AOVANCIE OASIS. qulckly clopped by Dr. Shgp'a Qoaga ir arecent ruilar af the poot- teruàttve 'xett W stop fi. Mguy our.' isaf il l*a o t 5r yJIlhart»- -ff leansd I th" * n t~telle praetwItiOIt ent mta et- Iiivw»papm blave pI'oteted sgopoit motbe., e ~W88 Pre4à gvéil t lh- ÊtWyt tb oe.oo.4çlffl rats thia o«de~, bIri laisBol probable tisaI ont lisstaime. eam -rteWv"ryoang 4U tho daeJv pp-orsvi te , potUce dopartmnent vîli re- babep, Tise *bqiçboi" green leeveb p«« e. pm% »a ýroenel u=- ci i. and itu4«r=s 1É.1oa lusellt 9" bau lthei or to .w6"stisegi'st Incresa elà it < tOWtainuOLtheP lWiii ii, sifl wW. whiziVO uêsdiad wsPald ofwt <aper a î oMere, it ti eproertieu ta.-Dr. là '.cougis WMmaie > 'r~laib *0 ptuo- dmtdl>tluI t la sood hustitisetacryie bouiiile.l W"ra tf. aopps#W tu p aïf sl4 uuhaertioasa sy-way. Ti ut IlHo ,I~11 iaoofr ~~~~~~t4 meh' éem wbktoi ie pager used lu a dsly paper lunsouing hb busdtoInue o M% i veê = -Zla 'Idrir- IL ysar gasta anyviser. trots $1.50 ta cupproio., arnpy$rs plsu t- - " *~~2.U5 for each subecniption. Wlt1 tise trIc. tb9ktisgl8Inqla9 a qq r ..,%Wt po*ds ol.departn-aftaler imitauo mp ,naiTheti uslb ih 4" &MO.,. sud lte pattertrust on the e 1*DIot Uom. "Tise Isaéediiir j 4ban *MW MStw= obSo. the Ut$ folthse pumîsier la vysded r.SioO ' Cma tte* *hog bltAI a eay ons. Cure. - A. Hus 0Y rnteed Jewelry YOU TAMÇR I4O 9ANRUS VHEYOLJ of 1dqP% dlai me vou ai frooet6pt 09oisol 00LOOCING -j.wl ytw w mti'i . Ar éé oil dé it J. O~~ p sis à boko-M DI»9Y~R. AT*m - JEWMLY. CLOSOSLVVffl s=4 CUT GLASS ATr àsSAULRPRICUS. AiltchrIer orkganiad for a yar. A. IUS Eu I I hCentury ,Store Bows'Sot Winter Caps, taclose.........2c Bu, 25e Vinter CAPs.4 to dose ....... s PisxMufficm .somethig a.n ........SOC Sllk MUflEWS .................... 75c to S MWuas Cotto. PIeod Undewear ......... ...5Soc 6.w.PARKM URST SCfti4O sLoec Lt5RTY VILLIE Âi Piano fir Nw-oel ais MviIi . nrlor tg, mi.oter o ftoilcsaIlaosa aI, me ber sBut we oi r- plne t a aw riesuOu liscam ws proee ta ssii my Ma m iodgrate ~~ profil rather ta a e lvab a big Louis J. YEOMAN WAUKEC<AP, ILL. 1RFESS~IONAL CARDS OR. CR. GMLOWAYý. OrW OE75lO VEL'B»Re OR£05. a 1ous-froni 1 to 8 and ta 8 P, . . LYNCH 9ROTIHR LvrlaCoonacco Phone 18883 LlbertyYilo. l11. DL MRDà*CK H. MARTI Of0*. o, ntth & Davis .Office pions 5 -Losdence phone 761 Elous:Il to12 a. m.i1to 3and 7 to 8 P. nM. Llbertvvlle. IRisl DR; EDVARD V. SMIH Offie over PoiotofloS, Houri: 1Oto 12 a.m.S2to 4 and 7 ta8p. m. LlbertyvUle, IlUnols ILA ATC9 9 aD Phyulclap snd Iumgsof Fox LaIS Stoik Fam lngsie, II PhLeDaSS PAUL MAC GUJPIN A'rORNEmy ÂAT .AW. Ubert.Ytlll, Rlnot@ Pmre DR. B.LH. SMITIt DUiNTfISt. Ovis ST1 t. OUNvwryITOH+L SAMS couse-o tW12 e. m. and 1 ta 8 p. m D'AILT. Libsr4yvuktimo nroh DI, OOLDIY4G DDIR, Y l. DiluaI , O.tLWVTmIRLD. oz I3 VAE. -oo s -f00o m em 1h.foI4u p~csw .le là-eects MIPtu" p 4m c . 51MtCM ...... hasCw ILa Lths pr cm New r (WaIo p dfors a 0C. M o n .. 35e E. E. ELLSWORTH *Exclusive: Teas: and: Coffees LIBERTVVIILt~, 1J... 74 men's Higli Cnt shos-ý $ 3.00. 54.00,.55.00, 56.00 IMen's Patent Leather, Cal and Viçi Kid- 5300. 53.50, 54.00 Men's Work Shoes-a good substantis Une- 52.00 t. $3»0 MnaOverbhoes, Rnbbers and German 8ockm j EVERYTHNG OR MEN HANBY 1SLOCK. LUBERTYVILLEf THIS 18 GOOO WEATHERt FOR COAL GET THE BEST KINDLING WOOD C, BOSTON lA CANNEL MOCKING VALLEY .SCRANXTot4EG RANGE AND NUT CARTER VILLE *WAS1IED EG VIRGINIA SPLINT IF -touwANT YÔUR. HENS TO LAY MM CONSNMAT SI CATIIMIAV WE WILL F F - hEn M AYNfI GIVE AWAY IL. FINI IUIRE TOILET SOAP 8VMP TII! CI41.DRCN IN 14 Sl, - m MERC IER etiONS 41 m II . A. BIS#4OP, fd <*P0ý1e_ F

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