CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jan 1908, p. 5

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For Htgh GOnde Staple and Fancy Groceries; io# tbttUWBSSt Meat, ISteaks,, Roasta or Chops; #or mnked Ham, Breakfast Bacon or Home The answer Ig always the' same. J. ELI TRIGS Orocery anci Market 014 Clint Buckw»bett Bet Buckwheat Flour on earth. Strictly pare. The trutb of this amsertion eau be proven by a trial order. We have haudled this brand for years and our regular eus- tomerti are 'well ac- qualnted with its excellent qixalities. Good buekwheat four 18 a rare article tbese days but we can produce the goode. W. are the, oniy flrm bandling this par- Sticular and momt famous brand. its popularlty ie beooming more wdely known emch day and you rm an excèl1et oppor- tunlty If you do. not bny. ýSMITlI &- DAVIS LUbertyville, 111. AGENT FOR Stoves and Ranges DEALERIN ýHardware, Furaces, Tlnware Far'i Machâie<y WInmi P~huibIsiA' 9 Stea M Pitting LIBERTY VILLE e ~ - -~ - - - <-k~.~ - Stock In Big Comnpony. WilI Happy New y.par! Peace to thee! Lako Cont~y IFair wiIl lie opt at the, Fight Recelvership. Union eburcb, Jan.iOJtbait'dIîlth Paul Nne(ufiîin retunud Monday fru m aetrip vi pt4)evKansdass I0 '140110 ber gaudoths ier s, îre th" - 't" Yars day dawned with the f ln ber snhr Ir. ol)orpriming aunoulu.meîin luthe Chcago "Peie" bis w entivra a. ljr.t.rr l..ite Flag ruee atnk.Wneg Grip. influenza, wbottPing eoufh. Popere that the Chilcago & Milwaukee Tow daggmae tiptuWaoaga = a, col iuthe bvadI, medieîn, ýElectric raitroad wu@ in th anda ofta Cmita. Sbihr o akgn.weadctrblu enal blloe-Halppy New Ypar. reeiver and the preaidFut A. C. Frot Chalo. litlie vler, fSaurd.a.%vs The mg!labar of the ffpaurth Legue chargpd with the fraulnlent manipula- vwtr i th vilag Baurdy. met &t the borne of M.ies lilia Crolter tien of stocks and bonds. Thte Mystîc Workers will huld thelr let rridatfor a soial et .'ning .A véIr Mr. Prost deuied &Il sucb accusationa neit card party on Monday, Janu. 0. piseumt= neW, r.ported hy ail. and said frtber: aWe have met everY rRoWleukatere find exercias in Watk- Dr. and tir@- W. J. Mc'uaig penti ll due. Twenty-flve per Cent of our gait this wlnter and rny profil t Y IL chuttmffl ththe ittere parents, Mr. bond@ are heinluCanada. A large Mies Vlore Churchill, of RogWOod, 11, anid MM 0 .Obu. iU'il. M rs Mecnalg les@pendLog the boldaye witb ber parente. reminued nutit Mt.urday vietiug f riende. amouint are heid ubrond. There là, abso- Mms A. Havre, of Ricblland ÀAgrest muay fror hereaet tended theintely no cause for this receîversbip. A Mlnseouri, are Vtsliting et tbe honme o! colloge pl" «'At Tale"aI th- ~Schbwartz Mtats Court le net the proper placre for tb4lr sonl, U. L. Howe. theatre; WauksgBui, lest unday eveiug sucb a proceeding aayhow.,, and report themWnseli'l ig'lîly îtetised The compilamaot lu tbe case Chas. J. Bring jour bi p.mpkins and taitera wtb the prdution.Mnhn b wu 250wrbu Fad ir. iepiz tteLae ut Mabaîl. mberry tatfes tnregardstock ln a 830,000.000 cuntpany, but to au eaation mde in the lest lsuete nerc tttokpaeWtte Old niaid will lbe gtazlte îUOW that 01 thia nnathet e buts not been awayth oerc ta WopleWdns tet th@e cerent show let week tbey fromt bortyville More than four or day brought <out tbe facitbat thongb turaed out petrtfed men to order. five Sundayg vwtthin the peet eiglîl. be badt tarted rbe suit as tse bolder of 9. W. iîulleî, of Irving Park, and J. M. menthe. twenty-flive ebarea of stock, Wou net the Fuller and dangbter, of % anconda, r-ai intereelthtat bâai inaplred the spent Sunday et the Fuller home. Rolit. Downue. forznerly a reeident of proceedinga, hut that larger Interouts tis place, il onfriieîîdd hers tbe firt %verseat take iu the effort tu put the Hair work aud plain »swing. M",. of tbewftk. ne la flqw entpioyed on corupany into receversbip. W. H. MoaoàN, tipragus St., Lhertyville. reÀlroad constructioc, work at Nauvoo, The case wus hroughtbl hsor Judge Ili. TuthîlI and three receivers ba.eIteena- The Wooduei'adance et the town te b i asfloa hA balon New Year'e 55e wus a Weil Hai'tieof & Joumé, ci Lake Forest, titrtihl asolwuCa.'. attetded one. Suppelr was served ip thé have prcee ti.nvlt wok laeGurdunRmaymatCatrR ibagemerit b, tMrs. spring. ownad bY Johh Woolridge. Prepara- Harrison. Tbavilagehal lebeng recoe an tins are being Miade this week tuetmart That Mir. Frost will figlit this raceiver. the lii ii atio ~ hip te a taudstilli here in every mi- e soen as t raimes au beaeenrë.d petursé atindMsey oea.seet o! the varions preeîd..ntâ outhte village Tba new Cernent block addition t<t the surrouad the mian M.înaghsn. and pri- boutrJ. will lie unveileit. Huit iManufetorlng Go., plant is about vate detective@ have.bee eset et ,sork to Complets anaecurding to Manager Bill diecOer what tltey man cuncerning hlm. The North Shore' Eoetriù tailed to the machinery iu the presont quartent le The interestei parties wers, lu Confer- prodnc..enongh radiant energy Friday to be rnoved over heore their bemy ence ail day Wedneeday andi the' mont re- ..voniêig teu ilut duinestic dotuiciles and season he.gins. Cent reporte beard arc thut n settWa bu-y îborougbfere. Thte current Th ,DP.eETekolveett ethdhe eceiadalefrst retnrned et bedtiime. TeIDPXETakoldrstemu a enrahdadalefrst Anili th roa of unsad wbstle tht sean'a greetinge from %Ir. andiMMra. H. tt'urt' a peaceful vacatien tt fthe rwieiver- Atpnlte welumeof lu tu nd w eare.opinwbo "de U@ Surrey, EngIettd. hi bilheentt ithout av:il. Fatling lu Zew leuvee wee turned over and t ' .fDiam'snd LIýe. Thte tard reelvet inleto turc au Order lu du 'go Tuthill a resoîuons made. Thons, having tkkcts , pictare 0f a VM7' elaborately sppointeti court quashîng tht' suit. for the water wagon will plea&e wait Ili Iu.eboat.. "Tb@ (latk'in awbicb they ,Mr.lDawes, une of the recivers aptil eter the spring eletlulî. mate their horne a great portion o! lhe-appointe'd sai: "Nut bavnna reati the Tle rmotcorrespondent ofthte year. bill or kîîown of nts existence sud wlrh- The Femontont the kaowledge that Jutige Tuthili 0 raý lake Timtes sats: Maret Day ut Whou jûn have visitons nu t it£eut bad, it iromedtatcly naised ilun my uind Liewrtjville wu@seili atteudeti by making a viei joirsei, seni the' facto tO the question n hether aiuy man bai the ltn eo! thie vicinitv who conelidereit this office, It wiq hé appreciated. and moral ritght t aeccpt association in ita go4l idea and hope tomse. the saie besities "erery little bit llPmt tu take whateninptito liean ..fort towreck a auctsnîully coutjinuet lu tbe future. thie papér mare'interesting. NI) une le $30,M0,t000 corporat ion ün an ex parte The Q et Q wiil entprtalu their rlentis wo greet or tonbhunble. too rit-h or 100tateniput alieging f rant, matie by an wit a intequeretie bal t the t..wu hall pour to get thair Damne mntiotied in tbis inconsctuental iutereet wher na op pur- on Tburetiay, Jeu. I), 1008. e ot piper, whether ths.y are itubscibers or tnnity tor answer hait been afforded. yonr inysterons cotumes. grotestîne, nut. seuid in jour itefle. 'it secin te r me ou the' face ot thinge tanf5' or otberwine. bide your face Fred a rebbe lruait a black enake uer it Wa@ a vsry radical etion. JudtgeTnt tihnti a Msi and imagine nu une tbe Ahiana Spring last Friday mlag. bultitaving rcqueetud me te actas his kîtownyou. Thîs lethelrst masquerade A Muet unuualW occurrence fo)r tbie enai represeut.ativt' aud knowiug o! the season andi beiog onut ofthe scason ut the year. f1 wu@ ive4Y Uis desire titet nothing mnfair ie doune urineury in looketi forwardte by many. and animmtadd a ailha s evd an d h-fore qualifyluag as recelver 1 todsy %.T4' Royal Nigittors andi the Acme mistaken thet warrn wintcr day for oc* bth sd tgta ht ate in inefr t ut tenat ou Camp of Moderu Wovdmsn wellifumast aîltlr luthe M&@=. Mr.(jpGja b oi ie uanefr tjuttedt titeir Officiera for tbe uew year utt lsemphaticalj devilsu titat hise anakaiul cila.of lte ompauy and tewrentier un- noemb" ythe riversip." e' Olatuary. _______________________________________________ Thomas e~ton wu@ horu in noe- - WalLnll1 Ies, Ençiand, Fait. Il. - is4 At. &W acif aghtoun be owa m~ m m~ * LtsI tat ase, Foraslime h. ~ ied lantsetate 0f iiganf, ymmele î J II J YE MAN front theuce tu bcgo n ta the vliality of Àvvdwerli h tuor»s wl m Ily ta l I IU. ut Lib e wlls hre b. «Mepe 1 tlhe.Mo of ts earihiy Joune S iM T14E JEWVELER. fl e" marniedFuit.9, 1893, andIo. urn lW ~ kleW l and tour his ie n ts.U , adiAiva MdImd nSe, ii.1 ie jo unget but twenty-two mMate. b dcamlwu@s weil-known luntsevielai te w n hall on Tusedearevmng, Ianumry wsnagl iy way relaied to Ah ap"' of Uàberty-ville as a gon otiupgbor. 8»1 21. The WoodmSubavie a troulg Indice teter. an induettnlous mm. Iti bus bema noteanmd tti. vet il i be lar The Probihitionlate of LiberltyvihIe glooni! tinte for te fmllY uow for attmndt. Itisle$a& apubliealrt t ownsip»are reqttsted te mentut at h ne5tly a y- b -te unii4 l *i * membiers wW lis peemttad tu brlng home o! Lester B Muoras Division st, ment fImmWhIch ho ttflerademietIfL galets il they su0 sur. Tha lastmion raye cigJan. 3, (or the portion» uecesuary thet hoabaould reSmlu,Mushiaof wili hé foUuowed be q~tWhlc a of élsctlug delgat« anmd alteruateseta 1théli mé inliedt rathar thau la pro'nldin very Importat feture !te f It . tse couuty convention, Metingpecnifor the familly whlcbhéoloved nome arly. Thé tuuersi of thé young sou of Atty. chairmeat, a legisiative campalIt coilua il ut hie.nitrng hé Wou Patient anMd Arthur Bulkley, ot Wauk n took mittée sud tranieactiug @uuih utghérebU,- Cheertul. fIls@ !amuly he théeuiMpathy place Tneeday atternoon. tir iokiey mess as the meeting rnay duis. AIl o! the mnany wito insu hlm. Flmerai bas heu removed front Llhértyville but titose uho are lu sympatby with thé use helti et tht' bouse Friday siternooin. Comparatlvely a short tinta sud thé Prohibition movement aie invitedte to h The hearer" were former Beeghbors on tiemiwe o! the littie son uns flue loging preselt. Tlle hout for tht' meeting la 8 theterfnai. Burl at Laipulda cemtere'. oue front unr îwn communlty. That ocloci. Services were in charge of Bav. lj. I' hi@ hounseelti eonîldti dprivéi ot this The younir ladie if the' Kpworth Lugler.__________ brigltiand blappy thild le the legret o! Leue uf the, M, E. cbnrch are planning Notice maliy. Further notice ou suother pag.ta* w olti an Olti Mitis tjoiveutll tsouls- Thet îtrti installaient ot Speclal Amsesa- Mise (; 'ntertainat a party tinte witbîîî the aext nîontb. It is 8ait im lntNu. 1 for construclion ut water of tnciied et her taie ont N- tar' o aubighly aitniiig enttrtain it and pes yira.nte, valves, etc. lu thé eve. It wa tl partv" a,%t, the' will !uruisb plenty utfuna and lots o! l ai tL Irtvlle lm now due sud Company faithtulty satelied th* olti jear litugli Tîhe ruvinatiitg urucesti pro- licte.iudh.' made o-n or h-fore otranti veeltouti tht'new jeSou ineues a8tuuisbitig re.uits andti0iseuls-'Fltan 0 98 Music and galuettîruitsbet thé evening' a thing of a transformîation sene whiî-h î4tt J. B. Mo F., Village Çolecto. entertainient. Rfeahment.a were CIO"esthe' ntctaimnct. The firAt twtîaao Takq serve-d A partvil flatt i ieetillyntetit ruw-t Wrli hé remerveti for olti buebelorsCuaoTan . visireti tht' sIilit tiv ou the bill andI ontal eveniag anti al Who apply te We wish rue expressounr hoartflt a- thrilling tales are tolti of a White spectre he-mngemeat wili receive cumpl- preciatiçivisud gratitude to 1.0leuîi E- @@euthe e. entay tcketi.bors anti trieuds who have au kindly Geore I. Muns as tkencompetf Thet' tisîbtit Epîscopal churcti wili otiei.dý thoir et mpatby anti assistance Charge o!tht' Lihertyville tryotal Sprngn holtia wcek o! epeciai servitce coi- iMnrbR.eAN Mn . .CSYADFM -anti proposes to titi ail witbin bis power mctu cua neetofSa ray,.ndryth ub. t Mt t)bte .i ÂE N .aiY te nmale that busîtipmsea succea. lu te bc ché a wedk u " bnavr su d ftht's Car d of Thanke. addiitiun w tht' chargngofutwater hlue Ta considereti sandvolionaoredtalth &Loproposes teu .inufactuireboitîor thé diffreut tierartrnente o! the uurilliat tl osl h drinks as well. Liberty ville water rqutkm chureb. Tht'prugraîu lolous: Moudey lbbty stralittere, W ho in our bertavelptît wlit White Rock, Wsuket'sa sud utiter et 7:tto-The Chur I Services, Tuendej ibrotigi their kiinese antiayinpatit watrs hetuowbav ~ e t 780-Tht' Suliay Schoul; *edneste.v hbave lightened ounr linden, we want Io fumo, nstc eaalssbteradl t 7:80-Tht' Hume; Tbumeet 730- expressotmr hearifeit litanie. uihbout as mucb lme ns ut bers. Al E hyu :0Te u.Ti EGT1 NADiAGT» tlut L.ihryvilie waterp, bath thé Ahana Epuont teagne; Sunday ut 1000- The Laynîé's Service aithe Mttodiet ant Oratl Sriusneei t atai traiLove Feaut; 10:30--Sermniuianti Lords tchurcit lest Suuday é,eulug Wuseverj h-fo r thé Spinttifc ntiey o ulW il 4Supr;7!-Soug Service anti Sermon. inte'resting. tir. Croker spokte ou anme tiltàueaa llMdpetltors. A chorus choir unden thé direction ut of the work dons lu !the charch during Mr. Mrray wiii leati thé Music evérY the past jeur; Mr. Lme spoke about thé Didti l ver coccur te yen that Liberty- eveniug turing tht' wsek. Oue or mure finance e!ltée chnrch; M. Tajilor gave ville la partlcuiariy long ou "oit hacst- iajmen will speai at eech service. The nomes remintacenms ofxîha work of thé siore" lun tact titey are as lt gou the pastor, Bey fI. P. Lawlar, wulil leâtiail congregation sélu einolg lu tîhe présent muarit atdsellng hbelopar. One ofmserice.Thé tords Supper uil hé church building; Mn. Mülolr»vepraetkca1 theténaexphtineti net long âgoelta"t ooheérvéti.Jan. 12. Menthéra are urgeti suggeetionsneas o ame bhmeof uurki reoan hou4eiliniyed ilu g le biéedueeuta plan for thease services anti unr frindis th&t ought to ho done turing thé weA dus to the tat thâtat batinoeér wlIécoal vly eu ~ coming year. Thére was one matter te heaua m".to choose as there weru loal talant entertainent. Lake regrtconcerulng thea service, anti thati go mèyeilygilu inLryvîil. Il cgvnl h n a t rfwgntflpiwt héà: ei tuIIIétdouta' ha for- Couty F air, te h iei ut 0.UinW5 httcbch wsntOudut t flcin t.This ar ch eurch, January lfith antil7tb for ts péuple ta catch thé énthueni utofthese j spciméare *11 dis iébut of course sonme hénetil of-the Eigh tichooil Protnisa m éâtmm.i. aaio eylgIl hnotas ha lie nutofthé Ounest and mout 1ntatug A inember o! thé Chicago police forcé tar e m bs istretn hen là@aiaumna ivnluLlétyyvllie. usonst to LibertyvilIe Saturday lu maina ta A~~~etertinente have h-en Lu t il h 1 r. t lqlhnd t éuéio uélbbolntO nsant cnuts.ant - eu._Lt-4cl lahégwokionbté Libetyvlle Phone 29 flni Lakce Couua,tg NaU.n>*-M CAPIAL. 54*PO H. C. W. MEYER A , C4EMt F. P. DYNONOD PAUL MiqoMPNFO G. A. WRIGH4T C. R- OALLOWAY C. F. WRIGHT This Spmce leRed bj ALEWRY W.. UCtITF!D fr f1908 f F F 1 Ne c Tu Ny Patrons: For 1907 Many T-hank or f908 My Grutong 1wLsh you ait a Hlui New Year. 't, IRed Letter Ceari ng circula rs able bargais at TIE A Hiappy New Vear' le aur aler Cliriumugrectlg ta amm àmy frbu Md cuafmera.M" flic Dew Yeu &M you «poeruam hapfl m m Tur CImu mlisben a" moy thc ew" yer lbcmeusc. ouS bonid"y trade hlm b = a meut «=«" «Wl rn. Why? heaume01 o! loctim" Md mamgmt f"u*tome ou= as flimui"Id m n opmg Sv bce fa foumd lai LdmkaComty-acoml- ien W.hich a met cemspicuos amd more spprectaaed--mthflicholidal usema flian at amy oth&r time.

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